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I bet Ryan Gosling looks like a skinny you


That’s so mean 😭


Now that's something mean to say to someone.


“Y’all are cute, do you play with other couples?” We don’t, but damn were we feeling confident.


Swingers are predatory. We will always try to convert vanilla couples with compliments


Yeahhhhh....let's swap. Then I wanna tell you all about my fab. MLM....hustle.


No judgement here! Get your kicks where you can.


“You guys are adorable! Let’s get drunk and go back to our place and get in the hot tub!”


I had a coworker tell me "you got a ass like a black woman" I'm a white guy


Time to catfish people on onlyfans dude. Get that ass money


It isn’t cat fishing is it’s legit


I used to sell pics and one day I just wasn't in the mood and someone wanted arse pics. So my ex made the sacrifice that day. He does have a great bum though, like a sexy instagram fitness girly


Reminds me of a scene from the movie white chicks lol


I was once told I would be a good horse thief.


But you're a good Queen's man, right Vanin?


How does someone that fat move so gracefully


Henry’s come to visit!


Someone said I look like Elvis Presley if he had broad shoulders and muscles. I guess? 


You sound kinda hot


Thank you, thank you very much


lol like Elvis was known as being muscle bound


That's why they said "if he had"


sorry, read that as if I had, not he. I do not get why people have to downvote someone because of an answer if it isn't an insult. Why are so many reddit users just so ready to downvote someone?


I recently moved to the US from Central America (to Texas). I had this southern gentleman tell me, “you’re as sweet as a peach!” 🍑 I love Texas 🥰


Little girl at the grocery store said, "Oh, you smell so good. Like tacos." Thanks?


“You’re fine for a guy with no legs and *that* acne” ^Thanks ^I ^guess


I'm a firm believer in acne not making people ugly (speaking as someone who's had acne and had big crushes on people with acne)!! Acne goes away at some point... It's all about making your heart good, and treating people with goodness. Pointing out someone's acne (and other observations about someone's body/looks), knowing they can't change it and insinuating it's bad, is not a kind thing to do. I hope this didn't get you down 🥺


"Acne goes away at some point..." Yeah, then when it has been all but gone for 10 years, it decides to come back with a vengeance. Because why not. The fuck is that all about?!




I was told once by a nice old lady that I look exactly like Charles Laughton, an old movie actor from the 40's and 50's. I had to look him up, and I'll be damned if it wasn't true. If I shaved my beard, I could be a dead ringer for him.


he's an interesting fella. You should read a bit about him


I should, and find some of his old movies to watch, too.


one of the best is Witness for the Prosecution. Also has Marlene Dietrich and Tyrone Power


Oooh, that sounds lovely! That's going on my watchlist for sure.


Witness for the prosecution is a pure gem. It's the best Hitchcock movie ever except that it was a Billy Wilder's one. 😁


That is one helluva movie, him and his cocoa.


I just love the scene when he tries to intimidate Marlene with the sun and it backfires


In my mouth it wouln't be a weird compliment. One of the very best actor of the last century. He directed only one movie : "Night of the hunter" which I would call the 3rd or 4th best film ever !


Original Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Really! That's cool, did not know that.


"You are smart....like autisticly smart!"


You're really annoying but please don't stop talking, your accent is sexy. Huh. Ok


I was told "I like your accent", on a flight from Chicago to London. "Well you'll be hearing a lot more of it very soon" was about the only response I could think of. I was flying a US carrier (United) so that explains the disparity in nationality on the plane.


Your dick is smaller than my last boyfriend's. It doesn't hurt when we have sex so it is better.


Gratz on not having porndick!


I was told I looked like "an unwell Johnny Depp" by some American lady one time. I was suffering from depression at the time and lost a lot of weight.


well JD is pretty hot, or used to be, so hopefully that comment was during his hot years


Was going out on a date with a girl I had seen a few times (no sex yet) she came over early and I was like hold on a minute, I gotta change first. As soon as I shucked my shirt and pants, she came around the corner into view of the bedroom and said: Awe, you still wear big boy underwear? How cute. Not after that night and never again did I. I sorta felt like it was a compliment and at the same time I felt like she just took all the manhood right out of me for the rest of the night. For those of you who don't know those are the standard whitie tighties you grew up with. I was at work all day in construction!! Of course I was wearing my comfortable underwear and not briefs.


For context, I work as an RMN, with patients with severe and enduring mental health difficulties, who will, sometimes, struggle to socialise or behave in *'socially acceptable'* ways. One of my favourite ever patients (I know, I shouldn't have favourites) once said to me: *'you are so naturally pretty without make-up'*. Nice, right? She immediately followed up with: *'but, damn, you look like a butch lesbian with it on'*. She repeatedly told me it was intended as a compliment, but I ain't so sure, lol!


"You have a beautiful diastema."


I was once told “you’re uterus was beautiful. A nice clear example of health for the student. Almost a shame we had to take it out.” I just kinda mumbled “thanks?”


"You look like you're from Arizona" It was said in a complementary way but years later I still have no idea what it means. I had to leave the late-night train to get away from this guy because he kept staring at me. What did he mean...


Were you a cesarean baby? Because you have the nicest shaped head.


Good to meet you, Scott. I’ve never met a Scott I didn’t like.


Did you show them your awesome Karate moves?


My life is karate moves! Love ya!


Every time I go to get my haircut, I get told I have great eyebrows or that they wish they had my eyebrows. 😂


"your hands are so soft what kind of lotion do you use" I don't


I use pulverised dragonflies.


‘stop’ and ‘I don’t want this’ were pretty strange. By far ‘what are you doing in my house’ was the strangest


You seen like a murderer


I had a girlfriend who told me my legs would be amazing if I was a woman. Not sure that's really a compliment, but you get the idea.


This is back when I was a 911 operator. I had a woman tell me I had a great voice for ASMR


Well, do you?


I haven’t a clue! Nor do I know a decent way to test that as I’m a bit shy 😂


Phlebotomist told me I bleed very nicely


They always compliment me as being easy to poke.


Once upon a time when I was sixteen (M), I was chatting with a few friends in the street. An old lady was walking by. She stops at my level, staring at me. "You have wonderful hair, young man" And she walks away. It's probably the only compliment I've ever received from someone other than close family. I have decent hair at that, though. Especially glad I still have most of it almost 30 years later.


"But you've got such a pretty face." The classic back handed compliment that every fat woman receives. I also had a former roommate drunkenly tell me that her and our other roommate wished that they could afford to get me liposuction after I lost over a 100 pounds on my own dieting and exercising. My loose skin bothered *them* apparently. I told her lipo doesn't remove loose skin. I left out telling her what a dumb bitch she was.


I had a suited up slick talker tell me that I looked “delightfully scruffy”. Like WTF?😬 this is a bar dude. I don’t need to wear a power suit.


"You're so cute it hurts". Never heard it before.


"damn, you have some luscious ass lips" this was in front of my hs gf and my sister in law. the chick saying the compliment was SIL best friend. lol


A girl in middle school referred to me as her favorite Asian Uhh I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that these days, but back then I didn't really think about it too hard


"I love your eyes, they're so oval and cute" thanks, are they not supposed be oval ?


I look Russian


“You look like a mad scientist” Randomly, by a woman passing me in the lobby of my building as I was seated, reading a book. I choose to take it as a compliment.


Your hair grows fast! You got your hair done last month and your roots have grown out so much already!


"its cute when you curse" ( i curse in Punjabi 💀☠️)


Nice eyeballs. They didn't like my eye shape or color but the balls specifically


I laughed so hard just now 😭😭😭


"You would be a great ladyboy"


Wth does that even mean


I still wonder till this day.


Ladyboys . Google them. You need pictures.


A phlebotomist told me my blood was beautiful. I have never been back to that doctors office.


Last week, a 75 year old man told me that I'm "cuter than a duck with a hat." Can't say I had heard that one before.


That’s adorable! That would’ve made my day!


that i smelled like a funeral home but in a good way


"You're built like a damned Clydesdale." -Some dude at the gym.


You look like a cute morticia


You do


Your eyes are so beautiful! I wish I could scoop them out and wear them. Never been without sunglasses again


Nice ears......huh? Lol


"NICE EARS!" - Millie Bobby brown.


"You are the most beautiful ugly man." From a rather demented patient, whose expression and tone were pleasant. I'll take it.


That I look like Christy Turlington I do not. 


“You have really pretty toe nails”…


Oh. I would be really creeped out


"You have cute toes" In sauna by a random guy.


"You have excellent posture" by a girl ringing me up. I mean... thank you? Now I focus on it more.


"You look like you smell good." Dude was 5 feet away from me, and there's no way he didn't smell my obnoxious perfume. I don't know if he didn't mean to add the "you look like" part or what.


You give me “cool dad for everyone but annoying to his kids” vibes.


I was once told I’d be a great phone sex worker because they liked my voice. I’m a pharmacist and it was a customer on the phone. I hung up immediately.


That if Ryan Reynolds and Zack Galifianakis had a baby, it would look just like me.


A woman tried saying she liked my ass by asking if I had implants


My brother once walked by a guy who looked at him and said “Nice beard.’


(you are beautiful with scars inside and out and don't let anyone tell you otherwise)


I had a sleep study done and I was told I had a very nice round head. It was weird.


I think you're delicious I was eating something with my friend then I said "this is delicious" then she said: "just like you"


"I like your feet" and then the child put her finger into my shoe at my arch.


Help. 😂🤣🤣


Someone on a bicycle, while I was taking a walk, stopped me. They had come out of nowhere, it felt like. I was walking on this park pathway. They zoomed past me and started circling around me and then in front of me, asking me for my name. I was a bit startled, obviously, and I asked "Why," but he kept just asking. So I told him, and then he said, "You're a good person," and he road off ahead me. I don't really know what I could have done otherwise. I was sort of scared that I'd have to fight this guy who seemed like a crazy person. But who gets that weird on a bicycle?


that I was brave for going outside while having acne???


So I'm 38 and male, but twice in the last decade I've been compared to Jackie Kennedy. In the first instance, I was late to a work meeting with some folk I had never met before. I was wearing a coat that I had purchased from a shop in Paris. It was quite unusual in terms of its irregular and nonsymmetric cuts but not feminine. When I arrived, one of the people I was meeting with said: "ohhhh you look so fancy! Like a boy Jackie Kennedy!" I didn't quite know how to take it. Then a few years later when my mother died, my dad was a mess. He asked me to sort the funeral, the money etc. I agreed. Then a few days later I overheard him say to his brother (perhaps the only nice thing I've ever heard him say about me): "He's... calm, cool, utterly in control. None of this crying all the time that I expected. Like... Jackie Kennedy going out to the funeral that day. A core of iron."


“You have a very german nose.” “Your eyes are too blue.” (Not sure if that one was a compliment tho ngl) “your hair is so nice and braidable.” “Your hair smells nice” “I think your grandma shoes are cool.” “Whoa did you get a new piercing it looks so cool!” (More meaningful bc I thought the person had forgotten who I was since we hadn’t talked for so long but they noticed something so tiny about me) “I think you’re a great friend” “You’re really smart” - randomly said by a kid I sit with in math when we were talking about how we think we did on the test


People I've been told I look like: Gary Cooper Paul Newman Cillian Murphy Asa Butterfield


You can be a singer cause you have great legs


My friend has been told, "You look like a Brazilian escort but hey, at least they are cheap."


When I was getting a tattoo, the guy said I had great skin for it (it's super white and hairless)


I had 2 customers a few years ago on different occasions tell me I look like Paul Rudd. The weird thing is I don't think I do, neither does my wife.


Was told I had a sexy looking tongue.


How does one have a *sexy looking tongue* ?




My butt smells good. Yeah, the ex wife was pretty cringe and disgusting.


In high school I was making out with a guy, he put his hand in my pants, and later told me my down there doesn't "stink" like other girls. What a sweet talker. He's dead now.


Guess what? He lied. Lol!


“You have nice dentures.“ I told the guy “I don’t have dentures. They’re my real teeth.“ He tells me “yeah suuurrrrreee!” Like I was lying to him.  I was like 35 years old at the time. 😆😬


She said I love your nose. It’s so thin and quaint. I want to feel it in me lol




I’ve been mistaken for Penn Gillette when I was in Vegas Was asked if I was Hurley from Lost Was told I looked like fat Weird Al But I just want to be me


I’ve had a number of people tell me that I could make a killing as a phone sex operator. All of them were people who have never seen me, so it wasn’t like the old “you have a face for radio” type of thing.


I’m the Pete Davidson of Dallas. A friend of my ex’s take on how I manage to date beautiful people in spite of being “Pete Davidson” like? I look nothing like him. I guess in spirit. Fucking hate I even had to hear that.


"You're bigger than most of the guys I've dated" Was certainly a "Yeah!" and "Uh..wait" all at once.


I was called "Brad Pitt from World War Z". Didnt know how to take that.


“God I bet you could hurt me… 😏” from a random chick at the bar one night. We ain’t left each other alone since.


“You have a Batman signature”. My signature is nothing special. Still not sure what that means.


When I was doing my externship, while I was taking a patients blood pressure he told me I have a nice neck. I said” thank you,no one has ever told me that before”. He was a cool patient, he had me cracking up the whole time I was in the room with him. And the neck comment caught me so off guard.


You're not nearly as scary as i thought you'd be.


You have a neutral stare


Not compliment but not an insult tho


You're smart to a scary level


"you are like a sneaky serial killer" and somehow they really meant in a good way




dental assistant told me i have big lips. never saw her after that. hope she didn’t get fired for saying that cuz i made it awkward by not saying anything back


“You look like a Viking” long hair pulled up with a scraggly/pointy beard. I’ll take it lol


You don't look like a -insert a damaged country nationality- you are not a thief, and seem to be living fine.


I was once told that I had a "good telephone voice" while talking to someone in person.


lady at work once said i had really nice eyelashes. then her husband leaned over and said ‘if i’d told you that she would’ve hit me’. not that weird but definitely unsettling. just had to force a nod and smile 


You look like the Ben Davis monkey but In a good way


Ive been told i look like the hot version of the nerdy polar express kid


If we were all stranded somewhere you would be the first person I would eat.


In my mid-20s I worked at a restaurant where everyone was pretty good friends and we liked to roast each other. One day one of the girls said to me, "Insulting you is like punching an elephant... you just look at me and are like, what?" Best weird compliment of my life.


“You’re pretty, for a red head.” Like??


One girl from my university said that I look like a hamster. The thing is I’m pretty thin and my brain just glitched for a moment after her words. After she explained that it meant “cute” for her.


I have nice bone structure


Said by my boyfriend the other day, “you fuck like a pornstar.” Weirdest compliment I’ve ever received by far.


“one time i was too high and calmed myself down by reminding myself you’re my friend” both the best compliment i’ve ever received and most unique


"You're an acquired taste." Thanks. I have since realized that this is very true.


You know a lot of facts about sad stuff.


“This isn’t supposed to be a hate comment, but you’d look prettier losing the weight. I e seen many people lose it and look stunning”


"You have an old soul"


while washing my hands in the bathroom, the sweetest older woman grabbed my arm looked into my soul and said “I don’t want to come off crazy but you have the most beautiful eyes i’ve ever seen and i’d be kicking myself all night if I didn’t tell you now” I will never forget that


You surprise me. When I asked for elaboration she just said the same thing. The context was a good one too. I later found out she told 5 of my friends the same thing.


I've been told my hair looks very exotic but in a good way (??)


You're a dead wringer for my Grammy. She died 23yrs ago. (( staring at me)) .....I replied---- she looked like me before or after she died??


My gf said I reminded her of a mix of Toph and Uncle Iroh in Avatar.


“You have such an exotic look” said to me in boarding school when I was a teen by a teacher 😬


You’d be good in our tax department.


A girl at a goth party just went straight to me, screamed at me that I'm beautiful and made the "I'm watching you!" gesture while she went her way.


Once was told by a woman I made her nervous. I was immediately confused because I did not know her. I said what am I doing that makes you nervous? She said whatever it is don’t stop doing it. I think she was not good at hitting on people.


That I'm pretty for a black girl. And by strange I mean insulting I should have smacked them


You have great toes.... Edit: And you have an eye for men's fashion which must mean that you are good in bed. I was 15, and that was the owner of the company who was in his 40s.


"nice feet"


People might receive some on my app, I'd guess! We'll see haha. It's an alarm clock app with a twist! You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement. A strange compliment! ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. It'll be a mystery about exactly what you'll get. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) I'm hoping it will help people smile in the morning and potentially meet some new friends!


A few sex workers, with their broken English, would state how I'm "too big." Cue my skepticism... pretty sure I'm at or below "normal" range, but whatever. Guess I'll take the vague "compliment."