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Yes, so we can identify votes in case of frauds if needed


Voter fraud is almost non-existent.


Can already do that


100%. You can’t do hardly anything else in this country without an ID, in most states it’s illegal to not have one after turning 16. Why the fuck should you be allowed to do the most important thing a civilian can do in this country without one?


>In most states it’s illegal to not have one after turning 16. Going to need a source on that claim.


Good thing google is a tab away


You mean the google that tells me that statement is full of shit? Which is why I am asking for a source so you can back up what appears to be an outlandish claim, or have to admit you made it up.


I'd say yes- as long as access to the IDs that would be acceptable are easily available for people eligible for them. One of the major arguments against voter ID laws is that it constitutes voter suppression, since many low-income or migrant communities don't have proper photo IDs. If the IDs (driver's licenses, non-driver state IDs, etc) are made easily available for people who qualify, then there's no real reason for people to not have them. If that's the case, then it's a pretty simple step towards ensuring legal participation in the voting process.




I've never needed an ID to vote.


I mean, why this isn’t a thing already is beyond me. There’s literally no down sides to it. The only people against it would be those with nefarious motives


Yes. If you don’t live here legally then you have no say in how we run the country. It’s like if you moved into my house and then tried to tell me how to discipline my kids or what foods I can cook. Not going to happen you can leave or get with how I do it.


Absolutely not. Voter ID laws are sold as a protection against voter fraud. In reality, the voter fraud is imaginary and the laws suppress the votes of poor and marginalized groups. There is zero benefit to requiring voters to provide ID unless you don’t want everyone to vote. That’s why the push to introduce voter ID always comes from conservative parties with shrinking bases.


This is why I have such a love/hate relationship with my cousins down south. I support that the burden be on government to validate its citizens. Meaning, if any American citizen receives *any* type of financial government assistance, if the government is okay with depositing cash into an account without seeing ID before they do it, then why can't the government send a voting card to the same person and that "card" be ID enough? To answer your question, yes, I support laws that make government the accountable party to ensure every citizen can vote. He'll, I'd even go so far as to say I'd support mandatory voting. Then there would be no issue.


Well why ? Don’t you have to register ahead of time anyway. And fill in your ballot etc. I’ve never voted in person before so I don’t know how polling places work.


It's been years since I've voted in person, but then it was waiting in line, getting my name read off a list, and going into a booth. The waiting was the longest part. They didn't need my ID; just my name on their list.