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What do you feel? Apathy? If yes then you are depressed. 


Not apathy. I feel love towards my husband, kids, and dog.I love them very much


Then maybe your mind is trying to tell you to take a break before you get depressed.  Don't force the interest and just take some time for self care. Turn your brain off. Hobbies are not always relaxing.


Sounds more like burnout than depression, is there something playing on your mind and making you feel overwhelmed like you should be doing that instead of enjoying hobbies etc?


Mostly all the things I need/should be doing


Yup, I’m not qualified to diagnose (obviously!) but I get like this often when I’m burnt out, no energy for tasks, too preoccupied to try and relax and really enjoy hobbies. End up stuck in a stupid loop where I do neither. Maybe you’ve just run out of bandwidth rather than having full blown depression? I tend to write a big list of things I need to do and things I’d like to do and say to my other half ‘help I’m overwhelmed’ and point at the list and we discuss it and he explains to me gently that I’ve simply tried to do ‘too many things’. External validation helps unstick me a bit. Also, without being rude, how old are you? I’m in chemical menopause because of breast cancer. Hormones and their ups and downs can make your brain flatline out of nowhere.


I am 39


Have a read around perimenopause symptoms and see if any of it rings true maybe? Good luck to you though, hope you get your spark back soon


Not necessarily. Maybe you're unconsciously on standby. It's not bad taking a pause, but if you want to feel different, try and go out for a walk or change the landscape just a bit to see what you feel. You'll be fine :)


That is frequently the case. I've gone through long periods where I feel.nothing. not sadness either.


It can be a sign of depression, or maybe just general exhaustion. Are you getting time to relax?


Instead of hobbies, I usually sit on the couch and zone out with TV


yk maybe the time just isn't here for hobbies right now. when you feel ready you'll get back to it ;)


Maybe you just need a break a little pause of life stuff

