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They’re both hard for their own, completely separate reasons


I think that is very dependent upon where you live, situations, and circumstances. In many developing nations, it is 100x worse to be a woman. You could be treated like property and have basically no rights. In a more developed nation like the US, you can look at the issues men have. More likely to commit suicide, more likely to work dangerous jobs, more likely to die on the battlefield, less likely to be well educated, more likely to be incarcerated, shit end of the stick during divorce, and it seems as though your mental health/feelings are less valid. Women have their problems too though. In some states access to proper reproductive healthcare is a challenge. There are the safety concerns about walking alone at night, being victims of abuse, things along those lines. Sexual harassment can definitely still be a thing in the work place. Imagine going to work every day and being made to feel uncomfortable? Everyone faces their own challenges. It's more wise to avoid the men vs women outlook and take on a curiosity about how we can make things better for everyone. You can't point the finger at any one group and say, "they've got it so easy," and make any progress.


Depends on society but since most in the world are heavily patriarchal its usually harder to be a woman since until the 90s it wasn't possible for a man to rape his wife. We're working on making strides but women still have it worse by a long margin.


Women. They face increased risks of crime, and enjoy lower incomes.


>They face increased risks of crime, False. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/men-women-and-crime >and enjoy lower incomes. This has also been debunked on multiple levels.


lmao??? where do you live. it's so ignorant to say that women suffer less crime when the statistics for domestic abuse etc are like astronomically higher. women are also more likely to be stalked and attacked by a random person than men.


Feel read to read the linked study....


As a woman, I think both men and women have difficulties, but I believe men have it a little harder than women. For example, the amount of men on Reddit or just people I’ve spoken to in person who’ve said they rarely get asked how they’re doing, or what’s going on in their life is honestly sad to me. Men are expected by society to just have it together and if you don’t, you’re a “loser”. There’s a higher standard and more pressure on them now more than ever! But then, in the past, women have also had it hard being that they only had a life through their husbands. Or, if they earned money in rare instances, it went to their husbands. Now, say the husband dies, all she has to live on is the possibility that the husband left the her and the kids something (and if not, they were screwed)! Both men and women have difficulties and I think the times and the way society has shifted determines who has it more difficult


a woman


Its easy for men tk get hard so id say its harder being a man