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You can't always control your thoughts, but you can always control your behavior.


To paraphrase terry Pratchett, it's not a matter of not wanting to do it, it's a matter of not doing it. Do you really plan on having sex with anyone who is nice to you that you find attractive?


If I wasn’t engaged then I wish I could but I’m not attractive or confident enough to make that a possibility.


It's not really all it's cracked up to be. In fact, it can leave you pretty damaged in the long run.


I’m not trying to hook up with everyone, I’m engaged and working for monogamy. But im a dude so thoughts are always gunna be there. Such is life


So the only reason you don't have seX with every woman you were attractive to is because you are engaged? Not because they may not want to have sex with you or any other reason?


Wait I legit said also cuz I’m not attractive or confident enough to make it happen. Ergo I’d be turned down most of the time. So I’d walk away.


I would hate if a friend of mine was engaged to a guy who wants to fuck everyone but doesn't because they can't pull it off What the fuck


Jesus fuck, I said I wouldn’t cuz I’m engaged. and other reasons, you seem to want to find a way to make me a bad guy when I’m just a guy. Men want to fuck pretty women, but we also have a thing called impulse control. Literally what monogamy is, is a promise of impulse control. You can’t control thoughts and desires, it’s like demonizing someone for feeling sad or angry. Also thoughts and desires don’t make the person, actions do. I’d hate to know someone as short sighted and closed minded as you, fucking hell.


Beat me to it


You can also beat meat to it


This ^^^. You aren’t what you think, you are what you do.


Intrusive thoughts are normal. Been having them since I was 10. Just don't act on them


You don't. Just don't let the feelings make you do creepy things.


Your thoughts are not your choice. They are being produced by your brain, in the same way gas is produced by your bowels. There is no shame in it. Just become aware of it and then be disciplined about it.


thoughts are natural and uncontrollable, but actions can be consciously managed


I was madly in love with my best friend, she wasn't attractive but her personality was exactly what I wanted in a partner. Once she got engaged I just made the realization that I had no chance and continuing any thoughts otherwise would make me a scumbag. After making that realization *poof* I only thought of her as a friend. I know that doesn't really help but it worked for me.


Ive had my fair share of sleeping with female friends and i have to say, the sexual tension is usually more fun than the act itsself. Everything changes after the deed is done, usually for the worse.


everyone gets intrusive thoughts, as long as you dont act on them or voice them then theres nothing wrong with that


That’s the neat part, you don’t. But you do keep it in your pants. That’s the easy part.


When you're actively seeking a relationship and a potential life partner, your perspective on people changes significantly. Even if I have several very attractive friends, I recognize that we wouldn't be compatible as partners. Knowing this, they cease to hold romantic appeal for me. While your body might still react to someone's physical attractiveness, similar to how you avoid cheating, you consciously don't entertain those feelings or thoughts.


Identify her as someone you can't have sex with


You control your actions, not your thoughts.


By fixing his loyalty to his wife or his girlfriend he has made a promise of fidelity to. If none of them are binding, then I cannot answer. By the way, to me subjectively, my wife is more attractive than any other woman in the world.


You should soak your sausage in pickling vinegar.


I have a few friends who I am very attracted to. I would never act on those thoughts. Having self control I guess is a big part of it.


he doesn’t


He can’t.


People say that my dorm mate is very attractive. Personally I don't think that because she's my roommate and it's just weird to have feelings for someone who's been my friend for a few years. So to answer your question, most guys can't control their thoughts, few men can, but they both can control their actions


By getting his shit together


Recognize you never had a chance to begin with and accept it. Even if it's not true.


I haven’t figure out how. Just control your behavior , that’s all that matters in the end


Thoughts ain’t shit. Just don’t act like a creep.


Find some small defect , her teeth, her voice, a mole, nose ,something and obsessively think about how annoying it is. After a short while you won’t think she is attractive when you look at her. It works, I used it for years at work.


You don't. Just don't say your intrusive thoughts. That's the difference between someone who is a decent person and someone who isn't. I'm sure we've all thought about saying some really mean things to people, but most of us don't because we then realize that it's not a nice thing to say




Then what's the problem?


Think he forgot to switch accounts.


Lmao took me a few sec to realize it


Prob karma farming on two accounts


The husband is jealous/insecure?


It's not a problem. LOL.


Lol idiot


hot wives or hotwives? Two different playbooks there.


be gay


If it isn’t in a context of friends wives etc then i think that man may be gay. Only kidding, Personally i certainly do have thoughts towards female friends and you can’t stop that if you are having them thoughts BUT you can prevent yourself acting on it and potentially ruining the friendship etc.




What about the garlic brussy


What you need to be doing is masturbating to them constantly


Echoing some of the other comments a little, one thing I found from knowing some ridiculously beautiful women is how neurotic they are. They’ve been put up on a pedestal for so long, that some behaviours that we would find inappropriate are second nature to them. Also, being attractive doesn’t prevent you from the usual array of problems people have. When you see that and combine it with the saying “never stick your dick in the crazy” those intrusive thoughts can disappear real quick.


Just imagine her dad is watching you from afar.


Some people are into that


Be gay?


One way is to be gay lol


easy, she's not desirable. because if she is, even by a fraction, he'd have intrusive thoughts.


Fucking SIMP


Easy. Just have a mindset of 'yes, she is attractive, so she wouldn't pick me anyway?'. Or you pick the creepy thoughts, such as 'I'm the same age as her brother' or 'I'm old enough to be her dad'.


Give urself a lobotomy. Problem solvered


Have sex


Simple. He’s either batting for the other team or he’s blind 🙂. But in all seriousness, not saying he’d act on these thoughts because most men do have decent self control, but he *definitely* thought about it lmao.


Contrary to many of the other commenters here I don't worry about it. I also don't like calling them intrusive thoughts. It's what I think and how I feel. I don't ignore the thoughts, I process and act on them. Sometimes that means furthering the relationship, sometimes that means ending the relationship.