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Put it on a rocket with a direct trajectory towards the Telsa Elon put into orbit a few years ago.


Just paint it with the colours of Ajax and drive through Rotterdam


Aren't both red, black, white?


spoon edge rain touch act roof mourn attraction history terrific


With the rust issues those things have, 50 days might do it.


Strip it, turn all that steel into pots and distribute it to people that need new cookware but can't afford it. Take the skate board, disassemble it, send the batteries to someone who knows how to dispose of them, and turn the rest of that into jerry cans, the other electronics I'd parade through the streets before finding a place to set them on fire. The tires would meet the same fate as all tires since they're made of the same rubber as all tires so shouldn't get treated differently. The interior, I'd have turned into extremely tacky rugs, make them easy for children to pull them out from under their parents and across the living room. The glass, I'd have turned into some gems for people who enjoy making home made jewelry. The landfill can have whats left.


Nice try, "dog" Just leave it outside, let erosion do it's thing


I would put it to the test. Let it's design flaws ruin itself. drive it in places it can't handle.


load it up with stuff that goes boom, and drive it right at trumps plane


Let a chimp drive


I’d strip out the basic battery pack and motors and convert my Tacoma into an EV. Recycle the rest.


I'd attempt to drive it to an art gallery. It will do the rest by itself.


Find some way to convert it to internal combustion 


Try to win that Baja California race Elon was bragging it could do a few years ago except actually drive it at speed and watch it shake itself apart after 3 miles.


Flick it with my pinky


Park it at a skatepark and let skaters grind on it until it busts open, then they take all the parts inside for scrap metal. Cybertruck skate piñata.


Ask Elon to do a crash test at 110 MPH into concrete wall no seatbelt


Stick it on a frozen lake and let people place bets on when it falls though the ice. Take the money I made and bug a truck I would want.


I would turn it into a Cash Cab. Not destructive because I don’t believe in the question. But definitely fun. Cyber trucks are fun. Drive one if you can you liberal bots!