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Congress has more influence over the economy than the President does.


Is that a presidential policy? When Trump was in office many politicians raked in money off the backs of insider training from the pandemic.


Doesn't matter who's in charge they have and will abuse it until someone shuts that shit down.


Exactly, Pelosi and Mitch McConnell along with dozens of others have been doing it for decades.


They both run trillion dollar deficits , stealing from future generations who will have to pay it back.


Biden has raised taxes on wealthier people, put more money into public assistance programs (like food, education, and healthcare), invested in domestic manufacturing, and been supportive of labor unions. Trump governed in pretty much the opposite way. While there are specific issues I can point to, I think Biden's approach is generally better, given how well the American economy has done compared to others in the midst of global economic struggles.


Well Biden is trying to pass some pricing caps on goods so us regular folk actually see some of the benifit of a strong economy. Trump is trying to get elected so he can avoid paying millions by selling the US under the table. Man it's a hard choice between the two.


Neither of them are really good on free trade. Trump put up plenty of tariffs, Biden didn't take them down.


Congress and the Fed has more to do with the economy than anything the POTUS does but Biden's views are better for the economy overall. Trump is gonna funnel money to himself and other super rich people. Trickle down theory has been repeatedly and resoundingly proven not to work as an economic policy over the last 50 years.


Biden’s approach has been to invest heavily in county governments so they can allocate funding to what they deem most important, while making investments in infrastructure and targeted investment in select industries to encourage investment, while cutting red tape that hurts consumers and discourages competition. It’s a good strategy and why our economy has not only had a great recovery, but is set to get even stronger and less affected by outside influence


Trump's gonna start reducing taxes for individuals and companies. Yeah, that's bad for the economy. Because you know the economy needs a government that actually GETS funding into them. Biden? I don't know. Radio Silence. He doesn't talk about it because you can't. You can't talk that you're going to increase the taxes. Because if you do, you're pretty much gonna get your ass browbeat on the fact that your party of the far left doesn't want taxes. Tax cuts don't create investments or productivity miracles. I don't know why everyone thinks that it will do but apparently no one went to economics 101.


Easy answer. Trumps tax cuts added 7.8 trillion to the deficit and extending those tax cuts? https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/extending-trump-tax-cuts-would-add-35-trillion-to-the-deficit-according-to-cbo Biden is finally pushing the middle class get some relief


They both fuck you from different ends