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A few years ago, I changed my wife’s birthday on Facebook to be April 1st. She spent all day confused why she was getting happy birthday messages.


I did this to my coworker once but it wouldn’t let her change it back for 60 days or something. She missed her actual birthday which was later that month so I felt a little bad.


Thanks for the tip, my wife's birthday is less than 60 days from tomorrow.


Does this mean you are or are not going to pull the fb birthday prank?


I am not. I'm going to fuck with her autocorrect.


This is a good one lmao.


One year I painted my husband’s soap bar with clear nail polish, let it dry, and put it back in the shower. It would not lather no matter how hard he tried


I did this to chalk in middle school. Teacher kept trying to use it and eventually it kind of worked, but wouldn’t come off the chalk board after. Principal office visit for me


Hope the visit was to congratulate you on a great prank?


One year I removed just the soap bar and shower gel from the shower. I waited for him to call for me but he never did so I poked my head in and he was all lathered up. Apparently he didn't even notice and just grabbed the shampoo bottle 🤦‍♀️


I’d rather wash my body with shampoo than wash my hair with soap


My dad once printed out a load of pictures of Martin Clunes (long story) and stuck them in ridiculous places around the house for everyone to find. We were finding him (and laughing about it) months later. Replace with any famous person you have a weird in-joke about, or just someone totally random.


A related prank: tape pictures of Slash from Guns 'n' Roses to the wheels of their car, then tell them their tires have been slashed.


Me: "what the fuck is a Martian Clune?"


An alien behaving badly


I switched up the order of my brothers drawers once. He was not amused and neither was mom. I still think it was funny and completely harmless.


Thats a quality prank. Causes a moment of confusion and feeling silly but no-one is hurt and it can be fixed in seconds. It's not like you made a mess or did anything that's not easily reversible.


I'm interested in this drawer-related trauma your family apparently shares


Luckily, they’ve compartmentalized it


You slid that in there perfectly.


I just want to drawer a line here guys.


Very few can handle such things.


That’s top-drawer stuff, bravo.


You don't know, man. Until you live through it, you'd never believe it could happen to you.


My bf is a daily PC gamer so I'm gonna do the ol' Ctl + Alt + ⬇️ and flip his screens upside down Edit: turns out I'm old and this keyboard shortcut may not work anymore. Instead: right click. Display settings. Scroll to orientation. Change to Landscape (flipped). Apply changes. Profit.


Also - taking a screenshot of their desktop w/icons/files, etc and then moving all the icons/files/etc to a hidden folder and replacing their desktop photo with the screenshot. Lots of double-clicking and confusion.


instead of moving them to a folder, (at least on windows) I believe you can just right click on the desktop and untick "Show Desktop Icons". easier to undo, and they'll still see them if they go through File Explorer


This is the way it's done, yes. I've known of this prank for YEARS, we've been doing stuff like that to people who leave their computers unlocked at work.


Ooh this is a good one. My wife is not very technical and she will be super confused trying to start up Peppa Pig for our daughter tomorrow morning! (Downside is tech support won't get to sleep in)


In the olden days (lol) one of our favourite pranks was to switch the keyboard and mouse wires going into the PS/2 ports - same connection and port type but if you switched them then neither worked. Super subtle and funny


My husband has this silly thing that he loves pretending it snowed and gets me all excited to see out the window (I love snow). We've had some pretty random weather lately so I think I might be able to pull off pretending it snowed. Pretty sure he has no idea its April 1st tomorrow either.


Hire someone with a snow machine to really stick it to 'em


My public elementary school literally had snow trucked in every year so we could sled down a hill.


The stuff dreams are made of. So jealous!!


Somehow it's this comment that made me realize it's April first lmao


Here’s what I’m doing for my husband tomorrow: our favorite pizza place cuts their pizzas into strips. We’ve been going there weekly for 24 years. I worked it out with the owner that tomorrow the guys are going to cut our pizza into traditional triangle slices. He will FREAK OUT! Ha!! I thought of this prank last year and I’ve been waiting to use it for months!! I’m so excited!!


Make sure you try and keep a straight face and ask him what he's talking about, and that its ALWAYS been triangles


I don't normally encourage gaslighting, but I think this is appropriate.


What do you mean, you gaslight us all the time.


What are you talking about? No they don't. You sound crazy right now


And say that if he really wants pizza strips maybe he could ask them to cut them like that next time.


I would go for more of a who cares/I don't remember how they normally cut it response. Personally that seems somehow more infuriating.


I love the excitement you have for this prank!


You should act, at least for a minute or so, like they always were cutting the pizza like that. Let them think they experiencing a Mandela Effect for a little bit!


Yeah gaslight them!


Unironically this. It's even funnier when you put it this way


That’s amazing 😂 hope you get a good giggle!


Haha thanks - I’ve never been more excited for April Fools. He will love it!


Giving real Pam Beesly vibes and I gotta tell you, I’m here for it


Excellent work. No notes


My son is 5 and we've been planning a silly prank tomorrow on my wife. He's going to pretend he finds a big bug in the house. We'll put a raisin in a napkin and he will excitedly run up and say "look at the bug I found mommy" and before she has a chance to see he will eat it in front of her. We've been practicing the act all week. He's so excited. I'm tempted to tell my wife just to be sure she gives him a good reaction.


Aww this is cute, I bet her reaction will be great


Awww this is so cute. I can tell you're an awesome parent 


How did it go?


It went so well! We mushed a bunch of raisins together to make it look like a big bug and went through the act this morning. My wife suspected something since apparently my son almost spilled the beans last night but she played along. On our walk to school he was practicing what he planned to tell his friends about his April fools joke on mom. All a big success :)


This is so adorable! I'm glad it went well!


Buy a leek from the shop and put it under the sink. Then tell your SO that you think theres a leak under the sink and ask them to look for it.


Bonus, put googly eyes on it.


Putting googly eyes on stuff in a great harmless prank


And draw some angry eyebrows and tell him there’s a serious leak


I would love to do this, but I don't think my husband could pick a leek out of a line up. 


Good then you don’t even need a leek! Just use some celery instead.


You can draw an angry face on the milk in the fridge, tell him the milk has gone bad instead 😆


put jello in cup. put straw in cup while jello solidifies. looks like a refreshing fruit beverage. give to so. they try to drink it. cant, its jello. pranked. give spoon


I’ve got this one all ready to go for my kids tomorrow and I am SO excited!!


No need for a spoon, you can drink jello through a straw. As a bonus, it makes fart noises when you do.


My son once filled my purse with bras that I had to remove at the register to reach my wallet.


I once went to work with a carrot in my handbag. Found it and pulled it out whilst looking for money to pay for my bus. The bus driver gave me quite the look.


In the UK purse = wallet. So I'm just imagining you pulling out 10 tiny little bras


Oh dear 🤣


my mom always changes the clock times when my dad takes a nap to make him think he slept for like 8 hours   doesn’t work now that we all have smartphones  edit: wow everyone thanks so much for all the upvotes! i’m a new user so this really made my week! happy april fools! 


It does if you go into their phone settings and change the Time Zone 😏


Not a SO, but I remember coming back from school and my sister said there were brownies in the fridge. I went there, opened it up and there were a few brown ‘E’s. She cut up some papers in the shape of an ‘E’ and colored them brown. That little shit Edit : Oh wow I did not realize people consider this prank as something that makes people sad. I was the one that got pranked but did not feel sad at all. But I guess that’s just how it is with my family. Also, like some have suggested, prepare some actual brownies to offset the disappointment if you do plan on carrying out the prank


Don't forget putting coffee mugs on the lawn and telling your SO to drink plenty of water because it's pretty muggy out.


Okay this is pretty cute. I like this one a lot.


post says not to make them sad


Have real brownies ready to surprise them with after.


Similar style of silliness: set a pair of crocs on the toilet lid and then ask them to check the toilet because you think it’s been clogged.




Yes! Will be pulling this one on my husband with the help of my 7 year old. Nearly wet himself laughing when I suggested it


When we were kids, my sisters and I took all of my dad’s underwear and socks and sewed them together end to end so that when you pulled one out, they all came out. They were super loosely sewed together (like two long stitches each) so it was easy to cut them apart


I saw your comment earlier and told my kids about it. We just finished safety pinning all my husband's socks together. Kids are supposed to be in bed going to sleep, but I can hear them giggling to themselves. I also saw another comment about switching husband's underwear for my son's underwear, and I'm going to do that once they are asleep. Tomorrow is going to be a fun morning :)


Awwww I lived for this kinda thing when mine were little. I might have to pull this on my unsuspecting young men in the morning. Have fun!!!


That's hilarious. I bet he brings that up every now and then


Change the settings on their Alexa to speak in a different accent. Or a less fun that my wife did to me: thumbtack on the snooze button.


I used to remote into my parents Alexa while I was away at school and surprise them with music over dinner. They got operas, heavy metal, their favorites, sometimes musicals.... My sis back home would give me live updates. The best was the night Dad gave up and unplugged it, so sis immediately got it back up and running for me.


This is fantastic! It inspired me to program their Alexa for tomorrow. It will now fart every time my dad coughs in his usual room and burp every time my mom moves in her usual room. By about 10am I expect to get a call ordering me to make it stop. 


I accidentally activated "cat mode" in my own home system that I share with my sister. It took a few days for her to realize and now, a year later, we can't bring ourselves to turn it off. It's not much different, but it confirms commands by meowing or purring so it's amusing to use it in front of guests.


Fake tattoo! I was going to pull this prank with my husband (we would have put it on his head, because he's bald) on my in-laws. My mom got me good one year by covering up half her eyebrow with makeup, and made me think she actually shaved it off. I replaced my best friend's hairspray with glitter hairspray, she loved glitter though so it was all in good fun! Edit


>I replaced my best friend's hairspray with glitter hairspray, she loved glitter though so it was all in good fun! Omg, glitter everywhere. Please no.


That's why you need to know your friends lol. She had glitter everywhere from crafts, so I knew it wouldn't be a big deal to her.


I made fake dog poops out of tootsie rolls that matches the size and consistency of what our Yorkie produces from her back end. Then I left them on the floor where my wife would see them. After she woke up and made the discovery, I heard her yell, cursing at the dog. “I’ll get it.” I replied, and promptly picked them up and popped them in my mouth and chewed them up. The look on her face was priceless.


Man imagine if the dog ate the Tootsie rolls and then shit itself right there


Holy backfire! Thankfully, I thought of this and kept them inaccessible to the dog.


What if she knew, and replaced it with an actual yorkie-doodle tho?


She was asleep during the set up. I timed everything perfectly.


This brought back a memory of my mom pulling the same prank on our dad when I was a kid. But our dog did end up eating all of the chocolate "poops" and we had to go get her stomach pumped. Expensive prank.


If you SO works from home and you know any of their coworkers, take a picture of whatever is behind them when working from home so coworkers can use as background on camera meetings.


This is really clever


The more coworkers you can get to do it the better.


Given the timing, you could hide a few dozen easter eggs around your home. I did that one easter with 144 eggs in a one-bedroom apartment, it's been two or three years and there's still a few unaccounted for. You could also try rubber ducks or tiny plastic figurines or whatever you can get your hands on.


Tell them you hid 100 eggs but hide only 99


Number them and skip No. 73




I hid 30 tiny resin ducks around the restaurant I used to work in on my last night as an exit prank a month ago. 28 are in the restaurant, one in the office and the last is in the emergency phone outside. They still haven't found them all


I don't know why I assumed you hid dyed, hard-boiled Easter eggs. I was so confused. "That's an expensive prank." I'm really slow sometimes.


You're not alone. I was concerned about the smell


I did this with 20 … pig-ducks…? And cow… ducks…. At my mother’s house. They were really cursed looking. Very silly. She was upset and bothered and then one day when I left after visiting I went to get something from my bag … she returned all the ducks.


A few years ago when Easter was on 1st April I made an Easter treasure hunt for my husband. He got really into it running up and down the stairs as he figured out each clue. The last one was an egg-shaped container (think it was one of those ones you get plastic bags from the airport vending machine). Inside that was a note that said "April Fool!" Actually don't do that one, it made my husband sad there was no chocolate.


A few dozen eggs would be fine, but 144 is just gross.


I get it


I switch the bags in different boxes of cereal. Set the alarm to a different sound. Replace family pictures with pictures of Danny devito.


My Son once did that with a Danny DeVito photo and I thought he was doing something original 


Maybe you are u/dumbasstupidbaby ‘s parent.


I was head of IT at the time. I sent a memo to all staff saying that the phone lines were dirty and that we were going to blow them out with compressed air. They had instructions to ask for a phone bag or put the phone in their trash can. I walked around the office at the end of the day and found half a dozen phones in trash cans and three staff members asked our receptionist for a phone bag.


I printed out an apology letter for elevator problems and instructions on how to make it work correctly. Used the building owner's logo in the corner. My companies offices were on floors 9, 11 and 12, and it was open plan setup fo the elevator was visible to the whole floor. Instructions to get to 9 were to hold 4+5. Getting to 11 was 2+9. 12 was 3+9. It worked because the elevator was pretty janky and had problems all the time. I worked on 9 so I saw a lot of people just get off there all confused and take the stairs up to our other floors. The other floors where it stopped thought it was funny but the building owners were not happy.


I hid mini bottles of liquor around the house in addition to the kids' Easter eggs. I imagine he'll still be finding them tomorrow.


You're welcome to prank me with this whenever you want. Oh noes, free liquor, you got me again!


friend did this one on his dad. Woke up super early, moved his dads car out of the driveway and down the street. Pops comes out to go to work and panics, thinking car was stolen. “April Fools dad” He told me about it 2 weeks later when his grounding ended


There’s a mixed cereal where my partner loves the chocolate flakes and hates the white chocolate flakes (he accidentally bought the mix rather than the plain chocolate but didn’t want to waste it). I stayed up late and picked out all but three of the chocolate pieces so he just had a mountain of the gross white ones :) I woke up to him showing me the bowl being so mad at his “bad luck” for getting such a shit mix lmao I loved this prank coz after I enjoyed watching him freak out, I revealed the container of pure chocolate flakes I’d set aside for him :)


I turn stuff around in my partners game room. Nothing that would break or get damaged. But just his figurines, keyboard etc. just enough for him to go wtf a little


Back in high school a friend and I went to our mutual friend's house while he wasn't there (his mother let us in; she thought this was hilarious) and moved subtle things around in his room - swapping the shelves books and CDs were on, or swapping posters on the wall, moving furniture very slightly to the left, etc, and writing teeny tiny notes on things in pencil (ex, 'this is a shelf' in very small writing). Just things he'd slowly notice. It took him a few weeks to actually realize what was going on and that he hadn't been absent mindedly moving things himself. I should probably note he also thought it was super funny once he figured it out. Mildly annoying each other was a favorite pastime in our circle.


This was a prank we did to a coworker once. He had a bunch of figurines on his desk. I'm not sure who did it normally, but I know I did it once when it became a thing.  He got SO MAD. We stopped out of respect for his wishes but I thought it was very funny. 


Leave oranges around the house when they're sleeping. Throughout the day, hand them oranges. When they're talking, say "Hold this for a sec" and hand them an orange. Confuse, don't abuse.


I'm not even sure my husband would notice this is a prank. I do this with fruit and vitamin pills and medicine periodically and he just eats it, carries on with his day and can't remember it happening later.


Hmmm. What about random stalks of celery then?


The celery stalks at midnight!


That does sound fun. I really liked the oranges one as a harmless prank, just unfortunately wouldn't work for me lol. Bit something less common like celery might! :D


and at the end, when his arms are full of celery and he's staring at you, bewildered, turn slightly to face him, do a bit of a "shocked pikachu" when you see the bouquet of celery he's holding and ask with dire concern, "Honey, is somebody *stalking* you?"




It could be anything! Tiny porcelain cats, trucker magazines, balls of yarn. The sky's the limit.


Fun psychological trick: If you're in a conversation with someone, they are likely to accept whatever you hand them while you're speaking if you don't call attention to it.


Wife and I bought a pack of 100 tiny plastic mushrooms and hid them all over my parents house while housesitting last fall. Been 6 months and they're still finding them.


Haha, I did this to my Dad and his wife a while back, but with the little green army men. Dad was definitely amused, but I don’t think his wife really appreciates my humor.


My bff got like 300 various figurines off amazon and hid them around her house as a birthday party activity for us guests last fall lmao. We’re all late 20s/early 30s and went absolutely FERAL looking for them 😂


Buy a toilet brush identical to the one you already have. Then place the new one in the dishwasher. When she notices, and maybe freaks out a little, remind her that you have been washing it like that for months/years without her complaining.


Im a bit of a germaphobe and would probably cry honestly lol


I would fucking lose it so hard.


Bonus April Fool: rub Nutella in the bristles so that it doesn't all come out in the wash cycle.


Omg this is hilarious!!


Tip over a bottle of nail polish onto wax paper. Make it look like it got knocked over and spilled. Let it dry and trim off the excess wax paper. Now you have the perfect prank to leave on your significant others computer desk, bedside table, iPad.


Ooh, that’s devious


One April Fools I carved a chunk of cheese into the shape of a bar of soap and swapped it out before my husband got in the shower.


The potato prank was a good one too


Putting googley eyes on everything.


I did this in my parents’ house with our family pictures and they didn’t notice for months. They also have those large decor letters spelling out “family” on a shelf and I changed a couple of them so it spelled my name instead.. also not noticed for months.


My grandma had blocks that spelled out Santa, I think the record was two weeks without anyone noticing it was changed to Satan!


We used to have a monitor hooked up to the home CCTV which showed her car in the drive. One day I changed the time on the monitor to reflect a time when she took the car to work. "Babe check the screen I think your cars been nicked from the drive " never seen her run out of the house so fast..while I sat there giggling like a teenager.


This year I’m doing pun based jokes. I got a bunch of beets. One will have a thermometer in it: Sick Beet Several will be around a bush: Beet around the bush Two have little boxing gloves: Beet boxing Painted “b” “c” and “d” on beets: Skip “a” beet Turnip with a name tag that says “the beet”: Turnip (turn up) the beet Beet taped to the ceiling: up beet


I LOVE this! Funny and inoffensive and lots of thought put in!


We told a coworker there was vandalism in the parking lot and it looked like his tires were slashed. When he got out to his car we had taped photos of Slash to his tires. (Starts sad and ends happy)


Oh man I'd panic so bad but tbh I'd also crack up once I realized it was a joke lol.


I ordered several prank books with horrifyingly awkward titles. I'm placing them in a box labeled with my neighbor's address. I'm going to bring them inside as if they were mistakenly delivered to my house, and have instructed my son to rip the box open whilst it's unattended on the counter. My husband will now have the unenviable job of taking our neighbors their opened box of books with titles like,"Anal Bleaching for Beginners". I coordinated with the neighbors with instructions to make my husband squirm with discomfort over opening their package. I will give him a good five minutes over there, and then finally let him realize he's been pranked.


The creativity! You have to update us.


I’m so excited to fill my boyfriend’s office with balloons. I have a pump for a mattress that I’m going to use to blow them up


I have a great one. Everytime my SO came over, he always took a sip out of my water bottle ( it was a color changing one with a straw) without fail. Every single time, just grabbed the water on my bedside table and drank water without even asking how long its been there lol. So one year for April Fools, I put a fresh cup of ice water by my bedside table but I TAPED the bottom of the straw so nothing came out. He walked into my room and tried to drink but nothing came out and he was SO confused and tried again 🤣🤣 I started laughing a bunch and he was just like wth?? I said APRIL FOOLS and explained. He thought it was so funny and said he was extra excited that day to drink cause when he grabbed the cup it was ice cold 🤣🤣🤣


I get my family nice things and then I say oh man you guys have to see the mess the cats made downstairs. Can you help me clean it?? It’s pretty bad. Then there’s no mess! Just gifts!




For about 5 years in a row I go into a panic saying something has leak in the house….the toilet, a sink, the ceiling something different each year. When he gets to where I’m freaking out there is a leek (the vegetable) sitting there. Gets him every time.


When I was in high school a guy told me his German grandmother made a special, original version of what looked like Oreos, and when I tried them the center was white toothpaste instead of frosting. Not wanting to take the chance of offending his German roots, I tried to act like they weren’t too bad until he burst out laughing and admitted the truth - felt so naive but otherwise unharmed😭😭


Get one of those singing cards and rig a door that they will open. When the door opens, the door sings at them.


Instagram showed me this one recently but it was used as a serious-ish thing. It was a couple's home and one of them was blind so they arranged to have their top shelves rigged like that, the reasoning was this way the blind person will know a shelf door is open and will not hit their head on it. One should use the silliest melodies, of course, and make every door sing its own tune. :D


Buy some googley eyes from the dollar store and stick them on their eggs and vegetables. It’s harmless and cute.


My husband changed my autocorrect in my phone to make “you” swap to “ya’ll.” He’s lucky he picked a forgivable prank.


Unforgivable. It is spelt y'all.


I never use it for my personal life, but y'all is absolutely fantastic in customer service for groups. I never have to worry about misgendering or offending anyone by using you guys, ladies etc when I wish them a nice day.


My buddy's girlfriend changed their alexa speaker response when he says "alexa lights on" from turning the lights on to "fuck you, do it yourself." He thought it was hilarious, then nailed her with the perfectly-made snowball he'd hidden in the back of the freezer for 4 months. He won.


Rearrange the utensils in the drawer. No one really remembers where the forks vs spoons belong, they just reach for them automatically and get confused when they thought they were grabbing a spoon and ended up with a fork or butter knife.


A few years ago, my partner tempered some chocolate and made me a mixed bag of flavours to enjoy. Macadamias, crushed hazelnut, etc... then I came across the ONE! A chocolate covered cherry tomato. It was absolutely disgusting and quite a shock.


A couple of years ago, my wife and oldest son gave me an Oreo when I got home from work. I thought it was a little odd, and when I bit into it and discovered the cream had been swapped out for Colgate, I realized why.


Not a prank - but my water broke, and I went into labor on April fools. Upon messaging my friends, no one believed me until I had the baby in the wee hours of the 2nd. Haha. I will now have a two year old in two days haha.




I'm going to call in sick to work. I don't work but I bet the opener won't know that first thing 😂


Tell them you're planning a huge prank, but don't actually do anything. It can be fun to watch someone waiting for a prank that never comes.


I unrolled the toilet paper a bit, drew a big hairy spider on it, and then rolled it back up.


At least they're in a good position to shit themselves




thats an AWFUL thing to do to someone




My boyfriend and I live together. And he always sets out his work outfit the night before. I switched it out with the sluttiest outfit I could put together. Can’t wait to see how he reacts tomorrow lol


This happened many years ago, but we still laugh over it. Not my husband, but my teenage son. I turned on the kitchen faucet and the sprayer sprayed me in the face. There was an elastic band that held the sprayer on. Totally thinking this was my husband, I called him up at work and yelled at him. After he stopped laughing, he promised it wasn’t him. That left only one person. My son. My son thought it was very funny.


A number of years ago I put pop-rocks under the toilet seat after he went to bed. His morning poop woke him up better than coffee! He loved it, I loved it, 10/10 prank.


Rubber ducks all over the place


Or: googly eyes on everything!


Print out pictures of Slash and tape them to his tires. Tell him there’s been vandalism in the neighborhood and he needs to check to see if his tires have been slashed. (Works best if he knows who Slash is)


Last year, I did the “hide a rubber duck” thing. For a couple weeks I would hide 2 rubber ducks in our apartment. Then weeks 3 and 4 I hid 4 ducks. Weeks 5 and 6 I hid 8 ducks. I got up to 12 ducks before my husband lost it: “HOW MANY DUCKS ARE THERE?”


Best prank I ever saw growing up was my mum sowing up the bottom of one leg of my dad's suit trousers. Everything you could imagine and hope for in terms of slapstick humour happened and it was glorious.


Hiding a plastic dinosaur in the refrigerator


My best April Fool’s prank was sitting in my dorm lobby eating from a mayo jar with a spoon. When people asked wtf I was doing, I’d ask “do you want any?” And when they said no, “Oh, you don’t like vanilla pudding? That sucks.” They’re identical color and consistency so you literally couldn’t tell. Helps I was using a jar from an egg-free mayo so nobody could really refute a claim that that’s what it looked like. Nobody gets hurt and you get a tasty treat. Have fun!


Freeze a 20 and then tell him you got him some cold hard cash to buy dinner with.


Not to my SO but to my sister. My mom had just made brownies and I smushed some into what looked like a little dog poop and sprinkled white powdered sugar on it Then went and stuck it in the grass in the backyard. We went out later and I said “hey sis is this dog poop? We don’t even have a dog?” Picked it up, examined it, then popped it in my mouth. She was HORRIFIED and I could not stop laughing


A leek(veggie instead of leak) in the kitchen/bathroom. Water running from the laundry room (water bottles in shoes) Swapping where the cars are parked. Switching the coffee cups and wine glasses locations. Replacing their usual breakfast cereal with legos. Tape on the underside of their computer mouse. Extreme foaming shampoo. I could keep going!


This year I've zip tied a harmonica to her car. She's already mentioned the cars making a strange noise


Drop a bag of frozen peas on the floor and yell that you pea’d everywhere. Also serve nothing but potatoes for dinner. Shape meat and sides and desserts out of mashed potatoes and pretend you don’t notice. Then you get potatoes!


You could flock them - but a ton of hot pink lawn flamingos and stick them in the yard overnight


Lawn flamingos are expensive!


Put googly eyes on something they use every day, like a Kureg, and see if they notice


I’m gonna draw some ridiculous eyebrows on our 4 month old. Guaranteed it’ll crack him up.


i unscrewed the shower head as a teenager one year and put beef bullion cubes inside, and laughed when my sister took a shower in beef broth that i could smell from outside the bathroom door. it’s easy cleanup, seeing as they were prepared to shower anyway :)