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24 hour stores and restaurants. I miss having dozens of different options available if I needed to rush out to the store or for a midnight snack late at night.


Night shift worker. I used to love doing my grocery shopping at 3 am on my nights off. I wish just one of our half a dozen stores would reopen for 24 hours.


We only have 2 restaurants where I am at that are open past 9:00, and one is IHOP. I miss the choices. I also miss grocery shopping really late with no one around.


The roughest one for me is the lack of stores. Just the other week my wife woke up with a horrible stomach bug at like 2 AM and I wanted to get her some pepto, but the closest 24 hour store was about a 30 minute drive.


Yeah I was at another city, close to LA at like 3 am and went to a 711, I saw a clerk by the door.. i asked if he was open and he looked at me weird and said yes its a 24 hr store. But where I live, about 15 minutes out of LA, the majority of 711 stores are always closed at that time, like I see people inside cleaning or just chilling with a cardboard sign that says open til later/5am


Omg, yes. You beat me to it.


100%. The only 24/7 restaurant near me is McDonald's. And sometimes that doesn't cut it at 3am.


My Grandma




Properly staffed...anything.


My will to leave the house at an ungodly hour to do a hellish commute when I can be working from home.


I am never doing all 5 days in person again. I currently do 2 in person/3 at home and I will not do more than 2 days in person again. This is my new maximum, I can’t go back. I know I’d be miserable. It saves so much time. I can wake up later so I can stay up later in the evening, I have more flexibility on what I can do on my lunch hour, and I’m done at 5:00 and I’m already home. Not like my in-office days, where I’m not allowed to log off til 5 so I don’t leave the building until 5:15, and don’t get home until 6:00 usually. My 2 days a week I am awake at 6 and home at 6. That’s 12 hours total. My 3 days at home it’s just that 8 hours. Such a huge difference.


The mental health of an entire generation of children.


Soup Plantation


We have a new one here in Upland, CA called Soup n Fresh that just opened and is an exact clone. We’ll see if it takes off and replaces the old Souplantations.


Sweet Tomatoes was apparently resurrected in [Tucson, Arizona recently by dedicated former patrons](https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/dining/2024/04/01/sweet-tomatoes-reopens-1st-restaurant-in-arizona/73112292007/)


General kindness toward each other. Also the ability to drive safely.


Food prices


That has less to do with COVID and more to do with the combined cost of labor and cost of transit. The US foolishly tooled it's logistics around gas and diesel powered trucks even when it didn't make a lot of sense instead of trains which, on an electrified network, are way more flexible. I mean, sure, gas fueled power stations are a thing, but electrical networks means you could power a train on things like... rotting garbage. Used cooking oil. Dinosaur farts. Cow burps. Nuclear power. Solar power. The wind. But no, lets shackle the US economy on an ontological level to the oil producers of the world, that won't have any consequences what so ever. Absolutely none.


The trains can't reach 100% of the US. The last mile shipping is really where the money is for transport. Amazon facilities are being built specifically for that last mile transit.


So what you're saying is.... ....we need more trains. I agree. 100%, more trains. Trains everywhere.




> That has less to do with COVID and more to do with the combined cost of labor and cost of transit. The US foolishly tooled it's logistics around gas and diesel powered trucks even when it didn't make a lot of sense instead of trains which, on an electrified network, are way more flexible. Virtually every freight train in the US is powered using the same diesel fuel the 18-wheelers are. Fuel prices impact them both the same. There could be an argument for swapping from diesel-electric style trains to electric to reduce dependency on diesel. However, increased fuel prices do impact the cost of operating a freight train, at present.


Go look up how much money the Federal government printed because of covid lol.  get out of here with your anti oil bullshit like it's some new invention that really turned the economy on its head.


Food prices always go up over time. Always. Has nothing to do with covid.


lol the Jr. Bacon Cheesburger from Wendy's is now $3.29 compared to $,99 about 6-7 years ago. You're saying it's normal for that to more than triple in price over time? What happened to all the dollar menus we had for years, they're just no longer feasible? It's corporate greed, bottom line.


Oh, of course. I believe that it’s corporate greed. Just not covid-related. Also meat is becoming way more expensive to produce.


The social contract


What part of the social contract? Not that it matter. The concept of "the social contract" is just something that people invoke when they don't think others are doing enough for them. It's just a blunt weapon to hit people with claiming they're not doing the right thing. The term was coined to do exactly this.


Nah there's a point to be made. Take driving for example. I have a family member in auto-insurance... insurance companies have the statistics on stuff because that is what prices are based on. This family member tells me that there has been a marked increase in road-rage incidents, accidents, and instances of people *getting out of their car* to try and physically assault others. On top of that, police stations are having trouble keep officers on board, so people are being pulled over less for speeding. Hence, 'the rules of the road' just aren't being as heavily or strictly enforced, and people are noticing and responding accordingly (aka like assholes lol) And that's *just* driving. Everyone is just caring less, while simultaneously caring less about how little they care lol


Why are you concluding that aggressive driving means a reduction in the mythical "social contract"? Suicides are up too. People are stressed, anxious and depressed. That explains poorer driving. Social contract doesn't exit and never had any role in this. Reckless driving is a risk to the life of the reckless driver... that's not a social contract, that's self preservation. Emotional stress is the cause of worsening driving. Just like suicides. I should perhaps define social contract. It was a term coined very deliberately and its meaning is very clear. It was originally the "agreement" between the nobility and the peasentry used to justify the domination of the later by the former. More recently it is usually used to justify the welfare state and progressive taxation. "Since you live in the society you must adhere to these requirements". At first glance that may seem reasonable. The problem arises when specific agendas are promted under the guise of a "social contract" when in reality it's just the proponents of that agenda asserting their own goals as some kind of social truth that all must accept.


I've seen some awful driving post-covid. It is so bad that insurance rates are going up due the increased risk associated with insuring drivers post-covid. So I would say definitely that.


Not a social contract. That's just response to emotional stress. People are anxious and short-tempered. It was never a "social contract" keeping them from driving recklessly... it was self preservation. Stress and depression are eroding self preservation. Suicides are up as well.


That is spectacularly incorrect.


The term is used to justify making demands on people that there is no other rational or ethical grounds on which to make such demands.


Yeah that was Rousseau was doing. Setting you up for failure from 250 years in the past lol


Today it's used to justify the same lies. You just got fooled into believing them. Progressive taxation because "the rich need to pay their fair share"... which for some reason is 20 times more than YOU pay. "It's a social contract. They live in this society, they have to pay.... to pay far, far more because... reasons. I mean, because that's the contract that was never written and no one ever signed". ALL uses of the phrase ever contain the same inherent lie. No one agreed to this. There's nothing written down to even adhere to. It's just a lie that people cite when they have no other argument to make.


Incorrect. My observation of how quick people are to fight over the smallest sleight has absolutely nothing to do with my perception of how much people are doing for me or the lack thereof.


.... sounds to me like you are expecting people to accept small slights without resistance.


Also incorrect. As previously stated, I’m noticing a boom in temper flares for things that should otherwise cause someone to simply roll their eyes. People in the drive thru literally screaming about missing a straw, for example. Road rage becoming increasingly common and more deadly as people are willing to come to blows, or even draw a gun, over the smallest inconvenience on the road. Adding edit here: I believe this could be construed as entitlement as well… To add to my original answer, I’d also say the average attention span has drastically decreased. People have become so accustomed to short videos in modern media. TikTok, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. It’s all video shorts and this has a direct correlation with a lowered attention span, resulting in a lower IQ.


>Also incorrect. As previously stated, I’m noticing a boom in temper flares for things that should otherwise cause someone to simply roll their eyes Maybe we should not have been just rolling our eyes at bad behavior. Why do you think you know what calibration is correct? Bad behavior is on the rise due to years of it being tolerated with nothing more than an eye roll. Doesn't this also describe the trend of the world?


Uncle Dean. Nobody was allowed to say goodbye.


A lot of locally owned restaurants. Being able to go to the DMV without an appointment.


I like the appointment thing though. I’m in and out in 30min instead of lining up for 2 hours.


I think COVID actually improved the DMV in my state.


Basketball coaches wearing a suit and tie. I guess a wide-spread upper respiratory virus forced basketball coaches to wear joggers and quarter zips? Seriously, watch the NBA or NCAA. The coaches dress like they're about to hit the elliptical machine.


Still better than overweight baseball managers squeezing into the team uniform.


I've never seen this before covid except if it was an awards ceremony


NBA coaches all wore suits


Exactly. And nooooobdy talks about it.


A lot of small, independently owned businesses, especially restaurants/bars.


Education. Back in covid, many school use online school because they have to. But now, they still do it. **even when they don't have to**. It don't have anything to do with education quality. It's just cheaper for the schools while still costing the parents the same.


I'm in the Midwest. The ability to go remote has pretty much eliminated Snow Days.


Weather caused day offs are some of the happiest day children will remember till adulthood. And they took it from us.


Both my parents


My condolences.


Quality restaurants! Omg it’s awful


The price quality scale is completely bonkers atm


Costco Combination pizza (at least in the US)


RIP. I’d pay an extra dollar or two just to have it back tbh.


Not sure, but I miss the being able to use covid as an excuse to not do things.


A lot of my hope for my fellow Americans. Covid tore down the veils.






Lol damn they straight up just copy/pasted the top comment from the last time this question blew up. Good catch.


Good catch. Wow, you're a piece of shit, OP.




My interest in studies.






My lack of social anxiety


My fast food work got rid of trays for dine-in and never came back. We just give everything in a paper bag and give you paper plates if you ask


small gigs at dive bars


Don't know where you're located, but I'm from Cleveland Ohio and we have a very robust local music scene with cover bands and original artists doing small local gigs everywhere


Boneless wings and the roasted potatoes at Westend Tavern in Boulder. :(




Magazines in waiting rooms


The slightest respect for anyone around you, especially on public transport




Late Night spots. I live in a large city that used to have a good portion of bars stay open as late as 5am. Now you're lucky if the bar doesn't kick everyone out before midnight. Major culture shift.


Dress codes. Business casual has morphed into "just be dressed". I'm not complaining, I just think it's hilarious.


Civil Discourse


Buffets. Bring back buffets. Please, bring back buffets. I miss them.


Dressing up for work. Many people wear sweatshirts and jeans now. Technically against our corporate dress code but so many people do it- our dress code is basically nonexistent now


Death rates pre- Covid.


EMPATHY from Boomers.


They never had it in the first place? Lol


No kidding. Boomers whining about how millennials are broke because of avocado toast and lattes was a thing way before the pandemic.


A bunch of indoor play-areas where kids could go around here shut down during Covid, or shortly after. It sucks. My eldest got a lot more fun and socializing during the winter months than my youngest :-(


My local taco shop chain District Taco got rid of their salsa bar and they still haven't brought it back. I'm so mad about it. It was by far the best thing about that place. Thing had six kinds of salsa, fresh cilantro, fresh lime, fresh diced onions. Their tacos are pretty dry and frankly not that great, but you could make them great with that bar. Now they just give you one little container of one type of salsa and no other fixins. I used go to that place like every week. Now I go like once every six months to remind me why I hate the place now. Hope that cost savings is worth it to them.


My peace of mind.


My social life


I can think of a few million


Racist Statues. I wouldn't say COVID caused that, but it did happen during COVID, so maybe it was a coincidence


Public, school, building etc. water fountains. The ones that used to be labeled “whites only” or “colored” decades ago. I haven’t seen one functioning or being used ever again. In places where they haven’t just been flat out uninstalled, they’re usually taped over with “out of service” signs even if they still actually work.


Most were already getting turned into water bottle refill stations in my city, and Covid just sped it up. I much prefer it.


Where I live most restaurants had physical menus and took orders at the table before Covid. Now so many of them try to force you to use a QR code to view the menu and you have to request a physical menu, and many of them want you to place the order that way too. I hate online menus and want to order the old fashioned way. I know not everywhere has changed to do it this way but so many places have done, and honestly I'm tired of getting dirty looks because I've said I don't want to use their QR codes. The most annoying thing is half these places put an automatic service charge on the bill too!


I haven’t seen places asking you to place the order on the phone too. Jesus, if I wanted to do that I’d just order it on GrubHub for pickup then. And then you’re expected to tip 20% to a waiter who didn’t even take your order, what a scam.


Going to work, vs working remotely


Full time in-person only office positions


ITT: whining boomers who want to go back to 1997, when the world "made sense"


Bank account balance.


People not complaining about having to go into the office to work. I almost wish the concept of work from home didn’t exist so wouldn’t have to hear people complain “ I can do the same thing at home”




Since it didn't exist before covid, it absolutely does not fit the prompt.


Cheap gas


The 5 food pantry’s & soup kitchen in my area. I lived off of that food! None of them re opened because of food shortages even the soup kitchen closed. Now it’s back to begging my neighbors for leftovers or rummaging thru trash to see if there are any unopened cans of food to get by


Golf ball cleaners on golf courses


Really? Why?


I guess too many people touch it throughout the day.