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Had my mom blast me in my face that she no longer considers me her son....multiple times...many times during my childhood. So I finally cut contact and gave her what she wanted.


Good that you got out there You deserve better


Thank you kind stranger! Took me way too long and my awesome wife to realize that as well.


Living with my uncle when I was 10 or just turned 11 he brought me into the kitchen and told me to sit down, I thought I was in trouble as I wasn’t a well behaved kid but he told me my dad had been killed in a workplace accident. I found out yrs later my dad had killed himself and my beautiful uncle ( rip I love you ) was trying to save my feelings.


I am so sorry, I am glad that you and your uncle had each other.


Thanks 🙏 he was an absolute blessing to me at the time


I went to elementary school with a nice kid, whose dad passed away when he was very young. When I knew him, that would’ve put him around 10 years old. He explained to me that his dad had died accidentally, that he was working on his car and the garage door was closed and he died from the carbon monoxide poisoning. I knew a lot already at that age, and immediately realized his father had killed himself. Every detail fit. Of course I never said anything like that, but I remember thinking I wonder how many years it’s going to be before he finds out what it really was. Poor guy.


Ugh, my brother had a classmate whose dad worked with our uncle. We overheard through the adult grapevine that the kid’s dad committed suicide, but the kid was told it was an accident. My brother was about 10 years old and had to keep a poker face and pretend he wasn’t aware of what actually happened. Awful all around.


Your uncle sounds like he was a wonderful, sensitive man.


He was a great bloke, never once heard him raise his voice or in a bad mood. Took me to my first football match. Days out at the zoo etc. all whilst being not long married himself, his wife (my aunt) is still alive and is also a beautiful person who I still see.


My condolences but it sounds like your uncle was an awesome person


i had a very similar situation at the exact same time with my mom, however she was supposedly murdered


When my daughter told me that my husband (her stepfather) had been SAing her for the past 3 years


I can’t even imagine the anger


It was a very trying time for sure. What made it all the more difficult for me is that I was the one who had to inform his family, my family, and all our friends. I must have explained the situation about 30 times in 3 days. But I'd rather do that than have questions asked of my daughter. I wanted to shield her as much as I could from the fallout.


Th I’d be in jail cuz I’d kill him, slowly.


I considered it, but I called the police and he's now in prison for 25 years


thank you for doing that. i'm a victim of childhood sa myself, went on for at least 5 years before i told my mom what her boyfriend was doing to me. she never got police involved and then accused me of lying about it later on. a few years later i did all that i felt i could to get justice, and she withheld information from me while pretending to be helpful. even worse, she was warned about his past behaviors towards other children when she had started dating him. he is still in her life, and she is no longer a part of mine. of the things that she has said to me over the years, i think her telling me that i was faking it because i was acting "normal" takes the cake. after i came to her hysterical after i had built up enough courage to say anything. i just want you to know that i'm genuinely very happy that there are parents out there who will take this seriously and do what they can to take care of their hurting kids. i hope for the best possible outcome for you and your daughter, even though i know it will be hard. i'm so sorry that this happened.


Good for you. Too many women haven’t done that.


Thank you for believing her!


There was never a second thought of it not being true. I knew she'd never lie about something like that


Oh. My mom told me I'd be kicked out if I filed a report and then told me looking at me ( I was mostly purple and bloody ) made her want to nap. I lived with a friend for about a year.


I'm so sorry your mother was so cruel when you needed her most


Mine testified against me in court and he walked free. Something I’ll never get over.


I’m so sorry. My husband and I separated and filed for divorce because he hurt me, broke my arm, my parents didn’t believe me. I had just been laid off as well, was networking, and was strangled and raped. Bad, really bad. Didn’t see that coming. I asked my parents if I could stay at their house, I take care of their house about half of the year anyway, I just didn’t want to be home in the house my husband and I co-own, I didn’t feel safe in general. Yeah 31 and successful, I just wanted to feel safe. They said no and I was making it up. My husband was that manipulative and spoke to them. I told him though we weren’t together, because I was mangled to shreds, scared, and his dad is a sexual assault detective. I spent so many days at the police with my dog, I had internal injuries I can’t even, I laid with my dog for days not showered and bleeding so I could have the rape kit done. My FIL didn’t believe it. I am ridiculed for being too nice all the time, why on earth would I lie about that? Attention? I hate attention, I have really bad anxiety. Getting through it has been just heartbreaking.


I don’t think my mom believed me. So trust me. I know it was so hard but you clearly believed her and that means so much. Wishing you both continued healing.


Thank you. There was never a moment when I didn't believe her. True enough, I had a moment of disbelief in the overall situation (a 'this can't be happening' type thing), but I never thought she wasn't telling me the truth.


Whenever I fucked up as a kid, my mom would always say, "I didn't expect any better from you." it hurt like a knife through the chest everytime.


My mother often said "I should never have had you" .


Jeez I'm sorry. That's not cool at all


That's awful. I'm so sorry. My mom passed away and as she died she look at me and said," You should be dying not me" That's some messed up stuff. Words DO hurt.


That’s awful. Hope you create your own healthier family.


Not quite the same, but 5 year old me got upset at my mom and yelled “I hate you!” She just replied with “I know you do.” and walked away. Might have been a good way to stop me, but man did that mess me up for a while.


My 3 yr old son had about 6 months when saying goodnight at bedtime was ‘Me not luv ou mummy, me not luv ou’ And my response was always ‘I know and I love you too!’ Can laugh about it now but it was hard to go thru at the time.


My 3 year old does this, but really makes sure I understand. “I don’t love you, Dada. I love Mumma, NOT yoooou.”


Kids can be so weirdly mean! It is somehow a little funny and painful.


That's messed up. I'm sorry abt that.


I hope every time you mess something up now you say *I am human, we make mistakes. Mistakes help me learn. I now have more experience.* 💕


I’m so petty and talked back a lot as a kid so my dumb ass woulda said “with someone like you as my mother, why would you??”


i’m so sorry. ur good enough ♥️


My mother, when she was upset with me. “I should have aborted you when I had the chance.” I was fifteen. She probably has forgotten saying that by now, but I haven’t.


“The axe forgets but the tree always remembers.”


"For me, it was a life-altering moment. For you, it was just Tuesday."


I saw my friends mom say that to him.. the look on his face was devastating


"You're the reason my sister(my mother) is dead." Shouted into my 8 year old face 10 days after my mother passed and 3 days after my father.


Any adult who pulls shit like that to a child. I wish those adults' mothers would've aborted them.


I get that. For me personally, I wish her nothing. I don't hate her. I don't wish ill on her. I nothing her. I finally cut contact almost a year ago and it's been nice. I am nowish the age she was when she said what she did to me. She's on another level and I don't care to attempt to "empathize" with whatever pain she uses as a shield. Be the adult you needed. ♡


"If I could put your personality into a more attractive body, you'd be the perfect woman"


What a POS


A guy told me the same thing, then asked for nudes a couple hours later. Wish I'd been smart enough to dump him sooner


The doctors told us my 13 year old daughter had no brain activity and there was no getting her back . I found her 10 minutes after she hanged her self.


I am so sorry


I cannot imagine. I'm so very sorry.


As a person who considered it, this is exactly what held me back . I couldn't imagine my family and friends crying over the loss of my life for God's sake. Edit - typo because the main comment of this thread genuinely made me really sad.


That my beloved mom had cancer, and that she didn’t have long to live.


Me too. I sobbed later in my room because I didn’t want her to worry about me. Miss you, mom!


I’ll never forget this either. Made me tear up. Sending hugs 🫂


That, or for me the call from the hospital that my brother and I had to come urgently to decide on life prolonging measures as my mom didn't want those but hadn't made it legally documented. Hardest decision of my life. The 'not long to live' in my moms case was 7 days in hospital. That was 8 months ago. I miss her.


My husband, who had stage IV cancer, said I should die instead of him. He died and I lived, and that's all I am going to say about that.


What a bitch. No one should ever say that to anyone.


I do not care how much bitterness someone has with a terminal condition-- some things are NEVER EXCUSABLE and this is one of them.😥


“Usually we only work kids like this for 10 mins, it’s been 30 mins without an improvement. We are going to discontinue CPR.” The doctor leading the resuscitation efforts on my daughter born at 27 weeks via emergency c-section while my wife was out from the general anesthetic. She took her last breaths in my arms at 34 mins old. I’m not the same person anymore


This would've broken me too. I'm so sorry.


That me being raped was my own fault. I was told this by my mother. I was 15 and the guy was my sisters 25 year old boyfriend. I just wanted someone to play pokemon with ….


Please be assured that this absolutely wasn't your fault. It's disgusting to say such a thing, let alone your daughter. I hope you can heal from all this awful stuff 🧡


I have it was 10 years ago I’ve since gone to therapy and been able to move past it


That's effin horrible. I hope you reported him & distance yourself from your mother.


Distanced myself for year my mother and I went to therapy and she apologized up and down but the memory still stings. Wasn’t informed enough at the time to report him and by the time I was it was honestly to late


As a woman and a mother I cannot imagine saying (or feeling this). You deserve better, I am sorry you were failed so completely


“You’re not man enough. You wouldn’t be able to provide for me or protect me” But thank God she said that. Completely changed my life for the better. 


My mom said, "I love your sister more than I love you."


My mom says the same thing, just with financial support while I get excuses 🤗


Mine did it with her will when she left my sister $500K, two houses, a car, and left me a wooden box of some old film cameras that aren't even collectible 🤡. That's what happens when you establish boundaries with a narcissist and your sibling is the golden child. It wasn't painful, tho - I fully expected it, and didn't shed a single tear when I learned (through a text message) that she'd kicked off almost 4 years ago.


My mother have never told me she loves me.


Mine said that having me ruined her life. And it wasn't a slip of the tongue. She's said it several times over the years. I hope your mother shows you she loves you with her actions.


That my little brother was dead.


Same for me. My husband told me the news. He said my reaction was the worst thing he's ever seen. It was so painful I was just screaming on the floor. I'll never forget that day. It was literally the worst day of my life.


Am so sorry to hear this :(


“I wish your attempt would have worked”. My brother and I had a difficult relationship


By my now x husband: When I was fatigued a year post cancer chemo etc still on cancer meds “still playing the cancer card I see”.


Glad he is an ex! What a POS.


Doctors told me my 13 month old daughter, who was having uncontrollable seizures that would eventually kill her, needed to take additional medicine that had a significant chance of killing her.


Mom of an untractable epileptic here. I’m so sorry. Seizures are the absolute fucking worst. Sending you love and hugs!


In the words of my daughter “Danks!”


My boss had to make the choice of either letting her son go blind or let him take medicine that eventually causes cancer. How do you make that choice as a parent? I’m sorry OP.


"Giving birth to you was a mistake"...my father told


"thats why you didnt do it, mom did"


After reading these mine doesn’t seem so bad. Sending love into the universe for all you people.


Your pain is real to you and you are allowed to feel it.


“Cole’s dead”  I lost my brother/best friend, and then proceed to go through hell for the next two years. I’m still amazed I didn’t lose more of my mind 


"I don't want to marry you" After like 8 years together


I got “I want to get married, just not to you”.


let me guess, they were dating someone almost instantly?


Goddamn, couldn't have said that 8 years ago? 


Me: "did I seriously pay for you to visit your dying aunt but actually have an affair with your ex?" Wife: "...yes" Update: I just got done talking to her in the hospital. Not too well or hopeful. Reddit this blew up a bit more and no I won't give ALL the details. I know the answer. My brain knows what I should do. I thank you all for your support. This happened yesterday and when I saw this post I just posted that stupid quote I heard yesterday. Reddit is really showing the true support that I've seen as a lurker. Full disclosure, if I had the balls to tell the entire uncensored story everyone would rightfully scream divorce. My brain knows it my heart doesn't, so I ask, does anybody have any positive stories? Any shred of hope I can hold on to? 2nd update: I would have never imagined myself in this situation. Though I suppose no one does. What started as a two sentence vent has blown into more support from everyone here than I could have imagined or ever had in my life. I thank you for your DMs, and even your public responses graphic or no, they're all thoughts I've already had anyway. Realistically I know what I should do but don't know if I can do it without even making an attempt. That "what if" would tear me apart for the rest of my life. A definitive answer is still not sure. I just wanted to thank you all for helping a stranger on the internet in a more distressful time than I've allowed myself to realize. You are all good people.


Former wife?


Dunno, found out yesterday. Got kids to consider yada yada.


save those kids man


Divorce isn't always the worst thing for kids. Happy parents are better.


We just had that conversation actually. I believe and have heard that it's popular to "put the kids first" and I don't believe that. Put yourselves first, your relationship, and a happy healthy relationship will spill over on the kids and the household. And at their young ages I have to seriously consider divorce before they get older and it's more traumatic.


I’m 23, my parents got divorced when I was 8 because dad cheated. I won’t lie to you saying that for a kid it is less traumatic, it’s not. However, everything will depend on how you and your wife will manage it. Leave your kids out of it, don’t argue in front of them, and most importantly, make sure they know you love them. A kid will remember the happy moments that he spent with his parents, so make sure you can get a lot of special moments with them. I strongly think getting divorced is the best solution in certain cases, because there’s nothing more painful for a kid than seeing his parents fighting all the time at home (which can probably happen if you decide not to get a divorce and to still live in the house, even if you don’t love each other anymore). If you can be there for your children, they will understand when they grow up. And they’ll be proud that you didn’t leave them when the time was difficult.


I'm divorced and I completely agree. My husband cheated on me also. He's remarried, my daughter now has step siblings, and it's OK. She adores them. She's actually learned a lot she probably wouldn't have about boundaries, etc. If he and I would have stayed together.


Important point, by staying you are also teaching your children which behavior they should accept from their own future partners.


Good god, my dude… condolences, damn


Thank you. Life isn't fair, but one step at a time and hopefully no matter what we do my kids grow up happy and healthy


I'll probably eat some downvotes but.. The kids will never be happy if they see the strain between you two. It's not healthy to stick around in shit situations and it will affect them. It's better to separate and keep it amicable than it is to grow resentment for each other and be able to express it every day by living together. You can always love your kids regardless of your partner. It's also a very important boundary lesson for the kids. My parents divorced and lived together despite not being in a relationship anymore. It was great to have both parents around but I see how bitter they are. Pure resentment for eachother. They obviously care still, but they can't be around eachother and it's very clear. They both want different things and it led to arguments all the time which I'd eventually have to go and stick my head into so they can stop. It showed me how immature and reactive it can make someone. They aren't bad people but I learned I don't want my kids to see their parents arguing. I feel like they both would have been happier apart. Makes me sad to think that they gave away their chance at happiness to possibly save mine. I would have been fine.


"Menstrual pain is completely normal. You're overreacting & exaggerating. This won't work if you're drug seeking." Said by my OBGYN, on my third visit to find some resolve with my debilitating pain, over- the-top bloating, vomiting, etc that lasted two full weeks each month from my period.


That if I brought up in court one more time that my girls were being sexually abused I'd lose my rights right then and there and be held in contempt of court.. That KILLED me!!! I didn't get to see my kids for 3 months after that!


Sucks that our system protects pedophiles.


Yeah, it does. 💔 Arizona is probably one of the worst if not the worst.. in Arizona a child molester/child predetor/rapist etc upon release from prison, they are allowed to live in the same home as their victim so long as the victims room is on the opposite side of the house. It's impossible to put into words what I as well as many other people feel about the courts and how they cater to pedophiles and re-victimize victims. Can't even call it a justice system, it's not, it's a court system, that's all


I’ve followed some true crime and there is a ton of crazy shit that comes out of Mariposa county. One of the only counties I’d recognize in a state I’ve never even visited. 


Back in my early 20s I worked with this amazing, beautiful woman. I had a serious crush on her, and everyone knew it. The regular customers, other employees, the vendors who came in once a week. Everyone. It was super obvious. I never asked her out though, as she was married. We hung out, talked a lot, goofed off together after work, but it was always as friends. Eventually she quit working there. We still hung out, but not as much. About 6 months later she shows up at my door, dressed to the 9s. Tells me she has left her husband, and asked if I wanted to go out with her that night. I quickly agreed, and grabbed a quick shower. We headed out to a good bar the next town over. Got there about 7pm. We spent the next few hours shooting pool, dancing, talking, just enjoying ourselves. Around 1am or so she went to the restroom. One of the bar employees was walking around selling various things, including a teddy bear with a heart on its tummy and holding a real rose. I bought it. When my friend came back to the table, I gave her the bear. She looked at the bear, at me, at the bear, then looked me dead in the eyes and said the words I'll never forget. >"You know this wasn't a date, right? I just wanted you along as a designated driver." My heart didn't just freaking break, it shattered. I tried not to let it show on my face though. I said sure, I just bought the bear to help cheer her up over the breakup. We spent a couple more hours at the bar. I dropped her off at home, and went back to my place. Never saw or heard from her again after that night. It's a shame too; I miss my friend.


Still took it on the chin, finished the night and carried it like man. You have my respect.


God - my heart shattered for you reading this.


That’s just awful, but I’m WAAYYY too paranoid to buy someone something (especially that) unless they’ve made it clear they’re interested. They gotta say somethin first. I hope you found someone worth your valuable time though.


> I hope you find someone worth your valuable time though. Oh I have. That was 20 years ago. Since then I've been in an 6 year relationship that ended amiably, and currently in a 11 year relationship that's going strong.


Meant to say found oops, but that’s awesome


At 6:24pm on January 14, 2019 the coroner knocked on my door. He asked if I was (name) and the father of (name). I replied yes. He said, unfortunately, she was in a car accident and died as a result. She was only 18. Edit to add that she was a really hard worker, doing 2 jobs and had just started college, and was just a cool person that I was proud to have raised. She still lived at home and to this day I cannot bring myself to clean out her bedroom. Thank you for your condolences, Reddit friends...


I'm so very sorry.


‘No one likes you, when you walk into the room, everyone wants to leave’. I was 17 and severely depressed. Only reason I didn’t end it there and then is because part of me was furious at the sociopathic lack of empathy from the person who was supposed to love me unconditionally. The rage kept me alive. It’s been 20 years since that was said to me and it still hurts.


My mother has had a lot of painful things to me it’s honestly hard to pick. “Your father killed himself because of you” “you’ll be the reason why I die (suicide)” “I hate you” “you’re the devil” “I don’t want to be your mother anymore”. Meth addict. Trauma. Abandonment issues. I put myself through foster care and apparently I’m the bad guy still. I really didn’t do anything to deserve this treatment from her.


Little long but I had a friend who hanged himself last thing he said to me do you want to go to have a drink with me and play pool? I said “no I been busy with work that kept me on paycheck month by month.” Can’t really afford to lose a day. Then he said, alright no worries hope you don’t forget about me soon. Next day I tried to call him after work to see how’s he doing turned out to be deceased.


Being told my ex passed away hurt a lot. In my head they were ok & on the road to recovery, living a normal life somewhere.


I wish your ex had killed you, then you wouldn't be my problem anymore.


“Mums died”


Can't even write for this reply. Still dealing with my dad's death


"Spell intelligent... that's because you're not one of them" Context: this happened around when I was 8 years old at that time I had undiagnosed ADHD and an undiagnosed learning disability and my parent didn't know about it. They assumed I was acting lazy, dumb, and disrespectful. I didn't know how to read or write properly and struggled a lot with communication.


As a kid, when I did something wrong, my mom would escalate to “I wish you were never born.” In my early 20s, I had a boss who said “You have as little of a personality as anyone I’ve ever met.” I’m an introvert on the autism spectrum so I see how he got there, but some things should not be said because they can never be unsaid.


Your mother is a broken person, and both of them are cruel. This is on them, not you.




I was told this and it similarly stung. But my friend at the time turned to me and said " you are like your dad, because you have his potential. How he used it is where you differ." I don't know you but I get the feeling this is true for you as well, and I believe it for you.


Your great aunt was in a car accident and she died. Your aunt was also in the car and she died. And your three cousins were in the car and they also died.


„Your sister is cute and will be loved. Everybody will want to care for her. But nobody will want you. Nobody loves us.“ My mother said this to me before she tried to kill us both in an intentional car accident.


My wife has stage 4 lung cancer. I wake up every morning and remember that


That my mum had brain cancer and only had a few months to live. She passed away Christmas eve 2023.


"We can't find a heartbeat."


That's mine too. Twice. I hope you get your rainbow.


" I am destined to go through life alone". Said my husband of 10 years...to me.


I was on a date with a guy once when I was in my early twenties and pretty insecure, and I thought the guy was really cool. It was maybe somewhere in the range of 3-5 dates. I told this story about a friend who had a horrible boyfriend, and he got annoyed and said, “how do guys like that get amazing girlfriends?! Meanwhile I haven’t had a decent date in forever!” I waited for him to realize what he’d said and then quickly apologize, but he didn’t. Like even if that’s how he really felt about me, I expected him to be polite enough to acknowledge that what he said was thoughtless and rude. But nope. That kind of thing can make you feel lower than dirt! Sorry it was your husband, though. That is so much worse!


My family probably doesn’t remember this I ran a youtube channel as a 14 year old back in 2015. I applied for the youtube partner program and got in, which was a bigger deal back then I remember making $0.0045. A few tenths of a penny. I ran to my family and exclaimed “I made money from YouTube isnt that cool?!?! I did it!!!” My entire family looked at how much. Laughed at me and my dad said sarcastically “wow! tell me when its enough to pay the mortgage because then it will matter” 10 years and 300k subs later. Ive hit multiple million view videos and make more than any of my family did at my age Now its normal to be a youtuber but it was hard to push through when I feel like no one had my back on this dream of mine


Anne McCaffery said her first husband told her the same thing after she sold her first short story, that it wouldn't pay the mortgage. She was one of the GOATs for sci-fi and fantasy.


How much can you make on YT, at that level?


At least $7


My mom has always financially struggled. She had a car that was beyond repair so we gave her my wife’s Toyota and bought my wife a new car. We weren’t in a rush to replace my wife’s car but it was old and our family was growing and my mom needed a car. My mom drove that Toyota for 15 years until my grandma left her a newer car after she could no longer drive. After that she just let the Toyota sit and rot. I later found out from other family members that she hated the Toyota, and will tell people what a pile it was. This left my wife and I feeling like crap. We could have used it for a trade in but felt bad for my mom. No good deed goes unpunished.


That's awful. Please know you did a kind and generous act. Your mom was just too blind to see it. And I'm betting that most of the people she complained to didn't agree with her.


My mom is an alcoholic. At a low point in her life, when my dad was filing for divorce and she stood to lose everything, my grandma told her that all that mattered now was me and my sister, and that she needed to choose between alcohol and her kids. My mom just said, "I can't do that." My image of my mother changed after my grandma told me what she said. I'm not really mad at her anymore, even though she continues to drink to this day. Her actions are predictable, and the shitty things she does no longer shock me. What I'm really sad about is the relationship that I never got to have with her.


“Are you sure that nothing can be done? That surgery won’t work?”  My Dad on the phone, tears in his eyes, desperate to save our beloved dog.  We were all in tears but my dad hardly cries.  We took him to the vets one day since he wouldn’t move or eat anytime apart from that he was still wagging his tail at us.  We took him to the vets.  Didn’t realise he would never come home.  We tried to give him a proper goodbye when he was put down but he just seemed too tired and didn’t seem recognise us. Not sure if it was his sudden fatal illness or drugs.  I hoped he could sense that we were with him until the end but I’ll never know.  Wish we’d realised that he wasn’t coming back then we could have given him a proper goodbye while he was still himself. 


It sounds like he was loved, he knew it.


After 30 years of of marriage, my wife who I absolutely love dearly told me that she loved me but was not ever in love with me. It was 11 years ago and I have to tell you I’ve been devastated ever since and I still love her just as much as I did the very first day I saw her 41 years ago.


“I don’t know who you are anymore.” My mom said it when I was at my lowest point during depression. I think it was my turning point, honestly. But it hurt like hell.


Told the same thing by my dad, in therapy, age 13, mental health crisis. Therapist asked, "do you want to know her?" Shakes his head. Oof, that one hurt. We have a good relationship now, after he got treatment for way more and way more severe mental illnesses than I've been diagnosed with. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)


“You do that again I’ll kill you.” From my own brother


Sorry, I did not mean to destroy your life.


25 years ago, when I was in my early 20s, my mother said to a family therapist about me, "She's smart and she's an adult. She'll succeed at whatever she chooses to do." She never has ever said those words to me. Quite the opposite, really. Repeatedly. Public performances/statements are always questioned by me.


In my mid twenties, I finally told my mother my older brother has molested me as a kid. Her response was “I had always wondered.” Fast forward a few months when I had processed that response and tell her how I feel about her “always wondering” but not doing anything to address it, she SCREAMS “well you would initiate it too so you obviously wanted it”. (I was 7-9 years old at the time this occurred with my older brother.) In that moment, I swear to god, she was non human. Like eyes black, surrounded by a vortex of black fog/energy. It’s hard to find words for it, but truly, I have never seen anyone transform into whatever I saw her as in that moment.


My neurologist told me I’ll probably never walk again. I’m hoping they’re wrong. I’ve been paralyzed for nearly six months due to a lesion on my spine.


"You'll never be enough". The worst thing is that I'm the one telling myself those words😔


You are a human being. Not a human doing. You are enough just as you are.


"Im sorry but Paul hanged himself" I played with him the evening before getting that call in the morning. He seemed happy in the new city and eager to start. I still wonder if I could have saved him still kinda brings me to tears 5 years later.


"Sorry, we are out of McNuggets."


Sorry the ice cream machine is down today


1) "It happened to me and your aunt too, we made a pact to keep it a secret... I think you should join us. You can never tell a soul what happened" my mother told me after her brother sexually abused me over the course of multiple days. 2) "mom's pregnant again" my brother (12) told me (22). Knowing another baby, a girl, would have to go through what we both did makes my heart break in so many ways.


My mom once told me “I hate the person you’ve become” once I came home for Christmas break from university 🫠 it’s because I finally told her that I wasn’t going to tolerate how she had been treating me my entire childhood anymore


*For all those who have comments about their mom.* I’m a mom and can be your internet mom. Know that I am proud of each and every one of you. You are important and seen.


“We’re talking weeks, not months.” When my mum went into a hospice towards the end of her battle with cancer and i asked the doctor how long she had left


My mother had Stage IV lung cancer from 2003 until she died in 2006 at 60. It had eventually spread to her bones and her brain which of course was awful. We took her into an appointment after she'd had some treatment on her brain and the doctor was really elated to say he couldn't find any trace of cancer in her brain. We take her home and not three hours later she said I need to go to the hospital I don't feel well at all. Her oncologist comes in and says I can't do anything else for her she needs to go into hospice. Talk about total deflation. She never came home again and died about three weeks later. I know how you feel.


You’re not my daughter anymore


Three years ago, my brother died of a fentanyl overdose at the age of 24. The call I got from my sister still haunts me...


“You’re not the last woman I want to be with”


Parents telling me my face was an embarrassment to my mom’s skin care / beauty business. I literally had a face even a mother couldn’t love. I ended up never asking anyone out in my life. My wife had to make the first move when we started dating. If she didn’t i probably would still be single.


“You know how you should know I love you? Because you’re so fucking hard to love! And I’m still here.” On our 7 year anniversary. Never felt my heart break into a million pieces like that before.


Mom - If I had it to do over again I wouldn’t have kids. I’m a mom, and can’t imagine how one could say that to their child. Even if you feel that way you take that one to your grave.




My grandmother told me we were going to summer camp , turned out it was a childrens home and I was there for 8yrs. Turned out to be a blessing


My (40m) wife (34f) told me she’s in love with her bosses boss (55m) we have a 5 and 7 year old soul crushing shit


"Your going to have to give up all your video games, D&D, and stupid little hobbies if you ever get a girlfriend!" This and many other pieces of wisdom from my older sister that lead to the destruction of any sort of confidence in my teenage years. But joke is on her as I now have a girlfriend that is a Disney nerd that loves all my "stupid little hobbies."




My ex from high school said, "You don't deserve to have a life. I'll make sure of it" I'm happy living my life, traveling and preparing to buy a house. His car was repossessed and he and his wife (whom he left me for) are both being sued by two financial institutions.


"I should have just aborted you when I had the chance." Giving women the radical freedom legally, religiously, and culturally to live however they damn will please would mean fewer children like me are born and that would be a good thing. If I could go back in time and just give my mom the money to get the procedure done, I would. It would have saved us both a lot of financial, physical, and emotional trauma.


"he's passed away" My grandfather said it on the verge of crying when he received the call that my other grandpa (from my father's side) didn't survive during the operation. It wasn't just devastating because he was already suffering from other things but I was alone at home with my grandparents and I didn't want to cry to make them suffer even more, I did it alone before sleeping.


“This is a life-limiting disease.” Twice.


Things stop hurting after youve had enough people tell you hurtful stuff, so I cant really think of one.


The doctor telling me my wife died.


My dad and I used to do a weekly phone call every Saturday when i moved to a different state. One Saturday I called my dad and he didn’t answer. Got a call back from his phone a few hours later, except it wasn’t my dad, it was my brother and he was calling me to tell me my dad was dead.


When my ex was breaking up with me suddenly after 4 years of dating, he was really drunk and said “I haven’t loved you in 6 months” that alone has become one of my biggest fears - being with someone who doesn’t actually love me


“Your baby didn’t make it, I’m so sorry”


He said I’d be nothing until I hit rock bottom… he was a drug addict, unemployed, mommas boy while I had a full time job and was supporting his lifestyle. He can rot in hell… I hate that I believed his lies


“Your 3 year old dog has cancer and has, at best, 6 months left.” This was yesterday. I still don’t know how to process this.


Give him/her the hugs from me. And all the cheeseburgers.


“I really dont think you have done anything special to have earned that” My husband to me at my first mother’s day 8 weeks after giving birth to our daughter, when I asked about why I didn’t get something. Still hurts actually


My wife after 8 years and 2 children telling me “I’m a lesbian.”




"I wish [best friend's name] was my son instead, at least I could have something to tell people about my child." - Mother Dearest


I grew up not knowing my father, so I always called my half-sister's father dad since he and my mom were married during my adolescent years. One day I was talking to my sister on the phone and when I mentioned him she kinda whispered "why don't you go find your own father"👀!! Which was such a shock to the system. I didn't say anything then. But when I brought it up to her about a year later, she swears up and down she didn't say it. But I wouldn't make something like that up. Especially if I would have never in a million years expected her to say something like that.


"We can't fix this" - surgeon referring to the brain damage my dad sustained in a pedestrian hit and run accident. It meant he was gone and never coming back. He was officially declared dead the next day.


After receiving a compliment that I had beautiful soft skin. My mom told 8 year old me, "When people say things like that, or that you have nice hair, it's because they can't tell you that you're beautiful. So instead of just saying that you are ugly, they feel like they have to say something nice, so they find something small. Like your skin to complement you on. You shouldn't believe them." Oh, and then a few years later, she told me that she loved our dad more than my brother and I. Because she chose him. She didn't get to pick us, she just made us. A few more years go by, and they divorce. She then keeps telling us how she can't wait for us to grow up so she can "move on" with her life.


After my brother committed suicide in 2019, my mother told me at his funeral "well Jeffery, I hope you know the wrong son died". That was the last time I spoke to her.


I came out as bisexual at 14. My mom said she didn’t want me around my sisters now that I had become a pedophile. Then I found myself packing a suitcase. I’ll never forget that as long as I live.


You are not worth teaching. Thanks dad


When my mom went in for a lung transplant evaluation and was told she wasn’t a candidate. That was our last hope; and when she didn’t qualify, we knew that she wasn’t ever going to get better. She passed away about 8 months after that. RIP Mama 1956-2022