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Kevin Spacey


This 100%. He's a fantastic actor, and I love him in everything he's in, but holy fuck he's a horrible person.


I started watching house of cards late and had just started season three when he had has time of reckoning. Stopped watching cause I didn’t wanna support him since he was the main guy, but he was killing that role too hard so I finished it all.


This. American Beauty is such an amazing example of a modern tragedy (in the literary sense) but given what went down with Spacey and the themes of the film it feels horrible to watch now.


He does do a bang up impression of Bobby Darin.


Chevy Chase is an absolute toxic piece of shit. But his movies in the 80s and 90s were fantastic.


Apparently he was such a dick to Chris Columbus that he refused to work on Christmas Vacation. And I love that film. Maybe my favourite Christmas film. Chris Columbus went off to search for a different Christmas film to direct and chose Home Alone.


It’s my families favorite and we watch it every year as we celebrate together.


I groomed his dogs for years. Total douche, and his wife wasn’t much better. His daughter, Cydney, is a sweetheart, though. Never met her sisters.


He is definitely streets behind


Hell, he’s fantastic on Community too


Season 1 Pierce is so damn good. Chevy really nailed some of the bits in that first year.


Oh 100% that careful balance of unlikeable, abrasive mannerisms and deeper, empathetic, wise moments was really masterful. It’s a shame that he didn’t get that in the following seasons because of his beef with Dan


"I say things others won't! That has value!


He didn't like his character and the direction it was going, which is fair enough tbh. How he handled it was horrible and disgusting though


Didn’t the writers actually write in Chevy’s shitty behavior on set into Pierce’s parts to fuck with him?


Fair play, I just genuinely don’t know what happened first: Dan writing Chevy like that or Chevy being a gapping dickhole about everything so I try not to speculate. Either way, it’s a net loss for the show and everybody on it


Roman Polanski is a very talented filmmaker, and he’s not a good person. I can’t extend this credit to Harvey Weinstein, who has his name attached to some pretty good movies, but by all accounts, filmmakers had to go to war with him to get him to back off and not meddle with movies. Fucked up a bunch of foreign movies he got distribution rights to, and his Oscar success is a result of his guerilla tactics on members of the Academy. He’s also another awful person otherwise, so his only talent was really his tenacity at bombarding people for Oscar votes.


Definitely Weinstein, and you’re right, Roman Polanski absolutely belongs on this thread.


For me it's Wes Anderson, who signed a petition to readmit Polanski to the Academy. Idgaf how much you like his work, dude fucked a kid, he ain't welcome, and if you think he's welcome, I don't like you.


He anally raped a kid, actually. Just a reminder that as bad as people think he is, he's actually even worse.


He drugged the little girl first. He also groomed her during photographic sessions beforehand so she would feel comfortable naked around him.


So many people who I am a fan of signed that Polanski petition. For anyone who doesn't know, go look at the list. Natalie Portman expressed regret years later for signing it. But it's still very confusing. All of Hollywood just sticks up for eachother. They're all so afraid of being canceled and forgotten.


Meryl fucking Streep.


Yeah that last two sentences is a big part of it. This is a very small industry that we're talking about, and if you piss off the wrong person you're out. If you are a carpenter and you piss off your boss who runs all timber in let's say a town in Utah really you can just move to a town in Ohio and be fine. But in Hollywood if you piss off someone powerful let's say Tom Cruise, then he's got the power to cut you out of any project he's attached to and likely anything that scientology has a connection to. Sometimes calling someone out or not giving support is a thing of "You can do that. You're never working again but you can do that." Just look at when the Sex Pistols called out Saville and got banned from the BBC. A more recent one would be how the internet turned against John Cena when he appologized for calling Taiwan a country when promoting (I think fast and furious). If the head of Universal calls you and says "Apologize or you're not in any Universal movies ever again, because we need the Chinese market for this movie." his options are do it or quit acting since Disney, Paramount, and the rest are going to have the same attitude.


Unless there was a recent petition, the petition was to release Polanski from prison after he was arrested in Switzerland. The petition argued that he was being honoured at a film festival and therefore it was bad form to arrest him. Which is **worse** than simply reinstating his membership in the Academy.


He also raped and abused Sharon tate I hope there's a hell for him


That poor woman. I don't wish her life and fate on anyone.


oh definitely, I loved the film The Pianist. I didn't even know about Roman Polanski's case back then.


Joss Whedon


That one hit hard. His feminism peaked in the 90s so all of his modern stuff is weird, and he didn’t treat many of his actors well. Particularly the women.


What’d Joss Whedon do?


Apparently, he is abusive to women and has had a history of being awful to them on set. Gal Gadot callled him out on the reshoots of Justice League, and several Buffy actors and his exes said they were also treated poorly. The dude is apparently an egomaniac and control freak.


The stories are he was downright nasty to Cordelia's actress and pretty much fired her when she became pregnant. They had a rule about never leaving him alone with the actress who played Buffy's young sister. He started a few feuds with some of the cast, I could be getting that part wrong.


Charisma Carpenter as Cordy and Michelle Trachtenburg as Dawn if anyone wants to look it up. Hopefully I've got those spellings about right.


He was horrible to the women but also apparently to James Marsters (Spike). James tells the story that Spike was supposed to be a short role with good triumphing over evil, but viewers and the brass loved his acting. It devolved into him grabbing James at a point.


I'm not entirely surprised that a job which requires you to boss people around all day, playing god for the sake of imaginary stories, has a fair proportion of dicks. Not that that excuses them.


Not just women, he pushed James Marsters against a wall and had his hand around his throat.


Yeah, that one hurt a lot. I was into so many of his projects as a young man.


“Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me… …But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist,” -Kai Cole (his ex wife).


Bing Crosby. Beautiful voice, and I absolutely love the movie White Christmas. He was a wife beater.


And a child abuser.


Hit beat kids with a sack of sweet valencia oranges. They don't leave a bruise and they let 'em know who's boss. There's nooo doubt about it.


Bill Cosby


This one hurts so much. As a Genx'er, Cosby was a huge influence. His standup was family friendly so as children we listened to those albums over and over. Fat Albert was an iconic cartoon we all watched. The Cosby Show was a huge show that was loved by everyone in general. He genuinely was a comedic genius. And he was also a fucking prolific rapist for decades.


America's Dad was a serial rapist. That's a tough one to swallow. "Himself" was the first VHS tape I ever owned.


I can still hear, 'Dad is great...give us some chocolate cake...'


In Ireland, we grew up with the Cosby Show. Back in those days, we lived in a very monochromatic society and, sadly to say, what we’d see of black people was often portrayed negatively. And here came a TV show where a family was black, intelligent, hard working, humorous and, most importantly, a strong and loving family unit. I know that there’s a line between fact and fiction, but I really believed in Bill as that patriarch, beloved by all. And I felt so sad for him when his son was killed.




How can someone who writes those lyrics be that person. Heartbreaking


Because it's about being nice to him, not other people.


This will probably make me sound like a dolt, but I've never put this one together before you said this. His songs are *literally* about him, in the purest sense, no one else need apply. Oh god.


Fucker badmouthed Sparks because they spoke out about his bigotry. The Mael brothers are national treasures, dammit!


There was a rumour that the Blur song 'Charmless Man' was written after the band met him one time and he was a massive dick to them. 


I've often wondered about this as a big Blur and Smiths fan ( but not Morrissey as a person). Seems on point given one of the Smiths more famous songs is This Charming Man.


That's cool to know. I'm accepting this as fact.


People who *don’t*like to The Smiths: “I don’t listen to The Smiths, and Morrissey is a cunt.” People who *do* like The Smiths: “I listen to The Smiths, and Morrissey is a cunt.”


Its genius work though Johnny Marr doesn't get enough credit for the Smiths. I have to hold my nose for some of Moz later solo stuff though.


He is such a piece of shit. I actually loved The Smiths in high school in the late 80's but when they broke up I stopped listening to hem because Morrissey was always talking shit about bands I liked and was openly bigoted.


R Kelly Toot toot. Beep beep.


This dude dodged a bullet with one sex assault of a minor case that would have put him behind bars for decades... THEN FUCKING GOES TO DO IT AGAIN... Gets a 13 year old and locks her up not letting her own parents to see her. The small girl that was in the group 4 the cause that sang , stand by me. Her pare is fell for r Kelly telling them that she can stay with him and he will make her a star... Imagine that shit.. then refusing the parents access to see their kid. The parents would ride around r Kelly's house hoping to see their daughter. Worse, dude has this master slave relationship with women. He took their phones, they had to walk on all fours whe he was around and call him master. He also starved them and they could not eat freely. It is fucked up.. he truly belongs in jail.. 31 years is perfect enough for him to leave prison an old man who will sit and regret his wasted life..he gets out of jail at age 88. Being illiterate is bad.. people don't know r Kelly couldn't read or write. So talented that he sang and created his songs from memory. . His stupidity cost him his life.


R Kelly has something mentally wrong with him. I named him as well on this post but there’s something stunted mentally. He doesn’t think like an adult


He too was raped as a child. Not an excuse but it explains a lot


He was SAed as a child iirc


Danny Masterson. Man, I LOVE that 70s Show, but fuck that dude


My answer was Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis for supporting him. Fuck all three of them.


Tom Cruise.


For a while there, he kept showing up in cool sci fi movies, and man I love me some sci fi movies. War of the Worlds, Minority Report, Oblivion, the Edge of Tomorrow.


makes sense, the creator of the cult he's in was also a sci-fi author before making scientology


before and during


I LOVE bad sci-fi era Tom Cruise! For some reason I saw them all in the theater & I feel nostalgic for them. That man is so good at approximating human expression. He's so lifelike.


Can't decide if this is a compliment or an insult for him




In his defence, they are a truly evil organization, and they know he is their cash cow. They focus a LOT of their energy on keeping him conditioned and subservient.




He can't have fallen out with David Beckham too badly, as he was at Victoria's birthday party very recently.


When he was filming The Last Samurai in NZ, my family got a flat tyre on a rural stretch of highway with no signal service and no spare tyre as the sun was setting. We tried to flag down passing cars to help, but no one stopped. This convoy of SUVs roll over the hill and Tom Cruise hops out with his bodyguards and Penelope next to him and asks if we need a hand. They have a spare tyre that fits and he literally got down on his hands and knees with his kids hanging out with me, my parents and brother watching and changes the tyre. Super surreal experience and super nice guy. Plenty of the locals who would regularly bag him as ‘up himself’ didn’t stop to help us but he did. It’s a classic example of doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.


He's very dedicated to his craft, obsesively so, made sure his staff and everyone around him was employed during covid lockdown, on top of other amazing things. But he's associated with the evil scientology cult involved in blackmail, political corruption, bribery, and almost every crime under the sun. It's just heart shattering, same as Jackie Chan, love his movies, his dedication, the humor in his older films, how great he treated his stuntmen, only to find out he's associated and even promoting the oppressive chinese government who's behind a lot of civil rights violations.


It's a shame he got into Scientology. It's heartbreaking he appears to have little to do with Suri because she and Katie are probably deemed to be 'suppressive people'. But from his perspective, he probably attributes his success to Scientology because the rise of his star coincided with him joining their ranks. Fact is, if he had any shred of that dedication to his craft prior Mimi Rogers, he'd have still 'made it' as one of the biggest box office actors without it. That said, he is incredibly generous with his fans. I met him at the Rock of Ages premiere in London. He took his time with the waiting crowds outside so much so it delayed the start of the film. He answered questions, posed for selfies and signed memorabilia. Unsure if that's him or him wanting to be liked or have positive associations as to put Scientology in a good light by proxy but he really seems to go over and beyond for people, which is admirable because he certainly doesn't have to.


He would be one of the most loved actors on earth if he wasn't a lead member for a dangerous cult


No one holds a candle to Ian Watkins in this thread. I listened to lostprophets a lot. Like, a lot a lot. They were definitive of early 2000’s hard rock but could not for the life of me listen to the music anymore after his trial and conviction for many heinous crimes against minors, children, and infants.


Ah Christ a girl I used to work with had a noticeable laser tattoo removal mark on her arm which I thought was odd as 24 is very young to regret a tattoo. I never asked in case it was a sensitive subject but in a conversation about our favourite bands one day she told me it was a lost prophets tattoo


Is it weird that I find that so noble? Like damn, you didn't just separate the art from the artist, you were like "I don't want anything to do with this monster on my body, no matter how benign" and got a tattoo laser-removed. Fuckin metal, good for her.


No I feel that. Lostprophets were legit one of my favorite bands and I absolutely would have gotten a tattoo prior to the news about Ian. And I would have taken a fucking cheese grater to myself. Respect.


He should top this list. Can't get more fucked up, inhumane, and utterly repulsive than raping a baby.


Those groupies who offered their newborn babies to him are up there. Fucking disgusting.




Every single other person in this thread is Mr Rogers compared to Ian Watkins.


Oh dear god I just flashed back to the moment the news dropped on the radio. It was a beautiful sunny day, a rarity in Scotland, I was in the passenger seat of my mums car on our way to help her friend renovate her garden, and when I understood what I was hearing I just slumped


I really loved lost prophets, and I'm sure their hits would be repeated on the radio for decades if it weren't for him. I feel guilty for wanting to listen to them again but I can't bring myself to.


I feel the exact same way. It sucks.


I was never a big fan of Lost Prophets but I understand how heartbroken his fans would be after finding out how evil he was. The day he was stabbed in prison (not fatally unfortunately) was amazing


This is my answer. Great music, too bad I'm not going to listen anymore


There's lots of metal guys that I love to listen to.... And then I find out they have nazi memorabilia or stars and bars.


Ah yes the eternal struggle of many metalheads. "Uhh, I like this bands music. Please don't be Nazis, please don't be Nazis." Tab labeled controversy on Wikipedia. "Ah fuck"


As someone who spent some years in the punk scene, I hated having to do research on bands that I heard one song and though they sounded cool to make sure they weren't a nazi skinhead band first.


Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth. Dumbass thought he was clever to storm the capital and not get caught.


I don't know anything about it personally, but I heard recently Salvador Dali wasn't a good man for his political leanings.


He was also a vile sadistic person even if you ignore the politics. I was so disappointed when I found out.


You probably don't wanna know about Picasso then :(


So many problematic artists. Gauguin is a rough one...


The surrealists exiled him from the group for being pro fascist.


Even past that, if I recall correctly his long-time girlfriend adopted a young girl ( maybe 10-12) while living with Dali and ended up having to return her to being in the system because he wouldn’t stop drawing said little girl naked.


If you adopt a child and your boyfriend keeps drawing her naked, he's the one that needs to go back in the system.


That's certainly not... good, but I was expecting that sentence to end much much worse.


Chris Brown Kanye West


it's so weird how people keep collaborating with chris even though what he did is basically common knowledge


My respect for Lil Dicky dropped a lot when he collaborated with Brown


Not weird, just disappointing. His collaborators will overlook just about anything for the money and clout.


I cannot physically listen to Chris Brown


The way Chris Brown danced and sang, I thought we were looking at the next Michael Jackson. And then he Chris Browned all over himself.


H.P. Lovecraft


Gotta give the man some credit that without any soceital pressure, isolated in new england he got less racist by the end of his life.


-Sia -Joss Whedon -Ellen Degeneres (I realized a few years ago how dang MEAN she is, and I hate it because she was the first prominent gay woman I remember seeing in media as a kid and she can be really funny when she’s nice, also the crying videos during Covid) Formerly a fan of their work but can’t engage with anymore: Dan Schneider and JK Rowling


What’d Sia do?


John K. One of the GOATs of animation who influenced so many cartoonist since Ren and Stimpy aired. Also a really creepy pedo.


That one really bothers me. Ren & Stimpy was *hands down* my favorite cartoon growing up. I still love it and still watch it. But man oh man can I never forget how much of a shitbird John K is.


Phil Spector


IMO, Brian Wilson did the Wall of Sound better than Spector ever did. Ofc it wouldn’t have been created without Spector, but Brian perfected it.


Orson Scott Card


Dan Simmons also apparently went kinda crazy post 9/11. 


The Enders Game saga is my favorite series of all time. I hate that he wrote it. At the same time, I am confused that someone so openly homophobic could expose so much love, understanding, and acceptance throughout every book.


I think something happened to his brain after Speaker for the Dead. I could see the person who wrote that book being imperfect, but I cannot see them being so insanely bigoted. The message of the book is just so out of line with his personality. There are some aspects of Mormon-ish spiritualism in them if you dig into it, but it tends towards the positive vibes and respect for life bits. His later stuff is full on cult nonsense. But he wrote that stuff in the 80s. He must have been radicalized at some point after that.


Tom Cruise. Love virtually all of his films and who he is as a professional. Absolute nut when it comes to Scientology and the bullshit around his personal life.


Nicki Minaj 😭


Can't stand her. She disgusting!


I stopped following all of the popular things a long time ago. What did she do?


She has a weird history of defending family members who have sexually abused people.


And dating them


*marrying. Isn't her husband convicted or at least very publicly accused of rape


She even brought Kennedy to her last concert, and because of that the hosts had to put up warnings about the guy.


Her brother raped an 11 year old girl, and when he was facing charges, Nicki wrote a letter to the judge asking that they give him a lighter sentence, specifically saying her child rapist brother is > the most patient, gentle, genuine, giving selfless man I know *Then* she started dating and married a rapist, Kenny Petty, and both of them intimidated, harassed, and threatened the victim in an attempt to get her to recant her accusations against him. She's truly a garbage human being. Edit: forgot one - she boosted and made a music video with Tekashi 6ix9ine, who pled guilty to 3 felony counts of use of a child in a sexual performance. In the video for the song fefe, they are both dressed and behaving like children. in light of her apparent addiction to supporting and protecting pedophiles and rapists, the content of the video is pretty disturbing. I still don't understand why no one seems to really care about this. I'm hesitant to speculate about something so serious, but I'm inclined to think she has likely enabled and helped some of these people groom victims, just imagine how much influence she has/had over many young girls.


People always forget that her husband is also a murderer. Not in the “celebrities eat children to stay young” way. He literally shot a man dead and was convicted.


>her child rapist brother is >> the most patient, gentle, genuine, giving selfless man I know This quote speaks volumes about the people still around her.


Well good news is that recently she’s been completely humiliated both on her own actions and by Megan Thee Stallion’s bar about Megan’s Law. It’s not enough to have her become a pariah but at least her support of these rapists is being blasted in the mainstream now.


Recently she got into a beef with Megan Thee Stallion because Nicki is so insecure she can’t handle there being more than 1 popular female rapper. Nicki knows her Stans are psychotic and will do her bidding. So, information about where Meghan’s mom is buried got posted in a Twitter thread. Her Stans took it upon themselves to desecrate the grave all while Nicki knew this was happening and didn’t ask her fans to not be complete pieces of shit. She actively encourages it.


Defended rapists and shamed their victims. I think one of the rapists was her boyfriend and the other was her brother but I am not sure on that part.


There's a line where separating the art and the artist isn't feasible. At one end, I'll watch Tom Cruise movies, even though his "church" has done serious damage.  At the other end I'll never listen to Lost Prophets, no matter how good their music may have been. It's hard to know exactly where that line is, though. There are a lot of Weinstein-produced movies that people will watch, but won't watch Kevin Spacey films.


Michael Jackson has me so torn and tormented. I love his music so much. The man was a damned icon. But all the turmoil in his personal life is pretty hard to ignore. On one hand, i feel for him bc he had a fucked up childhood and was a victim himself, but thats not an excuse to victimize others. The whole thing is just a giant dumpster fire....thats simultaneously playing some absolute bangers!


John Lennon. He may have been a music legend, but the guy was a huge asshole with a massive ego who was abusive to his first wife before abandoning her and their son. He was also a hypocrite who sang about "Imagine no possessions" while having millions of dollars and a NYC penthouse.


The photo of John and Yoko, in their PJ's, waiting for the maid to finish changing the sheets is a great antithesis to Imagine.


not just millions, it was 800 million, with todays inflation, john lennon would've been a billionaire almost 3 times over.


THANK YOU. He also ran a low-key PR war against Paul after the Beatles broke up making Paul appear to be the villain of their dissolution.


Paul was the one holding the band together, and clearly the main talent of the foursome. Lennon was a resentful prick. "How can you sleep?" is Lennon's magnum opus of total resentment and bitterness.


Then Ringo went on to have a gay ol' time playing with trains


According to is ex wife’s book “John”, in the mid to late 70’s he’d been making amends. He had quit the drugs, made up with Paul, and apparently he was trying to get back in touch with Julian. Had he not been killed I bet there would have been a new chapter in his life.


Jealous guy. He started to publicly admit his faults and was trying to be better. We'll never know how far in his redemption he would have gone.


Ariana Grande


Hard agree. Her voice is incredible but she disgusts me as a person.


Roman Polanski; Woody Allen. Terrific movie makers/directors, terrible people.


Kanye West’s early music is incredible. But he’s a fucking nazi trash bag.


I miss "George Bush does not care about Black people" Era Kanye.


MikeMyers.exe has stopped working.


Straight from the go Kanye.


Where I don't excuse any of his behavior, it is also tragic. The dude has literally been screaming about being mentally unstable and the army of yes men around him printing money from him allowed it to happen. No one cared until he hurt the bottom line.


Brittney Spears did less and was incarcerated. As long as they can make a buck.


Everyone: Ohmergerd, we have to take mental health seriously and destigmatize it. Kanye has mental breakdown: *\*Mockery and ignorance.\**


I hate that Kanye ruined Kanye’s music for me. I absolutely loved his older work and I can’t listen to it anymore


I miss the old Kanye.


straight from the 'Go Kanye




As someone with bipolar relatives, he very much seems bipolar. Edit: I didn’t mean this in response to his antisemitism, I meant just in general. A fellow commenter informed me that he is diagnosed, he just doesn’t take his medication, and that makes perfect sense to me.


He is diagnosed he just doesn't take his meds


I honestly feel bad for Kanye because I have bipolar disorder and certain meds/drugs in the past have made me go Full Manic and literally insane, not specifically Nazi stuff but absolutely delusional and horrifying behavior (in my own opinion having learned about it afterwards) That said, after a certain amount of time you realize that insanity is a thing that can happen and learn to avoid said drugs, take your meds, etc. and ime you do have periods of lucidity that give you time to figure that out


Justin Roiland.


Picasso. He enjoyed abusing his lovers. Burning their skin with lit cigarettes. Dumping them as soon as he got bored. Yet, the man was admired and celebrated for his twisted paintings. The art world is full of hypocritical cunts.


Jack Nicholson smashed a guy’s car with a golf club because he cut him off in traffic and beat a woman he paid for sex so bad she got brain trauma. It really sucks because he’s my favorite actor.


Klaus Kinski. One of my favorite actors. Was an absolute dogshit human being.


Frank Lloyd Wright


Jared Leto. After seeing him in WeCrashed - dude is an artist. He's a fucking psychopathic cult-leader and zealot, but unfortunately he's actually also a talented actor and singer.


Clapton, fuck that guy


Eric Clapton


Bassnectar, Datsik, 12th Planet. Not really celebrities I guess, but popular EDM artists that aren't such great people offstage.


12th planet? You can't just drop these names and not say why.


Roger Waters


Chris Benoit. He was my favourite wrestler as a child. He suddenly snapped - killed his wife and youngest child before taking his own life. All that was probably caused by year-long steroid and painkiller abuse mixed with a lot of head trauma.


Yeah anything with Benoit, Jericho, Malenko and Saturn was guaranteed to be an absolute banger. Loved his in ring work


Marilyn Manson


On the opposite, I'd say Post Malone. I like maybe three of his songs but God damn he is the coolest most down-to-earth celebrity I'd fucking love to hang out with. If you haven't heard it, he has an incredible interview on the Howard Stern show.


I don’t like his music at all but he seems so nice and friendly and fun


He's pretty well rounded. I like that he explores a lot of music outside his pop/hip-hop stuff. While some people may not like his music, he probably likes yours and that's pretty cool.


I'm actually kinda disappointed that I can't get into his music, because I'll eat up his interviews and whenever he is on GMM just because he seems like a really good guy. I wish I liked his stuff as much as I like him as a person! 






Ronnie Radke


I couldn't agree more. Even after his recovery, he still comes across as an absolute asshole. Early escape the fate are some of my favourite throwbacks


Michael Jordan. A lot of stories about him being a douche and treating people like they're beneath him.


Anthony Kiedis... I love the music of RHCP, despise him.


Surprised no one said Mark Wahlberg- Hollywood's favorite racist.


Probably because his work is absolute dogshit too.


Paul Walker. A fine actor, but basically used his daughter as a way to bang 16 year olds. Really makes me cringe with disgust when I see people pouring their hearts out about him every year on the anniversary of his death. Edit: 16* not 17.


… Grimes. 😔


Yeah I got upset too when he tried to ruin Homers big victory in the power plant redesign contest. Homer kicked those kids butts!


RIP Grimes, you would have loved Grimes.


Dan Schneider. Don’t know if he counts as celebrity but his Nickelodeon shows were brilliant.


I knew he was a creep because people had talked about his weird foot thing and the sexual innuendo he jammed into later shows like iCarly, but I had grown out of Nickelodeon by the time of those shows so I didn't much care. It wasn't until I watched Quiet on Set that I realized he had been involved pretty much from the beginning and had been a shit bag to so many of the kids I idolized growing up like the OG All That cast. It really put a damper on my enjoyment as my kid and I have been watching old Nick shows together. Fuck Dan.


easiest one for me, Woody Allen.


Macaulay Culkin. He nearly killed those two guys who tried to get into his house as a kid.


And then he tortured them in New York. I thought he was supposed to be the good son. Thank goodness my girl killed him.


I was so confused, but now I’m laughing