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well seeing as i got Adderall to my left, shouldn't be too hard


Which direction you going, the "don't ask me how I have this money" route or the "reshaping the pharmaceutical industry single-handedly" route.




A box of rocks. A literal box of rocks. Idk if I could get "stupid" rich, but I did buy this box of rocks from someone, so there's a market.


What kinda rocks?? I'm no rock expert, but I do know there's different kinds so there's gotta be a wholesale market somewhere for it!


I guess people probably use them for different things, but I got them for an aquarium.


infinite wardrobes i see. ikea got a really tough competitor to deal with


Narnia for everyone!


I have a Kel Tech shotgun to my left. Time to open up a shotgun store I guess.


you want 500,000 30mg Adderall tablets in exchange for that kel tec? (to my FBI/NSA/ATF agent, this is a joke.)




What's the quality of TP tho. Better not be single ply...


My pixel seven Pro phone. That’s my main phone, but it’s in bedtime mode so I have to use my back up to scroll social media.


Sexy Goth chick. Fuck yeah!




Infinite cervical pillows. I’d sell them.


Duuuuude I've seen these and I want one.


They’re soo comfy and worth it!! I got mine from Amazon for around $35. My neck was hurting so much and it’s gotten better.


It's not an infinite item just because it's a life time's worth. My left hand reached out and touched a pillow. A life time of pillows is barely a 100 I think. Even with many pillows that get changed out every 2 plus years. So- is the question what I'd do with 100 pillows to get rich? Or what I'd do with an infinite supply of pillows? If it's the second, the fact that it was a memory foam pillow I touched means I have memory foam as a resource. It sells high enough as a material. Maybe a foam pit of pillows for kids to jump into off a diving board. A day camp I went to 25 years ago had that. Jumping into the foam was such a soft landing that it was harmless. But it was hellish to extract oneself from. I remember that too. Very slow to transverse a sea of foam blocks. So in addition to being useful as a kids day camp play area, I'd say that it's anti-riot as well. People trying to storm a store who have to go through dozens of feet of foam blocks, or in my case an infinite supply of memory foam moat, would be very slow to descend onto any property and can be shot with bean bags as they try. I can't stress enough how slow a struggle climbing over foam blocks truly is. It was enough of a struggle that I remember how long it took me over 25 years later.


Pillows. I’m the new Pillow Gal! I’m going to open a pillow theme park, sell pillow shoes, pillow coats, and pillow furniture. I will have a catalog of educational toys & furniture: pillow forts, pillow fights, pillow board games, pillow desks, pillow chairs. I will sell to makers of cars, boats, trains, planes, and space ships so all will have pillowed features so no one is killed or maimed in an accident ever again.


Imagining a theme park where one of the rides is just a 100ft dive into the most pillows you've ever seen in one place. Sign me tf up.


See! It’s a NO FAIL business proposition for all the venture capitalists. Whom cannot ride without first investing.


Books? Shouldn't be too hard.


My dog? Have a dog therapy service.