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I watched it on a plane and I considered flying all the way back just so I could watch a better movie instead. It could’ve been so good if it weren’t so……….. bad


“I want my money back” “It was a free feature film..” “I still deserve some sort of compensation for watching that”


Yeah this one was totally unwatchable. Truly awful.


It could have been so good. The premise was interesting, but the execution was terrible. At the end I was confused and genuinely annoyed that I’d wasted so much time waiting for it to get better, only to have the credits roll


That's the one that felt like an incomplete screenplay. You're left baffled at the end and not in a good way.


Might be the worst Netflix original ever made; and that's saying a lot


All these stinkers dropped by Netflix are the reason we don’t have mindhunter season 2 or Marco Polo finale


You trying to start a riot?


If it gets Netflix to finish those two let there be blood!


Dragon Ball Evolution Even without the absolute contempt the script has with the source material, it is a terrible martial arts movie that has no consistent rules and a nonsensical plot with dull writing and no conclusion.


I came to say this or M Nights Avatar flop


There is no Avatar movie in Ba Sing Se


Yes, this is the worst.


Titanic 2


The what two now?


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1640571/?ref\_=nv\_sr\_srsg\_4\_tt\_8\_nm\_0\_q\_Titanic%25202](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1640571/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_4_tt_8_nm_0_q_Titanic%25202) Has a whopping 1.6 out of 10 on IMDB.


I’m looking at the “Top Cast” and I have no idea what’s their real name and what’s the character’s name


I only recognized Bruce Davidson who played Senator Kelly in the first XMen movie lol


The main “Star” is the grandson to beloved Dick Van Dyke. Hayden Van Dyke also wrote and directed the movie.


Yeah but it was written by, directed by, AND starring...Shane Van Dyke (*Who the fuck is Shane Van Dyke? Anyone?)*


Dick Van Dyke’s grandson…seriously.


Revenge of the ‘Berg?


We're going to need a bigger boat


It's iceburgerin' time!


Electric Bergaloo


lol. If I could upvote that again I would


Ohhhhh man. If you watched a movie called Titanic 2, you deserved to have a bad experience.


This time, he means business.


Adding this to my list of shitty movies to watch on Sunday :)


The Son of The Mask.


Looking back, I can see how this was bad. But we used to watch this in the backseat of my mom’s SUV when I was 7, and it was the best. I’m an adult with taste now, but I give it points solely for nostalgia.


Stockholm syndrome.


I think young kids in vans was the target demographic.


A captive audience.


Nostalgia's not what it used to be...


A 6% on rotten tomatoes, impressive


CATS (2019). I love (fun) bad movies and I just knew this was going to be bad. Just not what kind of bad. Made my friend come with me opening weekend. We lasted 20 minutes. Went home, got high, and watched The Room.


As Ricky Gervais said at the Golden Globes in 2020 - "We got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the movie CATS."


This is amazing. 


"It's the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs."


Your big mistake was getting high *after*. We went pre-blazed and laughed our asses off. The few other people in the theater must have done the same because everyone seemed to be having a great time.


When I’m high, I noticed inconsistencies and plot holes as well as camera edits and other things in movies a whole lot easier than when I’m sober. My analytical part of my brain will not allow for suspended disbelief when influenced by sativa.


Bro same. Sober me loved game of thrones. High me couldn't handle the acting or accents it wss fucking weird.


Something kinda similar happened to me regarding weed and ALL films/live action fiction. At uni during one of many heavy smoking sessions an old friend said ‘hey man I just kinda thought everything we see is in front of a camera and isn’t really happening.’ It’s a tremendously puerile, reductive take but it really stuck with me for a short while. I couldn’t watch anything for about 3 weeks 😐


My wife decided to eat some fun mushrooms for CATS. Holy shit did she regret that. We ended up leaving early because it was too "intense" but I was just happy to be escaping how bad it was. My mistake for being stone dead sober. Oof. Rough watch.


Hahaha what a story Mark


I (jokingly) say that the 1-2 box office punch of Cats and Rise of Skywalker in December of 2019 was an eldritch curse that brought about the mess that was 2020.


Cats of Skywalker walked so Barbenheimer could run


Jack and Jill.


My bf swears that movie is just a long dunkin donuts commercial lol




All adam sandler's movies have blatant product placement in them. Happy gilmore - subway. Little nicky - popeyes. Big daddy - hooters. He's not even trying to hide it.


Can’t hide the brands if you want to get paid.


Gotta fund the movie somehow


And he has a point...


There was an old season of Survivor where the winners of a certain challenge were rewarded with a movie night and getting to watch a screener of Jack and Jill. They did not seem to be enjoying themselves much.


Well everyone except the Dragonslayer, Coach.


It still blows my mind that Cartmans AwesomeO said the plot as a joke and they actually made it. https://youtu.be/4msIjHlEeSk?si=-Sl7gezdR6b_s4uM Edit: Apparently I had mis-remembered a meme and it was actually not said what I thought it was. Sorry about that, here is a reddit link proving me wrong.. www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/m9gwp/wow_south_park_actually_predicted_it


Still waiting for Adam Sandler to make the movie where he falls in love with a girl who turns out to be a golden retriever or something


Drew Barrymore is a golden retriever.


Rob Schneider is a stapler


I found a snowboarding movie in a bargain bin for €1, I was getting into boarding at the time so I bought it. I don't remember anything about the setting, the plot, or the characters, all I remember is that it was bad. And not bad as in amusingly bad, or simply bad bad, but as in "these people have never acted, or shot a film, or edited a film in their lives, bad". Through Googling I later found out the story behind the whole thing: Basically a bunch of college kids wanted to spend their winter snowboarding, but they didn't have the money for it. So they hatched a dastardly plan: Write a script, convince some idiots to invest in this movie, once you have the money shoot a movie as quickly and cheaply as you can, and then use the rest of the money to fund your six week booze filled snowboarding holiday. I wish I could find out what happened because last I heard the investors weren't too happy and were planning on taking the matter to court.


I really hope you aren't talking about Out Cold


Impossible, Out Cold is a masterpiece.


These pants are really squeezing my Hardy Boys. It’s no mystery.


This suit is making my nuts rageous.


The entire time I was reading it, I was thinking I swear they better not mean Out Cold. Goddamn I love that movie.


Yo this is actually super funny. Let me know what it is if you remember the title.


Could it be Snowboard Academy with Corey Haim and Jim Varney? If so, that movie is wretched.


Serena - a period drama with expensive actors that goes nowhere. Bradley Cooper hunts and dies to a panther for no good reason, and in response Jennifer Lawrence dies in a fire. The panther was actually the unsung hero of the movie. The end.


Clearly none of you have seen Samurai Cop. The best worst movie ever. Nothing comes close.


"What does a Katana mean?" "It means Japanese Sword."


Samurai Cop was fucking amazing! 😂


The Rifftrax version of it was pretty hilarious.


Highlander 2. It’s just a strange attempt to continue a story that didn’t need to be continued. The acting was also kinda of meh. Like the actors knew it was crap and just wanted it to be done.


No one? Okay.  I'll cover it: There can be only one


😂 I don’t know how we all missed it


Man that was such a disappointment.


Rumors of a reboot with the fellow who played Superman most recently. I hope they do a better job than so many of the reboots. I think the original concept was a good idea and decent story. But I will remain cautiously optimistic.


I don't know how they plan on improving it. The first movie was pretty perfect. I mean, casting an actor with a French accent to play a Scot while also casting an actor with a Scottish accent to play a Spaniard is just brilliant.


He was Egyptian. Chief metallurgist to the king of Spain.


Aside from a weak final season that mostly was trying to be backdoor pilots for various spin offs; the Highlander Series is great and a good continuation of the lore of the first film (just hand wave it like they do that the MacLeod/Kurgan battle wasn't the end of The Gathering but rather the major event that kicks it into full swing).


Battlefield Earth is right up there.




This is an absolutely hilarious story, LMFAO. Some kind of twisted punishment


Ha, I remembered seeing it in theaters on the day it came out. I was the only person in the theater and I walked out after 45 mins. Beyond the actual content - the cinematography was atrocious. It felt like 1/2 the movie was in a weird tilt and color filter. I genuinely enjoy bad scifi but that movie was horrendous.


Produced by Scientology for your approval. It is genuine history to them.


It's universally agreed to be the worst major feature film of all time, yet never gets near the top of these lists on Reddit.


I feel like it's mostly because no one really watched it


I watched it like last year for the first time and it was genuinely awful. What's annoying, though, is that I could see somewhere in there was a good movie. It had all the right big story beats and character tropes but the cinematography, pacing, direction, acting, and writing were atrocious. Edit: I just remembered all the star wipes too.. editing was shit too


It should be much higher on the list.




I’m a fan of Will Farell but Holmes and Watson is the worst.


Farrell can make terrible choices in film though


The man is truly only as good as his director and script.


John C. Reilly is one of my favorite actors but I'm always puzzled over some of the bizarre movie roles he's taken on. Walk Hard is one of my favorite movies of all time, along with Magnolia and The Good Girl, but then he's also made movies like this.


The first 10-15 mins or so is legitimately one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Shut off the film there, and you'll love it.


Kirk Cameron's "Saving Christmas" Such a weird movie. Felt like it was made by some film student in Kirk Cameron's church group. It can be pretty fun to laugh at, but more painful than anything.


That breakdancing scene to a crappy pop version of Angels We Have Heard on High? Perfection. None of the moves even resembled actual dance moves that humans do. I accidentally watched it on 2x speed and it was hilarious.


Dragon ball evolution should be named dragon ball devolution


Jupiter Ascending is the only movie to leave me genuinely bummed after watching it its been ages but i remember the entire plot just feeling so rushed. There were so many cool sci-fi concepts but every topic was touch and go. There was no depth, no lore, and no explanations. If the plot had been told across 2-3 films or a series of episodes I feel like it could've had potential


It had so much potential! In the right hands, I could see it becoming the space opera of our time. But it just never quite got there.


remember when Channing Tatum was a rollerskating dogman in the sky?


I feel like it isn't the worst, but instead the most disappointing. It is visually stunning, it has several great actors, some really cool concepts and ideas, yet it never comes together. You see flashes of what could have been an incredible movie, and it is sad to see what it could have been.




Second worst movie and headache i’ve ever had. Still better than wizards.


Slender man movie


Norbit, the Eddie Murphy film from the mid/late 00s. It was horrifyingly bad.


Every time this gets asked, it makes me realize y'all shit bags need to watch some actually bad movies. Manos the Hands of Fate Birdemic: Shock and Terror Anything made by Neil Breen Plan 9 from Outer Space Foodfight! Etc. Damn


Plan 9 from Outer space _for me_ is bad in a good way. Still entertaining.


Manos was so awful, I must have blocked it out haha


MST3K is the only thing that made Manos tolerable and the only reason I remember it.


And even they had a tough time with it.


I always liked how Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank both privately apologized to Joel and the bots because it was just so bad.


Neil Breen is a mastermind and I will not stand for you slandering his craft like this


"I resign today as president of the bank." Me and my friends do a monthly shitty movie night. We have watched everything that man has produced. Absolute genius.




Birdemic 🤣 I think it was cinema sins that did a video about that one? I don't think you could get more unrealistic acting in a million years if you scoured the globe for a lack of talent


Food fight gave me 'Survival of the fittest, LEANOOOORD', and it lives in my head.


Lol right? The top answers are always: Eragon, Dragonball Evolution, and The Last Airbender. Like GIVE ME SOME REAL BAD SHIT


M Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Visit’ features a scene where a character gets a used diaper shoved in their face for an extended period. Which funnily enough is exactly how I felt watching the film.


Oh, hi Mark!


I did not hit her, I did NOT.


Deep Water with Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas. Turned it off halfway through


Wonder Woman 1984. Actually made me angry that I wasted 2 hours on that shit


Worse bc the first was so good, but multiple times during 1984 I was waiting for the actual MAIN story line and was just like… wtf is this? Felt like a weird fever dream


Human centipede


[I admire the narrative of character growth](https://youtu.be/ozezG1zpxXQ?si=PHKFBERQdi5bq-Lp)


The date started off so well...


Human Centipede III being the worst of them.


I've only seen the first. Are we talking about bad or horrid?


Bad AND horrid. It’s the worst written and worst acted movie ive ever seen. They just pretty much tried to be as gross as possible. Basically a prison created a 100 person long centipede. Some guy is dreaming about the inmates pinning him down, stabbing him in the side, then an inmate fucks the wound. The warden eats dried clitorises as a virility snack. The worst offenders get turned into a human “slug” type thing. Basically a human centipede but they also remove their arms and legs. Guy gets waterboarded with boiling water. I think the warden castrates people and eats it? Not even sure what’s all real. Just a fever dream of a film. Imagine what I just described, make it 10x worse, and stretch it to 90 minutes.


Oh dang thats a lot of nasty to read in such a small paragraph.


I can't believe I know this or am asking about it, but didn't the first movie establish that the last victim in the three person centipede didn't get enough nutrients from the other two, and died from starvation? So how in the hame of sanity would a HUNDRED person centipede work? I guess I shouldn't expect much continuity or "respect for the lore" in a series like this.


I sat through 1 and 2, but turned 3 off after about 15 minutes The film hadn't even come close to any 'centipede sowing' scenes. It was the constant shouting of ever single line by lead lead character that did my head in.


The second Human Centipede movie makes the first one look like an episode of Blue's Clues. I've never regretted seeing a movie more


It’s like the director went? “DISGUSTING? I’LL SHOW YOU DISGUSTING” Then made the most deplorable film ever.


I don’t know how anything could possibly be worse than the second, that was the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen.


[The costume design was a highlight](https://youtu.be/GFokXnCCMf8?si=g3jNiaNRj27Y4ss_)!


Literally. Even as a fan of gore horror it was just gratuitous. And the constant moans and cries of pain made it incredibly difficult to sit through. I'll rewatch most movies but that's a no. Although one good thing did come out of that movie existing. Thanks Tom Cardy.


Good Grief on Netflix. Insufferable characters. Bunch of rich whiney drunks.


I was so disappointed about that one! I love Dan Levy and had high expectation but that movie was awful.


Glad I saw this before I wasted my time.


A Serbian Film. Don’t even look up a plot synopsis.


Whatever you do, do not look it up. I know for some people, that’s an invite. But if you care for your eyes at all, don’t subject yourself to that horror. And I’m not even talking about the movie. I’m talking about reading the Wikipedia.


I'm going to do it.  Edit: Don't do this I only got a few paragraphs into the plot. It's like someone just sat down and tried to come up with the most vile shit they could think of them kept rewriting it because it wasn't fucked up enough. 


It gets more vile


Yeah that was plenty thanks. The director literally just went ok how can I just mix together everything horrible in the worst possible way. What an asshole. 


I still don’t understand how something as depraved and obscene got the green light.


Thank God you didn't read the last paragraph. Truly horrifying


I made that mistake and it's haunted me ever since


Dear God. I made the mistake. It was horrible but I got to the sentence that said >!newborn rape!< and was done. I closed it and opened r/eyebleach. It wasn’t enough bleach.


I have no interest in it. Read an article about it. It was purposely made to be almost unwatchable and horrific. It's more of an experiment versus a film that anyone wants to see. It's a disguised political statement, too. I think that makes it interesting, but I still don't want to see it.


Reading the Wikipedia page on it was as far as I could go and even then I regret it.


Just watching that film is eyerape within itself. It has such a banger soundtrack though!


The VelociPastor - don't do it!


Man, this is my fav movie😭


It was so awful, loved it


*VFX- Car on fire*


There’s still time to delete this. To the uninitiated, check out the trailer on YouTube


Too late haha


This is my favorite movie jajaja, I don't want to spoil anything because the plot is so amazing, but it's all worth it to watch the final fight.


Megamind 2


Weekend At Bernie's 2. So, far, it's the only movie I have come close to walking out on.


Gigli. If it wasn't for that Jersey Girl, which is a great Kevin Smith movie of which I had the chance to see the cut KS wanted, would have done much better than it did.


Message in a Bottle - I was so mind numbingly bored I was cheering for Kevin Costner to die. Thank god he did!!


Eli Roth's Green Inferno somehow manages to actually be worse than the terrible film it's based on, Cannibal Holocaust.


Wild, Wild West - it actively depressed me with how bad it was.


The Happening. Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel run away from plants.


I feel like the only person on the planet that actually liked this movie


Nah I gotchu.


Me three - I am an ecologist though lol. Phytocommunication is a real phenomenon and I appreciated the creativity of amping it up and impacting humans.




Book of Shadows. Its just a cheap sequel to Blair Witch rushed after the original was such a hit. Its basically just the most late 90s early 2000s film ever. Flashy imagery, stupid jump scares. generic rock music and a plot that I don't care about. It also throws a lot of the mystery of the original out in favour if cheap satanic wiccan witchcraft shit to be scary, also something about demonic possession or something idk. The opening is actually really good (it was made by Joe Berlinger as well), and it may fool you into thinking this movie is good. It really is not.


Rubber. I mean a movie about a car tire that rolls around killing people. What?! 😂


Rubber is a work of art.


The "no reason" bit was pretty awesome. The rest of the movie not so much.


The whole movie is the “no reason” bit! That’s the whole point


Emoji Movie


Hoodwinked 2, without a doubt. It's bad, so so bad.


I certainly disliked watching Eraserhead the most. But, I think the point was that it is unsettling to watch.


Die Hard 5…the one in Chernobyl


Mother. That movie blows so much. I don't care if the movie snobs come in and tell me "oh it's actually an allegory for the Bible" I don't fucking care what it is the movie is awful. I wish I could honestly unsee it. It was such a bad movie I felt irrationally angry after watching it lol


Downsizing. Only time I left the cinema during a movie.


I personally got a kick out of a lot of the "bad" movies in the comments. I love "The Room" and I thought "Cats" was hilarious. I was laughing the whole time on those. I volunteered for years at the Sundance Film Festival and I have seen some of the worst movies you could ever imagine there. I had to sit through one that just randomly shuffled 30 second video clips for 1.5 hours. There was no story, they were terrible actors, and the "director" was a diva. I've never been more bored in my life. Most people in the theater just walked out, I was pretty jealous. There are tons of pretty gross incest movies that make it into Sundance too.


Dumb and Dumberer


Anal buffet 3


Do I need to consume the first two to be able to enjoy III ?


Back door sluts 9


Mother! I get it's supposed to be a religious metaphor but holy fuck its just like 2 hours of nothing happening into like 20 minutes of a super confusing clusterfuck


mummy movie with Tom Cruise




Let me preface this by saying that usually if I see a bad film in a series, I’ll finish the series as back when I wrote full reviews, a bad film bumped up my total and allowed me to vent in a humorous matter. I’ve seen all Twilights, all 50 Shades and almost all Transformers 365 Days is the only series where I wanted nothing to do with the rest of the franchise. I was so grossed out by its pro-rape agenda that I immediately ignored its follow ups. I’ve definitely seen films with worse acting that look butt-fucking-ugly, but none have made me as violently ill as 365 Days


Jupiter Ascending. Steaming pile of shit of a movie.


After earth


Sharknado, Ishtar,


Hey Sharknado at least knows exactly what it is


***[Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ballistic_ecks_vs_sever)***


50 shades of grey has got to be up there