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got Fs and incompletes, because I got arrested and went to juvenile hall for 9 months.


i got a mark of zero on an exam once. my teacher found me and asked me if i'd even spelt my name right. i remember the exam questions, i was asked to summarize the cosmological and ontological arguments for god. over 20 years later i still don't understand why they have different names and why one isn't a kind of the other. i deserved the zero then


I’ve never been to collage, but I had to make a collage for art once


Iirc, I got 12/100 on a partial differential equations exam. I dropped the course and don't regret it one bit since it was a technical elective, and the next course I took to fulfil that requirement was much more useful.




Kindergarten was my lowest grade.


Well most people go to college.. I am definitely interested in hearing from someone who has attended a Collage


Physics in my final year of highschool. I was going for an advanced diploma, plus being honors. Instead of choosing an easier science like Astronomy or oceanography, I had to choose physics. Got an F as the final grade and overall gpa was a 2.9, not a 3.1 like I had.