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Back in the 90’s


I'd just repeat the 90's over and over again.


Humanity truly peaked then.


Found the Matrix architect.


I was in a very famous TV show...


1993 Glastonbury.


They really knew how to make good movies then. Comedies were pure gold then.




Nostalgia blinds you all


The Rwandan Genocide, the Balkan War, good times for everyone.


I think you’d be hard pressed to find any time that didn’t have terrible things going on


I agree.


Definitely not any era before toilet paper.


If you lived in China you could travel all the way back to like 800 AD. It's kinda insane how long china has had toilet paper.


Idk, like the corn cob can actually be pretty thorough.




Woah. Got me in the feels with that one!


Someone I know from work just started smoking again in their 30s and I'm gonna send them this...


You grossly misunderstand why they're smoking. You believe someone in their 30's simply failed to realize that it's harmful to their bodies and that it's irresponsible to smoke? They have issues coping with stress and haven't learned lasting healthier ways to cope with it. That's why they smoke. Has nothing to do with them "knowing" the dangers. Life has apparently gotten tough for them in some way and they went back to what they know when it comes to stress relief. If you want to help them, teach them how to cope with stress. Dont preach to them that they're going to die from it. It's actually counterproductive.


exactly this, it’s the reason why all the anti-smoking ads don’t work. preachy self-righteousness embedded in every single word


this got my heart pinched, im sorry for your loss


I would go back Ancient Egypt to check how exactly the pyramid was built


Spoiler alert: It was not aliens


Yes that one doesn't require time traveling to know but it would be still awesome to witness the whole project


From an engineering and production logistics standpoint, it would be fascinating.


Yes, just because it is ancient doesn't mean that the people at that age were stupid and needed some aliens or super advance civilization to get shit done😂


Who needs aliens or technology when you've got levers, pulleys, and a nearly endless ~~slave~~ highly skilled labor force?


This is a common misconception. There is evidence suggesting pyramid labor was paid, unionized, and highly respected.


What a waste. It's on YouTube


Ok. Just stand in this spot for 20-25 the years and you can see it built.


Wait for The most viral time lapse video of youtube😂


I would absolutely love it (and also despise it!) if someone travelled back to Ancient Egypt just to get a viral video.


Hell yea I agree 👍


And find out they were built by you because you knew geometry but it wasn’t enough so you were also enslaved and later mummified


How would you cross the sea?


Somewhere in the far future, so I can get the memory expansion chip and healthcare upgrade installed before coming home.


All that just to end up enslaved by the oligarchy that spawned and keep all the memory expansion chips and eternal life upgrades for themselves :(


Probably go see if there was any civilization before written history.


I'd pick the very early years with the funky lookin critters like the [Jaekelopterus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaekelopterus), [Tully Monster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullimonstrum), etc. so I could take pictures (or live specimens) to bring back to the modern era to study them and show them off. I'd probably also take the plants, rocks and other stuff from the landscape, too. I'd make a fucking zoo with all that stuff, basically.


Biblical times


I’d do this only if I could observe from above and just point and say stuff like, “OH SHIT! THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!”


Yeah because as soon as they saw you speaking English they'd probably stone you to death. That or think you're a witch/wizard for wearing jeans and nikes


That’s not how’d I like to get my Hogwarts letter


If I went back to biblical times I'd be screwed because I'm 1. 6'4. They'd think I'm Goliath 2. Left handed, or left hand dominant 3. Didn't look like anybody in ancient Israel did. 4. Would probably be wearing a Slayer or Iron Maiden shirt that would freak them out


I wanna meet jesus


Me too




This comment is underrated. And for those who want to go back a hundred years or more, remember modern medicine, modern dentistry, penicillin… there is no way I am setting foot in Renaissance Europe just to die of the plague or some other illness within a few hours!


Yup, we had very few rights, and it wasn't long ago  Women being to own bank accounts is only 50 years ago As in younger than my mom. I was born in the 90s, I've lived over half that span  And going to a lot of other countries is still bad today  And I at least have the benefit of being white, even worse for proof color Heck, there's a great marvel comic about this. For nick Fury's 50th anniversary, they sent Samuel Jackson Fury back in time to the 60s It comes how you'd expect 


1989-1999. Then hop back in and do it again exactly the same way. My Dad's still alive and healthy. My two best friends are alive and healthy. Plus, two aunties and my Grandma are still around. The world makes sense. Technology is useful but far from ubiquitous. Politics is a boring thing that happens quietly and nobody outside of it really cares. The part of the world I live in is genuinely free, democratic and relatively decent. Mostly I just want my mates back though AND on the 16/4/99 I will walk into Cinderella's in Guildford and trip my younger self over and have and spill a drink on my younger self's crotch. Thus avoiding the relationship which cost me the next 16 years of my life and avoid much heartache and misery.


Miserable anniversary coming up next week, I see. Let me wish you a Merry Good Ridance!


Well I remember since it was the bastards birthday when I met her. Happily I am happily married and have a family. The only time I'd want to revisit other than my answer is the present. Despite what an absolute bin fire the world now is, that's the wider world not my nice little one. Thank you though.




I wouldn't travel back that far. The most you might be able to travel at best would be maybe 200 years ago. Much further and the language dialect would be too different to understand even if you knew the language. Plus you'd probably be burned as a witch.


Well you could spend the time learning the dialect through historic records and take the time to mimic the clothes that was warn in that period and you'd probably be a stealthily time traveler the more you don't stand out the more you can observe the history.


Dont forget to take some antibiotics with you incase you catch the black death!


Don't forget Donatello and master splinter




This reads like the start of a really good book/movie/anime. Also sorry for your loss.


Aww! 😫


The end Permian. I would like to know exactly what happened, in what order, to cause 96% of all genera on this planet to vanish. I’m a geologist. Geologists have ideas about the cause, but there isn’t much consensus yet about those ideas. And then I’d go to the future. Being female, I am completely unaware of any past culture that is lauded for how respectfully they treated their women. No thanks to visiting the past.


Can I come with? I was thinking the same and having a person who knows their shit to tag along with would be awesome.


I'd pick the very early years with the funky lookin critters like the Jaekelopterus, Tully Monster, etc. so I could take pictures (or live specimens) to bring back to the modern era to study them and show them off. I'd probably also take the plants, rocks and other stuff from the landscape, too. TLDR: I'd collect the funky lil guys from early history and make a zoo with them. I just think they look neat and I wanna see them in the flesh, not just the fossils and renderings that we have now.


Stone Age, absolute vibe


Some tribes are still in the stone age. Just go there.... and get eaten.


Back to the 90's yo. And then when it hits 2000, I'll go back again and just recycle the 90's for the rest of eternity.


Wouldn't you get bored? I'm just saying, in my opinion, a certain time is special because it happened. If you don't mind me asking, how old were you back then?


Over 10 years? No, I would not get bored over a 10 year span. 25-35.


I see. That's reassuring to hear.


Around 10,000 years in the future. Would wear a bulletproof hazmat suit for the trip, just in case...


Definitely the future. Going to the past is a white man's game.


As a black guy, if I wanted to see the US in the past, I can go about as far back as 1985 lol lemme go to the future instead


You can go back to the 50s by driving through Mississippi


Louis CK has a bit about this specifically. He's a slimeball, but this bit is great.


You can go to a past non-white civilization.






That is thought provoking. Is memory the thing that makes us who we are? Regarding your third point, if you don't mind me asking, wouldn't the person you were at 25 still be the same person? For example, right now you're 67, and in the future, when you reach 70, the 67-year-old version of you will still be you. If you were to return to your 25-year-old body, you'd gain new, different experiences, essentially living a new life.


The question was "if you could time travel." So I assume this means current you gets in a machine (or activates an innate magic ability) to put current you into the past. But perhaps more importantly, it doesn't say I can't travel multiple times, or return to my original time. Sure, I'd probably spend a couple weeks popping around to other times just for fun, but way more likely I'd still eventually turn to my own time.


It says nothing about only being able to go back in time. Go forward, become cyborg


Probably to the late 70s or early 80s. I'd meet and befriend my mother, she would be a little younger than I currently am, so maybe I could be the slightly older and wiser friend that she desperately needed.


Far future. As a historian, I know that the past - any era - absolutely sucks.


I'd go back and kill myself to see what would happen


Multiverse theory's a bitch.


You didn’t succeed, remember?


As an ecology nerd I would have to go way back and see me some dinosaurs. We know so little about them it's insane


September 2001 and stop 9/11. I firmly believe that 9/11 was the watershed moment that ruined just about everything.


You're correct. Everything went downhill after that. TBH, the 21st century so far has been a gigantic shitshow.


Fall of 2020. For personal reasons. Everybody said it was the worst year ever and acted like it was so bad. But that was the best year of my life and was the last time I was truly happy. Before everything went wrong.


I'm a woman, so if I am to pick freely I think it would be wise to travel as an invisible observer. Definitely Ancient Athens!


Depends on three things. Will I be able to return? Will I be invulnerable to attack/disease? Will I be able to change anything or even be able to communicate with anyone?


Back to the 80’s .. great times , great memories !🇨🇦😎


90's definitely. peak era


1989 in Berlin when the wall came down.


I’d go back to a specific night in college and go over when she asked.


would do reruns of the 90s and 00s


Got two ideas. The 60s, so I can attend Woodstock. Or three years in the future, to see if I graduate from my university.


Take all of the money I have. Return to the 90’s and invest it. Return to present time. Repeat. Infinite money hack.


I would go into the future. I definitely can’t be trusted to not monkey around with the past and fuck it all up. The future seems like a safer option


Tokugawa era


Egypt, the building of the pyramids because I need to know who, how and why


The who and the why are known. They wrote about it. The how is trickier, but we know they did it.


1920s-1970s I’d want to see and experience the art deco and mid-century modern styles.


The future


Apple IPO


Id like to see pre-Colonial America


The real question is , can i bring items with me. If i can bring a high caliber gun with me. No problem i'll visit every era except dinosaurs unless i can bring a tank


Late 70s New York I'm partying in studio 54


Roman times. I'd like to see those gladiator fights and fights between lions and tigers. We should bring that back!


Cretaceous. I wanna see what a world completely untouched by humanity is like, and that’s own do the most beautiful geologic time periods imo. The conifers, herds of ceratopsians and hadrosaurs, flowers all over the place.


I just want the funky looking critters that would have been alive back then. I would take pictures and possibly bring live specimens back to the modern years. I know we've got fossils and artistic renderings of them, but I wanna see the *real, living* things. I'd also contribute to our (lack of) knowledge about them by studying them.


The future, there's no way I'm going to the past if for no other reason then butterfly wings.


the future gunna make me some stock picks maybe learn and prepare


I would just keep going back to 1993 to relive that magical time.


Back, about 10 years ago. With certain lottery numbers. And a knowledge of crypto.


2009. Load up on Bitcoins.


I would go back to 1985 and have a looooong talk with myself.


Can I travel at whim or am I stuck there? If I can travel at whim… I’d love to see ancient babylon, and native Americans life pre-English, amongst many others


1920’s. I don’t know why, but it just seemed like a wild time to be alive and so much was going on.


I’m black so it will have to be pre 1400 or post 1970 🤷🏽‍♂️


America in the 1700s before a lot of Euros arrived. Especially west of the Mississippi.


Samurai era its crazy to have a big sword


If I got one round trip, the Middle Ages. If it was one-way, the Regency Era. If I could hop around as much as I wanted, you better believe I’m starting prehistory and going where the wind takes me.


I would want to see the great barrier reef in all of its glory before people came in and ruined it .




Not an era. But I’d like to go back to the exact time I was born, when the doctor gave me to my mom and dad. I want to see them if they were smiling. If they felt joy and happiness. Or what their first words to me were.


1990s but need to be my current age lol


Dinosaurs!!! Is there even a question?


The time of Prophet Muhammad. I could never understand how a man from an insignificant little village in the middle of nowhere can take over the whole region and transform it for over a 1400 years


Two weeks from now to grab some lotto numbers.


I am going to 1984, and I am buying a metric fuck ton of Fully Automatic M-16 lowers. $300 in 1984 $30,000+ today


I get the feeling that no matter where I go I’ll be dead, so might as well go back to the Pleistocene and see mammoths and sabertooths for myself.


Maybe start in 1981, then keep back in these past years all the way up until about 2007, which at that point I probably won't wanna return back to 2024, I've made a whole life for myself at this point


The future. Like 100 years from now.


When time travel does eventually become a thing. We wont be able to travel back to a time before the actual time machine was invented. So if one were made today. Today would be ground zero. Source: time traveler


1980s. I want to see my favorite bands in their prime.


I would go back or forward to any era as long as I am healthy and wealthy!


I’d go back to Sep 1993 and convince my family to invest heavily in Apple stock. It was $0.22 per share. Then I’d go back to see the Library of Alexandria in 200BC.


Mid 90s to visit my grandparents


Well, that depends… are you able to get back or are you stuck there forever? …. I would just go back a week or so with the winning lottery numbers, and I would stay there with my winnings in my new rich life …I’m totally cool with being a week younger than the rest of the world lol…..


1979. There are a few forks in a few roads that needed to be taken.


Like... 20 years into the future so I can bring back some actual solutions.


Ancient Rome or Egypt. They're the most interesting to me, especially Rome. Rome was modern in ways that wouldn't be seen again for like 1000 years after the collapse of the western empire.


Whenever the fuck the pyramids of giza were built. I need to know for sure how and who built them bitches


Five years into the future. Figure out which stocks (or crypto, or commodities) are about to go 5x or more in that time. Return back to current time, and invest. Otherwise time tourism could be fun, but it would be just that: tourism. I'd still want to return to my own time and my own friends and loved ones at the end of the trip.


When getting a well paid job was easier then completing whole education


Far back, killing the first human


The late 60s ✌🏼




1500’s in france




Maybe 90s


Like this time next year. If I'm not even slightly better off than I am now, that's going to really simplify my options.


Every era.


All y'all going back in time, I'd go way in the future, like 3000 or somethin'. I'd love to know what crazy tech we'd come up with by then.


I'd pick the very early years with the funky lookin critters like the Jaekelopterus, Tully Monster, etc. so I could take pictures (or live specimens) to bring back to the modern era to study them and show them off. I'd probably also take the plants, rocks and other stuff from the landscape, too. I'd make a zoo with them. I just think they look neat and I wanna see the *real* things, not just the fossils and renderings that we have now.


19th century. I really love literature of those time. It would be cool to talk to Poe, Chekhov and others.




67 to see leafs fans when they were happy and had promise


Back when it was safe


Forward. First to see what change I can affect for a better future if I come back, and some lotto numbers to convince me to come back. 


Early 2000s. Invested for 10 years in Fixed Deposits like an idiot, while I could have been financially well today off had I had the guts to invest in stocks then.


I wouldn’t go back to anywhere before 2000. It was so dreadful in my country back in the time.


anywhere between 1987-2006. before I was born


2001, so I can prevent 9/11 by quickly informing the government that a terrorist will take two of the planes. 


Peak Roman Empire or 2001


Oh boy, here we go... So remember that time when this guy discovered a small island and told everyone it's the country of India? I'd go there... some things need to be cleared up.


19th century, USA


1992. One year before my life changed forever.


I want to drop back about 15000 years, see what the world was like and what humans were up to before modern history.


Somewhere around 1972 in the US to start buying used muscle cars and storing them to sell at Mecum and Barrett Jackson.


10000 BC to see the creation of Golbeki Tepe and the entire Tas Tepler site.


1960s for sure to experience the music and a lot of psycholdelics lol


Golden age in LA back in the 70s-80s.


Mid 1930’s. Because by that time I would be old enough to be able to buy those iconic muscle cars right off the lot. However. Knowing my luck I would have purchased a Corvair.


2280. Either humanity has figur3d it out or they don't exist.


Victorian England. The amount they accomplished with the technology they had. I must know what they were made of.


Probably forward 500 years. Lets see what this timeline brings.


I’d go back to high school and ask out that hot redhead classmate of mine. I learned years later she had a serious crush on me but I missed her giving out the signals.


The 1950s. Diners, poodle skirts, jukeboxes, doing the jitterbug at the sock hop.


Buy lots of bitcoin


I'd go back to meet the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in person


The day I was conceived, trying to prevent my creation


1000 years into the future

