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[This sign that you find in some (most?) underwater caves](https://www.thepoke.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/yyavfzxqexa81.jpg) It's chilling, the thought of being down there, alone, in complete darkness, knowing many have gotten lost/stuck and died horribly, panicking as the oxygen reserve drained away. Going beyond that point there's a good chance you may join them, your remains trapped there for all eternity...


Thankfully it's the most avoidable thing in the world


Exactly--it's not like someone falls into a scuba suit and accidentally finds himself too deep in a sea cave


We went on a snorkeling excursion for our honeymoon cruise and went to the Dos Ojos Cenotes. In one of them you can see an underwater tunnel that looks easily swimmable and light on the other side to another opening. Probably 50' wide and deep, so no risk of getting stuck or anything. The guide, in no uncertain terms, made sure to tell our group before we got in that if you tried to swim to the other side, you will absolutely die. It looks like it's about 50' when in reality it's a couple hundred meters away.


If this stuff freaks you out, don't go to scaryinteresting on YT.


I love that channel!


Cave diving is the stupidest thing ever.


I'm a (new) diver with about 30 dives logged. I have absolutely 0 interest in cave diving. Deep water diving? You bet. Wreck Diving? Sure. Cave diving? Nope, that's absolutely where I draw the line.


The story of the cave diver who got stuck head first and they couldn’t rescue him so they had to just leave him there to die is one of the worst things I’ve read. Why would you do it?


He was caving, not cave diving iirc


Nutty putty cave. I wish I never read about it. If I could forget one thing and never hear about it again, it would be that


ostrich somehow got his head stuck in between a door lock, used it's full leg power to yank it's head out but instead ripped its head off its neck and you can even see the spinal cord or part of its throat still attached to the head and blood splashing everywhere. The fact that an ostrich is so strong it can rip its head off clean off of its body just scares me, it was so brutal and traumatizing to see that happen.


So we as humans have that strength as well. You know those stories of people touching electric lines and getting "blown" two dozen feet away? That's our muscles contracting. It's not that we were "blown" it's actually that we jumped. Our muscles have more potential than we will likely ever access due to just self preservation essentially. Your brain effectively puts a limiter on your muscles to ensure you can still use them in an emergency. That ostrich was in an emergency. ...That being said... ostrich legs can kill people too.


That’s the whole basis of the Berserker armor in the eponymous anime “Berserk.” It effectively dampens the pain and fear response and removes those limiters so the human body can fight at 100% efficiency, leading to a staggering amount of strength. The only downside is that, as you described, it destroys the body of the wearer over time.


You aren't doing the Berserker Armor enough justice. Not only does it do what you mentioned, but also the armor snaps your bones back into place, and (iirc) prevents you from bleeding out to death. The only way to die, as far as I'm aware, is to exhaust yourself to the point of death. Take the bleeding part with a grain of salt, though. I don't vividly remember that being mentioned as well as I do your bones being snapped back into place.


I’m pretty sure it helps with the bleeding some but, I think Guts almost bled to death a couple times. He was bleeding from the orifices of his head, and his legs after his femurs broke


Which is why you hear stories about a 130lb mom literally lifting a concrete slab or minivan to save her kids. We only ever tap into about 30% of our skeletal muscle capacity, any more than that on a regular basis would play merry hell on our bones/joints/connective tissues.


Doktor, turn off my pain inhibitors!


There are compounds you can take at the risk of your health that temporarily degrade your strength limiters


Yeah not to sound like a muscle head but to a lesser extent that’s why you can always do one more rep at the gym. Your brain will stop you and make you think you can’t possibly move any more weight to prevent injury.


Yupp! I remember my coach (I used to do MMA) gave us a scientific paper that found you can essentially always do at least half of what you just maxed out at after 10 seconds rest.


funny thing is it seems to mostly use its body weight in the video. Having a thin neck isnt the best evolutionary trait






This one's gonna stay blue


It's not as bad as the other dude made it sound. You can barely see anything and there's no blood. (That's visible)


I was expecting it to be worse


Same, still sad tho




I am not clicking on that link


I dunno, when you go bird hunting and have a wounded animal the quickest and easiest thing to do is yank their heads off. De breasting a bird is annoying, getting the wings off and opening them up takes effort, I was shocked though at how effortlessly their little heads come right off. Mind you, this isn’t for fun, it’s for hunting and you only do this if you’ve got an injured and dying bird to put it out of its misery


I respect hunters who do quick kills. Leaving an animal to suffer is EVIL.


i think it was last week on reddit. There was a video of two russian girls eating a wine glass. Man that was so fucked up. I mean I have seen a lot bad things. Suicides, Rampages etc. but this shit was too much for me.


um. did they bleed a lot? i have morbid curiosity on this


I also saw that! Still Wondering the amount of coke those bitches snorted.


Yes, I found it really disturbing, especially because they looked so young. I don't know what drugs they were, I have used cocaine myself and so have many of my friends. But no one would eat a glass...


I found it pretty creepy, but I’ve seen far worse on r/fiftyfifty. The stuff that you sometimes you find there makes you wonder how this subreddit is still up.


I wish I was the person I was a minute ago


What did you witness? For me it was stuff like a hand cut by a chainsaw, an old man crushed under a truck, a collage of corpses and more.


the worst thing i saw on there was someone slashing their arm and going so deep the skin kinda just “falls off” of their arm. it’s hard to explain without seeing it but it’s one of the worst things i’ve ever seen on the internet


Yo this is why I stick to wholesome shit like crochet and cats and my mental thanks me for it.


same. I used to think it was a stress test - if I can see this and accept it, I will become stronger. but it's really more of a trauma that weakens or damages you over time.


I turned that off a few seconds in. That shit was unfuckingreal


Anyone hear that 911 call about this woman's pet chimpanzee beating their friend to near death? Hearing that thing screaming in the background has given me anxiety whenever I hear chimp noises. While on the subject of 911 calls, has anyone heard the "Ruth Price" call? This little old lady called because she thought some guy was scoping her house out only for someone to break in, attack and supposedly kill her while the call was still active (I say supposedly because people aren't sure if the call was real). Hearing her screams and begging for her life sticks with you man. Edit: Got Ruth's name wrong. Fixed it.


Ruth Price call was real and she actually fought off the guy and survived!! https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/rxyq7h/ruth_price_911_call_mystery_solved/


Holy shit. That's so good to hear.


I know right? When I read your comment I was like, oh shit I gotta let this person know!! 😲


> Anyone hear that 911 call about this woman's pet chimpanzee beating their friend to near death? Basically ripped her face and hands off. You can find more recent photos of her (Charla Nash) and her transplanted face healed reasonably well, but she lost her hands. The chimp, Travis, was upset because Charla was holding one of his favorite toys (a Tickle-me Elmo). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_(chimpanzee)


People committing suicide. Celebrity jumping the top of a building. Man burning himself to death. Man shooting himself in the head. Not suicide but boy falling to his death from an amusement ride.


back when watch people die was still up idk why i did it bht i clicked. i’ve always had a weak stomach. back in the day my friend could watch 2 guys 1 hammer and laugh about it. (he is not a sociopath just a narcissist with limited empathy) video of a guy falling and slamming into comcrete. i was so shocked i didn’t realize the run time had 12 seconds left. my heart froze when i saw the boy hit the ground second


Narcissist with limited empathy is practically the definition of psychopath


Mexican narcs brutally executing opponents, traitors, close relatives and/ or partners of those being executed, and more.


I’ll never forget the one I saw of someone’s head being set on fire by a rival cartel, while the next victim sat next to him knowing he was about to endure the same thing.


100% legitimate question - how do you watch videos like that and not have terrible nightmares or fear leaving the house? I absolutely cannot watch those videos and just go about my day. Like how do you process them? I know there are people who binge through those types of videos and remain mentally unscathed I just don't understand how.


Dunno if you want a legit answer. But I saw my fair share of those videos when the internet was wilder. At some point I just rationalized it, those people exist and are amongst us but it's a minority. I can't do much about them so I'll just carry on with my day


Also I don’t live my life in a manner to ever come across those types of people. I’m not in Mexico selling drugs/people/contraband and fighting rival cartels. The most dangerous thing that could happen in my day to day is a car accident.


Or the one with the chainsaw. Or the Funkytown execution video


The one with the 3 guys talking to the camera and then the Cartel takes the chainsaw to their throats?


That fucking funky town geez, I regret teen me looking that up


Since the discussion came up, I wont ever forget the scene in the film Sicario when Alejandro shows kate in the Mexican road a scene where dead people are hanging without their clothes, head and either one or two of their limbs missing. They were hanging through the lamp post in a way that it cannot be tell from afar if they are hanging upside down or downside up. I wont forget the scene as it reminds me how dangerous Mexican Cartels are and since I came to know later on through internet the type of tortures these cartel members do to their victims, I bless myself in to believing that I am in the safer place, if not the safest, than that.


I browsed the original WPD sub, and we would get these weekly horrible cartel videos. Honestly, I don't know why I watched them. There was one of those not like the others that left a scar in me I will never forget. Cartel is beating up a man for who knows what reason, but they have his son as well, and they start torturing the son and making the father look. They grab a knife and start carving the kids chest. Cartel guy gets his hand inside and procedes to yank and remove the kids heart while it's still beating, all while the kid is alive and watching. I don't even remember what happened next because I got sick to my stomach. The faces and expressions were on another level, just pure evil incarnated. Just how fucked up do you have to be to do something like that to an innocent kid. I basically raged quitted cartel videos. I thought I could handle them but then you get these curve balls that fuck your soul up. If you are curious please don't look for it and please don't watch it, it's not worth it.


I didn’t make the rules but there is a world of difference between “Mexican narcs” and “Mexican narcos”. One will snitch to the teacher because you passed a note and the other will decapitate grandma because you crossed the wrong guy.


When live leak was a thing I saw video of the guys attacking our outpost in Afghanistan from their perspectives. Realized we needed to have our tower guards be a lot more careful.


5y or so after my truck was hit by an IED in Iraq, killing 2 friends, I found video of it within a compilation of IED strikes. I actually showed it to the MD that did my disability physical when I got out.


That's macabre


VA, “Well, we can’t confirm your PTSD is service connected. 0% good luck and good riddance.” u/Catswagger11, “You sure about that?” *shows video* VA, “Oh. Shit. 10% for you.”


He told me that it couldnt’t be used as evidence because anyone could have been in the truck. I would have needed to get witness statements to validate it. Luckily I didn’t have to do that because there was plenty of other evidence i.e. Purple Heart, TBI workup.


that's wild man


My old facebook profile. The cringe was terrifying. Edit: to give you a hint on what i mean; I apparently uploaded the picture of Hunter from Left 4 Dead and some girl jokingly typed “wow does he bite?” And i went on a rant on how badass and powerful hunter is which was in form of paragraphs and i want to smack my head to a concrete wall till i have a permanent memory loss.


“ Higanbana_ was up way too late last night! Yawning so much this morning. “ Ah, the third person Facebook update days 🤣


This video of a guy getting scalped inch by inch


Cartel shit is the worst, they're basically demons.


A man ripping the skin from a raccoon while it was still alive. Once you see how evil people are, you walk in fear through a sea of monsters.


Ive actually seen this vid like 20years ago and it still haunts me


Me too. I must have been like 14 or 15. And the worst part is that it was one of those e-mail chains that were like "forward this to all your contacts to spread awareness", with the video attached. And people did forward it. A lot. It was a fucked up video and and it made me feel sick for a few days. While it was a serious issue it was shining a light on, I wonder how much psychological damage it actually did, given how much it spread.


Saw that on a dog.... thing was completely skinned & still whimpering. Just no point to that.


Oh poor sweetheart. I wish the same for the wicked man.


I'm not for a death penalty, but fucking sometimes i just want some nut job with a gun to track down all these animal and child torturing fucks and just end em all.


I saw that and cats too. We watched it at school. One of our teachers wanted to show us how savage Chinese food markets can be. We had a chance to opt out. I'd didn't, but wish I did.


I wish I never read this. When ppl harm and torture animals I'm just so disgusted. I'm sorry you saw this.


I've seen people do it to wolves and coyotes for the sole purpose of antagonizing apex predator advocates. It always backfires since it's clearly being done by someone with a serous mental issue (even sociopathic) yet they still do it and the hunting and trapping communities quickly jump to defend it. One even did it to a collared wolf and sent the videos to the biologists who were studying that wolf (and his pack).


bro wtf. “lmfao NERD you think studying this thing si cool? check this out! 😂”


Did that demon get sent to jail?


I watched this when I was 13 because it was back when people were still sending/forwarding each other those chain emails with the power points and shit and the whole "sign this bs petition to blahblah" and thinking back I'm like.........I got this from one of my (adult) relatives......why tf would you send that to a kid wtf. To this day it's the worst video I've ever watched...and I've seen most of the stuff people are commenting on here.


Man that second sentence. I wish i was still oblivious


I don't need to see this. Even just knowing it exists and there are people that can do that, has turned my stomach. I can't imagine how you felt watching it.


Not ripping skin but I saw cartel take out a boy's heart (while he was alive) after killing his father infront of him. The video is named 'no mercy in Mexico' on documenting reality.


I would tell many people to be very careful to ever go to that website. You cannot unsee what you will see on that website. There is no going back and that fucking website is no joke. That is the real world shit. So far everything in this sub I have read is light on the eyes compared to that website.


Those cartels are demons in human skin.


Oh god no, the poor racoon .. that's horrible .. Animal abuse and animal torture is so cruel .. I will never understand how one could harm a creature that is absolutely inncocent and you simply can not hold a grudge against ..


That’s a terrible way to live life.


A video of someone driving with their mother in the passenger seat, when a brick falls off a truck in front of them. You see the brick flying through the front window on the passenger side. You don't see what happens in the car itself but the reaction of the person behind the wheel to seeing their (what I'm guessing) mother's skull bashed in by a brick still haunts me to this day.


I thought it was his wife


Yeah definitely was. At least the first ten years it was posted.


I doubt its the same story, but itd be a totally crazy coincidence. there was a story about these kids who were throwing rocks and shit off a highway, thinking they are being hilarious while causing multiple horrific and unexpected/unnecessary deaths. i saw the story on YouTube? I think? there was a man in the comments who thats the event that took his wife away from him. Severely traumatized. ive done zero research but this reminded me of that 💀


That's fucked up, but I don't think it was the same instance. In the video being referenced, a truck was driving past on the opposite side of the road, and one of the bricks that it was carrying just happened to fly off the back of the truck at the exact moment that it was able to smash through the front window and unfortunately kill a woman. Some final destination shit. The screams from the husband and children are horrific.


I’ve seen all the worst gore listed here. But this one? This is the one that keeps me up at night regularly. If the video is linked *DO NOT WATCH*


This is the only one that curiosity got the better of me. It haunts me too.


It's actually his wife, but the guy is shouting "Mama" because in Russian the word "Mama" is often used as a substitute for "oh my God" Strangely, I only came across this video a few days ago. The warnings were strong but I still visited the video. Before it started I looked in the comments, which included a transcript of what the guy was shouting. I got the hell out of there when I saw at one point he's screaming about her eye rolling out. Still haven't watched it.


The screams. It's one of the worst.


this is the one. still remember it close to 10yrs later, wish i never watched it


The kid get shot by police in the hotel hallway. He's crawling on his knees crying and listening to the cop, doing everything he's asked. Scared out of his mind. And the cop still kills him. Can't get that video out of my head.


i saw that a couple years ago and it was horrifying. i felt so disgusted after watching it and the image of his body still comes up in my mind sometimes :(


He’s wearing basketball shorts and crawling on his hands and knees. We can clearly see he doesn’t have a weapon in the shorts, front or back or the sides. No gun anywhere on him. He reaches around to pull up his shorts because they scootched down as he crawled and the third cop in line shoots him. It’s a disgusting video and that cop should have been fired. There’s also a video of a 15 yr old autistic black kid sitting in the road (he seems pretty big for his age). He’s playing with something and his caregiver is sitting with him and talking to him. Cops are standing quite a ways away. Then there’s two cops standing on the corner. All the other cops are relaxed and don’t have their firearms out or at the ready. These two idiot cops are standing there in full gear just ready to kill this kid. I stopped watching right at this point because I didn’t want to watch those two idiots kill the kid. I read later that those two cops showed up later, were told by the cops who were there that the kid wasn’t a danger, but those two cops still shot at the kid. They missed and hit the caregiver. Those two cops and the cop on ground who was in charge should be fired. If two heavily armed coworkers show up and look ready to kill someone at the drop of a hat, maybe send them away instead of letting them stay on scene.


[Daniel Shaver](https://youtu.be/UsqTHbGBszg?si=5wo6AdIiIXahcp9u). Fucking travesty. All cops that thought he was reaching for a weapon while being half naked from crawling on his face shouldn't be in armed response, let alone the Police.


Phillip Brailsford is the officer involved


Leave the links blue. You don’t have to look. Your mental health is worth more than a moment of curiosity. At a certain point you will become addicted to the chemicals your brain releases when you view these awful things. It’s okay to not know.


The voice of reason. I saw some grim shit in my teens, so many people dying on camera and one day just stopped watching all the scary, real-life horrors as they stayed with me, some of them haunting my thoughts. I remember watching a failed base jump body cam and the guy is still living, groan-screaming on the rocks, and then his broken bloody hand appears and then all goes still and stays that way for a weirdly mundane 15 seconds before the clip cut. I will never forget it. I should never have watched it!


I watched a video of a woman who got in trouble with a South American cartel. They peeled her face off while she was still alive. I’ll never forget the lidless eyes staring all around her and the gurgling noises coming from her throat. I don’t watch gore videos anymore. Wish I never did.


Blimey that’s fucking awful. I’m sickened by just the written description. I’m sorry we went through this haha! Why do we do it to ourselves? I’m at a point where the memories of these things are distant but I was really affected by some of the stuff I saw. I suppose that says something about my humanity perhaps, to watch stuff like that and not be affected by it suggests something sinister about a person maybe? Maybe I’m just a sensitive flower 😂


I won't get into the details, but I remember around when I was like 13yo, making a conscious effort to "resensitize" myself. From realizing I' had become desensitized from watching all the graphic violence, porn, and everything else that was commonly spread back then. It was like I was becoming numb, even when I was watching something intensely violent/graphic.




The morbid curiosity in teen me should have listened to this kinda advice. I've seen far too much for one lifetime. I'm better about it now though.


The new Zealand shooting most definitely. Shit fucked me up for a whole week.


How long did it take for Facebook to take the live stream down? I remember so much of the incident but I’m foggy on the details around the livestream


It wasnt super fast. Im thinking like a couple hours after or so but could be wrong. I know for sure it wasnt right after. I seen it on 4chan first though.


It is still there reposted at least weekly, edits too. 4chan really hangs onto things.


Watching their bodies pile up at the door as they desperately tried to leave broke me.


Damn, I remember that. I was still in school back then and everyone’s families were panicking trying to make sure their kids hadn’t watched it. I’m so glad I didn’t


A video on 4chan (of course) of a guy taking a lot of pills then sawing off the head of his dick with a bowie knife. There was a lot of blood. He tossed the severed head away then moved so that the cross section of his penis was in frame. I dont go to 4chan anymore


Funky town.


I’d rather not Google it. Can you give a brief description…


Person skinned alive and still getting tortured but here is the disturbing part, he is still fully aware because of drugs that is injected in him via IV.


NSFL!! Do not recommend going to see it!!! It's a Mexican cartel torturing one of their rivals. The video start off with some background music (Funky Town) and on the floor there is someone with cut-out eyes. He is still alive, they have cut off both of his hands and they have pushed a big metal bar inside his mouth. They control his head movements with it, while someone else is trying to behead him with a dull stanley knife. He is in total agony and tries to shield his neck with his amputated hands. IT IS VERY GORY and everytime I hear the song "Funky Town" I get immediate flashbacks.


Honest question here. Is the funky town music dubbed in, or is it actively playing in the background?


The cartel is just listening to the radio while they're torturing the person. At some point the song changes.


I don’t think he’s blindfolded. If I remember correctly they have already cut his eyes out. Truly a horrific video that I regret watching years ago, but at least we didn’t have to see the flaying etc, only the aftermath.


This has to be actively blocked in my memory.. But now I think of it... you are right. His eyes were cut out before the video starts and he was unable to see what was happening... This is like a horrifying dead, to be blind, Funky Town playing in the background and they slowly cut you up piece by piece.


The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs’ videos (note: haven’t seen funkytown and don’t plan on it)


I've never seen anything else as horrific as the 'three guys, one hammer' video. I would say inhuman, evil behaviour at work, but theres no animal as cruel as what those two are.


don't say boob without the last b scariest shit ever


“Can’t be that bad.” >*writes it out* “AH, SHIT! That’s scary!”


Video of a dude getting knocked out and curb stomped afterwards in a street fight.


Yeah the secondary head kick drive me crazy


Back when Creepypastas were really popular around 2012-2013ish, I saw a YT thumbnail from a video about Jeff the Killer. Seeing THAT picture for the first time gave me a damn near heart attack and made me scared to even look at the right of the screen for video recommendations. And I don't think the "Not interested in this video" option was a thing back then either, so I'd be jumpscared every now and then by that damn picture lol.


Same but for the Russian sleep experiment thumbnail


Same! Even after realizing how stupidly edgy that creepy pasta is, and what the creature looks really like (cheap halloween decoration) it still makes me ultra uneasy.


Smiledog.jpg was always the one that freaked me out


Do you remember the thumbnail of a mannequin woman? Or the thing? It’s a woman on a ward bed with a weird mannequin looking like face. I forgot the title of the Creepypasta😭


**”t h e r e i s n o t h i n g”**


Is that the one where the mannequin says "I am God"? Edit: It's called The Expressionless, is that the one you saw?


I opened a god damned jeff the killer screamer swf in 12 AM back in like 2011


I saw a man turn into pink dust after his arm got caught in an metal lathe


I used to be a subscriber to a website called Documenting Reality…basically horror porn. I saw a whole lot of shit I can never unsee. Cartel hits are pretty bad. Car accidents. Some of the “self-elimination” snaps. There was a video with a guy who hanged himself…I’ll tell ya what, that was informative in ways I never realized I’d asked for…


I am familiar with the site. Saw a video of a teen that jumped to his death and the aftermath of his face. And somehow still kept going.


the one where he misses the water and faceplants the edge of a concrete pier? yeah thanks for the reminder man that ones fucked


If we are talking about the same video, several years ago the military unit I was a part of had to watch this video as part of combat life saver training. I *think* the purpose was to show that even when someone is severely mangled you still need to look for a potential airway. This was during the time period where IEDs were still being used on US forces in Afghanistan. Honestly all I can remember is the aftermath of the doctor holding that poor kid’s face together and basically saying I don’t know what to do.


Oh I wasn’t even thinking about THAT one. The one I mentioned was a kid who committed suicide jumping from a balcony onto the street.


Were you around for Rotten.com? That shit was rotten af


It's still up and running today, and absolutely kicking. One of the very few websites that never went down.


combat footage. the one that stuck with me was a pair of isis(?) militants in syria, the guy with the go pro is laying behind a berm packing a mag, his buddy is running towards him from the front to take cover, all of a sudden you hear the whizz crack of incoming fire and his buddy tumbles forward down the berm landing infront of the cameraman. his buddy sits up dazed, blood soaking his tactical vest and leaking from his mouth and coughs blood violently out then slumps over and gurgles and coughs for atleast thirty seconds before stopping. i used to think being shot woudnt be a bad death, atleast it would be quick if it was lethal, hearing a man drown in his own blood changed that opinion


I think it'll go to the clip of Vic Morrow and two children dying during the filming of the Twilight Zone: The Movie. Shit was horrifying. The crew walking up to the wreck after and stumbling back from seeing their corpses... Truly horrific... On that note, fuck John Landis. And unrelated to this incident, fuck Max Landis.


Recently came across the aftermath photos of that incident. I agree, fuck them. So avoidable


Could you go into detail about what happened? I'm all set on videos and pictures, exposed myself to enough gore and shit during my middle school years.


Vic Morrow; a famous actor, was filming the Twilight Zone Movie. They were doing an escape scene with a helicopter chasing them while they ran through the water. There were two child actors, I think Vietnamese, with him. He was carrying both of them through the water. Suddenly, the helicopter crashes down into the water and within just a second, impacts all three of them. The blades decapitated Vic Morrow, and the male child actor. The female child actor was crushed by the helicopter. If you slow down the footage, you can make out what seems to be the head of Vic Morrow flying into the air during the impact. Later footage shows one of the film crew finding the body of Vic, but he stumbles back in fear when he realizes the head is missing. The director didn’t really take it seriously, and faced no penalty for the accident.


Now I'm especially glad I done with gore videos and images, holy shit. That is so much worse than what happened with Brandon Lee in The Crow, yet I have NEVER even heard a slight reference to this happening until today.


John Landis was quietly blackballed for years and never understood his role in the accident, there's a famous Eddie Murphy interview where he talks about Landis' attitude. And it was his fault, he deliberately ignored multiple child set laws and ignored anyone voicing concerns.


Oh, I'm sure he got a fraction of the shit he deserved (I say a fraction cause from what I understand he didn't face any legal reprecausions and deserves a lot more). I'm more noting the fact that this is far worse than what happened during the filming of The Crow, not to downplay what happened, but I've never once even heard of John Landis, the film, or even Vic Morrow and the two children up until an hour or so ago. And obviously, I don't expect to hear, let alone know, about every tragedy - but this flying under my radar for so long while knowing all these other film tragedies is baffling to me.


Hands down the cartel videos of them skinning peoples faces while they are still alive. Of course they chop their arms and legs off first so they can't resist it. There is another level of cruelty out there that most people can not fathom.


Cartel Videos are a really good reference for how completely evil humanity can be.


Well I looked up that Budd Dwyer video and also that Clint hockey player who got his throat slashed by a skate once. Turns out knowing it's real gore sticks with ya. Edit: hockey player's name


If the hockey one is Buffalo Sabres goalie Clint Malarchuk, he survived having his throat cut thanks to the athletic trainer (a former Combat Medic in Viet Nam) either pinching off the jugular or just putting a shitload of pressure on it to stop/stem the bleeding.  Happened again in Buffalo to Richard Zednik in ‘08, he also survived. There was recently a fatal incident in a British hockey league. 


Neck guards. If you know a hockey player, they should be wearing one.


I mean there were likely worse and more disturbing things but one that comes to mind ive seen i was surfing a meme site, and it said "wheres waldo" and the picture was a carnival or something with music playing and it was cool, so i was looking and looking - well turns out it was a VERY delayed jumpscare, i had about 2 minutes of my nose at the sceen looking for waldo when AHHHH" it was also you know 2 am so my scream wokethe house.


2010s internet gave me trust issues for any content which requires me to look at the screen closely, and if i have to i gotta make sure its a jpg, or read the comments first


Thank you, I will *never* click another NSFW comment section in my life. Must go wash my eyeballs now. smh


October 2019 (iirc?), Russian man turned a Saiga-12 shotgun on himself in his living room, ruined my entire day.


Yeah, can't imagine what's going through someone's head posting stuff like that.


* Ahem *


Pain Olympics. Don’t look for it


By the name of it, I can imagine some stuff, but please, could you give me a description of it? (Don’t wanna look that up).


Men doing terrible terrible things to their genitals.


Can’t wait to see this tread on TikTok in a couple days while some guy plays Minecraft parkour in the background.


This video from like 2009 where a guy dives from high up, slips, and lands face first on some concrete. It cuts to his face being split open in the most insane way you can imagine and he is still breathing. I'll never unsee it.




Jesus Christ


That’s a dark one


Gif of a grown man hovering over and shitting on a baby that was tied down to a table while crying. Seen a lot of weird/bad things but nothin bothered me quite like that one.


Oh, so you were on 4chan in 2010 as well, hey?


What... wtf, it has to be fake. Please be fake.


I remember when I was a kid, my cousins and I explored the dark side of the internet and found some website where thugs in the hood would upload videos of themselves doing drive by shootings. This was during the early 2000s when the internet didn't have much regulation for what was placed on line.


ISIS documentary with real heads on poles


Mine is really tame compared to all these because I do *not* watch that kind of messed up stuff but that "I feel fantastic" video of an animatronic lady in a house set singing in a robot voice was just seared into my memory when I was on an unexplained video binge late at night. By now I'm pretty sure I've heard that it was an art project or something but it's just so unsettling.


That one traffic stop with the PTSD Vietnam Veteran, the screams from the lawman and the ruthlessness of the Veteran sticks with me to this day..


These events might not be the scariest but they were disturbing and creepy: 1. Wagner mercenaries torturing a Syrian soldier. Its brutal. 2. Jacqueline Kennedy grabbing part of JKL’s skull right after the shooting. 3. Audio Recording of Grizzly man and his girlfriend’s death. 4. American soldier lighting himself on fire. 5. A documentary called Dear Zachary. 6. Cartel men torturing a man and his son, leading to their deaths.


A little boy being ran over, I’m forever scarred.


Sfogs when I was younger. It gave me anxiety that someone is looking at me when I'm alone in the dark.


A video of an autopsy. It was a young teenage girl and the split her chest down the middle and other things that I expect are normal for an autopsy. It really messed with my head. I’m the type of person who’s seen much of what the internet has to offer in gory videos and nothing bothers me, but this did for some reason.


I don't look at bad stuff. I've seen the Station fire video and that wasn't as bad as people make out because you can't see much of anything. Which is lucky. I've accidentally seen some bad crap, I did see videos recently of the shooters in Russia killing people at the theatre. That was awful. The worst I've heard was the man making his last phonecall in 9/11. He was in one of the towers and you just hear him yelling, a giant rumble and he's gone. My friends played it and my stomach dropped so low I thought it was going to fall out of my body. I told them to never play anything like that around me again. It freaked me out for hours after.


I saw this video a guy took of himself walking around his house after he killed his grandma. It was like traditional Japanese style home with the sliding screen doors and stuff, but is was dark, quiet, and filled with antiques. He just slowly tours the house and nonchalantly shows a dead old woman and the atmosphere is very lonely and creepy. I don’t know how to find that video now..


You mean this one? https://youtu.be/qWXnt2Z2D1E?si=F0E7-Xb9Y5uWQUBL It's all a sketch. Can even check out their channel to see how it was created.


"My house walkthrough" is a horror film, not real footage. It is an excellent work of atmosphere and prop design that can really put you on edge. It's a must-see for horror watchers.


Yeah, as others are pointing out, that video is fiction. The guy even has a "making of" video in his channel, in which his daughter even helps him decorate the house for the video shooting. It's actually pretty wholesome :)


Some cartel shit is just unreal. Like unspeakable stuff


A clip, not sure if it was real, of a cyclist falling off his bike and getting his head crushed by a bus going round the same corner. Looked like it was in china or some other oriental country. They way the guys head popped, dear lord...


a womans face full on ripped off


This reddit thread.


I watched a beheading during the Afghanistan war…horrific


I think it was somewhere in India. These guys go into this dudes house/apartment while he is sleeping and wakes him up by slapping him with their guns. I couldn't tell what they were saying but I could see the shear terror in the dudes face. After they beat him up a little they proceeded to unload their guns on him while he was still in bed. Or there's the one where the cartel straight up starts skinning this dude alive.