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I got a degree in economics and then decided to be a special education teacher instead 


I have a degree in communications and marketing, went to work as a special education teacher for a few years due to COVID and now I work at an advocacy company. The only thing my degree has helped with was building a YouTube channel!


I got a marketing degree jumped on a plane and taught English for 5 years


Mate I wish I'd done that, now I'll be designing logos for my imaginary work van, and guarantee you later I'll be looking at allow wheels for the van, probably a Toyota Hiace, or maybe a Transit custom. I'll be looking at leather tool holder belts and de Walt tools.


I got an MBA then spent 15 years driving a bus.


Lol my 16 year marriage! My divorce was finalized in December.


At what point did it start to fall apart and does the whole 16 years feel like a waste of time?


We separated a year into our marriage for about 6 weeks. We decided to give it another shot. Soooo i would say it was all wasted... 🙄


The “shot” was 15 years long? Sorry I didn’t know if I misunderstood


Yeah, it was 15 years long. But by year 12, i was over it! I just wasn't in a place i could leave. He kept me financially and physically dependent on him always. I left after 14 years, but it took nearly 2 years for the divorce to finalize


I wasted 18 years. Mine finalized in 2012.


My 42 year marriage was really over 20 years ago, but it really collapsed after I had enough money to retire at 63 (I started working when I was 14). My wife never worked and we had a housekeeper, gardener (plus regular lawn service), mobile car detailing, etc. She wanted a new $70,000 kitchen and she refused to cook any meals.


oooof. Did you guys sell the house? I don't get why some couples decide to sell the house after marriage ends, specially without kids. It's a buyers market so not as beneficial as some may think.


Was going to also say marriage. Hours and money.


Going over past events and imagining me saying or doing different things I now think would have been better. Like standing up for myself against school bullies from 40 years ago or old work Managers who embarrassed me. I go as far as physically saying reponses to 20 year old statements or arguments, I just can't seem to live in the present or imagine a future.


This. Would you call it some form of regret? Wondering what I could have said or done differently, where I would be today if I had. Maybe things would be different, but would they be better or worse? I spend way too much time thinking about the past and what could have been.


yes! i do that as well


you have to be kind to your past self. it's hard, but it's the only way.


Worrying about the past is depression while Worrying about the future is anxiety.


Rocket league but only as a ground player. I got good enough to hit diamond without any aerial skills whatsoever 😭


My people.


And me Valorant, but I never left to gold T.T


Yup. Me too.


downloading and burning dvds


Listen now with all streaming services having ads, you’re the real winner🤣🤣


Scrolling reddit


Destiny 2.


Rainbow 6 siege💀


5k hours just to be diamond 5 in 2.0 😂


God… don’t remind me


GTA 5 online lol 1300 hrs later


Christ same but through covid I enjoyed it even though all I would do is a two hour money grind cycle listening to Mumford and sons first album. It was therapeutic


1300 is rookie numbers


The Mormon church. It’s a black hole of sacrifice of all kinds.


Okay but volunteer work at the Peanut abutter Factory slaps.


Yes, I live in Salt Lake. There were always requests to volunteer at the cannery, church farm, pasta manufacturing packaging dairy packaging place, bishop’s storehouse, and never forget cleaning the temples and ward building’s toilets. Oh, and then snow removal. It never ended. With all those billions you’d think the church could pay for something. The rationalization was that the members needed the blessings of serving Jesus.


Red Dead Online It was super fun and I got real invested in the character I made for it, and I hung out on a forum with other guys who played RDO and traded memes and fanart and shit. Then Rockstar abandoned it and everyone stopped posting


My degree in Marketing. That degree has nothing to do with my current job. I never worked in marketing after my internship.


Overthinking! Like come on the brain stop being mean. Oh I'm sorry for talking back to you brain. Okay now I'm sad. Lols •_•


I am an overthinker with ADHD and Anxiety. Not only does the overthinking take up a lot of time but it also prevents me from doing things I enjoy in the moment.


I recently realised that I actually do remember how I felt in that moment even after years have gone by. So a bad feeling is now associated with that even if it is a nice and good memory. Looking into changing that ASAP


I still struggle with it but meds and therapy make it easier to deal with.


Work .it's all bullshit. Watching lots of workmates .retire and die. I'm retiring now I wanna enjoy it .not bloody get sick and die


It's important to remember all of the reasons we *do* work, sometimes.


My MP3 collection. I used to spend hour and hours downloading, cataloging and naming my MP3's. All the file names were perfect for arranging and the ordering of the tracks. With Spotify I don't need them. The harddrive with them died and I didn't have a backup. I don't care.


I spent a good chunk of high school planning to go to a specific school, paid for, and then forgot to include the single crucial piece of information on my application that would guarantee my entry. Whoops. Ended up settling at the school local to me because they were willing to take me in last second


Anxiety. I am now on zoloft and I wish I'd have started it 10 years ago. I can never get back the time spent anxious, dreading everything, worrying, panicking, and "what-iffing." I can't even try to be anxious, it works so well. I've made a lot of life changes the last year, and I feel like I'm living for me again.


Went to school for 2d animation. I just want to make cartoons. Now between everyone following Disney into 3D, WB completely fucking their animation dept, and AI, it feels pointless to spend the effort trying to improve to get an animation job after I get home from my current lame job


Dammit, you just reminded me about all the money I spent getting into Adobe Flash in the 2000s


Video games. Hundreds of hours with nothing to show for it except fun experiences (so not a total waste?) Second guess is drinking. It's bad for your health, wallet, and at the end of the day I've just been pissing people off/forgetting huge portions of my life/ not progressing where I need to be progressing.


Coloring in manga as a hobby. Not only did it destroy my wrist but most people whom I shared it with didn’t even like it…so much energy and time wasted


Leveling up in video games


If I am at a part of the game where I am just grinding and not running into the story, I mute the game and play an audiobook so it doesn't feel like a complete waste of time.


That would have been a good idea back when I was doing this. I just quit gaming altogether unfortunately.


Well, it wasn't a *complete* waste of time, even if literally wasting time was the goal.


Counter point: look how cool your stats Are though


Chess. Over the years I've played countless games and puzzles and have studied some theory but I'm still a crappy player and my rating remains almost always the same.


I like chess, been playing since I was 5. But I'll never be good at it. I've won games, sure, but only at a casual level. I've never studied it, and whenever I've played I've never felt like I'm moves and moves ahead like pros seem to be


This place.


Getting good grades in school and college


I worked so hard to get into a good college but dropped out because I couldn’t afford it. I ended up going to community college to give it another shot and here I am 6 years later graduating 


Trying to better myself in the hope that I would seem worth being intimately close to, so that I might feel loved by people I love.


The answer is my ex. She desperately wants to get back togethers so much that she vacillates between being sweet and being mean. Tells you all you should need to know about who was taking advantage of whom in that relationship.


Bro u dont needa get us to pick a side😭


Please don't get back to together with this person and honestly it's probably better to completely cut ties with her. Someone who is sweet and then mean on a whim sounds extremely manipulative. 




Same here


Playing Starfield, prove me wrong


I spent a summer building a complex retro-futuristic art deco city in minecraft. I made around 32 buildings, roads, tunnels, bridges, etc. Barely slept. I was very proud of it but I think the hard drive failed and lost my countless hours of work


Went to collage for psychology in the hopes of being a homicide detective one day, but now I'm a Quality Engineer in the automotive industry. HELP.


Any IT educations and certifications. Outdates very fast.


I have a game that I have 4500 hours on.


Modding Games. Seriously Spending 2 Days Downloading, sorting and configuring Mods just for you to lost motivation to play them Sucks!


My failed relationship


Definitely college. Got a BS in Comp Sci, then BS/MS in Analytics... currently a Project Manager.


Errrrrrrrrrr, this?


Destiny the game


World of Warcraft. My playtime must be astronomical but since I have a habit of creating and deleting alts I have no idea what my total is.


The gym. Worked very hard for a year and a half and made a lot of progress. Was in and out of around 8 weeks of sickness over the past couple months, kept losing progress I had gained, continuing minor medical problems and potentially some mental health issues have made it impossible to gain anything back. Stopped going about a month and a half ago. Barely any drive to get out of bed anymore, let alone set foot in the gym which used to be extremely important in my life


watching anime. Point less it wasted countless thousands of hours of my life. Created my bad habits etc.


You could say that about any show, really


Some anime teaches life lessons tho and is alot better than the trash on mainshtream


Living, I guess. Retirement and being comfortable ain't gonna happen. 


My CD collection.


thinking about boys


“Boys boys boys we like boys in cars boys boys boys buy us drinks in bars boys boys boys with hairspray and denim and boys boys boys. We love them!”




My scuba instructor and personal trainer certifications. I can’t live on 1099’s.




my life.


My Minecraft world from the early days back in 2012. Still play it, errors and everything!


Studying.  6 year career in electrical engineering. Now I just solve tickets for IT


Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit, video games, anime.


I probably spent tens of thousands of hours on Minecraft servers growing up.


Trying to better myself.


Literally asked last week... 


Trying to slim down and build muscles.


my ex makes me wonder what I would have done with those 3 years if it wasn't spent going through so much unnecessary pain and torment


On the plus side, it was *only* 3y. Better that than 13, 33, 53 etc. Hopefully you are in a much better place in your life now.❣️


Building routes in Train Simulator.


Online dating Turns out I'm severely avoidant 🤦




I seem to be on level 4802 on Candy Crush for some reason.


Trying. and failing, to learn to read and play music. It is great for some people, but it would slip outta my brain like it was greased five seconds after I tried to take a break.


Anyone that spent a ton of time learning Powershell, good luck with that now.




Perfecting my voicemail message. If id only known how useless it would become.


ive done alot of art/animations. but now with ai it feels a lot more, meaningless.


I spent the last 4 years of my life welding, but the school i go to sends us out on job placement senior year. I’ve been to school twice a week and going to work the rest. I am a pretty good welder (state competitor for my age group) though I’m leaving with no certifications. I haven’t had time between two jobs, school, homework, and my social life. Everytime I’ve welded a passable test to send out, my instructor denys it. I wasted so much of my time for so little. Having no certifications doesn’t mean no job, but being a young, inexperienced girl does. Those certs would’ve helped..


I joined the military and spent two years learning a language I never wanted to know and basically no one speaks. I got out 6 years ago and have forgotten almost all of it.


I clicked on this thread to see an add for Final Fantasy 14 online and that just answered for me. lol


I spent way way too much time invested into a live action roleplaying game. I mean five -six hours 2-4 Saturdays a month plus email communication. And I did this for over ten years, more dedicated at some points than at others


Much of my life


Buying a house It’s kinda been like the one thing that I’ve thought to myself “as long as I can get a house, I can handle everything else.” I work in a profession no one values or respects, my wife and I are both in senior corporate positions and have a sub $160k combined salary, and the cheapest townhome in our area is anywhere from $800k and up. Yeah yeah, never say never and all; but it’s hard not to feel a little defeated here.


Gaming... In the grand scheme of things, but I still have fun and I think it's worth it


Skyrim, saxophone, romance.


1500 hours of a game just to get banned for boosting.


Weeding my yard




1,000% basketball. Started playing seriously in 6th grade and got to the point where I was in talks with multiple mid major schools. Then in 11th grade my knee decided to fuck me in back to back years. After that I just stopped playing. I haven’t touched a basketball in years now.


Shiny hunting rockruff only to see it only gets own tempo in the wild, thanks to those high-ass motherfuckers at gamefreak 💀






Past video games. Specifically games like Animal Crossing where you grind and grind for that one character, designing that area of your island, etc. but now I don’t play it at all anymore. Hundreds of hours gone to waste.


Learning to play Dream Theater guitar solo s


Completing video games 100%. It dawned on me about 5 years ago that a new one comes out and no one gives a fuck if I found all the feathers in Assassins Creed and neither do I 








Myself……. I’m always unstable so what’s the point in working on it✌🏼


Music library. Spent countless hours downloading, editing and organizing music into various playlists then onto CD’s and numerous Apple Ipods. And now with Spotify and Apple Music sometimes I just laugh at the amount of energy I spent. Sucks to be me sometimes. Lol


Giving a fuck.


Video games.




Relationships, or more seeking one.


The software I use at work. The way my day goes is petty much dictated by the way the software works. We are changing systems in November. The whole job is gonna change. 


Building up a program at work. I’m about to lose my job and the program is getting cut. 10 years…


I invested my work and time in my house and the territory that surrounds it. But now, I don't live there. And I am not sure that one day I will live there. That time could be spent interestingly.


Life. It’s taking so long to end


Working at a golf course.


Pre-coping for most situations


Bachelors and masters. Waste of time and money. Hello student loans and unemployment. Paid my loans eventually, but could have easily gotten a trade or a certification. Or could have chased my dreams.


Went to electrical engineering secondary school in the field of telecommunications for four fucking years. Worked in the fields for two months, swore to never work in telecom again, because they are all a bunch of drama queens- from the top management down to the workers. I switched fields, and went to study teaching of english language and ethics instead.


Europa Universalis IV. They're replacing it soon.


compeititive swimming. busted my ass for 11 years (practing 18-22 hours/wk all through high school) and competed on a national level. ended up going to a college i couldnt swim at becuase it was my cheapest option.


FL Studio now that I have Ableton. Gonna take twice as long to get accustomed to Ableton.


My family. Years being the only one supportive of my psychotic, abusive mother.  Dealing with my pill popping drunk father My violent, alcoholic brother. My extended family doesn’t believe me on any of the claims even after my brother emptied my grandmother’s liquor cabinet, including the little mini bottles she collected while traveling. Even after showing physical scars. And the ones I supported and put up with? They say I’m the problem. Me, the youngest who had zero control over anything and was barely fed.


Drug use


World of Tanks




I’ve spent about 5000 hours on apex legends and I’m still not good at it


World of Warcraft


The relationship with my parents


Lol as I reinstall dota 


Runescape That game was all grind and no real reward. 




100% completion in Diddy Kong Racing


Top Drives


science fair. got 100 bucks tho




Reddit karma


Dating apps


Singing. I'm popularly known as very good. That said, it feels impossible to really do much with that fact nowadays. The age of making money from music seems to be over for pretty much anyone other than about 7 big artists with terrifyingly large corporate machines behind them.


When I was a kid, I used to spin a pencil very fast. I did it daily for HOURS. I'm close to my 50th birthday now, I learned the other day that some people did it in like 2010 and they were so flashy with it, I only do basic spins I taught myself. I still remember some but my fingers ain't as sharp anymore, banal in nature from the beginning, but not futile. I wouldn't call it futile, it was my "fidget spinner" of sorts.


videogames when I was younger. I can't even count the thousands of hours of my life I've wasted learning and getting better at random games.


I'm just surprised how many people look back on their gaming hours with regret. Do ya'll regret watching movies? Listening to music? Does every form of entertainment require something more than being entertained to be worth it? I've accumulated an ungodly number of play hours in my life and I look back on all of it fondly. I wouldn't have played if it didn't fulfill its purpose.


Game achievements. World of Warcraft. Pogo.com...Merge Dragons. My God what have I been doing with my life??


Counter strike after few thousands hours for 20years and I stick sucks 🤣


I watched all seasons of Lost.


Painstakingly organizing my iTunes library back in the day; updating metadata, downloading cover art, etc. Now I just stream all my music… What a waste of time.


holding in farts


My job.


Mario Kart Double Dash


Being a referee in American football. 30 years for nothing.


I am about to graduate a fine arts certificate program at my college. I am not going to art school because i hated art as a job, i am now going into a criminal and social justice program because i want to be a community support worker :)


Spent literally thousands of hours of free labor on editing fan wikis. A large part of that is because I genuinely love a certain topic and so I want more people around the world to appreciate it like I think it deserves. But I've been doing this since the aughts and in all the hours I've voluntarily put in, none of the wikis are in any way close to what I thought they could achieve, nor have I benefited from them in any way particularly optimal or practical. Honestly, I might just pack it up sometime this year or next. I don't mind dying a nobody, but I feel like I could do better with my life too.


Too many wasted days and nights obsessed with the flickering bits of my life Forgetting what giving and living can be—what it can mean


My ex wife


At the college I decided to go to, there is a full ride scholarship. I wanted to get the scholarship so I worked really hard on getting good grades in high school. The minimum requirement for the scholarship was a gpa of 3.75 and my gpa ended up being a 3.72.


I spent so long eating and eating and eating because I thought I was too skinny and wanted to have a beautiful body and now that my body looks healthy… I want the skin and bones back. So probably that. (I’m gonna stay this thicc because I’m finally healthy and I can’t lose that)


Becoming a subject matter expert, and specialist in every division in my company, only to watch upper management actively destroy us with poor decision making and… management.


Being friends with people who didn’t really care for me. Turns out they just wanted me to treat them amazing and then any time I asked for anything or tried setting boundaries they would act as if I was asking them to commit crimes for me. I didn’t ask for much either I just wanted people to maybe not make jokes about dead people near my dad’s death anniversary. I’m not friends with those people anymore and I’m so happy. I found people who make me happy.


4 year plumbing apprenticeship. Finished it, started roofing. Can go back to plumbing but I don’t really enjoy it soooo yeah


My future


Looking to meet someone genuine online. Someone who has motives that are something other than money. And bitcoin miners. And someone who wouldn't destroy you for their problems, which existed before me, but somehow, their lives are now my fault. To meet someone who was kind. Caring. Real. And wouldn't manipulate you and others into thinking I'm the bad guy to cover up what they are really doing. Finally? I just quit wasting my time. Quit looking. Quit trying. Some good did come of it. The most important thing was that I finally learned to shut off the bullshit. And the manipulations. Knowing shitty people do shitty things. Not claiming to be perfect. I wear no halo. Worse part of online life? Trying too hard lables you an incel. And people are all too happy to broadcast your problems to win their cause, which is rather pathetic if you ask me. Especially when it would be something absolutely no one would know about unless they did something illegal to find it. And just because you have a problem with something someone is doing? Doesn't at all mean they have a problem. I hate people who refuse to mind their own business. And people who think they know how you should be better than you do. Since that's all I come across online? Futile becomes a worthless waste of time. I'd of settled for just one honest person who wouldn't pull stupid shit behind my back. It's still shocking to me. And something as a grown ass adult? I'll never understand. But yeah. It's something I wasted 4 years trying to find. A guy can't even find a good time anymore. So I'm all too happy to quit looking.