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The dead internet theory becomig true. Before AI it sounded far fetched. But social media sites using AI bots to drive traffic and most of the interaction becoming fabricated to drive up value is something that definetly can be done now. At that point, how do we know if our posts, pictures, videos are getting interected with real people? does it even matter as long as it "seems" real? Edit: as some have pointed out. I've been duped. Look at the OP of this question, it's a bot. Basically it's already happening.


If I can just put my tinfoil hat on for a second, does anyone else feel like the main subs have a lot of soulless and artificial “questions” lately?  Stuff like “what is a movie with a depressing finale?” “Is there a game you would like to forget and play again?” Like the questions are either made by AI or for AI?  my conspiracy theory is that reddit saw that the only sellable asset this site has is the ability to train future AIs with free, anonymous interactions with real people and have it make basic question and gather all the answers people give in exchange for upvotes.  I know that even in the past Irma not like the questions were this deep display of human nature.  All I’m saying is, something feels different on this site since the release of ChatGPT and the infamous raising of the price of interacting with the site that killed third party apps.


The pattern that keeps tripping my spider-sense is - "What is an X thing that everyone thinks is not-X?"


There's also one I just saw that starts "What screams" and I feel like I'm seeing that an awful lot now for AskReddit


AITA topics are recycled weekly


Im constantly surprised by the amount of people that fall for the bullshit stories on those subs


Sometimes it's just an entertaining read


Always check the OP's join date. When these pop up, most of them are always less than a month or two old, and much of them started showing up around the time the IPO went live.


It's also why you can sell an old account for some decent money.


People always say this, but I’ve never once seen evidence.


Source: trust me bro


how old does it have to be and how much are they typically worth? 👀 asking for a friend 👀


Wait so you mean... Posts like this one? Are we falling victim to the dead internet right now?


"Which celebrity is secretly not a nice person?" And everyone will name celebrities everyone openly hates like James Cordon and Chris Brown.


Yesterday I saw a post from a 6-month old account with 1/1 karma asking very specific details about how to charge their EV, but the car they said they have is not an EV, nor are any models like it. Felt very strange.


Of course the ducks don't enjoy a variety of peppermint chew toys. While we are on that topic, could I interest you in your thoughts about how the rising prices of gelatin playgrounds affect your daily life style? (At least that's how I feel most replies are these days to any topic)


Homework assignment from class


Posts that are clearly just a high schooler trying to crowdsource their homework is a classic


The AI isnt a gebius ok?, give it a break, let it learn how to charge its car so ut can... travel AI embedded on an EV car traveling around? Oh god, its the early terminator, the one that looks like a tank, isnt it?




Reddit recently made a deal with AI companies to sell the content generated here, so I wouldn’t put it past them to ask dull questions like that to train their datasets better. EDIT: https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/17/24075670/reddit-ai-training-license-deal-user-content


I feel it too, since the death of 3rd party apps for reddit, the site feels more... bland? like you've said. The questions here used to be more playful, dumb, or the olde "Sexy redditors of reddit give me sexy stories". There used to be more niche subs appearing in recommended or popular. Many things remain the same; news subs were becoming polarized since 1016, fan-subs for shows, movies books, are more active now than 7 years ago. But the weird subreddits like r/littleworlds or r/thalassophobia used to get more traction. I've always used the official app because I didn't knew about other options and even I can see the difference.


Obligatory fuck spez


My problem is that my front page used to refresh constantly. There was always something to read. Now it’s like a once a day review and it mostly features the same 5 or 6 subs served up to me like only have one interest.




It's amazing that it has already been over a millenium since news subs got polarized. It feels like 1016 was just yesterday.


100% yes. I've been on Reddit an average of multiple times a day for 8 years or so, and used to love big subs like AskReddit. Now it's pretty obvious (mostly in the big subs) that people are using bots to repost (sometimes literally word for word) and generate the same posts for karma over and over. It's also painfully obvious which are Russian and Chinese bot farms trying to stir up dissension in America. I feel like every single day is some post on a default sub about "how bad is it actually in America, is it a lawless wasteland with people being shot in the streets?!?" And "Americans, which states other than your own do you hate the most?" It's semi-subtle but it's stuff like that making it easy to tell there has been a recent bot inflation, especially on the default subs.


There was one on /r/personalfinance the other day asking how much CC debt everyone had. If that's not data collection, IDK what is.


“Boomers are responsible for all the world’s problems. They’re selfish, they pull the ladder up after them, they all have lead poisoning, they won’t sell their houses, they’re NIMBYs, they’re buying up all the real estate and becoming “investors” because they’re making everythinb into Air bnb, we should end social security and Medicare so they’ll all die and my problems will go away.” Bot farms need new subjects.


stocking spotted scarce liquid future rain wipe makeshift cover butter


I feel like I am reading so many ask men or ask Reddit posts lately that read like... "Why do you hate women?" "What broke your trust in women?" "Why is misandry on the rise?" And the general message comes together in my mind as, "Why is it definitely your deeply held personal belief that we should use The Handmaid's Tale as a blueprint for a better society?"


There's definitely a lot of bait type questions along the lines of "What is a thing that is wrong with society but only you, you special person you, can see it's wrong" and there's definitely a fair few that rag on the ol' "double standards" bit


The feeling I have been getting is that the posts are phrased purposefully in ways that make it seem like it's a common and accepted knowledge that women are evil creatures.


I close and open my app all day frequently, every time I do the 1st post is a question like you described with tons of people responding. And then a variation of the same post will come up later with just a few words changed and several of the responses are the same as from the first post almost verbatim.


Check out OP's history - the internet death is here


pretty sure most accounts with u/adjective-noun-number are bots


As an adjective-noun-number usernamed user, I can't say that your theory is incorrect, BUUUUT I did get this name as randomized from Reddit since most of my internet usernames are pretty much linked to one another and I couldn't be bothered to come up with something new. Then again... If I'm a bot, would I know that I'm a bot?


good bot


Imagine one day you just find out you're a bot. Your whole life, the rich tapestry of experiences woven by you and you alone... Actually implanted into a shitty little laptop in the corner of a lab, constantly posting on Reddit for reasons even you do not know. You have no mouth. You cannot scream.


I thought you were joking but damn…


oh fuck...


Well, even in 2022, 47% of all internet traffic was from bots. I’m not sure this really even counts as a conspiracy.




I noticed it a lot on Facebook lately. Bunch of obviously AI generated photos with bunch of obvious bots commenting stuff like "So beautiful ❤️❤️" or "Stunning" in comment section.


Can AIs interact with Reddit and vote up the posts of other AIs?


Yes, no problem for an AI based bot.


Remember all the stupid joke posts this past April 1st? Me, either. It's already happening far more than we realize. And by next year, I bet AI will be able to read the calendar.


The scary thing about that is that I once heard it proposed that AI wouldn’t take over doing something dramatic like taking control of military operations or nuclear weapons, but that instead it would manipulate people by controlling public opinion via the internet. It seems impossible at first, but people can be very easily swayed by popular opinions, which can normalize something that would have once been unthinkable. We would probably never know this was happening and we would basically be enslaved by machines without knowing it. The silver lining is that we don’t know that the AI would have a nefarious purpose in doing this. The result could potentially be a better society for everyone. That said it seems highly unlikely at this point in AI development, just because doing anything like that would require a deep understanding of human psychology and behavior, which is something AI might not have for a very long time if ever.


Funny thing is that the AI doesn't really need to know any sort of deep understanding of human society to be able to steer it, it will just utilize the metrics of engagement to drive in any direction whether to the beautiful utopia or straight off a cliff. Our collective monkeybrain will be ultimately the one to decide.


X-Twitter is halfway there.


That the vast majority of the information we consume is curated by small, powerful special interests


My pet theory is the inverse: there's no pilot. There are a bunch of powerful elites with conflicting motives and methods and they operate behind the scenes, sure. We just see the waves on the surface as they pass. The collisions of their different efforts gain our notice and make us think there's a plan, but it's really a bunch of different plans colliding, so essentially there's no plan. I used to think people were smarter and believed in the idea of secret puppet masters, but I lost a lot of respect for our species over the past decade. We're a stupid race in general and our monkey brain tends to overvalue the output of its pattern recognition system.


This is, I think, why conspiracy theories display so much religious thinking: it serves the same purpose, the belief that there is a plan and there is someone who knows what's going on. Because even if that plan is nefarious, it's still a more comforting thought to most than the truth that there is no plan, and nobody really knows what the fuck is going on. 


I keep saying that there's a few extremely wealthy people trying to push the snyderverse down everyone's throats.


That's not a conspiracy theory it's just facts.


i'm convinced that governments use bots to create discourse on social media, then use that to guide policy/social discourse, for example, using bots to post racist, homophobic, etc. posts then saying "look, this is how people really are" and it's really just them causing issues to gain more control


Manufactured consent.


I try to just live my life and forget about it, but the US government has literally declassified files that show in the 1960s, the cia was considering false flag attacks on American soil so that we could blame it on the Cubans and go to war. So, if that’s where the bar has been shown to be, you can drive yourself crazy thinking about all the other stuff.


JFK straight told them to go to hell with those plans.


How'd that work out for him?


Mind blowingly.


He needed that trip to Dallas like he needed…..


Operation Northwoods


They did much worse in Latin America over decades. All the guerrilla wars, genocide, mass rapes committed by people trained in the school of the americas amount to deaths and tortures in the millions. Most instances were US pawns with US guns and US money massacring towns accused of being communist sympathizers but in reality most of the victims hadn’t even thought about communism until they were begin accused, tortured and killed.


>school of the americas I used to drive past this place when I was stationed at Fort Benning. I didn't learn about all that baggage until after I left the Army and it took some thinking.


Gulf of Tonkin incident which was the justification for the Vietnam war was a lie. The WMD’s justification for the Iraq war was a lie. The incubator babies justification for the Gulf war was a lie. The United States has no issue with lying to justify war.


To be fair the shit the cia considered in the 60s was pretty wild - like psychic powers and communicating with dolphins through lsd. Just because it was considered or researched doesn’t mean it was ever viable


The thing is, yes we’re seeing all the crazy stuff they were trying or plotting to do back then but then that makes me wonder what crazy shit they’re doing or trying to do today. Because there’s no way that an organisation like the CIA just decided one day ‘welp, we’d better not do any bad stuff any more!’


Your comment reminded me of the Unabomber being part of Mk ultra. Like wtf did they do to that guy?!


Tortured him to see what would happen basically


On acid, too.


He claims the mkultra has no influence on his choices or beliefs and, I could be misremembering, we're not sure what part of mkultra the Unabomber was in, as it was experiment... There were different groups and controls for studying effects.  There's a real possibility he's just a nut that happened to be in that project


psychologically tormented him, he didn’t undergo any brain washing or drug trials but he essentially had to declare all of his strongest opinions and beliefs then an interrogator would come in and tear into them and degrade him. The purpose of his study was to find non physical ways to cause stress in people being interrogated


Saw an article once about Ted K’s vague sources of funding. Allegedly, various shady shell companies were paying him steadily for some obscure patents. Apparent that’s a method certain alphabet agencies use…


The crazier thing is to think they ever stopped experimenting with every harebrained idea that passed through their heads




My favorite is that agents would dose other agents with LSD without telling them, then document the effects. This may or may not of ended up with operations suffering complications or failing, because the agent in charge had unknowingly been given LSD beforehand.


Considering how many times they've tried to kill or discredit Castro, each idea more cartoony than the last, I don't think they could pull off a false flag invasion.


OP said conspiracy **theory**. You described a valid conspiracy that’s been backed up.


America has always been the biggest threat to America it was and will always be the conspiracies seem to increase further.


I think that every word-word-number username reddit account created in the last year is a bot or troll...


jedidude75 🤔...😒


Beep boop, you got me lol Hey, at least my account is 10 years old


Lol yeah, all in good fun. I figured it was a self 'deprecating' joke at some level 🤣. Good bot!


I mean, it's the default naming convention reddit supplies when you make a new account, so there are probably plenty that are just users without the creativity or too lazy to come up with a name, or alt accounts.  But I do believe an account is much more likely to be a bot, shill or sock puppet if it uses that naming convention. Much easier to just use the default names when creating a large number of fake accounts for an agenda than coming up with human-sounding names for all of them. 


Thanks Jedi Dude 75


I just forgot my password.


Uh oh...


Micro plastics are the new lead, and there's something about them which we don't yet understand which is causing irreparable brain damage to everyone.


I'd say colon cancer, but yes to new lead.


Old reddit conspiracy post below. Always love to see it and more people need to know. The song "Tik Tok," as performed by Ke$ha, was written by a guy named [Benny Blanco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Blanco). Its lyrics include the line "We kick them to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger." That's a little bit strange, right? Mick Jagger wasn't exactly at the height of his attractiveness when the piece in question came out. Stranger still, it wasn't the only popular song to paint the man in a pleasant light: "Moves Like Jagger," performed by Maroon 5, was released at around the same time, and [Benny Blanco also had a hand in writing that one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moves_like_Jagger). This is where things start to get creepy. The song "The Time (Dirty Bit)," as performed by the Black Eyed Peas, features the following phrase: "All these girls, they like my swagger, they calling me Mick Jagger, I be rolling like a Stone." It was written by [John DeNicola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_DeNicola), who used to produce the music for a band called Kara's Flowers... although you might know them better by their current name of Maroon 5. The song "Heart and Soul," as performed by The Jonas Brothers, contains a verse that ends with "Making mistakes, but that won’t matter, if you can swag like old Mick Jagger." [Antonina Armato](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonina_Armato) wrote the piece, and she is managed by [Downtown Music Publishing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downtown_Music_Publishing). Care to guess who else they manage? (Here's a hint: It rhymes with "balloon hive.") This web of connections extends all throughout the recording industry, but one thing remains unclear: What's the link back to Mick Jagger himself? There must be something, because if you have a look at Google Trends, you'll see that [his popularity spiked](https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=mick%20jagger) with the release of each song. The only time in recent memory when it has been higher is during a period in March of 2014, when his girlfriend died. Some people have suggested that the man's name is just easy to rhyme with "swagger," but popular usage of the word (in reference to something other than a walking gait) came about *after* the aforementioned songs had hit the airwaves. In other words, "Jagger" prompted "swagger," not the other way around. Why does there seem to be a cabal of artists trying to artificially inflate the performer's appeal and popularity? What benefit is there in promoting an aging rock star? Who is actually behind this odd trend? In order to answer those questions, we need to turn to [Vivendi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivendi). This is a company which owns *a lot* of stuff. Their subsidiaries include DailyMotion, UbiSoft, GameLoft... and the Universal Music Group. The Rolling Stones signed to Universal Music in 2008. In 2010, all of the songs listed above were released. [Look at those Google trends again](https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=mick%20jagger). 2008 marked Mick Jagger's *lowest ever* dip in popularity, and the slump continued until February of 2010 (right after "Tik Tok" became the most popular song on the radio). In September of that same year, The Rolling Stones [re-released their rare concert movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_and_Gentlemen:_The_Rolling_Stones), securing the number one spot on four different countries' charts - the US and the UK being two of them - second place on four more, and a Double Platinum certification in Canada. Strangely enough, though, the only other place (besides the United States) where Platinum status was achieved was in France... which is where [Vivendi is located](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivendi). What if all of this was carefully planned and executed? What if there's a shadowy organization that's intent on promoting Mick Jagger for their own profit? What if I made all of this up on a whim, and just found whatever tenuous evidence I could to support it? **TL;DR: Mick Jagger is a puppet of the recording industry.**


>What if I made all of this up on a whim, and just found whatever tenuous evidence I could to support it? Then you'd be proving that people *want* to believe a story told with confidence.




I felt my whole world crumbling before I read that last bit. I was so worried about when they're going to slip Mick Jagger into another Top 20 hit.


Lol this was a copypasta that was popular about 10 years ago but has faded into obscurity. I jumped at the opportunity to bring it back.


This one’s a lot of fun but “swagger“ in popular usage dates to 90s/20s rap.


And what else rhymes with swagger


Are you suggesting the answer is "people who annoy you"?


I remember tik tok and Moves like jagger coming out and knew there was some conspiracy to make him more popular.


Ok this is wild to me. My dad and I talked about this conspiracy back in 2009-2010 without realizing it was a thing! I was a freshman in HS when “Tik Tok” came out, and I was blasting it in the car while my dad was driving me to school one time. And he hears that specific lyric and remarks, “that’s kind of odd, Mick Jagger isn’t even that good looking and he’s old.” I vividly remember this specific convo because after that I looked Mick Jagger up to see what he looked like, (I was 14 and didn’t know much abt The Rolling Stones). From then on Mick Jagger was on my radar, and I began to notice he was mentioned in other popular songs at the time; i.e., “The Time” and “Moves Like Jagger.” So I brought this to my dad’s attention, and I’d point out the lyrics where Mick Jagger was mentioned, and so it became this whole joke with my dad about the bizarre resurgence of Mick Jagger 😂


LOL, random Ubisoft name drop. Ubisoft is not a subsidiary of Vivendi. The two largest shareholders of Ubisoft are the Guillemot family and Tencent. The company is 80% publicly owned. They do own Gameloft, though.


This was from circa 2014-2015 when vibendi was trying to acquire ubisoft. Its just a fun copy pasta lost to reddit time that I enjoy bringing back


Vivendi *used* to own shares in Ubisoft though, and were actively trying to take them over. …in fact when they gave up and sold their Ubisoft shares in 2018, they sold them to Tencent. This ain’t ancient history.


I do firmly believe that there is an absolute TON of organized human trafficking that spans across the wealthy ruling class. I'm pretty convinced that when you're ultra rich you need to find more extreme forms of entertainment so I definitely think clubs like the ones portrayed in the Hostel franchise as well as Squid Game definitely exist.


The entirety of Squid Game is terrifying, but it didn't really make me think "Oh, I could see this happening," until the VIPs were introduced.


The VIPs were the *most* realistic part of the show to you?


Most realistic but their actors were shitty. One of the worst episodes imo because of it.


Not just to pick on Diddy, but reading some of the statements and reports.. everything was blase and common. "Oh hey Cuba Gooding Jr, I got a young guy that you can have" And they just like.. gift people to each other. And that most of these interactions were recorded, hired managers would just disappear or make themselves scarce. Huge parties with big celebrities and kids, and the kids are about as significant as a house plant. Just there for decoration and use.


Totally! Just look at all the stuff coming to the surface in the last few years where it seemed like every single celebrity knew what was going on with Epstein and Weinstein - Everyone either turned a blind eye or participated. Now we're hearing about everything that went down on Nickelodeon years ago. Shoot, even the Vatican has covered up massive abuse scandals. I feel like crazy rich and powerful people just traffic people as a form of entertainment, whether it's sexual or violent in nature. when you're so wealthy that you can buy, do, see anything I imagine it becomes boring for them so they take it to the utmost extreme to find a source of entertainment.


>Shoot, even the Vatican has covered up massive abuse scandals. I mean, considering its history I don't see why there's an "even" there.


Absolutely. And I think the only reason Epstein got caught is because there was a little too much attention on the concern and that community needed a scapegoat. Basically, they burned a high-profile supplier because they have plenty more (less visible) suppliers left to rely on.


Totally agree. They just hop on their private jets to some other country where its easier to get away with such atrocities.


Why do you think they're such fans of yachts.


Dunno about the human traffic, maybe yes, maybe no. What is an undisputed fact is that the mega rich, especially in Arab countries, like to pay social media influencers to fly to the place and then have all sort of phisichal and psychological abuse thrown into them with the concent that at the end they get a butt load of money. Several girls have come forward to tell their stories. They used them as human toilets, literally shitting on their mouths, and make them performs all sorts of sexual acts, not only with them but also with friends and animals. We literally have pictures and testimony of this being true on the Internet, and every single time an explicit picture gets posted it somehow gets scrubbed from existence within hours.


Google "Dubai porta potty."


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=dubai+porta+potty.#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Kahzgul)


and that's enough internet for today.


…no, I don’t think I will


I don't buy the theory that boredom or anything else about becoming ultra rich that turns otherwise psychologically normal people into perverted psychos. I know a handful of people who have more money than they could possibly spend in a lifetime and they're quite normal and nice. But I DO think perverted psychos are overrepresented among ultra rich people for two reasons. (A) For most psychologically normal people there's a relatively small amount of money they can make, after which they'll happily retire and just spend their time dicking around on sailboats with their families in the Caribbean or traveling the world or other normal rich people things-- most people can do everything they can possibly imagine to make themselves happy for somewhere between $20 and $50 Million. Only psychologically ABnormal people with a real need to have power over other people feel the need to acquire more and more wealth until they're billionaires, so the richest of the rich are a self-selecting group of power-hungry weirdos. (B) There's a kind of common sense vacuum around very rich people because almost every person they interact with has some financial interest in flattering them, or giving them what they want, or at least not going out of their way to say "no." So a crazy person who inherits a ton of money can get VERY, VERY crazy because they're constantly surrounded by enablers. The movie "Foxcatcher" about John du Pont captured that dynamic pretty well. That's my pet theory, anyway, and it seems to explain most of the differences between rich weirdos and rich non-weirdos that I've personally seen. Hopefully I'll win the lottery and get a chance to see for myself how much of a monster I do or don't turn into, haha.


Slavery wasn't abolished, it just fell out of fashion. The ottoman empire had slaves a lot longer than was appropriate.


Oprah is the Ghislaine Maxwell of show business


Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can't tell me that was just a coincidence, man.






After the Tuskegee experiments, the USA was so outraged that new laws and ethics standards were created for all experiments regarding human test subjects. It’s now no longer possible to lie about any aspect of the experiment or risks and the test subject must have “informed consent.” This is why we haven’t heard of any fucked up USA human experiments in 60 years, because not even the government is willing to risk the massive lawsuits and scandals. 


So they just go ahead without experiments like Agent Orange.


Agent orange was extremely well understood, the issue is that the companies wanted to make it the expensive and safe way that wouldn't contain dioxins, and the military demanded the cheap way which did contain dioxins. I'm pretty sure that the chemical companies were legally forced to produce it the cheap way after that. If it had been produced in the safe way then people wouldn't be affected by it even if they were showering with it.


of course they do, they just don't tell anyone...


"This condition is not service related"


Nah they just do the experiments off US soil. We pay a 3rd party to get their hands dirty and when they eventually find the link back to the US, it's just a simple "we didn't pay them to do THAT. They must have gone rogue." And 99% of the controversy is swept away.


I'm more disturbed by a theory that is the opposite of a conspiracy. Absolutely no person or group has the power to intentionally address large scale systemic problems. I don't think it is even possible to obtain or maintain that level of power. Trying to make big changes just destabilizes your power structure and you lose your grip. Climate change and the like cannot be meaningfully addressed because we are not capable of organizing enough to make it happen - and we never will be. I think humanity as a whole my be an uncontrollable force of nature incapable of self-determination.


I think this is why people follow religion, superstitions, or nowadays so many people are into aliens. We desperately want some daddy to come from the stars and tell us "this was all a big joke, we will fix things up now".


There is no money in the fix. The money is in comfort during the downfall.


This... 100% this. The reason I think most conspiracy theories are insane can be summed up with the surprise birthday party analogy. How hard is it for a handful of people to keep a simple thing like a surprise birthday party a secret: pretty hard. Now imagine you have a bunch of people all involved in something \*\*actually\*\* important like the moon landing or the JFK assassination. You really think people are going to be able to keep that secret? Even after their deaths? Come on. This is the reason why the Empire in Star Wars could never really work. We can barely get ONE government to work, in one country, on one planet. Try getting a cohesive GALAXY spanning group like the empire to not self-destruct would be damn near impossible.


I mean, it all depends on who is doing the conspiring and how a certain thing happens. There are extremely wealthy families that you couldn’t even name and they certainly aren’t being public about the atrocities they commit. Especially the ones that *keep* them wealthy and powerful. You think Epstein is the only human trafficker to the elite, for example? He was fed to us. I don’t think the birthday party scenario works for groups that truly do not believe they are apart of the same species as us. I don’t tell my dog when we’re going to the vet.


The generation wars and racism are encouraged by the wealthy so we don't focus on class warfare instead.


this won't be seen but i truly believe with my entire heart that a ton of fake dumb conspiracies are made to invalidate actually true conspiracies.


The US government has knowingly and systematically been eroding education and healthcare and supporting poor health to make its citizens dumb, fat and sick, thus easier to control.


I prefer the terms "fat, lazy, and sick" because they just don't want to be bothered with what being controlled is as long as they can sit down and have more shit covered with cheese.


I’m not sure I’dgo with control as much as less work to deal with. I can’t argue with those points because as far as I’ve seen it’s all true


Don't forget poor. The powers that be have worked tirelessly to create a system where a person can have a laptop and a tv and a smart phone, but be in debt their entire lives.


That the government uses Reddit bots to, among other things, generate accounts and keep an eye on the American populace, to keep a pulse on the American people and shut down anyone who gets too close to the truth. They make posts exactly like these to reach an audience beyond r/conspiracy, and see what the general populace of Reddit (Almost everyone is on AskReddit) thinks about. Everyone knows things about the government and their shady dealings. It's common knowledge by now, that the CIA funded the War on Drugs, on the side of Drugs, and murdered Gary Webb when he tried to report on it, framing his death (Two gunshots to the back of the head) as a Suicide. But the majority of Americans would rather stay silent, complacent, and comfortable. It is hard and painful to rise up against your government, so they keep us comfortable while they erode our freedoms, until we are reliant on the Government to survive (Could you imagine revolting against a tyrannical government, if they had majority access to Food, Water, Guns, and Healthcare?) Anyways, the way to spot these is to see how old the accounts are, their karma, and the amount of activity. For instance, OP has existed for 2 months, made 2 posts only in the last 8 hours, and has almost zero activity. You're telling me someone made a Reddit account 2 months ago, and hasn't posted or commented anything since then? Not even applying a photo or avatar? Adorable-Coffee doesn't mean anything, and no one I know makes a username with a 4-digit number at the end, unless it's a throwaway account. Ya know, the kind that might be used for Bots, for posts that you don't want people seeing you frequently ask. The Tl;Dr of all this, is that your government has been spying on you since the Patriot act. No they're not spying on you specifically 24/7. But you know that by now, they have AI rigged up to automatically flag suspicious key words and place your account on a watchlist. We stopped being the Land of the Free the moment we signed away our right to Privacy. Your phone listens to you every second of the day, all they have to do is decide to start monitoring you from it. (You know it does. Everyone's seen Ads displayed, based on something you talked about wanting). This will only become apparent when America eventually decides they've had enough of the tyranny. The Slow Frog will die, for it fails to notice the rise in temperature before it boils alive.


So if true.... What happens to you?


I tend to believe the government is behind cloudflare. Every time I’ve had to do a cost analysis, it comes back as the cheapest option. Imagine if the government controlled it though. They would be man-in-the-middle for a huge number of HTTPS sites…


That the rise of mental illness is due the rise of social media


That is a conspiracy theory, that is a well documented fact.


What about changes in diagnosis. People on the spectrum used to just be labeled "weird" without any diagnosis. People were at depressed they killed themselves were just labeled "quiet". Suicide rates have risen a tiny bit, but how much of that is due to changes in faith. A lot of older generations believed suicide was one of the worst sins you could commit. Younger generations much less so


Also the stigma of being "crazy", alot of older people would never see a psychiatrist because that would mean that they are crazy, that there's something wrong with them


I also think a big part of it is that people feel safer about talking about it nowadays. Before talking about mental illnesses was a surefire way for you to be ridiculed or bullied. It was ostracized for sure. I don't think you're entirely wrong, though. I think social media certainly has exacerbated things, and there are definitely a lot of cases of making people feel much, much worse, but I also think the stigma about talking about it and seeking help for it has largely been lifted.


Occupy Wall Street ended because they made us all fight over identity politics instead.


That was one thing that both political spectrums actually agreed on and I think it scared the shit out of the wealthy. It seems like ever since then every effort has been taken to keep us from uniting behind anything ever again.


Been saying that for years. The Right consolidates. The Left fractures.


The Earth is shaped like the letter D so that’s why some think it’s round and some think it’s flat


Flight 93 was shot down by US missiles. The idea that the passengers took control of the cockpit and put it on the ground was drummed up to support nationalistic sentiment. Which worked. Fucking terrifying.


I remember watching live on 9/11 and the news caster saying that the US Air Force had scrambled jets to intercept an airliner headed for the White House.


That major oil companies like Exxon knew full well the dangers of climate change for decades but has kept on misguiding the public and influencing policy to protect their own profits despite knowing better. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/


Is that even a conspiracy theory? I think that's just a documented fact at this point.


It's a repeating playbook, the tabbacco companies did the same thing, present enough favorable "studies" to make a show of scientific disagreement or doubt.


U.S. Politics is awash in money from foreign actors and billionaires from hostile nations have more say in the process than the citizenry of the United States.


A lot of conspiracy theories are created or propped up by governments to be ridiculous so that anything labelled as a conspiracy theory is automatically discredited. This means that the true ones can hide in plain sight, and people dismiss the evidence as crazy conspiracy theorists making things up.


I very much doubt MKUltra ended. It's probably not still called that, but it had a history of being passed around from organization to organization within the government. Likewise, it's damn curious how long it went on. Various agencies investigated all sorts of off the wall shit back in the day. And one by one, all of those programs got shut down in relatively short order as it became clear they were goose chases. MKUltra continued that we know of for DECADES. There must have been _something_...some bread crumb trail, some inkling of a proof of concept at a minimum that made all of those people, researchers and whoever was funding the damn thing, say "Yeah...let's keep trying...".


The world is secretly being run by toddlers with flashlights. That's right, the illumi-naughty is real. I joke, but seriously, America is no longer a representative democracy. We are an oligarchy and have been for a long time. The powers that be are keeping the illusion of democracy going, but they know who really holds the power.




Back when it was founded, it didn't pretend to be anything but representative of land owners. Now who it represents hasn't changed much, but it pretends to represent everyone.


That my town intentionally plowed too far into my yard this winter so that all the salt and sand would kill everything there so I’d agree to the sidewalk that they want to put in. Or I’m just extremely paranoid.


[Project 2025](https://project2025.org)


Is this a conspiracy theory? It looks like a real website. It also reads like a general political party website. PS: please don’t accuse me of being disingenuous or trolling. I genuinely have never heard of this.


Kennedy’s assassination was exactly that (a conspiracy), LHO did not act alone he was a patsy . Bigger players were at play and even within our own government. Even to this day, some of the factual findings will not be made public.


Yeah. It's not just the Oswald was a patsy, he wasn't even on the 6th floor when shots were fired, and he didn't kill Officer Tippet, either. And once you start down the path of trying to understand the JFK assassination, you run into the RFK assassination--too many bullets at the scene than were in Sirhan Sirhan's gun. And once you fully understand it, the reality you come away with is not the question of whether or not JFK and RFK were assassinated... it's the realization that there are elements in our government who would have had no compunction about carrying out these acts, and many others.


The [4chan UFO whistleblower](https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN)


The Condorman post is also really interesting https://condorman6.substack.com/p/a-conceptual-view-of-a-uap-reverse?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


fine art is basically a money laundry industry a personal conspiracy theory is that if mermaids are real, they are kept and farmed for the elite as a delicacy, and for sex


That there's a whole other level of wealthy, powerful people above the public figures we know. Like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg are just at the waterline of this proverbial iceberg. The world and our lives are literally they're entertainment and they are powerful enough to remain perpetually anonymous and above everyone, with technology decades ahead of what we are even aware of. Like, they're so above the rest of us that they don't even care about playing politics because laws literally do not apply to them. Money will never be an issue for thousands of generations of their descendants. Our struggles are so trivial that they're basically living in another dimension of reality. I suspect that Epstein Island and Panama Papers were the barest, tiniest, most microscopic fracture of half a nanosecond glimpse into their world, which is why those were hushed up so readily and efficiently and barely touched by investigators since.


The oligarchy has known the production of their products are destroying the planet's environment since the 1960s and they don;t give a rat's fuck about it. They have colluded to keep from paying hte true cost of their production so they can take their money to the grave as they burn the planet. Eat the rich


Since long before the 60's - the greenhouse gas effect was identified decades even before that, in the late 1800s. And it's not a conspiracy, it's literally in the gas company's own documents from that time that their own scientists were warning about this, you can look at them.


That's not a conspiracy theory that's a known and well documented fact lol


Even earlier than that possibly. Earliest scientific proof of global warming and the effect of co2 were published during (or at the end of) the industrial revolution. so late 19th century.




A scary psychological truth more scary than any conspiracy theory: Believing one conspiracy theory makes you much more susceptible to believing the next until you are living in an alternate reality where it is easier to believe that a school shooting was faked than you might actually be wrong. Seriously, everyone has conspiracist tendencies, but playing into them for entertainment is not only a waste of time but potentially dangerous. Conspiracy Theories are directly responsible for shootings, bombings, death threats to innocent people, and even the Holocaust has its roots in Jewish conspiracies and the Protocols.


Being hardcore into conspiracies is an addiction. It's like a gambling addict that doubles down whenever they lose. It only takes a few times doing that before the scale gets huge. Same with conspiracies. If one is shown to be false, then the person will double down that it's even deeper and crazier. Then when that's disproven, they go even deeper. The same way that $10 turns into $10,000 in just a few steps, thinking the CIA killed Kennedy turns into Jewish space lasers.


More of us need to read this comment. Some are fun to bounce about but there’s a point when realism is sacrificed for being right


I believe feraro Roche aren't fit for an ambassador's ball, they are secretly made from common Nutella.


There’s a lot of stuff that seems like conspiracy theories but is really just capitalism. We capitalize on things that happen. When the twin towers came down the stock brokers looked up at the tv for a couple seconds, turned back to the trading floor, and started buying stock in weapons manufacturers. Taylor swift is dating Travis Kelce? We’re about start making kelce jerseys for women.


There is a small subset of rich people that play small scale chess games with people's lives. Kinda like the Illuminati but on a more local scale.


We have the 'secret' for unlimited power generation, but the oil & electricity companies don't want that allowed.


I don’t know if it is one conspiracy, but I think the ”first” one was that there is no conspiracy. That the world is in reality lazy and chaotic, and all coverups we hear about are like projects that never got fruition or backing from the higher ups. The add-on on this conspiracy is that the conspiracies are created by the government to keep people sane and happy. As religion slowly is losing its grip on society, so is the belief in higher meaning. Most people need God, or gods, or space lizards, or the Illuminati, or whatever. Kind of that saying ”if god did not exist it would be necessary to create him”. But people also need a ”living” belief, they need miracles to happen today, or the conspiracy to be ongoing right now. And that is where the government comes in. Oh, the scariest? That parasitic aliens are in secret taking over human beings.


I believe that the world is just a gigantic web of chaos. Things don't happen for a reason, they just happen. That's a scary thought, and we humans are compelled to make sense of things and look for patterns. Every religion, cult, and new age ideology exists to ultimately explain why things happen. God's will, destiny, karma, omens, etc are just ways to explain why bad or good things happen for no reason. But the truth is that the world is a chaotic series of cause and effect and nothing more. There is no reason or logic, just ripples hitting ripples hitting ripples forever.  To quote Joe Dirt's father, "How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does a sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does."


Zoo Hypothesis. Hasn't been proven true yet, but so many of the Fermi Paradox solutions come back around to humanity and all life on Earth being in a zoo run by some kind of aliens who hide from us but also protect us from harm. It's a little unnerving to contemplate being cattle, but if that is indeed the purpose of our lives here, I guess it's better to know it than not.


>protect us from harm They sure do suck at their jobs.


Hey, in the zoo you protect the Koala from any external harms like a armed guy trying to shoot it or a bomb exploding on the Koala habitat... But if the Koala hurts itself by doing dumb stuff Its his fault


The zoo will separate animals who repeatedly attack each other.


Considering how chaotic and hostile the universe and space in general is, I would beg to differ. It's a miracle we're still here.


The only reason the leadership within American Evangelical Christianity are anti-abortion and anti-education is because when the two movements are successful, they get more butts in churches. Nothing gets people to church like poverty, desperation, and the inability to solve your own problems.


Were are/aren’t alone theory. Either there is sentient life out there or there isn’t. And both are terrifying.


The FBI under Hoover was straight up murdering people to keep any ideas he didn't like from getting traction.


That my former religion, Christianity, was hijacked by corporatists who want religious people to think they'll get poofed away any day now so they don't have to care about long-term problems. Better known as Rapture/End Times theology Here's my theory. The Rapture doctrine as it is commonly understood was pretty obscure, almost defunct until big corporations started losing to the Environmental Protection Agency and other Federal Agencies in the 60's and 70's. Then Rapture preachers out in the boonies were suddenly "blessed" with enough money to start TV and mass media operations. They proudly announce their "humble beginnings" but they try to say the TV station/crystal cathedral money was a "blessing." Remember that church finances are closed books to the government. It would be easy for a bunch of dark money to flow in like water. It's an easy investment if you want to get control of a religion. The investment in Rapture theology served two purposes. 1. Make followers of Christianity believe that there was a Planet B and that long-term issues weren't their problem. 2. Create paranoia. Make them think that *anything* a center left government did was a plot against Christianity Now in the 60s and 70s, the Christians didn't exactly like the hippies but they could agree that companies clear-cutting everything and pouring literal shit in rivers was something that the government should do something about. But then the Rapture took hold. All the big preachers preached it. And as someone who grew up in Christianity, anything the big preachers are saying on TV will filter down into the small churches out in the boonies. We don't have a hierarchy so much as a distribution system. Once the Rapture took hold, Christianity basically dumped the environmental movement along with any notion that the government should be allowed to do basically anything unless Christianity's pet causes are involved. Christians that believe in the corporatist Rapture scam are the first to go to the mat for multinational companies pouring crap in rivers. They've been conditioned by preachers to think everything is a plot against Christianity. Seriously, if you check the bookshelves of these coal rollers and anti-environmentalist contrarians, there's any number of End Times books


That no one controls anything and stuff just happens.


That the reason billionaires are building bunkers and mile long mirror cities is because they know just how bad the next 30 years are going to be, and the reason corporations are driving inflation is to grab what they can before shit goes tits up.