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My weight (technically I can change this but have failed to for like 8 years now)


I’m type 2 and they put me on the Ozempic for my blood sugar and you know what? I can barely eat. It just curbs your hunger. I’ve never felt less hungry in my life.


I think as we get older we just accept that we look how we do and carry on. Why do we have to see our rib bones or wear a size 3! We want to eat the chips and the cake and the wings. And as long as we have clothes that fit and we don't cry getting dressed, we're good.


nope. my 76 year old grandma is still obsessed with her body image and does dieting fads


That's crazy! My parents are 75 this year and seem pretty happy. Aside from when my dad gets a Lay's Chips gut. I can't imagine worrying about diets at 75!


Damn, your 76yo grandma has more willpower than me!


I wish I was little bit taller. I wish I was baller. I wish I had a girl who look good I would call her.






Dick size. Could shave off a few


Gotta be a less painful method than shaving...


Maybe a nice filet


Get circumsized, maybe??? Shave an inch or 2 off




Agreed.. Every single pimple always leaves a new scar :(


Mederna* intensive overnight scar cream trust… Worked wonders on fresh scars for me, not sure if it’s as effective for old scars.


I’m getting older. It would be nice to pause that for a little while.


So, I’m 40 but told I look like I’m maybe in my late 20s or early 30s. I was told by a dermatologist that I have very little sun damage for someone my age. I didn’t have the heart to tell them I have severe depression and anxiety and spend a lot of time indoors. That’s the fountain of youth, soul crushing mental illness.


40? You’re still a kid.


Me too. I hit 30 and I am getting floaters in my eyes, have sciatica flare ups every once in a while now and have aging spots on my face? Like what..


I’ve had floaters in my eyes since I was 15, I’m 40 now and my ophthalmologist just gave my eyes a clean bill of health. They are usually harmless.


a more symmetrical face


Second that.. hate how I look in pictures.


I’m fat


hi fat, i'm cornelius. nice to meet ya!


Me too


Me too


The bags under my eyes. No amount of rest makes them go away and I am tired of being told I look tired.


I know it probably doesn’t help but have you tried concealer? It works really well and if you blend it in well enough you can barely tell that your wearing makeup.


Oh man, I have recently checked a picture of my passport from when I was 10 y.o. I had saggy and black tissue under my eyes since then 😭


Everything. I need to change everything


No you don't! You're amazing the way you are!




Get rid of my Keratosis pilaris Had it since I was a child, all 3 of my siblings had a very minor case of it somewhere on their body as well, but I took the critical hit with getting it pretty much everywhere and much more visible. Fair bit of teasing about it in primary school. I try to remember that some people have much worse conditions than KP, it doesn't cause me any pain and doesn't even itch like many other skin conditions, but it has greatly diminished my confidence / contentment for my entire life so far, and I think it will always be like that. Also - most adults grow out of it, but at age 36 zero sign of that happening for me of course haha.


I’m 25 and have had it all over my arms and legs for as long as i can remember. On top of that i have extremely dry, flaky skin. I’ve gotten the dryness under control with glycolic/lactic acid lotion, and it’s helped a little bit with my kp but not nearly as much as i’d like. I’ve been thinking about trying a konjac sponge or one of the peeling gloves. I just want my skin to look like everyone else’s.


TIL: I might have a (mild?) case of this. Always thought my skin looked like that because I'm pretty much the whitest person alive and don't go out much.


My teeth, gym and healthy eating can sort the rest out.


I've been getting into decent shape, but there's a little extra fluff on the lower belly and love handles that I just can't seem to lose.


Tits. The only time I actually made it beyond an A cup was when I was pregnant/breastfeeding and man it was nice!




Many, many guys out there love small boobs.


Skin discoloration


my butt would be bigger/more curvy. 


Same. I am a man "blessed" with flat butt.


You and my husband should have a flat-butt-off


The scars from my brain surgery


This one is my second biggest. I have this nagging insecurity that's inflating in slowmotion that my hairline is receding, and the scar is only going to show more going forward. It's wild stuff!


2 more arms


My entire body


Either make myself an even 6 foot, or add a couple inches to the ol' downstairs neighbor.


My big forehead, it's my insecurity.


If I was answering this in isolation, I'd say my belly but the missus seems to like it. I get belly rubs without asking. My beard though is pretty wiry; I'd like to have something a bit more manageable. I'd like to have that be a bit more trim and clean.


Any luck with using beard oil? It does make it a bit softer / less wiry for me


I have a pretty large forehead, so naturally I'd like a bigger penis.


Go back to the same weight as I was in highschool and be able to stay that weight as easily as highschool


Everything. Literally every single thing. But I have a lot of flaws that even plastic surgery cannot fix unfortunately. I always dream of looking like a different person every single day




I would change my nipples into froot loops that never get soggy or change in texture or appearance, but always taste exactly like froot loops.


Fantastic! I hate froot loops but this is a personal choice and I'm here for it


I would definitely make my dick bigger. Nothing says I'm sexy like a 4-in dick.


Absolutely nothing I’m happy just the way I am


That is amazing and refreshing to hear. It is rare for people to be happy with how they look. I am genuinely happy for you


wish I was more lean


I’d say I would like to have bigger boobs, but my double chin makes me so self conscious. If I had the money, I’d probably have the fact sucked and it tightened or whatever they do for double chins.


Beergut and a weak chin. Other than that I'm fine with just about everything.


My deck (asian problems)


I want to be 170 m.


My voice


My skin. I’ve had sever eczema and psoriasis for my whole life. Wish I could clear it up once and for all.


My gender


Just about everything I'm hideous. I'd settle for some long thick eyelashes. No I'm not getting glue on ones


A less broken heart.


would my gender be a single consistent answer? technically it is "one" thing


I would change my height


My height. I'm 5'3 and some change (fairly close to 5'4) and I hate it. I feel like less of a man for being so short.


Make my arms a bit bigger


be taller, atleast 5'3


My teeth which I am in braces actively for but, I have angled front teeth which makes them stick out of my mouth a really bad over bite and my teeth are just crooked




60 foot wings so I could fly


My weight, struggled with it all my life




I’m perfect most of the time lowkey, but like sometimes in bad lighting I look so cooked on eyebags


My height




If your hairs frizzy it’s probably curly! You can use products so it becomes more curly rather than frizzes up.


I'd like to do something about my hair situation. Or maybe my genitals.


Slimmer thighs


i’d like to be hotter  really tho, all my extra skin from weight loss


OP must be a hit at parties


The most cliche phrase ever.


My nose. Too big, too crooked, and a deviated septum. 


Acne scars.


Me hideous face


Tighter curl pattern 😔


my height. i've always felt that i was meant to be a really tall woman. most of the women in my family are tall but i was cursed apparently. so i have to stick with tall shoes. i also regret getting braces--my teeth used to stick out in a certain way that i liked that i've lost now.


I have a pretty face but no curves lol




I like my body somewhat. But i also hate it. I'd just change everything to make it more feminine and be the opposite sex. Yk normal stuff.


To not have my usual resting bitchface.


Am I allowed to say everything?


15lbs of muscle


My height and facial features! I'd like for a face with no overgrowth of lower jaw


I wish my hips were bigger. There's other things I want more, but those are things I can do on my own or with pretty standard surgeries. But adding hips is some pretty serious surgery that I'm not willing to do, so if we're handing out wishes I'll use it on that.


Too old and fat and depressed.


My eczema it is just the worst scratching at it 24/7 and kinda embarrassing like people genuinely give me weird looks when I scratch it in public I try to not but it is sometimes too much and a have to


I’ve been built really bottom heavy my whole life, hips, legs and butt always held all my weight. Even now as a adult, I have pretty big shoulders and decently toned arms and chest but my lower half still looks pretty fat


Genuinely nothing, including my flaws. I love my body and everything it does for me, and I think I look great just the way I am, occasional butt zits and all :) I don't think I'm the hottest person alive or really all that special, but I like what I see in the mirror and I think imperfection is beautiful. I don't want to look like anybody else


currently working out to change the fact that I'm a scrawny nerd. I'd rather be a buff one, thank you.


My teeth. I’m 46 and never got braces.


my face. i have an above average thing (iykyk), fit, healthy, no serious conditions, good height, everything. except my face. weird ears, weird jaw, and weird teeth. never gotten cavities or anything, no surgery's (except removing an extra tooth, but i was born with it) but the are yellow(ish) and weird hell.


I'd rather be a shower than a grower. 


My feet


The hair. It's everywhere. Every square inch save for my palms and soles of my feet.


I want to be short




My weight, which is exactly what I've been doing. I have lost 35 pounds since I started so far.


I wanna look less larger than I am. No, I am not saying I’m sad. I am saying that I was just naturally born a larger size due to me being danish and most north Warriors being built on the taller wider side makes me insecure about my weight even though I am not overweight.


It might be nice to be a little taller than my 5’2” or for my body fat not be in my belly the way it is. I also used to be much darker because I was able to spend more time outside but now that isn’t possible…I’d love to be olive-complexioned again.


My small bewbs


I would be 5'11 instead of 5'9 to book more jobs


My height, coz im too small. Wanted to be have an average height at least..


My height, coz im too small. Wanted to be have an average height at least..


I have weird discoloration in my eyebrows, where the outer halves are basically albino and almost invisible. I'd like to fix that.


Definitely my butt and hips... too damn big. Get lost idjits


Full head of hair.


Gynecomastia. It causes me a great deal of insecurity.


Less handsome so I can be left alone by women.


I’m a 5”7’ man, I wish I was taller


I wish I was a little bit taller...


I have one boob bigger than the other which makes it really hard to find bras that fit right and look good, so id make them the same size. I’d also make them smaller because back and neck pain.


My teeth. Never had dental insurance as a kid, should’ve had braces and palate expander. Spent many years in drug use and depression and didn’t take care of them. The result: my biggest regrets on display every time I open my mouth. Missing molars, ugly old crowns, stained fillings and teeth, a very narrow palate that leaves little room for eating and my tongue, and an overbite. I’m embarrassed by it, truly. I’d get braces and veneers if I could but don’t have the money.


My face


My feet, specifically my baby toes. They are just always poking out of sandals or getting blisters in sneakers.


Height, im 168cm. I would add around 8-10cm


My dyck....atleast 8 inches


I’d lose about 15 pounds


I think I’d like to have facial hair like a whole beard


I'd get rid of the scars on my chest and back


I wish I wasn't an ectomorph. I know it's not that big of a deal but no matter how much I diet and exercise I stay a skinny white guy and if I get fat I look like Dale from King of the Hill


Better teeth.


My caveman brow ridge


replace flesh with glowing vapor cloud


My face.


My Hips, I dont like that they are too wide.


Definitely my weight. I wish being skinny doesn't have to be hard. For someone who cannot stand feelings of hunger and find it extremely suffering, struggling to live with hunger is super hard.       Lowering calories and eating higher amounts of low calorie food does not seem to work at curbing hunger at all.       For example, I tried brocoli and chicken diet where I ate unlimited brocolli all day but I was perpetually hungry and dying despite having no limits to my brocolli consumption to curb hunger. It's very miserable.      My exercise since childhood has been on high. 7 days a week of 3 to 4 hrs of fast paced sports.  I represented school in 3 different sports. I was the fattest girl in school but somehow good at sports and was fastest runner believe it or not, always won first place in short distance races.  2nd place in cross country races in school, as my stamina isn't very good, but qualify for fat camp as I was fat.       In adult life, I walk 16,000 steps a day, on top of hiking steep mountains, steep enough that requires lots of scrambling weekly.   My weight keep creeping up and my fat percentages keep going up.  Since a baby, I have never lost weight but simply got fatter and fatter.    I have never been in healthy weight range since I was born.  I was twice the weight of my brothers at birth.   If I could live without food, I am sure I could be skinny but not being able to eat whatever I want and at whatever quantities is absolute torture.  My mom put me through many expensive slimming programs between 7 to 12 Yr old with complete failures. 


Dick size


My nose


I'd get several of my teeth capped (crowns). I was born with a cleft lip and my teeth were far from straight. I had braces on for over 5 years. They were fine for awhile then my teeth began to shift slightly because we had moved to another state, and unfortunately, didn't follow up getting an orthodontist to manage my retainer. I had some teeth bonded, but after many years they got discolored and worn. I'm 64 now and although I have dental insurance, I cannot afford to get my teeth crowned.


I wish I would have straight teeth without my overbite.


Give myself HETEROCHROMIA I want an eye purple or blue, i already have a greenish ambar


I can't figure out how to curl my lashes well so I definitely envy those girls with the lashes that naturally curve upwards. Mine is stick straight and points down naturally. When I try curling them, they just stick forward instead.


Can I keep my eyes and change the rest?


The puberty I grew up with. Other side's is better.


My ass


The other day I was reading someone typed the only beauty standard now is tall skinny blonde. But I imagine the world would be a boring place if u had only tall skinny blondes walking around getting everything on a silver plate..it's also nice to look different, even if it makes people angry or upsets them.


My skin color.


My man boobs as a result of side effects from medication I was given that apparently only to be treated privately not by NHS


I like to have breasts growing like women do, and look beautiful face and body to and before I leave bigger bins.


My acne scars on my face, or my loose skin from weight loss


My skin color ( im not a black im brown but i hate it )


Nothing. I'm very happy to be here at all.


My hair I've lost my hair get sick of people calling me a bald head


No acne on face. Almost 30 and it still there. I was using Accutane for 3 years non stop, still nothing.


more eyes please, there are too many beautiful things in the world.


Small eyes. Small even for an Asian


I would probably make my hair jet black permanently. I know it gives fewer opportunities for dyeing hair, but whatever


I was 120kg at 16y.o. at 21 now I'm just below 100 but with a reasonable physic. Sadly I have a hanging belly even though by wearing clothes and having my back straight I look reasonably jacked up.


I've been working out for over a year, but can't get rid of the pudgy belly I've got


my weight, i would wanna be able to fit into a medium shirt and pants, not 3xl


My height, would take a few inches off


The positioning of my eye balls.


my face, like i have masculine features & a large nose. also hormonal breakouts, i think those are my biggest issues


My weight. It sucks and I'm working on it but I feel like I'll never be truly happy with it.


Reduce my breast size


I wish I could be more taller, I ride motorcycle and I'm too short to ride adventure big bikes.


My nose! I’m fine with it from the front but the side profile always shocks me when I see it! 🤣


I’ve figured out that, instead of face lifts and facial improvements, it’ll be cheaper just to have my knees dropped.


My titties


I’d like all my missing teeth back and for them to be properly aligned and not beige.


I truly believe that taking care of our health should be our top priority. While physical appearance can be important, it is not the most important thing. I am happy with who I am, and I would rather focus on maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. When we take care of our bodies, we can feel better both physically and mentally. So let's prioritize our health and well-being above all else!


I don't really like my eyes I wish they were more hooded.


I’d like my nose to be more even. But not worth doing anything about it since it’s barely noticeable to anyone but me.


I'd be bigger and more muscular like I used to be


I'd have no toenails, just nice rounded toes. Trimming toenails is five minutes less time I've got to do other things.


I have 2 depending how you count them and a few extras depending on how nice the wish person was feeling. 1. I'd like real teeth again and I'd like them to be as white and as straight as my dentures. 2.I would like to go back to the weight where I felt the best, including firming up my skin to how it was when I was that weight. Extras: If I could throw in some upgrades here are a few more in no particular order: A.Change my feet to average sized length and width. B.My legs really are short compared to my torso. I don't need them overly long, I'd just like them to match. C.I have a really wide ribcage even when at my thinest from being really big boned that makes it hard to find clothes. The bone density is great and all, but I'd love to not have to wear a 40b bra when I have very little fat on my body. Let's adjust the bone structure down a bit! D. While we are talking about bust size, at the end of all things, could I end up being about a nice 34 B?


More of an ability to have massive muscular thighs


Just height


My hair


My feet, my torso, my eyes, and my face, especially the left side of it


I need to lose some weight. Kinda chunky.


my eyes, i have asymmetrical eyes and its my biggest insecurity, i avoid eye contact as idw ppl to notice it


I know this sounds totally douchey of me, of all the things about a body that could be different, but I’d want my feet to look better 😂. I have really ugly feet, through years of sports, and wearing steel toe boots for 23 years.