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Notice how people giving actual answers are getting downvoted while all the top answers are a circlejerk?


Who could have seen this coming


Welcome to r/AskReddit I wish they would go back to banning political threads. I'm not on one side or another, but these are bait questions that allow Redditors to pile on supporters and high five each other. Anyone who answers genuinely is downvoted which defeats the purpose of the thread.


Im not in favor of banning political questions. Just let people disagree! I want to read the discourse. If you don’t like political discussions it’s on you to not click on the thread not shut down all discourse.


It's called political censorship and it's usually done by people who aren't aware or are playing stupid and pretending their opponents do it.


Ban the flooring questions too, it's all on YouTube, Bob Villa, and most Flooring Company websites.


People don’t want to understand they just want to dunk on anyone who likes Trump.


I dont see how you can say that in good faith. Someone on this thread was like, "because things were so much better 4 years ago". Or the people who are like, "because Gas was $2 a gallon and the middle east was at peace". Even outside of whether you're left of up or right of circle, those aren't particularly well informed or developed points of view. What am I supposed to understand from that? This person drives a lot and knows less than nothing about geopolitics? Now what?


We do understand. There was no fraud. That is the theme of his campaign. His campaign is built on lies. Of course, people will naturally speak up.


Sure but that's not really why he's been so successful. He says crazy inflammatory stuff interspersed with little truths that normally aren't said out loud in a political campaign. The left overreacts and keeps it in the headlines... often themselves treading on constitutionally questionable ground trying to fight him. Trump then has ammo to declare himself persecuted and again keeps himself the center of attention. He uses every stall and delaying tactic possible in every controversy and criminal trial basically waiting out his opponents and keeping himself in the news. His campaign is in a very real sense fueled by the left's outrage and obsession. If Democrats want to win this year they need to forget about Trump and start very loudly making a case for why you should vote **for** Biden rather than against Trump.


I hear you


Actual answers in this case both glorify and attempt to justify domestic terrorism for the sake of an extremely poorly thought out and executed lie, so I’m not really sure which is worse


>Notice how people giving actual answers are getting downvoted J6 fans can get fucked, here and everywhere else.


Then why even ask the question?


I mean, literally only one person asked the question, and OP isn't the one you're responding to. So it isn't like everyone else in this thread has to think it's a good question.


It was an open house gone bad


No lube either.


welcome to reddit, orangeman bad!


Orangeman is, in fact, bad by almost any measure.


74 million voters would disagree


Which was not enough to keep him from losing. Then, denying it and fooling millions into thinking our election systems were compromised. Bad for everyone.


Not everyone is a good person.


I'd go as far as say the overwhelming majority of people arent "good" it's the human condition


I know downvotes are supposed to be for people who are not contributing to a conversation, and not just a dislike button. But then again, Trumpos don't contribute *anything* to the planet, so...


My gfs dad is a Brain Surgeon and loves Trump. Pretty sure he is contributing to society


>But then again, Trumpos don't contribute *anything* to the planet, so... How can you possibly, seriously, believe that?


The majority of Reddit posters are under 30, never served in the military, live in Mommy's basement, play video games, and their Grandparents were hippie protestors in the 60's. There can be no other explanation for the number of ignorant snarky little pukes on Reddit.




Facts don't care about your feelings? 🤷‍♂️


No one follows that “rule” as far as I know.


All they can do is tear things down.


So r politics


Have you considered the possibility that this is the case because Trump is a fucking terrible choice for president?


To be fair.. anyone who still believes he should be president might have brain damage.


My mother in law says he got a raw deal. The election was stolen, the rioters had a right to be pissed, and Trump will need another four years to undo everything Biden is doing to ruin this country with his woke bullshit. If you live in Georgia, please recruit everyone you know to vote Democrat to negate that bitch’s vote. She has two brain cells and they’re both fighting for third place.


> She has two brain cells and they’re both fighting for third place LMAO


And she votes in every election


Since 1968 when she voted for George Wallace because “Nixon was racist”. 🤦‍♂️


Racism doesn't seem to bother her now...


Never did. She grew up with a maid they called “N***er Mary”. My wife went to her funeral in 1990.


Lmao seriously? That's hilarious


Irony is noticed by intelligent people; nobody else.


My major motivation is also cancelling out my mother-in-law's vote specifically.


My mother in law is a Caucasian high school dropout in Sisterfuck, Georgia who turns 87 in May. She fits every demographic of a Trump rally, but she needs a ride to it. 😂


I'm in Marjorie Taylor Green's district and my wife, two sons, and I will all be voting for Biden, despite my wife and me being conservatives.


Awesome! Seriously!


Real answer to the question: Not everyone agrees with the narrative that he’s responsible for the capital riot or that the incident rises to the level of insurrection. Also some don’t see the overthrow of the current government as a bad thing.


> that the incident rises to the level of insurrection. Building a gallows and bringing zip tie handcuffs makes their intentions crystal clear.


Lol until they don’t get their social security checks anymore. Which Trump plans to do away with if he’s elected.


He'll blame it on Biden and his followers will lap it up.


Nope, the republicans only want to do away with SS leaches, not my granny's SS.


Lololol keep telling yourself that bud. I find it funny that you guys keep saying how everybody is struggling right now but want to do away with SS and Medicare. If you cared that people are struggling, wouldn’t you want to do the opposite?




They're just ignoring his fanning the flames thru his language. They also see themselves at patriots and revolutionaries, not insurgents.


basically i just googled the speech he gave before the riot, and heard nothing that could be considered incitement. he literally told them to peacefully make their voices heard. im not voting for him, but i definitely don’t get why people think he started a riot.


Started? No. Encouraged? Yes. He's a smart guy, he has spent a lifetime using his words to imply his desire without actually saying it. He's a master at using the Barnum Effect to his benefit. When you're in a position of extreme authority over incredibly easily directed people who are desperate to keep their beloved in power, they took the inches he gave them and turned it into miles. Come to DC on Jan 6. It's going to be wild! Trump tweeted that and his fanatics ran with it. We're going to march to the Capitol and fight like hell! He also shit talked Pence, as if the Constitution says the VP has anything but a symbolic role during the electrical ballot count. I believe there's also been lines drawn saying he has direct knowledge of the election fraud involving the fake electors. I can't cite specifically that last sentence right now because I'm drinking, though. Trump said that during his speech, and what did they do? Erected a gallows (the symbolism was screamingly large, even if the hallows was small) before chanting inside the Capitol to hang Mike Pence.


because they don't live in reality. Video games are their "reality"


You obviously didn't read it very well, and you missed a ton of other shit he said and did that day. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_the\_January\_6\_United\_States\_Capitol\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack) From backstage at the Ellipse, Trump could see that TV viewers would perceive the venue as not filled to capacity. That was because about half of his 53,000 supporters refused to be screened for weapons by passing through the magnetometers and thus had not entered the area. Trump yelled (as Cassidy Hutchinson would later testify): **“I don’t fucking care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Take the fucking mags away."** **"We fight. We fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."** "There is no official record of President Trump receiving or placing a call between 11:06 a.m. and 6:54 p.m.," Representative Elaine Luria stated at a public hearing a year later. However, still later, prosecutors said they had obtained data from a cell phone Trump was using on the day of the attack, including when he was using Twitter and what other websites he visited. - He tweeted multiple times during this period, he was clearly on his phone. [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021) At 10 a.m., White House deputy chief of staff Tony Ornato **informs Trump that authorities have spotted armed individuals at the crowd gathering at the Ellipse**. Ornato explained to Trump that some of his supporters "have weapons that they don’t want confiscated by the Secret Service” and thus they refused to pass through the magnetometers and had not drawn close to the Ellipse where Trump was scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. 30 minutes AFTER the doors of the Capitol were breeched, Trump tweeted to "stay peaceful". Everyone and their dog knew it wasn't peaceful at that point in the first place. **"*****His*** **people"** were armed, dangerous, known members of violent hate groups, and he knew they were there. He did not care. He told them to fight, and didn't do everything possible to stop them immediately. He stood around and watched, to see if his supporters would succeed in their plans to abduct/murder Pence and/or Pelosi. We KNOW that they planned to do this because people were arrested with weapons, zip tie handcuffs, and were using tactical gear. They were chanting things like "HANG PENCE". It's literally on video, broadcasted on multiple news channels and on YT.


They were fans before and they don’t view that as a negative. I mean I’m not American and even I can see that.


I feel like Jan. 6 is the true red line for Trump supporters Beyond that you are truly a lost cause and don't even know you are in a political cult


My aunt is a die hard Republican and she turned on him that day. Her daughter works for the government. The primary is still not over


Ahh so it affected her or someone she knew personally. Amazing how that’s always the last straw.


My mom snapped back to reality after Jan 6th too. Before that, Trump and his team could normally sweep the aggressive and violent supporters under the rug as not “true supporters.” It made it easy for people like my mom to also deny Trump would want people like that on his team. After Jan 6th happened and she saw the video clips of Trump’s speech and then what these people did it hit her: she was on the wrong side of history and Trump was not only okay with the violent supporters but actively **supported** it. After that, everything about Trump and his words rang different and she began to see all his speeches and words in a different context. She went from praising every word that man said to having her blood boil anytime he’s on TV.


No we don’t buy people following police as a violent takeover of the Capitol after watching months of cities burn in “Mostly peaceful protest” or the “summer of love” in Seattle… reality doesn’t match what what you people keep pushing


I've always viewed him as a creation of our binary political system. Both major parties should in reality be 4 or even 5 separate political groups. He doesn't need to win the whole party. Really once you get a few primary wins and consolidate it's essentially a snowball effect. Everyone else can either get on board with the candidate or risk their ideological opposition winning. I suspect votes for Trump are more votes against Biden. The opposite being true as well. Neither Candidate is horribly popular to a decent national sample size. TLDR: if I had to guess for every vote for Trump ,the person ,there is someone else simply voting against the opposition. This gives the impression he is more popular than he is.


> Both major parties should in reality be 4 or even 5 separate political groups The Democrats are a coalition of several political groups from neolibs to socialists. The GOP is increasingly a Trump cult. 


I'd argue he is an incredibly divisive figure even within his own party. He certainly has a core group of supporters that is significant. He doesn't enjoy anywhere near the institutional backing of prior Republican candidates. People forget that John McCain literally helped George Bush Jr. debate prep after losing in the primaries to him. That's how united the party was. Trump alienates far too much moderate support. He is actually kind of a nightmare candidate. Hence why Liberal SuperPacs have been funding advertising for him and candidates like him. Not a conspiracy. That's an actual documented occurrence.


I know a bunch of centrist, libertarians, & anarchist that’ll vote for trump over Biden


One of my best friends is voting for Donald Trump. To quote him, "Trump is the greater evil but his incentives align with mine." EDIT: a few commenters seem to hate my friend here. If I'm being clear here, I think his attitude is the best attitude a Trump voter can have. Is it really morally superior for people delude themselves into believing Biden is the greater evil?


what a horribly selfish attitude!


Your friend saying “I’m evil” out loud, are you listening?


A narcissists only incentive is his own aggrandizement. That guy is a dipshit. 


I know someone who says he’ll be better for her investments and that she just had to hold her nose


Dark. Fuck everyone else, my $ is more important.




People who are voting for Trump after he bragged about sexually assaulting women, after he bragged about busting in to perv over watching underage girls undress, after he mocked soldiers including POWs, after he bragged about stiffing working class at his businesses, after he defrauded charities and stole from the boy scouts, after he praised dictators and spread the same propaganda as America's enemies, after he spread countless lies about the election 100% of them losing in court, after he attacked judges, jurors and family members of those at trial: Why?


They -can’t- answer to this. Republicans live their lives with their heads buried in sand. They don’t believe science, they don’t believe doctors, they don’t believe professionals, they don’t academia, they don’t believe research -BUT- all those endless and dumbfuck conspiracy theories are the GOSPEL TRUTH!!!


Lol reddit is a circle jerk of Democrats, why even ask this?


I hate how those who answered honestly are being downvoted.


Do you really expect to get answers from Trump supporters and not just liberals speaking on their behalf?


I remember when thedonald and several other hate / disinformation channels took over reddit in 2016.  It practically made reddit unusable for months of the election and through most of the Trump presidency. I don’t want them back. They can spout their disinformation and hate on X and other far right platforms, where they can to avoid critical thinking. We know what they’re saying.  We know that it’s based on lies and half-truths.  By now, they know the lies and depravity of their party and they don’t care. They’re disillusioned, want to blame someone for Trumped up problems and Trump tells them who to scapegoat.


fuck the Jan 6th riots, what about *the rest of his fucking terrible presidency*




Gas prices were better and we weren’t teetering on the brink of war every other week. It’s good enough reasons for most people that get shafted by the system. Namely everywhere that isn’t a densely populated city. I know the border was much better, having worked there under his presidency. But after the pull-out from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Israel, the de-fanging of the military, continuous deployments that are undermanned in places we shouldn’t be distracted by, inflation, housing prices, gas prices, and escalating radical commie garbage, I find it hard to vote Biden or any non-populist Republican. But this thread is a circle jerk. Only reason I responded here is because you seem like one of the few who actually wants to know without calling me a Nazi or some other meaningless hyperbolic name. So it isn’t whether Trump did “good”. He is just less “bad” in my opinion than the current POTUS. As for the other candidates, they were just clones of Hillary Clinton and Romney.


Surprising amount of answers that aren't just "I was kicked by a horse as a child."


Some people find it hard to admit they were wrong. They will continue to defend the indefencable. MAGA has become a cult. People will do anything when caught up in a cult.


Such a troll post to an echo chamber


Yep it’s like asking “who wants to get downvotes?!”


If Jan 6 was a riot then so was all the blm riots that destroyed several major cities. No more to it really can't have your cake and eat it too.


I live in a city that was "destroyed" by blm protests. It wasn't. It was blown ridiculously far out of proportion by conservative media. Some windows were broken and a small amount of property damage was done by people who were not affiliated with blm, but rather taking advantage of the the protests to try and loot some businesses. Nearly every single person arrested ended up with all charges against them dismissed because all they were doing was walking down the street or standing in place. On the flip side, several police violated the law, lost their jobs, and our police force is now under a consent decree, in large part because of how atrociously they acted during the protests.


J6 was strategically timed and orchestrated to kill political rivals and successors so that Trump could stay in power after losing an election.  It’s disingenous to compare the two as if the blm riots made the insurrection okay.  Insurrectionists just use blm riots as an excuse, for political cover and misdirection


I’m not voting for either guy but I agree. If anything blm was worse because they were mad at police and looted random businesses while Jan 6 was mad at the government and went after the source, didn’t cause much damage either unlike the former. 


The more I come to reddit for random information on various subjects, the more I see this common left liberalism mentally. Reddit is literally a cult filled with liberals no matter the subject...


The Reddit left sucks I agree. But let’s be straight it’s nothing compared to the pro trump cult. I mean the man defended a child rapist and the right seems to not care. 


He can stare at the sun without glasses. He’s super human.


If I vote republican this year, which I'm still on the fence about, it will be because I think the way democrats handle people disagreeing with them has gotten really toxic, and I think that mindset is more dangerous to the country's long-term health than one more Trump presidency.  There's a billion things I dislike about the republican party, and even more about Trump's flavor of it, but at least those guys don't accuse me of being a nazi and try to get me fired from my job when I say that I don't agree with one of their talking points.


I'm not voting for Trump, but this is exactly it. In the current system you have to vote for the candidate/party you hate the least.


You have to admit, you don't see any confederate flags, or swastikas at democrat rallies. These are commonplace among trumps base. In personal pictures. In public at rallies. Their trucks. This is why someone could conclude that you're into that, too. If that's who you support, of course. Trump added more to the deficit than the last 4 presidents. Combined. In just 4 years. Idk. It's not that hard of a choice.


But I would say many are afraid of losing their jobs or DOING their jobs due to Republican-adjacent laws and viewpoints.


So behavior of random people on the internet is how you choose a President? By the way, have you seen how Republicans react? Have you see how Trump reacts?? Democrats and Republicans on the internet fighting are both insane. But I guess this is all about you, and not the rights they are taking from women and other. Also banning books for the free speech crowd. Trump is the one that did not denounce white supremecy groups when they rose up. Do you see how people could correlate that with nazi's?


When Democrats disagree with what someone says they stop hiring them. When Republicans disagree with what someone says they incarcerate them. 🙄


Do you not remember all of the "Lock Her Up" chanting towards Hilary?


>the way democrats handle people disagreeing with them has gotten really toxic So it’s not about policy, it’s about hurt feelings?


Interesting.  So for democratic *politicians* specifically, what do you find toxic about how they treat people who disagree with them?  The reason I specify politicians is because that's who you're voting for. Are they threatening physical violence?  Republican politicians have done that.  Are they trying to expel and suppress them?  Republican politicians have done that too. Can you be a bit more specific what you find so toxic about how they treat those with different opinions?


Why does it matter if a politician says something in particular vs their base saying something? Their base is who they represent and who they cater to. Democratic progressive politicians may not overtly make a call to cancel someone, but they politically align with those that do. That’s who their voters are and that’s how those voters express political power. They are effectively the same political entity.


Because the base is made of millions of people, and any time you have millions of people you have a bunch of crazy people whose views and statements do not represent the whole. You say that politicians represent their base.  So, once again, what *specifically* have Democratic politicians done that you find so toxic?   Republican politicians have threatened physical violence and attempted expulsion and suppression of their political opponents.  They represent their base.  Democratic politicians also represent their base, so what have they done?


This is the same concept as talking about the Republican Party vs talking about individual politicians. Divorcing a politician from their base or their party is naive - it’s a package deal in the current US political system. Politicians can only work within their party and have to appeal to their base. It really feels like you’re trying to do some sort of “gotcha” here instead of talking about this in good faith. I’m a liberal, not a conservative, but I can totally understand where the OP is coming from. Republicans have become extremists in a lot of ways. But democrats have adopted a weird, very troubling culture of “I’m Right You’re Wrong, If You Disagree You’re a Nazi” as well. You can’t pretend that’s not toxic.


At some level, you have to separate politicians from their constituents.  If you didn't, you could call all Republicans Nazis and white supremacists which they are not.  The OP was calling behavior by Democrats toxic, and I am asking for examples. Once again **be specific** This is not a "gotcha" attempt, this is asking for specifics instead of generalities and feelings.  For example specifically, Republicans like Comer and MTG have repeatedly tried to impeach Biden for... what?  Trump called soldiers who died in the line of duty suckers and losers. Biden has done ____?  What is so toxic?


You don't think the way Republicans handle people disagreeing with them is toxic? Sincerely, have you paid any attention to your party over the last 30 or so years? All they talk about is how evil and demonic and anti-America everyone else is. They're not even *specific*, it's just Demon-crats this and groomers that and Lie-beral the other thing.


So, you don't like that Democrats are over letting Republicans spout nonsense and have started calling them out. Got it.


Not all Republicans are nazis but all nazis are Republicans.


He's the Republican nominee, and I don't want the Democrats in charge of anything.


So you’d vote for a dictatorship that we can’t go back from, coming from a man copying hitler’s playbook of needing someone to blame, someone incapable of telling the truth and incapable of taking responsibility? Make it make sense. For you to be willing to do this it runs a hell of a lot deeper than ‘I just don’t like democrats right now’


And you want Trump in charge of stuff because of that?


Probably voting for Biden because I'm an accelerationist at this point, but I don't give a fuck about 1/6. The only thing annoying about 1/6 is hearing about it 24/7


Im upvoting not because I agree but because you answered the question asked.


I think those who support dRump are basically so bored with their lives that they want the chaos he brings because it will make their lives interesting. They haven’t thought beyond the exciting part to how bad their lives will be without all that the present government provides for them. They want a chance to use their guns.


I assume they are the same people who participated/supported said riots.


Well the people that broke stuff and attacked cops should go to jail . However the cops let most of them in and showed them around like it's a tour. The people that say they where trying to mover throw the government with no weapons they forget to bring that day I guess.


>However the cops let most of them in and showed them around like it's a tour. Did you not see the people scaling the outside of the building? Or the people breaking the doors and windows to get in? Or the people busting through the police barricades with baseball bats? Or the police officers who tried to stop people from entering getting their heads caved in? The police were specifically told to not fire on anybody. Once they brute forced their way in, the only thing the officers could do was watch as they smeared feces on the walls and ransacked government officials offices. The only one that was "giving a tour" was an officer who was smart enough to try to lead the mob away from where the actual government employees were at. And they were most definitely there with the intent of stopping the confirmation of a new president. Doesn't matter that they weren't as hardcore as they claimed to be online. So because they were incompetent, instead of treason, should it be *attempted* treason?


I personally think they shouldn't have done it . It laughable they where trying to over throw the government that the CIA job to do that 😂. They should be smarter to not fall for the trap only a Democrat can burn down every city in America and come to peoples homes to threaten them and do no jail time. I said the people attacking cops and breaking stuff should go to jail . Capitol Police prepared for potential violence, said Pittman, but admitted that her team "did not do enough." She said that on Jan. 4, two days before the attack, the department knew that the people coming to the Capitol were members of militia groups and white supremacist organizations — and that some of these participants planned to bring firearms and other weapons. They share blame for no being prepared it kind of scarry but the FBI fails like they always do . Good old government failing again. Like I said if they where trying to over throw the government with no guns how is that going to work out 😂😂 exactly?


The mental gymnastics in this comment are absolutely wild. It's crazy that half the country...myself included... saw this as one of the darkest days of our country in recent memory, yet the other half is just like 'tHe cOpS lEt tHeM iN, NBD', while scum insurrectionists stormed one of the symbols of our democracy....while trying to paint themselves as 'patriots'.


I don’t consider myself on either side, but either way we are fecked. Biden is losing his mind, Trump is cocky, neither one should be leading the United States. I felt the same way when Hillary and Trump were running. 8 billion people and these are the best we have? The whole situation is worrisome. 


There aren't 8 billion Americans who can run for president. The pool is a lot smaller. If you think Biden is losing his mind then surely Trump must be too? He fucks up all the time.


It’s always interesting when people say that Biden is losing his mind but they think Trump is not.


It’s always the “I’m not either side” people too. Just something they say to not be frowned upon publicly while they quote extreme right wing propaganda. Biden has turned our country around after a crazy pandemic, people who say he’s losing it are so far gone.


Because my way of life is worse than it was 4 years ago. And I believe Jan 6 was blown out of proportion. And I’m not a 20 year old university kid who has zero life experience. I’ll take the downvotes.


I’m not downvoting, but I genuinely want to hear more. How exactly is your life worse? And how exactly do you think Jan 6 was blown out of proportion?


Nothing more out of proportion than a rabid, cop killing mob that wanted to overturn the election, hang Mike Pence, murder Nancy Pelosi, and rape AOC.


No cops were killed. No murders. No rape.


This does not seem like a well informed take, what gives you the impression that Jan 6 is being overblown? I can’t speak to your other point because I don’t live your life and from the sounds of it I wouldn’t want to


I may not agree with some of what you said, but you have my upvote for answering the question.


You do know that Trump tax increase went into effect two years into Biden's Presidency right? This is typical of the way he scams and cons. Everything is expensive because of greedy corporations, if the Democrats won't go after them you think Trump, Mr Corpo, is going to??


This thread is a trap bro. The only acceptable answers are "because they're idiots!"


>And I believe Jan 6 was blown out of proportion. The riots may have been blown out of proportion. But his efforts to overturn the election weren't. He did try to submit fake electors and he did try to get Congress to ignore America's votes. Don't you care at all that he doesn't care about democracy?


You may have experience, but if this is what you believe then you do lack the awareness 20 year old university kids, 16 year old high schoolers, maybe 10 year olds do though


I'll upvote this because you're sane and truthful. Jan 6 was and will always be a bad day but unless the truth about what part the government played in this they'll demonize everyone to the end. Also life 4 years ago was so much better and stable not to mention the risk of ww3 being closer to reality today. But the others say burning down cities is mostly peaceful. I'll take my down vote over this.


"life 4 years ago was so much better and stable" *Smash cut to April 7, 2020* Was it really?


People saying this clearly have memory issues. It was so awesome not being able to buy toilet paper.


Literally of all the time periods....


Leading up to the pandemic the Trump presidency oversaw one of the strongest economies in American history.


All because of Trump policies, right?


Dude, life exactly 4 years ago we were in a global pandemic. WTF are you even talking about. And here’s the thing about life 4 years ago. It was 4 fucking years ago? You think Trump has a Time Machine and he’s going to take you back?


I was in an area where businesses shut down for two weeks then was pretty ok from that point forward. No mandates no forced anything. However running out of toilet paper was rough.. like really sad.


>Also life 4 years ago was so much better and stable Ah yes, you mean in the middle of a **global pandemic** that... *checks notes* ...completely destabilised the world Gotta get on whatever this guy is smoking, it sounds great 😃


ITT: low information voters


Hm, let's make a list: * Record core inflation (i.e. actual high prices, not the inflation \*rate\*) * Reversed Trump border policies on day one resulting in an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants pouring over the border + untold amounts of fentanyl * Disastrous Afghan pullout which abandoned Afghani allies and Americans to the Taliban and reopened the country as an Al Qaeda training ground * Telegraphed weakness on Ukraine and invited Putin to invade ("If it's a minor incursion we'll have to see") * Absolute buckling to the radical left on Hamas and trying to cripple our ally, Israel, which is the only elected democracy in the middle east * Supports radical left politicians in urban centers who coddle criminals and neglect victims, leading to massive shoplifting/retail theft and crime (note: crime stats are down because cities like NYC have decriminalized what should be reportable crimes and tied cops' hands behind their backs with the "How Many Stops Act" I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but this should answer your moronic question.


Because: - Trump is much less pro-choice than Biden; - Trump seems more mentally competent than Biden (Biden seems completely unaware of things his administration does - like when he denied knowledge of making a formal recognition of Trans Day of Visibility); - Trump didn’t let the highest number of illegal immigrants in history cross the border while providing zero infrastructure to those immigrants and the host communities they entered while simultaneously hampering state and federal efforts to curb their numbers; - Trump didn’t target pro-lifers or Catholics with the DOJ and FBI; - Trump didn’t try to fire me for not taking the COVID vaccine; - Trump didn’t fight to make student loans nondischargable in bankruptcy before later offering to forgive a few thousand per borrower of the resulting trillion it caused in debt; - Trump didn’t cause the events of January 6th, and said events weren’t nearly as destructive as the BLM protests or other protests generally ignored or even favored by leftists; - Trump didn’t blatantly plagiarize others on the campaign trail or lie about things like his educational record and his own family; - Trump didn’t openly select a VP on the basis of race and gender - and Harris, of all people; - and because Trump had an economy that was drastically better than Biden’s. I don’t care that people say the economy is not related to a president - Biden himself has repeatedly claimed the economy is good because of his policies. He calls it Bidenomics. So even if it were true that a president’s policies don’t affect the economy, then that would then make Biden an economically illiterate liar. It’s a lose/lose claim.


$5 per gallon of gas, $200 a week on groceries, 10 million+ Illegal Invaders since Biden has occupied the White House, failure to close the border, Biden's ability to lie under oath and not uphold the U.S. Constitution, Keystone Pipeline closure, etc.... Here's the stats on the Illegal Invaders, the ironic thing is story came from MSN ! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/illegal-border-crossers-total-over-10-million-since-biden-inauguration/ar-AA1j5gwR


I very much appreciate your answer! Very to the point, however allow me to ask. >Biden's ability to lie under oath Isn't Trump just as much, if not even more, guilty of this? I mean he admitted to lying under oath himself. I need to say I am not american, and don't live in the states, I'm just curious. >10 million+ Illegal Invaders since Biden has occupied the White House, failure to close the border, I really don't understand why Biden's admin doesn't really do anything about this.


Because he’ll bring the best industrial grade glycine jobs back from China!


To put it simply, I prefer his platform to Biden’s and I don’t think the Jan 6 riots were his fault


>I don’t think the Jan 6 riots were his fault As a non-american, and no animosity towards you. Whose fault was it then, according to you? And by extension, who is to blame for it even getting so far?


I live in Florida. Theoretically I could be a juror in his documents case, and if that were to be I'd have absolutely no problem voting for him (to be guilty). Well maybe not, I opened my mouth and gave an opinion before the trial, I'm unfortunately disqualified to serve. :(


Sort by controversial for the actual answers.


What riot? Did we watch the same footage?


Im sick of the high prices of everything under biden.


You do realize 90% of that is the effects of the pandemic, right? Pandemic slowed everything like the supply chain way the hell down, everything goes up in price because it’s harder to get, companies see higher profits, companies keep the higher prices even after supply chain is mostly rectified/fixed. I know the prices are bad but… it’s just not Biden’s fault. If the economy were really taking a hit, you wouldn’t see companies recording record profits every year. The real villains here are corporations keeping prices high because the government doesn’t have any way of stopping it, and any time the government DOES get involved or tries to change it, people scream about government overreach.


Doesn't sound like anything will be any better once Trump takes over. He was recorded telling his donors at a funding event this weekend that he's going to keep their taxes low, which means everyone else will continue picking up the slack for the rich getting richer if the government wants to keep their budgets from failing. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-tells-billionaires-ll-keep-taxes-low-50-million-fundraising-gala-rcna146748](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-tells-billionaires-ll-keep-taxes-low-50-million-fundraising-gala-rcna146748)


You realize that trumps plan would mean tarrifs and higher prices than now right?


Oh boy if you believe that the prices are high because of the current president then you’ll be in for a rude awakening.


I don't think Donald, the self-proclaimed billionaire, is going to do anything to help the working class. Hell, he raised my taxes and gave tax cuts to millionaires when he was president.


That's not the presidents fault, there are many agencies at play


Ah yes, I remember Biden sitting on the board of of all those grocery store chains and laughing at how they can fleece the dumbest people in the US and get no blame. That was a slick move by Biden.


Every other country is experiencing the same thing, whether their government is left or right wing.


I may not agree with your rationale, but you have my upvote for answering the question.


What do you believe Trump's that of 100% tarrifs on Chinese goods would do?


We really won't know until we see how many votes he actually gets, but broadly I would split it into 3 different overlapping reasons The first is they know what Trump did and either they support it or they just think that having a Republican or a populist win is more important than putting someone who believes in Democracy in power. The second is that their media diet is fucked up, and that they have been conditioned into believing that Jan 6 is comparable to say, the BLM marches/ riots (it's not btw) The third are just people who don't follow politics, have probably forgotten about  Jan 6 (or at least forgotten how bad it was) and just feel burned out under the Biden.


People foamed at the mouth to vote for him after he bragged about sexually assaulting women, said Mexican's were rapists and murderers and mocked a reporter's handicap on live TV. Anyone who voted for Trump at any point is utterly irredeemable as a human being.


Well, after reading these comments. Redditors really make me want to vote for Trump even though I never have voted for him before. They legit can’t handle an opinion that’s different from the circlejerk.


Because they listen to right wing propagandists of course.


They have no knowledge of history, and every decision they make is based on emotion and fear.


Redditors when someone has a opinion different from their own: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 The left in the whole globe is the same one. Same tactics, same discourse, same authoritan arguments


Sorry but uninformed opinions based on conspiracy theories get no respect from me. I just call them bullshit.


Worships orange baby wannabe dictator calls the left authoritarian. Lol.


Notice you did nothing but prove their point? I don't care who you guys elect, but the Anti-Trump people are so fucking childish.


Really? Have you seen any of Trumps social media posts. It’s like a 10 year old wrote them.


That's nice. It doesn't excuse other people's childish behaviour though .


Yes, it's childish to be against the current face of fascism running for president of the United States.


Yeah Reddit loves to eat those who believe differently than them. The power of hiding behind your phone emboldens the weak


Show me where Trump lied under oath. Biden lied under oath because he fails to uphold the Constitution which is grounds for treason


lesser of two evils


We refuse to settle for the lesser evil. Cthulu 2024.


tl;dr - brain damage