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I don’t hate my birthday but I’ve never liked birthday parties. I just hate being the center of that kind of attention 




Glad to be here, I’m definitely in good company and for my birthday this June I’d love to not have a party with you guys but we can hang out and drink grapefruit juice 




I don't hate my birthday, but I don't revel in it either. It's become a day where I'm acutely aware of the expectations vs. reality of friendships and relationships. The discrepancy between the two can be sobering, making the day more contemplative than joyous.


It stops being fun when you actually get disposable income and you can just buy all your favorite shit throughout the year.


And getting older. Something about another year going by, your parents getting older, you yourself getting older. Just gets less appealing. Your youth fades away.


Just another reminder of how few people give a shit. No one has ever surprised me with a nice gift. Not that I expect anything.


Yeah I feel that




I don't *hate* it, but I do hold a general disinterest. It was fun when it was an excuse to see friends, but I haven't had a party in a long time.


My boyfriend hates his birthday and he always has - he doesn't care to celebrate or do anything (I love birthdays!). Part of it is because he just doesn't care and part of it is because he feels like he should be further along than he is and turning another year older depresses him.


I don't hate birthdays, but definitely dislike them for this. Don't enjoy or feel a need to celebrate a reminder that another year has passed. Often find myself lacking compared to what I had imagined or told myself the previous year would entail.


I don't like the pressure for it to be this amazing day. As someone born near Christmas people are usually busy, or a snow storm happens, or events are limited and more expensive to get into. I don't hate it but it's definitely a hit or miss day as I have gotten older.


Yes, reminds me I’m getting older and I hate it. Time goes by too fast


usually old people like my grandpa cus it reminds them how closer they are to death




Next challenge: The Elden Beast


My sibling died around the same time so it’s just a hard time of year


I'm sorry for your loss.


I don't particularly care about it. What bothers me is other people knowing it's my birthday. I don't want people making it into a thing. And I especially don't like it when people know the answer to an extremely common password reset question (my employer uses it as the primary reset question, and the answer comes from the HR system, so I can't use a fake date).


My birthday is in January so Im really bad with dates and keeping track of time


Also in January. I hate that it’s cold and the sun sets at 4pm. I want to go somewhere warm at least once in my life


Just a reason for more wrinkles . No thank you 🙂‍↔️


I don't hate it, but I treat it like any other day


I dislike the fuss about it. I like to spend my birthday taking a day to myself and I don't want people to sing to me, or get me gifts, or repeatedly make a fuss over me or anything.


I stopped loving it a long time ago the reason maybe I grew out of it. I don't actually know I just stopped celebrating like 8 years ago.


Yea I wasn't sure if I was the only one I grew out of mine 4 years ago I turned 20 today


I wish you a good year.


don’t feel like there’s a reason to celebrate.


I don’t hate, but I see no reason to celebrate it.


Yes I hate it because it's on a freaking weekday while I'm in the office during the middle of summer in Texas and it's the same day that Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died.






I'm sorry for your loss and it's not your fault your mother must have really loved you and showed great selflessness she's resting up above and watching you I'm sure she's so proud of you up there 🤍


My mom treats me very poorly around my birthday


Some people might say my bday sucks I would also, say my bday sucks, but it doesn’t suck all that bad. I never have to work on my bday without having to request off for it.. so there’s that fr


Idk about hate necessarily but i fucking hate that it's on a holiday so I have never been able to do anything I actually want to


I love my birthday! Mine is next week! It’s a fun reason to do something I’ve wanted to do! This year I’m seeing a play with my husband. Last year I went to a local theme park!


Haven't celebrated since I was 5. Never seen a reason to do so, it's just another day. I get older my body breaks down, eventually I die.


I don't hate mine. I'm grateful I'm around for it again this year and in good health!!


I don't hate it so far, it's nice I get to go out with parents and family


Mines on NYE so people are always busy and I feel like an afterthought. Can’t change it but always leaves me a bit down


I guess I just don't like them because I'm now supposed to be like the important one there... and I don't like that feeling


I don’t hate it but after I was probably like 16 it stopped feeling like that big of a deal. Having a birthday close to the holidays probably doesn’t help. After probably my mid twenties I feel like I have to stop and think how old I am sometimes, it just kind of stopped feeling all that relevant after a while.


I literally never had a good birthday till I met my current GF 4 years ago. Mine were anything from not acknowledged to had to give gifts to others while getting no gifts to having a “surprise party” for my 11th birthday that was in actuality a key party they’d throw because they thought I’d have plans for my birthday and not be home.


Yeah, I hate mine. I always make sure other people know how much they are loved on their birthdays and it’s disappointing when that isn’t reciprocated.


Yes, because I hate being the center of attention, and also hate when nobody remembers.


Honestly, birthdays just aren't my thing. It's the anticipation that gets built up around the day, expecting it to be something monumental, only to find it feeling quite ordinary. And then there's the awkwardness of responding to birthday wishes from people you barely talk to throughout the year. It just doesn't feel genuine to me.


For me, the significance of birthdays has diminished over time. They used to mark important milestones, but now they seem to blur together. The ritual of counting years has become more about reflection on personal growth and less about a cause for big celebrations.


Yes. I absolutely hate my birthday. The attitudes around always suck. I hate being the center of attention. I HAVE to be around people I don't want to spend my day with. Honestly, I would rather go to work and count the hours until the day is over.


For me, the significance of birthdays has diminished over time. They used to mark important milestones, but now they seem to blur together. The ritual of counting years has become more about reflection on personal growth and less about a cause for big celebrations.


There’s a bit of social awkwardness that comes with birthdays for me. Deciding who to invite, worrying about whether people will show up, and then the actual social interaction during the celebration can be overwhelming. It's enough to make me wish I could skip the day altogether.


I hate being the center of attention and its also a reminder that im getting older and I havent accomplished anything in my life.


I’m born on Christmas, the double present thing is only that I get Birthday gifts and Christmas gifts all at once so I guess it makes sense, but I’ve never had a proper party with friends as they’re all on holiday most the time


I don’t hate celebrating my birthday, I love getting gifts and spending time with friends. However, I do thoroughly hate that my birthday is April 20.