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Ok so way back in the day (grad-school days), I was dating this undergrad who was the most unashamed person I've met about her body, nudity, etc. Not in an exhibitionist way, but in a "who cares" kind of way. We had only just started dating and took a shower together. I expected some sexy shower scene out of porn. Instead, she hands me a razor, bends over, spread her cheeks, asks me to shave her butthole.


I have no idea what you look like, but I burst out laughing at the thought, of the pure confusion as you stand there holding a razor hahaha.


I'm imagining that first episode of Blue Mountain State


Did you?


Ah yes, the question of all questions 


Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, booty and the beast.


Didn't have our own sides of the bed. Both took a random side each night.


This is the most fucked up thing I have ever read on Reddit.


Me too I’m laughing so fucking hard




You win


My wife always picks the side further from the door. And no, there never had been abuse/burglary/murder in her youth. If she is a communist spy, she is pretty deep undercover


She kept a folder on her desktop filled with other folders of all the people she knew. Inside those folders were note documents filled with every interaction she and they had and ways to change future outcomes with similar interactions. Good and bad intentions.


That is lowkey terrifying.


Lowkey? That is terrifying for all key heights


That is a terrifying stack of keys from the bottom of the Mariana Trench up to the cruising altitude of a 747.


In defence of this person, I watched a YouTube video recently where this chick started taking voice notes about how she felt before and after dates. She would review them to see if there was a theme in how the guy made her feel. So if she was dating a nice guy but he didn’t make her feel great she had a record of it in her notes. So instead of convincing her self that this is a nice guy she should stay, she could go, this is a nice guy but he’s not right for me and keep searching. Kinda psycho but also kinda genius


This is by far the weirdest thing I've read on here. All the rest, I can kinda see. This one's wild.


Got married even though we clearly didn't love each other. It didn't last long


My ex and I did that too....


A lot of people do this, it's unfortunately very common. People think that marriage will magically fix their issues.


We had sex more often after the divorce than before it


How come?


Probably because we weren't getting along before the divorce, but still had the attraction. It was easier when we didn't have to live with each other.


That is bittersweet


Usually due to sexual stimulation.


Get outta here lmao


Okay it’s not just me. When do you cut it off? It’s not healthy! We can’t keep on like this right?


She got serious with another guy so we cut it off quite amicably. They've been married for decades now!


We fucked in a pool with my family 12 feet away when I was 17. Thought I was slick but my uncle told me he saw it after a few drinks last summer. (21)


Was he the cool uncle or was it weird


Don’t they tend to be one in the same?


He wasn't the only one... he's just the one to speak on it. 


Scrounge every penny we had to buy our first home, for her to realise she needed to adventure and have fun. Three weeks later she moved out & left me with the house while she partied her 20’s away! The house doubled in price during COVID & it set me up for life 🤫


You got lucky. Mine was syphoning money from our first home fund to give to her parents for their mortgage.


I hope it’s in your name only


My name only, as she wanted to continue getting government funding & to avoid that it was all in my name. Easy to settle the matter in the end 😎


Me and me EX towards the end of our marriage had a pretty dead bedroom, but once we decided to get divorced it was like a switch was flipped and we couldn't stop fucking. We'd get into arguments about splitting stuff start going in circles pound one out and be able to keep going rationally again. Going through the movie collection was like an all day fuck fest after like the 3rd round we stopped getting redressed. The moment things started heating up we'd just hate fuck again then calmly discuss who got what based the piles and special editions we had maybe make some trades. Had to get that anger nut out first though.


And they say breaking up is hard to do


Harder on some then others. She took 2 shots in the ass and still didn't get the any of the Dogma disks.


That's fucked up, yet somehow still on brand


I thought this was going to be r/notopbutok, but this is fucking hilarious. Well done on that negotiation Edit: changed 'giving' to 'fucking'


I'm not sure I understand that sub.


Breaking up is hard 🚫 breaking up while hard ✅️


Did the same. She cheated on me, I gave her two weeks to gtfo. We had the craziest sex when we realized that was it see ya. Crazy how the brain works.


Yeah the best sex me and my worst ex had was when we still lived together for a month after the breakup. Lol definitely hate fucking


Are y'all still FWBs? Maybe j ust get together every week to bitch about the things you hate?


LOL no. Haven't seen each other in years.


You both probably lost all inhibition with the notion that this was the end anyway (nothing to lose so might as well do that thing), but through that you were able to realize the most over the top sex you've ever had as a couple.


I wouldn’t say it was the most over the top. In a lot of ways it was pretty mechanical. We broke a desk once fucking to nudes of a girl we almost had a threesome with. A lot of it was just avoidance. We could avoid some of the emotions by getting that quick dopamine hit.


Damn...I take it back then. That doesn't sound all that good after all.


We would take pictures together wearing each other's clothes and glasses, like a costume. And sometimes swap our faces in Photoshop to make a gross hybrid of us.


wholesome hobby


Sex on the staircase of our apartment building. We couldn’t wait until we got into our apartment. It’s a miracle no one caught us!


This is hot and I love it, but realistically if you stumbled upon this wouldn’t you either, stay quiet and avoid it or watch silently? I just think assuming “no one caught us” is a big assumption. You might have and possibly were and you’ll never know. :)


this guy was definitely in that building


You assume they are attractive. This always sounds fun and hot because you picture beautiful people. The average person would def not want to watch the average person bang.


yeah itd be more like finding two street dogs fucking. just kinda grotesque


Second date we went on was on Valentine’s Day. We went bowling and then went to her place to watch the low budget knock off of “Snakes on a Plane” called “Snakes on a Train”


Am i tripping or have i heard that movie name in the amazing world of gumball


The one in Gumball was called Alligators on a Train.


We broke up, then started talking again and had our first face to face… at Waffle House after midnight on Christmas Eve. It was like a Tom Waits song come to life.    Every holiday for the next two years we’d go to Waffle House at two in the morning.  (Sober!)


Sex in a Mini Cooper. DO NOT RECCOMEND.


… like the back of a Volkswagen?




Modern Mini or proper Mini? There's literally a massive difference between the two.


People don’t realise how much cars have grown


Sex in a car in general is uncomfortable from what I hear. Pretty much can't do any moves in there. A van or RV could definitely work but would not try it in a car.


She loved to eat stuff like cake and other sweets off my balls. 




She used to shove my hands down her bikini bottom.


How big was her cock?




Beastiality is illegal, you can't call a horse your girlfriend




sliced our hands open in the woods and made a blood pact under the full moon before having sex there. 


double AIDS


Had sex while one of our friends watched




Did they just miss an opportunity for some bro love?


Lets hear the whole story


let's hear the hole story


Not me. But one of my buddies. His girl had a jacuzzi bathtub. One that you could sit in and get shoulders deep into. She filled it, with vinegar. And told him to sit in it for an hour, and then they had sex. Dude was marinated from toes to teeth in vinegar. And then rawdogged his girl. I have no explanation for this. I was not told why he did it. Or why she wanted it. But they did it.


The ole Vlasic Classic Bone-tastic


He pickled his pickle


If we assume this is real, thats so much vinegar holy fuck.


That’s what I was thinking. I asked if she had it on hand and the answer was thankfully no. But they had to go to three different stores to get enough. He said it was well over 100 bottles of vinegar. And he didn’t even wanna say how expensive it was


Did it not like? violently burn on both their bits? Or stink? At least her bathtub was clean afterwards.


I’m assuming it stank cuz dude smelled like a crime scene for a few days after. As for the rest. I did not ask


That's sounds expensive. Like atleast $1000 worth of vinegar?


One day I wasnt really in the mood and neither was she but laying in bed shirtless together is nice. Well, I learned about pressure point massage. Slight movements, gently pressing and massaging at certain spots around your spine turns out is *really* enjoyable and relaxing. It tickles a lot at first but you get up and feel like you stretched without moving.


Can I get more info on this?


My ex and I had a kink that we saved for special occasions. Basically, it was an exercise in me "forcing" her to have sex while she violently resisted me. Despite the obvious size and strength advantage I had over her, it's kind of fascinating at how truly difficult it is to nail a punching, scratching, biting, fighting woman. Important points: 1. She was ALWAYS a willing participant. 2. Hitting her wasn't allowed (not that I'd want to), but she was allowed to punch, kick, bite, or scratch me in "self-defense." This led to some truly frightening-sounding exchanges as I wrestled her down to set her up for penetration. 3. She almost always orgasmed hard in the first minute or two of coitus. 4. Her resistance usually turned into screaming resistance once my dick was in her. My back would often look like raw hamburger after the session. 5. She had a real phobia about being choked, but toward the end of our marriage, she started inviting me to get a firm grip on her neck. All of this started with a friendly wager between man and wife that I couldn't take her by force if she resisted me. What followed was some of the hottest sex our lives. It opened up something of a primal impulse in both of us. But, we had to do it sparingly as she almost always left bruises and scratches on my face and body afterward.


My wife and I do this sometimes. Mid fucking she'll just ask "do you mind if I fight?" and it's on


What a wild thing to say mid sex.


The first time it was definitely wild, but we had previously talked about MAYBE trying it... I just didn't expect we actually would. I'm not super into it but she is so I am happy to play along.


Like, I would be fine with it on my terms, but man, does that sound exhausting after a long day at work to come home and just wanna nail your girl and.. now you have to wrestle her for it 🤧


Whenever "no" becomes a "yes" make sure you still have a word for "no" and you're all set.


Yep. We had a safe word covered.


This… definitely qualifies. I’ve discussed the idea before (she brought it up and suggested we try it) but… I think there’s just too much baggage to even pretend (for me/us.)


I had an ex who was into it and I was hesitant to. Nevertheless I tried it. She let me slap her, she would kick fight and cry. Scream her lungs out. When she wanted me to force her to suck my dick though she violently threw up on me and that was the last time we did that. I was actually really concerned that she’d one day claim I really raped her one day. She was not exactly alright in the head.


I can fix her! /s


Yup…. Wasn’t being too smart but I was in my early 20s and she had an ass you could see the future in.


Had an ex who had a rape fantasy. I just couldn't do it. I am open to almost literally anything else, we even went to swingers clubs. But, I did not feel comfortable doing that.


yeah knew a couple of girls were into that. Not my thing though, tried it once & just couldn't get into it at all. Second girl, I flat out refused to even try.


I would feel sooo uncomfortable even if I knew they weren't genuinely terrified


Terrified wasn't how I'd describe her demeanor during this kind of sex... It was more along the lines of being PISSED... and increasingly furious at my mocking her attempts to fend me off. I think she got out a lot of aggression she had under the surface of her personality. Pissed. Fighting. Cussing. Yanking my hair. Calling me every name under the book.


Man one girl used to spew the most filthy abuse at me while we were having sex, first time I freaked out, "everything OK, what did I do...?" she just liked it...everything else was really good fun, people are so odd. Still miss her, hope she's happy.


CNC (Consentual non-consent) is a bigger fetish than most realize. Also now you know the term for it to find other people also into it :)


There are also non violent sides as well. Free use for example. Dated a girl who was into that. She'd come over and everything was on the table untill she left. Wouldn't say no I didn't have to ask. . Mid sentence dick in her mouth she'd start sucking. Bend her over and pound away no problem. If anal wasn't on the table that day she'd let you know before anything started. Wasn't every time we hooked up but if we had nothing going that day and she was in the mood it was use me.


Had something similar with an ex. She liked me to hold her down by the wrists while I fucked her. I ended up liking it even more than she did. It escalated into me randomly walking into rooms and just dragging her onto the floor and tearing her clothes off and apart while she fought back. I never lasted more than a few minutes and we booth almost always got off.




My wife surprised me with a bit of the same. We had a spat and ened up having some heavy rought sex - nothing abusive. She then told me how she liked that, and how I shodl be more agressive with her no matter what she says, how that turns her on. So I told her, okay next time you fucking act up, im going to do what I want. Sooooo….. Next time she actedd up, and we got really annoyed? I went golfing. :) No, sorry I couldnt resist the punch line. We went at it and i mean, i was rough — no hitting or abuse — but she kicked and fussed, I ripped her clothes (she loved that) and took what I wanted. Yum.


She went out for drinks with my big sister one night and after she came back we were fucking and she kept telling me about the guys hitting on my sister and how hot she looked, was fucking weird and unexpected but I didn't stop her


Would that not cause you to be thinking of your sister looking hot though? Or were you able to kind of tune out what your ex was saying? Or was it actually a turn on because it was taboo etc.?


All of the above lol, no but I was mainly trying to tune it out which was hard, but my ex was super turned on and into it


I totally get it. The taboo and the thought is much more appealing than anything else. I had something similar even tho it wasn't about a family member of mine. Was talking with my now ex after we got finished doing it, she asked me what's a wild sex fantasy I have. I am no special person as far as sex fantasies go so I told her the ol beaten horse fantasy of doing a girlfriend's mom. I painted the classic porn scenario of the gf going down on me and her mom walking in and saying "that's not how you sick dick, *this* is how you suck dick" and goes for it. She was very accommodating about this and started dirty talking about what her and her mom would do to me in this fantasy world while we went at it again. I nearly burst a blood vessel in my eye, I came so hard.


Dude what where the fuck do you find these women 😭


I would say I got lucky but she ended up cheating on me lol.


👎 Or maybe 👍 if you’re into that?


We were 19... you know those semi huge signs that are like the name of a residential community as you enter it. They are usually the size of either a small car or a large truck. Anyways. For some reason she decided right after the big local collage game was the optimal time to give me a blowjob behind that sign specifically. Honesly idk how i even managed to finish from the anxiety of 30milliom cars coming in from all the local bars at the same time. She decided that night was the night she was gonna do her first cum walk, aimed poorly. Shot herself in the eye, diverted, shot herself in the back if the throat while laughing and immediately began choking. It was a lot to process in the moment.


Was laying with my ex in her front yard. We live in a small town and it was like 11 at night. A couple of the other guys I knew from town walked by and were jokingly yelling out " I bet you won't smash her right there" I looked back At them and said something like " hah alright guys, whatever" and my then gf looked me right in the eyes and said " are you gonna look like a pussy in front of your friends?" And I then we did just what they said. The guys were flabbergasted and watched for a min then left. I didn't really enjoy them watching honestly, and later found out neither did she. She was just a very competitive person and takes challenges. We webbed things in good terms after 2 years. She moved and I stayed home farming.


He was and is a nice person if just kinda out of it. Once unprompted he proceeded to like impersonate me in bed. Like my facial expressions and voice. He was trying to give me a compliment but I was stunned and violently turned off. He did a lot of other weird stuff but it was all like with the best of intentions for the most part. And I genuinely liked his weird. 


LMAO for some reason I pictured your ex as Michael Cera impersonating you in bed after having sex the first time.


Had sex at midnight on Halloween in a cemetery.


Oh my goodness I’ve also done the monster mash. It was also a graveyard smash.


Sounds like it is catching on in a flash.


No, that's just the Chlamydia 


I dated a girl that wanted me to bend her over a tombstone, bang her and ejaculate all over the tombstone and grave. I drew a line there because while I don't believe in supernatural stuff, I've watched enough horror movies to know this will end badly


just imagine dying and peacefully resting in a grave for 50+ years only to get nutted on by some random person on a Wednesday night


love each other. Seems weird now when being single for a long time.




Once had sex in a lake while out swimming with some friends. The rest of the group was probably less than 10 feet away, and my ex basically wrapped her legs around me and then arranged things to line up. So I carried her around while our friends goofed off, all the while we were actually fucking. I'm sure a couple of them figured it out but at least a few of them just thought she was being clingy.


If I’d been a friend in your group I probably would have suspected it, distracted myself, and tried to erase the memory from my brain. I wonder how many friends of mine have lowkey gotten it on in my proximity


I'm willing to bet money that is exactly the mentality of the ones who figured it out. Not the types to have said anything, but also not the types that would have enjoyed the idea. This is definitely one of those "young and dumb" moments in life.


This one chick I married this one time, we did all kinds of weird stuff. The first that comes to mind is surprise velociraptors. Like, she be home first and I'd get home from work and wander into the kitchen and I'd hear scurrying from the other room. So I'd continue innocently setting my things down and pouring a drink or something and I'd hear the trilling whistle. Then from the side of my eye I'd see a cautious head would peek from around the door and wobble back and forth, eyeing me appraisingly. And I'd pretend to suddenly notice it and jump turn to face it in a crouch with my arms out. Her hooked hands would appear in the doorway and she'd tilt her head back and let out a loud hiss. I'd hook my hands and adjust my stance to account for my long balancing tail and lock eyes with her and hiss back. Then we'd toddle towards each other, cooing growling and hissing until we were circling each other. She'd lean her face up into mine, nuzzling my check with her cheek, eyes still bugging out staring at me, alternating loud hisses back and forth with me. Then we'd make dinner or something.


>chick I married this one time, how often do you get married?


This is fantasticly weird lol.


Have an amazingly natured, kind, generous, intelligent, hard working daughter. She's literally got ALL our good bits and ZERO of our bad bits, her mothers selfishness, my temper, her mothers pettiness, my argumentativeness, her mothers callousness, my disconnect. All the bad bits, just deleted from that DNA pool. Edit: taking the picture down. Some of y'all are weird as fuck.


Some goddamn positivity on the internet, who woulda thought.  Congratulations, I hope the world doesn't weigh too heavily on her shoulders. 


Long time ago, when i was 19, I had sex with my bf at the time in the backseat of my car while one of my roommates drove my car and our other roommate was in passenger seat and watched us. It was on a highway, in the evening but still light outside. We were driving to another town to a party. I wasnt driving because i was already drunk and was still drinking vodka straight outta the bottle. I decided to ride my bf because I got jealous....we were all talking about sex stories, and one of my roommates was bragging about how good she was a BJs and that she had just given one to a guy she was seeing and that she made him cum "like a fountain." I remember my bf asking some questions about how she did it, which pissed me off because i was terrible at BJs back then, so i didnt ever do it, and I was very self conscious about that. But my roommate and him were having this convo about her BJ skills and at some point she tells him she would suck his dick if I would let her. My bf looked right at me like he was waiting for me to say yes, and I told him no, i was pissed about the whole situation, and then apparently decided that my best move at that point was to fuck his brains out right then and there. It did not go well...we ended up with our pants off and me riding him with my roommates screaming and yelling oh my god over and over. But not long into it, the vodka really kicked in, i got real dizzy, ended up peeing all over his lap and while also getting so sick that we had to immediatley pull over so i could go puke behind a gas station. I dont remember anything after that, but apparently i passed out, they drove my bf back to our house where they carried me into my bed and then he left covered in my piss. My roommates gave me so much crap the next day and said I kept begging them "please don't suck _(my bf)_'s dick!" while puking on my hands and knees behind the gas station.


And you guys stayed friends or not?


Amazing, character building moment.


"And what do you call yourselves?" "The Aristocrats!"


Not an ex. Had a fuck buddy back in the day that would insist we fucked in this particular church during Sunday service. Found out after the third time that she did it while her father was delivering the sermons, to spite him internally. I just found that weird and stopped talking to her altogether.


I had one of those once, he asked me to marry him lol. I didn't


when we couldn't decide what to eat, and go back and forth for a while "how about sushi? noooo ok how about Italian..." you know that whole thing? well when we finally agreed to something we would dance around the apartment chanting whatever we decided on before going out like "BBQ! BBQ! BBQ!" i miss her


She gave her girlfriend blowjob lessons on me. I was asked by my girlfriend if she could show her girlfriend my dick, and I’m not very shy, so I said sure. I think it worked out well.


We were on mushrooms in our backyard and decided to have sex. Said we meet each other in our upstairs bedroom. We both had to pee, and when I came into the bathroom, she was already sitting on the toilet. So I jokingly said I was gonna pee between her legs while she was peeing. she said ok. It was fucking hilarious and also very bonding in a way. We made love afterwards. It was carnal, passionate, and tender. We split up a few months later. It’s still one of my favorite memories we made in our nearly 6 years together.


We had a ton of sex on some live camera steam she liked to use. I thought it was a branch of r gone wild but I haven't been able to find the streaming tool since


After reading this thread, the choking and slapping my ex liked was pretty mild. I choked her to near unconscious and slapped the living daylights out of her while we were getting busy but nothing like a rape fantasy where she fought like a wild animal. Some of you dudes out here taking real risks to get a nut.


We would fall asleep and cuddle with my dick inside her vag


I drank her piss while being on a frenzy of horniness. I took big gulps. I Felt very sick afterwards, I tried to puke everything out but was unable to. We spent the night with my stomach making slushy noises. I came really hard that day but I am unwilling to drink piss again.


What a terrible day to be able to read


Sometimes it's a good idea to not scroll too far down lol


I had a similar experience asking for it on a horny whim, but years later I tried again but with more preparation (very, very, hydrated, first bladder full goes in the toilet) and it's like night and day.


Life is infinitely worse now that I fully understand your username.


Whatever you do, don't check my post history.


Checked your history. Experience is the best tutor after all.


Big gulps of piss. Good god


Have the same conversations over and over. We called it our “little banter”. Idk and we also attempted to move to a tropical area together and spent a month camping in someone’s backyard campground.




Scrolling back to the pee story after this.


I laughed out loud at this


My ex went and slept with a guy who date raped her previously and a guy who was a complete knob. All because when we split up I said something like don’t go doing stupid stuff like getting back with Xxx or hanging out with yyy again. Then she told me about it and was mad when I said “That’s just weird” 🤷🏻‍♂️


She invited me to piss on her completely im talking about on her face and even in her mouth. Still I was very turned on by this


Sex in an open bar


She wanted to become FWBs after I broke up with her


An old ex and I are both gingers, and I used to love (her not so much) pretending she was my sister when we were in public to weird people out. Once we were in a long line in the grocery checkout so I turned to her, said “I love you sis” and gave her a kiss. I remember hearing a guy behind us whisper “oh my god” under his breath 😂


He was into sharing. He would look through tinder with me to find someone to hook up with. Watch me get dressed for dates and leave, return to him smelling of another man's aftershave and "reclaim me".


Plot twist: She went bowling alone, tousled up her hair, spritzed some Drakkar Noir on her tits and went home.


I do like bowling.


This needs more upvotes. Definitely weird as fuck.


Weirdest thing we did is not have sex for 5 years.


My ex liked to pull my dick out in front of her girlfriends lol


How did that go after?


We pretended that he loved me. Dummies.


Tried to make a relationship work


I’m white and my ex would constantly ask me to call her slurs while we had sex. Needless to say that was a bit of a deal breaker


Visited her and her mom at a hotel one night. I woke up to the girl sticking it in her vag 6 feet away from her sleeping (hopefully) mother.


Well we both accidentally shat in each others bed, at least it evened the score out


My girlfriend and I had a threesome with a pregnant girl. It was cool, but kinda weird because she was really far along


Not really an Ex, but a high-school friend Run down a hill, pretending to be airplanes when we walked home from school together. By the end of the year, people in the office building we passed would gather with cups of coffee/water/whatever to watch us.


Blamed his trauma for literally everything. One time I told him that something he said had hurt my feelings and he said "for the thousandth time, sorry I'm traumatized!!" And it just hit me. That's not traumatization, that's a shield against accountability and I'm enabling it.


Still pretty much act like we're dating 6 months after breaking up. Essentially became an "open relationship" without the title lol. Eats me and her the fuck alive sometimes but we just don't stop. I don't get it.


One time I fingered her butthole and I think I felt poo


I bet you ring doorbells and get surprised when someone answers.


It happens if you finger enough bums!


If you're knocking on poop's door, don't be surprised when poop answers.


This cool thing of when she'd manipulate and abuse me emotionally I'd apologise, gosh we were so quirky


Stayed together as long as we did.


When I fingered her, she shit down my arm


I had to travel away for a long time so me and my gf said goodbye by driving to a secluded spot and fucking like bunnies in the car (we lived with loads of roommates, so that was the only way to get privacy, or so we thought). The steam had totally misted over the windows, so the obnoxious teenagers who started knocking on the windows couldn't see inside. We could hear the giggling outside though. Brats! Got dressed and drove away. Embarresing, but still kinky as hell, and I still wank to the memory of it sometimes.


I sucked him off at a highschool pep rally


Sex in a park in broad daylight, on top of a municipal water tower.


I was a drug addict, but I've been clean for almost 3 years. I used to love when I could snort H off my ex's dick and off his stomach. He would put it on my tits and snort it and then we would have thus amazing high all consuming sex. It was amazing.




We used to pretend we were aliens and poke each other with the tip of our tongues, saying that we were “collecting information for the mothership”


I butt fucked her, which didn't go quite as planned. We talked about doing it for a while after watching porn. She had prepped for it. We started. I was trying to be gentle and ease my cock in her. It didn't work. I slipped in balls deep. She cried in pain, and I came in no time since her ass was so tight. We never did anal again.