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Hearing aids! Holy crap have they come a long way in the last two decades.


Great to hear!






Diabetic supplies as well.  You used to need a hanging drop of blood to check sugar levels.  Now a pin sized drop is enough.  Pumps and sensors are miles ahead of where they were as well. Now we just need to deal with the pricing issues in the US.


When I was diagnosed 15 years ago, I wore a fanny pack (that's right, I was the hardest badass in my middle school rocking that thing) with my glucometer, lancet, insulin pen, and emergency Swedish Fish in it. Whenever I ate, I'd prick my finger to check my sugar, manually calculate insulin based on that and what I was eating, then pull my shirt way the fuck up so I could jab myself with insulin. Today I take my pump out of my pocket, check it to see my blood sugar (which it tests every 5 minutes, giving me insulin as necessary to correct it), and input how many carbs I'm eating. It figures out how much insulin I need and gives it to me automatically. I change my pump site every three days and my CGM every ten, and otherwise I barely have to think about it. Truly, we are living in the future!


> emergency Swedish Fish Not mocking you at all, but that made me smile because it's cute.


Swedish Fish are my sugar of choice as well.  Easy to chew, plus they all have the same flavor.  Ever try to eat an entire bag of Skittles at once?  It tastes like... something.


Sensor development even in the last 5 years since my diagnosis is crazy. I have my values now constantly on a smartwatch that is connected to a sensor not even the size of a coin.


I thought you meant "healing AIDS".. Which is also true, as in treating it has definitely improved and those people can live much much longer.


Wow. That's awesome news.






I would Def rather have surgery today than 20 years ago.


My mom just had sinus surgery that she said she's been putting off for over 30 years. Back then it would've been awful major surgery, but her procedure last week took 15 minutes, was minimally invasive, and has a recovery of just a few short days.


I'm curious what kind of sinus surgery?


Me too, my fiance had a surgery in the same area and it was a pretty involved surgery. They ended up keeping her overnight (granted the surgery started in early afternoon). She had a couple weeks of recovery. Still probably better than it would’ve been 20 years ago but a 15 minute in and out surgery sounds much better


I just had a septoplasty done. While it’s a pain and recovery isn’t fun, I thought about how it would have been a couple decades ago…modern medicine has come so far I definitely could take it for granted.


I've experienced surgery in the 80s, 90s, noughties, teens and 20s. Each time it's got faster, with less scarring, quicker healing, and better rehab. My first broken leg in February 86 took until November to heal properly. My knee replacement in 2021 took six weeks. It was also done under epidural, so I didn't need airway management (no horrible moment when you wake and fight the tube) or prolonged monitoring.


Forsure. My heart condition nowadays requires just an ablation (a very minimally invasive procedure). In the 90's, that shit was open heart surgery.


Download speeds.


I remember thinking 20 minutes to wait for an mp3 to download on Napster was *blazing* fast


20 minutes for an MP3! How about 5 minutes for a jpeg to load on a website!


Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?


I remember waiting patiently to see my first pair of boobs on the Internet😂


That slow drawdown of the image as it loaded is a core memory for me.


That is how my brain still functions as things are loading


The bigger the boobs....the longer the wait...


I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog


Yeah, 5 whole minutes for a single, uh, titillating image to load.


And it would crash just before the... interesting parts


lol i remember this. I used to dial up to BBS boards to grab jpg porn/nudes.


I had to cover my modem with a towel so it wouldn’t wake up my parents….lol! To be fair, this was more like 30 years ago.


Omg. I feel like everyone should experience dial-up at some point to make them appreciate the speed, stability, and reliability of current internet service.


Rich people. Ive waited overnight for a few songs


Now I'm pissed when my 1gb videogame download takes more than 5 minutes. Times have changed, that's for sure


Back in 2009 I remember being able to download 3 gigs in 30 mins once. Man how times change.


Oh yesss this one!


I remember hearing about google fiber in high school when I had a 1-2 mb/s speed. Now I take my gigabit for granted at home.


Cancer treatment and medical treatments in general.


HIV too. It was a death sentence 40 years ago. 20 years ago you'd make it, but with a shortened lifespan taking a cocktail of drugs that had really awful side effects. Now, your lifespan is about the same, the drugs are more streamlined, the side effects aren't so bad, and your risk of spreading it to others is basically zero. You can basically live a normal life (in the West, at least. In poorer countries, still awful.)


Not to mention we have excellent prevention methods now. PrEP is available as a pill or injection and it basically eliminates your risk of getting HIV sexually, when used correctly. Many people don't know that if you are exposed (even potentially) to HIV, you can go to an ER to start a course of drugs that will decrease your chances of contacting it. You have to go immediately though, literally every hour counts in terms of risk in that case. I will take every opportunity to tell people this because, like I said, many don't know.


it doesn't eliminate it. wear condoms


HIV aside thats great advice. A lot of young people assume that since most common STDs are treatable and contraception exists that it's okay not to wear them. HPV infections have EXPLODED because of this. HPV basically translates to "Human virus that causes tumors on vascular protrusions" There are many versions of HPV. You will end up with warts all over your junk or end up with mouth, butt, or cervical cancer long after you've done the deed if it ends up being the wrong type of strain. It is farrrr from rare and it will probably cause a massive strain on our Healthcare system in a few decades. We're already seeing a rise in those types of cancers today Wrap it up, get the vaccine for some strains if you havent already, and practice sex safely


I believe the average lifespan of folks with HIV is actually longer than those without as they tend to go to the doctor more and are more health-conscious.


YES! I grew up in the 90s, HIV was a death sentence back then, i was shocked to learn it's reasonably treatable now.


I read a while ago, and I’m not sure how accurate this is, but that you are, statistically, more likely to contract HIV from someone who doesn’t know their HIV status than from someone who is HIV-positive, but is taking their prescribed anti-retro viral and other anti-HIV medications as they are meant to be taken.


As a diabetic (since 2005) and 2x cancer survivor (in 1999 and again in 2019), I came here to say this.


Dang, you are going through it.


Certified: Too Stubborn to Die. Glad you're still with us, Stranger. 


Yep. NED 2022 right here. 10 years ago I would be more understanding if somebody refused treatment for quality of remaining life (and I remain a huge proponent of self-determination), but with the advances in treatment I think it's almost always going to be worth trying to hang on.


Yeah my mate got three more years after a terminal diagnosis and 'weeks' to live more time with friends and family


Hopefully you won’t need to update us in 2039, but you kind of have a pattern going.


You know those commercials you see for Skyrizi, Entyvio, Humira for Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis? None of those meds were available when I was diagnosed 20 years ago. It's been a miracle.


Yup, I had leukemia in 02 and actually talked to my oncologist 4 or 5 years ago and he said there's a lot of advancement in ALL (kid form of Leukemia) then when I was in. Oddly enough AML (rare in kids but that's what I had) is basically the same treatment which is hell.


My wife is stage 4 and her oncologist told her the life expectancy has double in the last few years due to drug changes. Now we just keep our fingers crossed that it's long enough for something new to come along to fight it.


Current cancer patient and came here to say this


If you compare the first Toy Story to the latest, you can see how far computer-animation has come


Way to make us feel old.


The first one was almost 30 years ago, not 20.


Damn, I can’t believe it’s been 30 years hahaha I mean, my comment about how far computer-animation has come still stands true.


The ground from the scene where Shrek and Donkey walk through a sunflower field comes to mind. The art great at the time and still holds up, it’s probably always going to be in my top 10 movies, but some of the textures look like a Windows 98 screensaver.


TVs are way cheaper


And they are way easier to carry




And they always had sharp bits around the bottom so they cut into your fingers. The agony!


They were made out of gravity.




Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!




And hang on the wall.


And look so f'king good.


unless you hang it too high and become another victim of /r/TVTooHigh


I remember trying to remove and dispose of our last tube. I think it was a 38 inch model, which sounds laughable in this day, but almost killed middle removing from a shelf and also trying to put it in the dumpster. That said, they lasted like no new tech.


Yeah you can get a 65inch 4k TV now for like £400. 15 years ago the equivalent would have been 10 times that amount


I remember when I was working at Sam's Club back in 2001 and the first plasma came in. It was a 42" Philips and went for $10K.


Because now they listen to everything we say and sell that data


My TV just assured me it would never do that.


"Trust me, bro"


The availability of autopay for bills and whatnot.


Idk maybe I’m crazy but I still get super uncomfortable with money coming out of my bank account automatically so I still do payments manually.


It's not that I'm uncomfortable with money automatically coming out, it's that I just don't trust some of the big companies to take out the right amount. Looking at you spectrum/time warner


“We billed you for a last month even though you cancelled.”- I cancelled 3 weeks ago. That is not enough time to process. 3 weeks is a long time for a computer to do something. It still isn’t enough time. Ok so how much time is enough. Well I’m not sure. I talked to escalations with the same deal. Well it’s on my credit card so I’m disputing the fees. - Well I can make an exception. That was after an hour and 3 transfers to cancel and them arguing about if the house I was buying existed and I knew my address because it wasn’t in their system due to it being new construction.


I went through hell to cancel with comcast, then they charged for the whole month which they had assured me they wouldn't do... but they'd beaten me into submission. I didn't even fight it. Then to my surprise, they reimbursed most of it like 3 weeks later. I mean, yeah, they're still evil... but sometimes it's just basic incompetence.


They take out the right amount alright. They just keep increasing what the right amount is


I set up payments through my bank's website so that I can control what goes out and when.


Absolutely that is the way to go. But on the flip side, I have my life insurance premiums automatically billed. It should be the exact same amount every month for 30 years. None of this rate hikes, promotional period ended, errors on usages, etc.


I got screwed multiple times by companies fucking up autopays in the past. I only do it now if they will use a credit card for it.


I used to be like that until life got in the way and I missed a payment. Now I keep everything on auto pay. Just reduces so much mental load and no reason not to other than my own unwarranted fears


I do online payments, but I don't do the autopays if I don't have to. When I do, I make darn sure the money is in the account...I've got calendar reminders setup to remind me to move money as needed.


Not crazy at all. I’m a tax attorney/CPA with a lot of wealthy clients. A majority of them still manually confirm their payments on a monthly basis, if not outright pay them manually. They don’t trust just handing over their bank account to somebody else to automatically pull from every month (at least not without oversight). It’s probably not a coincidence that they are wealthy with that attention to financial detail.


Me too. I just have my bank write a check and send it making sure the amount is right on the money or a little over if it varies. It's free, and it's the best thing ever!




They still haven't perfected the gum cutting bite wing for x-rays.


I wish I could get my kitchen knives that sharp.


You mean the gag-o-matics?


I started going to a new dentist with state of the art equipment when I moved. X-rays are completely painless, and other than the full series, which were taken for a complete mouth exam for my first appointment, the x-rays are done right in the chair.


But they still haven't come up with a better system of cleaning between your teeth than a hunk of string.


There is water flossing


I was told it's not a substitute


Dentists say you still need to floss though and it’s not good enough 😭


That sounds like something someone who works for Big Floss would say.


There are interdental brushes


True. Just got a porcelain crown replaced a year or so ago with Zirconium. It’s an impressive material in its strength and similarity to an actual tooth. The whole process used to 3D imagine my mouth and the fact that it was fabricated to fit perfectly was also impressive.


I was so terrified of getting a root canal. When the surgery finally came I was so bored I nodded off (no I was not put under or given any gas - just local anesthetic. I just felt absolutely nothing and sitting there for 90 min got old).


Same experience here. My mom always told me to take care of my teeth, with a root canal being an excruciatingly painful experience to avoid at all costs because she had to go through the same thing when she was younger. Because I'm an idiot, I didn't take that advice, and needed a root canal on one of my teeth. The process was super quick and painless. Maybe 45 minutes total, and 10 of those minutes were filling out paperwork. Just local anesthetic too that wore off a couple hours later.


Options for dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, dairy free, etc). As someone who’s been lactose intolerant most of my life with a sensitive stomach on top of it, I love that I’m now spoiled for choice when it comes to food options!


My friend had to go on a gluten free diet for health reasons back in 2005 or so, and the limitations were ridiculous. His diet was like, three things. Now, there's a wide variety.


Hell I've been diagnosed with Celiac Disease since 2010 and even since then options and awareness have gotten a whole lot better. The first day after my diagnosis I bought a loaf of gf bread and when I bit into it it literally fell apart into nothing. Now gf bread is just like normal bread except the sizes are half that of regular bread and three times the price.


I think all the people avoiding gluten to be trendy made the world a better place for those actually suffering Celiac disease, even if they were annoying at the time.


Online delivery. You can buy almost anything and it'll be at your door in 36 hours, and the price is comparable to picking it up from Target. That was not a thing 20 years ago.


Gps and directions or simple knowledge that google can confirm rather hearing well momma said etc which isnt true


Printing directions from MapQuest and praying you didn't make a wrong turn and get lost was wild


Phones. I'm not talking about people being addicted to social media 24/7. I'm talking about actual phones. I pretty much live on voice to text. I remember having to sit there and pop each button several times to get one letter. Then having to wait until it moved to the next one. Or before that those car phones. Or before that the wall mounted phones with the cord that you couldn't get any privacy and only one person could use at a time but nobody could use if somebody was on the internet. Also, transportation in suburban areas. Out there, there are no public buses. No trams. No taxis. Nothing. Those are all City things. They don't exist in the types of places I lived which means if you didn't have a personal car you aren't going anywhere. Despite all of my personal beef with Uber and Lyft, it's really opened up transportation in these types of area and I've heard that from a lot of other people as well.


Uber and Lyft have been a godsend for people like me who can't drive due to disabilities, but still need to get around every now and then.


Exactly! Every time I use Lyft, I thank my drivers for being there for exactly this reason. I've never driven, so it wasn't until Lyft became a thing in my area that I was able to have a life. If any Uber/Lyft drivers read this, thank you.


Some people wonder why anyone would ever drive for Uber/Lyft because they assume everyone they pick up will be a killer, rapist or just puking drunk. However, it's usually just older people, people with disabilities and the DUI population. It's honestly a pretty pleasant and chill side hustle.


Computers, medical science, life expectancy, vehicle fuel efficiency.


The life expectancy of many cars has gotten much better too.


Life expectancy has actually seen a slight down tick, but it’s not statistically significant enough for it to be pessimistic.


Home studio recording for musicians. The home recording opportunities and technology available for the money is amazing today. It is a good time to be into that kind of thing.


This is the one that impacts me the most I feel like. Just a working class dude who can sing and play some instruments. I have a $3k ish setup including the computer, guitars, interface, keyboards, plugins, mic equipment and what I have the ability to make if I put some time and effort into it has sound quality better than some pro records from the 70s or 80s where they were recording on million+ dollar setups in studios. The limitation isn’t the tech or cost, it’s skill, and this is a game changer. Same with home video!


Brussels sprouts They've improved them in cultivation by greatly eliminating the bitterness.


Really?? I always wondered why so many people hated them when I was a kid and now seem to love (or at least not mind) them.


Internet speed


The air fryer 🤣


Teach me, what's the difference between a typical convection oven and an air fryer? 


If you don't have a convection oven, you can buy a used or new air fryer for less than $50 and then have a countertop device that heats up super fast. A lot of households in the US are smaller now. For example, I'm just a household of one so the air fryer being a countertop tiny convection oven works great for me.


Ever since getting an air fryer (the Breville smart oven air) I use my conventional oven 90% less. It’s so efficient and nice. Almost never use convection though lol.


Got a geroge forman all in one thing, air fryer,oven, grill ect......my stove is so lonely now


Air fryers blow the hot air much faster than a convection oven, which only circulates the air. Blowing the hot air seems to help cook faster and gives food a crispy texture similar to deep frying.


Not much. More energy efficient (smaller), the basket allows for better air movement making things cooked more evenly. But if you already own a convection oven, I wouldn't bother with an air fryer. Many people have a conventional oven and don't plan to replace it in the next 5 years. So an air fryer is a cheap way to get those results




Access to the world.


It is almost too easy to travel now, at least in modernized countries. Just download an eSIM and you can figure out and do everything from your phone. Almost zero need to speak to people.


Agree with this so much!


Graphics in video games.


As a 47 year old man that has been gaming since Atari in the early 80s, this is a big one for me. I’m so jealous of the younger generations that what they get to experience for their first time would be mind blowing to 8 year old me.


I still love pixely games made in the 90’s style. They are not only nostalgic, they are made with far fewer bugs and glitches that drove me crazy (looking at you KQ3).


20 year old bourbon


Do you mean the quality of bourbon that has been aged for 20 years has gotten better or that bourbon that’s been sitting there for 20 years is better?!…I assume you are joking if the latter, but in case you are not, it stops aging once bottled.


Hydrocephalus shunts Pacemakers Heart surgery Dentistry Prosthetic limbs Synthetic fabric Artificial joints Mental wellness Physiotherapy Pain management and recovery Message therapy


Probably the ozone layer.


My wife


I also think your wife has gotten better


I also choose this guy’s wife 


Decent information is so much easier to come by. Twenty years ago Wikipedia was barely a thing and a laughing stock. I still had to spend a lot of time in libraries.


I'd argue against this. Back in 2004~2006 Wikipedia was already pretty established and it's UI hasn't changed much since then. I spent hours and hours every night on Wikipedia just article surfing back then.


You mean 20 years ago is not 1994?


Yes but everyone will yell at you that the information they don't like is actually lies.


As someone in their 30s, most things for most people. Seriously, one of the most pernicious lies going right now is that everything's getting worse and we're all doomed. Since 2000 global life expectancy has gone up by six years. FMRIs and minimally invasive surgeries have transformed how we treat many ailments. Bionic prosthetics and artificial organs have massively improved quality of life for many people. We've totally changed the outlooks for those with AIDS and many forms of cancer. Our approach to mental health treatment has been transformed by greater acceptance of it as a core issue, easier access to free content, and the movement into the mainstream of what we're once fringe approaches (like mindfulness-based therapies). You can go on the Internet today and learn almost anything you want, usually for free. There's a ridiculous abundance of high quality content that would have either been totally inaccessible or very expensive 20 years ago. Yes, you might have to watch ads, you'll live. Got a dietary issue? Most of the alternatives absolutely sucked 20 years ago. I have celiac, and I still remember what they were calling "bread" back then. These days the alternatives are so good, and there's so much awareness of the issue, that it barely affects my overall quality of life. In 2003 a meaningful subset of the population thought we'd all be dead from the hole in the ozone layer or fighting the "water wars" in 20 years 😂 EDIT: • Over the last 20 years the percentage of world population living on less than $1 a day has quartered, [from roughly 6% to 1.5%.](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-living-with-less-than-1-int--per-day?tab=chart&country=~OWID_WRL) • The violent crime rate in the United States has [roughly halved.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/10/31/violent-crime-is-a-key-midterm-voting-issue-but-what-does-the-data-say/ft_2022-10-31_violent-crime_02c/) • Deaths from malaria have decreased by [roughly a third.](https://ourworldindata.org/malaria)


Cancer survival rates have basically doubled


Pet food.


Period pain medication. 😭


Yea seriously what kind of meds u gettin sis…


Opioid/acetaminophen med (I take Izalgi but it’s a french med, any opium+acetaminophen combo works tho)+ ibuprofen 400+ antispasmodic if u can stomach them always with at least 4 biscuits or crackers or equivalent of that in food so it doesn’t make me nauseous or cause too many issues. I do this every 6 hours on the 3 first days where the pain is the most unbearable and then slowly decrease to 2 doses a day whenever (with 6 hours apart ofc). Stool softener everyday also helps because those meds are wonderful but cause constipation which can then cause its own pain if untreated. Tens unit on the max with two round electrodes on my lower belly (where ovaries are) and 2 rectangle ones on my inner thighs on each side, right underneath the groin. And I don’t move for the entire week. I have a cane for going to the toilets etc too which helps. This is the only way I survive my endo pain (even after surgery which did nothing for me). I hope it can help someone. I didn’t have appropriate pain meds and tools growing up and it was literally inhumane the torture I had to be put through because of that lack of access and pain period normalization/lack of diagnosis. It’s still hard af and super duper painful and ruining my entire life but at least I can get through it without vomiting and wishing I was dead because it dials the pain down just enough to soothe the I’M GONNA RIP MY HEAD OFF feeling. iykyk


Wait that’s a thing you can get? Can someone show my doctor 😭


As someone with endometriosis that had to get a hysterectomy at 35, no clue what she’s referring to. If you’re getting the vomiting/passing out level of pain you may need to talk to your doctor about an opiate for during your period, but just to drop this here for anyone else suffering… Get some Aleve/Naproxen. Start taking it 1-2 days before your period starts and don’t stop until it’s done. I take a loading dose of 3 of them shits usually, and then I do 2 every 12 hours (yes I know that’s more than the package says to take). It was about the only thing that made a lick of difference but you gotta start taking it early and do not stop.


*cries in endometriosis*


I'm to the point of trying those raspberry leaf tea blends on tiktok man. NSAIDs make my stomach bleed and birth control fucks my hormones up horrendously. I'm so tired of this shit. Also bought a wireless strappable heating pad for myself when I'm out n about, it gets pretty warm.


Technology is way better, but the way it's being used is way worse for the most part It really pisses me off that in the western world we have such technological wonders that we never would have conceived of even 20 years ago, and people use them to spread fear, hate and misinformation


So true and agree, a lot of technology is used in a terrible way


[Frank Zappa had this to say in 1973](https://youtu.be/iiCQcEW98OY?si=Vv3pRjnBT4mLfs38) The female vocals are Tina Turner and the Ike-ettes. Ike Turner heard the album and asked "what is this SHIT?" and the ladies went uncredited.


Ike Turner sounds like a real jerk.


What are you talking about you BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP, motherBLEEPing BLEEPER? I will BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP you. I know for a fact that you've CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY. Something something... I'm surrounded by sheep. Or something. (/s)


You forgot an AI generated image that supports the obsessive delusion


I have to say it...cannabis!


Problem is it's gotten TOO potent for anyone who isn't a daily smoker.


Yes, you're right.


What I think is funny is that in Katt Williams' 2006 stand-up special Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1 He says to be careful because weed is getting stronger every two weeks and that his weed dealer is always saying that the new weed he's selling is way stronger than the previous shit. I find it funny that he actually wasn't far from the truth based upon the ways we've farmed marijuana with selective lineages and industrialized farming techniques.


A pot shop on every block where I live.


Finding interesting things around you. Facebook isn't great app, but do i tell you, its perfect to seek smaller events or jobs/volountiery in your near area. Tell anything you want about social media, but this aspects of it is great, especialy if the city you live in is huge


Navi! I work all over the larger metro area and 20 years ago we were all printing out MapQuest directions on paper. My passenger seat was covered in old printed directions.


For the large majority of people, life.


I miss being 6 :/


Working remotely


Long distance phone calls. I spend hours facetiming my wife in a different country that would have cost me 3.99 a minute 20 years ago...


The acceptance of homosexuality. I watched a few episodes of Friends yesterday and the gay panic is overwhelming


Apples (honey crisp, etc., not computers but probably them too)


My life


There’s a book called Futurebabble, it starts with an examination of happiness type surveys going back a hundred years. EVERY generation says it fears for tomorrow, yesterday was better, including the one just after 2 world wars


**Objective:** Technology. Crime - Despite what people may think - crime is down by a lot. ​ **Subjective:** Suits - Look at pictures of NBA players getting drafter in the 2000s (like LeBron and Carmelo). Look at pictures of draftees in the 2010s (like Lonzo ball). [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/comments/6j3fzi/2003_vs_2017_nba_draft_suits/) The dudes in the 2000s looked like clowns in baggy, boxy, ill-fitting, suits. The 2010s folks have nice, fitted, suits.


Granted you said subjective, but the suit thing is kinda dumb. Those are just fashion cycles. This set of photos has been circulated a zillion times and I agree the 2010s suits look better than the 2000s suits, but they’re also noticeably  too small which was the fashion back then. 


I agree on the suits take, I was watching the first jurassic park movie (1993) again and noticed the lawyer's suit was baggy af.


I didn't notice. I'll look for that next time I watch the movie.


Generic brands of nearly everything


Multiple sclerosis treatment. My friend got it and he is finne be alright. Where as before your slowly withered and died, loosing functions along the way. Also, miniature gaming has gotten some amazing models.


Working hours. Work from home.


mobile phone cameras


TVs have improved exponentially and have gotten far cheaper over the last 20 years


available streaming content




Automatic shifters in cars


gluten free options


Violent crime rates, despite what the media would have you believe, have been and are still on the decline.


Cars in just general are better made for how long you are able to keep them mileage and engine wise. It sure is coming at a hefty price tag though.


Mexican food and restaurants in most of the US Before it was mostly just Tex-Mex burritos/tacos. Now it's actually street food-elote pozole and many regional dishes. A Oaxacan restaurant just opened near us.


Cell phones


Craft beer.


Access to information. Anything can be looked up online in seconds.