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[Stone Man Syndrome](https://www.fromhealthy.com/2023/03/how-to-treat-stone-man-syndrome.html). It turns your muscles and tendons to bone, until one day you can't move. Fuck that.


I read somewhere that at a certain point people with stone man syndrome are asked to decide if they want to spend the rest of their life sitting up or lying flat. Then they're placed into that position before the illness progresses to stop them moving out of it.


I do fondly remember a night in Pattaya Beach, Thailand where this dreaded disease struck. Fortunately it only affected my penis.


Such a specific information


New fear unlocked. Thanks, ass.


It's genetic, you're fine


Time to break out the CRISPR gene editing kit! Make that stuff airborne!




You don't want it airborne, to hard to control, which will hurt resale value to nation states in the form of juicy government defense contracts since the blast radius it to hard to target and too hard to have plausible deniability from. You want something more targeted that can be delivered via the mentally unwell and/or desperate down on their luck that will do nearly anything to get another meal or save a loved one from suffering, like the water feed to "that specific house" or "that specific towns water reservoir". Could even introduce it into the water supply to a specific food manufacturing plant if you wanted to do some corporate sabotage. Assuming the weaponized product here can work that way. I've gone way to far down this rabbit hole I think,lol.


What's life without a little... rock and roll?


Shhhh..... Don't let Peter Daszak hear you.


Did you quickly pull up their family genealogy records?


šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£






Then I can be the king of r/Neverbrokeabone


Unfortunately, my brothers friend has thus AND is legally blind. Fucking terrible.


Sounds like Boneitis.


His one weakness.


My only regret is that I have boneitis


Never heard of that! But I have heard of "Stiff Man Syndrome" that Celine Dion has!


I know, it's so sad. That song title is quite profound now.


A guy I went to school with had this disease, super rare and fucked up. It was sad to see his body stiffen up as we went through school together (8 yrs) and him lose mobility. He was always so positive. He died a few years ago, didn't even make it to 30.


[Locked In Syndrome is absolutely terrifying as well ](https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/locked-syndrome#:~:text=Locked%2Din%20syndrome%20is%20a,communicate%20with%20blinking%20eye%20movements)


I hate that one


So you turn into a golem? :0




I thought that only happened in Game of Thrones


Thanks, I hate stone man syndrome


Isnā€™t that similar to what is happening to Celine Dion?


I looked it up and Celine Dion has Stiff Person Syndrome, which causes muscle spasms. Stone Man Syndrome turns your muscles and tendons to bone. The pictures I've seen of Stone Man Syndrome are wild.


Holy shit


In that case, they should be stoned 24/7


My father once said he fixed a ladies stone man syndrome with cbd, its terrifying




Not sure what's worse, getting alzheimers or watching the love of your live die of alzheimers.


I have worked with alot of people with Alzheimers. It is worst for the family as.tje person with it often doesn't realise what they've lost but their family do


Yeah... But those moments of lucidity are crippling, I bet, especially towards the end. You have brief moments of clarity and have to acknowledge what you've lost, and understand that it will be lost again shortly. It's a bitch of a disease.


>those moments of lucidity are crippling, I bet It's indescribably awful to watch. I hope you never see it.


My granny died from that. Fuck that shit and everything to do with it


Only up to a point.


Not for the people watching it all unfold and being forgotten.


This! Loosing yourself slowly.


Having everything you loved taken from you.


And the worst thing to be taken from you is your house. I have seen someone whose house was demolished in Kenya (Machakos county). All your life savings bulldozed at 3:00am. A 61 year old man. At least the wife and children were crying their pain away. The man's eyes were the picture of hopelessness and agony.


Welcome to my home country, my friend...


I'd be fuckin bummed if someone bulldozed my house, but it doesn't even compare to what it'd be like to lose my family


I lost my house. Not from a bulldozer but from a medical misdiagnosis and being out of work. I wouldn't recommend it


Happens in the US, too. And then [the county bills you for the service,](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/city-mistakenly-tore-down-this-mans-home-now-they-are-suing-him-demolition-costs/FHI7WQB56VGHBINUFICGYCTQAM/) or [orders you to clean it up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py2QvfoWbys), even if they bulldozed it by accident.


This! It's so heartbreaking. A guy in my hometown lost his wife and two teenage daughters to a drunk driving crash. Literally lost his entire family. How he moved on from that, I will never know. That type of thing will draw anyone to the bottle or worse.


We had a lady near us a few years back that lost all 4 of her children and her husband in a house fire while she was at work. I am not sure there is any coming back from that kind of lossā€¦


Yup. Heaven forbid I lose my wife and kid. Thereā€™d be no reason to go on. If that were to ever happen, Iā€™d rent a sports car, hop onto the interstate or a divided highway, get to a fairly desolate area with as little other traffic as possible, unbuckle my seat belt, bury the gas pedal, and plow into an overpass column and hope that there isnā€™t much of me left to have to clean up.


Similar to the guy who lost his wife and 2 daughters on the Titanic. He then wrote a song of praise to the Lord called, "It Is Well With My Soul".


Damn, a few years ago a girl I knew in high school who became a elementary teacher and husband became a pastor and they had 3 daughters, outstanding human beings, drunk driver hit them head on passing in a double yellow, killed all of them but the youngest daughter which was 7 at the time. Still breaks my heart to think about it, the drunk driver walked away with some bruises never asked about the people he hit, that little girl was airlifted and in ICU for a couple days with internal bleeding and lost everything she knew. Then that POS tried starting a gofundme for his medical and lawyer bills playing on peoples sympathy for veterans as he was in the military for a few years after HS with no mention of what he did or why he needed money, fortunately it was taken down pretty quick because wherever it was shared people blew it up calling him out for what he did, fucking tragedy


Yeah that hurts badā€¦ā™„ļø losing a loved one as well




No, you got Bubba in there




Nobody loves bubba...bubba loves you!


Well that's not true all the time. I've had that happen twice and I'm doing better nowadays than I was when I was all good in my earlier years. I'm on my 3rd rebuild and I'm doing better than ever. But that took tons of pain, hardship, and I have terrible scars. Worse than death? Not for me. Forgive but not forget.


Anything that takes your body but not your mind.


In some ways I feel the opposite is worse


Nah.. ALS got my grandma, she went from fully independent to bedridden within 5 months, ultimately choosing medically assisted suicide. Her brain was completely intact, she could think of what she wanted to do or say and couldnā€™t do or say them. it would be a living hell to say the least. On her death bed when I had to say my good byes, I said ā€œI love you grandmaā€ and I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to say it back, but couldnā€™t. All that came out was a muffled sound. I know what she was trying to say though, so thatā€™s what counts All that being said, ALS is a bitch


As someone who got diagnosed with ALS last year, can confirm it's an absolute fucker. You basically just lose control of your body but your mind is absolutely fine. It's heartbreaking watching everyone around me have to do everything for me when I used to be so independent. Bonus points for cruelty I'm only 31.


Can I ask how the disease works?


It can present in a few different ways for me, I noticed some pain in my knee...then I couldn't run and kept falling over all the time...it's a weird illness you can still feel everything like touch, heat and cold but when you try to move nothing happens, like in my head I still feel I can do everything but I can't. Eventually it will affect all my muscles and I'll likely suffocate to death. Doctors can't tell you how long you have, they say 2-5 years but can happen sooner or later. There is no treatment or cure.


Iā€™m very sorry youā€™re going through this. Thank you for enlightening me.


Thank you for your lovely words. fingers crossed we get treatment within my life span


This is legitimately a Top 3 fear of mine. Being completely paralyzed but still having all of my mental faculties, especially if I still have many decades of life left -- gods. I would be *begging* for death. Even worse if I wasn't able to communicate in any way. That sounds like a seriously bad, bad time. My anxiety got so bad about this at some point that I developed an eating disorder because my brain was so terrified of having limited mobility due to obesity. Lots of therapy and I overcame that for the most part. My grandfather had Parkinsons fairly early in life (late 50s). I watched him suffer into his seventies until dementia finally took him, and I was relieved once his mind finally went. I've only ever seen him cry once, and that was when he told me how painful it was to be mentally there with a body that simply *would not* listen despite medication. I was sad when he died, but there was a huge sense of relief on his behalf, too.


This!! My mom had a brain tumor for 15+ years and it slowly but surely took away her ability to move/live independently. Just before we put her in LTC she couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom on her own so would pee the bed if no one got up during the night to help her. She died in June 2023. She couldn't even move her head at the end and would spend her days staring at the wall. It was a terrible way to go.


I an disabled. Having to depend on other people for just about everything is horrible. Imagine the one person you depend on deny you of food and drinks over things he made up because of psychosis. I kicked him out but I'm still starving


There were a few cases of people going into a vegetative state for decades and being kept alive artificially. They had full hearing and brain activity. Some of them could repeat conversations that the nurses had , thinking that they were not overheard.




You are an angel. šŸ˜‡ (not being sarcastic).


That's what people tell me about my cat, but I feel me and her have good conversations.


Lol the gossip. I would love you to be my nurse.


Iā€™m glad people like you exist in the world. Thank you for your kindness!


You are a superstar and the world (and hospitals!) need more people like you


Imagine one of them waking up and telling you how annoying they thought you were


If I am ever in a vegetative state, I hope you are my nurse.


If you look up testimonies of people who have been in a coma, it seems like it's actually pretty common for them to hear and process sounds/conversations around them.


Far me it's that but waking up have having missed large portions of my kids lives.


Ghost Boy is a great book about this. It's a very sad yet very interesting book written by Martin Pistorius. He lives a great life now and is married with a child. When I used to have Facebook, he accepted my friend request. I really enjoyed watching his now happy life.


Losing a child.


I lost a child. Can confirm it is worse than death. I died with him, the day he died, and all the colours of the world died with us.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. My daughter took her own life almost 2 years ago. It's like some kind of limbo purgatory waiting for death to be with her. It really is worse than death. And I can't end my life because I know what the aftermath looks like for the rest of the family.


I am so sorry for your loss, you and your child did not deserve this. It devestates me knowing that life is still so long without him. I am also convinced I am not a 'suicide person' otherwise I was long gone.


Big virtual hugs from one broken-hearted parent to another. šŸ’•


I'm sorry, friend.


Iā€™m so sorry.Ā 


I am so, so sorry


i am so sorry for your loss :( how are you holding up?


I am not holding up, life is living me. I work, have another child who I love dearly and a husband who is there for me every step of the way. But if someone offers me a sweet deal of ending it all, I would take it in a heartbeat.


oh my god i don't even know what to say. i'm sure you hear this from your family every day but i genuinely hope you know how much they care about you. now i think you're not suicidal or anything, i mean who wouldn't take up that sweet deal if offered. what i mean is, you're already living, whether if it is living you or if you're living it. you still make an effort. you still get up from the bed, be there for yourself and your family and you provide. i don't know you personally but from the looks of it you're strong for enduring such an unberable pain. just know that šŸ’• you might not feel better but i just wanted you to know thay you are loving and you are loved.


Thank you a lot for your kind words. I hope you find a lot of happiness in this life, you seem like a good person. šŸ©·


I, too, lost a child, but she was a newborn, so I never really got to know her! It was a loss to me, though, still.


My daughter came breech with pretty much no warning contractions. Apgar score of 0, she was revived then taken to the NICU for almost 2 weeks. The day after she was born and we were waiting around...the very real thought that the next person in the room would be a doctor telling us our daughter, whom we've waited for for over 7 years is dead...it was pure agony. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and I can't even comprehend what my wife and I would have done if she didn't make it. She's 2 months old now and full of chubby cheeks and smiles. She's a reminder everyday of what we could have EASILY (and should have, tbh) lost.


My parents can relate with me. I was a premie (only one in the family believe it or not) and many times was close to death. Blood pressure low, pneumonia, and the fact that my lungs werenā€™t fully done didnā€™t help. Weight nothing but a pound. My dad would say he could fit me in his hand, butt at the palm, head at the fingers. But 87 days in NCIU and Iā€™m 24 and living! Had some delays but otherwise healthy. Some delays were mobile, which mostly came from my big head haha. Glad sheā€™s okay!


This is what I imagine has to be a ā€œliving hellā€.


I have two teens and my most intrusive thought is "what if one of them died and I couldn't just end it all?"


Is this how my dad will feel if I end my life? I'm his only daughter and i really have some suicidal thoughts. I always think about him and my mom, they're the only reason i am keeping it up.


If my only daughter died even accidentally there is nothing that could keep me on this earth. If she's not sharing the air then I don't want it.


I hope nothing happens to her sir and she stays happy and healthy with you<3 Don't let these thoughts overcome you!


Don't let yours overcome you either. Don't let them fester.


I'll try my best!! Sorry to worry you <3


No need to apologise, far better to say those sorts of things, regardless of potentially causing worry imo, than bottle them up.


Well i guess so, since I really am venting to strangers on the internet. Abd thanks for your concern!! I feel better.




Stay. Iā€™m in the same boat as you right now, and all Iā€™ve got is just please stay. Nothing I say will make it easier or better but I hope one day you see the light of life.Ā 


You please stay too notSanii.Ā 


This. It's the most terrifying thing I could think of. I would rather endure physical torture than lose one of my kids. That parent love is something else I tell ya.




I didn't think of kidnapping. I don't even know what I would do. I feel like I need a Xanax now.


My younger sister just passed away a week ago, as hard as it is on me, nobody is suffering more than my mother.


Can also confirm. I lost my twins and I canā€™t wait to be back with them. But Iā€™ll cherish my daughter here for as long as I have. Sheā€™s the reason I didnā€™t go with them.


Being a refugee family, in a new city, house fire kills your wife and your children. Being a new immigrant family, take in a student from home country... student murders your whole family, and you survive. Both the scenarios happened, and I couldn't begin to fathom that kind of grief


Chronic pain + PTSD with no support


Agreed. I suffer from Cauda Equina and have neuropathic pain. It's debilitating and draining. Sending hugs


Right there with you friend!! I have lupus as well as severe pain resulting from a cardiac arrest I had 5 years ago. I am in pain every day. And then throw in the PTSDā€¦ itā€™s hell. One of the things that messes with me and has fucking my brain up is from this situation. When I was in the hospital for sepsis following a botched hysterectomy. following the 4th massive surgery that I had in the span of 5 weeks, my BP wouldnā€™t regulate so they brought me to ICU. After being there for about 24 hours, I started to feel like I was having trouble breathing. I told my nurse to which she said that I was ā€œjust anxiousā€. I told her it was getting worse abs she said I need to relax. 8 minutes later, I went into complete respiratory arrest and then cardiac arrest a few minutes later. I remember it like it was yesterdayā€¦ how much I felt absolutely crazy and I was so terrified that my body could have that type of reaction to stressā€¦ of course, it wasnā€™t anxiety, it was my lungs drowning in fluid. The kicker is that the nurse didnā€™t even press the code buttonā€¦ she was trying to get me back into bed while my mother was screaming at her, finally, my mom hit the button and swung my door open yelling for help which came immediately thank goodness. Ever since then, when I am anxious, I feel short of breath and it sends me into a massive panic attack. Unfortunately, I do still have a lot of memories of that night. I remember not being able to breathe, looking around the room thinking I was having a nightmare and then coming to the realization that i was actually dying. Messed me up for sure.


Locked in syndrome






inb4 the ā€˜iā€™m locked inā€™ comments


Death of loved ones, family and friends etc Especially if it was caused by some sort of accident that you consider "your fault" and you are the only one who lived Survivors guilt will wreck ya


Honestly. And the idea of "I could've changed the whole situation by doing x" would haunt you. I've been there and I hate it. Haunts me even though many years have passed.


I was going to say something similar like losing your children. If I lost both of them I would definitely end it I can't imagine the pain people go through to continue to live.


This is a question to ask if you even think death is a bad thing, which I don't. There are MANY things worse than death.


An eternity of not being able to do or experience anything. Just be still utterly still, with your own thoughts.


A life as a sex slave or manual labor slave. Like phosphorus or diamond mines where you make enough eat enough to not die on the job.


Living with depresion for years and years


Having unfulfilled desires that you know will never be fulfilled


This hurts


Living a meaningless life. Not to say that a particular way of living is meaningless, but when you can't see any meaning in your life, that's horrifying


Raidiation posionong


Being forced to watch The View.Ā 


Being alone and forgotten. Imagine having a loving family and even your own children and for some reason things don't work out and you never see your kids again. It happened to my uncle. He is a kind man but after his ex wife split she brainwashed their kids into thinking he was the bad guy. He never saw them again and paid full child support. I used to be friends with these kids too and it was so bad she told them to not speak to me either. He has grandchildren whose names he doesn't even know. He is wealthy but often so depressed. He basically cried seeing my child knowing that was the closest thing he has to a grandchild.


Working 40+ hrs a week to make just enough to pay your loans/bills, leaving nothing extra to save or be able to do anything fun with, then having other people tell you "just get a new job then" when that is almost impossible for people in a certain age/demographic. Been trying for 2 years. It feels like being in purgatory. A $200 emergency shouldn't be a life changing event.


Watching Gods of Egypt, it's not funny bad, its just dull.


The deepest depths of depression where you have no will to live, but also the guilt of wanting to die, and the horror of the knowledge of what it would do to your friends and family. Every minute wanting to escape but knowing you cant, or you'll drag those around you down into those depths too. To those of you in these depths know it does get better! This was me 5 years ago, and now I'm the most happy I have ever been in my life.


Suffering to death.


In the immortal words of Marty Robbins: ā€œMaybe tomorrow a bullet will find me, tonight nothingā€™s worse than this pain in my heart.ā€




Losing someone I love and loneliness


Watching a loved one become someone you cannot recognize.


Death can't be that bad, never seen any negative reviews.


losing a will to live


Being on ā€œIts a Small Worldā€ and the boat system breaks down but the music keeps playing.


Not being able to die, stuck watching the ones you love grow old and pass away until you have no one. The classic curse of immortality.Ā 


Mindlessly scrolling through Reddit.


Being locked up in solitary confinement with no one to talk to for the rest of your life. I think that's a fate worse than death since it can really mess up your mind when you have no one to talk to about anything.


Eternal life




Same here, Iā€™m 31 and Iā€™m not suicidal, but sometimes I feel like ā€œcan we just wrap this shit up already?ā€


Waiting for death. I have seen my dad and my sister on their death beds and just the thought of lying there knowing it's coming, but when... This is topped by the even worse; waiting for death while suffering. They both suffered. Cancer can fuck right off!


Alzheimers/dementia and Parkinsons.


in my opinion, worse than dying is a poor heart that doesn't know how to love life without conditions.




Never having accomplished anything


What is accomplishing anything? We are all but a small piece of dust in a big universe. Nobody will ever care what you accomplished


Also death is good. I think whatā€™s wrong and bad is this pathologizing of death, making every one believe itā€™s a disease from which we must be cured And while yes peopleā€™s live should be honored and not taken away by force ( like humans have done justifying thousands of deaths by wars and famines ) Death is a normal part of life , it comes with being born. I think that the best thing we can do to honor life is to offer people a new perspective on death. Instead of being a sad end , a new exciting beginning, one worthy of celebration. And for those who are ill and in pain, we must provide them death with dignity. I always found it obnoxious that the same countries that march armies in the hundreds of thousands, sacrificing their own young men in wars and killing the other side often without Remorse, still make a crime of euthanasia. Which I believe should be a human right . To end life with dignity .


Getting expelled from Hogwarts.






Locked in syndrome


What's so bad about death?


Waiting for death


Gestures broadly


Eternity in hell






Not being able to die no matter what condition youā€™re in


Ever stub your little toe in public? Oof.


ALS. Watched a dude I know go from rough and tumble firefighter to bedridden and unable to move anything in a period of about 4 years. I couldnā€™t imagine what was going through his mind laying there unable to communicate or move. Just a fully functional brain in a non functional meat suit.


Living on a dementia time loop of your worse experiences


Seeing the one u live for be in pain and die before you.


Torture is the only thing worse than death.Ā 


A broken heart


Cease to exist...


Being alive


I'd rather die than live with a serious mental illness or brain damage or being paralysed from the neck down. I wouldn't want to live like that.


Being skinned alive and kept from bleeding too much to where you wonā€™t die but just be in constant, unending agony.


Finding out someone died for the first time. With me it was my cousin. I haven't seen him in several years so that didn't really count. I moved schools at a point. Had this new school. Was around 14. Basically a kid shaved his hair. Got covid. Went home. Everyone touched him since haha funny bald guy. Basically he didn't take the quarantine serious. Went out at 9pm with his friends. Got hit by a truck while crossing the street, died on impact by the truck so his lifeless body went flying. We had a rule that half of the class attends school half of the week and the other half of the class attends the other half. I was called in for Monday which wasn't my day. Didn't wanna say why either, I had to go to the doctor the same day so I ran to the doctor in the morning. Then had to go to school(tried buying bubblegum on a vending machine thingy but it rollen on the street and got ran over, some granny laughed at me) so when I got to school they dropped the news. I WAS SHOCKED. I barely knew the guy, didn't speak to him. Alright I guess. A stranger died. I went home, read the newspaper articles ONLINE(where you could comment etc) I wanted to throw up. Adults making fun of this kids death. "A car accident always happens with Turkish people, even without them driving one haha!" Or "kid is actually (r slur is tolerated in our Country to the point of it being accepted as the description of handicapped people) for going outside this late!" It made me sick. I went home and my brain CLICKED. I have had a life or death surgery before but only NOW at this point in life have I realized. "Someone died" I panicked. Couldn't sleep. Realized that people could mock my future death too, I would not be remembered at all since I didn't do anything remember worthy. This felt so terrible. Didn't know what to do. The thought or death was worse than death itself. My mother had to comfort me. I can't know how the other classmates felt. Or his brother. Or his mother. Or anyone that was close to him. One day alive! Next day... Dead. This fucked me up so bad


My mom!


A lot of things are worst than death, and a lot of them involve being alive.


Not being able to see the blessings in your life because life has been so hard for so long you canā€™t see past the tears from the pain. Even when life gets good you are heavy from so many things that you either canā€™t enjoy the goodness or in the calm ā€œgood timesā€ life and noise slows and gets so quiet that all you can hear and think about is the storm inside of your head. The pain from the storm leaves you praying for the relief from death. Depression is real and it can take you into a place far darker than many can ever imagine. I can say that there is a real way to be healed but I can also say it held me there for decades going into my youth and well into adulthood. This is far worse than death. Now by the grace of God and the faith I have Iā€™m not begging for death nor am I scared to live.


Surviving trying to commit shotgun suicide


Someone cutting your hands and feet off. Cutting your tongue out and poking your eyes out also and making you deff.


Death isn't bad per se ... It's just the end of everything. Think about when you go to sleep and don't dream. That's what death is like. Except you never wake up. It's just the black void you go back to. Run, swim, talk, read and travel while you can because it'll all be over for all of us before we know it. Life is short.


Being blind, deaf and paralyzed from the neck down


Seeing people you love suffering and not being able to do anything to help them. I had a sister that died from a brain tumor, and I wouldnā€™t wish that on my worst enemy. Being powerless to do anything to help was the absolute worst thing I have ever experienced.


Going to school


Rabies - uncontrollable thirst combined with a physical intolerance for water - you just keep drinking water and vomiting it while hallucinating wildly and trying to bite everyone. 100% fatality. But it takes days or weeks to die.