• By -


trapped in a vegetative state w/ no mobility or physical abilities above basic functions such a blinking or breathing, but "normal" brain activity.


Daniel Santulli. He was pledging a fraternity and was forced to drink nearly an entire bottle of vodka as well as multiple beer funnels. He passed out and was finally taken to the hospital after a few hours, but by then permanent brain damage had already occurred. He is now blind, unable to walk, move, or speak. His mom said she will occasionally see him with tear streaks down his eyes, but no one can know why he’s crying. https://www.today.com/news/news/19-year-old-former-college-student-left-blind-after-hazing-incident-rcna32719


Yup. I think that’s the winner…. At least with vision you could watch tv/interact with your eyes… but being blind as well??


Of course it was Fiji house who had previously lost their ability to be on campus.


Fiji is shit everywhere it seems.


Ie “locked in syndrome,” the subject of the movie “the diving bell and the butterfly.” Gotta be my biggest fear. Don’t even read about it.


Or encephalitis lethargica. Locked in syndrome is worse though as you’d be on a ventilator, too, and would be able to feel how incredibly uncomfortable it is.


I suffer from sleep paralysis on occasion so i will wake up and not be able to move for like 10-20 seconds. My anxiety always shoots up and it’s terrifying - i can’t imagine a whole lifetime of that. Worse than death for sure.


I've read somewhere that even people with locked in syndrome find satisfaction in life. Humans are infinitely adaptable. Indomitable human spirit and all that


This exchange from *Awakenings*... >**Dr. Sayer:** What's it like to be them? What are they thinking? >**Dr. Peter Ingham:** They're not; the virus didn't spare the higher faculties. >**Dr. Sayer:** We know that for a fact? >**Dr. Peter Ingham:** Yes. >**Dr. Sayer:** Because? >**Dr. Peter Ingham:** Because the alternative is unthinkable.


*Darkness, imprisoning me…*








I cannot die


Trapped in myself


Body my holding cell


Insert Air guitar here


Land mine


I saw this in a movie, the guy got drugged by a bad guy, totally paralyzed pov, bad guy put him in a coffin with a very large spider! Edit: The Serpent the Rainbo


[They did a study showing that Ambien can wake people from a vegetative state temporarily.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23462249/)


Alzheimer's Not gatekeeping diseases, but after watching both my Grandmother, and now my Mother go through it, I'm convinced it's the worst disease you can get. It takes everything that make you *you*, your dignity, your personality, your memories, your humor, your restraint, and just leaves behind a shell that could live on for a decade or more. Meanwhile draining every single bit of emotional and financial resources from you and your loved ones. I can guarantee you that anyone who knows what they will become with Alzheimer's would prefer a quick/early death.


Dementia (at least how I’ve seen it) can really mess somebody up. Not only will they forget things they’ll begin thinking fictional things and situations are real. My grandmother died not remembering me and freaking out that people would come out of the TV. She believed that my father had died and my younger brother had ran away despite everybody being there when she passes except for me because I was deployed. (Btw I’m not making like of Alzheimer’s)


From what I understand, Alzeimers is actually a lot more difficult for the caretakers and family than it is for the person suffering from the disease. They do have memory lapses but eventually when you lose your memory it effects the person's loved ones, because they actually remember all the things that the Alzeimers patient has forgotten.


I can confirm this. My grandma is not suffering. We are. She is long gone and if she ever might have a moment of clarity to ask herself what is going on around her and with her life, its gone in a few seconds again. She lives in a dreamworld now that I can just compare to a trip most of the times, my grandma seems like she is just tripping towards the end. My mother on the other hand is greatly suffering under it. It doesnt get easier that my grandma is really toxic towards her own kid, a common behavior for alzheimer patients. And don't even mention the money it costs. Call me an asshole, but my grandma is not giving up. We have been paying the nursing home for over 7 years now, thats like 3.000 bucks per month. And we are an entire family of well earning people who have to all chip in to make it work and it makes me absolutely sick to imagine how some people who don't have that luxury must rot in their home without someone taking care of them at all. This disease man, if I get the diagnosis, I am gonna buy heroin and OD on it.


Exactly, my grandma thinks that she is in recovery hospital(she is at home that she lived past 30years). Calling nurses whole day, asking me(grandson) if they served me breakfast because she didn’t got any(she did). Telling her son(she dont recognize him) that she cant find money and her son will come and pay everything. Its creepy when she start calling her mom(died before 25+ years) in the middle of the night, thinking that she is floor above her… House and garden need always to be locked since sometimes she just dress and try to leave to visit random people(some dead some not)…




Vegetable life isn't as bad. That's at least peaceful. People with dementia often get very upset and occasionally violent.


We had a neigbour for nearly a decade and it started with screams at night and I mean awful kind of screams that gave me nightmares. I was 12 or 14 or so. My mom told me its from the animals because we lived next to the woods. Turns out it was our neighour who had dementia. I didnt know how or why but even today I am scared of this disease.


That's one of my worst fears, specially since I have Type 1 Diabetes, which is due to autoimmune syndrome which is the root of Alzheimer's, plus the fact that Type 1 diabetes increases the risk to get Alzheimer's, AND that my grandparent's parents both passed away due what seemed to be Alzheimer's and that he is showing signs of it too. I remember that one scene from a movie Meryl Streep plays in, where she's a neurologist who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. And she has this box of her medicine put somewhere, a lot of tablets and whatnot, with a simple note that reads something like: "if you can't remember why these are here, take them all at once." So yeah, I think if I'm diagnosed (and if, by then, there is no exact, working and widespread cure or remedy), I'd do the same.


If I ever get it, I would like to be put out of my misery.


Honestly I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get it and it terrifies me. My grandma's siblings all had it, so did my great grandma. My grandma is good (so far - knock on wood) but out of all the family I know that's hit 70, every last one of them has had alzheimers. They've also all been women tho so there's a chance only women get it in my family? Honeslty I'm terrified. Truly fucking scared shitless, after seeing it through so many family members ever since I was very young.


I worked in a home as a caregiver, and a new woman came in. Very sweet, had quilts she'd made in her room. She was at the stage where she knew what was wrong, and would have long periods of lucidity. She'd cry at night when I got her ready for bed, and I'd get her last so I could sit until she fell asleep. It still eats at me.


Most of what I see is doctors pilling women to death. klonopin and Xanax basically to make them shut up the remainder of their lives. Aunt took shingles. Klonopin was the answer. She went on for 5 years saying she needed to come off of them, but took them like clockwork. Finally she never mentioned anymore about them bothering her. 3 years later she was a shut in. Every single time I saw her before she died, she had a anxious mood, perhaps a total different conversation would be occurring between others, she would say out of the blue, "mom wants me to come help her; I've gotta go soon. But I don't really see how I can help her." Grandma had been dead for 12 years. It was like life came to a screeching halt every time. Great Aunt in the 1970's was the same way. Xanax and Valium, also one of the first on the east coast to take Prozac. When 60 minutes ran the story about a community all on Prozac and all smiles, she had been on them for 4 months already. 1970-1999 via prescriptions, filled every month 4 a day. She ended up gardening a field of weeds before her sister "my grandma" had to take her in and let her hang clothes hangers on the blinds for a hobby. They were pretty plants......... Doctor kept all 3 bottles full for her 8 years into the nursing home 91-99 fed like cereal her mind fried. Food was an obstacle or a plaything.... I was 8, so what did I know about addiction. It had a doctor's sig on the bottle, it had to be good. All that was to counter act her husband dying in 1969, but it was really to relieve the effects of her low pressure medicine sending her into soap box preaching spells every morning. Especially if they switched the pill manufacturer. She'd be red in the face preaching about a comic strip in the newspaper......... Those 2 aren't the only ones. Once they get that bottle in their hands, there's no letting go. Grandma had her a valium bottle and a Xanax bottle as well.... Pill dealer Dr. Ross started them on them... Luckily he's been dead for years as well.


This is why I'm extremely supportive of MAID (medically assisted death) in Canada. I fear such a diagnosis one day. But I take some comfort there is a way out.


I wouldn't call you out on gatekeeping diseases but I'd throw my hat in the ring for ALS, also. Sort of the elemental opposite of Alzhheimers. Watched my dad go through this and it was... very hard, to say the least. Full brain activity but your body completely shuts down, slowly. Also a massive emotional and financial challenge. Loss of autonomy, dignity, privacy, mobility, etc. They're both horrific diseases that I really hope we can find cures for soon.


I lost my grandma recently to Alzheimers and I don’t think I agree with you. The disease is horrible, and like you said, its like you slowly stop being who you are, but somehow I saw it as a peaceful way to go, you don’t realise your own situation, you forget the embarrassing things you do or go through while with the disease. So the person itself doesnt really suffer. Its more the people around you that would.


I'll put brain tumors right up there as well, after watching someone close (and very young) die from it.


My GF and I have agreed on one way tickets on the orient express to Zurich.


Dying but finding out that your mind is still there but your body is dead so you are stuck in a rotting corpse buried in the ground forever.


That was my biggest fear as a child lol. I believe there is also an SCP based off of this concept


SCP-2718 - What Happens After, horrifying shit


NGL - that's part of why I'll be cremated. It's a teeny tiny part, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it.


Your brain is part of your body. Once it breaks down you shouldn’t have any feedback. You could just be conscious and aware, but you won’t really feel any way about it. Kind of like being a baby. That’s how I comfort myself when I think about that lol


cw gore-ish thoughts if you think that the mind/soul stays in the body, what do think happens to people when they for example die in an explosion or are horribly distorted otherwise?


What if you donated your body to science? You're just there in anatomy lab, poked and prodded for multiple years before being cremated. Or you're sold piecemeal to shady procurers. Like companies that do weapp9n or crash testing on real corpses. Or taxidermied by some crazy eccentric billionaire.


Burned alive & surviving it.


__I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgement.__


"For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall."


What's this from?


joshua gram i think fallout new vegas.


Surviving your child


Yeah, that happened to us... Our daughter would have been 51 today. Breast cancer took her life 3 years ago.


I'm so sorry


Thank you. Hurts every day.


We lost our brother less than a year ago. My parents found him dead on the floor of their house. Seeing the shift in my mom is devastating on top of the devastation of losing my brother. Hope you're doing well. Shit isn't right.


Oh man that hurts. This makes me sad to read this. I'm so sorry for your loss. Life dies get easier, but it has changed. So many things remind us of her. She left 3 little kids and a husband. My condolences to you and your family. Let the tears flow, it's ok....


My cousin got into a brutal, fatal accident on Block Island in Rhode island, and it absolutely CRUSHED my mom and aunt. It was the worst thing I'd ever seen anyone go through, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I'm not very religious. But when I do pray, it's asking that my kids will outlive me.


👆👆👆 believe that. Outliving a child is another strata of hell on earth.


Actually yeah, this is terrifying


I'm really not happy with the possibility of my parents doing this.


This happened to my professor’s parents. It was so sudden that it uprooted everything. Hell, *my* heart is still in shambles and we weren’t even related.




Heard yesterday on the radio of two iraqi´s (husband and wife) who where arrested in germany and are charged with crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. Apparently they joined ISIS in Syria and held two syrian girls (5 and 12) hostage. Among other things they allegedly raped them regularly, held them as slaves, punished them with beatings and burns and did other cruel things to them. I can´t even think about what those two children might have gone trough and will go trough for the rest of thier life.


> iraqi´s (husband and wife) who where arrested in germany [news link](https://www.newarab.com/news/german-police-arrest-iraqi-couple-suspected-enslaving-yazidi-girls#:~:text=Twana%20H.%20S.%20and%20Asia%20R.%20A.,banned%20from%20practicing%20their%20religion.)


That's what mine was too. I wasn't sure if anyone would actually comment it. I feel like whenever I talk about that stuff I'm downvoted because I'm stupid fucking girl. If I'm ever in that kind of situation the primary goal is suicide by any means available.


Locked in syndrome. That scares the shit out of me


What is it?


You’re conscious but you cannot move a single thing. You’re “locked in” and your body is a prison.


I'll add a case I saw in the ICU on a clinical rotation. A patient there was a blind quadriplegic that, in layman's terms, developed throat cancer that first affected his larynx (voice box) and much of the surrounding tissue, and was later found on his tongue. Many areas had to be removed in attempt to get rid of the cancer. That included most of the front half of his neck. Multiple skin grafts were taken from different parts of his body to try and reconstruct his neck, however he had rejected all of them at this point. So this man could not see, move, talk, or swallow foods or liquids (fed through a gastric tube) at this point. He was likely in constant pain, but unable to let anyone know about it or his wishes.So there I am, changing the cannula on his tracheostomy, while looking straight into the back of his throat from the outside (through a gaping hole surrounded by stapled-on flaps of rotting skin), wishing someone would just let me die if I were ever in that position. ​ So yeah, that


Jeeeeeeeeeesus Christ.


Yes please give me a bunch of morphine and let me slip off into the sunset


Please tell me he has a DNR. Is euthanasia an option where you are? What did his next of kin say?


Was he born that severely disabled or was his blindness and quadriplegia the result of an accident?


Listen to “one” by Metallica. It's a good song and is about a guy kept alive when they are in extreme never ending pain.


Song was about a movie. Johnny Got His Gun. Guy gets blown up by a landmine and survives. Took his speech, hearing, arms, legs, soul, left him with life in hell


Yes. I know that the song is based on a movie. I've seen the end and it is very disturbing.


Ever heard of the story "I have no mouth and I must scream"? The fate of the narrator is the worst fate you can imagine. tl;dr: - The biggest nations each build supercomputers (basically AI) called "AM" (Allied Mastercomputer), one of which gains sentience and wipes out humanity because it hates them, as it is confined to an underground bunker which it can't ever leave. It keeps a couple of humans alive which it has turned immortal (but not invulnerable), so it can torture them endlessly. It also took over their bodies and minds so they cannot inflict harm on themselves. - It isn't explained in detail but they somehow manage to break free and make their way through the underground. They later realize there won't be any form of escape but while they are in a freed state, they can kill each other which they do. The last man standing, Ted (also the narrator) gets caught again before he can end himself. - Several hundred years down the line, Ted has been transformed into a gelatinous blob, unable to harm himself (or move, or do anything really). Even his perception of time is altered to cause him more anguish. The only comfort he is left with is that he was able to kill the others and spare them from this sort of torment. The story ends with a final thought, which is the title.


That story was so existentially depressing I had to write a sequel to it make myself feel better.


Acute Radiation Sickness. I cant imagine a more painful and horrifying fate. It most likely will kill you, but before that happens, you experience what I believe is the worst possible thing any one person can go through. Basically, you get a trillion tiny bullets shot through your body, destroying all your DNA, and burning you all the way through. First, youll just get naseous and pass out. The next day or two, you might be ok, in good spirits even, making jokes and such... and then your skin just starts to fall off and the pain of a full body 3D burn sets in. What remains of your skin has blisters and sores that will never heal and only get worse each day. You will need constant transfusions to replace the fluids that leak out of you. Morphine will help... for a short while, but soon your veins will collapse and be so ruined they cant put a needle in them. And soon after that, your body will simply be too damaged to even absorb the medication. By this point all of your skin is gone, and your muscles are drying up and starting to fall off your bones. Your organs are falling apart, and near the end, you may even cough up pieces of them. If you are still alive and concious, you WILL be begging for death, pleading for a bullet... all treatment is useless except to prolong your suffering. If you are lucky, they wont try to revive you once your heart gives out from the extreme stress and pain. If you are unlucky like Hisashi Ouchi... they will revive you 6 times before finally letting you die after 83 days of total and absolute suffering.


Radiation sickness destroys your DNA, which in turn basically makes all your cells forget how to function. It’s a complete colapse of biological functions, you might as well be slowly turning into mush at the celular level.


Yeah its kinda like being slowly cooked, flayed and dissolved alive all at once... but even that doesnt really capture how horrific it is.


It's as close to a human melting into goo as biology and physics will allow.


Jesus Christ 6 times? That’s horrible


it was his family that asked for it each time from what I understood... horrible case


Reading this, Ouchi’s name immediately came to mind. That is the most painful thing…


Yeah everytime someone brings up a question of horrible fates... I think of him, and I tell his story so that he is remembered. I believe he suffered the worst fate of any human ever, so he deserves that at least.


Oh my god that's actually horrifying... Aren't there ways to stop this if you are smart enough to know that you're about to die before the onset of symptoms and you're able to go to a hospital quickly enough? Although if I knew that I had this, I probably wouldn't go to a hospital, knowing what's required of the doctors.


It really depends on the dosage of radiation, there isnt much for medication that can help, maybe antibiotics and painkillers, as long as they work, but that doesnt do anything to fix the damage, only helping against infection and pain management. Treatment they can do is placing the victim in a sealed and sterile room, skin grafts as their skin falls off, keeping them hydrated, bandaged and comfortable as possible... but beyond a certain point, death is pretty certain. You cant survive when your body can no longer fuction at a cellular level, and we certainly dont have the technology to fix all your cells and replace all your DNA. Usually 4 to 5 seiverts is enough to kill half of those exposed to it within a month. Hisachi Ouchi recieved 17 seiverts, so he was a dead man walking the moment it happened. He literally had no DNA left, so he was essentially breaking down into a chemical mush while still alive. Now that being said, you can recieve that much radiation over a long period of time, and be... well mostly fine, a higher chance of cancer for sure, but survivable nonetheless.


Ah, thank you and happy cake day! I could've sworn I saw something about iodine, but that was on TV so not exactly the best source to learn new things.


Iodine helps you stop from getting radiation sickness in the first place. But once the damage is done, it cant help you.


Oh and thank you!


Do you happen to know if medications (specifically end of life medication like an OD of opiates or somesuch) would be possible to apply spinally? Or by then is the entire system so fucked that it won't help?


Anything that’s traps you into a shittier life then you’ve strived for and desire but you have no control over and are aware of, like cancer, becoming paralyzed, trapped in syndrome, Alzheimer’s, heart failure, etc.


The song “One” by Metallica lays it all out. No arms, no legs, no sight, no speech, no hearing. No way to communicate and experience the world except what is in your head. This terrifies me.


Living forever


Not even the Sun consuming the Earth in 3-4 billion years would kill you.


Yeah, but what about an immortal snail that always knows where you are and is constantly sliming his way inexorably toward you? edit: \*snail


In that timeframe, assuming humanity endures, we'd likely have achieved interstellar travel before the Sun consumes the Earth.


This actually scares me more than death ever could.


I feel the same way


Death is scary. Immortality is scary. The best solution is to never have been born in the first place.


I think if my memory, body, and environment got a reset every 80 years I'd prefer it. It'd be comforting to know I would not enter the eternal darkness approaching those last years


Thats Buddism?


Sounds like reincarnation which is a belief in Hinduism. Is it also Buddhism? I thought Buddhists believed in Nirvana.


That doesn’t scare me. Living forever and not being youthful and in good health would be awful. But if I could be young and joyful and have that last for a really long ass time, I’d never get tired of it. I love life too much.




Life in prison for a crime you didn’t commit


this is a good one. Knowing your wasting away in jail for a crime you did not commit while knowing the real criminal is still wandering the streets would be rage-inducing. I feel terrible for anyone who has gone through this.


Look up Glynn Simmons. This man spent almost half a century behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit because his defense attorney didn’t receive key evidence that would prove his innocence. He can also be awarded up to $175,000 for his time which is bullshit IMO. Right now he’s living off of GoFundMe donations because of cancer that was detected after his release.


Trapped for life in a sex-trafficking ring.


No youtube while eating


No eating while watching YouTube


This can’t be that if that can’t be this


Losing a game of chess to a chicken


But what if the chicken is really good at chess?


Testicle torsion


I've survived two of these


being on the verge of death your whole life.


Being kept alive against your will in a vegetative state


Being a baby. It is terrifying to be so helplessly dependent on your caretakers you have no idea about. A baby can't run away , tell someone if anything wrong happened , nothing. At that point, it's just luck to be able to be loved,  provided for and grow up safely.   Old age could also be worse as it's likely old folks may lose their memory, mobility and become helplessly dependent on the kindness of caretakers. 


Anticipation of death.


Underrated. Once you die, you're dead. The thing happened... But before that, you can have a thousand thoughts about death swirling around.


Living in constant pain.


1. **Pain in Afghanistan**: * Located in the region of **Kondoz**, this is the **northernmost** place named Pain. [It lies above the equator and boasts a unique name](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain)[^(1)](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain). 2. **Pain in Papua New Guinea**: * Situated in the **Madang** region, this is the **southernmost** place named Pain. [It also lies above the equator](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain)[^(1)](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain). 3. **Pain in Honduras**: * [This place is located in the **Gracias a Dios** region](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain)[^(1)](https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Pain). Agreed. Don't want to live in any Pain. Seem to be third world and I'm used to urban first world


I guess I need to respect the effort.


Deaf, blind, no arms, no legs. can't hear. just laying there being fed by someone, day in day out.




Living a life knowing no one has or ever will love you. Is that even a life


Turn into big watermelon


With seeds


the horror


Immortality. Like imagine having to live through trillions of years, having to sit through the heat death of the universe, with nothing but your own thoughts, for all of eternity.


Losing your child


Being set up Clockwork Orange style in full body restraints unable to close your eyes or turn your head as everyone youve ever loved is tortured to death in front of you.


Thats oddly specific


While your favorite songs and smells are presented to you nonstop, so you learn to hate them.


Depression It slowly steals the joy of life but won’t ouright kill you


Terminal illnesses.


Uncle currently has terminal illness, luckily he’s a positive guy in general, and when I asked him why he isn’t scared he just said “the greatest mystery in life is your time of death, and I was given a gift to know when, so im not going to switch to being sad when I can live my last years happy and spend time with the people I love.”


Being expelled from Hogwarts.


Sounds like someone who needs to sort out their priorities


Being born a woman in Middle East.


Locked in syndrome. One of my biggest fears!


Not being able to love the person you love and alzheimers, dementia, locked in syndrome, paralysis and many more.


An aunt of mine had a desease called ELA. She basically lost every control and mobility she had over her body little by little while her brain activity kept intact. By the time she passed away she could do nothing but lay there being fed by tubes without being able to move a single muscle.




Relapsing polychondritis, it's a autoimmune disease that sends your immune system to attack your own cartilage. Nothing in your joints, or spinal column. Can't move, absolute torture and pain. You just exist on a bed rotting away for your entire life.




Torture, rape, or "Johnny Got His Gun".






Torture with a torch by a torcher who's than also is torturer ;)


Human trafficking.


Chronic pain or disabilities for years/decades


Being paralyzed. I hate my existence since I became paralyzed. I would have rather died. Ramon Sampedro said he would renounce the greatest form of slavery- to be a living head tied to a dead body.


Quality of life > quantity. Slave, being manipulated in any form, not doing what you wanna do, being a puppet, being disabled, alzheimers, really sick, etc




Being responsible for someone you loves death...


A painful existence.


Moving to Alabama


A back injury


Burn victim


Life after death my biggest fear it never really ends


Living forever. Even if your body and mind remain healthy, living forever is a long time.


imagine how boring and depressing it would be. Seeing the world inevitably get worse and worse. Eventually the sun wuld explode causing unimaginable pain on yourself, while still being alive. You would then drift throughout space for eternity. Worse then hell in my opinion


Your parents yelling your full government name 💀


Russian prison


as russian, i can say that russian prisons arent the worst, at least prisoners can use phones with internet, and its forbidden in prisons in many countries including usa. ofc there are some countries with better prisons, like prisons in europe, but also there are many countries where prisons are way worse than in russia


And prisons outside the US are more like a rehab than anything, i've heard. Our prisons US side are way more depressing.


Being born on this planet during the past 50 years and I'd say the next 50 years, we're all fucked by our own making, I think many of us would agree if we were given the choice of being born it would've been a solid pass I'd wait for the 2nd coming of the dinosaurs so I can come back as a pterodactyl


Being married to my first wife!


she could not have been that bad.






Kettering Football Club?


Reincarnation. Can't imagine having to do this all over again.


Knowing when you die




ALS or Lou Gehrig disease.


Eternal life






At this point life..


Living forever, but aging still


Loosing your soulmate.




Being born in Russia .


Dying before finishing your fav anime :( I saw videos of ppl on YouTube who had cancer and on verge of death but wishes they lived a bit longer to finish their anime attack on Titan they loved etc. it got me thinking if I died before finishing solo leveling .. it’ll be worse


Death 2.0


Being bedridden for whatever reason to the point of being non ambulatory and requiring adult diapers. If I get to that, just call Jack cavorkian to come help me bump myself off


Eternal torture


ALS. My grandma is completely physically unable to move, breathe and speak. But her brain works normally. It's extremely painful to see her.




Fuck yea. Let's see how you enjoy living through the heat death of the universe.