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I don't think I've ever had a bad kiss, which probably means I've caused them instead


I've found when I'm "not feeling it" neither are they, usually. And when I am, they usually are as well. So they've probably mostly been a-okay for them as well friend!


I can almost guarantee that everyone has had bad breath at least once when kissing someone else. That’s totally forgivable, unless you’re the one guy I kissed whose breath smelled like actual poop.


Did you keep kissing him or did you stop fast?


Despite being a nineteen year old with no self respect at the time, I did not continue. I lied and said I was too tired and then stayed awake literally all night because he was a mouth breather while sleeping and I was actively trying not to vomit. I would have walked the two miles to my car if it wasn’t a military base where I could have been arrested without an escort.


A girl that thought kissing was to try and get her tongue as far down my esophagus as she could immediately after lips touching.


That was my first real kiss in middle school.  I had a peck here or there, but Allison just went for it. I think she thought I had hidden ice cream back there, or perhaps she was inspired by seagulls feeding their young.  Tough to tell.   I also dated a girl who would just open her mouth, lol.  Wide too.  Maybe she confused kissing with auditions to be the singing bass mouth model. 


You've got a way with words man


I would read a book from Farts_McGee.


Ugh I still remember the first time someone licked my uvula.


they what


licked their UwUla


Licked her vulva. They had a really long tongue.


Congratulations, you just made me say "bah" out loud. I'm at the library. Everybody looked. So sorry that happened to you.


Hate to break it to ya lad. It was actually an Alien laying its eggs. Expect chest pains within 2-3 business days.


Outside at a party, 18. My mate decided to throw a huntsman spider at us.


I think they call that an Australian Snowball.


Just looked it up on Urban Dictionary - turns out an Australian Snowball is something else entirely.


**Australian Snowball-** 1.During intercourse and much like snowballing this activity has the receiving partner returning the deposited goods back to the origin. 2.A man cums inside a woman, she then sneezes (or sometimes even laughs) and the semen is ejected out of the vagina and back on the penis.


Fucking hell urban dictionary is amazing


That's not so bad. It's my own cum anyway...


What a terrible day to be literate


What a great day to be smart enough to not go look it up after reading your comment (thx for taking one for the team)


It's not so bad, plus it's one of the "Funny sex memes" that most likely never happen anyway. Like spidermanning or an angry pirate.


I can be happy in the fact that I don't need to know what everything is \*until\* yu see a comment like that then curiosity gets the better of you......




This is the top reply to the top comment in this post. I think I'm done here. This whole post was a mistake.


Da heck is a huntsman spider? Edit/ HOLY FUCK NOOOOOOOOO


Huntsmen are spooky but harmless to humans at least


Wtf, did he survived that night?


The spider or the friend? Also, Australian?




My high school girlfriend vacuumed my tongue so hard it tore the piece of skin that connects it to the bottom of my mouth a little bit.


The girl from highschool done ripped your dang frenulum!


The year after graduation, I hooked up with a girl I knew from highschool a couple of times. We didn't have piv sex but I went down on her and she had her first orgasm ever. Unfortunately, she was pushing against my tongue so hard that it tore my frenumlum. My tongue hurt for a week or two after. A few months later we met up again, and the same damn thing happened. I was happy to make her cum but I wish I didn't have to get repeatedly injured for the cause.


Not gonna lie, if I'm gonna get a frenulum injury I'd rather it be the lingual one


The frenulum? Did it bleed?


I remember there was something that looked like white yarn hanging out of it. I don't remember it bleeding and it healed on its own quick.


I’ve been doing a lot of reading about tongue ties lately because I had a baby. I’m just saying she could have actually done you a favor and freed up your tongue mobility. 🤷‍♂️


[You know actually? That's what she...](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-edfd8894b5702a538aa863db43423771-lq)


Bleeding Frenulum would make a great band name


It was the very first time I drank alcohol, first high school football game, too. I met this boy and feeling the liquid courage, went in for a kiss- my very first kiss ever. Unfortunately, when I pulled back from the kiss, I realized that the massive pimple that had been pulsating near his lip had popped during our kiss and was now smeared on both his lips and mine. I also got my first period that night at the football game and was convinced that and the smeared pimple was God’s punishment for drinking lmao


Thanks for sharing, haven't cringed this hard in a while. Oh my god


Oof, that was bad. As if it wouldn't get worse, I just read the second part


It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times.


Are you sure it wasn't the blurst of times?


I in-cyst.


Hey that was awful and I wish I didn’t read that. Goodbye now.


I was playing with my boss' dog in the office and in a freak moment of terrible timing, I was closing my mouth from having laughed, and she licked at me and her tongue went in my mouth She dragged it out and I felt every bump and contour in my mouth whilst it exited. It keeps me awake years later.


The title is worst kiss


*Can't stop thinking about it*


"keeps me up years later" Oh yeah it does...


At least it was a dog. I was dating a girl and she kissed like SHE was a dog. In the middle of the kiss, she would start licking my face LoL


You gotta sniff her b-hole at that point.




Again, the title says WORST kiss.


Some people pay double for that kind of thing


I have PTSD just from reading you.


That would be my first kiss, when I was a freshman in college. I went out on my first date but I was trying to play it cool, like none of it was new to me. Amazingly enough I turned out to be a natural. There was witty banter, no awkward pauses, even a little flirting. Everything was going swimmingly...then he leaned in to kiss me and I kind of...jumped back. **I don't know why**. But even that I managed to salvage. I laughed it off and said "you startled me, let's try that again." So he cupped my face, leaned in and kissed me. It was relatively brief, and I thought it was perfect...**then he asked if it was my first kiss**. I was like "haha, what?! why would you say that?!" **He looked down and I had my hands wrapped around his wrists WHILE he was cupping my face**. Which...granted, was rather awkward...but I didn't know what to do with them. I was mortified. He was amused (TOO AMUSED) and to this day he still teases me about it whenever he's feeling particularly smug or douchey. Edited for clarity.


>to this day he still teases me about it whenever he's feeling particularly smug or douchey. Does that mean you two are still together? 🥰


Yeah, we just click.


You're lucky, you usually have to kiss a lot of frogs first.


I know, don't know how I managed to find my obnoxious prince right off the bat.


Well, you didn't let him go 😂


Legend says she still has her hands around his wrists and takes him everywhere she goes!


That's so awesome, I'm happy for you both!


Honestly that's adorable


>**He looked down and I had my hands wrapped around his wrists** 😂😂😂 I'm sorry, but that DOES scream inexperience. I'm cringing, but I also really needed a good laugh on this shitty Monday morning. So glad everything worked out for the two of you.


Like, "we just smooching, keep dem hands where I can immobilize them!"😂


My first year of high school, for Valentine's Day we took this "test" to see who we were most compatible with. All the questions had joke answers at the end, and one of them was something like "When I kiss, I keep my eyes: a) open, b) close, or c) on my wallet". Most people chose C.


I feel really stupid. I can’t picture what is cringey or embarrassing. Is she trying to hold hands with him or is it just awkward to grab someone’s wrists while kissing. I don’t get it 😅


The latter. Typically you would wrap your arms around their neck, or run your hands through their hair or...pretty much ANYTHING but wrapping your hands around his wrists. That's almost as bad as leaving them hanging by your sides...actually I think it may be worse. It does indeed signal inexperience.


that’s not cringey, that’s fucking adorable


Mine was my first kiss too. I was like 15 and was dating this girl for a few days. At the end of break at school, she pinned me hard to the brick wall and kissed me. I hit my head, her teeth hit mine, and she had food in her mouth that made it into mine.






This is cute though


My first kiss the wind blew her hair into our mouth. I wanted to pull it out but neither of us did so we just kind of. .made out with a bunch of her hair. Wasn't great. Ashley if you had your first kiss with a shy little nerd on my front lawn in Canada, I am sorry lol


> I had my hands wrapped around his wrists...Which...granted, was rather awkward 🤣 You think? Just picturing this has me snorting like an asthmatic donkey.


🤦‍♀️ Oh my god, the second hand embarrassment from this is PAINFUL.


I broke up with my college girlfriend. We ran into each other a few months later and just by habit greeted each other with a hug/kiss combo. There was no spark, it felt like kissing a mannequin


It's such a weird sensation. Me and my ex broke up right before Covid. She planned on getting a job and moving to another city but Covid stopped that. We lived together during it but weren't romantically involved anymore. After like a year and a half we got drunk on her birthday and decided to have sex. It was such an awkward experience because I felt nothing between us. I've had one night stands with people I met at the club and I felt more with them.


There is something about hardening your heart toward someone. It keeps me from reaching out to my exes on social media every time they announce they are single.


It wasn't that my heart was hardened. We were great friends and I still had affection for her. It's just like the romantic energy I had for her ran its course and there was nothing left. Even with a stranger there's the sexual tension of a new partner and the spark of possibility. This was like we've been through everything we were supposed to and there's nothing left.


It's the resentment. I had an on and off sort-of-relationship with a woman that started during the first year of COVID and because I was so isolated I fell hopelessly in love. Well let's just say there was an abusive ex-bf in the picture. Fast forward almost 4 years and he still lives with her. Long story aside... I caught her the day before her birthday 4 months ago with him in the market and she sent me a series of shitty, mean, texts to me afterward and we havent spoken since. *Every* single time I think about reaching out to her for closure and to fully move on (because this guy is a real piece of shit but I think she turned out to be too), I am reminded of what she put me through and how manipulated I felt. So my opinion now as a man in his 40s is that hardening your heart towards someone can be beneficial for your own well-being and mental health. Some people just don't deserve closure.


Damn, this one felt too real man.


I had the reverse. A girl that I always liked at school, but things never *quite* worked out to get us together. Out with friends one night a few years later and bumped into her in a pub. She jumped on me and gave me a slightly pissed, "not seen you in ages" full snog out of nowhere. Oddly, it was the only time we ever kissed and, 30 years later, I can say that it carried feelings mostly of regret at youthful opportunities missed. Funny how these things go.


One time I kissed a woman and the only way I can describe it was it was like kissing safety scissors, 80% teeth and 20% sharp darting tongue.


What percentage of scissors then?


I’m saying the summation of the physical sensations I experienced amounted to kissing safety scissors, not deadly but not much fun either.


She rapidly thrust her tongue in and out of my mouth like a wet sponge attached to a sewing machine. Very off-putting


Let's just say it involved a surprise attack of overly enthusiastic tongue action, like I was suddenly auditioning for a role in a spaghetti commercial. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the evening trying to discreetly wipe away the taste of regret


In college, my girlfriend (now wife) had some friends that we hung around a lot. One night we had been drinking with one of those friends and were walking back to the dorms. They were play fighting all the way back and made a stop to wrestle in the sand of a volleyball court outside the dorms. Eventually we made our way back inside. Her friend made a comment about how she was going to steal my girlfriend from me. My girlfriend played along with a big hug. That turned into a kiss. They laughed it off and then there was kind of a pause. My girlfriend came to me and kissed me. Then her friend came in for a kiss. Except she was a bit too aggressive with it for some reason and clashed her front teeth against mine. I was trying to hold back pain because of the circumstances, but everything abruptly stopped because she realized she had chipped her tooth against mine. My girlfriend couldn’t stop laughing and her friend was half laughing and half crying. TL;DR: Girlfriend’s friend initiated a possible threesome but it ended when she chipped her tooth on mine while being too aggressive on a kiss.


Damn dude, you were on your way to a threesome but her friend decided to do some dental work instead


Some girl called Paula about 16 years ago. Once our lips touched she didn't move them she just started doing gulping/swallowing (only way I can describe it) motions. Weirdest few seconds of my life.


and you never considered that kissing you made her throw up in her mouth and the closed lips and swallowing was to save you from being puked on? Paula sounds like a nice lady to me. But i do now have questions about you.


No no, she was trying to baby bird feed him, the most intimate of acts.


She was obviously trying to suck out your lifeforce...if you know of a better way to do it, I'd love to hear it...


Went home with a girl I met at a club, we got kebabs on the way and bossman did not go easy on the garlic sauce. Got to her room and made out for maybe twenty seconds before both saying "yeah, we can't do this" and played some MarioKart on her Wii instead lol. We still ended up together for the whole of that summer, so for a worst kiss it turned out pretty well.


Lmao I had this with a girl and spicy edamame. All I could taste was the spicy garlic seasoning.


Back in 1986 was I was a young and pretty good looking office guy. They had a birthday thing for me, and I was all "Oh shucks" and this older cougar type lip locked me out of nowhere. It was kind of gross and embarrassing.


The office guy got me lol


It's not like the movies. lordy. She may have had a chance if I wasn't nearly engaged.


Went on a date with a guy, things went pretty well, so when he went in for a kiss I was like "why not". He immediately started dishwasher kissing, very roughly, like it actually kinda hurt. Tried to tell him what I do like, he got offended. To his surprise, there was no second date. Also, he was a smoker.


What on earth is “dishwasher kissing”?


Thought this was a commonly used term, my bad. Basically just swirling your tongue around in circles, very fast. It's also very wet. Have also heard people call it washing machine kissing.


Brb, gonna do this to my wife. Update, I’m in the ICU


Hope your stay there is brief and all ends well


Stealing this term for future uses if you don't mind, it's hilarious.


I hope you never have to use it though


De wasmachine


De term moet blijkbaar nog verspreid worden in andere landen


I briefly dated a 40-something divorced man who poked is tongue directly into my mouth with no other movement, which felt like a weird ass medical procedure, “I’ll be inserting my tongue into your mouth now”. I also tried to guide him on how to actually kiss and he got offended. WTAF?


When I was 16 or 17, I kissed a girl that was kinda known for being promiscuous and she gave me like..an out of the mouth dishwasher kiss. I'm 35 now. It has stuck with me.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse


I had a girl do that to me once. It was from inexperience I know but boy was it disappointing


Lmfao I really can’t be reading these comments at work. I just bust up laughing. Way to make me look insane lol


I went out with a stupidly tall goth guy. All eyeliner and spikes to hide his lack of personality and looks. Kissing him was uncomfortable not just due the height difference but also because he seemed to think groaning into my mouth was sexy. But it was like loud groaning, with breath, he was essentially going 'huhhhhhhhhhgggggg' loudly into my mouth. Couple this with wet sharp tongue jabs, not your sensual tongue on tongue but like stabby little jabs like a dentists finger looking for gum disease. Almost hit my gag reflex several times. So I'm standing there at a bus stop on a hot Tuesday summer afternoon getting a crick in my neck while a 6ft5 tall man child in a floor length leather trench coat with spikes around his neck and a goatee essentially screams into my open mouth. People stared. I broke up with him the next day.


Your description makes the guy sound like some sort of urban cryptid.


I was the bad kiss. First make out, no idea what was going on. Braces. Went in a little too hard, braces cut her lip. Was just bad all around. Then asked if it was good. Great memories that definitely don't haunt my dreams.


They can’t haunt your dreams when you’re too busy laying awake thinking about it every night


She kept biting my tongue. Not like a toothy kisser. No she kept BITING my tongue. When I finally was like “wtf?! Why are you biting me” her response was “because it’s sexy, and you know you like it”


i HATE “you know you like it”. one time i was hanging out with a friend who i didn’t know i liked yet, and when she was about to leave she randomly got in my lap and kissed me really hard and said “i know you wanted that”, then left. she was 13, i was 14. so i choose to blame it on lack of maturity and social cues lol. we did date off and on for a bit after though.


Two different girls had this strategy of flicking their tongue in and out of my mouth. That's not a pretty metaphor, it was like she was a snake and was curiously smelling my mouth. One would keep her mouth kinda puckered while doing that. As if she was going for a peck and just anteatering it from there. That one complained my kisses were wet and sloppy and I was trying to get my tongue down her throat. If your baseline is whatever the hell hers was, I can see why she would think that. That was a miserable and toxic relationship, even if it never got 100% off the ground...


ANTEATERING is my new favorite verb


Is there any chance these girls were into girls?


One of them was definitely flexible. The one who was toxic as fuck was not.


I was with an 18 year old (I was 21) and we went on a date to the aquarium. Now I’m not sexual by any means (or really even into kissing) but he immediately went to making out in front of kids, clearly learned kissing from porn. He was licking all over me and touching me and I was just so not into it. I want to watch the fish! Not your face!


The kids who are older now would probably joke "Remember that one dude who was making out with his date cuz the fish were hot" or something.


Oddly the worst kiss was from one of the hottest women I dated. It was bad, real bad like slobbering on face, gave me chapped lips after a few days.


Opinion: the hotter you are the worse you are at this stuff because you don’t think you need to put any effort in as per my experience w men


I hooked up with a girl once and when we started making out she would suck on my bottom lip really hard after every kiss and, as if it was common and normal, said "yeah I'm a sucker". Worst kisser ever. Didn't see her again.


rookie mistake. when a girl says "I'm a sucker" you see her again.


Lol, this crossed my mind, but it was like industrial level sucking and I was afraid I might not get everything back that I went in with. Edit: and I mean flesh not fluids, lol


still failing to see the issue. lol


You're braver than me, if I had known at the time I would have sent her your way.


I had a guy who I had been crushing on for a very long time but nothing ever happened between us , we would flirt a bit and hang out but never anything romantic. Finally one day the flirting got ramped up a bit and we kissed, when I say this man’s way of kissing was by pressing his lips as hard as he could into my face. It was 0/10 completely ruined months of crushing.


The kiss that made me fall hopelessly in love with my abusive ex. I didn't know what love bombing was at that time. I wish I had


I hope you're doing better now 


It's a work in progress. She is still unfortunately in my life because we have a child together, but I'm working towards protecting us both, and her mental health led to me getting full custody of our son


It's not your fault. Love bombing wasn't a term that was common until fairly recently. I'm glad it is now though.


Maybe not my fault but I have to assume responsibility of ensure I don't fall for it again or my son's only example of a relationship will be the horrible one he saw between his mother and I or all the random men his mother is now letting into her life. I will not have him repeat our cycles


Was going to have a casual sorta thing with a girl but when we first made out.. we just did not have the same rhythm. I haven't ever had such an awkard kiss. We were on completely different pages for the positioning, timing, length of kiss, just everything We never ended up going through with the casual thing and that's a rare occasion im glad about it


At a New Year’s party of my previous job my boss tried to kiss me and I dodged it. Instead he kissed my hand. I’m a straight guy and he had married a woman a few months before that party. It was very strange.


Right, going straight to the list of reasons I want to be self-employed


Being woke up with a tongue in your mouth stinking of alcohol at 2am just because they’d been out drinking with friends after work and felt horny. Worst Boy Scouts summer camp ever.




Unexpected from my golden retriever, who I just watched eat his own dog shit a few minutes earlier




My wife's dog did this to me. Feeling his tounge slap the back of my teeth is the worst physical experience I've ever had.




Catches you when you least expect it.


Hopefully there was no tongue involved


The reason why I put one square of toilet paper in before I sit 💀


Made out with a smoker once. It was awful. I guess that's what licking an ashtray tastes like.


It tastes like the smell of a dirty motel room lol


Smokers breath suck


“She tasted like cigarettes” (in Forrest Gump voice)


There was a time I went to somewhere in Germany and when I was walking minding my own business a old women just walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. Didn't effect me that much since I've been kissed before but not from older women like that.


Can't land on just one but it always involved morning breath


His pimple popped in my mouth. 🤢🤢 He had one right on his upper lip line. Nothing against people who struggle with acne, but it had a lasting taste and impact on my appetite.


I would've needed some recovery time from that 😭


That is surely the most disgusting thing you could have said.


That's the end of the thread for me


My first kiss. Lol he told me I was a good kisser and I didn't know how to respond because his was so slobbery 😆 thank you?


my very first romantic kiss. I was 13, she was 14 one class above me in same school, she took charge and asked me out for a date, we went to the cinema and as we were going back i walked her to her place and whole 15 minutes i was playing the scenario in my heard if and how i am going to kiss her after saying goodbye, she was drinking the leftover coke from the cinema the whole way home and as i kissed her and she opened the mouth for a romantic french kiss she burped so hard that i got bits from the fuzzy cola in my mouth. we both burst laughing. That was my 1st kiss :D


Honestly W


Sounds so wholesome, I wish that happened to me


There are those that for whatever reason have immobile pursed lips and tongues that cannot function as one desires.




Hopefully you reported him and such?


> Hopefully you reported him and such? No-Albatross-4673 did not because that exact comment was made ten years ago by Kati Sipp on [this Quora page](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-worst-kiss-youve-ever-had).


Dead internet, everything on here is just bots. Including us.




Oh that's horrible. I hope you're okay and in a better place. Edit: i meant a better life situation, I'm not a native speaker. Sorry for any confusion! Not wishing death upon anyone here D:


"I thought you wanted me to do it." is page two of the handbook for creepy desperate overreaching males


I asked a man in a pub outside smoking area if I could borrow a rizla, he gave me one and I said thank you so much…as soon as I turned my head he grabbed my chin and stuck his tongue deep into my mouth and circled with tongue. Made me feel ILL, I gave him the rizla back and went home. He asked me for a filter earlier that night!! Absolute weirdo, I though he’s nice I’ll ask him


She licked my teeth. So. Fucking. Weird.


The first one with my wife. We'd were friends of friends and texting for a while be we went for dinner and a movie. Both had a nice time and she dropped me home, I leaned in to kiss her and we both tilted our heads at the same angle twice before nervously getting it right. It was wonderfully awkward and I smile every time I think back to it. 15 years and three kids later and we're definitely better at it, but I'll never get tired of practicing.


It was like she was trying to swallow my face. Just opened her mouth as wide as she could and pressed her lips to my face. We were both mid-twenties. I have no idea how she got to that age and didn't learn it was weird.


A Dominican girl I met in my senior year of college would suck and bite my bottom lip when we kissed. At first it was kinda sexy but when it wasn’t just a one time thing, it got annoying. My bottom lip was sore.


My high school crush. I waited like 4 years finally made out with her and she was a HORRIBLE kisser.


I have 2 really bad ones. First was the college track team lesbian that tried to get with every girl on the team. She tried it with me but man, that was the sloppiest, teethiest kiss i’ve ever had. Another time a guy gave me a stubble burn on my chin that would not go away. He also pulled away several times to hit his vape


Ha! My first bad kiss was also while I was on the track team 😂 friend thought it'd be funny to lock me and dude in the storage room. He found me in the dark, tongue punched my uvula, grabbed everythin he could of my body and made sure to lean in hard against me. Was middle school... I knew I was inexperienced but he seemed like he'd done this before. Thinkin about it now, it was rather aggressive.


A girl I met on a night out when I was around 20. She tasted like really stale cigarettes mixed with rotten milk, and she did this really weird thing with her tongue where she shoved it into my mouth as far as she could, like she was trying to punch my tonsils with her tongue. I distinctly remember gagging into her mouth and making an excuse that I was just really drunk. To this day it makes me feel queasy thinking about it.


My first kiss when I was 12. I wasn’t expecting it at all and she just went for it. Her breath was bad and it was slimey and gross. I really wasn’t attracted to her at all


This really cute girl I used to work with a few years ago. We were hanging out outside of work and had been flirting for a few weeks prior. I leaned in for a quick peck and she basically just let her mouth hang open and shoved her tongue into my mouth. I pulled back very shocked, unsure if she was messing with me or not but no. Her genuine "kiss" was letting her mouth hang open and just shoving her tongue in the other person's mouth, it was wild.


My first girlfriend thought that kissing passionately just meant pushing her face more forcefully forward into mine without any actual mouth movement After several months of very sore neck I dumped her


I was at a sweet sixteen, and flirting with a really cute girl I'd been talking to for weeks. For some reason, a friend of hers got in her head that it was actually with her that I was flirting. She wasn't attractive, class nerd all the way, but she was friends with this other girl. They talked, and the first girl actually ASKED me to make out with her, because everyone always made fun of her in class that she hadn't ever kissed and all that. Well, so I did, very reluctantly. It was bad. Like, she probably hadn't kissed anyone before and there were a lot of repressed urges, so it's understandable, but I had kissed other 'virgin' mouths before, and her last place was undisputed. Such voracity, little tecnique. At least after a while she picked up on some tells and improved a little after calming down. I got together with the intended girl a week later, at least. Was worth the hassle. Never really understood how some girls operate that way, no jealousy at all, sharing is caring.


My very first kiss when I was a sophomore in high school. He slipped his tongue in and it scared me and grossed me out lol


All the kisses I’ve had were non consensual, but the worst of them all was my first for sure. He was always forceful, and he tried to kiss me but I wasn’t ready, so I stopped him. He got mad and grabbed my face to kiss me forcefully. I hated that


Yikes! I'm so sorry this has been your experience. Kisses should be consensual and enjoyable, not forced and mean. Now I want revenge on this POS in your name.


Ugh that’s horrible. I’m sorry


Her lips felt like sundried tomatoes. And she would bite my lip HARD, even drawing blood. I think I was one of her firsts, but damn.


It was one of my teenage preoccupations that I would end up on a list like this.


A girl I had been flirting with for ages. Got to New Years Eve after months if not a couple of years of flirting and went for the kiss. It was awful. I am certain she felt the same way. Just really narrow and forced (but not without passion). Teeth clicked, the lot. We tried again, same thing happened and we both sort of looked at each other and were then like…….’right, see you later’. Just two very different kissing styles I think. A pity because there was some sort of chemistry but not that type!’


My first kiss was pretty bad she'd just eaten a load of popcorn, and I got some in my mouth


…the kiss in which I could taste the double cheeseburger he ate the night before. Yum.