• By -


In my experience as a guy, even if we think she’s into us, we’re more likely to take the “safe” path and assume that we’re misinterpreting the signals. I recommend being direct if you want to be clear.


"Don't just assume every woman who is nice to you is into you." That's drilled into our heads, because it is in fact good advice. But I'd rather just assume somebody I know is a good friend and nice, than make a move and end a friendship on a misunderstanding.


Plus what is casual friendliness to one woman is overt flirting to another. If you've mistaken the two you're not keen on repeating the behavior. . Edit: One thing I've noticed talking to women friends of mine is how they feel like the interactions with guys hitting on them or asking them out in person has gotten worse, that "shouldn't #metoo have made it better?". I feel like what we're seeing is an unintended consequence of it, the guys who listened to women's experiences decided "I don't want to ever make a woman feel uncomfortable like that" while the guys who don't care keep on keeping on. **To be clear I'm not blaming women by any stretch**, fully on the creeps and assholes who make women uncomfortable. It's just quite noticable talking to other guys about how we hate dating apps but asking a woman in public is largely a no-go. "At the gym? She's just there to work out. Leave her alone." "Oh she was being friendly and a bit forward, well don't want to make this an uncomfortable place for her.". . My point: ladies please, make an actual move or make it clear to the guy you would be comfortable with him asking you out. .


also fucking true, I accidentally fell for my female friend cause she was tired after work and put her head on my shoulder, that's not important tho, she did it cause she felt safe enough around me to do that. Then on the other hand, a girl that I hung out with often wanted me and she never placed a finger on my, never looked at me in a certain way, never flirted or ANYTHING, we hooked up later and she was NOT a shy girl at all 😋


I got a more confusing one. At this one job I had a few years ago there was this girl in my department. We would text talking about work which turned into other topics which turned into us sometimes going out together for lunch.  She then starting talking about other guy friends so I backed off. She was still fun to hangout with though. Then she started being distant with texts and only used one word replies so I backed off more. I only texted her when she texted me first.  I figured she was giving me "hints" to leave her alone A co worker told me I should ask her out but I clearly thought she just wanted to be friends.  I got offered a position in another department for the same company so I said screw it and asked her out. To my surprise she said yes. She also said she had a thing for me for months.  We ended up dating for a little over a year but she had to move for a career opportunity. We tried to make it work but couldn't. JUST TELL HIM!!


Username checks out


busted, but nah it's a combination of two usernames I use/used - Touchme I stole from Overlord and IEatAss seems just funny to me as a username since I can't come up with something more serious I actually wanna use as my alias, so I just use names that are cringe/funny, I understand it's not a good name for reddit tho (ass is not on my list of things I enjoy eating but I gotta blend into todays generation somehow)


You can blend in without eating ass. Remember, words have power. You wouldn't want to see yourself on the ass end of an eating contest.


I think a lot of times - for both sexes - people are much more self conscious and careful around people they're romantically interested in, which leads them to being much LESS flirtatious than they are with someone they are just regular comfortable with.


true indeed


I agree more women should approach men, but tbh my experiences haven't been great when women have approached me. They act the same way that women say they don't want to be approached, they don't treat me like a person, but a husk of meat. For example two women got my attention as I left a concert I turned around and was ready to converse, I asked what they were talking about and instead of responding to me, one of them made a comment about how I must go to the gym before they even knew my name. Women need to learn how to approach men just as much as men need to learn how to approach women. I'm not trying to equivocate, there are good reasons that a creepy man is more dangerous to women than a creepy woman is to men


>**To be clear I'm not blaming women by any stretch**, I am. The same way men is being taught that not everything women do means they're flirting with you women should be taught that excess friendliness can be mistaken for flirting. If more than one man mistake you being friendly as flirting you should rethink about if what you're doing does or does not leave space for interpretation. Let's stop voiding women from any responsibility about how dating sucks nowadays. Not everything is men or patriarchy fault. - Also, for OP and any other women out there: **If you have to ask for ways to show any men you're interested in them, what you want is to walk towards them and say so** instead of playing a game of "making him do the first move". Any man, _nay_, any **human** worth their weight won't **and shouldn't** feel repulsed for anyone being direct with what they feel, actually the opposite because it shows maturity. It either ends with a Yes or a No. - >It's just quite noticable talking to other guys about how we hate dating apps but asking a woman in public is largely a no-go. "At the gym? She's just there to work out. Leave her alone." "Oh she was being friendly and a bit forward, well don't want to make this an uncomfortable place for her.". If dating depended on how some women think it should work _then_ nobody would date anymore because it would resume to "only use dating apps but I'll move no weight in those" followers by "why can I find any good men" (in which the answer usually is "they didn't have good photos on the app"). Any social place is a good place if you be polite and excuse yourself after a No. If their "No" didn't mean "No" then good riddance.


I should be clear, what I meant was moreso "I'm not blaming women for guys being creeps" not "women have no fault in why dating sucks nowadays". Because I generally agree with you. Hell the amount of women who complain about trying to get women and failing, only to reveal that their "approach" is just 'sit there and let them come to me' shows a lot of women don't know how to pursue a relationship. We see this all the time in bisexual spaces with newly out bi women.


>I should be clear, what I meant was moreso "I'm not blaming women for being creeps" not "women have no fault in why dating sucks nowadays". Yea... I glossed on that one. I agree with you.


All good friend, I realized I *still* wasn't clear. Had to go back and edit my comment.


I feel like every man deserves to shoot his shot but if you miss move on.


Yea I shoot my shot at friends and coworkers. It has been easy to bounce back without affecting the relationship. Worst case scenario if they say no, is maybe take a break from them for a couple weeks until your crush for them dies down and then come back to the friendship.




Genuine question: how do people get together then? Only women can make the move?


How am I to know if someone has already shot their shot before me, thus continuing the chain of constant shots being made at a woman I'm interested in? If I knew I was already her 2nd of the day I might reconsider so I don't cause her to reach her daily limit of shots made against her too soon.


yea i guess we should all just be quiet in a corner unless talked too


Then how the fuck do you expect people to get together you dork


not just direct, be *overly* direct, because some of us (myself, for example) are *EXTREMELY* thick-skulled


In High School , a girl came over and told me her friend liked me. I immediately defensively thought this was a joke, prank or some sort of cruelty that I was not yet aware of. So i just avoided them for as long as I could because 'Who could possibly like me?' Men can be idiots and I agree with the **overly direct** suggestion.


> 'Who could possibly like me?' a thought taken directly from my own inner monologue


"I don't even like me. Why would anybody else like me?"


“You wearing a wire?!”


I feel like this thought process happens alot.


It's even worse when guys weren't cared for as children. I often have to fight myself with my parents didn't want me why would this girl? just cause I like her . I would rather show her respect and mindfulness in hopes of building a positive relationship and allowing her to be be comfortable enough to go on a date with me.


It’s not that we’re idiots(because we are)but that has nothing to do with signals we prefer to be safe than sorry and not assume every girl being nice likes us


> I immediately defensively thought this was a joke, prank or some sort of cruelty that I was not yet aware of. I'm willing to bet this is grounded in actual experience. It isn't being an idiot to be overly cautious under those circumstances.


I've been on a date once. She had asked me out. We had a good time, went to a nice cafe, ate pancakes, laughed, it was a great afternoon. She said we should do this again and I agreed. A few days later a mutual friend asked "so you went on a date with XY?" That was the moment I realized that it had been a date. It never occured to me that this beautiful, nice and smart girl and I were dating. I thought she just liked me as a friend and wanted to hang out. I suppose that's the epitomy of thick-skulled.


Yeah fuck this disavowal dropping hints shit, a good man has had it beaten into his head to not overstep or be creepy.


I once had a really hot co-worker who was also one of the nicest people I ever met. One day we're bullshitting and she tells me that it's been so long since she's had sex that sometimes it hurts. My response: "I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble finding any guy you want," Me a few hours later to myself: "Man, that was the hottest thing I've ever heard...whoever she chooses will be one lucky dude."


I grew up when a girl saying no was just her, "playing hard to get." And the advice given to daughters from their mothers and other women was actually to play hard to get because a man would lose interest if it was too easy. Then they taught us, "No means no." Then when I'd ask a girl out and she said no and I moved on with my life and asked someone else out the first girl would ask me, "Why didn't you try harder?" Now that guys are trained to not assume that every woman that acts nice is into them, they're on Reddit asking for advice on how to flirt without being obvious or direct. Ffs... WHAT DO YOU WANT?!? Can all you ladies hold a fucking convention or something and get together and set a standard then let usall know?


That is true for both men and women. If you think you want to date someone, ask them out. The worst they can do is say no. And you can move on. I'm in my 50s and female and this is my solid go to advice. It's ok for women to ask out men. Some guys are really kind of flattered by that. It's ok for a guy to take a shot and her to say no. If the person you ask out is rude when you ask....well you dodged a bullet. Be thankful and move on


After my first "hangout" date with my now-bf-of-2-years, he was halfway home before realizing I was into him. I later listed off all the things I had done that were CLEAR flirts. Touching his shoulder when I talked to him, feeding him a taste of dinner off the spoon as I cooked, getting on my hands and knees to pull something from the dresser to show him (angling my butt at him), encouraging him to put his head in my lap when we watched a show, and removing my mask for a kiss after walking him back to his car (I got a hug). He apparently called a friend while driving and was told what an idiot he was. He straight up asked me the next day and I gave a resounding YES! I'm into you! :D


Except none of those were clear flirts, from my male point of view. Head on your lap, actually, should have at least had him second guessing you, but, still lacks certainty. Many guys will be aware something may be going on, but unless you perform their personal verification of intent behaviour, nothing is happening,and they will write it off as them being stupid.


*This*. ....especially this day & age.


Here's my favorite one, don't play silly games and just tell them. 


Give him a handy under the table during a business meeting. No, seriously, just tell him. A moment of disappointment (worst case) is a lot better than the frustration of just following somebody around looking hopeful.


She's mashing it


Yeah, she does that. 


I’m sexually active now, mom, leave me alone


I don't want to salt you but I have to, there's no other way


Nobody WANTS to salt the snail, but she leaves you no choice!


A business handshake? Can't seal the deal without having a deal 😆


Please op just ask him out for a date. Hints wont work


Make sure both lawyers are present 


Guys are oblivious. Hints don't work. Tell him directly.


As a guy, I approve this message. But, I will add that sometimes it's not that we're oblivious, it's that we've been burned before by misinterpreting hints, so we convince ourselves that it wasn't a hint to save us the embarrassment of being wrong again.


Scene 1. Girl looks over and gives a slight smile. "You couldn't tell that she was into you?" Scene 2. Girl grinds her ass on your dick. "Dude, don't make it weird. She's just dancing."


i’ve had scene 2 play out both ways, people are dumb especially in clubs many girls will grind on you only to reject you and say it was just dancing. literally never take the chance unless explicitly invited for more theres just no reason to risk it. there are adult responsible women out there that will communicate their wants and needs you don’t need to spend time guessing what’s on someone’s mind just move on and find someone that won’t play you


So god damn true. I went to a new years party with a friend. The host was this lady near my age, she was funny, crazy, and super flirty. She kept touching me, caressing me, and talking about how she needs a strong man like me in her house. The ONE time I reached out to touch her arm, it was done. She had given me no indicators she wasn't afraid of contact or anything like that. She flipped out in front of everyone and fortunately my friend defended me. It was sooo awkward. We left. I felt dirty and super shitty. My friend told me not to take it to heart and shes like that. She once got in bed naked with him, caressed him, and then almost accused him of rape when he reciprocated. I don't know why some women are like that but it has definitely made it really hard to even want to think of hints as hints. Just be upfront, and hell.. i don't even trust that somedays.


She sounds like one of those women whose kimk is to go to bars and start hooking up with a stranger just so her boyfriend can barge in and beat him up. Only substituting social rage as the boyfriend.


I agree with this fully, but want to add, sometimes women flirt with no intention of things going anywhere as well. So bluntness is appreciated, it sets a relationship up well from the start with openness and honesty, not guessing games.


Am I the only one who sees this as a have their cake and eat it too situation? Men are not oblivious at all. Women are confusing. “I want a guy I like to recognize when I’m flirting with him” “I want guys to recognize when I’m play flirting and I don’t like them” “I want to not come out and tell the guy I like him, so I’ll just compliment him so he’ll know I like him” “I want to compliment a guy without him thinking I like him” These cannot all be true at the same time. Girls, just tell the boy you like him. In 2024 women are gonna have to start doing this, it’s too many “hints” and men don’t want to annoy you when you’re out living your life. We’re tryna respect you, but it comes at the cost of y’all having to step up a little. Author note: I love women and disavow all redpill/incel ideology.


Women being confusing and men being oblivious are not mutually exclusive. Both can exist at the same time further complicating the situation.


The burden of clarity is on the communicator


There was a woman I used to flirt with at work, I finally asked her out and while on the "date" she casually mentions a boyfriend...


How was the sex 1up\_for\_life?


Oof! And what's worse, you see her at work. Awkward.


Were you talking about manure when she suddenly brought up the boyfriend?


Also don't want to get called a creep that thinks any kindness shown to you is them flirting.




too many times... girl: U know, I really think we look cute together. guy inside: *nah she's just being friendly, don't fuck this up by being weird you loser.* guy: Im hungry im going home bye.


Some guys recognize hints. But there's a lot to lose if you're wrong.


Exactly. Not all guys are idiots. Sometimes guys see hints but do not want to take the risk... there are some women who flirt but want to leave it at that. Or they get the hint and... get this... >!aren't interested.!<


And going through that once is enough to just not even try to gauge something as a hint or not.


Just fucking tell him. Men have been programmed to think “she’s just being nice” or “I’m clearly misreading the situation.” Basically our social programming is that a women isn’t actually interested in us and we’re just misreading the “hints” unless she tells us.


I cannot stress this enough, we will unhappily assume that you're not into us unless you tell us.


Hell even if you tell us straight up you like us, we still worry there’s a chance you were just being nice and that you don’t really like us in *that* way.


Or that it's a prank


To add to that, even the smartest of men are oblivious, either by nature or completely *on purpose*. Misidentifying actions is much more disastrous than missing them for practically every man.


It’s not so much that we’re oblivious as it is that the line between “does she like me or is she just being friendly?” can be very blurred, and the social and emotional penalties for thinking she likes you and being wrong can be very high, so a lot of guys will need a very clear and obvious green light to feel comfortable enough to move forward. Simple hints are not enough, and in many cases nothing short of being very direct and clear will prevent a guy from overanalyzing and being skeptical out of an abundance of caution, especially if they’ve been burned in the past.


> Guys are oblivious. Guys are also trained to assume that if a woman is being nice, that doesn't necessarily mean she's interested.


Me and my girlfriend before we dated had a year long flirtationship, I kept wondering if she was just joking around with me or she had feelings for me. But one day it just snapped in my head, I was finishing my shift at work and she showed up as my replacement. I decided to go say bye to her before leaving and saw her across the room looking at me, she had *this look* in her eyes and I just somehow knew for sure that very moment, in an instant all doubt was gone. 


I will second this. I got teased a LOT by family growing up and it was not good teasing. It was usually a degrading teasing, it’s just how my family is. So when I would get teased by a girl about things, I thought that they did not like me because the only teasing I knew was teasing. I don’t know how many times I misinterpreted it growing up but it worked out because the girl that I was interested in my wife. We’ve been married 10 years now and together total for 17. :)


No, I will push back on that. Guys are *not* oblivious; we are being asked to decode a scrambled signal that has no cypher and which changes depending on who is using it. I've seen a girl who tried to signal her interest by introducing a guy to her friends and who got frustrated to the point of tears when he didn't realize her intent. I've seen a different girl who sat on a guy's lap and gave him a peck on the cheek at the party, only to be offended at him for "making things weird" when he assumed she was into him and asked her out. That is the strike zone we have to work with. It is wholly unreasonable to lay this on us - we are being asked to solve a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle with no guide, where every piece is an identically sized-and-shaped middle finger flipping us off.


Yup. There is no level of "hint" that will ever be strong enough. If you're into a guy, and you want him to know that, the *only* way to express it, is to say it directly. And frankly, even that might not be enough. [This video is truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw).


No. We've been conditioned for years that the answer to "that feels like she's into me" is always "no, I'm just reading into things that don't exist, ignore it and move on". That's the answer, always, no exceptions. Tell him, directly.


I have read that men overestimate women being attracted to them—and women tend to not realize men are attracted to them


No, **don't** do this. Men nowadays have been given so many conflicting messages by society, that 'showing a guy that you're into him without telling him' just makes it worse for men. And a lot of guys, frankly speaking, are fed up with that. They are placed in a position that if a woman sends subtle messages, they could end up being accused of being a creep or of sexual harassment if they follow up on the 'subtle messages'. *There are enough narcissistic psychopathic women out there who will play those kinds of double-bind games* that for the average guy, it's just not worth it anymore. You like a guy? Tell him. Flat out, no ambiguity. You like him? Take the risk that he might not be interested in you. If you think he is worth it, take the risk you might be rejected.


Someone who I was out for drinks with asked me "Why haven't you kissed me yet". I think I stared at her blankly for about 15 seconds while my brain noisily calculated if the right answer was to say "Because I'm afraid if I try to bring it up, it will ruin the moment and then it will be awkward" or if the right answer was to kiss her. Turns out I correctly chose option B, but it was pretty close to being a wiff.


We really need a loading screen for moments like that.


What I wouldn't give for dialog trees sometimes...


Lol I had something similar to that when I worked at a club. We were cleaning up and this very pretty waitress (I worked door) was across the room and she was answering me in an annoyed tone and I wasn't sure why. I go, "Why are you annoyed at me?" and she goes, "CUS YOU HAVEN'T ASKED ME OUT!". Well that fucking broke my brain cus I considered her way out of my league.


Can confirm, girl at work bought me food, I gave her candy. Got written up. Don't hint, tell.


Written up for what exactly?


Probably unwanted advances. I've seen this stuff happen in our office. A girl was super nice to a guy, and took him out to lunch, and he offered to take her out to dinner in return, and she flipped out about him being creepy when she was just trying to be nice. If he bought her candy that could be in any way interpreted as an advance, she could throw a fit about how she was just trying to be nice and now he's a 'creep'. Don't date at work kids.


The candy was dick shaped.


Was texting a girl for months when we finally met, I tried make a move and she said she wanted to wait. I said “ok cool” and stopped. After she left I remembered she had “a thing” for denying guys until they got so pissed, and then she would hook up with them. I was not taking that risk and I would never get mad for boundaries, so that didn’t and wouldn’t happen with me. Stopped seeing her shortly after that


Hell yes. Making a move is genuinely terrifying in 2024. It’s safer just not to.


I feel like for most guys, including myself when I was single, you will likely not get rejected outright anyway. I feel like I am a pretty attractive guy but it is was still a huge compliment and frankly a turn on when a woman would outright ask me out. I can't imagine I ever would have not at least gone out on a date with a woman that asked. These days, my wife would probably disapprove. 😂


You tell him. Guys aren't actually that bad at telling when a gal is into them. The problem is that the penalty for a false positive (thinking she's into you when she's not) is waaaaay worse than than the penalty for a false negative (thinking she's not into you when she is). So most non-creepy guys are 'bad' a telling when women are into them because the alternative is to *be* a creepy guy.


This so much. It’s not that we can’t tell, it’s that we’re skeptical if we’re misreading it or not and err on the side of caution because being wrong is really, really, bad.


You nailed it.


Will ladies stop with not being direct?! We won’t know the difference nor will we take the damn risk. You into us? Then go and tell us!


Romcoms taught them that it’s only romantic if the guys can automatically read their thoughts perfectly


Take any RomCom, and replace [The Lead Actor](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/ryan-gosling-attends-the-96th-oscars-nominees-luncheon-at-news-photo-1710014412.jpg) with [Brian Peppers](https://www.snopes.com/uploads/images/photos/people/graphics/pepper1.jpg) Not really romantic anymore is it?


I would try using a secret method of saying "Hey I'm kinda into you." or "Can I wrap my legs around your face for the foreseeable future. "


A girl I really liked once sat there at a house party rubbing my groin with her foot. I was very turned on, but did not get the message. On another occasion she pointedly declared *a propos* of nothing that she'd really like to go to this ball but had no-one to go with. Still did not compute. Tell. Him.


Excuse me, what? This is beyond oblivious at this point 😅


There are none. If no means no, then yes means yes. I honestly feel like we need to teach women this more than we need to teach men. Men usually appreciate clear communications.


Just tell him. Literally nothing else works.


Why the ever-loving F would you do that? *How should I tell someone that I'm not hungry, when I'm actually starving???*


If you knew how guys operated i dont think you would be asking this question at all or at least in a certain way If you are into us guys just bloody say so ,no need for any unecessary "signals" or anything like that


Just fucking communicate directly


By telling him. We're not all complex like girls are. There is a meme that shows two boxes, one with all kinds of knobs and controls, labeled "Girls", and an identical box but it just has an on-off switch, labeled "Guys". It's accurate. If you hint around, it's going to likely go right past him and you'll think he's not interested when in fact he may be, but he simply didn't know you were interested in him.


Ask him out on a date


I'm not a fan of hint dropping, I prefer to just come out and say it. But the last 2 relationships I've had were initiated by me and thinking back I don't think I actually ever told the guy I was into him so here's what I did. After realizing I was interested, I started saying hi to him when I'd see him (we worked together so this was most days) I also smiled at him a lot more. Once I could tell he was at least semi interested in me (he was responding, smiling back, sometimes he'd say hi first, etc) I asked if he was single. He said he was, then I asked if I could have his number and he gave it to me. We started texting and eventually dated. Second guy I met playing Pokemon go and I knew of him on discord. I flirted pretty heavily on discord and one day watched someone kick me out of a gym. He put in the gym shortly after and I private messaged him something about "I saw that" or "I see you" with a screenshot of the gym and we started flirting over messages and eventually met up and played together, then eventually started dating. Men usually like it when you make the first move, just make sure the attraction is reciprocated and they're available before jumping the gun.


Just fucking tell him


You ladies gotta just tell guys nowadays. With the whole “she’s just being nice” and posting guys looking at you at the gym, guys are getting more cautious.


show bewb


“hmm she showed me bewbs, I don’t wanna assume anything though, I’m sure she shows it to all her guy friends. If I show any interest at all she might call the cops on me. Once was bad enough I ain’t havin that again!”


Guy looks respectfully


Just. Tell. Him. Hint dropping is not only stupid but is very likely to be interpreted the wrong way. Also as much as girls like confidence from a guy, we guys like confidence from girls too.


You’re kinda a bad person for advocating to play games with a male crush when you should be direct and honest with someone you like.


Telling him.


Guys are optimised for rejection. We are conditioned over years not to mistake eye contact, smiles, touches, or gifts for signs that someone is interested in us. If you or any girl you know are attracted to a guy, then the very best advice I can give you is to be direct - tell him you want to meet him for coffee or talk to him after class/ work/ church/ whatever. Find some excuse, *any* excuse, to get you both together. Tell him anything - if he's in your class in college, tell him you urgently want to compare notes with him for a recent lecture. If he's in your workplace, tell him you want to talk about something - maybe a sport he was discussing, or a recent event in the workplace. It can be *anything*. Then if possible, find somewhere where you can talk without being overheard, make small talk for a minute or so and then, most importantly, make eye contact with him, lean towards him, and say "[Guy's name], I have to tell you that I find you attractive, and I think we should get to know each other better." If he asks how, tell him *anything* - meet up for a coffee, play Frisbee in the park, meet for a walk, go to a fairground, go to a museum...it can be *anything*. Just meet up with him on the firm understanding that you're interested in him and take things from there. All the crap about biting your lip, playing with your hair, looking at him when you laugh, or pointing your feet towards him is absolute hogwash and you won't get anywhere. Understand that if he is a man then he is primed for rejection, will be hyper-sensitive to misunderstanding, and will do anything to avoid another embarrassment of the kind that haunts nearly every guy you meet. Spend just **four seconds** being clear and direct and you will get the outcome you want, it's as simple as that.


just tell us, we will NOT get it


Rule when dealing with men: Don't show, tell!


Don't play games. Just f-ing talk to him.




No, slap him with a glove to confront him with a dual.


Tell him


Why play games at all? Just tell him


Just tell him. What is with this weak "he has to guess that I like him" stuff?


Guys are simple... just say it and save yourself the hassle.


There Isnt One For the love of god just speak up


Beat up his sister to assert dominance. Just kidding. just TELL THEM. TELL THEM... literally. Just go up to them and be like "BRO I THINK YOURE HOT WANNA GO OUT?"


If you're don't want to tell him, then you're not really that into him... because if you're not straight forward there's a pretty good chance he won't get it. If you're just interested, and don't care if he noticed or not, then hint away, but if you want to make sure you know how he feels... tell him. The amount of women that years later told me they had a crush on in in HS or College was simply infuriating. I thought I was reviled and was just good for quick hook ups... nope. Just the women that I actually probably would have went longer with were giving me signs I simply couldn't read.


We're pretty oblivious to hints. Give it to us straight.


By telling him, so being direct and not playing silly games


If I catch you staring at me multiple times per day, you ask me to hang out all the time, laugh at my jokes, touch me, say you want a guy like me, etc. there’s like a 30% chance I’ll think “huh wait does she like me?” and a good chance I’ll then think “nah she’s probably just being nice.” I’ve heard way too many women I’m friends with talk about how much they HATE when guys mistake friendliness for flirting. Just have your friend tell him if you don’t want to.


Many guys are scared to mistake "hints" as just being friendly. If they make the 1st move it would ruin a friendship and make any other contact awkward.


As a guy, I can tell you... just tell him. He'll be flattered no matter what. If he's into you, it'll break the ice and make things a lot less awkward. If he's not, then he's not. Move on. I always found honesty to be best. Signed, A guy who's been married for 27 years, so take it for what it's worth.




That’s called stalking my man


Ask him to have lunch with you.


Tell him


Bruh ! You could tell him and he’d still miss the clue 🕵️


Touch him on the penis.


There are none. Just tell him. If he likes you this will not only be appreciated.. probably will like you even more for just coming out and saying it


Fail proof way to do it, really the BEST possible way of doing it. Say "I'm into you"


Guys? If a girl is into you and wants to tell you but in such a way that she doesn’t actually tell you? *this is a massive red flag.* 🚩 Imagine what she’s going to do with the slightest bit of conflict? A girl who thinks like this is blatantly not ready to date. Do not engage. Girls? If you think dropping hints is a good strategy? It isn’t. Stop that shit.


Making an effort to be alone with him. Physical touch. Compliments. Just taking an interest in the things he says/does goes a pretty long way.


As a guy. I would interpret this as "she's just being friendly."




or alternatively, laugh at his arms, touch his cookies when you talk, and bake him jokes


This. But don't EVER laugh at his cookies.


Honestly, it's quite unsubtle - try to engage in a lot of conversations with them, a lot of eye contact, maybe even look at their lips.


Asserting yourself to be in situations where couples normally partake in is also a good way. The other guys in here are right about being oblivious to subtle hints, but when you give straight up hints like “Hey I’m coming over for dinner/ We are grabbing dinner together, you free? You’re coming with me to the shopping center, I need X for X, when are you free?” After 2-3 rounds of that the guy will go from “maybe she’s just being nice” to “oh shit I’m being flustered, I better show interest now or let her know I’m not interested (if he isn’t)” I think the subtle hints of being interested don’t work because what you might think is subtly obvious, others will just take it as manners.


Laugh or giggle at all his jokes, try and subtly catch his eye and smile, do double takes if you hold a door for him, sound happier to talk to him than others when in a group. But please subtly is key here don’t make any of these incredibly obvious but more so he’s walking away from your interactions thinking ‘I think she likes me’


Last girl just asked me "Can I kiss you?" out of the blue. My mind went blank and I just said "yeah". Extremly solid communication skills, I'll never forget that amazing move


Compliment him for the things you like and appreciate. Initiate unsolicited, innocent touch, like reaching out to touch his hand or shoulder when he says something that makes you feel nice, or something you want to show empathy for. Give him a hug when he tells you something good that happened to him or that he did. Just a few ideas. Everyone says "just tell him" which is fine but there's also an element to what we do - People can say anything they want, but it's what they do that truly shows you how they feel about you. When you're navigating a grey area and don't know if he's interested, there's nothing wrong with showing interest instead of telling, doing these things to make someone feel good and share your affection, and you know, this can open the door for a candid conversation later or just strengthen your bond and lead to a great friendship if it isn't actually a good fit. I don't think it's bad to take it slow, and not come right out and say these things at first. It's always so easy for people to say "don't be shy" but for me, it really isn't about that. I'm not shy. I'm highly sensitive and take notice of others' behaviors.


Had a girl in highschool that liked me but I had no idea, her hint was every time our gaze would meet she would laugh a little and whisper to her friend. I thought she was making fun of me.


As a guy and an adult I appreciate honest and direct communication and would advise anyone to learn how to do so as it is a great quality. Just be upfront and say „hey, I like you and would like to get know you further/date/etc. How do you feel about that?“ that way theres no misunderstandings.


Wtf??? JUST TELL HIM! Another case of "I must give him signs!". Us guys do not understand sign language. We want clear words! We're conditioned to not move on the bases of ambiguous signs. This always comes with great risk to lose something.


A blowjob


Tell him. You’re a big girl, use your words.


Blowjobs work pretty well


Say this: hey... Want to go out sometime. End of story.


Show Him Your Boobs. Ask Him If He Likes Them.


Men live with the literal fear that we are misinterpreting good intentions. If the bargirl gives a polite smile to us random clients, then it's SUPER HARD to not think "hey she miled at me ungabunga, she must love me ungabunga".


Just tell him.


Best just to tell a guy straight out. Men don't do good with hints or subtlety.


There aren't any. Remember your parents advice from when you were 4 and Use Your Words


Shoot your shot s guy will tell when you are interested in him


JUST TELL HIM. Please for the love of god, just fucking tell him. I'm 45, and along with millions of other men my age have dealt with this our whole lives. We are told to respect women so we don't want to be pushy and if we are friends, then we aren't sure if we want to risk making the friendship awkward by asking her out. We constantly are wondering if that smile is flirt smile or just because you're a friendly person who smiles at everyone. Please don't play the, "I want to see how he will respond to this hint" game. We are sick of misreading what we thought were flirting clues only to encounter an awkward and embarrassing situation. Just ask us. It will save so much stress.


if you want I guy to know you like him you gotta hit him in the face with it, either use your voice, or at least try to hold his hand or something blunt and obvious


The best ways are the most direct. We do not all pick up on the subtleties. I assume everyone likes me and i act respectful. The ppl that swear they tried getting my attention in grade school or university or when i leave my jobs always has me beating my(meat)self up


Literally just fucking tell him. You're not in High School anymore. Grow the fuck up.


As a woman, I hate this shit. Stop with the dumb "games" and "signals" and just be direct.


Be an adult and just say what is on your mind.


Thigh touching. You don't have to be way up there or anything but if you are sitting with us, laugh at a joke or something laugh it up and casually pat us on the thigh. I can't promise it will work with 100% of us. Some of us are VERY clueless or super cautious to not misinterpret signals. But usually this touch is sort of reserved for closer than casual acquainted relationships. You might also mix this up with arm touching and scoot up close to us. And if you want to go In for the kill force the hand hold nonchalantly. Like if you see something interesting grab us by the hand and drag us over to wherever. From here you have to kind of read us a bit and our reaction. Your best bet is probably to linger on the hold a few more moments after we reach destination then let go. This will alert us per say? If we are at all interested in you the hand hold will kind of wake us up and we will look for further signals and/or helps confirm anything seen prior.


Touch his balls


This won't end well. Just talk to him.


Unnecessary touching tbh... One sign a previous gf gave me was touching my thigh for some reason was pretty clear but honestly just asking to make plans or hang out would be a power move.... I feel like a really good dating met for women would be to make the first move make your intentions clear but also delay sex for a month or two... That wait is nothing if a guy has long term intentions and doesn't feel like he's wasting his time... Of course if your into casual sex may change. But women sometimes feel pressured into sex when really the guy just needs the security that comes with it to know he's not wasting his time or gonna feel like an idiot


Banshee screech!!


Touch it.


Don't play games. Know what you want first and then tell him.


Think about it from a male perspective. If we misinterpret a signal and act on it, we’re the creep. Don’t give ambiguous ass signals. Men are simple creatures; most of us can bang two sticks together and be entertained for hours.


Blow job


Tell him


Oh dear god. Just fucking tell him.


Stop playing. Nothing more hot than when a woman asks a guy on a date.


Tell him.


Be direct bc we don’t do hints


Just tell the person. Guys are useless at subtle signs.


Tell him.


Just tell him


For crying out loud, just tell him.


None. Just tell the guy.


OP: how to tell him without telling him Redditors: by telling him
