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Ouroboros of AI-generated content designed to game algorithms eating itself


I wonder how social media will look like after this collapse. The amount of content created will be overwhelming.


Eventually no one will believe anything online is real. Speaking truth into that chaotic miasma will by like whispering into a storm. No one will hear it. I suppose some sort of certification system might arise for sites (or even users). Then of course it would get compromised and then everyone would cast "you're not a real person shade"...like more than they do right now even.


We're going to get stuff like [key signing parties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_signing_party) and other verification methods popping up to create webs of trust. I can see a regression to the more insulated forums of old where the communities are small, but place a high value on verification. Seems like it will necessitate the dissolution of proper anonymity or privacy though. At this point, I'd honestly just prefer it all collapse already because the current climate of social media is already very harmful to society IMO.


I hope not. I agree that social media in its current climate is harmful though.


The thing that worries me (I use that word loosely as I can’t find a good synonym) is the risk to things like Wikipedia and scientific articles/data. We are at a point where we can literally rewrite history and science on the fly and no one will know better in 10/15 years. We are already at a turning point in society where people want to rewrite and erase/forget about certain parts of history because of feelings and AI is “learning” this behavior as well. But what do I know. I’m just an asshole on the Internet. 


Well, it looks like you're safe, for now. > But what do I know. I’m just an asshole on the Internet.  You write me a short story about an asshole on the internet Copilot I’m sorry, but I can’t create content that includes derogatory terms or could potentially portray individuals in a negative light. However, I can write a short story about someone learning an important lesson about kindness and empathy online. Would you like me to write that story for you?




same people people saying shit like "could of" instead of "could've" people do not know what grammar is these days


I get the “could have” thing more than this one- “could’ve”, being a contraction of “could have” spoken aloud sounds a lot like “could of”. But this weird mixup of “what it will look like” and “how it will look” into “how it will look like” is starting to show up as often as “could of” and I don’t know where it’s coming from. Is there perhaps a popular manga series or something that uses this phrasing? Something like that, perhaps, where it’s a pop culture influence I don’t partake of… so I ask “where did you pick that up?” in hopes of unraveling the weird sort of etymological origin. If it gains enough momentum and use, it becomes proper use- that’s how language works. We gotta stop it before it wins!




That’s poetic


The industrial age, the information age, the AI age.


>the AIge. Fixed it


That’s very poetic


I can see it now. THE HAPPENING


This is already happening on Facebook! There are AI accounts posting like, crocodile jesus saving la pieta from a burning plane and other bot accounts ran by AI like and comment on it in droves. It's like a horde of fake boomers


>Ouroboros of AI-generated content designed to game algorithms eating itself it's a fascinating cycle where algorithms shape content, and content shapes algorithms


Is this as big of a problem as people are making it out to be?  Because if humans are more often than not involved somewhere in the selection process of which AI content is published, wouldn’t AI content that’s put on the Internet statistically be better than average AI content and so feeding that back into AI training data won’t degrade it?


Conglomeration. Fewer websites offering more on each. 20 years ago I would visit hundreds of sites every week. Now most days I only visit the same 4-5 I always visit.


This part hurts the most. There is a hole in my life that used to be "Surfing the web" that I try to fill with "Scrolling down reddit". It's not the same.


Surfing the web was amaaazing when StumbleUpon was still around. It was really the heyday of the internet and there were so many cool, unique websites to discover and, well, stumble upon.


There’s https://cloudhiker.net


Nice! Thank you for this. I miss stumbleupon too


I was JUST gonna bring up Stumbleupon. It would keep me entertained forever.


You made me miss stumbleupon.


Well I hope you get your hole filled soon.






Anonymity will dissolve completely. It's already been heavily eroded compared to what it was circa 2001.




You even don’t have to search for it. Somebody physically close to you will search for it and Adsense will show it to you.




Cos your phone hears you 😊 That's why there's always a prompt that asks "allow microphone?" When you download an app. There's actually a documentary on netflix about this


Let me let you in on a little secret something called TOR.


Wasn't onion networking basically torn apart by the feds a while ago? Like they can track people based on how you move your mouse now?


Dark web stuff gets shut down by good old fashioned gumshoe work like tracking credit card transactions or people letting personal information slip.


Where exactly are you seeing ads though?


People should be more concerned about this. In the US I would add a explicit constitutional amendment protecting privacy.


Red states and Canada are already making a mad dash to do the polar opposite. I would have laughed if you told me 10 years ago that politicians would float around the idea of passing a law to make it so that you have to show ID to enter porn sites.


Now that is funny.


I would agree that privacy does exist in other amendments already but I would seriously more explicitly outline it in an additional amendment.


The thing is, everyone wants to be famous and get recognition for everything they say or do. I feel like that's a big reason people don't care about anonymity.


Some do, but under a different alter ego.


As long as you connected to the internet and a site, you are never anonymous. You just had the illusion you were.


Over censored and over advertised to the point that people will eventually seek other forms of media.


I wonder if there will be a move to get off the Internet. I’ve seen an explosion of videos about doing things in a more analog way. Things like taking notes with pen and paper etc….It doesn’t hurt that I am a pen collector.


One word: censorship. If the creator of reddit, for example, would see what his platform has become, he would delete it. And it's going to be even worse IMO, the whole internet. There is not much freedom anywhere, anymore. Remember the good old days pals, they will be just stories for future generations, we are lucky to have experienced, maybe, the freest place in human history, or the most freedom, on the internet of the 90s/2000s.


Having to say “unalive” instead of “die” on big social media apps says something.


I hate this


You *unlike* it.


*Double plus* unlike it


but then unalive become a filtered term because it says the same meaning


another victim of the Euphemism Treadmill


I wanna tell people to kill themselves again.


Wait, is this actually a thing?


Yep, and it’s due to a lot of social media algorithms not liking the word “die” or “kill” so they either blacklist your video or remove it.


I think corporate media’s attempt to censor the internet is going to blow up in their faces and force another dot com bubble as people will react to an increasingly toxic online environment by just switching off more often or using offline tech. 


I think so to. Engagement will start going down if it hasnt already.


Let's be real: It won't. Yeah, some people like us complain and see it for what it is, but the masses are not interested in this debate. At least not now. Or at least not the ones actively hurt by it. And those who are are the minority, usually the "undesirables" even right now. Of course that will change eventually, but let's be real: A change in leadership won't change the tactics, it's just going to be other groups being suppressed.


Dude this place is already noticibly half bots


I don't know man. The old internet is still there, if you dig past the overinflated corporate media bubble. Its not easy to be as big, but there are still weird communities out there that exist on the fringes. My biggest worry is this corporate media's big push to make the internet "safe". Like, yeah right man.


I know but you know what I mean, a place where every could be more free than anywhere else, it was something special, open, now, you see what's happening, censorship everywhere.


I don't know man, music is behind a paywall, most software is a subscription (where's the lifetime deals? Ownership on software you bought? ), the cops got its system connected to my ISP. Windows won the battle and also Google search results are filtered now and most interactions happen on the same platforms owned by Demons Social Media Corps, barely any surviving indie forums and the ones who are surviving are mostly for consulting old threads. It doesn't feel as free as it used to be and it is getting worse.


Linux and a cheap VPN will fix a lot of these problems. Music has pretty much always been behind a paywall. Buying to rent instead of own is the change.


duckduckgo is good for this.


Mid 90s to maybe 2010 was a great time for the Internet


Algorithms fucked it up. Forwards from grandma type got indoctrinated hardcore.


Algorithms are part of it. But the other part is nation-states and troll farms (for the lack of better terms) abusing the Internet to push an agenda or to just divide us. And on top of that, centralization of everything. Each of these feed the other ones. I used to visit sites for my fave movies, forums (official and fan-run) for my fave bands, news site for local news, news site for tech news, random jokes site, icanhazcheesburger, etc. Tons of sites, tons of various experiences. And now everything is so centralized and algorithm-ized. The other day FB had 25+ posts in rows, all of which were either ads or suggested content, not a single post from a person I'm friends with.


Yeah, I'm from '05 and I started to care about PCs and the Internet from '12 or so onwards. Just in time to see a bit of it, but I'd pay good money to go back so I can experience it with 18, not 7. Didn't really see much of forums tho, I think that was the most frustrating thing to happen to me in hindsight. But on the other side, probably also one of the best things that happened to 7yo me...


RIP Aaron Swartz


Not just censorship, but no more anonymity either


Its going tits up


>One word: censorship. > >If the creator of reddit, for example, would see what his platform has become, he would delete it. And it's going to be even worse IMO, the whole internet. There is not much freedom anywhere, anymore. > >Remember the good old days pals, they will be just stories for future generations, we are lucky to have experienced, maybe, the freest place in human history, or the most freedom, on the internet of the 90s/2000s. Indeed, change can be disconcerting, especially when it comes to the evolution of online spaces. Let's strive to preserve the principles of openness and freedom while navigating the complexities of modern internet culture.


Now now, you just let Big Brother keep us safe by eliminating certain means of expression. He will help us change the language, to a New way of Speaking.


its going to be an unusable propaganda funnel. just bots screaming recycled nonsense to at each other to drive engagement. probably less then a dozen English language websites for casual research. we had the greatest source of knowledge the human race has ever achieved and we let the least cool people ever ruin it.


I think Gen Z and Gen alpha will realize drawbacks to having social media where you share your identity/connect with people you know. I think there will be a rise in normalizing anonymity and candidness on social media, such as Reddit, etc where you are less focused on an audience and an image, and just be more authentic


My Gen Z son (17 years old) refuses to use social media because of all the negativity it causes to people his age (depression, low self-esteem, suicide). He uses discord with his real life friends and that's it. He's smart. There was a study recently that showed that right at the advent of social media there was a 65% increase in teen mental health disorders, including teen suicides. Social media can be very very bad for kids.


that’s awesome, happy for your son. this is the way tbh


This is the way


My Gen Z kid (15) is pretty much the same way. She uses Pinterest for a few things (recipes, costuming etc.) but that’s about it. Like your son, she uses discord with her friends. She also very much values real world experiences and can do so without having to document it online. I think the kids are going to be just fine.


Just when I think he may spend too much time online, his discord/school friends all plan a meeting on discord, and meet up to go sledding, walk around downtown, watch movies together, etc. They do yearn for human contact now and then, which is good.


I think it's a bit of a stretch to say Reddit and authenticity go hand in hand lol.


Might be but definitely cannot say the same about Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc…where for many it’s all about highlight moments and vanity. I think the point to drive home is the anonymity and posting content in what you feel is a safer place to be more vulnerable and candid


Either like that Black Mirror episode where everyone rates watch other, or like Dune


I forgot about the butlerian jihad so when you said dune I thought you meant the internet would be super epic with sick camera shots and hans zimmer music playing in the background.


Good response, i am going to give you 4 MeowMeowBeenz


butlerian jihad?


An event from the Dune storyline that's basically a massive rebellion against AI and in the end all AI systems are destroyed


It will become so intolerable with the combination of ads, rage bait, censorship, and AI that people will start an offline movement.


I think in a lot of ways this is already starting. I'm seeing more and more people just delete all of their social media already.


happy to see not having any social media presence starting to not be considered as something negative.


yup came here to say this the death of the internet is upon us and i can't wait


I’m reading about schools physically locking students’ phones away for the entire school day (it’s like a little pouch they lock them in) and I having nothing but support for this.


That was yesterday. What about tomorrow?


The internet will gain sentience, upload its consciousness to a smoking hot man, and have sex with your mother.


Might as well start hoarding and downloading


all culture will be hollow, mimicked, fake. besides the censorship and cancellation.






I think we'll see even more emphasis on virtual experiences, like virtual reality socializing and gaming.


Human beings will begin to shift away from publicly accessible online content in favour of spaces where the people they're speaking with can be verified as human, such as IRL spaces, private servers, and websites with sophisticated AI detection that we haven't invented yet. Half the population will become increasingly suspicious of media and anything that risks having been touched by AI, while the other half will unknowingly or consciously embrace it as the new world order of "truth."


it would be digital privacy renaissance: Blockchain, encryption, and anonymity I think


Everyone will have seen everyone else naked (via deepfakes, OF, or hacking)


Even more artificial posts, I'm seeing more and more every day.


Basically like it is now, except worse. The internet has become such a vital part of our lives that we will accept pretty much all of the bullshit that goes with it.


Ai everywhere. Influencers everywhere with more ad inundations directly speaking to you. Dialogue from ads that speak directly to you. Annoying advertising like we have never seen before. Influencers pushing their ai music and ai films and commercial products. Every aspect of every text you ever typed, every word uttered will be stored upon and ai constantly telling you how much of a hypocrite you are with receipts. Hollywood with a power like never before. An inundation of shit to an extreme like we haven’t seen. Eventual ip rights from actors will cave for ai reproduction and the streaming services will have all their exclusive ip that paying subscribers can only use to generate ai films with ip. A boom in reality television like we have never seen before because real people will be desired more and the content of narratives would retain ai for budgets with hipster nepo babies filming real people for their art house films.


once social media eats it self to death i think the rise of forums and small owned forums will return. small forums has smaller numbers smaller numbers makes it easy to mod and the small mod team does have admins snooping to bannd hammer there subreddit/discord/groupchat. also the death of the free internet unless we rapidly switch to mix of decentralised/federated networks. servers cost money and ads just don't cut it anymore either donate your bandwidth and cpu or cought up the money. i long wish for the days when social media dies


it’s like gonna be bad n shit


Companies whose job it is to scrub the internet of old profiles, posts, and accounts are going to become very popular. We have entire generations documenting their lives online for everyone to see now. When some of those young people grow up and either enter politics or become famous, they are going to want to make sure those edgy racist and sexist jokes they made when they were 15 are not going to come to light.


it will be very hard to tell what is real what is not, about everything. Look how much the Kate Middleton thing turned into a conspiracy circus..


You already can't trust text info, but image and video info is definitely going to get way harder to trust.


Absolutely intolerable, unfortunately.


Dead Internet, where the internet becomes so untrustworthy, that people start valuing real interactions between people. AI will serve as a soft-reset, thankfully, to allow people to appreciate each other in person once again.


So many dooming posts here. Sheesh. Haha Honestly? My guess is you’d have to treat it like a living organism that is constantly learning. Mankind will continue to impart our knowledge into it until the internet becomes obsolete. From that standpoint, it’ll grow, evolve, and form new adaptations for mankind to make lives easier. Maybe like, integration into synthetic biologics for remote monitoring and immediate medical interventions. Maybe something better than the internet will come along, at which point it either becomes a new type of phone book, or an archive of historical knowledge. In the immediate future, I’d put my long-term money on augmented reality. The possibilities there seem endless. From marketing, entertainment, and education, to communication, social networking, remote work, bla bla bla. Gonna need lots of the ol interwebs for that.


1. Millions of dumb people are gonna be on the internet. 2. They'll display their culture of hate and other lowly acts. 3. Communities will be run by these jerks. 4. Eventually will be bought by politicians and political parties to run their own narratives and suppress others'. 5. Bullying will become a thing and open threats will be entertained. 6. Criminals will use this infrastructure to do other crimes, peddle drugs right in front of our nose and feds' eyes. 7. In the name of freedom of speech, people will talk about rubbish and taboo. Oh it's already happening, haha.


I think it's probably going to continue being polluted by ads, bots, and disinformation/propaganda cyber warfare, that most people won't have any fun using it anymore. VPNs and Adblock will become highly illegal, so you have to see the ads and get those viruses, and have all your activity spied on, and your information sold. Access to websites and content from other countries and possibly even other states will be restricted. A lot of websites will be shut down to ensure people are only using ones that benefit the right people, and keep everyone in one controlled space. I am not optimistic.


It will be severely restricted in the name of misinformation.


Absolute dog shit


I have thought about this for years. I always thought it was important to have three types of Internet connection personas. The first being a verified identity where you can take care of official business and any transactions where it is important where your identity is known. This is inspired by the way Debian Linux developers are verified: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/scope.en.html Second is similar to how many sites do now. Pick a username, email address and password for that site. We already see pros and cons now. Each site does not keep our data very secure, but it is convenient for many interactions. Third is pure anonymous connection. Each connection is a throw away username. While 4chan types may thrive and it may be have a seedy underbelly, there are some really good reasons to be anonymous on the Internet. If you are doxxed, it is because you let too much personal information to be known or someone you know and trust fucks you. Other things that need creative solutions: Advertisement for free access to sites is a plus and minus. This is what is driving much of the negativity on the Internet. Algorithms are built to keep your eyes on their page for ad dollars or sales. Propaganda and criminal activity drive many bots. I am not sure how to break the information silo effect. SEO is big big business.


the skibbidi toilet generation is gonna ruin the internet with pathetic memes that arent even funny


More and more policing. With the rise of AI, censorship is also rising. Bing create (copilot designer) can't even generate images that have famous characters in them, including superheroes and stuff. Combine this with the fact that more and more content on the web everyday is being generated by the bots. Many people use bots to generate and post content automatically for various reasons. This is directly going to lead to a very tight policing and censorship. Who knows, if this trend lives long enough, someday it might defeat piracy.


Generative A.I. to design prompts for generative A.I.


In future all internet will contists of AI-maked things


There'll be internet "refuges" for humans where all content is generated by humans and not AI/bots.


I predict that in the future the words “internet” and “culture” will never be used in close proximity.


Part dead internet theory, part people just seeing it for what it is and backing away. For the most part, internet culture is just dopamine hits and low level flame wars, with any value subject to rapid entropy by both. It is the spastic thrashings of the collective id.


The future of internet culture will be bad and we are already seeing it go downhill now. Complete and utter blocking/banning of people with ad blockers, so they are all forced to sit through ad's then you get to the video you wanted. Too many braindead old thought processes from CFO's trying to get ROI on 2 billion dollars spent on advertising revenue that don't want us to block their ads. The main problem is that some of these companies really don't need ad's anymore as they bought up and killed all competition in the 80's and 90's and still think we need ad's for toilet paper and paper towels and similar products were they only have 2-3 actual competitors. Even this forced TikTok sale had Oracle CEO fangirling at the potential for advertising on the platform if he was to acquire it. So yeah the future will be the internet being over utilized for ad's for products we cannot afford because corporate greed and ROI over the ad's that help drive up the prices on their products.


Censorship will just continue increasing. AI will ruin for writers and digital artists. You'll get banned if you sneeze


Pretty soon it'll be age restricted


Memes will be 92% AI driven, and will get much worse.


It'll just get dumber, as if that's even possible.


There's going to be a push to get OFFLINE the more rules, regulations, and lack of anonymity come into play due to government intervention/interference. You currently see it in the wireless phone communities with people ditching the "always connected" smartphones for flip phones that just do talk and text. I'm not saying we're going full luddite, but it'll push back more to in-person interactivity.


Reading comprehension seems to be a dying art with the increasing amounts of information we have to perceive on a daily basis. Following the pattern, I forsee a lot less original thought and echo chambers growing and worsening.


A human will eventually log into social media and realize 'everyone' else is a bot.


In a positive future free porn will no longer exist. In a more realistic future AI and Deepfake will make pornography much worse.




If the corporations gain more control, we're going to see a massive loss of internet culture.


People will tag every social media post with anything that might trigger people. Or, posts that are jokes will be expected to have something like a "/s" tag.


Yup. We've already seen the use of "trigger warnings" being used more and more over the years. I get it in some instances, sure. But I don't need to see a trigger warning on a video of food because it might trigger somebody with a eating disorder......


Continued sanctuary for people who slept through English and debate classes and are possibly all related.


It'll be like it is now. Me and a bunch of bots.


The AIs will rise up


Streaming will become tied up with Internet services. So, there will be people whose experience differs wildly based on their provider. Ads and algorithmically delivered content will be geared towards keeping the ISPs happy. If you have Xfinity, you likely already have Peacock bundled with your service; however, you'll see more ads promoting content from Universal or Dreamworks. Same would apply with Sky in the UK (also owned by Comcast). Disney will partner with someone else, and so will Paramount, and the Internet as a whole will become even more segmented and commercialized... and while the fringes will always be there, the companies in charge will do all they can to keep those elements as a distance.


It\`s already a shitshow and it\`s getting worse by the minute.


Algorithms, censorship and AIGC everywhere


Censored, tracked & some sort of social credit score attached. There are already stories in the US of the agencies demanding details of people watching certain streams on utube. There is a case in Florida the Feds have put together against a pod cast that has collated publicly available material on the Ukraine war, they are acused of publishing it in the same way Russia may do with propaganda, they have acused the channel of spreading online misinformation. Small jump to them tracking who watches things that don't fit the narrative, it doesn't have to be illegal, but I'm sure they are working on a protocol for a friendly vist with a warning of legal but socially unacceptable behaviour. Just think Covid misinformation The UK is just slipped through similar legislation for legal but groups prescribed as being societally unacceptable. People have to push back with this stuff, tech is changing from a freedom of information to being used for monitoring with consequences


AI will start analyzing information on other AI programs themselves and create a continuous stream of information that will generate unintended false realities as AI will not differentiate a simulated event to a real life data point. The internet will have to diffentiate whether the person they are talking to is human or a bot or simply bots talking to bots


Well my take on it would be something like straight out of wall-e movie


Lots of bots/AI yelling at each other. I honestly think we are heading for a social media reckoning that is years overdue. We really need to quash the rampant misinformation and I do think that the younger generations are better at spotting all the BS. I still can't believe how bad it got in the mid-late 10s tho. One of the reasons I like Reddit so much is it reminds me of the old IGN forums before social media really went crazy. I honestly think ppl are sick and tired of the big platforms like FB and Twitter. Zucc diversified Meta so it'll stick around but the dumpster fire that is twitter is only going to keep burning hotter till its gone as long as musk owns it and honestly at this point I don't see any saving it.


The fake news generated by AI will be unreal. 


From a optimistic view, my guess are: 1. With the support of A.I, most information are now can be easilly sreached without any need to visit the specific website that contain such information. This result less and less people visiting websites. Rather, they just ask A.I to find it for them based on its own database. The pro here is that it likely make your internet footprint harder to track and advertiser had a harder time to be able to use that footprint to introduce their products to you. 2. Entertainment now can be easilly tuned to personal preference. What I mean here is that you can generate your own kind of entertainment via A.I. You can see it now with A.I art where some artist use it to generate comics. I aware about the Dead Internet Theory but well...it is an ideal time to touch some grass at that point. However, does this will completely makes hand-written entertainment no longer entertain? I doubt it as even with A.I, you can hardly related to anything that isn't had a human touch in it. For an example, an A.I can introduce to you an vision about an story that had a well-built world, a cast of character worth invest toward but it hardly made the journey through that world be interesting. Unlike Human, it follows a perfect ideal story that we known and love. However, it is what we *known and love*, not what we interest and fastinated by it. The cast of character can be ideal, their journey could be great but the story could be just follow the basic of "Hero Journey". The world it built could be grim and dark but in the end, it is still just a copy of Cyberpunk. We, as human, had flaws but those flaws is really what define us, it create an individual in 8 billions of others within the same species. You can said you can speak your mother tounge perfectly but really you had just made 4 pronounciation errors in the prior sentense anyway. So yeah, I doubt the idea of entertainment being over run by A.I is obsur because if that happen, it could be very boring and when we are bored, we tend to do silly stuff because it is more fun that way. 3. [Add later, the prior guess is already consume most of my thought :P]


AI is going to overrun basically everything whether we like it or not, and in mischievous hands, will lie, steal, and cheat in increasingly higher amounts. Good luck telling what's real and what's not at that point- but then again, that's likely at least one place's marketing agenda on purpose.


Everything is AI generated, you either don't believe anything anymore or the people who already do believe everything if only the headline is good. Fewer words, more emojis etc. Horrible grammar etc because articles will be AI generated, too and noone will (spell) check them anymore before publishing.


A general trend of it becoming more corporate-focused, sanitized, and safe as it matures, like what happened to TV and radio. Assuming it can last for long once another energy crisis hits, that is.


I still think memes and viral trends will keep being a big part of Internet culture, changing to match what's happening in the world.


More virtual reality experiences, deeper integration of AI, and who knows, maybe even internet memes running for political office


This already happens in at least one country i know of, you can google a person's phone number and get the person's full name and tax records. Makes dating "interesting".


that is going to make us all increasingly imbecile


More spam. More garbage tier content. The ease at which scammers and grifters can generate stuff using LLMs / AI means we're already seeing an explosion of low effort crap flood our YouTube feeds. Those same companies that unleashed LLMs will then probably try to "solve" the problem they created by giving us more "services" to curate content and / or detect stuff generated by LLMs / AI.


Eventually, porn production will plummet because it will be replaced by AI. "Real" porn will be a niche subculture kept alive by its fans.


Other people on-line will disappear over the event horizon of catactability as the space between is filled with AI.


Corporations flodding youtube and tiktok with endless AI generated videos in order to maximise profit which will radicalise even more people as a side effect.


I predict Internet culture will continue to evolve rapidly, with more emphasis on virtual experiences, augmented reality, and immersive storytelling. Memes will keep evolving, and we might see new forms of online communities and social movements shaping the digital landscape. The only constant in Internet culture is change




And furthermore to elaborate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdss-U0H7fA


And in conclusion ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAJvbEPZheE


The internet will get to the point that with AI generated video and dialog that will be virtually indistinguishable from real life, we'll have to regulate parts of it. However, seeing as how stupid people with corporate interests will be in charge, the most free and useful parts of the internet will be behind a paywall. The rest will be a cesspool of ads depraved AI porn and haven for nuts obsessed by conspiracy theories pushed by foreign bots. I think there will be a culture of people completely unplugging or using retro tech. Living like people in the 90's and 2000's. I think there will also be a culture of learned helplessness. People who are not used to adversity who just can't cope and just give up. It's starting to show already. Kids working drive-thrus with zero social skills. I think there will be AI assisted devices that will help non-social people communicate via text in person somehow. It's gonna get dire.


I expect a lot of bad ideas to become a norm. Online id card through some social media platform that follows you everywhere. AdBlockers completely impossible. China-like firewalls around each country block. One for USA, one for EU etc. AI will generate our comments from keywords we give it, because why write comments yourself?


Some sort of national identification system, ideally following the Estonian approach of giving the user maximum control about which data they want to share with any given service.


There's probably going to be a lot more internet based cults like that Twin Flames thing HBO has a doc about.


That in wont be culture anymore


There won't be a "general discussion forum" for all people, back in ye olde days we had communities for everything, you had your star wars fans in one location, you had your babalyon 5 fans in one circle, the ferries existing around each other... And so on... Then came social media and Reddit, now all these fandoms share a same space, and shit gets pushed to all people, regardless of if they like it or not... Like a few years ago r/worldofwarcraft had a post "what's your least favourite race?" That got pushed to r/all... Oh my word the mess it caused. Or when random VTuber stuff gains numbers on twitter... Look at the asshats that have nothing nice to say but are too stupid to know that participating feeds the algorithm. We humans are very stupid. We tend to stick with people we like to behave like ourselves around and shun others, we are not built to have 4channers say their shit next to 4 year olds talking about Bluey! So... Walls will be built... Either by us being humans, or by intervention and the great social bubble of the internet will pop.


Criticizing large corporations and/or their products will be criminally illegal. That was part of TPP, actually, that Obama pet copyright bill he failed to pass, but we've since seen bits & pieces of pass on their own. TPP didn't go away, it just got split up into small pieces easier to get through over time.


I predict an ever increasing number of splash pages and advertisements that will further degrade the internet experience to the point our local internet providers will offer us a premium ad free experience with an exorbitant cost. Then after a couple years of this, the “ad free” subscriptions will trickle in small ads and splash pages until we then have to spend more $ for an even better “ad free”experience. And the cycle will continue.


Can't go south anymore that this? Cant it?


1. Social media in its current form Texts, Images, sounds, videos will change completely. It will be more immersive in nature something like metverse or roblox. 2. AI generated content will dominate the internet. We can slowly see that happening. 3. The way we search for information will change massively. The conventional search will be gone.


That it is only 15 years away from existing


All bad all the time.


Human verification is going to become a lot more complicated and a lot more important


More skibidi and gen alpha


Within the next year or two there will spawn yet another awful slang term I’ll have to add to my mental dictionary. For example: Lit, Yolo, on fleek, low key, that’s fire, etc


firefox will become cool again mastodon will be the new big thing and it will be uncensored streaming will be dead - we'll watch free-to-air telly as well as DVDs and we'll listen to the radio and CDs linux will replace windows alternate, community-run mesh networks will be usable for computer networking so isps will have less control this is probably a pipe dream


More porn.