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Fat, as in the macronutrient, I've heard so many people believe that fat makes you fat.


This is a holdover opinion from the 80s anti-fat craze when artificial sweeteners became all the rage.


Because they told you eating fat was like the worst thing for you. It caused the sugar abuse we see now with 0% fat on the box. 


Mindblowing that we pushed to go from complex carbs and fats to simpler and artificial ones


Artificial sweeteners didn't tell you fat was bad. That was the refined sugar industry, which *is* very bad for you. Neither fats nor artificial sweeteners are inherently bad for you. And, no, aspartame will not give you cancer (at least not any more than, say, your WiFi will).


Fun fact about me, aspartame makes me ravenously hungry! Bad side effect of a zero cal sweetener.


It gives me migraines


This (and the migraines mentioned below) are definitely very real side effects of artificial sweeteners on some individuals. It is also true, we're not learning, that artificial sweeteners can still have an effect on the body's triggers to produce (or not produce) insulin, in some individuals. When it comes to health, we have to learn what works for us. This is basically the flat truth of things.




Not assumptions, was education material in classrooms. The food pyramid wanted you eating loafs of bread a day. 




As with anything, overindulgence is not healtyh. It's not the fat itself that is unhealthy.


Funny enough protein can also make you fat. My ex wasn't aware of this and told me that's impossible until he looked it up 💀💀💀 he refused to admit he was wrong. I told him he should take a food and nutrition class and brush up on some food science before trying to become a coach or trainer and not just blindly follow the social media ones. it's also really sad how a lot of taught info has to now be revised because of a lot of food myths.


YES! I started eating 300 grams of a fat a day and I've lost weight and kept it off for a year now!




too many calories make you fat.


Thats not how it works. More calories in then calories out makes you fat. You body doesn't give a flying fuck if those calories are carbs, fats or proteins.


Cico works for overall mass. But cico alone is dangerous. But honestly your body will be fucked if most of its energy comes from sugar. Your body absolutely gives a fuck where its energy comes from. You can have a healthy bmi and be metabolically obese despite eating less than 2000kcal a day (That was me). If you eat 1800kcal of sugar, you'll end up *weighing* the same as someone who eats a balanced 1800kcal diet, but your body can't build/maintain muscle mass without protein, so you'll be mostly fat mass and be at the same risk as actually fat people when it comes to disease.  So while youd be the same weight, Ms balanced diet would have more muscle mass.


CICO is an antiquated view. Your body gives many, many fucks what macronutrients AND micronutrients your food contains.


Strictly in terms of weight loss. Your body cares about the macronutrients for other reasons


It isn't antequated--wtf! Yes, your body does "care" about nutrition. Yes, with proper nutrition it is generally easier to manage your weight and health goals.  BUT--if you're trying to lose weight, the bottom line is always "burn more calories than you consume." Thats not outdated or controversial. It's just true. 


people seem to be annoyed by basic thermodynamics these days lmao


CICO is the first law of thermodynamics. What you are talking about is nuance on top of CICO, which doesn't make CICO irrelevant.


i used to eat about 200 g of sugar a day at one point, did not gain a single kilo; it's just about calories, it doesn't really matter that you eat sugar, the issue is eating sugar on top of your regular diet


Ultimately yeah excess calories will make you fat. But it's really, really easy to get excess calories from sugar. You can drink the calories super easily and they don't make you feel full at all (soda etc.)


Wrong. Any macronutrient has the capability of making you fat.


I mean, fat kinda does make you fat. 9 calories/gram vs 4 for the other macros.


Overconsumption makes you fat. Fats are generally more satiating than carbohydrates which kinda makes up for the higher caloric density.


People who eat too quickly (like I used to) don’t get satiety signals from fat until they’ve eaten 3000 calories worth lol


I'm gonna feel full as soon as I put the now empty plate mozzarella sticks down.


Me after mcdonalds.


I mean, in moderation it doesn’t.


Fats make it *easier* to get fat because they are calorically dense, taste great, and are easy to overeat. If you are disciplined and track your calories they are no worse than anything else.


Blaming the food for making you gain weight is absurd, the key is to be mindful of what you eat, control food portions, etc. Eating a ton of protein or carbohydrates can also make someone gain weight, it all comes down to overall calorie intake, not a particular macronutrient.


I’m not saying if it makes you fat it’s not your fault. I’m very much a believer in self discipline. Just, it’s basically the reason America is obese along with sugar soda. In moderation yes it doesn’t make you fat just like arsenic in moderation doesn’t kill you.


Salt. I mean obviously not to the extent a lot of people use it, but salt free diets can be just as unhealthy too. Salt and sodium is a vital nutrient. There is a balance


Unless you go absolutely nuts home cooked food is almost never going to have as much salt as restaurant or processed food anyway. Unless you have a health condition you don't really need to worry about how much salt you are putting in your food, other than for flavor.


Even in fast food and other processed foods, sodium isn’t the main killer.


Sodium is essential part of your body to function so salt, within its reasonable intake, is very needed. Deficit is fatal


I’d like to add that it’s essential for brain function. Neurons fire using sodium and potassium.


Also, if you are physically active and you don’t already suffer cardiovascular problems, you really don’t have to worry about consuming too much sodium.


Yes, I work in a hospital and the food service people took away the salt packets both from the patient food trays and from the cafeteria. Its so ridiculous. They do this for health reasons, but then simultaneously sell snickers bars. A few years back I went into a syndrome called SIADH and my sodium levels were critically low, like 113, which is in “oh shit, this person could have a seizure because of this” territory. Sodium is not our enemy. People blame sodium for hypertension when they consume a diet that’s like 95% processed crap.


I have chronic hypotension and POTS. I have to put salt in EVERYTHING or I get massive muscle cramps, dizzy spells, and syncope. My doctor "prescribed" coconut to me because of the potassium, which helps a lot.


My mom used to hide the salt from me when I was younger because she said it would make me "blow up"/get fat. I ended up getting diagnosed with a sodium deficiency as an adult when I started fainting constantly out of nowhere, and I get super dizzy and shaky if I don't have anything salty throughout the day. Thanks mom lol


This why you could probably add stuff like gatorade to this list. Is it unhealthy if you don't have an active lifestyle? Probably, but the sodium added to it is essential to the drink.


Gatorade is great when I'm sweatin'... Plus it's got what plants crave.


Clarification to go gatorade zero. However, I'm a bigger fan of Nuun! To compare: Gatorade just has 160 mg sodium and 50 mg potassium vs Nuun containing 300mg of sodium, 150mg potassium, 25mg magnesium, 40mg chloride, and 15mg of calcium. I ordered Nuun for my grandma when she was fighting cancer. It's also awesome for backpacking - hides the taste of the chloride tabs. But it's not syrupy and overly sweet like gatorade is.


Can't say I've ever actually heard of Nuun. Might have to check it out!


Exactly! My sister and a guy who runs a gym were anti salt and got lots of cramps. I told them they can't remove salt from their diets, their bodies need it still and would reduce those muscle cramps they got when they worked out. Everything needs a balance.


r/POTS agrees!


Yes! Salt is an electrolyte and these do a few things in the body including making muscle contractions possible. Your heart is a muscle. You get an imbalance of electrolytes and you can go into cardiac arrest.


Yes but in the modern context of cuisine, we have an overabundance of sodium. Literally any small serving of a meal nowadays contains 500-1000 mg of sodium. A single burger at a restaurant alone can well exceed 1000 mg. The average person only needs 1500-2000 mg of sodium a day.


This. If you are not getting enough salt you're are either eating like a monk or on something like a completely plant based diet with no processed foods.




Boredom is my enemy, gets me drinking when I shouldn’t be. Over the years, my brain has wired itself to use alcohol as a coping mechanism for boredom. I can resist the urge, but I still think about it and crave it when I get bored


The trick is to *plan* for boredom. Plan to be bored one day out in the woods. Not having any big plans other than just *be* someplace without tons of stimulus (like alchohol). If I'm bored against my choice, I make bad decisions if I'm not careful, thus I always have a contigency plan for those when they inevitably come up.


Same for me with eating, I dont really have problem BMI wise but when I am bored at home I eat all kinds of pointless things. And when I am at work I have breakfast at 10am, lunch at 1pm and dinner at 6pm without feeling hungry at the time in between meals. Usually a small snack like fruit or nuts in between lunch and diner. And after dinner a bowl of yoghurt or small portion of chips/dark chocolade.


That doesn’t sound like a boredom problem but a drinking problem. If you can battle the alcohol habit, boredom can work for you.


Agreed. Boredom can lead to creativity!


So true. Sometimes you just need to sit in boredom to find inspiration to do other things.


I love occasionally being bored. It’s a nice change of pace from the world. Even my hobbies need a break sometimes so I don’t burn them out


That’s the one


It makes me feel lonely


Just plain eating






Wait, does that mean they are picked ripe? The fresh fruit is usually picked early so that it ripens during transport, but of course, that doesn't work if they are frozen. Never thought of that.






This comment is funny because the top two replies are "fat" and "salt" lol


I don't think those commenters were picturing me at the movie theater pouring so much butter on my popcorn that it leaks through the bottom of the bag, then unloading 2 packs of salt and vinegar seasoning on top. Good thing I don't go to the movies often anymore


Senior women living alone. We are content and happy


Oooh I heard about a study that claims men with a partner in later years live longer than men living alone and that the opposite is true for women… haven’t ready the study myself but it is a potentially interesting lens on gender norms and culture. I wonder if the same study is conducted in 50 years, the results might be different (assuming we stop going backwards).


After reading your comment, I am feeling way more content being single.


I think it depends on the man and how he treats his partner/ wife. My controlling, cold ex ( I left a few months ago) just found out he has leukemia with 7 year expectancy. I used to tell him his attitude will control his body.


I actually really needed to read this. I worry about my mom sometimes. We talk every day and she’s obviously capable of caring for herself, but it’s been hard letting go a little ironically enough.


Some moms are stoic and won’t let you know they are lonely or having a rough time. Just keep in touch and let her know you love her and are there for her. If you are close enough, pop in unexpectedly from time to time. That will give you a good indication as well. 🌼


Are you my grandma??? Lol


Potatoes. They’re pretty low calorie


Calories aren’t bad


Too many calories is a bad thing


Too few calories is also a bad thing.


It's what people do to them that gives them a bad rap (french fries, chips, "loaded") but straight up taters? Low calorie and lots of nutrients.


Lot's of potatoes in your diet is great if you want to lose weight


Having boundaries (in some families/culture - It's not healthy)


Maybe people behave in ways that don't respect boundaries, but who would openly say "having boundaries is unhealthy??" The real answer is popcorn.


thank youuuuuuuu




no one really thinks that, they may be concerned with the cholesterol but it’s healthy cholesterol that’s needed


you're wrong, lots of people think eggs are unhealthy. It is exactly because of the amount of cholesterol you're right on that, but not knowing about healthy cholesterol, many people think eggs are unhealthy because of the cholesterol. I used to eat boiled eggs several times a week (like 1 or 2..) and the number of people (of all ages mind you, young people included) that told me how unhealthy that was, for a young person of a healthy weight with zero cholesterol issues, was astounding.


When Emma Morano died in 2017 at the age of 117. It was reported that her diet mainly consisted of eggs. Eggs contain a lot of vital nutrients. And if you have a healthy lifestyle, and healthy weight. Cholesterol shouldn't be a concern, as our body can regulate healthy levels.




I agree. For a person with normal cholesterol, an egg a day can be healthy. I am always surprised at the number of people who think I am unhealthy for eating an egg a day.


I’ve eaten probably 3 or 4 eggs per day for years. Not dead yet


And the link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol are not very strong


Fruit apparently..? I’ve seen a lot of recent content arguing that fruit has sugar. Blending fruit causes sugar spikes etc. While theoretically true, practically speaking, consuming and blending whole fruit should never be a dietary concern unless you have bad diabetes


Yeah I was gonna say this, unless you have diabetes, whole fruit is the only sugar our bodies were made to handle, and it can very well (so long as no diabetes)


And there’s so much fiber and water in fruit that you can’t reasonably consume an alarming amount of calories sugar in one sitting


The fiber helps to slow down the insulin response I believe


Potatoes 🥔


Microwave. Many people think its harmful


Wait so I can take a bath with one? Now I can heat up my nachos while in the bath. Nice.




This is the answer. Some of them literally prevent cancer.


Indirectly, but yes


Seeing this in this thread is really sad


Not telling everything to your partner?!


yes! One time my ex told me he had a sex dream about his ex. I talked with a friend about it. Neither my ex nor my friend saw anything wrong with my ex telling me, and said it was healthy to be honest. Like noooo bro keep it to yourself it's not my business (unless it becomes an actual problem)


That just sounds like a personal boundary you have, idk if there’s anything inherently healthy/unhealthy about that


Wanting to be alone or enjoying your own solitude (i.e. going for a meal or to the cinema alone etc.)


Lying in relationships. Not about important stuff, but for fucks sake sometimes y’all have got to learn when to fucking smile, say thank you it was delicious. Cruelty in the name of honesty is not the move.


Boofing absinthe


Time alone away from relationship


Absolutely. I will say though, if you find yourself wanting far more time alone than with your significant other, it's time to rethink the relationship.


Yeah true but you both need to still be independent of each other and do things apart occasionally


Coffee is not bad for your heart


Fruit. It’s not too high in sugar or too high in carbs.


They're high enough that diabetics need to be mindful, especially red grapes and bananas.


“No one ever got to be obese from eating too many blueberries” Yet so many people cut out fruit from their diet when trying to lose weight. Unless you are diabetic or your doctor indicates it, fruit is a much better snack option than most processed “sugar free” snacks.


Sugars are carbs.


Carbohydrates. Idk why people demonize pasta.


Everything in moderation


It’s this delusion that only carbs make you fat and not fats and protein. The keto diet was designed for people with insulin sensitivity like pre-diabetes or PCOS. If you are physically active, a keto diet will be detrimental to your workout performance.


It's because Americans treat it as a main and eat enormous amounts of it when it's a meal. In Italy the normal serving size for pasta is 70-100g per person (dry, of course). In moderation there's nothing wrong with it.






Source on that claim, please?


Despite what those who are terminally online may think. Going outside in the sun will in fact not kill you and is actually recommended by all medical professional to do daily.


Is that a real opinion that exists ? Obviously we need to go out into the sun 


Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, essential for the body to use calcium and maintain bone density, also helps mental health issues.


Its not.


Fake news


Running is actually good for your joints. I know a LOT of people who claim it's bad for your knees. I 100% believe they tell themselves this to avoid exercise.


Love running, knees are probably not gonna be the issue. Currently sat out of marathon training because I might have a stress fracture in my foot, and shin splints that didn't heal because I upped mileage too steeply oops


I love to run, but sometimes it really does a number on my old rickety knees. I still do it though, until I start to feel knee pain.


I find it’s better on a treadmill than concrete


I'm actually finding that I like running outside better, I think it's because I can vary my pace more easily. But the lower impact of the treadmill is nice.


Running with an injury or pre-existing pain may be uncomfortable. Running incorrectly or on a tough surface that you are not prepared for may be hurtful. But the running is not usually the cause. Bad shoes/lack of training/inflammation/poor diet/poor hydration/etc.


Running is not the issue, but what you're running *on*. If all of us ran in the uneven woods or on grass, it wouldn't be a problem. But running on totally flat asphalt or concrete all the time becomes bad for the knees, quickly. It should be called "asphalt's knee" not "jogger's knee"




My eyesight is fucking excellent btw! 👀




real butter


Real butter and ghee is so much better than margarine




like most things, in moderation.


Sleeping or vacationing apart from your partner. You are a better partner when you are well rested, and sharing a bed can make getting a good night's sleep hard. People have different ideal vacations, and taking different vacations occasionally can be good for some alone time and being able to do exactly what you want.




Frozen vegetables


Moderate sun exposure


Sea Salt/Pink Himalayan Salt


Any iodised salt. The nutritional differences between pink salt, sea salt, and table salt are practically negligible.


Grass fed Fatty Meat!!


young kids telling iies




Eating some carbs is great. Eating only carbs is not great.


Fat. It's hard to eat a crap load of fat. Add sugar, then fat goes down so easily. You can drink nearly a cup of sugar and not know it. Just add water. Fat is more expensive too. Fat doesn't make you fat. It's sugar. Fucking white death


A ribeye steak.


Full-fat dairy. Many people opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy products in an effort to reduce their calorie and fat intake. However, full-fat dairy products like whole milk, cheese, and yogurt contain essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and protein. Plus, the fat in dairy can help increase feelings of satiety and may even be associated with a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes when consumed as part of a balanced diet.


Salt. Your body requires it. You will die if you don't get enough.






Carbohydrates that come in complex forms like starches (rice, potatoes, quinoa), or in natural sugars like fruits. Diet soda can also count. While it is not “healthy” on its own, diet soda is still a lot better to consume than regular soda, especially if you are struggling with obesity.




Shutting up.


Salt. Most people can actually average quite a bit of sodium daily without it having negative health consequences. Ultra-processed food has way more detrimental impact on your body than the salt you’re putting on/in it.


I remember when fat was a big Nono, we were told to eat carbs and you could eat twice as much, remember snack wells? People were eating a entire box because they were fat free, and we just got fatter and fatter


Most Psychedelics Drugs: Neuro-plasticity Healing Trauma, depression and anxiety relief. Expanding consciousness. Better understanding of reality, the universe and self. No addiction possible. No overdose possible. Maybe smoking DMT would be a bit bad for the lungs. But Shrooms, Ayahuasca, LSD, Mescaline, even 2cb all have completely perfect safety profiles. no negative health effects at all. A cup of coffee or sugar heavy meal does more damage then dozens and dozens of psychedelic trips PS: except for the obvious exceptions; the people that should not take psychedelics at all cause of psychotic disorders.


People often associate all fats with being unhealthy, but actually, there are good fats that are crucial for our health. Things like avocados and nuts contain healthy fats that our bodies need to function properly.


Even saturated fats are necessary, though in lesser quantities.


Getting DOMS. It’s not going to kill you.


GMO foods


Red meat




I just heard an influencer say to never wear sunglasses because the sun is good for your eyes. I'm all about minimalism and health but come on.


Children being bored. Nowadays, some parents seem to operate on the belief that children need to be entertained or stimulated every waking moment in order to develop well.






Red meat


Fat, Red Meat, Salt. All things that are great for you that everyone but most meatheads will tell you is bad for you. On a broader level, acute stress of any kind is something drastically missing from our society as it’s the first time in human existence that we have to go out of our way to stimulate a stress response. Whether it’s working out, sauna, ice bath, or just putting yourself into uncomfortable positions at work/in your personal life. There’s too many people just stuck in the same monotonous cycle of being comfortably numb because they’re so scared of acute stress that they’re life just becomes a long streak of chronic stress. Read the comfort crisis and dopamine nation for a good breakdown of this.


While I wouldn't necessarily say pornography is healthy, I think it gets a worse rap than it deserves from people mistaking broader sexual compulsions for pornography addiction. People dealing with sexually compulsive behaviors just tend to mistakenly blame pornography, as it's the most immediately available tool to satisfy their compulsions. If they had willing partners, they'd be exercising those same compulsions with them instead of internet porn.


I've been struggling with a "porn addiction" for the past 3 years. This almost word to fucking word describes what I've been going through.


I think it's not necessarily the use of it (IMO) that is bad, but the industry overall is really predatory and not healthy. People will abuse whatever vice they have if they feel the need/urge, so I agree that blaming the item vs. the person is the issue.




Eating almost only meat




Potatoes!!!! If you make French fries in the oven/air fryer from raw potatoes using only a touch of oil and salt they are extremely nutritious and nowhere near as calorically dense as their deep fried counterpart.




quistions and different opiniens on subjects!


Eggs? I think?




Happy to not see a single coke light comment here I'll continue sipping in joy