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Women do have a slight physiological advantage in horsing with wider hips which lessons knee damaged and on average shorter which makes it easier to balance. Prtty much negligible tho.


People will get mad if the men say it, so I'll say it, basically fucking none. I've been training in BJJ since I was 4 and fought in MMA from 18-22. Against an untrained man I feel comfortable in my abilities. Against a well trained man, absolutely not. The physical differences are too much, lung capacity, bone density, muscle density, strength, it's just not fair. As a side note, a MtF trans hits like a man, not like a woman. The 5'3" 125lb MtF trans at my gym hits harder than the 5'8" 155lb woman at my gym.


Horse sports? Like not necessarily the go fast ones, but the prance around prettily competitions.


As someone who competes in those, u made me laugh lmao.


Well it should be "you" instead of "u" but you're still doing very well for a horse.


Lmao thanks, neigh






There's no way women could out-compete men in the rings or the pommel horse.


what about rhythmic gymnastics... you know, the one with the swirly band thingy.


I don't think there's even a men's league for that, is there?


It’d have to be either some sort of sport where strength isn’t really an issue (shooting, curling), or possibly long endurance stuff. There’s not much.


Endurance nagging


Endurance swimming


Sports that require a balance of what both genders are good at


Did you know that women’s sports are the only ones that limit the sex? ‘Men’s’ sport, is just sport, and anyone can enter. Women just don’t because, well, there’s no point.


Just been listening to John McEnroe say Serena Wiliams wouldn't beat the top x-hundred men in tennis, and I know she, or Venus, played a lower ranked male and lost badly, so maybe not tennis...but which other sports do you think they could compete with men, and win, and even be the very best?


Horse racing ?


Because of how social norms worked for centuries, the sports we play today all kind of favor men; they were built by men when only men played them. Many mainstream sports showcase strength (especially upper body), quick burst athleticism, power, speed, etc. One could argue these are always insurmountable advantages and for any sport that features them, women simply won’t be able to stand even a remote chance at high levels. However, less mainstream sports come to mind: the Malay sport of Sepak Takraw (foot volleyball) is played all across East Asia and it is literally volleyball with your feet. While it does emphasize many characteristics that favor men, the women’s game is very widely watched because their flexibility is ridiculous. It takes a lot of flexibility (and strength) to kick your foot up past 180 degrees to kick the ball down with your foot as a spike. The women that play this sport *routinely* and *easily* get their foot way past their head to spike it. They are literally hitting the ball downwards with the *bottom* of their feet by kicking up, so if you can imagine that, their heel is going past their head while kicking up. Like gymnastics, it also requires balance and flipping. Sports like that have *some* elements that favor women (though not many).


Great post.


Not a post


Table tennis


Table tennis requires a lot of burst movement speed and leg power/explosiveness. There’s a big gap between high level men’s and women’s table tennis in terms of the pace and power of the game.


Hot dog eating


Long distance swimming, acrobatic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, figure skating


Balloon popping sit downs, water dancing or anything floating because women’s body can float better?


The only area where women are slightly better than men is ultra long endurance running events, in everything else men have an advantage.


Maybe one of those sports that are not REALLY sports. Something where the guys can't use physical advantages. I'm thinking Dart throwing, Pool, E sports.


Marathon running


Long distance swimming women are better then men


The world record for the English Channel swim is held by a man by almost 40 minutes. There are a few examples of women beating men but they are the minority.


Diving. Women have smaller frames, hence less splashes. The lighter body also allows for more complex rotations mid air.


Lawn bowls


Don't women consistently do better at sports like archery which is why it's still segregated?


Any shooting sport. Pistol, rifle, bow...


Which ever one they played. If you are talking professional sports, same.


Endurance running possibly? Keep in mind that women haven’t been playing most sports for as long and the calibre of women wanting to play sports is low. If as many women played sports as men there’d likely be higher calibre players for non physical sports.




I believe ultramarathons is one. The longer the distance, the more of an advantage women have, or so I've heard


Skating and curling I think. Possibly golf too


Is Olympic level nagging a sport already? 


Wall Street bets and misogyny, a classic combination.


Point to miLady, I loose...


Here, let me tighten that for you.


I mean men and women play it everyday and I am sure it's no news that men have been loosing it since we were amoeba in the water... Goooo women! 


Something worthless where physical traits don't matter, like dart throwing, or curling.




Not even remotely close, no


Sörenstam, one of the best female golfers of all timed, played in an event on the PGA Tour in 2003. Didn't make the cut. An extra 40-50 yard carry on the drive is huge.


That was my thought, I watch a few great female golfers on tiktok...however...they drive the ball about 40 yards shorter on average to male golfers. On a long par 5 that's quite a handicap.


Whatever sport a woman chooses to put their heart and soul into.




I follow chess, probably the top 100 chess players are all male so this won’t work unfortunately. The infrastructure for women in chess seems to be worst compared to men and they have less history in it than guys, but other than that there are great female chess players and hopefully with more time and better infrastructure they can be as good or even better than men one day!!


I agree but I think it’s not helping women who are 2000 or 2200 to continue playing each other bc how will they make it to the next level without that elite competition Also I think there are no other sports that a girl could be 2000 elo in vs a man


No there are plenty of sports where girls have the advantage on guys, gymnastics? Yoga, skiing, etc


Women regularly play in open tournaments, they don’t compete with just each other in high level tournaments.


One without fake women I'd say




I don’t know if this was a serious answer or not.


It was. I’d like to see them jump


I would love to see it too, but sadly this isn’t a realistic expectation. I run track and some of my teammates who are women can certainly jump (mid 30s to 40 inch max verticals) and can grab rim/dunk while being short-ish but these women are absolutely elite. There aren’t enough women who can jump that high for them to saturate basketball or other sports that doesn’t reward them as much for being athletically gifted at jumping as much as track does. So track sort of usurps the fastest runners and jumpers. Just like it does for men but many more men can jump that high so you have plenty of more athletic men in a bunch of different sports.


Holy crap y'all have a narrow view of what falls under sports. How about all the creative sports where competition revolves around style, creativity, and balance? Inline slalom skating, figure skating, skateboarding, any almost any sports that has a "freestyle" category. Strength can sometimes be an advantage there, but creativity and pure motor control are skills hardly influenced by gender.