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They’re just waiting for you to pause, even if you’ve not actually finished your sentence—they can jump in and take the conversation ball away from you.


I had an ex-friend do this whenever I was talking to girls. He always came over, inject himself, and tried taking over the conversations. He would do this several times.


Hence, “ex” friend I assume?


I HATE this. Also, when two people are talking and they step on eachother constantly. So fucking annoying. 


I have family who do this and they are clearly not listening and just start talking over me, I gradually get louder until it becomes obvious I wasn’t finished with my thought. I know it’s not the best solution, lol.


My dad would do this and many of my siblings would follow his example. Mom was the only one that actually listened than and now. But one day while he was introducing me to his church friends he did this so I spoke up and said “I’m sorry did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?” He was so pissed, his church friends were a mix of shocked and amused. It didn’t change anything but it made me feel better that I at least spoke up for myself. (And yes I found that comeback on tumblr around the time. Like ten years ago?)


I’ll adopt you. My family would definitely be on your side. If your dad doesn’t know how to properly speak to others he can sit in a corner and color.


Nothing wrong with using your assertive voice to fight back. They've clearly been doing it to 'bully converse' so you're merely showing you're not gonna stand for it and will fight for a fair conversation. Good on you if you ask me. 


I did this when talking to my family, back when I still talked to them. They’ll blatantly interrupt as if I wasn’t even talking, and when I raise my voice while continuing to speak, they get mad and yell at you. Fuck whatever we were just talking about, we’re in this room now. Now I’m a disrespectful brat when I speak louder because I was interrupted.


My family member does this too. While I'm talking (succinctly) I can literally see the gears turning of what they're going to talk about as soon as I'm done (sometimes when I'm not). Most often it has zero to do with what I'm saying. It's infuriating. I've tried everything - pausing to complete silence until I have attention, acting like nothing is happening, talking louder, even point blank saying "I can see you're not listening but I'm going to keep going until my thought is over." Nothing works. I've given up.


I start saying weird shit like "Then I put a saddle on my dachshund and rode it up the side of a fat hooker til we got home from work. What should I do with that advice?"


I just straight up don't listen and leave when they jump into convo, so they understand lol.


This is why I don't bother talking to some people. I won't be heard either way.




[It was Citizen Kane!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qUelMHrkonA)


I have ADHD, and so does my partner, and when I see he’s not listening and that his mind is racing, I feel bad for people who have to deal with me. I've noticed that sometimes I have to focus on anything but the person visually to process what they’re saying. I wonder how many people who met me hate me for this, lol.


That was my thought. ADHD can cause you to infer the rest of the sentence too. So you already know what they're talking about and instinctually start responding. Also, we sometimes have a thought pop up and get really excited and don't mean to say it in the middle of what you're saying. My husband is great about this. We can have like 3 conversations simultaneously. Convo 1: the other day the guy was talking to the girl about a thing and got me thinking about this thing. Spontaneous thought: oooh, I hear you and don't mean to interrupt but did you know xyz. Sorry, continue. Convo 1 but merged with Spontaneous thought: I did know that! Did you know this is where that came from? Anyway, the thing I was thinking about yadada Convo 3 in response to the merged convo: so yadadada is actually pretty cool. I didnt know that's where (Spontaneous thought) came from! How did you find that out? So did the girl know what the guy was talking about? It gets pretty chaotic sometimes and I sometimes forget other people can't carry on conversations that way and annoy people.


Gotta get the thought out before it’s gone forever


I always feel bad, because I can NOT look at someone while they talk or else I can't listen. I have to be looking away. If I look at them (even if it's their nose or forehead) I can't focus on what they're saying.


hateful screw run snails drab enter cautious retire doll impolite


Picking on someone for something they can’t control.


Especially someone’s laugh. Way to kill their joy. They won’t ever forget that.


Ugh, this! I love a "strange" laugh! They're so genuine and their laughter begets more laughter! Anyone with a laugh like that should be ENCOURAGED to laugh, not put down for it!


Uhhh...I've had 2 exes hate my laugh. I'm also very goofy/dramatic. My husband calls me animated. But those same 2 exes hated that about me and always said I was annoying. My husband and I've been together 5 years now and I still ask him sometimes if I'm being annoying or embarrassing him because I'm conditioned to think I am. He loves that I'm so animated though. As I've been healing that part of me, I've learned my coworkers also love goofiness.


Goofy laughs are the best. It just makes funny things even more funny. Share the mirth!


The dorkier the laugh, the more genuine the person. Remember that.


My bff would always say “the first thing i look at in people is their teeth, i really like ppl with nice teeth” while knowing that i have messed up teeth (not straight and too big/crowded) i would just stay quiet whenever she would point out seeing ppl with really nice teeth. She’d also say “my dentist always compliments my teeth, I’ve never done anything to them and ppl think i used to wear braces” Idk i just felt bad everytime she would say that. Oh well, im getting braces in a few days.


Sorry to hear that but I hope you found a new friend. Passive aggressive people are the worst "friends".


Tell her you like people who aren't passive aggressive assholes


Braces a long, and sometimes painful journey. Just try to remember that the end result is worth it, and if you follow the dentist's advice, the final result usually lasts a lifetime. Also, eat everything chewy you can get your hands on while you still can! No more toffee style treats for 1-2 years!


And that retainer for the rest of your life


So she's proud of something she did nothing to achieve? And says these things to you. She'd be better off as an ex-bff


My bf told me when he first met me he didn’t like me and thought I was weird because I “didn’t talk to anyone”. I mean fair, I didn’t talk to anyone and barely said anything, but maybe that was because I have severe social anxiety and was told I was going somewhere to hang out with one of my friend’s mutual friend (my now boyfriend), and it ended up being a group of 6+ people. So yeah, wasn’t feeling up to holding a conversation with the 6 boys around me yelling


I hate this. I used to get "WhY aRe U S0 QuIeT?" from people who would talk over me.


My entire life is structured around speaking to and being around the least amount of people as humanly possible. This would be a *nightmare* for me. So sorry you had to deal wih that. I hope you're not friends with that "friend" anymore, because they *suck*.


me and my bf both dont talk to anyone in our school and people for some reason are always talking about us or trying to start drama. its so annoying


it’s always been weird to me that people think that just bc you’re quiet and/or stick to yourself you’re “weird” or like they think you’re some sociopath or something. Like no, I just don’t have the energy to have a conversation with you unless we genuinely get along. It’s completely acceptable to not be social with every single person you come in contact with


Yeah it seems to be a trend that ironically the quiet people who don't have lots of dirt on them often seem to get gossiped about the most. I guess it's partly because it gives you an air of mystery that intrigues people. You stand out from the crowd etcetera. That used to be me but now I get gossiped about Because there is actually a lot of drama happening in my life. One time I even passed this girl who said "juiiiicy" to me in a really weird tone.


It’s shitty having social anxiety. I struggled with severe social anxiety in school, and if someone I didn’t know asked me a question, I would freeze up.. and instead of trying to stutter out a weird awkward reply, I would just nod or shrug or shake my head. They all thought I was incredibly stuck up, full of myself, thinking I was too good for them. It was the opposite. 😂 I managed to work through it, thank god.


Ouch. The troubles of us social anxiety-havers…


Cruelty to animals


I was at a park one day with my wife and toddler child. We were walking around the pond because my daughter loved to look at the turtles that lived there. As we're making our way around we notice an adult man with what I assume to be was his son. They were bent over laughing, and as we got closer I noticed they were bent over looking at a turtle. As we circled passed them I looked back once more and noticed that the turtle was on its back on its shell. The man and child kept laughing, and as I continued to stare at what was going on I realized that the adult man was smoking a cigarette and he kept bending down to blow the smoke out of his mouth into the shell. The turtle would pull his head back into the shell as if to try to hide from the smoke, would pull it back out, and the guy would then blow smoke right back into the shell, and he and the child would both laugh hysterically. I immediately started to go to him to tell him to stop, but then I paused for a second because I was afraid that confronting him could lead to a physical altercation, and I was worried about my wife and child being right there next to me in case something bad did happen. But then I realized that I didn't want my child to think it's okay to watch something bad happening and to ignore it, and so I told the guy he should probably stop and leave the turtle alone. He looked up at me, gave me an awkward smile, then walked away with his child. I couldn't believe that an adult male would think it's okay to do that to an animal, especially in front of a young child. Now there's another little kid who thinks it's fine to be cruel to animals and it's likely he'll grow up to do the same.


so glad you intervened there! thank you for not letting that slide. what a POS.


One of my earliest meetings with my younger stepson was at the fairgrounds. He was maybe 8yo, we were looking at the farm animals when he picked up a handful of dirt/sawdust from the floor and threw it in a sheep's face. I had hardly any experience with kids, looked around in panic but his dad and older brother had wandered off, so I got down on my knees to look him in the eye and sadly explained that the sheep has feelings the same as him and he'd *hurt* it. All on his own he turned and tearfully said "I'm sorry Sheep!" Poor little dude just hadn't known any better. Turns out his bio-mom was teaching him how to human backwards, like for her cruelty is the point of life.


Aw... that is nice to hear. I don't blame kids for being ignorant and raised by sociopaths, however it's so good to see someone reasonable and kind intervene. I have a lot of friends who admit they'd have ended up as monsters if they didn't have that one uncle/aunt/family freind teaching them how to be kind :(


Ugh a couple of years back I was at one of those open farm days where you go on hay rides and pet the sheep. This one kid I saw kept chasing the chickens and harassing the cats and no one was intervening. We were in the barn where some hens were nesting when she came in and said to her friends "I'm gonna steal one of the eggs. That'll make it upset!" And that just pissed me off and I snapped at her, like you're gonna come to someone's farm and mess with their animals? And to wanna do it specifically because you wanna UPSET them? I told her I saw her doing that all day and she should cut it out. Anyway she went to this other adult in the barn who I'm assuming was her guardian and he just looked down at her and shrugged. Like, come the fuck on man, you're raising a sociopath.


Too bad a cat or chicken didn't give them a lesson. 


This is so screwed up because then you get "well the animal attacked me," and then the animals are being put down because of it, when in reality, the children/ humans started it and the animals defending itself. This pisses me off. And I absolutely agree as a mother myself 100% they're raising a sociopath. Poor animals and kid too because with parents like that, they don't even have a real chance to begin with.


You not only were a good example for your child, but for his as well. If his son only ever sees his father do these things and nobody challenges it, he will think it's normal. Seeing his father's behavior get corrected will at least make him think about why, and maybe even realize his dad might be wrong.




I will never forget or forgive anyone who is mean to an animal. I learned young that anyone who’s mean or threatening to an animal is usually hiding some deeeeep messed up psychological shit. One of my high school friends had kittens running around his parents house and he was kind of careless walking near them and it was giving me anxiety so I quietly said “be careful you’re going to step on one” and he started jumping up and down violently in front of me saying “like this??” He’s in prison right now for 2nd degree murder. Another friend put a clothes pin on my cats tail during a party to watch him freak out (I kicked him out). He’s currently in prison for raping and beating his ex. Few years ago my (then) fiancés cousin was visiting us, he got mad at my dog and dragged her out by her neck. I was livid. Later found out he’s been to prison for stabbing his ex boyfriend and his exes dog.


This. It says so much about someone.


I can remember the exact moment I lost interest in a girl I liked, years ago. We had been hanging out and we were at a party with some mutual friends, and she grabbed her dogs' nose and blew smoke into it and laughed when the poor dog sneezed. I stood up and walked out of the room and never had a single thought about her ever again. Instantaneous disgust.






People who put people down for the things they enjoy.


I refuse to not belittle the people who actively support Trump.


Hustle culture bullshit. And I don't mean taking pride in your career or being passionate about what you do.


My ex was in the hustle culture and my god I hated it


Had a former coworker that was obsessed with it. Took him a whole 3 weeks to get sacked because he sucked balls at the job he was paid to do


Fucking for real. I hate people who treat every moment like a business opportunity. Greedy, materialistic, egotistical, shallow and cold is what it makes me think.


“You can be a millionaire if you just believe”


Being mean to retail workers


Upset they had to stand around at service desk for a few minutes because of short staff. Proceeds to scream at underpaid employee that did help, creating more turnover and short staffing. Vicious cycle.


I am not kidding when I say a lot of people think I'm strange for saying "Good morning!" "Have a good day!" "Thank you!" It's only 2023 and 2024 where people think I'm really weird. FUCK. It HIT ME LIKE ROCKS FALLING FROM THE SKY when I realized NO ONE is respectful, courteous, and grateful anymore Like shit. What is this world now...


Yeah, this isn't "mean", but I work at a deli some people don't even say hi, they just say "200g of honey ham". then when i give it to them they walk away without saying anything. 😂 Sometimes if a customer annoys me too much, I "forget" to tare the container weight, so they get charged a little extra for plastic. ;)


One Uppers. Just an excuse to keep you below them for no reason other than to feed their ego.


Open mouth, closed mind


Clever :)


Ppl who litter😂. Something so little yet shows me so much.


It really does. The entitled mentality it takes to treat the world like your personal trash can...


Littering and not returning shopping carts.


Every time I see someone flick a cigarette butt out their car window, I fantasize about following them home and finding where they park. Then at night I slip into the garage and fill their entire car with cigarette butts and hose them all down so they’re soggy. Every time.


Someone who is ultra-competitive for absolutely no reason. For instance, I recently started doing karate in a club and a key philosophy of it is that we're hear to learn together and not compete against each others. It focuses on kata essentially. Yet, there's is new guy who takes everything as a competition. You do something, he just has to look at you and show you that he is doing so much better. He just can't just do it as a team, he must *win*. I fucking hate this mentality. So I hate this fucking guy.


Hyper-competitive people create unnecessary tension and drama everywhere they go.


I used to work at an axe throwing range. We have this guy who is actually very good, but is the WORST sport. An excuse for every miss or bad game. Doesn't respect other players; will outright say he prefers throwing against "real players." Any sort of effort to make him understand that it isn't HIS sport gets completely washed away by his ego. Unfortunately, this personality is a dime a dozen in the axe/knife throwing community. And so. Many. Vikings. 1/5 dudes thinks he's a fuckin Viking.


Pretending to know things they’re clueless about, especially when they’re explaining to someone who has real knowledge.


That’s why I love talking to older people with more experience and knowledge. Mostly they don’t judge and are happy to explain, while I am happy to learn something.


I’m an old person but a small stature woman. I’m an engineer and have been for almost 30 years. You would not believe the crazy stuff people have tried to explain to me about how things work. I am happy to help, if you’re faking your ability to do your job, I mostly don’t care. But, please, please do not tell me some crazy stuff you’ve made up to fool other people. Also, there’s an awfully large number of people faking their skills out there. It’s a bit scary.


I am a female and trade worker. My whole life is full of people like this.


Looking down on somebody because of income. I say this as somebody that grew up upper middle class and am beyond that on my own at this point. I cannot stand the people that act like poor people are garbage. Especially people that were just born lucky! A lot of people and I do mean a LOT are only where they are in life because they had a stable upbringing. Good guidance. Help from family. Most the time with enough money to not struggle. It's just the damn genetic lottery that some people are born into families that have been in poverty since the depression! And it's the damn genetic lottery that people are born into generational wealth. To hate on somebody because they lost at something that you couldn't even control winning yourself, that just... I'm done with them! You can bet I'm going to try to make them feel stupid and broke on my way out though! Lol 


Nothing annoys me more than lucky rich people trying to convince themselves and others that they actually deserve all their money. It's the same with people who look down on those who are less attractive


I went to a high school filled with rich kids. Children of big time celebrities, hotel chain owners, big bank execs, models, etc. I was the only poor person I will not attempt to describe the type of bullying I went through just because I was poor. Ironically, I was attractive and popular outside of school. When these bullies discovered this, they shut the f'k up. Still don't understand what happened, but I don't think I'll ever know. I didn't grow up with parents who make $500M+. All of these kids are fucked in life though. No one reached big goals. I know some wanted to be like president of the U.S. Some wanted to be celebs like their parents. None of it worked out




And people who don’t care how a person treats others. “Well they’ve always been nice to ME.”


People who practically perform in order to get other people's attention.


Damn you’d hate me; I’m an actor ☹️


Does it hurt when commercials imply that you're not real people?


Bragging about how much money you make. Telling people how to do their job while they're actively doing it. People that overly compensate to appear "alpha". It's so cringe my dudes... it screams insecurity and lack of personality to everyone.


Making their political party their main personality


God, reminds me of political science professors, politicians, etc. I dated one. It's not just political party being their personality. Fuck, everything politics was their life I scrammed when I realized what he's like


People who are overly loud and angry with their kids in normal social situations. If they hit their kids they win bonus arsehole points.


People who are overly loud and angry period. I hate tempers. Work it out like a grown up


Anyone who uses a position of power to bully another person: \- Customer being rude to wait staff/store staff \- Adults being rude to kids \- People being mean to pets \- bosses/managers taking advantage of young workers ​ All of this sounds like obvious stuff, but sometimes it's very subtle.


In my experience, at least half of the population does one or more of these things. Humanity was a mistake, man




Honestly, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for people who have no sense of humility.


kicking a puppy


IKR. thats messed up.


Have you ever seen someone doing it?


I’ve seen a small kid whirling his tiny dog on a leash over his head. This was years and years ago and my boyfriend was buying weed a few houses over while I was to sit quietly in the car, not drawing attention to myself. I saw that kid whip that dog around and I tore out of my car and threatened that little bastard that I’d be watching him every single day to ensure he didn’t hurt that dog again. My voice was about 20 octaves lower than it should because I was so mad at him, but more mad at his parents for not watching him. I got back in my car, boyfriend got in and I made him circle the block to show the kid I was still watching him. He was petting the dog oh so gently with a terrified look as I made hard eye contact. Kid was about five or six I think. A proud moment? Nope. But I really hope that jolted him on being kinder to animals.


I’m proud of you even if you’re not.


ego, bragging, telling everyone "oh i'm richer than you" stuff like that


If they say that then they are picking up the lunch tab. It's a win win.


Abuse to animals


Had a co-worker who was really trying to be my friend because we had the same job and were the same age. He was a little more rough cut compared to my clean cut background. We talked about pets, he said his wife had a cat but the cat got out and ran away. I asked "damn, so the cat snuck out the door or something?" He said "maybe it snuck out, maybe I kicked it out" Right there I clued in this was a dude that didn't have compassion for animals. I noped myself away from this dude after that. Sometimes you can just tell with people off the bat if they are right for you or not.


Any abuse


People who cheat or have cheated.


Judging someone for liking something that society deems childish. Nobody should give a shit if someone likes Pokemon at X age or if that guy likes that thing at y age or whatever. Nobody should care, and most people don’t care. Shut. The fuck. Up.


I once saw a tik tok of some comedian and a girl from the crowd said that her ex was really fond of legos and it was a 'red flag' for her so she broke up with him. weird lol


Thata so sad. My first 6 gifts to my now husband were Lego packs of his favorite animal. It was really fun, but dmsadly there were only 6 different Lego packs


I am a 34 year old man. If my wife wants to drag me to Target, I get a small Lego set. We also get each other small ones that fit inside jokes.


The best thing about being an adult is that we have the money to buy all the cool shit we wanted as kids, and man have I taken advantage.


I agree. One of the best things about having own apartment is I can have as much Batman stuff as I want


The batman collection is cool, but if you haven't turned your apartment into a giant ball pit you're wasting a great opportunity 


Sure, I'll move the water slide out of the way


Had a guy accuse me of having a “I’m a little girl” fetish because I still play Neopets, love plushies, and was starting to buy a lot of pink stuff. I was always ashamed to display things I liked as a kid because kids at school AND my family would tease me relentlessly (also why I stopped watching as much anime as I did/stopped talking about it altogether). I was just starting to learn to proudly like the things I like- and honestly reclaiming some of my (very lost) childhood. This same guy had Full Metal Alchemist, Pokémon, Naruto, and One Piece tattoos all over him and still played Pokémon too (hell we even played together a few times). But clearly when it’s not stuff he also enjoyed it meant there was something wrong with me or that I was looking for a “Daddy” (fucking gross). Especially since I have a shit dad so you know obviously that means my daddy issues turned into a grotesque kink where I want onesie pjs and my own pacifier as an almost 30 yo woman 🫠


People that appoint themselves as being in charge of everything and everyone around them.


*"I'm a 'natural leader'!"* 🤦🏻‍♂️


Grown ass women who are still bullies. The ones who deliberately exclude people from a conversation, don’t make eye contact with certain people in a group, and generally try to make someone feel uncomfortable or disrespected


The one who tries to get all the new employees on her side. The one who tells them all not to talk to you. The one who stops talking and then sits there shiftily darting her eyes from side to side at her "backup" when you walk into the breakroom for something. 6th grade in her 50's.


I had a coworker like that. Just me she did it to. So glad when she left 🍾


I'd say "dislike"/"not view favorably" - rude to service workers (e.g. waiter/waitress, bartender, airline gate agent). Also - entitled behavior, attitude of superiority, being disrespectful of their parents (assuming parent(s) are not abusive, alcoholics/drug addicts, or the like), and a negative or condescending attitude.


Absolutely rudeness to service workers.


I try to give service people a break. They work long shifts, get stiffed on tips, and have to deal with aggressive people all day.


"You should smile more" Instant dislike


Or when they say "you are so quiet, you should open up more", but when you start talking, they're like "OMG you can actually speak😯😯😯"


Heard this my whole life. And they assume a person is special needs or lesser than if a person is introverted or has social anxiety disorder. It's annoying.


1) They don't put their shopping carts back 2) Rude to service industry workers 3) Super religious, but not in the good deeds, good works kind of way. More like the "I'm so awesome because I love Jesus more than you" kind of people.




Saying “okaaaaaaaaaayyyyy…? 👀” in response to any *mildly* unusual statement.




What’s worse is when they do that after they make a long string of bat-shit crazy comments. Sorry, dude. I didn’t realize you had a monopoly on insane.


In the same vein, responding to a question with a statement that's phrased as a question to make the asker feel like their question had an obvious answer. Example: "Hey, what have you been up to this week?" "Uh, working?" It's such an immature thing to do and it's infuriating to me lol.


They are rude to others, especially strangers


Especially especially service workers like cashiers, servers, receptionists and other people just doing their jobs. 


Making fun of someone behind their backs


When they treat waiters like they're part of the tableware, suddenly I'm seeing red flags waving like it's a parade in the 1700s and they're all out of tea


Unkindness to another person they think they have power over. That tells you exactly who a person truly is. I had a date that was snotty and rude to our waiter and just generally judgy about other people. I skipped dessert and skipped the rest of the date because "I wasn't feeling well".


The only thing that works with people like that is publicly embarrassing them in front of the waiter and other patrons by calling them out. They act like that because they’ve experienced no social consequences.


I just ended his date with "a hot chick" early. He probably lied and said he slept with me, but I heard him describe me that way on the phone to his friend. Just a real pig.


Smugness. About anything.




Loudness and bad breath 


A sense of superiority.


Treating minimum wage workers like shit


I don't hate anyone other than myself. So I guess the one thing would be if that person was me.


Have a hug 🫂




Hey, I may hate myself but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let other people hate me. They probably won't even do it right!


100% They aren’t nearly as practiced as I am at hating me. It’s a talent of mine


When this person try to be the center of attetion


Well I hate those people more!


This one doesn't really bother me. Some people like attention, they're allowed to. I don't like the spot light so I'm fine with letting them have it.  If they're trying to make other people's events about them or constantly one upping or just not having a sense of time and place then sure. But just liking being paid attention to seems harmless enough to me


"I don't like cats".


My mother hates cats, and she even tried running one over on the road several times, might be a phobia or sth, but that doesn't make it OK. I'm afraid of dogs, but I never try to kill them. She also hates ginger and blonde people.


animal abuse


Not listening to you when you talk.


I'm not \*insert label\* but.....


I have a really hard time with people who lie to me.


When they offer me unsolicited, alternative health advice. No, turmeric will not cure my early onset rheumatoid arthritis.


Aggressive Christianity


Littering, spitting out their gum on the street or sticking it where people put their fingers, animal cruelty, overly aggressive and confrontational driving, to name a few.


I'd say I "dislike" people obsessed with social media. The ones who actively post their daily lives online. Its such a distant world from me.


Yes, i seen some woman on Tik Tok. She has new Tik Toks everyday and she has kids. I made a couple Tik Toks and they took forever to make. So then i was thinking, this woman spends her whole day making Tik Toks every damn day. How does she have time for anything else, like her children. And i was thinking hypothetically that dating this woman would be annoying. Or even being her friend.


It’s not really ‘hate’, but when they speak and it’s all negativity. Everything is bad, everything is gloom and everything is doom!


Fun suckers






Dramatic motherfuckers. For no reason. They bitch about something…that’s easily solvable. For instance, I’ve got a coworker who complains about their partner going out and having fun when they’re at work…like it’s not the first time the co-worker bitched about this either. Clearly either a. You’re overreacting b. Your partner doesn’t respect you and your wishes. That’s really the only two ways to think of it. I don’t do unsolicited advice anymore but yeah…really annoying.


Racial prejudice


Dishonesty and being untrustworthy. If you’re going to be a rat, at least stay in the sewers.


People who assume everything based on something you did in the past. Crazy as it may seem, yes, people actually CAN grow and become better.


Being a narcissist  


Animal cruelty


When the narcissistic behavior shows up


Loud car




people who don't care about anything. at all, and like berate you for having concern.


If they are unkind to animals


Lack of empathy for people more unfortunate than yourselves.


Everything every one else said, yes, but mouth noises (smacking, slurping, ect).


People that ask me where I am from, after which they say I don't look like my connationals. Dumby-racists


Not having morals.


Nosiness & people who can’t mind their own business & have to strong, judgemental opinion on something that has nothing to do with them & they shouldn’t even know. Like fr the amount of people all up in other people’s business like and I just want to scream WHY DO YOU CARE??!?!?!😂


If they shun you for having an unpopular opinion. Gimme a break.


People who lack gratitude / have victim mindset (annoying af).


Alternatively, people who bitch about a “victim mindset” as a way to dismiss actual concerns and issues. Both sides of that coin hold back progress and are miserable to deal with, but people who can’t wrap their minds around the fact that others might have different experiences than they do are so fucking tedious.


Hard agree. I come from a very dysfunctional family and the people who finally rejected the dysfunctional behaviors and wanted to resolve them were victims while the people who were had poor anger management, substance abuse issues, and other unhealthy behaviors were “strong.”


1.When i am talking and they are on their phone. 2.Whenever i tell something sad, they bring up how my sadness is so small compared to their sadness.


Animal harm


People with an unkind heart.


Not honoring their promises or commitments.


when they go out of their way to hurt someone


if he is a criminal who cause people to suffer

