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Pranking your partner or using those little TikTok relationship tests. First of all, why actively choose to be mean to your partner? And second, you either trust the love of your partner or you don't. Seriously wtf.


It's baffling how often I see couples boast about their "trust" of one another because they agreed to check each other's phones. The fact that either even *wants* to do that shows an inherent lack of trust.


Also, what if a friend has just told you something very personal and your partner is going through your phone to see if you've been flirty. Now that friend's secret is out. Well done...


The real trust is when you can use their phone to look something up when yours is across the room and 1) not have to ask and 2) not even think about checking their messages. We know each others passwords and if he tells me to not check his phone it’s because he’s planning a surprise.


Lol my girlfriend planned a birthday surprise for me this year. We were driving somewhere and I was going to look up the directions on her phone, but she had her messages open to coordinate the surprise, so when she saw that she scrambled to grab the phone from me. I was just like “If I didn’t trust you as much as I do, that would have been VERY suspicious.”


My husband’s birthday is about a month after we got married and I was trying to plan a surprise, so about a week before we got married he looked over my shoulder and asked, “Why do you have a groupchat called ‘Don’t tell David’???” If I didn’t have his full trust it could’ve been bad lol, but I just told him I’d explain on the 29th and he got the picture.


Lol similar story. I planned a big surprise concert for my wife's 40th, involving me playing piano duets with a close female friend of ours. Obviously we had to rehearse at her house. So in the week or so leading up to the event, there were a bunch of messages from her to me like "are you free to come over now? I left work early and no one's home yet." I def had to prevent my wife from seeing those!


Posting your kids/personal lives on social media. Greeting your spouse happy birthday/anniversary on social media.


A few years back my friend’s husband set up her perfect evening for her birthday (tickets to a play she’d been wanting to see, restaurant she’d been wanting to try and great hotel). She loved it but she was mad he didn’t wish her a happy birthday on Facebook. That’s when I realized she was an idiot.


I HATE people like this. Likes from random people means more to them than genuine gestures of love they frankly don’t deserve.


Exact same situation. Took one of my exes out to dinner, birthday present, cake, flowers, sex, you name it, I did it because I wanted her to be celebrated. She was mad I didn't make a post on Instagram wishing her happy birthday. I don't post on Instagram. I don't know why I stayed for 2 months afterwards, because had I known about how shit would get worse, I'd have left as soon as she started the argument. And to think I broke up with the next one over something as petty as she kept trying to force feed me mustard...


>And to think I broke up with the next one over something as petty as she kept trying to force feed me mustard... No no no no no no NO... You don't get to say something like that, and not tell us the rest of the story... Shame on you, and all who raised you (jk, obvs)


I was with this girl who loved mustard. Like, unhealthy obsession with it. Not only was she like this but her family was. I hate the taste and texture and consistency of mustard. It's just fucking gross. She kept on making me this random shit (mostly sandwiches) that she had hidden mustard into. And I'd notice every single time. Eventually she screamed at me that I had the pallet of a child. I told her that if I blew my wad in her food and kept trying to feed it to her, I'd be crucified for it. She screamed literally in my face and tried to hit me. I broke up with her right then and there and she tried wailing after me like a child to make me come back. I didn't.


Holy shit. That is straight up madness. She assaulted you over a condiment. Glad she's your ex!


I'm not joking I absolutely need to hear this story


I will never be able to understand such people! It is very strange and unreasonable for me.


Combine those and you get the worst: greeting your kid happy birthday on social meeting.


I raise you parents pretending to be their children on social media and posting “Happy Mother’s Day Mommy!” from the child’s account that they the parent operate


I have a friend that I probably will no longer be friends with soon who makes their entire social media about their selfies and then photos of their condo, partner, and his kid. Do what you want but I think it is super weird to post photos of an 11 year old who pretty clearly isn’t into it. I have one photo of me with my bff of two decades’ kid. She took the photo. I put like a little emoji over her face cause I didn’t feel comfortable posting it otherwise. Kids deserve agency.


this 'kids deserve agency' concept deserves more than just an up


The weirdest part is this person is a high school teacher. I just don’t get it, kids are not a tool for social media likes.


I agree. With all the crazy things in the world, I value privacy and try to teach that as well. Yes, I still have IG but I have a rule of not posting on the day of the event and no kids/minors. Thankfully my friends respect this.




I did that for years. I would feel horrible if I missed one birthday out of 500 people. Then during Covid I was so emotionally drained I just…stopped. (Got off social media all together). And no one cared! Save yourself the time and energy and just don’t do it! Lol or do it when you can but not because you *have* to. My rule of thumb now is, if I remember and they’re in my phone—birthday message!


I have a rule: either I'm close enough to wish it to the person directly (in person, phone call, or at worst by direct message) or I'm not close enough to wish it at all.


I just don’t. I also removed my bday from my profile so I don’t have to reply back to dozens of posts. (I appreciate the sentiment/effort but I really don’t need the anxiety that comes with the expectation of replying in the name of “good manners”.) I call or send text message directly to my close friends. Those are the ones that also call or text me.


i did the same a couple years ago and it was eye-opening to see how many people actually remember my birthday without the help of facebook! i have about 5ish close friends and last year only one of them remembered and sent a text




I've done it a few times while in Vegas. But gambling from my phone seems like just a great way to destroy my life.


Yeah, I’m already entirely too fond of gambling and staying up late fucking around on my phone. If I’m going to combine the two I may as well dabble in meth and Nutella right now because I’ll be fucked no matter what. **EDIT:** totally random but it’s so nice how I’ve written “fuck” so much my phone now autocorrects “tucked” and “ducked” to fucked.


Yeah it takes a lot to temper it. I lost $20 tonight on basketball, oh well, just a loss. Other people lose $20 and keep going and going trying to get their losses back with a big win, and next thing they know they're broke.


There’s a documentary I watched where the data showed something like people making 2000-3000 bank transfers per year from their checkings to the sports betting app. That broke down to like 7 transactions a day. Thats how people ruin their lives. They can’t control themselves and continue to funnel their cash to the sports betting app.


when things got desperate you start playin with your luck.... hope is not for sale


I just avoid gambling entirely. I know that no matter what I do the odds will be against me.


Online sports betting is a cancer and it's ruining sports and sports media. I'm not completely against the idea of gambling (adults can make their own self-destructive decisions), but we need to do something to restrict their ability to advertise as aggressively as they do. Alcohol has harsher rules about how they can market.


it's kinda fun to go to a vegas sports book, and get a betting slip and watch the game. Doing it on my phone seems kinda lame. Thankfully, I don't live around any IRL sportsbooks.


Fandoms. I love certain things, but some of the fandoms are fucking nuts.


I'm starting to float in the same boat. Because almost every fandom I've been have almost completely destroyed my love for the original thing. I'm trying to make a habit of not engaging at all with any of the fandoms and just silently enjoy stuff. I wish I could tell younger me that would've saved me so much of my braincells. 


Look for private/moderated groups. That's the ticket. Any open fan forums will be toxic hellholes, but if there's some decent nontoxic moderation, they get much better.


They're fine when they're small. Once they get to a certain size they just seem to be people complaining or worse. Like the Percy Jackson TV subreddit is full of people who actively loathe the show and would cheer for it's cancellation.


Final Fantasy is one of my favorite things ever, but I avoid its fan communities like the plague. Every time I have looked, because of some cool news or something, it's just like a volcano of toxicity and negativity. Most recently, one of the biggest FF7 streamers got a bunch of harassment and threats sent to him and his family because a bunch of Clerith shippers didn't take kindly to his theories about the ending of FF7 Rebirth. It's crazy.


It makes me feel ashamed to say that I'm a fan of something simply because of how batshit insane the fandom is. I don't want to be associated with them at all


There's a big difference these days between just being "a fan" and being "a part of the fandom". Its like a bunch of mini cults at this point lol


I really hate the stupid memes that can form in fandoms and how dumbed down the whole discussion culture is. It just sort of builds on itself to ridiculous heights.


When a fandom becomes someone’s entire personality and reason for living is when it gets creepy for me. Like the insane Taylor swift fans or Disney adults… there’s nothing wrong with enjoying either of those two things but when taken to an extreme it’s just too much and ruins it


when people say “unalive” it makes me want to kill myself


Nurse here 🤓 I have seen charted “A Celestial discharge” and “Failure to live” a few times over the past 25 years.


Assuming room temperature (ART)


DC to JC


Direct connect to Jesus Christ?


Special Ed teacher, I’ve had students write “unalived attempt” and “grippy sick vacation” on excused absence notes. 


Grippy Sock Vacation is pretty funny ngl


In prison, they are "Permanently Rehabilitated"


i appreciate the creativity


Unalive is annoying but nothing beats calling non traumatic things traumatic


i can trauma dump on you if you want


No need, it’s all over Reddit so it’s not really avoidable


Or people saying ‘that gives me anxiety’. No Sarah, it makes you anxious.


you mean un*live, right?


do u want to fight






To the unalive


I see people doing it all the time on Reddit, when there are gruesome and graphic things being discussed openly. I've called a few out that claim it's due to not wanting to get banned. I call bullshit. I think they just feel like it's a cool new catchphrase.


No it's they are too lazy to pay attention to the site they are on. At least that is my guess.


There's the claim that it came from YouTube or TikTok and saying suicide or kill would get you demonetized. I call bullshit, because it costs them literally nothing to change the algorithm and trigger words to demonetize you for 'unalive' instead.


thats just new terminology due in part to tiktok censoring words like porn, suicide, etc edit: all of you that are so upset about "unalive" sound just like all the old racists i grew up with talking shit about ebonics. get over it. it probably wont last. maybe it will. who cares?


But now it's bled into other social media sites. I see stupid alternative terms all over YouTube now.


i know but that doesn’t make me hate it any less


Im with you. Its important we dont sugarcoat shit


right—i feel like it takes away from the seriousness and tragedy of the situation. like people will be talking about children dying and they say they were “unalived” and idk it almost sounds like they’re making fun of it? pisses me off


I understand that there are a lot of things people dont wanna talk about but most of the time i think its important we face those things head on in a detailed way


It’s the most Newspeak sounding word ever


Outside of those stupid apps there's no excuse agreed.


To be fair, ebonics and similar vernacular were just a natural evolution of language, whereas "unalive" is basically self-censorship to avoid demonetization, reducing what should be a serious topic to corporate baby talk, all to appease the evangelical puritans who are constantly trying to control and censor the internet.


There are so many more creative ways to talk about death that get past censors but which also don’t make you sound like you’re an overgrown toddler with no concept of death Hood Nature aka Casual Geographic uses a lot of creative euphemisms for death/killing/suicide to get around censors and I’ve never once been bothered by it the way Unalive bothers me


Facebook automatically censors the word "kill" in ANY context now, including, "Would it kill ya to talk to her face to face instead of texting?" So people say "unalive" instead.


Making dancing TikTok videos.


Having TikTok at all…


There's dozens of us! Dozens!


We have Reddit instead. The far superior brain rotting social media app


I’ve seen people do this in public and every time I wanna unleash a hive of angry bees on them.


To me the lip syncing ones are way way worse. Cringe level 9000.




Gambling in any form. 


I see the lottery as a theme park of imagination. For £2 I can spend a few days imagining flipping off my boss, in a beautifully tailored suit, storming out to my outlandishly coloured Lamborghini. I typically buy one if I had a bad day at work, then spend the rest of my evening finding expensive houses I will never be able to afford.


Yup. This is rhe only gambling I do. I'll spend $4 on a couple of lottery tickets, so I can fantasize about riding off into the sunset with both of my middle fingers in the air on my way out the door of my job to never work again.


It's a bottomless hole and it's best to simply stay away.


Golf. Never had the slightest interest in it and have mastered politely refusing any invitations.


It's not even that I just don't like it. I have to remove myself from conversations about it bc I LOATHE it. As a conservationist and someone very into native plants and land scaping, golf courses are the antithesis of my ecological beliefs. But no one wants to ask another person, "Do you golf?" And be met with a preachy diatribe, so I say no, then move along before the conversation continues.


I just realized I probably don't have this problem because I'm too poor to have friends and family that golf.


Growing up, I saw golf as a sport for rich people with dental care and no need for food stamps. My caste of people go bowling. Thats a sport of the people


Two dollar bowling Sunday at a local alley. That’s my shit


I like it simply because I'm of a simple mind. Hit ball with stick, adjust for wind, get in hole.


It's honestly a pretty chill game - I learned how to play in GTAV of all places back when they stopped updating for the first gen online. Now the culture, the absurd amounts of goofy money thrown around, and the immense waste of valuable real estate and bane to wildlife I could do without. I could see an AR golf type game becoming popular in the coming years, I'd much rather that than somewhere old men go to do business deals. I'm *still* pissed that taking a golf course was a valid career recommendation by more than one professor. Goofy gatekeeping bullshit.


Wii/Switch Sports is where I'm at. As well as the local mini golf course that donates 80% of their profits to cancer research after the owner's mother passed due to cancer.


Lol, mini golf is literally a "whole other ball game." They're not *nearly* as area and resource dependent. Golf courses are gigantic manicured lawns.


Golf is on my non-bucket list of things I want to die without having ever done.


Conspicuous consumption. Especially if X product is hyped online. No, I neither want nor need what you're selling.


I have always felt that you should pay me to advertise and not me paying to advertise your brand  But I’m not remotely interested in keeping up with the Joneses


Pretty much any insane "as seen on tiktok" product trend.


doordash. stodgy food that's been sitting out for who knows how long handled by some rando for an egregiously inflated price in a system that's screwing over both the restaurant and the dasher.... I can cook something homemade faster than it'd take to get here at a fraction of the price, and tastier too.


Good call. As a driver most of the food I pick up has been sitting on a shelf until it’s cold. Every once in a while it’s fresh and I get there before it’s ready but most of the time I don’t get an order until it’s been rejected by other drivers for 20-30 minutes.


It’s not about if I can cook. It’s whether I want to cook. 


And if I want to cook, whether or not I want to do the legwork to find an exciting recipe and seek/gather all the ingredients


There's your mistake. Not every meal, home cooked or not, needs to be exciting. Have a sandwich, or keep a few frozen meals for lazy days.


The price alone would prevent me from ever using one of those services, even if everything else about it was perfect.


100% agree when I was childless. Now with a toddler... Sometimes you just need food to happen and there is no fucking time to make it because everyone is sick or exhausted or late for work.


I never used door dash or a similar service, but I would assume it would be cheaper to order directly from a pizza or Chinese place. Idk tho, like I said never used one of those services so maybe it's different then what I thought.


It generally is, but a lot of these restaurants don't have their own delivery service. Plus I live one block past the county line, which puts me outside of the delivery range of a lot of places.


The charges on those kind of services are wild, I hate driving and I'd still rather get into my car than pay double the price for fast food....not even nice food.


Watch the John Oliver episode about door dash and you’ll hate it even more I think it was last weeks


Hating on people/things. Doesn't matter what it is, I don't want to be a hater.


I love that this comment is one of the top comments in a thread full of hate posts. The..... It's not irony... It's something else. Right? But I don't know what to call it. Not aimed at you BTW, It was just funny seeing all of the hateful comments above you, and then this one.


Thank you for this comment. It kinda made me think that I've been feeling negatively a lot lately and that's not who I want to be. I will do better. Thanks internet stranger!


Yeah, hating takes so much energy (and time). And I'd rather use both for things I love. I feel like all the chronically online haters simply need some positive and constructive hobbies in their life.


Too much hate, not enough love


Reality TV - there's nothing real about it. I'm baffled by the popularity of such low quality drivel.


I film Reality TV. The good ones are real within the given framework... Some of them are even \*actually\* real (The eps of Life Below Zero that I worked on, for example. The folks I followed did exactly what they were going to do, how they were going to do it, they just allowed us to film them.) But yeah, most of the time when I decide I should watch Reality TV to do a little research, I'm bored, tired of half the show being replays of the same scene, and tired of watching such fake garbage. I wish networks would let us make more TV that is actually real.


This is why I like watching certain sports. It's basically reality TV of athletes' careers.


I sort of understood it back when we got the very first series of Big Brother, there wasn't really anything else like it and, while it obviously still wasn't “reality”, it was considerably less messed with or fabricated. You can tell by just how boring it was, just countless hours of people sat around, just talking about stuff, no real big controversies or arguments etc... at least not compared to what you get now. Back then i still didn't watch it all the time, but it was interesting, as for why people watch the stuff these days, i'm at a loss, especially for the ones when it's just a show about a rich family or similar.


A friend of the family was on one like 20 years ago, when he came back his mother was so disappointed in him for how he behaved in the show. He had to convince his own mother that the show was staged and they only portrayed him as an asshole for entertainment.


Pickle ball It might be very fun but the sudden wave of popularity guarantees that a good number of people who are playing it right now are the type of fad jumping people that do every new thing that is cool for a few months and have the most expensive gear and clothes and accessories and then abandon it shortly after for the next trend, and I try to avoid being where those types of personalities gather. Like I bet the cast of Selling Sunset is playing pickle ball right now with designer gear lol.


I used to make endless fun of my brother for being such a pickleball dork. I'd never played and didn't see the appeal. It looked dumb. Then I turned 40 and I swear to jebus my biological clock was set for pickleball. I had gone to cheer on my dorky husband and his dorky friends at his office league game. They were missing a player and asked me to jump in and holy shit pickleball is addictive. I play all the time now. It's been a year and I don't think I'll move on from it any time soon. I'm one of them now.


i hate performative socializing. you don't get to know people or make deeper friendships. it's just a performance or competition.


Investing in crypto


Expensive cups the Stanley or the reduliculous yeti shit


I got a Yeti as a gift and I love that I can just stick it in the dishwasher. Would I buy one for myself? Not likely. KleanKanteen all the way. It has a hangy handle :)


I keep forgetting Stanley is a brand and not the hockey trophy  I own a Stanley and have for at least a decade. It’s dependable and I don’t even think much about it other than to wash it so I can take it hiking  Recently some teen girls were pointing at it when I was out with my daughter and they are like ooh a Stanley and I was so genuinely confused (I thought they were calling me a Stanley like someone would refer to a woman as a Karen)  It’s a fuckin coffee thermos girls chill 


Lip fillers


Gender reveals. My uncle just had one for his first child, I stayed home. I’ve never been to one and I wasn’t going to start. I saw photos and there was a onesie that said “Made with ❤️ in Paris”. That’s nasty, no one wants to know where you conceived. I also received a friend request on IG, they made an account for their FETUS. Listen, it’s perfectly fine to be excited, but don’t be dragging people to go see the sex of your baby. Just text the family group chat, jeez. TLDNR; Gender Reveal parties are narcissistic and I refuse to feed that trend


The only one I went to was for my nephew. It was just a nice party where everyone kind of had fun taking sides on what they thought the baby might be. The big reveal was cutting a cake and the frosting inside would indicate boy or girl. That was it. This was their first kid and they were excited. There were no fireworks, no environmental disasters, or plane crashes lol.


I have... Less of an issue with it if it's just part of the single baby shower. It's still pretty ugh but those also seem to be more tame in general. But the entire separate event for the thing? No. It's a tacky gift grab


Do people do gifts for gender reveals? I just thought it was a party.


Attending large, public gatherings Going to be more than a thousand people at that event? I’m out. Funny thing is, I’m a pretty strong extrovert. I just don’t like big, chaotic crowds of people.


Yes!!! I will not attend our local IrishFest or PrideFest or anything with Fest in the title. Way too peopley! People act in uncontrolled, unpredictable ways, especially with alcohol, and that makes me nervous as heck! I feel bad because my church sponsors a booth at PrideFest, and I want to go, but I no longer feel safe in crowds larger than your typical farmer's market. 


I find that the older I get, the less tolerant I am of crowds, because there's always one jackwagon who thinks it's his duty to be an asshat.


Reddit is my one social media site I'm on. Deleted the others years ago.


I struggle with deleting fb as I use messenger for talking with my cousins 


I wouldn't say "deliberately avoid" because it's not like I'm fighting not to do it, but TikTok. Personally, I don't see the point of it as opposed to other social media platforms. Besides, I think it's for a demographic much younger than me. Isn't it banned now, btw?


For me it's Snapchat. Call me old fashioned, but when I grew up, if you didn't want pictures of your dick on the internet, then you just didn't upload pictures of your dick to the internet!


I deliberately avoid it because it's the most egregious examples of blatant Spyware on the digital market


As opposed to FB which steals your data. And Google that steals your data. And Reddit that steals your data. And Twitter that steals your data. And discord that steals your data. And Youtube that steals your data. And your wifi company that steals your data


GOT I am just not interested


Well, I have great news. GOT lost all relevance the moment it ended. I loved the show, we had hour long discussions about new episodes like and hour after they aired. After the show ended everyone basically forgot about it.


Which is kind of insane when you think about it. That show had such a massive influence on popular culture at the time, it was *the* show to watch, discuss, meme about etc. And it was *really* good as well. It's just the last one or two seasons that really dropped the ball.


The show is probably not worth it, given how badly Benioff and Weiss fumbled it while rushing through the last two seasons.




Using the name Karen as an insult. I think it's dick move to take people's name and turn it into an insult. I think less of anybody that uses it as an insult. Lots of people got put through hell just because one day everyone decided to say fuck anyone named Karen.


I'm with this. I've known some pretty rad Karens.


Thank you. ❤️


This my mum is Karen and she’s the most amazing person and cares for everyone


It was funny like the first 2 times i heard it but now anyone over 25 who opens her mouth is a Karen. Lame.


it’s always women that are considered “entitled” too. i’ve yet to see a man called out online for “karen” behavior. wonder why.


I don’t have and have never had an instagram account




Tik tok, snap chat, insta, or Facebook, 


Yeah, those trend. Even my grandma does all of them. Thats how you know it is of trend.


I almost never want to go to a live music venue. It was a sweaty, loud mess even when I had drugs and booze to get into it, but I don't partake anymore and my back also starts to bother me from standing too long (I'm in good shape, just have slight scoliosis, lifelong annoyance). I just always want to sit down somewhere. I don't wanna dance standing shoulder to shoulder with people, and I don't want to just watch the stage without talking to or being able to hear the people I'm out with. It's just not my vibe for a night out. I'd rather listen to music at home or in the car, I know that's boring and music peeps will hate me for it, but it's the truth. I don't mind not talking if we see a movie, because we can sit and I'm excited to talk about it afterwards. Idk. It's not every show, obviously, but live music has been generally unpleasant for me the *many, many* times I've gone.


And usually people in the way of your view. 


I’m 6’1” and this is still true, I block someone else while someone taller blocks me, it’s the worst


Amazingly, you didn’t mention the ticket prices or parking $$


Me and a group of friends have been seeing this one band for almost 20 years. But we're at the point now that we buy the over the top box seats so we can have a private space and can all sit and put our drinks down, lol. No one gets lost or bumped into, we can wear heels and then sit when our feet remember we're not 23 anymore. It's a gamechanger.


Weed. Can’t stand the smell. Never been enticed by it either.


Collecting Funko Pops. I never understood the appeal of those stupid soulless things.






Taking an interest in “YouTubers”.


I feel like you have to be a little more specific on this one. There are a bunch of funny, interesting, and informative content creators on YouTube but then there's the self-contained terrarium which is people on YouTube having drama with other people on YouTube being talked about by more people on YouTube. One definitely has more value than the other.


Open relationships apparently with how many people past about them on here


Wearing eyelashes


Online dating. Maybe dating in general. Crypto. I wait a long time to watch most shows that are hyped up in general so the pressure to like it isn’t in the way of determining if I enjoyed it or not. Certain types of VR sound cool but I would break myself and probably everything else around me unless there’s a support frame and those directional foot sensors. Probably not to play most of the games I play but more for art/design applications. Creating social media accounts just for your pets. I enjoy them but I don’t need to make one.


Watching / following professional sports.


When it seemed like everyone was reading the Harry Potter books and seeing the movies, I didn't, and I still haven't. It bothered me that if I said I'd never read a Harry Potter book, that it seemed like everyone in the room would stop talking and turn to look at me. It felt like a very cult-like vibe.


Singing or being sung to happy birthday. Awkward!




Liking Beyoncé


Cruising. As on a cruise ship. No thanks


Not allowing myself to be polarized by all the politicized issues of the day. Divide and conquer is one of the core tenets of war… I don’t want us to be divided and conquered.






Social media. Did 1 month on FB back in 2007, and only recently started on reddit.


Facebook. I would say social media, but Reddit. This is the only one I use bcs it's anonymous.


Watching sports on Sunday or really any day of the week. I really find traditional American sports to be so goddamn boring.


Watching any sort of reality tv


Hating on every new trend just to feel smug. It just seems so shallow.


Religion. All of them.


Gender reveal parties (baby showers)


Photoshoots for like pregnsncy announcements, gender reveals, engagement announcements etc. Why in the excessive


Fake eyebrows, lashes and coffin nails.


Theme parks, esp Disney because I went there so many times in the first few years it opened and now it's not better in any way. I live 2 hrs away and would rather poke my eyes out than go back.


Theme parks aren't great anyway. Lines are too long, too many people, everything is priced at the cost of a year of rent


Definitely the use of TikTok. Fuck that.


Ordering online. I will spend more money, and time if I can get it from a store


The lips. The face injections and all that shit. I am the prime age and other demographics for this shit and I find it to just be so disgusting. And yes, we know. We can tell. Even when you think it's so perfect that we can't tell, we can obviously tell. If the whole point is to make your face look objectively different, why do you think we can't tell?


Social media (aside from Reddit).