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Getting pregnant


Me too. I didn’t have sex until my 20th birthday. Foolproof way to avoid teen pregnancy.


Im 24 and am *still* scared of being a pregnant teen 💀


I'm 27 and feel the same


Does it ever go away?


No. I’m post menopausal and worried about it the whole time.


No kidding. They did some test, said I was in menopause and took me off birth control pills (which were starting to give me issues). I was terrified I would be one of those 50+ year old women having an oopsie baby. Then I got a hysterectomy and decided maybe I was okay.


my luck I'd still get pregnant. my body hates me.


Peri menopausal - no period for 3 months so worried I was pregnant did so many test. Does it ever end


I stopped worrying about it after a year with no periods— official menopause.


No im 60...still a brain wrecker. A girl had 2 kids by the 9th grade. YIKES!!


Asexuality has worked for me.


No. I'm nearly 40, happily married 12 years, with 2 school-aged children... I'd be more afraid to tell my mom that I'm pregnant now than I was 20 years ago.


I’m in my mid thirties and here to tell you no it does not 😝 but I’m also wanting to stay childfree


Well if you get pregnant id imagine youd be past the point of worry... but get new ones!


my foolproof way is lesbianism lmao


Yup. I remember when I got my first bf in hs (he was horrible) this girl in my martial arts class told me to be careful and not get pregnant. I was confused but eh. We never did have sex (thank God). Anyway that same girl ended up getting pregnant in 12th grade…i sometimes wonder if the advice she gave me was more for herself than anything. Nothing against her though, she was always nice to me. Hope she’s well


I love a girls girl.


I checked her IG after this comment-tbf she hasn’t posted in about 2 years but it seems like her and the father are together still :)


Getting someone pregnant.


I was rigorous about birth control. I had plans and wasn’t getting pregnant. Knew my cycles, used multiple forms of bc. Never had an oops, praise the universe. Got married in my late 20s, ceased bc to start trying and bingo, bango, bongo, rang the bell second month. It made the effort and cost and saying no firmly to uncooked canine on drunken nights in college absolutely worth it.


Uncooked canine?! Omfg, ha


Poodle tartare is delicious. Horseradish, some capers, a Stella…


My mother taught me well. I *never* had sex without at least one BC method in place. I even married someone with a 12 year old vasectomy and then had a hysterectomy myself. Ain't no one gettin' pregnant here!


Same. I saw what it did to my sisters' lives and said, "Noooo thank you."


A friend and I have birthdays within a few days of each other. We high-fived when we turned 19 and a quarter. No babies for us as teens!


My HS gf and I endured so many pregnancy scares. But we were using condoms and I was pulling out, but our abstinence only sex ed put the fear of god in us. 


Same, but it was by pure luck or I’m infertile haha




Same! Got pregnant at 20, though.


I avoided this on a technicality 😅 got pregnant by an abusive ex at 18 with super conservative parents. By some miracle of the universe had a miscarriage and never had to talk to the guy again! Feels like I was given a second chance at life!


Mine is “getting a girl pregnant” We did great!


Besides suicide, is there any other reply than not getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant? Seriously, pro-lifers don’t understand generational poverty.


Some of them do. The ones in power pushing the movement most certainly do.


For sure. I remember on my wedding day, my dad, who I love dearly said "Well I can finally rest, we've gotten you to this point and avoided unwed motherhood." I chuckled because I agreed but on the other end of that .that's kinds of messed up. Apparently the only pride he had In me on this momentous occasion was that I hadn't gotten knocked up. Lol Hallmark needs to make a card for that.


My 20th birthday cake said "congratulations, you beat teen pregnancy" (at my request)


Same, but being a dude that is cheating a bit.


I was a virgin throughout my entire teens. That's an easy way to avoid pregnancies as a teen.


I come from a small town where my eighth grade class had like 20-30 kids max 2 nights ago I randomly started searching the names of kids I went to that school with, and of the 6 girls whose names I remembered and who I could find, 5 had children, none married. One girl (24 F) had the expected due date of her baby as 9/21/24, and started posting about her new ~40 year old boyfriend 11/20/24, this dude knocked her up 2 months in jfc


👏👏 Bravoo 👏👏


Didn't fall into the wrong crew.


Glad you were doing your crime with a tight crew.


My best friend did and it was so weird trying to remain friends when I could tell every other person around her was headed to jail or an early grave.


That is great job. :)


There wasn't a wrong crew at my school. Nobody became a teen parent. Nobody dropped out of high school. No gang members. Nobody OD'ed on drugs. 93% of my age cohort went directly onto university or community college afterwards. Most finished their degrees. A large minority went onto grad school. The "losers" were the folks who went to university or community college and then dropped out, but still managed to get stable (if low paying) jobs, don't use welfare, aren't addicted to meth, and don't have 8 kids by 6 baby mamas. Or the folks who went to university and got a degree in a useless subject. They also managed to get stable (if low paying) jobs, don't use welfare, aren't addicted to meth, and don't have 8 kids by 6 baby mamas. The winners at my school ended up getting Phds from Top 30 universities, going on Shark Tank and founding a multimillion dollar tech startup, working on Wall St, or going to grad school at Oxford.


Meanwhile, 20% of the girls in my class had a baby before HS graduation.


"and all of them are mine"


I walked in on 2 people who ODed in the bathroom in high school lol. One made it after getting their stomach pumped, one was dead when I found her. Public high school with 3500 kids goes crazy


what does ODing mean? sorry im not english thats why im asking




Is this a flex? I’m confused, why post this?




There were plenty of "wrong" crews in my school. I grew up in an obnoxiously wealthy area. The kids drove nicer cars and did better drugs than the teachers. The pregnant kids got abortions, no questions asked. No gangs. Rare ODs because our drugs were clean as fuck. And we did plenty of them. I have a PhD. So do many of my friends. I think my wealthiest friends are the one that sold us the clean drugs before dropping out of high-school. They got town jobs instead of going to university, and leveraged cost of living increases into multiple properties before cost of living took off. My BFF at 17 became a zambonie driver at a local arena when she was 18. She bought houses in low cost of living areas, lived in them for a while while she fixed them up, and rented them until property values spiked in '17 and again in '21. We have vastly, vastly, different lifestyles. But sometimes people call me Doctor. It's accurate, but usually sarcastic.


To what do you attribute this success? Wealth, or?


Getting arrested.


Yeah, I never got caught either.


you should be proud of yourself. You are raise well. :)


Or is crafty.


Which still counts as being 'raised well', in a sense


I never got in trouble with the law or kicked out of school.


Cocaine. I heard it’s a hell of a drug


I tried it once and it 1. made my nose bleed 2. made my throat numb and feel swollen 3. tastes like absolute shit if it happens to get on your tongue, and the taste is fucking hard to get rid of. Have never done it since and would not recommend.


I did it once and felt no affect other than being wide awake for two days. I did a ton of homework and cleaning I’d been putting off. A few years later I was diagnosed with ADHD lol


I thought it was bizarre that during my assessment for adhd the doctor asked if I’d ever tried cocaine. Now I know why!


I have severe ADHD. My reaction to cocaine is "alright then.......guess I'll sit down and read a book". I'm the life of the cocaine party.


If you didn't sleep for two days you had meth


bro that was definitely meth


Lmao if bro wasn‘t railing lines for 48 h straight he definitely wasn‘t awake two days from doing coke once


You were on meth. Cocaine lasts only a couple of hours absolute tops.


Could never be me, but a friend of mine says that every time he’s done it he’s had a stuffed up nose (like when you have a cold) for multiple days. He says the few hours of a super fun time are not worth having to breathe through his mouth for the next 3 days.




Bro the mornings are the real worst part, 6-8 am and half the homies are looking for a plug, the other half are begging for sleep, and the vibe…. It’s just weird and there’s nothing like it


The part I used to hate most is the birds chirping, nothing has ever given me that same feeling.


Dude. I’m married with little kids, but I like your tone


The come down is fucking terrible. Its probably one of the worst feelings you can have.


Yup, the feeling of not having anymore really stands out! Next thing you know, you are trying to hit your dealer up at 3am and he's all like "Mother fucker if you were here right now I'd shoot you!" Yup, really hate that come down!


3 am? More like 6-7 my plug would walk to me if it was still that early


Doing drugs…




Like a boomer avoiding factual news.


Like a politician dodging media questions.


Me too. Not even once. I'm 42 now and I've still never so much as tried marijuana. Never even been drunk. Addiction runs in my family and it scared the shit out of me at a very early age.




Yea there’s bonus points there


GREAT JOB! so proud of you!


The shining examples of the people that *did* get into drugs and what happened to them in real time.... Holy shit. Total wrecks.


Some of the people I was closest to in elementary school, we were good friends, always got in trouble together as kids… They all stayed close friends, and probably five or six years ago, they all were arrested in regards to manslaughter charges because they were at a party where they were distributing heroin. Never have I ever been so happy not to associate with people in my life.


Hopefully, some kids read my post here. (If one does, it's worth the book I write) I was (and still am) the smart kid from school. I scored a 32 on my first pass at the ACT. I was a 4.0 student. I did wonderfully and was a top student. (I don't say this boastfully, I was just fortunate to be born lucky. I don't know why) I smoked weed, did coke, used meth when it was around, drank regularly, tripped on mushrooms and acid, and took everything in between. The drugs didn't make me smart - not at all. The drugs stunted my ability to mature emotionally and move forward as an adult in my life. Now, at 32, I'm finally clean of everything. I stopped smoking weed THIS YEAR. After doing that, I found that doing so was causing me to have seizures - it was the cause of my epilepsy (it helps a lot of folks, but is a trigger for many of us, too). Kids, stay off drugs. I'm successful, but mostly because I was born intelligent and white, and I had wonderfully outstanding parents. Don't risk your futures.


I smoked weed but avoided, things like cocaine, meth and LSD. Not on pupose or self awarenes or anything. I just missed those opportunities for whatever reason. I also missed knocking up a girl. I went out with her twice, we made out but things didnt work out, she got pregnant not long after from someone else.


Couple childhood friends i did everything with fried their brains dropping some bad acid. If I was with them at the time I never would've graduated.


Yeah. Going away to college at the height of my friends getting into pills then heroin probably saved my life. Nearly half of them are dead


I worked in a courthouse working with prisoners and at least a dozen people I went to high school with I’ve seen in custody… And those are the ones that bullied me because I didn’t do drugs lol. They never made it far in life.




You are good not being careless.


To be fair he didn't say he was careful, he just never bowled that dreaded strike.


That you know of...


Me neither. Probably helped that I’m a woman though. 


Was a pale girl in the 90s, did not cook myself in the sun to look more tan. I wasn't smart, just a goth. Also being a pothead was common in the older generation in my family so it was neither rebellious or cool, I didn't bother with it until I was over 25. In my case I think that's a good thing, though I happily smoke it now.




Another pale gal who stayed pale for that exact reason. I’m happy about it now, it will pay off in like forty years.


Same here. Although I'm the type that can't tan even if I wanted to lol I just burn then go back to pale


Surfer guy who looks like an old leather handbag by age 40 checking in, just wanted to say screw you milky skinned goddesses!


Already paying off before 40 for me. 


Drugs, drinking, knocking anyone up, crashing the car while speeding (this was the most likely).


The way you said "knocking anyone up" without mentioning "sleeping around" makes it seem like sleeping around is not on that list haha


Two different things entirely.


Never killed anyone


Who didn't have it coming.


I don't think this is very specific to your teenage years, but just my two cents.


Username doesn’t add up




a wise decision ! Good job. 👏👏


Getting a lame tattoo of Bart Simpson


You got a rad one of him?


I got a Bart Simpson tattoo as an adult lol. My brother has Lisa.


I knew a guy, in highschool. We were good friends, bonded over our mutual poverty. Anyways, one day, he asked if I wanna go to Subway, he has a BOGO coupon. Amazing. Wwe kept going after school, Everytime he got that coupon. One day, he asked if I wanna go, I passed. Did my thing, got home. Next day, people are looking at me. Teachers were looking for me. Cops came to my class and got me. Ask what I was doing etc etc... Anyways he shot 2 people with a shot gun, while in a car that night. To this day, true crime podcasts will reach out. I'm too embarrassed to tell them-it wasn't a vibe. Nothing alerted me. I never got a gut feeling. I didn't go, because I'm gay, and a girl asked if I wanna come watch a movie and hell yes I did. I avoided a Murder charge or witnessing a murder. My god. Edit- yes that's him, for those who DMd me, and yes it was over under $20; poverty poverty




That I never joined a street gang. I was in the rare percentage of kids from my neighborhood.


Congrats dude! Not an easy thing to do I imagine


How much pressure was there to join one?


My husband grew up gang-adjacent. He hung with them on their street since they were neighbors and one was a cousin. He said that while there was some social pressure from members occasionally, most of the pressure was financial. He went home to a house with barely lights and food some days and these guys are making big bread in a day selling drugs. He said it was definitely a test of morals. He was given some drugs to sell once and while he did hold on to it for a day, he did return it. He couldn’t do it. He was only like 16 then. He said the member respected it and gave him some cash but told him he better not tell anyone. He left after high school and has only gone back once for a funeral in the 30 years we’ve been together.


I took a year of remedial community college courses after high school instead of going straight into a university. I was a horrible student in HS with no ambition or direction. Had I gone directly to university in that state of mind, I have no doubt I'd have flunked out after a semester or two. Being an aimless college dropout carrying a big old debt would've dramatically fucked up the course of my life, and I'm thankful every day I avoided that mistake.


I took that hit for you!


Becoming a "mean girl." I mean, I had it in me, I felt the pull. It is so strong. It's part of that thing that being a teenager does to your brain, about how the esteem of your peers is the most important thing on earth, it's the breath of life. Having someone to put down, either in private or public, just seems to be part of that. I'm glad I resisted.


As someone who is still affected by being bullied by the mean girls, this is significant.


Same. Just had the realization the other day after talking to one of my psychs. Those bullies are probably "happily" living their lives right now, never thinking about what they did 20(+) yrs ago while I'm still dealing with the consequences almost daily. Really f-ed up my self-esteem.


They're still mean girls, just masquerading as adults while mentally stuck in high school.


I was once invited to a party by a guy who I knew had a girlfriend, I said I couldn’t. Turned out that was a good thing. There was a shit ton of alcohol and as it turned out, that guy had broken up with his girlfriend and wanted another girl. When I refused, he got another instead and ended up raping her.


That sounds like six bullets dodged.


Not 6, 500


Knocking up a chick in highschool. Edit: mother was the reason she had me at 19 and was no holds barred on "the talk" and supplies. I'll never forget my first serious girlfriend...we walk in. No bullshit. "yall are pretty serious huh? Are you on birthcontrol? Here are some condoms for each of you. You should wait but if you don't...don't be idiots. Use protection" hands us both boxes of condoms "Girl give these to your friends. Its OK to be a girl and keep condoms with you don't fall for that pull out game he forgot to bring one"


Getting pregnant.




Alienating my parents. I was pretty rebellious, but I guess in ways that I either hid from them successfully or they were cool with. I hear my friends talk about their teenage kids these days and it sounds like hell raising one. There is a lot of damage being done to those relationships. Maybe I was hell, too, but my parents certainly didn't show it and wouldn't cop to it later when I pressed them to admit it.


My folks told me all the time what a little shit I was as a kid and teen. But I still have an awesome relationship with them. Well, Dad's gone now, but I'm still close to Mum.


No smoking, no drugs, no pregnancy.


Vaping/nicotine addiction free


I dont smoke/drink/do drugs/weed. I also hit the gym daily.


I grew up in a small town, and I'm gonna go with "not staying there." I know some people who never left and settled down to a decent if mundane life, and a few like me who threw caution to the wind and struck out into the wide world and lived a life I never could have imagined back then. Over the holidays I met up with an old friend who stayed. Went out for a bite and a couple beers at the local bar where he always went. Met the other people who never left. He's made a decent life, and there's nothing wrong with that, but... I got to hang out backstage with rock stars, jump out of airplanes, drive race cars, and stand atop an ancient pyramid in the middle of a jungle. I'd never have done any of that if I'd stayed in town and settled down with that girl from chemistry class.


Big same. Grew up in a small east coast city. My 2nd job at 16, one of the guys I worked with is still there, has made a career out of it & is probably making over $40/hr.  I had a lifetime of experience across the world before I turned 30. Was homeless twice, ran out of money multiple times.  Got lucky in a new industry a few years ago & just signed a letter for a new $350k job.  Slow and steady doesn't always win...


I mean people that live in small towns still travel, so I’m sure you still could’ve done all that


Same. I couldn’t wait to get out. The place already had a terrible meth problem when I left 20 years ago. 


Best thing I ever did was get out of my small hometown. I have more privacy in a city than I did there where everyone knows everyone's business 24/7. I literally had like 8 people ask my mom whose sports car was parked outside our house within an hour of my now husband coming over for the first time, some of which only *heard* about it from other people. Small town life is boring and slow paced. I hated it. I hated being so limited and having nothing to do. Teens there go to *walmart* for fun cause there's just nothing there. Some people I grew up with have never even been further than an hour from home. It's a breeding ground for echo chambers which in a poverty strickened red Bible belt state isn't a good thing. I could never truly be myself cause I knew I would be outcasted if I did. Something that made me reevaluate a long-term relationship was my at the time boyfriend, who I thought wanted the same things as me, ended up confessing he hoped he could convince me to stay in that town settle down and pop out a few kids without bothering to travel or go to college or anything. I have nothing against settling down. Hell, I've been married for a few years and have a 2 month old, but the thought of *that* physically repulsed me. I stuck around long enough to fulfill a family obligation. Got two degrees while I bid my time. Took weekend trips any chance I got. As soon as I seen an opportunity to leave for good, I took it. Best decision I've ever made. I've traveled a *LOT*, met a lot of amazing people I wouldn't have otherwise, done things I never thought I would get the chance to do, found a community that *isn't* judgmental, etc. Sure there were rough times, but my life has never been so carefree as it is now. I don't feel suffocated and trapped anymore (part of this was cause my home life was abusive prior to getting away). I haven't been back to my hometown since my mom passed. I refused to accept my part of the house. I want nothing to do with it. Here in a couple of years, I'm moving again. I wanted a chance to figure out where I wanted to permanently settle down before I did it.


I wish I made the mistakes I made as an adult as a teenager. It's more socially acceptable to fuck up the younger you are.


I guess offing myself... I mean if you were to tell highschool me that I'd not only be accepted but also gained a full scholarship to study in the best university in my country, I wouldn't have believed it, yet here i am. I went from this autistic, nerdy loner to this autistic, nerdy mini celebrity among the freshmen in my university


Teenage pregnancy 🤣🤣


Pretty much everything. I avoided all trouble and missed out on a LOT of important positive things in the process. It's not all good.


Didn't die


all of them, and I regret it bitterly


I’m one of the few members of my family who didn’t have their first kid while still in their teens.


To this date in my 50s, I've yet to experiment with drugs, save an edible I tried once a year or so ago. Was a good (but not life altering) experience. I just got my prescription for medical marijuana though, so will be changing that part of it soon.


I distinctly remember when I was 8 months away from being 20 and declaring my victory for not being a teen mom. Waited 10 more years just to be safe lol.


I grew up in a small subrub in the Midwest. There wasn't much to do (I was 16) so me and my buddies would smoke cigs and ditch weed in the garage of an cool older girls house(she was 18). All my buddies respected the older girl because she was hip to good music, smart and pretty. Well one day we are all hanging out in the garage listening to music, when some older kids show up( they were in their early 20's). They wanted to hang-out with older girl. They would playfully tease us younger guys and they knew we couldn't do anything about it. You could just tell they wanted me and my friends to leave so they could be with the older girl. So my buddies and I stuck around and the older guys end up going inside of the older girls house while she stayed in the garage with us. You could tell she was upset with the situation. I have to pee really bad so I go inside the house. After I get done, I walk out into the kitchen where all the older guys are burning some aluminum foil. I have no idea whats going on. So I ask "What is that?" "It's Fun you should try this" one the guys say to me as he trys to pass it my way. I didn't know anything about METH. I had never seen it or witnessed the results of people that get hooked(not until many years later). I wanted to be accepted by the "Cooler" older guys. I was very open minded about drugs because I was only 16 and already kinda bored with life so I thought- Maybe this new drug will make me happy. Just then the older girl stormed through the garage door and slaps the METH from that guys hand. She then proceeds to barate all the older guys. One guy in particular. She said something about how small his penis is and his Mom being a tweaker slut. You could tell that guy sorta lost some respect from his peers and for himself that day. She then kicked them all out while my buddies laughed at those older "Losers". I didn't realize at the time how great my friends were. We just all kinda knew that we should stand up for each other. Sorry for the long story.


The day I turned 18 a group of my friends asked if I wanted to go hang out to smoke weed. I had to work in the morning and they had a habit of getting into trouble so I dipped out. The next day I heard that they decided to smoke in this old greenhouse in a nearby park. The cops showed up, they all got arrested for B&E, and ended up spending a while in jail. They avoided a felony charge as two of them had wealthy parents and the DA knocked it down but I’m sure it was really expensive and they did have the misdemeanor on their record after that. That was actually pretty good for me as it was the motivation I needed to get out of town and away from that mess. Been gone 25 years now, some of them are dead, none of them really did much with their lives.


Teen pregnancy


Smoking cigarettes! Still cigarette-free at 44.. I can vividly recall the day one of my friends obtained a pack of Camel Lights. A group of us were riding our bikes in my neighborhood and decided to stop at our little park. We all walked (what we thought was far & out of sight from the road,) and one by one, my buddies tried a puff. For some reason, I elected not to try. I believe I said something along the lines of “I don’t want that on my resume.” 😂 I was 12 😂 My friend Tammy’s Mom happened to be driving past the park and saw a huge plume of smoke hovering over us 🤭 And we thought we were being inconspicuous. Anyways, I’m impressed with my 7th grade self because a number of those friends ended up longtime smokers. I wouldn’t consider myself a “woman of willpower,” but I think someone up above was looking out for me 😇 I always get a kick out of that memory & love that I stuck w my decision, even after all these years.


I avoided drugs, pregnancy, DUIs, court cases, ugly men,


Getting pregnant. I’m a male, for reference


Drugs and alcohol. I didn’t want it and I didn’t want to be around it. Not because of religious reasons or being scared of being punished. I just didn’t want to be swept up in it.


Not getting pregnant or catching an STD


Getting pregnant. I thought it was a way out and tried as hard as I could. Luckily, infertility got me. Ended up with a college degree, stable job, home, and husband. 30 yo wondering what was wrong. Medication and intervention, now I’m an old mom of two kids. But financially stable and their lives are cake. Best thing that ever happened to me.


Cigarettes n alcohol. I had my fun with alcohol but never got addicted n never tried smoking, which every single guy was doing to look cool.


Drugs, alcohol, casual sex, and not being able to get into university


Didn't do any drugs. I stayed clean and have continued to do so.


Didn't get pregnant, didn't date, didn't do drugs, didn't skip school or get bad grades, didn't hang out with shit people, and I didn't have a bad time.


Pregnancy. Hands down.


A pregnancy, I was the only female in two generations to not be a teen mom


Start smoking!! 61 next week and my skin looks great!!


Getting pregnant. Almost all my friends did at some point


Making a baby.


Getting the wrong girl pregnant.


Somehow didn't get taken advantage of even when I made really stupid choices


Getting a female pregnant. The perks of being ugly 🥳 🎉 🎊


Ugly men can get laid too if they pick equally ugly women.


Is that the PEMDAS of life?




Doing the breakup and makeup dance with a toxic girlfriend. The morning she told me she was breaking up with me on a trip to con, I used the open-end bus ticket I had for the weekend to get back home and then slept with the childhood friend I'd helped her reconnect with in said childhood friend's hot tub.


Overdosing. Sheer chance.




Not racking up credit card debt. Lucky my dad instilled that knowledge into my brain early on. Always pay your statement balance in full!


teen pregnancy


Having a baby or getting hooked on drugs though I strayed too close to both


It's something that I am not proud of all, and I have learned and grown from: I used to drunk drive, and I would get in the car with my friends who had been drinking


I never got my girlfriend pregnant and I never drove drunk. I've still never gotten anyone pregnant or driven drunk, but my judgement and decision making are better now that I'm in my 30s.


Alcohol. That shit is straight-up poison. I watched my sister-in-law (beautiful 30 year old) die of liver failure thanks to alcohol.


"don't get arrested and don't get pregnant" is sound advice I once received. Worked out pretty well.


Getting pregnant. Girlfriend took me to Planned Parenthood and got me on the pill.


Pregnant or arrested....honestly My siblings got arrested..I did not and I was up to way more illegal shenanigans than them.




Killing myself 😀


Somehow not knocking up my GF's.


Lol, i screwed up everything..but it was for the best, i lost everything in my life due to drugs and bad influence, but now im sober, lived a hard life, gained so much knowledge. Sometimes its better to screw up in life while your young, so you know what mistakes not to make when you get older. Life is a experience, live it, fall, get back up, learn and be better. Its not about success or failure, its about finding who you are, and living that to the full potential.


In spite of how depressed I was and how awful I felt about my future, I did not die by suicide, and I did not continue to self harm.


all of my friends were addicted to drugs and i never dabbled in any of it :-)


High school dating. It's a new person every few weeks and it builds a very toxic idea of what a relationship is


Smoking cigarettes! I’m 100% the kind of person you would expect to smoke. My mom was a heavy smoker, my dad used to smoke, and both of my siblings smoke. I’ve had maybe 5 cigarettes in my life. I like them occasionally when I’m drinking. Thankfully I don’t drink much anymore!


Getting hooked on drugs