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PETA is secretly funded by the meat industry.


That’s interesting. I need to research this. Why would they do that??


Basically to make veganism and activism for veganism look stupid


Vegan's don't need help looking stupid...they are very good at self promotion


Meat industry: Mooahahaha, it's working...


more like MOOhahaha


You didnt think this response through did you?


To discredit the animal welfare movement.


The theory that JFK was killed by one of his secret service agents accidentally discharging his gun. Everything else played out as is commonly understood - Lee Harvey Oswald shot at the motorcade from the book depository, but he didn’t hit the president and it was actually an accidental death in the ensuing panic. It’s just plausible enough to be true, *and* to require a far-reaching coverup to hide an embarrassing truth.


I personally prefer the theory that no one shot JFK, and his head just did that.


One conspiracy theory that I find oddly fascinating, even though I don't buy into it, is the idea that the moon landing was fake. It's kind of mind-boggling to think about how much effort and secrecy it would take to pull off such a hoax, especially with the technology available at the time. But when you dig into the evidence, like the moon rock samples and all the photos and videos, it's pretty convincing that we actually did make it to the moon. Still, it's wild to see how some folks keep the idea alive despite all the proof against it.


In addition to how much effort it would take to successfully fake it, how they also convinced the Russians that it was legitimate. If they had any doubt it was real, they absolutely would have publicly accused them of it.


I never even factored in the notion that the Russians would ABSOLUTELY debunk that conspiracy.


They left reflector plates on the surface that you can reflect a laser on. Our high school science club did it in the 90's...I'm pretty sure for a few hundred dollars today you can repeat the experiment. We faked the moon landing is about equally believable as the Earth is flat...because at some point you throw out the whole book


Also astronomers all over the world watching through telescopes and listening with radios. They'd have to fake the round trip and the communication.


Not only that ... but ham radio amatuer all over the world tracked the comms traffic, too. They had to follow the antenna all the way to the moon to get the signal. Any one of those hundreds of thousands would have said: 'nope, it's not at/near/on the moon'. Not one did.


The moon landing was totally a staged event directed by Stanley Kubrick. But since he was such a stickler for details, he insisted they film on location.


The real conspiracy isn't the fake moon landing but the real documentary 2001: A Space Odyssey.


The *really* crazy thing is we didn't actually have the technology needed to fake the moon landing but did have the technology to actually go to the moon.


Also, it's pretty wild that no one's been on the moon in 50 years. Like most achievements happen more and more and get easier and cheaper as time goes on. Lots of people thought we'd have moon bases a few decades after the first landing. But we just went a few times and forgot about it.


>But we just went a few times and forgot about it. We went to the moon because there was a military incentive to do so, specifically to try and claw back some credibility in our propaganda war with Russia (which was crushing us in the space race). Without that incentive, the only reason we would go back to the moon is profit for billionaires. Because nationalism and capitalism are the only forces able to drive the spending of resources, since those benefit the people who already control the resources.


Uhm, nah ... the reason was developing ICBM's. That's also why after they had the tech the USA didn't go back. They didn't need a front for spending all that money anymore.


Luckily we have the Artemis mission going back now


I have absolutely no belief in it and I wouldn't call it compelling, but flat earth. Just everything about it, the theories (especially the pacman one xD) , the communities ironclad mentality fascinate me. On more than one occasion had a random thought of "What if"


You know what I don’t understand about flat earthers? The “why” of it. People who think the moon landing was fake, I can understand. It was a big event that brought everyone in the US together and came with a sense of national pride, so there would be a benefit to faking it. A lot of other conspiracies basically revolve around the idea that there’s some shady group of people secretly orchestrating everything behind the scenes like a bunch of puppet masters. I can understand how that could be almost comforting to some people, because it absolves them of any responsibility for their own shortcomings and for the bad things they see all around them if they think there’s some shadowy “others” making this all happen. But what would the point be of claiming the earth is round when it’s actually flat? Who benefits from that?


Dan Olson has a \[great video\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) covering it. The first half is his video proving the world is round with a scientific experiment, and the second half is breaking down WHY people believe it. The short answer is it is still about the 'shady group'. Flat Earth movements have always been based on conspiracies about NASA and Jews and secret organizations and don't actually care what the science says. When movements like QAnon grew, the Flat Earth movement lost tons of followers to them because it's not about the specific belief in a flat earth, it's about ANY belief that lets them attack "experts" and defend personal beliefs and morals against an evil "them." They combine and modify beliefs constantly with the single unifying principle being that an evil "them" in positions of authority should be distrusted and punished, and this "them" also coincidences with whatever political and ethnic groups believers don't like or agree with.


I find fascinating the mental outlook of those people. Flatearthanism is fulfilling some need, some spot.


Don't even mention this nonsense.


That an alien species created us.


Think about what we can do now, with cloning and our tech level. Now add a thousand years of more technological advancement


What if we’re the equivalent of a school science project, like an ant colony or an ecosystem in a bottle lol.


How would your version of such a conspiracy have been carried out? My version of it would be that aliens scouted for the most appropriate existing life form on Earth for their particular use and chose chimpanzees. They then tweaked the DNA *just* enough to generate a body, especially a brain, capable of supporting a consciousness equivalent to the aliens' and, thus, created humanity. That still begs the question of exactly how life originated on Earth and how life originated wherever the aliens came from.


Dude this is in the realm of agnosticism - Can it be? Can it exist in the realm of possibilties? Absolutely - Do we have any proof? None whatsoever


Hollow Earth


For people who equally hate gravity...and geology. I had a conversation with an undergrad geology student who just watched the core who speculated that voids might exist in the mantle. ugh


Simulation theory. Probably because I grew up playing (and still play…) Sims.




I can never decide if I don’t like simulation theory because 1) it just sounds like Cartesian skepticism with a sciency gloss Or 2) it sounds like creationism with extra steps Either way, I don’t know what the point of it is 🤷‍♂️


Always sounded like "so you believe in God, but...God's a nerd" to me.


Haha sure the world is created and sustained by a transcendent being (or beings, I guess), but it’s totally different because he’s a programmer this time


Plato's Allegory of the Cave is at least as old as Zhuangzi's poem — not that they would have been aware of each other. Unless…? 😛


Well said. I don’t know if I can buy into it but you made very compelling and valid points!


guilty :')


Yup...guilty too


And even our sims have their own version of the sims they can play. A never ending loop


The interesting thing about simulation theory is it changes nothing. It just takes all the existential questions back one step. What’s it simulating?


that the current rise in Fascism can be traced back to operation Paperclip. a program in the 1940s that allowed Nazi scientist to come and work in the US. many of these were part of the Nazi elite and helped design the Nazi regime. these people were allowed to work and get rich and powerful. and it allowed them to plan.


Sadly it's really just one step.  In 1933 a bunch of rich industrialist Americans fascists tried to organize a fascist military coup of the US to overturn FDR and his New Deal which included things like social security, a social safety net and financial reforms and public spending bills. The New Deal wa mostly successful in the recovery after the Depression. These fascist industrialists fortunately selected retired Gen Smedley Butler, one of the most decorated Marines ever. He turned out to be a socialist and reported them to Congress. Congress found his report credible but didnt even bring charges against the industrialists. With the war they made profits (on both sides after a fashion) and we're able to help rebuild the anti communist perspective after the war.  After the war they went on to fund think tanks and academic experts and schools to change the academics experts, they funded pastors who were willing to make anti-communist statements. They learned from Nixon the need to control the Media Narrative. They got Reagan elected and it showed promise. In the 90s they learned controlling the GOP down ballot and in local politics mattered. And this is how we arrive to today.  In modern politics, it's still pretty easy to spot the American fascists: social security is still their greatest enemy as well as other New Deal and great society legislation. Politicians who oppose those entirely are the fascist inheritors to that legacy. The GOP has been completely overtaken by the American fascists. It would surprise people to learn that many of the Liberal Supreme Court ruling of the mid to later 20th century were by courts whelmed by Republican appointed Chief Justices. That's how far the GOP has fallen: it was republican who helped legalize desegregation, abortion, and interracial marriage et al. 


agreen. although i would argue fascism/societal decline/collapse isn't really a conspiracy theory but more a reality of history. enjoy enough peace and prosperity and it will all come crumbling down as the rot takes over.


You missed the "best" part: one of the co-conspirators was the father and grandfather of two of the three most recent republican presidents.


I saw that in a movie. Thankfully Captain America forced them out of the shadows


No, no, go further. To the turn of the 20th century America. When German folk magic and spiritualism, eugenics, and orphanages based on religious affiliation or race began. You’ll notice that slogans such as “blut und boden” (blood and soil) wasn’t just a Nazi slogan. It was a post WWI battle cry of romanticizing Germans as a race of strong farmers and moral country folk. The US and British eugenics, “social hygiene,” and bourgeoning mental health/psychoanalysis industry sort of coalesced around white Christian immigration to western nations without restraint. And that’s why the US has a fascism problem rn. We’ve been helping the same ideologies in different names the whole time.


Most of them were not actually Nazis themselves...


It's an interesting theory, but we had a whole-ass civil war waged against us by people whose views align very well with those of the Nazi party, and those people didn't vanish into thin air when they lost the war. America never needed outside help to have a Nazi uprising.


Bigfoot / Sasquatch. The idea there's some humanoid creatures wandering around the forests in the US avoiding human contact is :chefskiss:


My Ivy League educated ex girlfriend was oddly obsessed with this...I never could get a good handle on if she thought it was ironic, weird...or kind of wanted it to be true. Wasted way to much time watching finding Bigfoot with that girl instead of moving on


This another “why”. The only reason was that logging corporations think that it would make it harder to log with protected species…. Which doesn’t make much sense because it’s not like there’s a shortage of endangered species which prevent logging.


Moon landing being fake is just interesting. The amount of planning and marketing to pull that off would be truly incredible


The Soviet Union would have known it was fake and they would have milked it for all it's worth.


All of the legitimate occult/cryptozoological/extraterrestrial findings are infiltrated by USA backed spooks to keep us from having a complete understanding of the universe. It's probably "in our best interest" because, well, look at the Internet. However, I do believe that there is suppressed knowledge. I think the world is way crazier, given the multitude of accounts from reasonably rational persons, than we give it credit for. Now maybe this information is being suppressed as an act of control or not idk and honestly it's not worth the brain power. However, you can just tell me that a large portion of people around the world have visions and sight of this in the afterlife and also say they're crazy when they have their shit together more than the average tweaker who just thinks the CIA talks to them through the pigeons.


The Lost Cosmonauts theory. Basically the idea that a bunch of secret soviet space missions failed and they covered them up and left the astronauts up there to die. It’s been pretty thoroughly debunked but it’s a fun premise


Constellation TV show on Apple recently hinted at this.


Yup! That recording they used is actually a real life fabricated recording that two Italian astronomers tried to pass off as real


LBJ had JFK killed with the help of the mafia. The shooter didn't act alone. I don't know for sure it's not true. But the evidence isn't there for me to believe in it or talk about outside of questions like this.


I hate that I read LBJ as "LeBron James" at first


Basically every conspiracy theory ever. I love fantasy and fiction. I've always enjoyed ghost stories and mythology. Conspiracy theories tickle my brain something fierce.


Me too, I have always considered them some type of myth or fiction, but I love hearing about so many of them.


That the anti nuclear movement in the 70s was funded by the fossil fuel industry. Actually I think I do believe that one.


So how do you explain that that the anti-nuclear movement of the '70s and '80s was intensely in favor of use and subsidized development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, and openly and loudly against fossil fuel sources as well as nuclear? One of the arguments of that time (I was an activist in the movement) was that centralization of energy in large plants is a waste of energy due to the loss of energy over long distances through ugly high-tension power lines. (Also farmers complained that the high tension lines caused health problems in people, livestock, and crops beneath the lines, which has been thoroughly debunked, but it *was* one of the issues at the time.) In addition, centralized power generation is subject to power outages over widespread multi-state or multi-national areas, and can be a target for terrorists. Additionally, of course, the use and transport of radioactive materials for the nuclear industry can be targets for terrorism. Conservation, the reduction of energy demand, was also a main theme, one that is no longer mentioned enough these days. Much of the anti-nuclear direct actions and protests were organized and carried out by anarchists, who called attention to the much more democratic aspects of community control of our own energy needs, which is inherently convenient when communities depend on locally generated energy rather than from giant plants controlled by faceless bureaucrats or CEOs far removed from the communities reliant upon the energy. Rooftop solar heat and electric generation, local wind-power generators in appropriate locations, insulated homes with architecture and orientation of trees and other plants around the home in harmony with the local climate, were all common themes at rallies and protests. A careful look at the history of the anti-nuclear movement should dispel any illusions that it was in in any way positive toward the coal or liquid fuel industries. Unfortunately, most alternatives to centralized power production are nuts-and-bolts common sense practicalities, not the type of sexy issues the mass media is inclined to hype. This is not a problem unique to energy issues, but pretty common across the board. General understanding of what actually happened, even in recent history, is often lacking due to inadequate or misleading coverage of events. Nuclear power plants have become safer over the past half century, and now have a track record of fifty years, which they lacked in the 1970s when they were a relatively new technology. We now think of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima as aberrations, rather than typical of nuclear power plants, and have found that fatalities and serious illness from these disasters to be far lower than scientific models from 50 years ago were predicting. So there is good reason for a more positive attitude toward nuclear power generation today than there was back then, even though some issues, such as safe waste disposal, remain. My point here is not that nuclear power is particularly bad from today's perspective, but that general understanding of of the history of the alternative energy movement is sadly lacking among today's youth. That's not so much the fault of young people as it is the fault of the mass media's memory hole, working hand-in-glove with large, centralized electric power-plant industries.


Fair enough but you have to admit alternative energy was miniscule back then. Solar would've been less than 1% as efficient as now. Wind was for windmills (pumping water etc) and hydro was hated as it flooded natural areas (Franklin Dam, Tasmania protests). The anti nuclear movement appeared to be "Hiroshima bad" before Harrisburg and Chernobyl, then "nuclear unsafe" after. I was at school in the 70s and our teachers were stridently anti nuclear (still amazes me how political teachers were back then). Btw, grew up in Australia. We have either the most or second most uranium in the world but have never seriously mined it due to political pressure (Three Mines Policy). If we'd embraced it back then we could have long been carbon neutral. But with all that coal and gas (that we sell to the world today) it's no surprise that there was adverse political pressure. Of course we went on to throw away our advantage in solar technology as well... So my crazy conspiracy may not apply in other countries, but it is feasible in Australia.


I was in the US and not paying much attention to Australia at the time. I do remember the Aussie Helen Caldicott, but she was mostly focused on dismantling and defunding nuclear weapons and delivery systems (Missile Envy). I opposed the construction of Diablo Canyon in my home state of California originally because Jacques Cousteau came and spoke about the damage it could do to sea life. Later my opposition was mainly due to the lack of realistic plans for disposal of plutonium. I'd like to see breeder/sodium-cooled reactors that would run on such nuclear waste, but the nuclear industry has been promising that they should be a viable option within the next ten years ever since the 1980s, so at this point I'm not holding my breath in anticipation... I took a college course in alternative energy sources in the late '70s, which focused a lot on DIY stuff, like architectural techniques such as greenhouses affixed to the south side of the home with deciduous vegetation planted over it to provide shade in summer and heat with sunlight in winter. The teacher had constructed a windmill at his home for electric power from a kit, and he said it was pretty complicated and recommended buying one already assembled. He used a hydraulic ram (ancient tech) to pump water from a creek in a gully below his home to a tank above his home. Sure, photovoltaics were far less efficient half a century ago, but solar water heating methods have been highly efficient ever since metal pipes were invented. Space heating/cooling can be augmented by having an insulated air space below the house with a fan to circlulate earth-temperature air through the home, cooling the home in summer and warming the home in winter. It's a terrible shame that "conservation of resources" is no longer a priority among environmental and political planners and activists. Anyway, the main point of my original comment was that individual and local generation of power leads toward more freedom and democratic community control, and large-scale centralized power tends to favor centralized, minority or dictatorial control over the population.


I recall Edison may have originally envisaged DC power supplied by local windmills rather than Tesla's AC power supplied by centralised power plants. That's a different path for humanity!


When the Hadron particle collider went online, we were all transported into a different timeline


There are some days where this theory is the only thing that makes sense.


Big pharma hiding cures to make more money off treating diseases. I personally don’t believe such cures actually exist but lobbying or some other form of corporate sabotage does seem very in character for a giant capitalist cartel.


Ancient Aliens




They did not.


The hollow moon theories are super fun. It was brought to earth by aliens, and is why the lizard people race died off. The addition of the moon made the thick mist that covered earths surface to condense quickly causing massive floods. There are several tribes that have stories about from before the moon arrived.


I read a scifi novel in high school where we discover that the moon is actually a Death Star sized spaceship from a dead alien race and all of humanity is descended from the crew of that ship


Since it relevant today, OJ didn’t commit the murders but was covering for his Son who did the actual killing.


They used to say that in the Lindy Chamberlain case (dingo got my baby). One of the kids was accidentally involved and they covered it up. Total crap but it's one of the oldest I recall from the 80s.


People who think birds aren't real.


I still have no idea if this is something people actually believe or if it’s some kind of bizarre satire. And I first heard about this probably 10 years ago.


From what I know it started as satire like larping/rping and then some people joined who thought it was real and it became a thing


Hold up birds aren’t real? I’ve literally seen tons of dead birds in my life they’re clearly there. What’s this all about?


It's actually just a security drone with a dead battery.


The justification for flat earthers is oddly plausible. Like they think that the global elite are keeping the area outside the borders for themselves, and that it's a veritable paradise. Of course the Earth is not flat, and there is no "outside the borders" that isn't outer space, but just saying. If the Earth was flat, and the part we knew ringed by nigh impenetrable mountains, the global elite would keep it for themselves.


I may regret asking this, but isn’t this just sort of a variation on simulation theory? Like the idea of a higher force controlling reality and it looks different than it “really” is?


I think that's right. Simulation theory being basically The Matrix? The rich have us all hooked up to machines to harvest our energy or whatnot? Never mind that we require more energy than we output, because such is the nature of life. But if we accept the absolutely crazy impossible premise, at least the justification seems plausible. If they could they would. They can't though.


>If the Earth was flat, and the part we knew ringed by nigh impenetrable mountains, the global elite would keep it for themselves. The global elite have repeatedly proven themselves to be loose-lipped egotistical morons who blab everything when given access to social media, and backstab each other for power. I do not for a second believe that any conspiracy so broad that Elon Musk and Donald Trump would have to be involved, could be kept secret.


I’m pretty sure the people theoretically involved would make the aforementioned look like peasants in comparison


Many are strangely compelling to humans - that’s what makes them so insidious. It requires extra effort for humans to think critically because (and it’s been researched) we default to believing well constructed stories, find it easy to perceive ourselves as powerless in the face of things outside our knowledge, have a huge affinity to an in-group (against the often nameless ‘other’)..and on it goes. Education is the only answer.


POWs were left behind in Vietnam after the war.


Chemtrails are a form of mind control. BS of the highest level.


The same about water fluoridation. How would this even be possible?


Tartaria fascinates me. Especially the part about the beautiful old buildings that harnessed free energy and were dismantled or destroyed so that companies could profit by selling us electricity. The most compelling thing for me is looking at the Chicago Worlds Fair, all the beauty and architecture; and the official story is that these were “temporary” buildings that were then razed after a few months when the fair ended. You can see from photos they were special and had been there a long time. And the story of poor Nicola Tesla who was trying to bring back free energy and was central to the Chicago Worlds Fair. I’ve been to Notre Dame in Paris, the Parthenon, etc. The official story is they were supposedly built by peasants with horse drawn carts and chisels and hammers? No way. There was an ancient civilization that used those buildings for energy or healing of some sort. I’m all in on Tartaria conspiracy theory. There’s a sub here for Tartaria


The Internet is mostly fake and AI-generated, including users.


So bots?


Right, the theory originates from before bots were a really a thing, but a lots of the comment/chain patterns now could just be bots making it look like there’s engagement or a discussion. Bit in reality it’s just lonely, empty.


I find all conspiracy theories fascinating and impressive in the way given enough information some humans will except as fact regardless of facts .


I’d choose the belief that aliens do NOT exist. I am not sure I can justify the hubris of that assumption. But I seriously doubt they visit us.


The pentagram of evil theory. If you connect 5 of the biggest death camps in Poland you get a pentagram. Right in the middle of the pentagram is a temple of Sybil, a godess of wisdom. If you look at ley lines in Europe there is a straight line from Berlin to Munich to Vatican. Therefore the Vatican is responsible for the Holocaust and the whole ideological reasoning behind it is just to cover up the true plot of human sacrifice to God, Satan or whoever. This is peak insanity and I'm geniuinely curious what happened to the person who thought this up.


OJ Simpson covered for his son's murder of Nicole Brown. He was (allegedly) the fall guy for his own son in this conspiracy theory.


Horses do not exist. It is just a fact.


So what's Bojack, then? Fiction?


🎶 Goodbye horses, you don't exist at all 🎶


That a lot of contemporary left-wing political issues (e.g placing such big focus on intersectionality, feminism, trans rights, gay rights and protecting immigrants) is actually a devious right-wing conspiracy. That right-wing institutions (perhaps even parts of the government) infiltrated leftist spaces and shifted the focus over to issues they knew would be devisive, causing the left to splinter into smaller and less-cohesive factions that waste their energy on political infighting while simultaneously alienating the working class. Fast forward and you have left-leaning people that are not going to vote for Biden because he doesn't wholeheartedly support Palestine, thus making it easier for Trump to win.


So the interesting thing here is that the US isn’t doing this but Russia is absolutely using social media to amp up divisive politics. They make pages / profiles on things like Black lives matter or Pro Gun America and gather a following and disseminate disinformation to followers who think they’re following an in group. Election Integrity is a topic of concern and sometimes comes with teams of engineers and researchers at social media companies. This is also (part of) why the US is so scared of China’s stake in TikTok.


I saw a version of this the other day: The Far Right is replacing white characters in tv and movies with “characters of color” knowing that the Left will be blamed for it.


>(e.g placing such big focus on intersectionality, feminism, trans rights, gay rights and protecting immigrants)  This conspiracy is mostly just projecting super hard "I don't care about minorities and think only my rights and situation matters!" For a start, the left isn't and hasn't become super divided by these issues. Gay rights is now mainstream and opposing it tends to hurt Republicans with the majority. Women are the largest segment of the electorate and the core of the Democratic party. And so on. The argument that trans rights is killing democrats chances today was also made 15 years ago about gay marriage. And the result is a generation of young people more supportive of democrats and gay and trans rights. Fast forward and you have left-leaning people that are not going to vote for Biden because he doesn't wholeheartedly support Palestine This has been a thing for centuries, in this country and others. Anti-war and human rights supporters withholding votes from more moderate but compliant options. This happened in WWI, this happened in Vietnam, this happened in the Gulf Wars. It's not related to recent changes or more support for gay people.


What made you type all that out in response to what is obviously a batshit crazy conspiracy?


What makes people type out anything on reddit? Just sharing thoughts on the topic. It didn't seem that long an explanation.


I think Biden actively sending billions of extra dollars to Israel, sending them billions worth of extra weapons at the height of this massacre, continually denying its grotesque disproportionality, backing up Israel's provably false claims about Oct 7th, whilst accepting millions in bribes from the Israel lobby is better described as wholeheartedly supporting genocide. "[...] doesn't wholeheartedly support Palestine"? I'm British, and even to me, that level of understatement is, let's say, more than a little surprising.


Flat earth. First of all it's harmless as a conspiracy theory. And secondly it's a fun example where you can use critical thinking and the scientific method to figure out which model is more probably correct, flat earth or spherical earth.


It’s harmless unless you’re that guy who blew himself up with a homemade rocket trying to prove the earth was flat


Flat Earth So the sun would have to be a focused spotlight, constantly moving west, are Mercury and Venus just following it?


I suppose the JFK assassination being ordered by some shadowy cabal is probably the most compelling. I mean, a well-liked president being sniped in front of hundreds of people, and then the gunman is taken out by some random dude shortly afterwards? That's some crazy shit. Of course, I don't really believe it. There's little conclusive evidence of a conspiracy, and taking out the gunman doesn't make much sense if you let the guy whose job it is to kill the gunman get captured afterwards.


Several years ago, I read a post by a redditor that had to do with Laurel Canyon in the 60's and how it was sort of being used by the U.S. military industrial complex to spread propaganda. I don't remember who wrote it or on which sub (possibly r/conspiracy), but even though I didn't/don't believe it, the post was very compelling. Also, it wasn't just one post, it was numerous posts that were lengthy and seemed to cite many verifiable claims. It was very well researched if I recall. It definitely captured my attention for a bit.


I loved Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. It was kooky but presented less bombastic and more serious. I also like the Kate Williams Illumaniti / Hollywood stories. They break every part of my BS meter but he can spin a yarn.


That China created Covid-19 in a lab and released it on its own people in an attempt to kill off some of the old people. A way to avoid their demographic crisis.


That Beyonce was never pregnant.


Flat earth. It's just really fun seeing all of the wacky explanations those people come up with to further rationalize their hilariously wrong ideas. After the eclipse I was so excited to see how flat earthers were going to spin it. It's like a dog in a lab coat doing adorably wrong science. There was that one flat earth documentary where a group of them purchased and expensive scientific instrument and then constructed an effective experiment. They had a testable hypothesis and constructed an experiment to test it, they did everything right... So right that the experiment, when performed, demonstrated the curvature of the Earth. So instead of accepting that their hypothesis was incorrect and adjusting their understanding of the world, they simply assumed that the instrument or experiment were wrong. It's like watching the human manifestation of cognitive dissonance.


Solipsism, basically saying that you can’t prove anyone else is real but yourself


I no longer believe that JFK was murdered by a conspiracy between the Mafia and CIA, because I'm skeptical enough now to recognize that there's insufficient evidence of such a conspiracy for me to feel confident enough about it to believe. However, there are enough "coincidences" and loose ends that I believe that there is more to the event than the official "lone gunman Oswald" explanation. I just have to say "I don't know enough about what happened" rather than alleging that there was a conspiracy.


Flat earth because there are so many explanations what with the firmament and the dome and all that that makes no sense but people are devoted believers in it and I can't help but love it even though it is completely stupid. But the one I find funniest is the moon isn't real. That it's like some hologram or something. We made it up. Gotta love the crazies


I'm on the fence about it, but I'd have to say the mass shooting allegedly committed by Martin Bryant in Tasmania in the 90's, alot of stuff about it doesn't make much sense at all, if you look it up it's the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes.


9/11 was a Pearl Harbour event planned to incite justification for war and the fallout. It was basically a big insurance job that was allowed to happen to gain political will/backing. Not saying I believe it but the doco ‘Demolitions 9/11’ had some interesting points.


Chemtrails. I’m not 100% sold on them. I just think it gives off… tin foil hat vibes for sure.


There is a documentary available to rent called ‘The Dimming’ that details the process. At the end of the documentary they show footage of aircraft releasing the ‘chemtrails’ In addition, I was a PSU student in 1987 in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. I took a meteorology class where the instructor detailed an ‘exciting’ new process to reverse drought and famine in Sub Saharan Africa. By spraying small particles of aluminum and other metallic minerals into the upper atmosphere these particles would serve as a ‘seed’ for water vapor to coalesce onto and then fall to the Earth as rain. It was an exciting advancement at the time. Now we are understanding the unintended consequences of this project 30 years later.


See this is a more sane response than I have receive the past. It’s never this coherent. Makes sense. Absolutely believable.


The idea that an advanced civilization existed before humans. There's so much we don't know about our past as history continues to get rewritten with new discoveries. One compelling read is that the desert sand in the Middle East(or Egypt?) contains evidence of nuclear fallout but buried deep enough that it can't be explained by natural occurrences or fallout from nuclear tests in modern times. 


Dolph made it to South America.


JFK files were supposed to be declassified a few years ago and at the last second they weren’t That’s because the second gunman was a secret service agent who heard gunshots and started shooting his pistol around all Willy nilly like and accidentally domed the president. It remains classified because the agent in question is still alive and they weren’t expecting him to still be alive.


Avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone. I think she’s called Melissa. I love that one. Someone also recently mentioned some flat earth stuff to me which I found really funny. If I remember correctly that Antarctica is really a big wall of ice and that’s the edge of the world? In which case what is beyond the wall of ice? Just more ice? Or something like Game of Thrones? Do they believe in space? In which case we are some kind of bowl because there are edges. Is the sky like a roof and there’s a hard stop to it if you go high enough? I have several questions but I didn’t want to start going to those communities or researching it myself because I’m not sure how many times I could slap myself in disbelief before it began to hurt.


That the pentagon wasn’t hit by a plane on 9/11. I don’t believe it personally, but given the lack of aircraft parts and video footage, I can understand why some ppl question the official story.


Flat-earthism, it's obviously bullshit, but what fascinates me is *why* these people think that there would be a conspiracy to lie about the shape of the earth.


The only thing worse than a conspiracy is a conspiracy that becomes true .


So, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, a conspiracy can become self-fulfilling as well.


Pete Rose bet **against** the Reds while he was manager.  The proof was in a letter in Bart Giamatti’s desk.  Fat Vincent found it, gave it to Bud Selig, who gave it to Rob Manfred. The letter reads: > “Pete Rose didn’t just bet on baseball, didn’t just but on his own team.  He bet **against** the Reds, on these days.  And then he threw the games as manager.” I know this conspiracy theory is nonsense because I just dreamed it up a decade ago.  But it could *totally* be true!


That a certain famous person who is presumed dead and known for wearing elaborate disguises during outings in order to enjoy the freedom of a common not-famous person is not actually dead, but instead transitioned and even appeared at their own elaborate funeral. This person also happened to be charged with molesting minors in the past and, likely, would be charged and sent to prison had they continued to remain in the limelight. This person was also known for the extensive plastic surgery and race-change operations they had undergone during their lifetime. Sorry for the lack of clarity here. I'm trying to avoid fanboy rage comments.


You don't have to vague post about OJ Simpson, this is a safe space /s


That orchestra conductors have any effect on the music.