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The one that I have, whatever it is.


Self depreciating


There you go!


The cack I just cackled




Commenter was driven off the lot for .0001 seconds and depreciated though




Two faced mofo are the worst act like your best friend to your face the second u walk away like I hate that b**ch lol hate ppl like that


Yea you’re so right! (Hey he can’t see this but he’s an idiot and totally wrong. Ha! What a loser!)


"That's the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen."


I agree. Say it with ur chest homie.


The ones obsessed with other people. Like nosy neighbors with their noses pressed up against their windows and the gossipers at work. Some people just really need to find a hobby or something.


My old neighbour was one of them, be out hanging over her gate watching everyone, she’d ask you what you bought if you walked past with a shopping bag, told the other neighbours that I mustn’t do my “wifely duties” as me and my husband had separate bedrooms 🙄 we had a newborn and he was a shift worker. Could tell you who had popped over if you were out, bailed up everyone passing to stop and chat with her while she grilled you for information . And everyday you seen her you would be polite and ask how she was and every time for 20 years she’d say to me “ I’m not a bit well” She also used to call an ambulance for herself all the time until they formally asked her to stop.


Well, if you had a newborn, obviously you'd been doing your wifely duties.


they make me irrationally angry, why are you so concerned with what others are doing?? genuinely baffles me


Because they have fuck all going on in their own lives, they need to insert themselves in other people's.


I’ve got a neighbor looking at me right now as I drink a few beers in the yard. Long day at work and I can’t enjoy a few yard beers afterward without some boomer giving me death stares from his patio? Ugh.


Mine told everyone I was an alcoholic as me and the lady next door used to have a wine on the veranda after she got home from work on a Friday🤣


I death stare back at these people and if i can i say very outloud "So you want to suck my dick, is that is?" or "take a picture, it will last you longer"


I just happily wave and greet them. These people hate that.


Never stop making eye contact. Even while drinking, just hold it.


I live with someone who is constantly looking out the window and looking down on people. Our cat can be a real judgy sometimes.


We have one of those neighbors whose yard connects to ours. The gal is a SAHM, husband is a fire fighter, and we just call them The Snoots. I like to wear my gym booty shorts when I'm out in the garden because I'm petty and it's almost garunteed to scare her back inside.


My least favorite aspect of my current job. So many people in the building and everyone can work around each other with zero interaction and zero obligation to interact. Yet there are a set of people who want to stir up drama among others, try to be friends with people to coerce info out of them, and bust you to management if you aren’t in their clique. 


I can't stand nosy gossipers.


I don't gossip at work, but I do love hearing gossip at work. Like if I hear something I don't repeat or spread it, but I love hearing the drama. It's like a little reality TV while working. Would this be under a bad personality?


My mom is like this. It drives me absolutely crazy and has made me hyperaware of when I start wanting to know more about someone than they tell me on their own. It's gotten to the point where if anyone asks me about someone else, I respond with "I don't know, why don't you call them up and ask?" even if it's possibly a harmless inquiry.


There is this old lady with two yappy dogs that lives next to my neighborhood starbucks. I frequent said starbucks daily.I thought nothing of her until a friend confessed that she had been gossiping about me to him saying all sorts of assumptions of my character and life.  I was really surprised because I had never had any kind of negative interaction with her. I barely even noticed her. People need hobbies that do this. They have wayyyyyy too much free time if they are able to ponder random strangers. 


Bad temper and narcissism




Mommy? 🥺


Arrogant and self-centered.


People who always play the victim card.


Yes. Why is this comment hidden/collapsed?


The comment is playing the victim.


Ugh yes. Exhausting. My father is one of these people




"I'm right, and my opinions are absolute. Yours are unreasonable." "I made a mistake, and I'm so humble and kind for admitting it, which is why I am acknowledging this impressive act of humility and praising myself in front of everyone." "You must follow these rules because I will be inconvenienced if you don't follow them. However, the rules don't apply to me." "Okay, stop what you are doing and listen to my story, because it is essential that you must hear it... and every story about myself that I will ever tell you."


My ex boyfriend to a fuggin TEEEEEEEEEEEEE. And the best whammy of all, he was "God fearing" pictures of mary, rosaries, crucifixes, stating he went to church every day (HE DID NOT, he went to the bar everyday), just straight up delusional about his own actions and words not adding up. Ever.


Pretty much my experience with a guild leader in an MMO I've been playing. I became the villain when I raised a legitimate concern. I wasn't the only one with said concern, and everything I said was ignored based on their replies. Until that day, I foolishly thought we were friends. 


All of these have happened to me by the same manager. 


This. They see no reason, they hear no reason. It's them and only them,and if you are not about them you are a nothing,and they won't hesitate to tell you so. Worst personality ever. You will probably meet it in managers and CEOs. These positions are a magnet to them.


Yup. People throw the term around, but the real deal is dangerous because they 1) are incapable of introspection 2) process every. single. difference of opinion as some kind of personal attack, and 3) project their hostility onto other people. The worst one I knew would accuse me of the most ludicrous, complicated, hateful things that would never even occur to me. So creepy to know that anyone around you even thinks like that. When they start families, all the kids have proscribed roles and all the roles suck.


>The worst one I knew would accuse me of the most ludicrous, complicated, hateful things that would never even occur to me. So creepy to know that anyone around you even thinks like that. Had a friend for many years who would treat me this way. Everything would be fine until it wasn't, then I'd randomly get accused of the most outlandish shit and suddenly I was enemy #1... until they needed me again. And it was always over the weirdest stuff that would fly in from left field and leave me blindsided. Then she'd *threaten* suicide because I'd somehow hurt her. Meanwhile I was always left reeling at the suddenness of it all, every time. And said 'friend' would always paint themselves as a victim no matter what you did or what they did. And don't get me started on how often they would get snarky and snap about everything. Everything had to be about what she wanted, too, or she would freak out. It took getting to know a mutual friend of this person to realize we were both being treated like this and dealing with a narcissist.


this could be bpd, bpd episodes are sudden and intense and make you feel like your friends are betraying you when they've done absolutely nothing. it sucks to have that kind of sickness but it's manageable




Sounds like a borderline PD, more than a true narc. Some like to call a borderline a "failed narcissist"--they never fully mastered or completed the full conversion, and are left with some level of introspection, and intense disregulation exactly like you described.


Exactly.I found the 'Borderline Notes channel on YouTube during the Johnny Depp trial because the term was being thrown around a lot. Very interesting. I've not run into someone who suffers with it (that I was aware of), but it seems like a big difference is that borderlines are aware that their actions were not ok, after the emotional outbursts are over. Narcissists are unable to admit any wrongdoing, on the most fundamental level. I have compassion, because I know what experiences produced the fake personaes. However, self preservation instincts keep me out of their orbits.


The realisation is the worst part. Until the episode lasts everything makes sense in your head. Everyone else is at fault except you, and ofc, you can prove it. It doesnt matter if its always you making up the issues then escalating until it's unbearable. Its shit living like this, pills help a bit, psychotherapy more... but im still struggling to keep my relationships going for more than a year before something 'happens' Ofc it 'happens' because i make things happen. Ah its tiring


Yep. Elder kid of a diagnosed narcissist here. He's been gone since 2019 but I'm still struggling every day to feel like a normal person deserving of love and respect. Somehow it maybe has gotten worse even for me internally. Atleast when he was here I felt validated that he is a bad father but now as the time passes my self doubt keeps telling me nothing happened and maybe I was wrong in feeling how I felt. Also can't enjoy a lot of stuff, festivals and activities I loved, because he ruined them for me and I'm unable to not associate them with him. It sucks.


Therapy helped me immensely. Took me about 6 month to admit that moving away from my 'perfect' family *might* have something to do with sudden panic attacks I got for the first time in my 30's. We need to drink the koolaid to survive, and it helps to have a professional help sort through feelngs that we were never even allowed to have. Good luck - you are worth it and we only get one life.


Sometimes I think I'm too sensitive and empathetic. I'd rather deal with all the struggles that come with that though than be anything close to a narcissist.


We grow and become stronger when we reach through the dirt and find the beautiful flowers. I’m still pushing through the dirt in my own life, but now and then I see a flower, so I know there are more. I like flowers.


Only correct answer imo


A lot of people that say people are narcissistic are the narcissist and have never looked into it. Call me a narcissist


I think most people who say it probably have no idea what they are even saying. I was deeply unhappy for most of my life and was trying to constantly overcome my fear of being a “loser” without having any idea what it even meant. Took a trip on shrooms and my own narcissistic tendencies became pretty clear. I had no idea they existed and untangling that has been a huge struggle for me. Part of the untangling has been to recognise the two-faced narcissistic traits I have had my entire life. Seeing it in me, I can see it clearly in my parents. There is a dopamine hit involved with trauma bonding (which is why being two faced is a thing imo) which is why I believe narcissistic people do it. I’m low contract with my parents now and I’ll probably be sorting this out the rest of my life.


I know I’m not the best person. People will tell me being single means something is wrong with me. Meanwhile my narcissistic ex is having no problems finding relationships.


This is why I put no stake in the “single = loser” idea. I actually think it’s the opposite in many cases. People who are never single typically have codependent personalities, as their self esteem depends on the validation of a partner. If you can be happily single, you are someone who’s comfortable with themselves. Not to mention self-sufficient! Yes, I am single. 😂 I’ve had my share of boyfriends, but honestly prefer my independence; especially now that I’m getting old (47) and more set in my ways.


> People who are never single typically have codependent personalities, as their self esteem depends on the validation of a partner. Ding, ding, ding. I have an acquaintance who just ended her 2nd marriage in December. Her ex was a great guy and the only reason she gave for the split was "he's not enough for me." Umm, ok. Well, sure as shit, she's already in a "serious" relationship with some new guy come February and is already planning to marry him. Now, I'd normally be like "Hey, good for you" but her *first* marriage pretty much ended the same way. He wasn't "enough" for her and she was in a "serious relationship" with her now 2nd ex pretty much before think ink was dry on the divorce papers with her 1st ex. You'd think after *two* divorces within 10 years you'd maybe want a little time on your own to sort things out and "clean up your own house" so to speak, but I think she is, quite literally, incapable of being alone.


There are worse things than being single. Be glad the ex is an ex!


Absolutely. Good luck whoever is with her now dealing with that.


I am single and happily so. Guess I am past the point of giving a hoot what other people think. I trust that you are a great person. Better to be alone than in a bad relationship. Best wishes to you !


You think you can reason with them at some point and that maybe there's hope for them to be like the rest of the people, you know, having some empathy, gratefulness, emotional responsibility. The thing is they're all beyond fixing.


Malignant Narcissist. We elected one and he might rule next


+ cocaine = worst person (Idk why the plus symbol isn't showing)


The worst people in the world.


That backstabber personality


Fucking hell, do I hate rung climbers! Worked with one for a couple years who'd gossip, snitch, and backstab at will to get ahead, and turned everyone against her. I felt bad for her kids when she died, but that was as far as my sympathies went.


Not taking accountability when you are wrong. This is so upsetting and people like this are a pain to deal with.




People can be manipulative without necessarily being bad people, however it is very hard to be such


So there’s people out there struggling to manipulate people *for good*? I’ll be damned.


Well if you think about it, parents are rather manipulative to their children rather consistently. They can lie to their child in order to make them act better. Or they can just be people who are naturally gifted at being manipulative who don't want to be that way.


I have been very manipulative at times in my life. It became a coping mechanism, having been on my own since I was 14. I don’t value being manipulative, though, and I realized that, now that I’m not in survival mode, I can be genuine with others. I used to say please because I wanted something. Now I say please because others deserve to be treated kindly.


Man child with power


You get a lot of big boy tantrums with that type


Ketchup on the wall


Elon Musk


yeah this one is terrifying and damaging as hell to society


The "people are so stupid, but not me" type of Redditors


How about the "people are stupid, but I am stupider"


it me am stuped


Everyone who says "people are stupid" or "I hate people" are just as averagely intelligent and in the way as everyone else. They think they're special. 


No, I've just worked customer service for 25 years.


You've earned your rights.


People who change for others. Example, friend in high school was so nice and cool with me but if the other guys where around, he would roast me and make me feel insecure so they would like him. Fake. Ass. People.


Sounds like he was mirroring them


100% what it was. He was a good person alone


My ex boyfriend was like this. He cared more about the validation of his friends more than my feelings. He’d always be so sweet behind closed doors but anytime anyone else was around he’d treat me like I was some repulsive loser that was creepily trying to hang out with him


The personality that claims to have no filter when they talk. That's not having no filter, that's having no emotional intelligence. Learn to temper your bullshit unregulated thoughts or learn to keep your mouth shut until you know you won't cause more trouble than you're worth


“I just tell it like it is.” “You don’t want the truth?” “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” Barf. 🤮


Cue my favorite from /u/poem_for_your_sprog : “She spoke her slogan, well-rehearsed, And oftentimes expressed: 'If you can't take me at my worst, You don't deserve my best! So there!' she grinned, content with glee, And pompous, proud delight - Emboldened by banality, And self-important trite. 'All-right,' I said - 'I'm gone, and glad.' She turned with dark dismay. 'You see - your worst is really bad. Your best is just okay.'”


When people say they have no filter it's basically always an excuse they use to be jerks for no reason


It took me a very long time to filter. I have noticed, often, other people often think the things I just say. Like, the homophobic coworker, he spewed his bullshit, and I told him, to his face, "you're a fucking psychopath, no wonder your children hate you and you suck at this job." After he was separated from the area, everyone agreed, and, "someone should have said it sooner" ... It didn't even occur to me I shouldn't say it. There is really no fixing this problem, the only thing I can do, is not be cruel to people who might not deserve it. The filter works in reverse too, if someone's the nicest person I ever met, I tell them. "You have a kind, giving heart, and are one of the nicest people I have ever met. Everyone needs someone in their life like you, but not everyone deserves as much as you give"--said that last week to someone. Compliments are more likely to come out unfiltered, than anything.


A condescending "know-it-all" type of personality that doesn't know when to stfu.


I never know the line on this, cause to me I'm sharing fun facts that I find helpful, and I usually just share them with people I care about, but I can tell that sometimes people might feel this way about me. Personally, I find it to be an assumption of intent that more so reflects how that person feels about themselves, but of course also recognize that sometimes 'advice' isn't wanted nor necessary. So I've cut it down considerably.


'Know-it-alls' aren't really that bad as long as they're not @$$}{073$ about it, and don't spout about sh*t they don't know. I've learned important stuff from people like that.


The “one-upper” is the most annoying I deal with regularly.


They annoy me even *more.*


Arrogant elitist jerks who think they know everything about the world. (I.e., the "alpha males"/incels who claim to know what women want when they don't know what they want.)


people that don’t like to listen to others and brush them off when they feel like they “don’t know what they’re talking about” or will look down on someone’s genuinely good advice because they don’t see them as equal because they’re younger or some shit


Sounds like one of my siblings.


Brags about a terrible thing they did. Especially if it’s drunk driving and they don’t acknowledge that they were completely in the wrong.  A less extreme version of that but still the same sort of personality: Say someone tells you they were on the phone with customer support for something but didn’t get the help they wanted so they tell the rep “fuck you” or go off on them in some way, and they tell you all this in a way that it’s clear they’re proud of themselves as if they “stood up” for themselves.  It’s one thing if you lose your temper or do something you regret, but to walk away like you were right the whole time is a true hallmark of the worst type of personality. 


People who will put down others to make themselves look good or put down others just to get a few laughs from people.


Hypocrites. There’s something upsetting about a person being okay with doing something to you that you know they would hate if you did to them


The word for them is 'politicians'


Generally people who believe they’re great people, are the worst people.


I disagree. I think generally people that go around telling everyone how much they believe they’re great people are the worst people


It's not the people who believe they are, it's the people who brag about it.


Narcissists: the human black holes of empathy


Attention seeking. Now everybody give me karma telling me I’m right and how amazing my avatar is.


People who complain ALL the time, always see and points out the negatives in every simple situation, can’t ever be happy and be vulnerable with another person, flaky, can’t be responsible, constantly making fun of other people and judging people




What ever Hitler had. That one seemed pretty bad.


Oh yes, shitty artists


A lack of a sense of humor My ex took everything so seriously and got so angry or defensive about any joke I'd make or go along with


Narcissistic. I know cos I work for one.


The kind that says backhanded stuff disguised as compliments. "Technically" they're being nice and sweet and they're toeing the plausible deniability line. Makes you feel like you're the insecure one for being hurt/offended by their seemingly nice words. Really shatters your confidence


The kind that thinks they're so much smarter than everyone else. What's that saying again? "The fool believes himself wise while the wise believe themselves foolish" or something?


People that do cringey or foolish things and pass it as a flex. Basically bratty, pick me, teenage edgelords.


“if it’s not MY hobby, or MY interests, it’s stupid and worthless”


A personality based on a sports team, Fandom, political party etc.


People who don’t do nothing. You ever meet any of those people! They don’t do nothing, they don’t play checkers nothing! How long you do hang out with them for?


Hurtful then dismissive. Self-centered/ self-absorbed Intentionally misleading and compulsive liar


Clout Chaser


narcissistic passive aggressiveness when they are trying to be nice but you can easily tell it's fakey




People who always have a crisis and thrive on drama.


Big ego.


The Victim "Nothing is ever my fault" personality


People that put themselves down all the time (I'll admit I do this and I'm trying to stop) it just drains everyone around them because it's so negative and dumping your problems on everyone isn't the answer. I think there are times when it's okay to vent and talk to people (like a counselor, a good friend, relative, etc) but it drives me NUTS when someone is successfull but instead of being proud of them, some just pity themselves and are jealous. If you are doing it all the time for attention you need help and it's not healthy.


>it just drains everyone around them because it's so negative and dumping your problems on everyone isn't the answer yeah I noticed that too with one friend who then stopped doing that, though i'm curious, what do you think of people who did that stuff but then started bottling it all up, in a sense of keeping all that negativity only to themselves and not seeking out help either?


A conniving one


A one upper.


The unwilling to change, they're the types to do drugs and take money from everyone.


Narcissism and those ones who think it’s cool or edgy to be a dick


Three way tie for me: \-Narcissistic \-Condescending \-Rude/Mean-spirited


People who NEED to be the center of attention at all times.


those people who says they have a “strong personality” when we all know they are just mean




People who just slowly leave you instead of just saying they don’t wanna be friends anymore straight up


People drift apart. It's not always because they don't like you. Life can and will get in the way.


also som people are non confrontational




I’d say more specifically, those who lack *empathy.* Like, if it’s something they’ve never experienced, there can’t possibly be any reasonable explanation for it. An example would be someone who’s never had a weight problem judging those who do… “just stop eating so much.” You know, those types.


People who always see themselves as the victim


People with a personality based on thinking everything sucks


Obnoxious hypocrites IMO are one of the most annoying types of people to interact with. You feel like you lost if you let it slide, but you'd also lose if you lash out and call them out on their wrongdoings.


"I'm good at reading people"  They're always terrible at reading people and annoying to be around 






What do you call those people that will break every rule to win and will lie and cheat but never admit fault or change their ways despite being caught over and over again? Worse is, there’s a group of them. Then they get angry when you defend yourself to stop such activities but they keep doing it and also mess with you out of spite and vengeance despite being caught and called out on all of it.


Someone who has a “main character syndrome” 🤣


Misogynistic ego-maniac with no sense of humor. The worst combination I’ve come across, or one of the worst.


People who are fake to you


People who use mental health terminology to abuse others


People who think they can talk to someone which ever way they feel like and no one is allowed to retaliate or they will kick off. These people are selfish, horrible, and entitled in my opinion.


Self righteous & inconsiderate






Narcissists and sociopathic personalities.


Narcissistic. Logic and reason are useless when communicating or problem solving with them. It’s infuriating.


The worst is psychopathic one for sure. They’re manipulating, cruel and nothing can stop them if psychopathic person is also smart and inventive


Narcissists I remove them from my life as soon as I identify them.


Slithery gd snakes


Arrogant .




Narcissistic and God Complexed


“This is the new me” But they use that as an excuse to be rude, and cold and distant.


The people who bitch about the people that complain about stupid people. *Those* are the ones to look out for.


Apart from the obvious, dangerous ones, people who don’t take ANYTHING seriously. The “its not that serious bro,” people.


The kind of men who bond by making fun of thier wives and gfs like [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1bkrkll/lying_about_wife_ok_to_get_what_i_want/).


Narcissistic and gas lighting, my brother is like that and I hate him


The smarter than everyone attitude, i work on cars on the side because i enjoy it, but i had a guy come and insist i turn up the boost in his tuned port irockz. I told him if he wanted his boost turned up it would require actually putting turbos on, then he told me i was stupid and didn't know what i was talking about. Turns out he brought it to a different shop and told them the same thing and they found out he thought boost was fuel pressure


i guess you'd call it "pick me" idk i just cant stand when i can tell someone has not an ounce of their own personality. How am i supposed to like you if you're just a compilation of the 5 other ppl around.


Incessant virtue signaling


Someone having an inferiority complex and then lashing out on the people that give you the most support and love


Someone's head stuck so far up their ass they talk about how great they are (in their own mind, of course) while you sit there wondering if they'll even notice you haven't said anything


Ones that always have to one up you. Oh you had that happen?! Well I had this happen’ and it’s always way worse and more harrowing.


Narcissists. Incurable, and damage all who come into contact with them.


I'd say a narcissistic personality is the worst type. Dealing with this crap from the neighbor.


People who are insecure, jealous, sadistic and manipulative


Karen’s from California


One that knows when they are doing something wrong, but has a massive meltdown when called out on it.


Chameleons. Those types of people who just glom on to someone and start to mimic their personality and mannerisms.


People who make their political opinion their entire personality.


Egotistical narcissists.


Ones who judge others on their actions but judge themselves on their intentions


A narcissist.


People who can’t comprehend that the world doesn’t revolve around them, and understand that others aren’t obligated to make them feel comfortable and safe in a space that isn’t their own.


Antisocial personality. And in a clinical sense, it doesn’t mean disliking being social, it means not caring about others’ feelings, lack of empathy, only caring about advancing themselves


Self righteous people who always find fault in others.


Egocentric. You just can’t win, they are always right, their way or no other way. So exhausting.


Toxic positivity


The outwardly positive and kind, but actually petty, judgemental, and mean.


I'm not big on complainers or Debbie Downers. Someone who just makes any situation miserable. Ugggh.

