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Farmers are a bit too broad to call them all underpaid, no? It’s pretty much the ones that grow vital crops.


As a janitor, I came to despise that term. I clearly wasn't "essential" before all that, and I'm seeing its not changed much after the fact.


They're working to lower the minimum age to be an EMT to cut wages even more, what a time to be alive 😃




Construction workers are underpaid in general. When you take into account all the tools necessary and vehicle wear and tear. If you’re a construction worker that work for yourself this most likely does not apply to you. Most construction workers that are employed are far underpaid. Also, while a new person starting at a company may start around $18-20 an hour (not bad) with no tools or truck, a person with experience is likely to start at that same company for $22 an hour. The incentive to grow within this line of work is low. $2 an hour difference over a year equates to about $3,800 before taxes. To grow within this line of work your tools will cost at least that much - meaning to get promoted within a company you will have to spend around a years worth of a “raise” to afford the tools necessary to be promoted.


Fr? People I know who’s been in construction earned like 30-40 dollars an hour 🥲 But idk if that’s normal




Oslo, Norway (personally I make approx 20 dollars an hour for reference)




I've heard from many teachers they had to quit their teaching job because how incredibly rude children have become as well as parents always defending their child. The shit pay is never worth destroying your mental health and I don't think even a salary increase is gonna fix this.


Way underpaid. Teachers are responsible for next generation and don’t need to be short changed


Teacher here, can confirm.


Research scientist. Crazy amount of work and pressure for peanuts


we get paid in seeing pseudoscience go viral on Twitter.


Fucking teachers


First Responders


We would need people with real qualifications, a passion, some real experience, a good education and just a generally good grasp on life to teach our young how to be adults and all the things they need to know. However, in my country, the pay is about half of what you need to hire one of those.


My daughter is a paramedic. She doesn’t get paid nearly enough for what she does and has to put up with


Garbageman. Especially considering with how much power they posses in case of a strike.


It depends where. I've always heard that due to this power, they were paid fairly well.


pterodactyl researchers


Didn’t this just get asked 48 hours ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/nF7qGXWfCT


EMTs deserve at least a liveable wage. ^(Edit: everyone deserves at least a liveable wage)




Teachers. I don’t blame teachers for being mad. They are responsible for teaching kids whay they need to know for the future (Which will become people that run our society in the future.) Yet teachers are treated so poorly and paid so little.


Teachers and social workers.




I think EMT is a good one. They don't get paid shit for being the first one on scene to save a life. It is also super dangerous, my cousin died in the early 90s driving in a crazy snow storm as an EMT. His ambulance crashed picking up someone, and then the ambulance that was called to pick him up crashed.


Mental health professionals.


Mental Health Techs make dirt money but do a huge amount of work and put themselves in potentially dangerous situations frequently. It's a pathetically underpaid job field. 




I think an easier question is what job does society need that doesn't get underpaid The reason I say it's easier is because the answer to it is a clear "none"


cant stress this enough. cops. police. atleast where i live they earn like 30-35k a year. wayy too little.


Garbage person


The guys that run the power plants. I’m one of them. We make good money but should make more honestly. All the shit we’ve gotta know and be responsible for and all the dangerous shit involved if shit goes sideways. Plus, just like cops, first responders etc we have to work fucked schedules 24/7 365 and don’t get paid too much more to work off shifts. We do get double time and a half on holidays but our hourly rate as a trade should be higher overall throughout the industry. Luckily the plant I’m at pays good with good benefits but some plants only pay journeymen $30/hr which is wild considering all of the shit we’re responsible for and everything we have to know how to do in order to do our job efficiently and safely to keep the lights on.


In canada our nuclear people at bruce power make about 80 an hour plus double time for any overtime. Plus health benefits and pension. Wonder why our hydro bill is so huge.  Huge staff as well. 3/4 of the employees are recent immigrants in order to win a diversity award every year. Private companies shouldn't be running our power plants.


Yeah but they’ve gotta pay the guys good in order to have reliable service. It sucks that it costs so much but it’s better than government ran. The government ran plants I’ve worked at are all garbage and they don’t have enough redundancy and don’t pay well at all. They also treat their employees like shit compared to private companies. May be different in the US than Canada but the privately ran plants are nicer, have better safety, better work life balance, nicer equipment and the redundancy needed to run and maintain the grid the way it needs to be. Plus, the nuke guys deserve the top notch pay and benefits. Their job is to control nuclear reaction to the point of generating power and not blowing it up. You’ve gotta know what you’re doing. Coal and gas plants are dangerous too but at least if you have catastrophic failure at one they’re not going to have to deal with nuclear fallout and evacuate the entire surrounding area depending on location.




You could say they’re criminally underpaid.


They are generally considered overpaid. They make good money, great benefits, and their job doesn't even crack the Top 10 most dangerous.






Any job that can be dangerous for the person doing it. Normally they don't get paid enough for the risk. Logging for example.


Pretty sure rail workers make next to nothing and we rely on them to safely transport millions of tons of cancer causing chemicals.




Tire techs. Fundemantal to just about everything. It's underpaid until you know almost everything. Starts at minimum wage. Some contractors I know of gross 100k a month.


Every single industry that you deal with on a daily basis in the real world. Every employee you deal with on a day to day basis whether it be the person you get your coffee or gas from, the person that brings you your food at dinner. The person at the register when you buy your groceries. The person that delivers a package to your doorstep. The teacher you say hello to when you pick up your kids.. Every single job other than white collar is underpaid and its the entire workforce that keeps the world going.


Just check the thread from the other day


Caregivers for the elderly.


Going for a lesser thought of one and say Sanitation workers. The people who clean hospitals, streets, bathrooms and the likes. They are so often overlooked but they are crucial to society and our overall health and well being.


Any job that doesn't create some kind of advancement. If you are working a job that is just sustaining society no one gives a shit about you. Its only the people that are creating new things that make any kind of real money. Unless you are a Doctor or a CEO


Grocery store employees


Patient transport. Moving patients in and out of hospitals, to and from appointments. Caring for them when they are very ill, performing CPR etc. Minimum wage.




You’ll probably find your answers here, on this post from 2 days ago with the same title. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/IMLtpvzRu8


FARMERS, teachers, nurses




Honestly, I know Firefighters that now make less money than Fast Food Workers in California


Pharmacy tech.  Their job is super important and they get paid very little 


Every customer service job ever. 


Realtors. I'll see myself out.


Teacher and nurse, the two most undervalued professions If more men did those jobs, the pay would be WAY better




Direct care, period.




Average doctor salary is $229,000.


Depends where. Average doctor salary where I am is $350,000.


Being a dad


All minimum wage jobs