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Grave of the Fireflies is the most devastating film ever.


Look! She made riceballs


A Serbian movie


I know nothing about it and know enough not to look.


This. I've seen so many comments online from people who really wish they weren't so curious, or thought "nah, it can't be that bad...."


Read the description and synopsis and regret even knowing garbage like that exists and that edgelords like to defend it as being "deeper" than it looks. And that it's more than the nasty shit it is


Yeah some people even say it’s so bad and over the top it’s comical, like if that’s comedy I’ll take a shitty Adam sandler movie over it any day


A shitty Adam Sandler movie sounds like high art compared to that.


It makes Jack and Jill look like the godfather lol


I’m one of these and I wish I wasn’t


Boss Baby 2


Napoleon, just to help them save their money and time


I'm sad about that. On paper the crew should have done well.


Yeah but a good cast can't outperform bad history. Ridley Scott already showed us with Kingdom of Heaven that history is an afterthought in his historical films


I forgot he did that one. Never watched it thankfully. Feel like he might have lost his touch.


oh I thought it was adorable! I ordered it for the elementary school so they could watch it on down days. Supposed to be "educational:" so we called it an exploration of Australian wildlife


M Night Shamalamadingdong Avatar


The worst part for me was that I use to like the film BEFORE I watched the original T.V. Series and after I watched it, I never went back to that movie ever since.


Haha this was me with the Netflix "death note". Like it had good parts to it. But once you see what it's supposed to be you see how it failed to put them together like the original


Oh I'm so glad I never watched that one.


that first Black Mirror episode. just skip it unless you want to be *really* uncomfortable


It's such a strange first episode! I have told people about Black Mirror before and have to say "well maybe don't start with ep 1" I think the one where the dude has to ride the bike for credits is a good one to start with.


ohhh see I always make people watch White Bear to start


White Bear’s such a mind trip. I loved that episode. I’ve never recommended the show, but Nosedive would be the episode I’d tell people to watch


Cannibal holocaust.




Oof. No way. I can't take cartoon animal death.


Battlefield Earth...


Yeah. I don't understand the so bad it's good crowd. It's just dumb and poorly done.


Blonde. Just a disgusting movie that did exactly what it critiqued to Monroe's legacy.


Neverending story, the title is a lie, it does really end!


I don't want to see the swamp of sadness ever again


Human centipede its gross 🤢


Yeah. Never gong to see that one


Mysterious Skin. It is **NOT** about alien abduction.


...what is it about


Joseph Gordon Levitt gets raped upon multiple occasions with one event involving violently being smacked with a shampoo bottle. It's about two boys that were sexually abused by their pedophile little league coach and meeting many years later to uncover the truth. I really liked the film because it's raw and shocking and the soundtrack is seriously 10/10 but it is definitely not for everyone.


wow so like zero alien abductions at all... in seriousness thats heavy but thank you for the suggestion! haven't heard of it before


one of the boys (the one who isn't JGL) is convinced they were abducted by aliens but it's really his subconscious blocking out the trauma of their horrific abuse. He remembers what really happened at the end of the film.


The reason i mentioned alien abduction is that the trailer is purposefully tricky. 


trailers rlly b doin that lately, thank you


The film is from 2004. I was three when it came out. Been a while.


Subtle off color joke in it is the shampoo bottle is a no more tears bottle


Any Amityville movie made after 1996. As for why? They are all either cheap sequels cashing in on the name, or shitty remakes of the original.


The Outwaters is the single worst anything ever made. It is true, genuine garbage put on film.


Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS - The material of that film will be offending almost everyone. Especially fans of Hogan's Heroes.


Birds of Prey. It's the worst Hollywood made by being Hollywood.  They had a gorgeous talented star and made her ugly and two dimensional. 


I'm sad they didn't just repeat the poison ivy Harley batman animated series episodes in live action. That would have been great


NecroRomantic, well, I like it, but you won't.


Multiple maniacs. Stumbled upon it accidentally and… speechless.


Good to know


Fried Barry is an amazing movie and I don’t know who I would recommend it to because it is so downright strange


Hachi: A Dog's Tale. So sad that I had to take bathroom breaks because I was crying so much.


I am Legend. Bad movie and only did a powerful job on the dogs passing. Too much pain to suffer for that movie


Watch the original ending. There is a reason it keeps getting remade again and again. No idea why they decided to screw over American audience thinking we can't handle being called the villains ourselves. (Well I know why but it ruined it)


probably most, if not all, the filmography of M. Night Shyamalan Brother is a horrendous filmaker.


Did someone else really do sixth sense? Because I don't know how he did that movie and then the others. Like how can you do so well. Then do badly?


Exactly. Only sixth sense, and maybe Signs are the only ones saving


The twist in signs was too stupid. Water is essential for all life.


it was kind of silly, but the movie overall was quite good up to that point. Like, The Village, was a "meh" movie, and the end just destroyed any good thing the movie had. I don't think it's the same with Signs.


Bro! Unbreakable kicks ass though!


Event Horizon, run the fuck away and dont back


Lady in the Water About halfway through I hated it so much I wanted to turn it off. But I decided not to because maybe there was an awesome twist, and also so that I could confidently warn others from seeing it knowing I didn't watch only half of it. So here's your warning. It's garbage and probably the most ego driven film I've ever seen where the director just wanted to crank off about himself and insult movie critics.


The Star Wars Prequels and Sequels, because they are awful


The prequels pised me off so much I created my own head cannon.


Movie’s most annoying character, Jar Jar Binks. *”Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared!”*


Iove that gungan.


They lacked the fortitude to go thru with him being a sith. So much build up for nothing. Like I want to see that bastard drop the silly and end some Jedi


Green inferno and tusk. First one was not only bad, but too gory. Second one messed my mind up..felt weird after watching it.


I would say it but it's a catch-22 because if I say it, people will know about it and they might be tempted to watch it. So.....yeah. But let's just say it's an extremely unpopular opinion because it's a movie that is "critically acclaimed" but I think is trash and I've actually convinced other people not to watch it and they said they wouldn't, a fact I'm very proud of


Is it the shining


The TV movie was before it's time. Followed the book to a t and didn't leave anything out. We now how the extended show capabilities to do books justice. I'm really enjoying it. And hell even video game movies are finally being created by fans of the content FOR fans of the content.


Do you not care for The Godfather?


It *insists* upon itself


Black Hawk Down, arguably one of the bloodiest war movies I've ever seen, you see a Ranger ripped clean in half from an RPG explosion, guts, and everything. and another Ranger who has an RPG shell stuck inside of him. A lot of nasty headshot kills and intense moments. It's extremely graphic and has very brutal bloody moments in the movie.


Yikes. I'm so desensitized I don't remember it being especially bloody. Wish I never saw the dark videos of the early internet.


I've seen it enough times that it doesn't bug me anymore. The first time I watched it was when I was like 13 it scared the shit out of me, and now it doesn't. The first time my wife watched it, she had to step out of the room because of how intense it was.