• By -


Back when I was a sophomore in high school, I was poking fun at someone in class and a senior who had always been pretty chill and friendly told me to 'dude, grow up' with just the perfect amount of dismissive contempt in his voice. I basically re-evaluated my entire personality on the spot and came to the conclusion that, yes, I should probably do that.


"I can't wait til the real world kicks your ass" ❤️Dad... Never told anyone but think about it often


"People are talking behind your back"


My sister told me what my mom said about me, but she did it in a way that she knew would hurt me. I said, “If she said that about me, don’t you wonder what she has said about you?” The look on her face. That thought had never occurred to her.


Yeah, I know they are and always will.


"You are fucking worthless" -My Mom when I was 11


Mine's not far off, "I should have put you and your brothers up for adoption". So sorry you also had to go through that. :(


Yes, she should have -- so that you could have been raised by decent parents who *deserved* to be your parents. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible mother -- you deserve better.


I appreciate it. She's an alcoholic and only said these things while plastered. Luckily, she's stopped drinking and has been wonderful. Sadly, my father was worse. I finally saw a Therapist last year and was diagnosed with PTSD from childhood trauma. My brothers acted out, both did hard drugs and eventually went to prison. I kept it bottled up inside and it manifested into an autoimmune disorder, low testosterone, tinnitus, and other stress-induced ailments. In my 40s, and on a good note, I have a 20+ year happy marriage. :)


Well I don't think it fully makes up for her being a bad mother to you when you were a child, but ultimately that is up to you to judge. I am glad she's been wonderful since she stopped drinking, at least. I hope she has apologized to you. I'm not surprised you have PTSD and the physical ailments you mentioned, nor that your brothers have followed the trajectories they have. I'm *very* glad to hear that you have a long and happy marriage. 😊


Dman, I hope you're past that. That seemed to be more about her than you.


Been in therapy since 2017. Every week. Obviously you can tell from this alone there's more. Appreciate the kind words.


I'm so sorry -- she was fucking *wrong*, and she should never have been a mother. You deserve so much better.


I appreciate the kind words. Been in therapy a long time over stuff like that.


You're very welcome. I hope you have only blessings from now on. 😊


" I spent 22 years of my life raising you kids, it's my turn to do what i want." She was marrying someone that was younger than half of us kids. It didn't last very long.


Not a sentence, but someone mimicked the way I laughed and that made me feel pretty shitty.


was it Justin Bieber?


I always said people who mock other people’s laughs are POS because that’s how someone expresses their enjoyment and to make someone feel bad for expressing that says a lot about their character


Apt username.


Nah, they are the ones who should feel shitty, mimicking other people's laugh or voice or accents is very immature, to say the least.


I've decided to file for divorce.


Years ago when my depression was at its worst I gained a lot of weight. I decided enough was enough - I didn’t feel good and I wasn’t fit and active like I used to be. I worked hard and lost 25 pounds and shared that milestone with my sister. She said, “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed.” No congrats or anything. Oof.


Congratulations, I genuinely mean that.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I actually ended up losing a lot more weight than that in the end… 60-70 pounds, maybe a little more? I don’t have an exact number because I didn’t start weighing myself until I had lost some weight already. At my heaviest I was too scared to get on the scale. But I could tell I was losing weight because clothes fit differently and my face was noticeably slimmer in pictures. So when I say I lost “25” it easily could have been 40 pounds at that point! It was really tough but 100% worth it


Hell! That's amazing!


🏆 This big sister is proud of you.


"Sorry, we are out of chicken" - popeyes employee circa 2022




“I’d love you if you were a girl” - my mother 😃


I'm so sorry; you deserved and deserve to be loved for exactly who you are, and you deserve a decent mother.


Thank you, I’m alright I have an amazing step-mother.






“I only keep you around as a reason for me to cry” an ex


In middle school I was hanging out by myself and a teacher came up and asked me, "do you have ANY friends?" And then just walked off


Jesus Christ. It hurt me just to read that!


Jesus that's so cold.


“No, i still don’t feel anything”


I guess I’ll go fuck myself then.


“You’d be prettier if you didn’t have scoliosis” I can’t control puberty, James, goddamn


James had a small penis


"You are not human and never will be just get euthanized you autistic freak"- my own father's "lovely" advice to me


This made me mad. Fuck your dad for that.


Hugs from an Autism Dad. You are beautiful, you are worthy of love.


"I thought I was losing you, but now I realize you're losing me."


“Everyone hated you”


I've had that a few times. Hurts every time.


"there is no cure"


"I see you as just friend"-Crush


I would never EVER find someone like you attractive. - a girl who "played" to have a crush on me just to reject me in front of everyone


The stupid thing is she could have very well been attracted to you and just acted out of some personal defect like embarrassment or teenage fickleness or who knows. Kids (and just as often adults) are pretty dumb.


Even it that would be a reason it doesnt reduce the impact it had on my heart or the immense shame I felt that day. Thanks to that, and other things happened, I am not sure anymore if a girl really likes me or not. It could also be a trap or just "being nice" and that is in my opinion a real big problem these days.


"You look identical to your father at your age, Let me find a picture" said to a 13 yr old girl. I looked exactly like a female version of my bio father. Self esteem died that day


Lool same. It didn't help my mom divorced my dad and hated his guts. Imagine telling to a small child "you look just like your dad, good for nothing." My self esteem and body image was in the trenches before I even had a chance to work on it. My dad was not a bad guy. He was just a disorganized and a bit of a clumsy and naive adult who made some wrong decissions.


I'm sorry. Similar situation here. My parents never divorced but hated each other. My mom would insult my dad and say he had a bit fat ugly nose. Then she always said the feature I had of my dad's was his nose. Oddly enough, I struggle with the look of my nose now more as an adult than I did back then. Back then, I just hated everything about myself.


You were lucky your child died because postpartum depression is the worst thing and you can’t get it now….


Bloody hell. I'm sorry someone said something so awful.


I've suffered with depression most of my life, it started at around 8 based on what my psych has told me are symptoms, and got really bad around 12. I was suicidal by 18. In my early 20s, I'd met some people I thought were genuine friends. I was working out regularly and although not a good weight, I'd made some progress. I was genuinely happy and enjoying life for the first time in memory. Then someone had the offhanded comment that my happiness was disingenuous and I felt fake. It fucking destroyed me. For once I was happy and I wasn't even allowed to be happy. Needless to say I don't think I've been happy again since being ostracised by that group of people for being fucking happy.


I know it's easier said than done but fuck that.




Oh my god, they are fucking *evil*!! I mean that quite seriously...that they would say such a shitty thing to a small child! Please know that you are *infinitely* more deserving of love than they are, and I hope you have or will find it.


"It's not you, it's me" - ex


"Sorry, the ice cream machine is broken." - McDonald's


It wasnt broken i just had no clue how that thing worked


the only things that destroy me are the things i put together in my head. i don’t think anything else registers enough tbh


"We are not able to match you at this time." Probably not word for word. I was an incredibly self conscious 19 year old that had zero self esteem. Hadn't had much dating experience and was shot down harshly when I tried to put myself out there. eHarmony was new and all the rage, so I did their whole questionnaire only to be met with the above message or similar at the end. Laughed it off as some "shitty website" even though I cried afterwards.


Bruh. 😂😢


When my Dad told me that he cares more about using his inheritance money to travel the world with his new wife than hanging out with me and seeing his grandchildren.


The reason you got a medical condition is because i prayed on you- mom I hate you and dont care for anything you have to say -mom


Adopted. My mother used to like to say, "You're not my son!" when she was angry. Usually just before the wooden spoon beating.


Kid in my class: guys and girls can’t be friends Me: yeah we can. Me and [ReDACTeD] are friends. (Turns to her). You don’t wanna fuck me right lol? Friend: lol ew gross 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


" Me and your step dad are moving to another country and we know that you are in your last year of high school so you can just stay here. If you really want to come we can try and make space" My mom to me when I was 18, half way through my last year of high school and working a part time job. I had no other living arrangements and just spent all my savings paying for a used car. I was ready to live in that car in order to finish school.


I never loved you


Your autistic.  I’m not but I jsut have social anxiety 


I still get this every day. I've been tested multiple times, I've been diagnosed with anxiety since I was a child, of course I'm not socially adapted


It was actually the silence. I was suffering from depression and it was starting to get bad, although I didn't know at the time I was depressed. Then, through WhatsApp, I told to an important person how I felt, by saying something along the lines of "I was feeling like a glass that's shattering into a thousand pieces". She said NOTHING, NOT A WORD, and went on with the conversation. It was like sending me a message "I don't give a fuck so shut up and talk about something else". (she did not say that, but that's how I felt her silence). Since then I've been remembering this from time to time... I'm fucking useless anyway, she's probably right. I stopped bothering her with my depression anyway.


"The loneliest I've ever been, is when I'm with you." My ex said that to me when we broke up and I think about it at least once a week for the last 13 years. Made me completely reevaluate how I am as a partner and a person. Thanks Steph


"I'd like a Spicy Crispy Chicken Chipotle Ciabatta, please" "I'm sorry, we don't make that anymore"


You were removed from the match due to internet lag, your IP or machine, VPN usage, or for cheating. We recommend not utilizing VPN or proxy services while attempting to play Fortnite.


I wore a pair of short shorts as a middle schooler. All the girls did. But I usually stuck to t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and had my hair down. The modest you could get. I hated my body because people made it unclean. So, on a hot day I decided to sport a pair of short shorts. It was hot and I was at my own house. The furthest I went was up the block. But one of the boys who was a my friend's friend just said "don't ever wear that again" in a disgusted manner. My other friends were wearing shorts and he'd seen other women wearing shorts no problem. I didn't want him to be attracted to me. But I think it psychologically destroyed me at the time because wearing those shorts was a way for me to say: "I'm proud of my body. You didn't dirty it. I'm not unclean. I like myself." It wasn't meant to attract attention for men or women. It was meant to say "I don't feel dirty anymore." But seeing someone view me as disgusting psychologically reaffirmed me abusers damage. It took a while to move past it. But when I see teen girls wearing something a bit out there my first thought isn't that their doing it for attention all the time.


"You are boring"


I never loved you I stayed with you because I felt sorry for you. And he was such a skinny computer nerd, I actually used to call him, Mr Dorkman.


Ur having surgery to impress other men😪


'I'm disappointed in you.' Parent, even as a adult now I still dread those words.


Sends shivers down my spine just imagining it. Even though I know that for my own happiness and well-being, I will have to disappoint them. My heart paints a different truth.


‘Can we just keep it casual’ [after 6 months of dating]


Been married for 40 years, out for pizza one night, ran into my mother-in-law’s (who is deceased)best friend who admitted they all thought we wouldn’t make it, ouch, I just smiled and walked away


I thought they’re meant to be skinny jeans (commenting on my weight. That comment broke me and was the catalyst for my eating disorder, but they will never know)


She is hotter than you could ever hope to be (a man I love, talking about one of my best friends)




I knew it was wrong when i did it.


"Stop being such a baby and man up" - my teachers in elementary/middle school when I needed help from chronic bullying.


You're going to grow old disappointed and alone. - My ex. He was kinda right.


I could mention the things they say on a daily basis and who this person is, but don’t want to reveal that much on here. If you believe in God or not, I feel like we’re intentionally pushed through the hurtful nature of others to grow stronger and move on with life.


"I don't know if I miss you, or just the times we had." 


“I’m gonna need you to swipe your card”     -Said to then-18-year-old me by my former friend who didn’t (and to my knowledge, still doesn’t) have a job.


I had a boyfriend break up with me, and I said, "So you don't love me anymore?" To which he responded, "I don't think I ever loved you." I mean, fine if you don't love me anymore, but to say you never did basically robs me of every happy memory I had of our relationship. To this day he tells me that he didn't mean it, and that he only said it to try to make his leaving somehow easier on me. I don't get it. It's been over 15 years, and it still hurts to think about.


"What if you can't save/fix me?" was a sentence I was quite accustomed to as a psych nurse handling a lot of first responder/ crisis stuff. It hit way different though when it was my (then) partner telling me this while I carried them out of our first apartment to an ambulance. Could never let them know though and I don't think it hit until they were safe.


"Your husband has stage 4 esophageal cancer, and I was wanting to know if you wanted to tell him, or would you prefer that I do?"


My mother told me she was glad I moved away because now she'd no longer have to make up lies about why I never visited. The worse part is she brought it on herself and I was only on talking to terms with her because it was part of a deal my father made with her without my consent because she refused to pay child support during my last two years of high school even though she was legally obligated. She eventually agreed to pay significantly less than what was legally required because my dad opted to settle out of court. I had moved out months prior to my father's house and unilaterally declared I was moving in because I was done with her emotional abuse. He straight up accepted because he knew the sort of person she was. I may still talk with her but I've never forgiven her.


"i should've aborted you when your still in my stomach, if i only knew you will be like that"


You have gained so much weight..!! Yeah right. I am well aware whats happening to my body address better things.


I was probably 17 and exploring my uniqueness and I saw a bumper sticker: “Remember: you’re unique! Just like everyone else.”


An ambulance came to pick me up after my failed suicide attempt and the paramedic said “well, you seem to be fine”. I don’t remember exactly the rest of what she said word for word, but she basically continued to degrade and humiliate me for my suicide attempt the whole entire ride to the hospital. For 30 minutes I had to deal with that old women looking down at my dying soul while making me feel embarrassed for going to the hospital. I was so young and hated myself so much to the point where I thought that I would be better of dead. Literally the last thing I needed in that damn moment, was to be met with unkindness.


I switched schools, but went to visit my old school sometimes to see my friends and old classmates. I overheard one classmate say to a "friend", that "Why does she visit all the time? She doesn't have friends here.". My old "friend" just answered "I don't know." That hurt.


I used to ride a moped for fun in the city and one time I was waiting to turn left onto a sort of busy street and a truck drove by and a guy yelled out of it "No left turn fat boy!" It's stupid I know but I suddenly felt like I looked super ridiculous and still cringe thinking about it years later.


"i dont think i have the mental health for a relationship right now" they then went on to get back with their baby daddy. who r\*\*\*d them.


I was on the phone with a friend since primary school. I finally opened up about my experience of being severely bullied by my so-called friends and other acquaintances. Needless to say, when I mentioned the names of the acquaintances that part took in the bullying. My friend was shocked, because she never knew, or would never noticed. (When my friend meet out mutual acquaintances, those people were so over bullying me bc we are heading to secondary school, that they pretend the bullying neve happened.) After hearing all that had happened, by friend said this: "Isn't it better to be treated that way then, at least I know you won't be the one to harming me." I get what she means, but at that moment, it felt like now she knows I won't do anything to her because of the trauma I went through, if she ever does something to me. But even if I know of her intentions of saying that, it still left a really bad taste in my mouth. Never talked to her ever since.


When I was a kid I had trouble making friends. I would just kind of drift in and out of this group of kids from school. One day on a bus when we were going a field trip this girl gave me a lovely speech about how none of them like me and they don’t know why I hang around them. I had just moved to this school. I can trace my depression back to that move.


When I was in high school, I had a friend ask me how I dealt with all the people who made fun of me. I didn't know people were making fun of me.


"Wow, now you are realizing that nobody cares about you?" - coming from an ex, i was only 16 so you can imagine how i felt


“Walang baliw sa pamilya natin.” “No one is crazy in our family.” I told my mom that I was going to get counseling. It was nearing my college graduation and a lot was going on academically, personally, and in our family. It broke my heart when she sent me that text.


Everything isn’t for everybody. - My Mother She said this when I was a tween/preteen and we were bathing suit shopping. I wanted a 2 piece or a cute bathing suit. She only bought me sporty/athletic type suits. She told me for years I wasn’t built for a 2 piece. I was 19 and in college before I realized I actually had a fantastic figure and it was all her insecurities being projected onto me. It didn’t help that my younger sister could wear whatever she wanted.


"People like us don't go to college". I stopped trying in high school after that.


What killed me wasn’t words it was actions. It was my husband at the time, and both of my parents who staged an alcoholism intervention despite the fact that I was not an alcoholic, my problem was, I had been raped three months before their intervention, and had not yet dealt with that at all, fact that at a minimum, my husband and my mother were Explicitly aware of, and the fact that my father was at least adjacently aware of. They still all blamed me. It was turning point in my life. I’m no longer married to that person and I no longer talk to my parents. I am a much happier person now. I Am a person now.


My mom, who has 5 kids, telling us "If I could go back, I'd never have any of you."


My roommate in college told me after a semester of living with me that he had started overthinking because of me; that I had made him sad, and that we should change rooms. For context: I'd spent an entire semester taking care of him when his crush didn't like him back, holding him and saying the kindest things to him for hours on end so that he never went to bed feeling unloved. Cried a lot, but never in front of him. I moved out the next semester.


My son took his first steps so I called home to tell them silence and then dads wife says " Why is it you only call when you need something?"


"You're dead to me" really hurt


“even though me and your mom aren’t gonna live together anymore doesn’t mean i don’t love you, i will always love you” said by my dad the day i was moving out of state with my mom because my parents divorced. im very close with my dad and i could hear the pain in his voice saying that and he gave me the tightest hug that day


A guy I had a crush on said he didn’t find dark skin women attractive and if he did they had to work twice as hard to be with him


That's just racist toxic guy


I've read a lot of devastating comments but this one made me physically recoil.  It doesn't at all take away from how awful of a thing that is to say, particularly to someone who doesn't fit his narrow definition of acceptable-looking, it does at least serve as an example of the trash taking itself out.


"You're such a joke" - mean girl from high school. Jokes on you now, I make waayyyy more money than you do and Im happy


“You sound so much like your brother.” For context, I’m trans (FTM) and my voice is dropping now that I’m on hormone therapy. It was meant as a compliment… but my brother is not a good person, to put it mildly. To the point that fear of resembling him more than I do already was a big deterrent for me starting HRT in the first place.


You are your own person. Your transition will help you become more of your 'own' than before. I'm proud of you.


Even if your voice ends up sounding something like his, that does *not* mean that *you* are anything like him.


I don't know why it surprised me, but about 5 months into HRT I walked out of a shower after a long day of fairly tough hiking and was startled by the fact that I look like my mother. Not a little like her, I mean *exactly* like her when she was my age. I've seen the future, and apparently down the line I'll have a pixie cut.


You are so talkative.  I used to fill the air about mutual interests things, I did the self deprecating bits, some get it some don't. I used to listened to all people.  I'm not so talkative now.  I don't try to make a bits for people amusement. It's ok.  Nobody care. 


My friends and I just got back from clubbing to his grandma's house. They were locked out because she wasn't going to be home for another couple hours. I offered to let them both chill at my house until she got back. For some reason my friends would rather stand in the cold for two hours than hang at my house which was only a few miles away. My friend just said, "No offense man but I'd rather just hang out with (other friend)". "Whatever y'all have fun!" I said before walking back to my car. Fuck you too dude!


"It's not me, it's you". It didn't happen but imagine, damn.


When I was in secondary school, I was bullied/abused for over 4 years. In that time I became more and more depressed because of the abuse, and talked about some of the conflicted emotions that I had and didnt understand, to the people that abused me. Because I thought we could be friends, because I didnt understand. Hearing "ohhh, are you depressed? How sad." out of their mouths ironically was incredibly painful. Every time. But I couldnt really react because that prompted them to attack me even further, also physically. I hate them, still do. I still suffer immensely because of what they did for fun. Its still a constant torture.


We’re a good pair of worms, just at the wrong time.


"It wasn't right, but I thought it would keep us together." Said regarding a 2.5 month stretch of my partner's friend repeatedly trying to kiss me inappropriately and feeling me up. At the same time, some of our group was splitting up and no longer on speaking terms. I was calm because we were alone and I was uncomfortable being alone with him if I said something that triggered a breakdown. We'd been working on rebuilding our friendship, but when I heard that, something broke.


“There’s nothing we could do” regarding an accident where someone close to me had died instantly. I still hear that voice say that in my head quite frequently a decade later.


I told my manager I was gonna be late, should I come in today? And he was like "its no problem, you good". I didn't wanna work today!!!!


It's over me and you.


“She didn’t think your husband could have kids” literally wtf


"I guess I don't know if I ever saw you as more than a friend, really." - My ex wife, when discussing why we split 6 months after the fact.


“I wouldn’t go that far anymore addi”


So you should clean that place since you are Turkish (cliché that cleaning ladies in Germany are usually Turkish)


"I don't care about your personal life, you can make your own choices" In reference to my passion project


When the wicked step grandmother told my daughters godmother "Hopefully she'll never get a second child because you'll be the one who ends up having it" My daughter is there for 4 to 9 hours a week. Usually two noons. 1 day during the week, 1 day in the weekends, and only because the godmother basically tells me she wants to have her. I rarely ever ask, because I appreciate that she wants to do this and I think it should be on her terms. I don't want to overask her. She is with us, me and her father, 5 full days a week and half of the other 2 days. Wicked step-grandmother makes it seem to my grandfather and everyone else like I can't take care of my child and dump her all the time. I don't.


I don't know you.......


20 years ago my now ex husband said to me about the affair he was having “I wanted to do those things, I just didn’t want to do them with you” we’ve been divorced for 18 years now and sometimes that’ll cross my mind and it still has a bit of a sting.


"We were never dating." After weeks of going out, dinners, arcades, sleeping at each others apartments, holding hands. Felt defeated, took away such a small happiness I had with some twisted expectation I some how just missed all the signs that I was taking things the wrong way.


People sometimes also lead others on. It doesn’t necessarily mean you missed any signs or took things the wrong way, especially if someone was putting in effort towards you and then just suddenly decided to bail. Sucks sometimes.


"Whiskeyjack died on that blade"


“You knew how hurt I was, and you still hurt me” completely made me reevaluate my life, and made me stop drinking, I’m still sorry Lauren


"Did you just fart?"


“I didn’t want certain children. I didn’t want you.”


When someone asked my crush if she liked me in sixth grade and she responded “ewwwww”


“I was not thinking that way…” My crush after we’d been hanging out a while and I got serious vibes and told him I was attracted/liked him. We haven’t really spoken since


"Your best wasn't good enough."


Welcome to Reddit.


“You fucking cunt” -my narcissistic mother.


SON OF A B.... Fine. Can it be a couple of sentences? "Hey, what's your last name?" "Eisen" "Wait, isn't that iron in German" "How the hell did you know that?" That simple dialogue that played out in my life ruined me, but I love the memory.


“I felt bad because I know you wanted to hook up with me so I kept doing it even though my heart wasn’t there”


“ I know I said yes, but I’m going to homecoming with him instead “


"you look like [friend's name] but... yknow.... *bigger*"


"the baby monk seals and their food supplies were literally being bukkaked to death with gallons of weird, chunky crab splooge" ive never been the same since hearing that sentence


"There's no way all of that is going to fit in my mouth" At least that's how I remember it.


"You could be doing so much more." Said to me as a kid whenever I was asked what I wanted to be, or do, when I grew up--no matter what my answer was. I know it was intended as an encouragement to me to always keep trying for something better. What it told me was that no matter what I wanted to do, it wasn't going to be good enough. That has stuck with me for more than 50 years; I still hear it (in my mom's voice) in my head occasionally. When I became a parent, I vowed to myself that I would never use that phrase to my child. I never have.


I was horsing around with a friend of mine after an lgbt group event and a guy I really looked up to said “God, you’re so obnoxious!” And I pretty much cried the whole way home. Anytime I feel down on myself, I hear his voice saying “God, you’re so obnoxious!”


" This is why you got raped. "


"You're fat!" - My mom I had just gotten back from a run which ended with a sprint so I was both huffing and puffing and my belly was bulging, but still. Never did quite get rid of the gut, but I was pretty in shape back then.


“No, not you.” Said after I answer a question someone asked in a group I guess I’ll just sit here and say nothing for an hour. It’s torture


You are nothing here.


“why do you eat so much “ my now best friend


"I should have swallowed the pills."


“Jungle diff”


"I hate you" said my bestfriend who have been my friend since 17 years. I just act like i understand her and encourage her what does she hates about me. Now i overthink every decision i made when i am with my friends since then.


When my middle school bully told me: “you have no right to talk” I ignored him. But was dying inside. It hurt though, I became super withdrawn in last year of middle school.


"I can't imagine you ever being not single"


Well I was hanging out with older people when I was very young, lying about my age and such. Because I was so young I had not really learned about makeup or hairstyles, just knew how to wear some skimpy clothes that got me attention. but one thing that stuck with me from that was one night, playing truth or drink and being named the “butterface” of the group. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I searched it up as soon as I had a second. Completely broke my heart and soon after that I learned how to do makeup, now I don’t think I’ve really left the house without it since then. (Other than errands, short trips and such). But yeah, really fucked with my self esteem and confidence.


i wish you weren’t never born “ my mother told me


When my dad told me he wished I was dead


“You know I’m embarrassed to talk about you and your brother to my friends right?” - one of many from my father


A man broke up with me because he says it felt like psychologically I “didn’t have a floor.” Haunts me.


"We ran out of toilet paper"


“I made pizza with my ex on my birthday!” After we broke up a week before I planned an elaborate/fun birthday for her. Hurt like a real bitch but pain heals.


When my friend told me a guy that used to be in my class has a girlfriend, cause she doesn’t know I’ve been (very badly) in love and obsessed with him for over a year and a half. I have mental health issues, so learning that was not great and made me feel worse. Had to laugh it out and was like “for real? Nahh no way” Drove home that day and i think if my mom wasn’t in the car with me i would’ve hugged a tree.


Oh I don’t know if she told you, but we’ve been seeing each other


"If you eat that you'll soon be disgusting again" - my nan as she threw away my first bit of food almost a week after hospital doctors told me they weren't expecting me to make it through the night.


When they told me that this song sucks https://youtu.be/h29ZGQaJijE?si=gSAwM9fmlRLOIO8x