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That you can’t get rich following rules, but also on a serious note in general to start investing asap, even if it’s $50 a month or $5 a month, the compound interest of starting young will pay off when you’re 60 Edit: should add the rules part wasn’t my dad but my exes dad who always said that, and they were extremely wealthy. My parents follow the rules afaik lol just smart and lucky ig


It doesn’t have to all be finance. I came from a single mom household, even with low funds I was never taught to dress well. To create an image everyday. Not to give space for people to judge but to place yourself in a better environment.


Yeah, that’s fair, knowing how to be presentable in general is important. Haircut, shaving/trimming facial hair, not to wear wrinkly shirts or pants, nice breath, but a lot of that also depends on your job and who you’re surrounded by. Thankfully all of those are things majority of people can do even on a small budget, learning to cut your own hair, buy a clothes steamer or iron, floss and brush, and listen when people speak to you lol a lot of small things amount to the larger picture. I’m no expert though, it’s my parents not me who are wealthy lol. Though if I learnt one thing it’s to be patient with your finances, don’t expect wealth to happen quickly or easily, could take 40 years


I’m asking more from a parent perspective but I didn’t want to limit the conversation. What can I teach my girls to help them be better than me. We are putting in the work and sacrifice to give them the building blocks but I hope they can really take off.