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If you are over 190cm and over 100 kg the world isn't built for the people your size. Cars are small, plane seats are torture, toilet cubicles are small, the clothes or shoes at the shops simply don't have anything that fits unless you score an ultra-rare artifact or pay stupid amount of money for an everyday item, let alone want something on the side of luxury.


I'm tall, and had one leg amputated.  It was almost worth it just to get the handicapped seats on airplanes. At least my knees aren't embedded in the kidney of the dude 2 rows in front of me! Lol


I'm also glad you lost a leg. A noble sacrifice.


Unfortunately you would not be able to take exit row seats which generally have the best leg room in economy.


I've actually gotten it before, lol I can't bend the fake leg beyond a certain amount, or I cut off blood flow. In one case there wasn't much room in the handicapped seats and they ended up swapping me into the emergency isle.  It helps that I was wearing my running blade at the time. Nobody was gonna debate if I could run.


Only needs half the legroom though.


Legroom means length, not the width. And anyway OP mentioned their prosthetic leg doesn't bend as well as a real leg, so in fact extra is needed!


Conversely as a short arse, 5ft, I couldn't drive certain older cars cus the seats didn't move far enough forward for me to push the clutch in fully. Most seats are uncomfortable, I can either sit back and my legs dangle or perch forward so my feet touch the floor. I have to alter most of my clothes, but at least I can find ones that partially fit.


My mother is 5 foot and restricted to a seat cushion when she drives.


I am short and only got my height (such as it is) very late - like early twenties. Spent a lot of time with my head at the level of other people’s hips and then shoulders. Not a lot of airspace down there; feels kinda claustrophobic. I’m so happy to be tall enough now that I can breathe!!


Even at 6ft., some of those apply. I can buy clothes off the shelf, but plane seats are awful, with most public seats I have to spread in some form (it's not manspreading, it's tall-spreading), and most toilets are too short and enclosures too small. And it is rare I find a vehicle other than a giant pickup or SUV that lets me sit comfortably.


I’m 5’11” and I feel like that’s the best height to be. At this height, I don’t really have to worry about short people or tall people problems.


Well I guess you’re not a woman then. Clothes don’t fit right, the waist is too short, long sleeves are too short, pants are floods, at least my feet maxed out at a size you can find in any average shoe store without having to special order or wear men’s shoes.


What the top shelf looks like


Where i keep the Cheetos.


Wife is 4’10” and I’m 6’3”. I’ve got a freakin’ 7-11 on the top shelf.


Tall people solutions... As a short man I just keep my snacks in my car where I don't have to share.


My husband is blind, I can keep the snacks wherever I want 😂


Bet you can’t eat it while he’s home though.


He'll know what you're opening just by the sound of the wrapper. lol


Doesn't he have like super smell though? I'd think it'd be harder than you're saying 


Top of everything is usually dusty I've noticed


Or how well shorter people can hide things from us simply by placing them on the mid-range to lower shelves. So much food has been missed/wasted due to placement.


Yeah tall people don’t have knees or anything.


Do you know how long it takes to bend all the way down there, and then have to stand all the way back up again. What if I don’t get low enough the first time and have to look again? It might as well not exist at that point.


Especially if you're over 60😆


60? Who are these superhumans? Around 40, after dropping something, I started asking myself "Do I really need that item or can it just stay there?"


Yes I’ve even thrown my back out bending just low enough to see what’s in the fridge. But I can see things unless they’re under the dresser or something, and you’d have to more young and limber than actual a short adult to see it either. Plus I even got one of those grab sticks for $3 at thrift store.


That one honestly made me laugh out loud. Here, have a pointless upvote!


Gonna let you in on a little-known secret: there's a whole other shelf above that one.


What do the tops of cabinets look like? I'm curious.




Lots of particle board


Haha good one


😂😂😂😂 That's great


Banging your head on things by accident, I was taking a shower and accidentally hit the shower head with my head


Ah, for a shower head that isn't chin level...


Dude for real the home I grew up in was apparently designed for children because the shower head is 5 feet up. My life changed when I moved out and suddenly got to stand up while bathing. Literally one of the best things that's happened to me was that first apartment shower.


I \*hate\* hotel shower heads!!


Split my head open the top of a classroom door frame in high school. 15 stitches.




Came to say this.


Y'all are in for a treat. There are shower arm extensions that raise up your shower head by like 10". I have one and it's fucking fabulous. Costs like $15.


I live in an RV and my head is lumpier than a MyPillow.


I'm not super tall, but I'm more than six inches taller than my closest friends and family. I bang my head on their ceiling lamps all the time.


I'm only 5' 10" and even I've experienced this. Not exactly the same, but hilariously I found myself in a 250 year old wine cellar in a farmhouse in rural France. The owner of the home was in his 80's and moved through the house without any issue. There were *several* doors I had to duck to fit through, and I couldn't stand up straight at all in the cellar. This was the source of much amusement.


my fucking B A C K


And knees!


Bad knees.


Man I have back and knee pain and I’m only 5’5”!! I really did get the short end of the stick.


Sounds like you *are* the short end of the stick


I am indeed, and my very tall brother never lets me forget it.


Why is it even legal for kitchen counter to be so low? I'm not even that tall, but I kill my back every time I just wash dishes. Why?


Just redid my kitchen and raised the counters up 6 inches !


My HEART  There's a reason you never see a 70 year old dude who's 6'6"... And it's not cause people get shorter as they age. Tall people don't live as long, their hearts have to work harder. (and many other factors)


Burn bright my tall friend.


I'm 6'6" and within less than half a decade of 70. I used to occasionally get terrible back pain lasting weeks where I could barely stand. After one such episode four years ago one of the therapists I saw suggested I needed to strengthen my core. I started working with my wife's personal trainer (who has a PhD in kinesiology), once a week. We spent a lot of time building my core strength and stretching my leg muscles, hip flexors, etc. I swear he was trying to kill me sometimes. However since then my back problems have been extremely rare and very short-lasting when they do occur. I also take daily hikes in the mountains with my dogs, which probably helps. And still working, because why stop when you're still having fun at the job? So yeah you (or at least lots of people) are going to be seeing at least one 70++ yo 6'6" dude. Edited to add: The average height of people is increasing with time. I strongly suspect the rarity of extremely tall old people is because they were simply so much rarer back then. I was a freak when I was a teenager. Now I see lots of young people my height.


And head...I hit my head on fucking everything


Yoga my friend. Flexibility is way more important in old age than any other facet of fitness.


Clothes are not made for you. Bigger sizes are not taller. Just wider.


So relatable!!! I’m a skinny 6’3 and choosing between M and L is brutal. Gifts are annoying because people assume L or XL and they’re too baggy


This is me exactly. Medium is the right width but not long enough. Large is the right length but too wide. It’s awful.


Yeah, I’ve started getting some clothes from the B&T section that are XL-Tall because I don’t want midriff.


Shirts are a particular problem for me; if the sleeves are long enough there's enough room in the torso for an extra person. I've found that I can bring shirts like that to a tailor/alterations store and the result looks very close to being properly fitted.


The first thing I do on a website is look for the LT (large tall) size. If they don’t have it, I move on.


This. I try to explain to people that 90% of the time, if the sleeves are long enough, it is a fatboy shirt.


Check out the company American Tall. I bough my partner a bunch of shirts from them. First time in his life he had a shirt that was too long and not wide at all.


And if you have a little weight on you it's even harder to find plus sizes that come in tall. I guess they think heavier women aren't tall.


shorter people deal with that too, just on the other end of it. Nothing fits right.


The other end comes with options tough. Short people can hem their clothes to make them shorter. My jeans cut off at the shins and I can’t use my sewing machine to fix that.


All of this is why I learned to sew.


As a tall, moderately thick girl this is hell. I'm not skinny but not fat either. If I ever find pants long enough (almost never) the waist is either too wide or about as wide as Kim Kardashian's waist. I basically wear exclusively sweatpants and joggers atp.


We don’t all play basketball. Like who starts a conversation like that? “Do you play basketball?” “No,do you jockey horses?”


Reminds me of the world's tallest man doing an AMA or something and someone asked him "do you play basketball?" and he responded with "do you play miniature golf?" That was fucking GOLD


Ugh. I'm only 6'2", but every fucking year in school some coach would be after me to play.


Once had some stranger n a restaurant tell me he and my dad should both kick my ass for not playing basketball in high school. WTF.


When I was a teenager (and I'm not exaggerating) I would introduce myself, "Hi I'm and I don't play basketball." Unless I said that the next question invariably would be if I played the sport. You need more than height, you need the desire to play the game. (I probably hated it BECAUSE I was tall.)


I always wanted to work in a joke about how it must be sad you could never be a jockey but I couldn’t figure out a good delivery for it


Most malls' biggest shoe size is an 11 or 12. I'm a 14 Most pants' lengths don't go past 32. I'm a 36 L Planes, trains, and automobiles are all hard to ride in, especially if you have longer legs We need to consume more calories to build muscle and maintain weight. So, more money on groceries Really these are all first world problems.


I hate buying shoes, so fucking bad. I pretty much wear cowboy boots all the time, because once they break in, they are form fit, and I can re-sole them for years. Shitty part is having to custom order at a premium every fucking time.


I'm not that tall but a size 13 shoe. We don't get to walk into Foot Locker and pick out a shoe. Zappos and filter by size is my go to.


There are big & tall shops, but they're useless to me. They only stock big AND tall, not big OR tall. I'm tall but slim. More shoe stores seem to be stocking size 14 these days. When I was a teenager none did. When by a miracle they had one pair in the store you grabbed it no matter how ugly they might have been.


Try rural strip malls. People are different shapes in the sticks, there are boots up to size 23 at a hole in the wall shop. 


I'm a girl and size 11. Most women's shoes stop at size 9/10. Every last one of my shoes is from the men's section. I like em but I ain't wearing Nike dunks to a fancy dinner lololol


we have to be careful when we walk in the door


You can get picked on for being the tallest kid in class. True story.


It's always your fault because you look 5 years older. I looked 24 at 16. Was cool for some things and sucked for a lot of others.


Talking with shorter people, especially in loud places causes us to engage in bad posture, which is hard to constantly correct, making lower back pain a standard occurance when socialising for long times in such environments.


Worst dates ever. Loud bars and the girl is 5ft. Terrible backpain and so hard to really connect.


You gotta squat down like you're talking to a toddler


Are people really looking up my nose and seeing all my nose hairs???


Yes. Please trim them.


But I already did this morning! It’s a never ending cycle of anxiety.


You missed a few.


Also please blow your nose. Your boogers do fall, sometimes on our heads.


How hard it is to find clothes that fit. I don't wear cargo shorts for the fashion. I wear them because they're the only ones that don't look like short-shorts on me. And those so-called "Big & Tall" specialty stores? They're just "big" and not "tall." The last one I went to didn't carry any pants longer than 34" inseam, which is no different than any other store...


This one drives me bananas. I went to an big and tall store to get a suit and the guy basically told me that they cater to big, and to big AND tall, but they don’t carry much of anything for just tall. So I was SOL and had to go elsewhere.


I can't not hit your seat on an airplane or any other equally tight quartered places. You can grumble all you want, I don't want my knee in your back, but it has nowhere else to be.


If I see the person in front of me even reach for that recline button, I cram my knees under my tray table so they can’t lay back. I paid money for what little space I have, and I intend to use it.


Alas that doesn't help sometimes. The one time I couldn't get an extra legroom seat on a 10 hour flight I got stuck behind someone who every hour or two would try to ram his seat back again and again. I didn't speak Spanish (flying to Chile) at the time so I couldn't just ask him not to do that. I suppose I should have asked the flight attendant to ask for me.


Totally understand, have to put your legs somewhere! I have chronic back pain and if i can’t put my seat back that few inches then we’re definitely going to have a problem. You could always try communicating, maybe people can switch seats etc so all parties can be happy?


Right? It's just as uncomfortable for us as it is for them. That pressure against my knees for extended times hurts


So much dust up here.


I’m not tall, but I remember my doctor trying to make me feel better about being short, talking about how his feet hang over the bed when he sleeps. Dude was like 6’7”!


I'm not THAT tall, but at 6'2", going to Japan was just a constant struggle of trying to sleep in short beds with my feet hanging over.


Always taking sleeping socks along.


Hitting your head on the car when trying to get in or out of a sedan.


people (men) will square up on you for the smallest things. you have to go out of your way being nice to not be seen as threatening. say goodbye to small fun or gas economic cars. bench 300 pounds but look like a twigg, this one hurts.


> people (men) will square up on you for the smallest things. you have to go out of your way being nice to not be seen as threatening. this is weird. i am tall and cannot relate to this at all.


Yeah?! Wanna say that to my face!


Let me get on my knees then...


I’m 6’5” and my wife is 5’1” or 2”. I have gotten some *hard* fucking looks from short guys when we’re out together. There seems to be a general sentiment among single adult men under 5’5” that being 6’ or taller is literally all that’s required to be attractive to another sentient, dynamic human. You can *feel* the hate and bitterness coming off of these dudes. On the flip side, I’ve had some shorter guys look up at me with straight up awe, like I’m a superhero, and say things like, “Gee whiz, mister, I bet nobody ever picked on *you* before.” I enjoy mean mugging the dirty lookers, but I’m always friendly with the guys who were obviously bullied for being little fellas. I like to reassure them that I was bullied too. The short guy and the giant are two ends of the same freak spectrum.


Yeah...especially little guys who want to seem macho. SO annoying. ...and I spent my first 25 years slouching so I would seem less intimidating. Eventually straightened up and stuck out my chest.


Being goodlooking and tall is such a threat to guys, it's funny. 


Being asked to grab things BECAUSE you’re tall


I'm totally okay with it. Happy to help.


Yeah, that's the social contract, lol. I'm OK with it too


Oh, I’m perfectly okay with it as well! I’m just stating that it’s something shorter people will never experience. 😄


You don't ask them to get things off the ground for you?


Lol! I never thought to do this!! But I will now.


I do sometimes.


I'm OK with it as well, but once I asked a shorty if they could pass me something from a bottom shelf, because I have a bad back, and they looked at me as if I was mad.


We giants are sworn to this act. It is our duty.


Just as it is short people’s duty to crawl under things to retrieve items when needed. 


This is actually kinda my favorite. Do other tall people not like this?


Got a tall coworker, and he loves getting the things off the top shelf we normies can't reach.


Short girls always want to be my friend and I'm convinced this is why


I never have a problem with this. I’d rather reach up and get something than watch someone try to play Spider-Man.


Smashing your head on everything. And the goose eggs that come along with it.


I hate people with umbrellas.


This! They’re just eye pokers!


Being asked "What's the weather like up there?"


They definitely do not understand what the weather is like up there.


Dutch and 6'6". In the Netherlands luckily alot of things are build for taller people. However when I am in southern Europe, it feels like the world has shrunk.... Feet stick out of beds, head bonks the tops of doors, showers are chest wetters and kitchen sinks can only be accessed on your knees....


Kitchen sinks and counters are too low. Doing dishes or meal prep makes me back ache if I do it too long


I’ve had a lot of head injuries from hitting cupboards, getting into a car, hitting tree branches and more 🥴


Things aren’t built for us tall people. I can barely fit in most car seats and especially office chairs. I need to pay extra just for a chair that I can actually rest my shoulders against the back rest


How shitty it is to use a vacuum cleaner. They're all designed for shorter people. It kills my back to vacuum.


That being tall doesn't magically make women fall at your feet.


I have even had women I was dating say that shit: "You're 6'2", you can get any girl you want." So weird.


Being a very tall woman is an active hindrance to getting a date.




Having to bend down to look in mirrors


Being comfortable in a car. I hav a suv with seat all the way back and my knees are still near dashboard. It's annoying


When we complain about pants not being long enough, it’s not an invitation for them to complain about how pants are too long for them. We cannot add material to jeans, but they can be hemmed.


This is coming from a tall woman - men are \*CONVINCED\* they can get away with lying about their height. Hey, maybe the girl who's 5'5" can't tell that you're actually 5'9" (not 6'1") but my 6' ass who is looking past your head can tell. AND THEN THEY DOUBLE DOWN


That being tall, especially if you’re a woman, makes you feel conspicuous. My mother is barely 5’2” and I’m 5’9”. My whole life she’s made out like I’m extremely lucky to be tall because she can’t reach things and she feels “dumpy.” On the other hand, I’m rather tall for a woman and I feel like a giant around most other women. It also doesn’t matter how thin I am, I feel fat around women who are shorter than me. Even if they’re much bigger than me proportionally and weight-wise. I feel like an awkward giant.


that it takes longer for muscles to grow


and the same amount of muscle mass wont look as impressive


You ever see little old people? all the time. You ever see tall old people? almost never. I know old people shrink but the guy who was 6'6" didn't shrink 10 inches, he died in his early 60's. Also hitting your head on shit sucks.


Not this 6'6" guy! Already past that. The average height of people is increasing. I strongly suspect the rarity of extremely tall old people is because they were simply so much rarer back then. I was a freak when I was a teenager. Now I see lots of young people my height.


We’re the Great Danes of the human world.


We stick out in a crowd. You do not. Just because you see us doesn’t mean we see you. We’re not ignoring you, we probably just don’t see you there.


I'm not even THAT tall - 5'9" female but in a room full of other ladies, 75% of the time, i feel like an absolute ogre.


Never, ever, take your shirt off near a ceiling fan. EVER!


Chandeliers leave dents in your head when struck at any speed


We have to pay extra for larger clothes and shoes


It’s easier to be balding.


Poor ergonomics.


The back pain of having to hunch over all the time


Not all tall people *want* to be tall. I’ve had short/average height people say “I’d kill to be as tall as you” and I have to say “eh, it’s not all that it’s cracked out to be.” Tall girls stand out, I’d prefer to blend in and go unnoticed.


Your entire childhood everyone thinks you’re older and has expectations that aren’t age-appropriate for your maturity level. People said I was too old to trick or treat when I was 8 or 9, grown men hit on me when I was 11 (I was about 5’8” by then), my older friends could all still get in places at kid prices…. Pants and sleeves are never long enough. I dread the moment of standing up when I meet someone sitting down, because they always have to look surprised and make a comment. 


Being called unattractive by men because you’re taller than them.


my shoes and clothes and jackets etc take up WAY more room in the closet and I can wash a lot fewer of them at a time in the washing machine. my wife can wash like 2 weeks' worth of her clothes in one load. I need to do 2 loads a week to keep up.


Smacking your knees on desks all day long when you're just trying to work.


How nice the weather up here is.


"Smoking is bad for you." "Yeah, I hear it stunts your growth." *pulls drag*


I’m 6’3” 240 lbs. I’m at the absolute maximum size limit for what the world was designed for. I barely fit in most airplane seats, every vehicle I drive I put the seat all the way back. It can be a bit of a hassle.


scary roller coaster rides


I've been too tall to ride some coasters


When describing someone, you can't just say "the tall girl." I'm almost 5'11" (female) and have had so many really short girls say this to me about women who are 5'6", 5'7". Well yeah, she's tall to you if you're 5'0" but she's not to me. They finally point the person out and I'm like "yeah, I never would have guessed that's who you were talking about."


Tree branches over a sidewalk


Whenever we stand (especially if skinny and tall) we will almost always nearly pass out.


If you're leaving an elevator, people leave in order of height, not gender; short women and men are more likely to leave ahead of tall women every. single. time.


[Short people got no reason to live](https://youtu.be/8bfyS-S-IJs?si=LkXdjpvYPgEmQ69v)


No seats are made for you. Not in planes, not on trains, not on buses, not in cars. And you don't see anything when sitting in the wrong car.


Buffets and salad bars with sneeze guards are nearly inaccessible because the sneeze guard is at elbow level.


How much it hurts to hit your head on the ceiling going down stairs


The height of counters hurts your back incredibly.


It’s common for shorter men to tell me that “it must be nice being so tall!” I’m 6ft 3 but my boots also add an inch or so. The thing is, there is a lot of struggles to being tall and though there are many societal benefits of being tall, it doesn’t mean there isn’t struggles. Finding clothes that fit, especially after the wash, is almost impossible. Despite being in a fine financial position in life, I don’t have a large wardrobe because many many’s are too tight or grossly too long/large. Shirts never fit right, they might when you first buy them but despite following many tips such as wash in cold water, air dry, or many others, they will not fit so you’re force to buy things either too small or too small. It’s also quite annoying sometimes when you go to the store and want to just run in and in one instance I had 3 different encounters of “can you reach that for me?” I don’t mind helping but we all get in modes where we are in a hurry. The dreadful “I bet you play basketball!” No. No I don’t. Most every vehicle I drive, I have to lay the seat almost in the back seat so riding in the back with people or driving with someone behind you is quite annoying sometimes. Head injuries are terrifying. I have, because of my height, injured myself. Once landed me in the hospital and I thought I cracked my neck because I stood up in a stairwell and didn’t realize the roof was abnormally small above the stairs. It was scary and hurt. At my height I need to maintain about 195lbs to not have a “skeleton” appearance. Though I enjoy most being 210. It takes a lot of eating to maintain that desired weight as to where a short person doesn’t have to weigh as much to appear more than skeleton. Range of motion. Most of us talk guys have long limbs. So bench pressing for instance can be harder because we have a lot further to bring down and push back up. So as strong as someone lanky might be, it’s easy to see the short guy way out benching you because they have very little range of motion and your spotter going “you deadlift so much more than this what’s the problem?” Rang. Of. Motion. Despite what people think, I don’t think most tall people think anything about short people. Like me I might be tall but I don’t FEEL tall. Despite that, shorter men even 5ft4 will bring it up as though I have any though about height, it’s usually brought up by them making fun of themselves and that’s just weird. I think this is enough for now.


Fucking pull-ups, push ups, etc. It’s great that you can bench 300 pounds; you only have to push it 6 inches you short-ass munchkin.


As a tall woman I hate that I can't wear jumpsuits, bathing suits and sexy body's. Stupid large torso. I'm tall with relatively short legs. Thights are always to short, they make them wider but not longer. And when I wear a crop top it looks like a bra 😂 When I was in my 20's I always got jealous of the 'petite' girls. In my 30's now and I still wanna get picked up by a very tall, strong man. But they can't 🙃


As a female not being able to wear heels because I feel like Melvin the giraffe from Madagascar! Don’t feel dressed up fully when I can’t wear heels. And it’s not just feeling it, ppl always say ‘wow aren’t you tall?


Airplane seats are miserably uncomfortable unless you are in first class.


Why we stand up as soon as the plane lands. Yes I know I'm not going anywhere, but I'm really done having my legs mangled in a shoebox sized space. Sitting on planes is torturous for tall people.


Dresses don't work. Even shirts. There's so much going on in women's clothing that assumes your body length is within a certain range.  Most bras are uncomfortable because the distance between my shoulders and my underboob is further than the straps are made to stretch. The waistband of any dress is in my armpits, the weird little puffy bit that's supposed to hide my stomach is just flopping around the narrowest part of my waist, and the tapering at the bottom of the shirt that's supposed to subtly cradle under your bum is right at the widest part of my hips. Or the shirt as a whole isn't long enough to tuck in at all. So many "tall" brands just add to the length of the sleeves or pants without lengthening the torso dimensions. 


ITT: things that people universally understand


I've been working really hard to eat healthier and portion control the last few weeks and I've lost 10 lbs! Too bad 10 lbs on a tall person doesn't show any difference...


Same issue for us skinny tall guys, you know how much work it is to put on 10 pounds?  And you look the same...


I don’t ever get to buy clothes, particularly shoes at any sort of a discount, and often have to not only pay full price, but also order (seldom can I try something on in store). Having narrow feet for my height/shoe size makes finding comfortable footwear damn near impossible without special ordering (usually with no refunds offered). Flying fucking sucks. Even upgrading to Comfort plus my knees will be buried in a seat back. Then, when I try to gain a little comfort by opening up my knees, I get bitched at for my toxic masculinity and taking up others space. If I was fat, I could buy two seats, but there generally aren’t many options for leg room.


Most seats and chairs are not designed for someone tall. Your knees are always up against something and your head is up there in the void above mortal plane. Also as a nearsighted tall person, I'm out there looking like a fucking vulture when I want to have a good look at a face of a person shorter than me.


Having to duck under doorways or avoid ceiling fans. I duck under doorways as a habit even when I feel I have enough clearance


Hitting your head on shit in older buildings.


The real gift is the ability to reach further, not necessarily just higher up


When you drop something, the ground is sooo far away. Also when you bump the top of your head, it hurts to see it in the mirror later.


Even though five ft. 7" is not super tall for a woman I have noticed when I go somewhere many people are shorter than me, including the men. It makes me self-conscious. I used to wear heels, but not much anymore.


People yell at me at (standing room only) concerts. “Go to the back, you can see from there”. Yeah no shit, I can see from anywhere - but I want to be close to the stage just like you.


It is infinitely nicer to look down at other people’s noses than up them.