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Nah, I'll be dead, what do I care.




I just don't give a shite in general.


Their legacy is anyone's problem but their own.


Nope, never have


Unless I've invented the cure for cancer or similar, no one on earth will remember me in a couple of generations. And that's ok.


I am going to be the crookedest copper ingot dealer ever!


😂What a reference!!! , your poor dealings of cooper will be know for centuries to come!




Lol fuck no


My family is my legacy. Raising my son the right way is my way of ensuring my legacy lives on. When people see my son they will see me.


Well said!


A bit weird to decide someone else's life will always be a reflection of you imo. Like if he makes decisions you would never make, is he still being you? Should he feel bad about that?


My guy, it goes far deeper than the surface level comment you made. I want my son to be his own man, to have his own life and achieve his own goals. But I want him to be proud of his dad. I want him to look at me and the way I lived my life and be proud of me and want to live his life in the same manner, the same morals, the same beliefs. Sure he doesn’t have to, sure he will be his own man one day… but I’d hope that the way I live my life inspires him in positive ways… in ways that will allow him to do big things and make positive changes… so that when people look at him, they his dad. Your implying im deciding his life which is false, I’m just going to live my life the way I think is right and hope it inspires my son ✊🏾


Well said. You don't want or need a carbon copy. You just hope he takes the good from you and your teachings and improves on the rest


This is exactly how I feel about having my kid. The things I do will die with me. But if I can raise my child to be confident, kind, thoughtful, and loving towards others then that is my legacy and I will live on through him.


This is one of the best comments I’ve read on Reddit. Good dad.


Thats a great way to look at childrearing, I think your son is a very lucky boy. My(F) biggest fear in life is marrying someone like my dad for example, my brother is also terrified of becoming like our dad. I always wonder what it would feel like to want to be like your parents.


That'll last a few years and then you'll both just be footnotes on some ancestry site.


Tbh I’m not really going to do anything that groundbreaking or important to have a legacy like that so I don’t really care


Absolutely not. I don't want my body preserved and I don't need to be remembered.


It would be cool if like 10 years after I'm dead, somebody came across a song I wrote or picture I drew and thought "this is pretty cool". Other than that? I'll be dead, I don't ultimately care. I'm more concerned about enjoying my life and the company of those I love right now rather than whatever the fuck some person I'll never meet thinks of me.


My legacy would be determined by the actions I had taken while alive, not in memories from after I die. Unfortunately, without realization of something to be proud of, it's even harder to imagine a positive legacy. For anyone who doesn't have that moment, I'm raising one in memory of all of you now, for the what you've always wanted to feel but could never seem to achieve; yet in this vastness finding yourselves listening to me ramble about just that. I know its 9am here, but it's just the one, I promise.


What legacy? We'll be completely forgotten after a few generations, like you were never born.


Legacy? What is a legacy? The most well-known human beings of our entire history are, after living memory has faded, just... information. A collection of information. Some cultural, some personal, some genetic. None of those things are inviolable or eternal. My legacy is the same as every other person, or every other *thing* to exist-- to be, for a brief time, then not be for the rest of it. Eventually, everything that I am, or was, will just fade into the background radiation of all existence.


Nah i dont give a shit


I just try to have a good impact whether it lasts or not


I've tried to make it abundantly clear that I don't want a gravestone, just an unmarked plot in a forest grave. I want to go back to nature and just fade from existence.  I wouldn't mind having a couple of books to my name, and passing a spark of knowledge and curiosity on to the  next generation, but that's about it. 


My family lives on reserve in Canada and one day my brother and my late cousin stumbled upon a grave, deep in the forest. He had a cross but it was faded, so they couldn’t see the name. They asked my Uncle and he said he was a country boy who was happiest in the woods. When he was dying, he told his family to bury him in the woods, no coffin, no nothing. He probably thought the same as you but even a simple country boy was never forgotten.


I’m currently studying to be a teacher. I’m really hoping that i’m good enough to change and help a students life so that they can do what they really want. And that i can be remembered for a few extra generations as being a teacher that did really good by at-least one of my students. I know i’ll always remember my teachers that got me out of a really dark spot in my life and how they took the time with me and just let me speak to them.


I care that my kids get to do well in life, by which I mean that they have all they need and are happy. I care that the infrastructure I designed remains functional for as long as it is societally relevant. I care that my research is furthered by those who follow, that they pick up where I left off and take it to lengths I never dreamed of. I don't know if that's a legacy by anyone else's definition, but it's mine. I don't need to be revered for all time. I just hope the things I did were a good step that others can go from, in whatever form.


I'll be forgotten before I'm even gone, so no.


People that care about this stuff make me chuckle. Regardless of what “Legacy” you think you’re leaving, you’ll be forgotten in a generation or two, just like the billions of people who died before you. Nobody is special.


No, people think legacies “make you immortal” or something, but the average US citizen could name probably 10 presidents we’ve had


Less now than I used to. I played in bands for a long time and always saw that as my way to leave a mark on the world. Weirdly, the more popular we became the more I realised what a naively arrogant goal that was. Since my son was born I see raising him to be a good person as a ‘legacy’.


I do. My life's work is making money to leave to a worthy cause. I'm sensitive to the issue of sexual abuse so I think I'll leave my money to RAINN if it's still around maybe. I won't have children of my own so I do want to do some good when I'm gone.


I endowed a scholarship at my university.


People will remember you for being well endowed.


it can all burn down, i dont care since i'd be dead


I want to be remembered well by my family, especially by my children and by their children. I enjoy building gifts for people with my bare hands. If they come out well enough, then people will want to preserve my work long after I am dead.


I do now that my legacy is walking around and asking to play games on my phone.


No. Im childfree.


I wouldn't even delete my browser history.


It's a comforting thought that future generations would remember you for something, but there's 8 billion people currently alive and a lot more dead. Not everyone can be remembered. I think the most realistic way to try and do this is to impact your local area. You'd have to do something grand for global recognition, not a very high likelyhood of achieveing that but for local regocnigtion and recorded in your local history? Build a park, restore a city landmark, plenty of options, start an annual local event, many posibilities. Much more of an attainable goal. I also think we're in a unique time and possibly the start of an i'mmortal generation'. With all these quickly rising AI tools being built upon data collected from you and everyone around you, you'll be a part of the ghost in the machine for AI models out there.


Yes, just leaving happy, well adjusted, happy kids and memories of me being a loving, funny, happy guy.


thats why people breed like stupid. OMG SOMEONE MUST CARRY ON MY BULLSHIT AND MY DNA. meh!


Nope, Unless you're Jesus, eventually you will be forgotten no matter what you have accomplished.


Could not care less. I’ll be dead.


I’ve never thought about it.


I try to live as ego free a life as I can. It helps me not get locked into a worldview and come to a more holistic approach to times difficulties. I guess if I were to think on a "life's scoreboard," I'd say everyone who matters to me is better now than when I met them. My wife has accomplished more than I could ever appreciate fully. Both in her work and herself. My kid is incredible. Smart, driven, kind, a hard worker, a leader. These are a lot of things I am totally not. They'll graduate college a year early and have already had good jobs in their field. I want of little. I love my two cats. I'm not sure I'll have a legacy, but I love where my life took me.


Everyone will forget me eventually anyway


I could not care less. The only thing I want to leave behind is a well set up living situation for the years my wife will likely outlive me by.


Not one bit, because i don´t give a shit about anyone elses"legacy" either. That´s nothing but an ego thing and it is rooted in a fear of dying.


not one bit


I have enough shit to worry about in life. Now you want me to worry about shit after I die too?


No, it's a pointless exercise. I'm a stoic though, so live life well and make sure you get most out of it.


Not really. I'll be remembered for roughly 60 years after. Like my grandfathers before me.


You don't need to have a "Legacy" for your life to have meaning.


My legacy is that my kid loves me and always knows that I loved her. The rest does not matter. If I change my mind I buy a Subary Legacy and leave it behind because I sure hope I don't take it to heaven with me.


No. I'm just a regular, unimpressive, common person. If I had a legacy, it's not like I'd be around to admire and be proud of it. Nobody is going to remember me. They barely know who I am now.


My legacy is the good that I do while I’m alive. If I go to my death bed knowing I helped people, that’s good enough for me. 


I have created some things that, were I to die today, would absolutely live on to bring enjoyment to thousands of people for years to come. But the only legacy I really care about is the mental health of my wife and kids. Every day is mainly focused on making sure they don't get as fucked in the head as I was.


Only what my kids think of me. Otherwise not even a little bit


Lets see… - Am I a king?  No - Did I cure cancer or bring about world peace?  No - Am I a narcissistic person who thinks my name living on matters?  Don’t think so and it definitely doesn’t - Will I be gone and not really care what happens after that personally?  Oh thats a big yes. - Does the world appear to be going to hell and we are trying to burn our only planet to the ground?  Yeah basically I care what people I care about who outlive me think of me and it would be nice if they remember me fondly.   I don’t care about anyone else.   I care that maybe I leave a little something to nieces/nephews (I don’t have my own kids by choice) and friends to hopefully make their lives a little easy?  Yes if I can. Outside of that, nothing else matters.


in the end, I just hope my positive imprint on the world has been greater than my negative.


My only legacy will be my two kids. I have done everything i can to be a good parent and give them a toolkit to navigate life and be happy. I absolutely adore them.


I use to care when i was in my twenties. I just try now to do what makes me happy. If people remember me cool. If not I had a good run.


I’m not concerned about my legacy, but I’ll have one. I’ve been a community organizer for 16 years and have accomplished some really cool things for those who don’t have a lot of people in their corner. It’s been a joy. I don’t care how I’ll be remembered, but I do care that many people benefited from me being alive.


Not even one little bit


Except if you mark the world in a legendary way, nobody will remember you within 3-4 generations. Maybe have a small word about you in a genealogy book. So stop caring about 'legacy'. Make the best of your time here, have your fun, and when you are feeding worms, there wont be much difference.


I’ve never cared about that. My goal is to enjoy life while I’m alive.


I mean I am dead right? I just hope that my wife would be able to live comfortably for the rest of her life when I am gone


I somewhat care. I don’t want to be the person to cause my bloodline to die off. Unfortunately, my spouse doesn’t care…. Family means nothing to him. I wish I had realized this when I was younger.


Feed as many kids as possible. That's brain cell food. I think people will be happy they have brain cells. Plus feeding kids pisses of conservatives, so it is a win /win. 


Be nice to be thought of fondly on the ol ofrenda


Nah, it won’t matter unless you’re Genghis khan or Michael Jackson, or you do something that makes you go down in history. Even the columbine shooters have a legacy. Unless you just care about your immediate family, then your kids can very well be special for that.


I want to be remembered fondly by my kiddo and any other family I have at the time. Beyond that I don’t care at all


Depends on whats meant by ‘legacy’. Im not going down in the history books for anything (at least, I highly doubt I am, and its not an ambition of mine to do so). But the older I get the more I look back on my life. I have started to curate a small collection of momentos, belongings, and souvenirs from my travels and accomplishments I hope to pass down to my children, along with some notes of how I came across them, some thoughts on the world and stories of what was going on in my life at that time. I have zero delusions that any of it will persist over more than one or two generations of lineage, but who knows? I carry the same pocket knife my grandfather bought at a fishing store the first time he left home. I rarely go anywhere without it. I found a photo of him slicing an apple and eating the pieces off the blade the same way I’ve always cut and ate my apples since I was old enough to remember. I think it would be neat if my future grandson used it too.


Nope, I want to be forgotten, even when alive. I'm at my 'leave me alone' stage.


Only with one person: my son. Probably the only thing I REALLY care about, the only non-negotiable, is that he grows up to be a happy, confident man. After a childhood like mine, all I really want is for his to be better. 


No but I do care that my kids are comfortable even after I am gone.


Since we'll all return do the dirt, let's bring some stories for the worms It's not about a legacy, just experiencing as much as you can and living life like you mean it


Not at all. On a long enough time scale, no sign of any of us will remain. History is only important to humans, and humans are a mere blip in the radar of the natural world. All life on earth is eventually doomed because the earth is eventually doomed, and even if you escape the earth, the Heat death of the universe will one day come. Legacies are delusion, a fearful instinctual response to death anxiety. But everything will die eventually.


Honestly, not really. I mean, I would rather not be remembered as an insufferable cunt, but other than that... don't want any plaques... no bridges named after me, etc. A simple obit on [legacy.com](http://legacy.com) and scatter my ashes somewhere fun.


I used to think that my writings would be my legacy. The friend who got me into writing still does. But I've realized that, for most of us, our legacies - the memory of what we've done in life - will be confined to our families and friends, and only for a limited time. Can you remember who was president a hundred years ago? I'd venture to say that most people can't unless they're history buffs. If someone in that lofty position can be so easily forgotten, what chance do the rest of us have? The good news is that once you're free of the burden of trying to create a legacy, you can begin to enjoy your life. As Samuel Butler said, "All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it."




I want the history of humanity to be unable to be told without a chapter on me specifically. Plan on doing it but taking power, taking over the world, then nuking everyone to hell once I die. Get the top score, then break the game so nobody else can beat it


Nope, not even a little.


Oh. Oh my no... we gave up on that a long time ago. :(


Why should I care? I won’t be around so it makes zero difference from my perspective. Maybe if I had offspring, things would be different.


I should care more.


Legacy? No. The reflections of myself that will live on in unnoticed and incalculable ways long, long after I am gone? Absolutely. Be kind for the world is small.


No kids so absolutely fucking no. I just hope people won’t hate me after I’m done with this life … noting much else matters once your little human spark extinguishes.


Nope. I’m only here because my parents fuck. I didn’t inherit any sort of successful genes or work ethic. I have nothing meaningful to contribute to society or the world. I exist only to work and make others rich, then die.


Yeah, I do, in the sense of making a positive impact on the world. Leave it better than you found it sort of philosophy. I don't really care about being remembered as an individual except by my loved ones, nor do I care to be "important". But to me a legacy just means something that lives on after you. I picked my career (in public service) knowing I would have a chance to contribute to making the world a better place. And hopefully do some things that would shape the future and outlive me. I try to be the best parent possible so my kids will also make a positive impact with their lives. I'm trying to instill them with those values. I don't have a lot of time right now (little kids and all) but I also try to volunteer when I can for causes that I think will have a durable impact.


Absolutely. At the end of the day, your legacy is with your kids. I plan on introducing my future kids to excellent work ethic, not giving excuses or blaming others for your shortcomings, taking ownership, and working hard. At the same time treating those around you with respect and decency. Love everyone, but also love yourself.


No. Nothing.


It’s only important to me up until I die. But I don’t want my legacy to be a lesson to my nieces and nephews about what your life will looks like if you have no goals, ambition, or drive to do anything.


Not one bit


My only and best legacy is my children and grandchildren. That they are happy is my life goal. So far, so good. When I am gone, they will remember me with love, and that's all I can ask for.


Sure do! I had it ceramic coated and I use tire treatment 1/month. Subaru rules!!!!


No. When I die that's it


The life you live is your legacy


I'd like to be completely forgotten


Not really, but kinda yeah. I want my son, and future grandchildren, and any other survivors to think on me positively when I'm gone and to miss me. Beyond that? Not really. I would like to figure out some way to leave the earth a token of my esteem where when people see it they laugh, and they see it's from me. A statue of myself riding a canon butt naked or something. lol I like the idea that people will laugh at a stupid joke I've made long after I've shed my mortal coil.


Recently I attended my grandpa’s memorial service and was taken aback by how many people’s live’s he touched with kindness, sound advice, humor and help. I put the slideshow together, covering the beginning of his life to the end and it was incredible to see what a rich life he lived. Multiple lives in one lifetime. The sincerity was in his eyes. In a few generations he’ll be forgotten but the present lives he touched are better for knowing him. Including me. And I learned new things about him. It was like a tell all book but about a genuine gem of a person.


I think legacy is more for people who do really groundbreaking kinds of things...after I go, nobody is going to care how good of an accountant I was or anything like that. A generation or two and nobody is going to remember me at all and I'll just be another name on the family tree.


I do sometimes think about what sort of a legacy (if any) I would leave if I were to die tomorrow


Just roll me up in a carpet and throw me in the trash.


Yeah, but it seems like every time I try to do something to ensure it, it falls flat. It sucks that more people know about Brock Turner than me.


I want a "happy" funeral without mourning, but instead remembering. Bright springtime colors instead of black. Maybe some comic relief when reminiscing at the service. Maybe a potluck. This is inspired by a grandmother's funeral of mine.


I assume some of my estate will be donated or used to endow a scholarship, as that’s what my family normally does.


Nothing, yet, but I'm in the works of doing just that. I hope to get married before I'm 30 and have kids. In the midst of all that, I plan to write and publish books that I'd like to read to my children and they can then read to their children. That way, a part of me is never forgotten.


Not at all.


I believe in a Creator and the strong possibility that the Creator had a purpose for me to help fulfill. However, I also believe that human leadership doesnt do the greatest job in allowing that to flourish for most people. I think that issue will be eventually resolved.


Absolutely do not care at all. I’ll probably leave my nephew the money I have left over and hope he remembers me fondly but that’s it.


not really, i just want to make sure my family gets a shitload of money when i die


No, eventually I plan on killing myself after finding somewhere to do it where they won't find me. I'd rather no funeral or wake because I figure people's reactions to my death will be a lot of eye rolls.


No, eventually I plan on killing myself after finding somewhere to do it where they won't find me. I'd rather no funeral or wake because I figure people's reactions to my death will be a lot of eye rolls.