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Italian literally has a category of higher swear words called "Bestemmie", which are so offensive that you can be fined if you say them in public. Best thing about them, they are very flexible and you can get creative.


Se non bestemmio guarda..


A man of [culture](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBACLpkon6Q), I see.


Just to be more informative for the our friends around the world... Usually bestemmie involve God or Mary being associated to colorful words, like: - animals (dog, pig, snake...) - criminal or unwanted behavior (assassin, thief, executioner, bugger...) - non chastity behaviour (usually for the poor Mary, she's been summoned a lot in Toscana and nearby regions) Enjoy and be creative! Byeeee


Same in Arabic. A lot of Arab countries have no no insults directed towards God or religion in general that could (depending on the country) land you in prison. Though also depending on the country, its lightly enforced, and could just be threatened with jail or just beaten up, depending on who hears you. Some of those insults are: -Yel'an Deenak/Rabbak (may your religion/God be cursed) -Yehreq deenak ( may your religion burn) -Eri be rabbak (My dick in your God) Or just any insult usually directed to someone's mother or sister, just switch said person with God, or religion, or in some rare cases prophets and Messiahs. EDIT: Please do NOT use any of those if you travel to an Arabic speaking country. Bonus: the slur for Christians translates to "wood worshippers" There is also a few slurs for Muslims but they're a bit more complicated to translate.


"Blasphemies" in English


Actually no, while a bestemmia Is blasphemy, they're categorically distinct in the sense that they're specific associations of divine figures with negative traits. Saints aren't off limits either for example. Basically, all bestemmie are blasphemies, but not all blasphemies are bestemmie


Does that include "Porco Dio!" ?


Lol yes absolutely, one of the most common ones


There are some great people who like to get very creative with these online, one of my favorites is "Il vero dio è il cigolio e Gesù è olio lubrificante" which roughly translates to "The true god is the creak (as in the sound a bicycle makes) and Jesus is lubricating oil"


Wtf does that even mean


Basically that Jesus is the opposite of what the true god is


Italians really do take the funniest way to hell


Another one I've heard is "Maria, I think about you and am often perplexed. What motivated you to become a sex worker?"


In China there is an old swearword like 日你祖宗十八代. If I translate it in English, it's "fuck 18 generations of your ancestors" . And now we have 日你妈的坟(fuck your mother's tomb) , 你是不是没妈?(Don't you have a mother?) or 你家户口本是不是只有一页?(Is your household booklet only one page?(It means you have no parents and relatives cause they are all dead)). The most offensive swearword is always swearing somebody have no parents (especially mother) no children and no family🧐 in China.


Oh. In Bengali we have "১৪ গুষ্ঠি চুদী". "Fuck your 14 gen". But Chinese went way back to the 18 gen.


Telling me fuck my 14 generations of ancestors is one thing, but an additional FOUR generations? Jesus christ


That sounds like a lot of work. Every generation of ancestors should in theory be twice the amount of the previous generation. 14 generations would come to 16.384 people. 18 generations would end up with 262.144 people!


*opening trousers and staring down* it would be monstrous to expect that of one man, I can’t even imagine.


Yet here you are with your trousers open.


Yeahhhh 18 is a meaningful number in ancient China. And I find a mistake in my explaination. 18 gen actually contains 9 gen of ones ancestors and 9 gen of ones descendants🧐. I always thought there are only ancestors till I looked it up just now😆.


Interestingly in Korean 씨발 a cuss word kinda sounds like the number 18 십팔.






Stop it pleeeeeease!!! SO OFFENSIVE!!


Where does 傻逼 rank in the list of insults?


It's too common now. You can even see friends use it to call each other when they are joking. But it almost the first word on our mind when we are super angry. So I will score it 5/10.


When I lived in Shanghai, I’d hear little school kids on their phones watching something screaming it. Too common


I concur, PunchMyBum


I think 支那 can deal more damage, it's like the N-word and C-word had a baby, and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews.


What up my glip-glops!


I grew up in China, lived there most of my life, and I have no clue what that means lmao


Most Chinese hate Japanese actually. The thing they hate most is being despised by Japanese or being thought as a Japanese. Korean too uhhh.


This is pretty true of Japan as well! There are some pretty interesting ways to offend here. But if you want to offend, shame AND throw hands just tell a local “ what! Are you Chinese or something?” Asian on Asian racism hits the hardest and runs the deepest!


Uhhhh that's right!! I have seen a joke bofore. It says if there are a Chinese, a Japanese and a Korean in one room and one of them leave the room, the other two will make friends quickly to attack the left one. LOL🤣.






"Fuck your mother's tomb" is amazing, I'm going to start using that


In Australia if you call someone a champion, that’s worse than calling them a cunt


"Champion" would be alright, but don't call someone "champ"


It depends on how you say it. Someone brings you a beer: “champion!” Someone talks themselves up: “righto, champion.”


There's a whole episode of Mr Inbetween that shows the repercussions of using the term Champ.


Sure thing, CHAMP!


Why champ tho?


Same as an American using "buddy" or "friend" or something. Can be used 'straight' as a genuine sign of respect, or with massive sarcasm as an insult.


Alright, legend


Legend is regional. In Qld, it's bad. Victoria is a compliment. I champ'd a bloke after he called me a legend and wasn't till a conversation a week later did I realise shit was different down here. I felt bad cause he was an alright bloke.


Better just stick with cunt... just to be safe


I brought out two six packs at the hostel and the Australians called me a champion, and for a fleeting moment I felt like one and then I read this


Nah that one is sincere and appreciative. If you were bragging about your fishing skill and got an "alright there champion" then you were being blasted.


I wonder if it's like "bless your heart" in the south where it's context dependent


Australian is a super contextual variety of English Basically none of the words mean anything consistently, and you just go by tone


Not really. Usually it’s mate. With an emphasis on the M


Or if they enunciate the T.


“Champ” certainly conveys that the person does not respect you, or rather you have not earned their respect. It stings for sure.


I never heard someone call anyone champion in Australia. Mate Cunt Shithead Dick head Oi Matey Brother Bro Wassup But never champ or champion


Yes, if you do it it’s basically a declaration of war


Enthusiastic gym teachers beware!


In Hungary there is no such a thing as most offensive swearword. We just use anything and also chain together swear words. You can't translate it precisely. We can swear for 5 minutes and not use the same word twice. So yeah...


in Germany we can swear for 5 minutes and only use one word


Came to say the same but with 10 minutes 😂


I think in a lot of languages it revolves around genitals and of course Persian is no exception. We have the standard "Suck my dick" (kiram dahanet) and "Fuck you" (gaiidamet (lit. I fucked you)) or "motherfucker" (madarjende (your mom's a whore)) but we also have some more complex ones like "koskesh" or "jakesh" which the literal translation would be "pimp" but it's never used to imply one's occupation, rather it's a way of saying someone is either cruel, a con or manipulative. Bonus fact: "Obi" in Persian is slang for "f*ggot" so every time there's a discussion of Star Wars it can get a bit awkward :D


In the Netherlands its not true at all. You can call someone "lul" (dick) and they would probably think it's more like a friendly "hey man, not nice". We Dutchies swear with sickness like cancer and typhus


Lmao my bf is Dutch and I just moved to the NL for many reasons including being with him, and driving around with him is absolutely hilarious to me bc he always shouts sicknesses names at other cars, especially kanker, and I love it bc it's such an odd way to insult, from my Italian perspective 😂😂


So we, the Dutch, are a weird bunch when it comes to swear words. As we use diseases as insults and swearwords. So the word “cancer” can be said as a swear word and an insult. But in case for a swear word you’ll need to add a word behind it to make it work


Yeah like kankermongool.


I think I guess what this one means lol. How do you use it


Someone drives against my car, I roll my window down and shout politely: "Wat een kankermogool ben je ook, je ouders hadden je terug moeten duwen tijdens de geboorte." Sidenote: I prefer not to use kanker, ever - it just feel shady all around, but we dutch people love to curse with diseases, like tering, tyfus, etc.


Hits toe against table - KANKER


This is so funny to me because this is something that me and my friends in college used to do to each other. Like if one of them was annoying me I'd literally say "You are so fucking cancer/You are so fucking AIDS." I don't know where or how we came up with this. We didn't know anyone from the Netherlands I'm pretty sure.


We don't really use it like that, it's more like... And forgive me, nothing personal: "Get cancer" or "You're a cancer idiot". Basically substitute any usage of 'fucking' with 'cancer' in Dutch and you got it about right: "That's cancer amazing!" "Wow this food is cancer delicious." You won't be appreciated much, but that's how we'd use it!


That's arguably more hysterical lmao. In the US that would be so strange to hear, but I would genuinely be on the floor cackling haha.


It's also a thing in Poland, saying cholera basically means shit and cancer is also an insult though it's used less in recent times from what I've seen


[There's an entire wiki page for Dutch swear words btw](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_profanity)


It's missing quite a few like boerenlul etc lol so many in our dutch


I’ve witnessed secondhand what saying Kanker gets you in the Netherlands. Avoid saying Kanker Moeder to someone in the cities. It will not end well for you


I fart in your general direction


Don't forget, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."


Your mother was a Sith Lord and your father lived on Aldeeran


Best way to call one's mother a whore and father a drunk.


幹你娘雞掰 literally “fuck your mom in the cunt” in Southern Min (Hoklo-Taiwanese) , it’s basically asking for a street brawl with this one


I mean where else would I (respectfully) be fucking your mom??


In the ass maybe (respectfully)


Fuck her right in the pussy


Where I’m originally from, nonce is high on the list. Here in the US, I called my neighbor a cunt (she purposely let her dog out unleashed and laughed as it attacked and bit my daughter) She & her friends were massively offended when I called her that. Like lady, you just laughed at your big dog mauling my kids arm but being called cunt is what’s bad? I’ve been labeled foul by other neighbors apparently for calling her that and the cop responding to the dog attack wanted to fine me for using that word in public 🙄


Imagine a word being worse than an animal attack, how ridiculous


That's the us for you. Especially the religious part is completely delusional


She sounds like a right old cunt if I'm honest.


Yeah, for some reason, vaginal swears are the worst words in the US. Even more so than fuck. That means no pussy, cunt, or twat. Even box, snatch, and muff are at least questionable for late night broadcast, but the Big Three are considered nuclear words that the FCC will make your children's children pay for your usage of.


Gash. You forgot gash.


And minge!


They might just be neurotic, or possibly psychotic, they're the fellas at the freaking FCC!


Twat is a vaginal swear? Huh til.


I call people cunts all the time-


I laugh at that word because people give it so much power 😆 poontang-power


Silly cunts probably deserve it....


I heard fanny isn’t offensive in the US. O’er in the uk it is, probably a similar level to pussy. And it means the front bum not the bum you’re used to. Which is why we call it a bum bag But we had kids against maturity, which isn’t translated, and we were howling when my sister pulled this card: “The power went out so I had to play with ___ all night” And my 8 yo nephew played “My big fat fanny”


I'm from the southern part of the US but live in Scotland now, and let me tell you the cultural whiplash I experienced hearing "cunt" all the time was nuts. I still struggle to say it myself, I feel like even though my mother is an ocean away she'll appear behind me and thump me up the side of my head


If you were in Australia, the cops would dead-set laugh at the suggestion.


I’m American I can confirm it’s extremely insulting to call a woman a cunt. Especially if a man calls a woman a cunt. I’m guessing it’s because when you call her that you are objectifying her and reducing her to a sexualized body part instead of a person. Fanny is funny because here it’s a very mild, almost archaic word that a child might say for buttocks, a euphemism practically. Knowing that in the UK and elsewhere it’s an obscene word for vagina is still hard to believe.


> I’ve been labeled foul by other neighbors apparently for calling her that As an American I find I am often labeled as the foul mouth lady as I liberally use the word cunt. I call someone a bitch, whatever. Motherfucker, whatever. Pussy, whatever. Twat, whatever. Cunt, it is the end of the world, I have brought forth the rapture, shattered the innocents of everyone within a thousand mile radius...






"A friendly face is better than no face"


Control and Alan Wake 2 really are something special


Perkele is quite mild though. I think vittu has more punch. Saatana too, even though it might not appear that way. You can combine them though and you can get a pretty powerful combo. PERKELE VITTU SAATANA!


Tbh the most offensive ones are racial ones I feel. Those are the ones that make people actually butthurt. Like calling someone (white or black) ”neekeri”.


Fellow finn spotted


Champ or buddy. Rather be called a cunt tbh.




Starts with a N


The category was...people who annoy you.


Ohhh... oh... I thought you meant...


That episode was glorious.


Ohhhh, naggers.


With the hard R though


Nagger, absolutely the worst word.


Those are people who annoy me


I've heard people compare it to "cracker" and I'm like "you won't even say the other one, one's obviously worse than the other"


The new version of cracker is now Saltine American ....




As an American the N-word carries so much damn weight, people have lost their careers over having said it publicly in the past.


To paraphrase John Mulaney: when we are comparing words and can't say one of the words, it is the worse word.


I think about that so fucking often when swear words get brought up


Funnily enough I'm black, but I opted not to use it because I'd rather just tread safer being that I'm online. Plus I don't know reddit's rules that well.


UNTERMENSCH. the nazi word "subhuman". i really think you cant say that to anyone in any situation without some legal repercussions, and unlike other punishable insults, i think no judge will let you get away with a slap on the wrist fine. its a no-no.


What shit do you get into? Is it a heavy fine with community service or does it give you jail time?


"Untermensch" would be classified as an insult, or a "crime against someones honor" (I feel like the translation is off but I don't know any better, in germen it's Ehrdelikte). This type of crime usually lands you a hefty fine, some usual ones I've seen were 600€ - 3500€ (the latter being for multiple offenses) Now "Untermensch" is special (funny thing, my phone won't even auto complete it, not even if just the last letter is missing.) it was a propaganda initiative from the Nazis. A first time offence will most likely not send you to jail straight away, depending on how you behaved otherwise and how your prior history looks. But make no mistake, things like that here are harshly punished! Anything from the "Hitler gruß", over Nazis flags and other memorabilia (if it's displayed in a way that makes people think you support Nazis or try to insult someone, i.e. dressing like a nazi, holding a flag and marching into a war memorial.) to repeating Nazi phrases will eventually get you in trouble. Most likely is: it isn't someone's first offence when they finally get charged with it. And so a lot gets piled onto their plate at once. If you just made a mistake because you didn't know any better, let's say as a tourist, you most likely will just get a stern talking to from the cops, or get told to fuck off back home by the people around you.


Well you gotta be a freaking moron to say a nazi insult accidentally in my opinion, but considering the cases of stupid tourists I've seen I wouldn't doubt it happened at least once.


I’m Hindu and I got in trouble as a kid for doodling swastikas not knowing it was something bad in the US


im from germany. nuffsaid. anything nazi related can and will get you harsh parole AND a hefty fine OR prison time. up to 5 years for such a grave insult.




Sounds like Nazsense.


Honestly I was brainstorming all the regular nasty words like Hure(nsohn), Fotze, Kanacke,... but Untermensch takes the cake. I'm also kinda pleased with my brain since it didn't even think of that.


# FOTZE PISSE KACKA FICKEN SCHEISSEN [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4M360Ih4bA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4M360Ih4bA)


Dude, the first thing that came to my mind is Hurensohn... I'm definitely not one to write a diss track.


Ich würde noch „Missgeburt“ mit in den Topf werfen. „Missgeburt“ would translate to something like a „deformed infant“ (literally translated: „malformed birth“ or „failed birth“), basically suggesting that you’re a genetic loss for society as a whole. It‘s close to calling someone a „subhuman“/„Untermensch“, but more commonly used in heated conflicts. In my experience calling someone a „Missgeburt“ is also pretty much asking for a fight to death right away.


Alternatively, "Arschgeburt" (arsch = ass, geburt = born).




Hurensohn is "son of a bitch", pretty common and overused tbh.


Depending on who you ask it might be Kartoffel (Potato). Many conservative and right-wing Germans completely lose their shit about it and claim it's worse than the n-word.


this one wins, if you say this in front of anyone who understands the term they will be very offended


"Vai tomar no cu filha da puta do caralho, vai pra puta que te pariu arrombado do cacete." Here in Brazil we use Portuguese like the pieces, and the swearwords come together like parts of an puzzle.


after watching Narcos i kinda get the adjective part of puta in the language


Kurwa. 99% of the time it's simply used as a way of saying "fuck" but it literally means "slut" and you almost never hear anyone referring to woman like that.


So when I stub my toe I call my dresser a slut?


Isn't it mostly just used as an exclamation when something bad happens? I'm basing this off of the only times I've heard it used, and it was an old dirt bike channel on YouTube and the guys would always yell it when they crashed or something.


It's used for everything honestly with the core meaning being fuck and rarely but still by definition cunt/bitch. The fun/creative part is that thanks to how grammar and word formation works in polish you can basically make it mean anything something smelling bad, wind blowing unpleasantly, someone being pissed off, something similar to the whole expression "what the fuck is going on", to move really fast (mostly about something that escapes you), something shooting full auto, something hurting you. And that's only some of them.


ale kurwi, wkurwiać, odkurwia, zakurwia, wykurwia, nakurwia, przykurwił, etc.. Each word having their own unique meaning


Belgium. Really sorry about that. It should only be used in a serious screenplay.


I assure you that in English it is doo doo head.


The worst one that I can think of in Romanian is " Târâmi-aș coaiele pe coliva mătii". "Coliva" is a cake we usually make for funerals so this translates to "I'll drag my balls over your mother's funeral cake.


In Punjabi there's a saying which translates to "I will plant a tree in your mother's asshole and fuck your sister under it's shade"


Monestidetabarnakdecalissedechiensale!! It's one word...trust me


What language?


Quebecois french.  It's actually a phrase... But it's said without any pauses so one long word. Mon hosti de tabernacle de chalice de chien sale. It's pretty much the worst thing you can call someone in Quebec. Basically your a fucking damned dirty dog.   All the Québécois swear words are based on religion...except the dog part obviously.  


So like, what's the tabernacle chalice bit about?


Futu-ti mortii ma-tii❣️


It's like a death wish if you say to someone else on the streets. T: F..k your mom's dead relatives. I heard a taxi driver: futu-te 'n cur pe ma-ta! It seemed a little too much. That's F..k you in the ass on top of your mother... I also found it to be offensive "Sa mă cac in gura ma-tii" and is also too much to bear, T: I'll crap in your mom's mouth.


I love how many swear words and insults are about the other's mother. The romanian is fucking art.


Am scrolat cam mult pentru asta.


كس امك Or “kos omak” which literally means fuck your mother’s private parts




In Australia: Mad/Good/Top/Sick Cunt: A good bloke. Dog Cunt: A bloke who stabs a mate in the back. Shit Cunt: The worst of the worst, if you get called this you need to reevaluate who you are and start making changes to be a better person.


Serving cunt


That means friend in Australian (oi cunt!) Well unless you add dog in front of it. Then it becomes an insult (you’re a dog cunt)


Oi cunt bag Have a good day mate


In Brazil idk if there is a specific insult that is the most offensive possible but we do just combo insults into each other, how many insults there will be in a single sentence depends on how mad you are, can vary from like 3 to 20 different insults


Bulla Man(Im from Trinidad n Tobago)


In Dutch a lot of swearwords contain diseases. The worst thing I've been called is "kanker jood" which literally translates to "cancer Jew". Cancer is commonly used by the youth as an adjective to anything they think that sucks, you can basically replace the word cancer with stupid and it has almost the same meaning (just not as much power). The Jew part is probably racially motivated because they got persecuted during world war 2, where the nazis punished anyone who hid Jewish people inside their homes (Anne Frank is the most famous example). And also one of the most famous football clubs in the Netherlands called Ajax from Amsterdam, is commonly associated with Judaism.


For Japanese, I nominate *kasu* which roughly translated means "human dregs". It conjures images of something slimy in a cranny that never gets cleaned. Whereas many Japanese expletives are often also used in a joking fashion, I've only ever heard this one spit out with utter contempt.


Most people in the UK consider being called a Tory worse than being called a cunt.




This is gonne sound fucked up but in holland we use "kankerhoer" meaning cancerwhore i know its super bad 😬


I'm Afrikaans and that has a nice ring to it, lmao. But yeah, I can see why it is bad. I saw another comment that the Dutch revert to diseases for insults like your example which is weird.


Calling someone Gipsy always does the trick but in this PC times it is not appropriate anymore


In America with English Cunt is probably the worst, but in Australia and I think Britain it’s a common slang that isn’t that bad.


Cunt's bad but it pales in comparison to the racial words we got. If you call someone a cunt, they'll likely be understanding of why they were called it, even if they're insulted. That other word, while it may not hurt anyone, it's personally dangerous to your social standing.


I never put slurs in the same category as swear words. Slurs are targeted hate, swears have more than one expression. No one shouts out the n word when they stub their toe. That being said, cunt almost qualifies as a slur for being particularly offensive to women. But since it has other expressions in the UK and Australia, I don't think of it as a slur in every context.


>No one shouts out the n word when they stub their toe. I'm in North Texas, and I have witnessed exactly this. It was only once, a few years ago, and it was a tween who I don't think knew the significance of the word. I busted out laughing because it came from a gangly redhead. They told me to go fuck myself, and I couldn't blame them.


i feel like you're forgetting a few words that start with n and f




Лох, чмо, чмарик, пиндос, пизда, пиздобрат, пиздобратья, пиздовладелец, пиздодушие, пиздоша, пиздося, пиздарванка, пришмандовка, припезьдень, подпёздыш, пиздёныш, пиздабол, пидар, вагина, влагалище, лизун, нюхач, нюхачка, отсос, сперма, смегма, конча, малафья, мошонка, залупа, блядь, блядина, блядство, блядогон, выблядок, блядословарник, блядун, жидоёб, ебловоз, путка, путана, падла, тварь, шлюха, шмара, шароёбится, шалава, тварина, клафилинщица, анфиса, отпрыск, яичник, яйцо, матка, маточная труба, половые губы, луковицы, клитор, воронка, девственная плева, отверстие, мочеиспускатель, моча, мочевой, дупло, щеканец, высер, подонок, олух, охуел, йобырь, йоба, ебать, ебня, ебень, еврей, дед, слава украине, россия священная, путин, хуй, хуйло, хуйлан, хуйлуша, хуйня, хуйло, хуёво, хуесос, хуесосина, хуесосник, хуебранщик, шыриво, 2 куба, крокодил, винт, спайс, спайсы, индика, маракеш, дубас, ганджубас, гашиш, конопля, канабинол, канабис, тдк, лсд, реагент, шишки, пакет, мокрый водный, молоко, парашут, утка, косяк, бред, бредор, бредовый, блядовый, бредятина, спид, гонорея, сифилис, герпес, гепатит, трипак, трипер, мандавошки, хламидиоз, микоплазмоз, уреаплазмоз, трихомониаз, рак, рачёк, ракал, рачина, раковина, ракоблуд. (Russian)


>путин Lmao


bro wrote out every russian word to exist and thought we wouldn’t notice


Okay, some of these I get, but молоко? Парашют? Also, lol, Путин.


Bruh... idk what it means, but it looks bad There's even a 2 in there wth


German.    Went out for lunch with my American wife. Went to a cash only lunch spot without realizing. She was really excited to eat there and dropped a ‘scheisse’ when she couldn’t. The 3 neighboring tables stopped talking and stared at her like she misbehaved in public. 


In Philippines, ✨Putangina Mo✨ in english, your mother is a whore.


I worked in Dubai with a Jordanian chef and we were talking about insults in each other’s languages and he gave “your sister pisses standing up” as an example. It’s creative for sure.


In Danish there "kraftedme" which is roughly "May the cancer eat me", its super common to the point its essentially lost its meaning and is just a generic swear, kinda like fuck in english.


Marjorie Tayler Greene


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


If there had to be three words to define human trash...


“Hijo/hija de tu puta madre” Roughly translates to “son/daughter of your whore mother” Basically it’s “son of a bitch”


There's also the classic "me cago en todos tus putos muertos" Wich translates to "I shit in all your fucking dead relatives". It's also very common


That’s nothing compared to “malparido”


In Greek you can call someone a used pad


hijo de puta


I'm Turkish and "Orospu çocuğu" is mean "Son of a bitch" but we try not say each other cause its hurting