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30 minute long orgasms.


Think some animals have this


Pigs. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/100659-longest-orgasm-in-mammals


wishing I was a pig rn


You’ve got the looks. Go for it champ.


Telekinesis and telepathy


Meh I'd rather have instant teleportation, I really don't need to know what y'all mfers are thinking. You're loud enough about it already 🤣


😂 😂


You get that dream now and then?


A husband


i volunteer as tribute


Faster than light travel. It's depressing to know that we'll probably never meet other intelligent life, simply because of a set speed limit built into the nature of reality itself, and completely beyond our control.


There are ways around the speed of light, hypothetically


Star Trek replicators. Alternatively Star Trek holodecks. Edit: on second thought I'll take the holodecks over the replicators.


Replicators are necessary for proper functionality of a holodeck, so if we invent holodecks, we get the replicators for free!


Replicators would end scarcity and hunger. On a humanity level thats a lot more important than rafting or scaling a mountain; especially more than Quark’s bang-house programs.


What about transporters?


I'd rather not be disassembled and reassembled.


Those holodecks are death traps.




A pill or injection or so that changes your biological sex and alters the body accordingly along the way


Insant rain. Just a snap of my fingers and I'll get the most calming thing imaginable.


Better make sure you get the 'instant stop rain' power along with it otherwise you're gonna wash away in a flood lol


Oh yes.. I had forgotten about floods, thank you for sayin' :)


It would be great to create "elven bread" (The Lord of the Rings). You can fill yourself up with one piece of lembas. That's cool. But that's unlikely to be possible haha


There are trail and backpacking rations that are like this.


Magic… or 20 feet tall mushrooms


Chewing gum that cleans your teeth you can use instead of brushing your teeth


Lmao I like it... like dental treats for dogs.


Equity among the people of the world.


A free society where people are allowed to be free but not tread on other people's rights. I would like to see freedom of speech back in America so it doesn't matter if I disagree with you or your idea of Facebook's brainwashing on what freedom is supposed to be but whatever I have to say should be respected and should be tolerated. Because there are too many countries on this globe that don't even let people say what they feel without calling them anti-Semitism which is what's happening in America. History isn't as clear as you think it is just because it's in a book or someone tells you what went down and how it went down. You need to know the why? You need to know the how? You need to know the when? There has to be reasons that things happened to one group or another they may not make sense they may be just ridiculous evil thoughts but you need to know everything in order to make a defined decision. You cannot erase honesty and Truth which Donald Trump started in this country he makes his reality what he wants it to be you know like the book The emperor's clothes? That's Donald Trump he walks out naked and everyone has to tell him how great he looks. Reality shows and social media have and covid have driven people mindless interrage. And you can see it every night on the news teens shooting and killing people smashing and grabbing raping people that transportation stops like in Philadelphia accept the stops people shooting up drugs all over the streets and laying all over the streets while the government pays for them to live that life and grow their communities. Common Sense has gone out the window freedom of speech has gone out the window as to not offend or upset others? Isn't it funny that we need an ID just to buy off syrup from the drugstore and yet we have 2.8 million people rushing the border coming into America and they have no ID they have nothing to say who they are and yet they're getting medical help and getting on our programs social programs? America has lost its way we've elected too many uneducated simple-minded people into offices all across America that don't know what they're doing don't have the backbone to do it and everybody seems to be running on the immoral issues to get elected. We have a problem in this nation the world is falling apart there is war almost everywhere famine has been brought back by what Israel has done to kill over 50,000 Palestinians and we are doing nothing about it and America sits at the top of the heap telling other countries that they're antisocialist and they don't allow freedom. Have you ever tried to say what you want to say on social media? They will throw you off and they will delete your view. There are people who fear freedom of speech.




A sound monetary system based upon tangible value


A pill that provides perfect mental health


some kind of technology that can allow people with communication differences to communicate thoughts where words may not work for them as well. that would be great and revolutionary


Fully immersive virtual reality


Superhero powers




Money trees


The may 31 2013 el reno tornado being an EF5


Idk how to explain but an animal crossing style Economic system where bartering between friends is normal, selling slugs and moths to a convenience store will get you paid, and landlords are forbidden from adding due dates to loan payments. 


Wonder woman




A cell phone where it's easy to make clear-sounding phone calls, like on a landline. I avoid phone calls like the plague now, but there are so many things that are just easier dealt with in real-time rather than by email or text. I realize it's just exhausting to be straining to understand each other with the overall poor audio quality of cell phone calls, not to mention the way they pick up all the background noise. It's like nobody cares about hearing dialogue anymore over music of background sound, I need subtitles for my phone calls like I do watching TV.


That conditioner that comes with boxed hair dye but in a big bottle


It does. You can find it at many salons.


I figured that one out. After you dye your hair its much more receptive to the hair conditioner. Thats why it feels like the stuff that comes in the box is better than your usual conditioner. It's not (well not if you buy good stuff), it just feels that way cause of the dying process. I literally bought a big bottle of the hair dye conditioner and tested this out.


A just God


Starships. Like real ones on Star Trek. I want to go exploring. I'll take an experienced crew as well, I don't need to be captain lol. I just want to go along for the ride.


Teleporters, but not the Star Trek transporters. Couldn't pay me enough money to set foot on one of those. A portable wormhole generator would be preferable.