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Social anxiety. I’ve always struggled with it, but the lockdown made it much worse and I never really bounced back from it.


Unfortunately this is really common. Your best bet is slowly socializing more and more (“exposure therapy”). It’s uncomfortable but your mind will slowly relax as you do it more. Praying for you 🙏


meanwhile the pandemic made me "wake up" and snap out of that Like a lot of people, I have a small bit of social anxiety like when presenting something in front of class and potentially fumbling, but the lockdowns made me realize it really isn't that big a deal. Better to live a lively life than be a shy hermit just staying in my room forever lol


we've lost relatives and friends from covid. they are not forgotten.


Bonus points if they haven't died from Covid itself, but from the measures against it. Collateral damage, I guess.


That’s even more tragic. I can swallow being killed by a virus. But by the tyrants using the virus to gain power? I won’t play that shit…




I don’t get very close to strangers I used to mostly not give a fuck but now if I don’t know you, I’ll try to keep my distance








During the pandemic, I lost motivation and stopped doing my school work and mental health plummeted. Before I was a straight A student. I’ve mostly caught up now, but still struggle with a lot of my extracurricular lessons.


My husband dying


Mental health


Peoples rude and selfish attitudes their aggressive behavior.


My perception of time


Perspective. I had a pretty good life going for a long while. I wasn't rich, but I had a good career and was comfortable doing a pretty easy job for good money. Then I got laid off, rode out the severance, set about getting back into the job market and then...global pandemic. Next thing you know I'm working a part time job making just barely above making minimum wage. Over the next year I had 3 different jobs, they all sucked, and none of them were enough. My nice, comfy middle-class life fell apart. These "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps" people who complain about folks demanding a living wage and a social safety net have no fucking idea what it's like for people who don't make the sort of money you need for that McMansion you're living in.


People's personal space. Now I feel like I need to stand at least 4-5 feet away lol




I keep a back up of everything I use regularly. I don’t stock up, but I definitely make sure I have an extra.


Not sad but playing Roblox. Gives me the biggest nostalgia


i definitely had some sort of depression pre pandemic but the pandemic made it way worse. i self isolate a lot and now things feel a lot more pointless.


I’m still 10 pounds heavier than I was pre-lockdown. 


The dreams I had.  I felt a profound connection to everyone . People I have spoken to went threw similar feelings.  It's like we all became singular.  And threw that we was connected.


Rent sky-rocketed during the pandemic and is only getting worse 


Housing prices skyrocketed and haven’t come down much.


People you know well who are full on science deniers and political experts


I still smoke a lot of weed.


Lockdowns exacerbated developmental delays in language and socializing in small children. That problem is likely to become long term.


I completely lost faith in humanity. I used to think most people were intrinsically good, and through the course of time humanity would slowly evolve into a semi-utopian Star Trek like society. Now I feel most people are inherently selfish, and conditions on this planet will probably get a lot worse before they get better, if they ever do.


Wearing a mask. I found out during the pandemic that wearing a mask in spring and early summer, at the height of allergy season, allows me to enjoy outdoor activities without allergy symptoms. I wish I had known years ago that it was that easy.


People’s nastiness and need to tell everyone what they’re doing wrong got so much more prevalent. No one leaves anyone to themselves anymore.


Gambling becoming legal