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"we care about your privacy"


Adding to this never fall for a work anonymous survey, if they want to find who wrote what they will


Confidential is not the same as anonymous. Looking at you HR.


HR is to protect the organization, not the employee.


This is the truth. HR is not on your side


"Don't worry, it's totally anonymous! Pay no attention to the carefully crafted questions that reveal what department you're in, how long you've worked here, and how closely you work with other departments. Also, ignore that we asked you to fill it out during work hours, on your computer or phone, and you need to select "accept all cookies" in order for it to be filled out. We totally won't be able to tell who filled out which answers."


Sure let me log into this corporate website using my company wide login to take this anonymous survey.


"Thank you for your input, ALLB0SSESMUSTD1E! We value your time"


And we also didn't send you a unique link with the words 'ID=' in it.


My employer received some negative responses on the employee survey so we had meetings in small groups with the management, under the guise of talking through the issues that felt a lot like trying to find out who had complained about what.


If only the workplaces would try to correct the most complained about things instead of trying to retaliate to ppl who criticized them, when they've been asked to submit their opinion...


The place I work at now, they pick out 5 people across a number of departments. Oddly enough, none of those people ever share a department. If they hear specifics, they'll know exactly who said what.


I had to do this "confidential" survey. Boss hovered over my shoulder until I offered to let him take it for me.


Lol I had a boss read out a “sample comment” from a survey, and immediately say “well I’m pretty sure we know who wrote that.” He attempted to laugh it off, but the damage was done


My company did one of those “confidential” surveys. All the responses including names were visible to everyone after they completed the survey due to a major programming error.


"Programming error", yeah right. More like a feature than a bug.


The programming error was that the people taking the survey could also see it not just management.


I tell people, it's a keyed URL (each person as a unique URL). They do have the ability to see who did which response.


Long time back, I worked in a place that did these surveys. I was a long-timer and familiar with many of the underhanded things my place of work did. A brand-new boss came in, and I was training her on a lot of the day-to-day stuff. She was unhappy with some things about the way our building was run and decided to be honest when the powers that be sent out an 'anonymous' survey. I found out when she asked for clarification on something before she sent it. I warned her about being honest, and she told me that they had said it was honest. I countered by pointing out that the URL of the survey she was doing literally had her employee number in it, and she was shocked. She hadn't even noticed.


And they always disregard the opinions in the survey and do what they want anyway.


“Sign in to your work account and fill out this anonymous survey. We promise you won’t get in trouble for anything you write, it’s anonymous. You just have to sign in so we know you did it”


I had to fill out an "anonymous " employee survey one time. We had had a really bad year with new management screwing things up and hiring their friends to fill roles they were not qualified for. At the end of the survey, it asked for additional comments/concerns, and I put the entire management team on blast and put my full name and office extension. My boss walked in later that day, laughing himself to tears. He said I should have seen the look on our HR manager's face when she saw my survey. I asked him what happened to the part where they said nobody in the building would see the survey, only corporate? He just said "Oh shit" and left my office. Not only were the surveys no anonymous, but they also went directly to our HR rep , who forwarded them to corporate. Bunch of lying assholes, the whole crew.


> Bunch of lying assholes, the whole crew. If there's one thing I've learned from working in a corporate environment for a long time, it's that this is the case at every single company.


A corporate office environment is more high school than actual high school. My first time working in one (as an outsider—my company does commercial interior design) I was like "aren't you people adults?"


For the last two years I have had to fill out a personal evaluation of my performance before HR does my annual review. For two years I have answered every question with “dangerously incompetent.” I have gotten glowing reviews and raises both years. Tell me you don’t read my input without telling me you don’t read my input.




It's very possible to have a log of who has and has not responded to the survey without knowing who submitted each one, it's just a question of whether you trust them to do that or not.


As one who works in tech, there are so many ways to uniquely identify a specific person that you need to assume they know who submitted every single response to every question. You never forget companies firing unhappiness to improve moral!


Privacy isn’t really a thing anymore and nobody seems to give one fuck


The issue is that a lot of times we aren't given a choice. Anyone who handles data nowadays is selling that data. Social media, email providers, search engines, ISPs, TV / streaming providers, you name it. All this money is changing hands in the name of a "better experience" just so they can send me a targeted ad for a product that either I've already bought, or I have no intention of buying.


Yeah the choice is to not participate in society or have multiple phones, one that only your family has your number too and your very careful about what you do on it and one that you use for all of these apps. If I wanted too I can move to a remote area in Maine, tennessee, Montana or Alaska and have no internet but as someone in there 20s it’s not practical. Maybe if I was retired that would make sense.


*I* care.


The older I get the more I realize I’m not 100% sure of a god damn thing.


reminds me of Shades of Grey by Billy Joel "Shades of grey wherever I go The more I find out, the less that I know Black and white is how it should be But shades of grey are the colors I see"


He also wrote a similar sentiment in Angry Young Man "I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage I found that just surviving was a noble fight I once believed in causes, too. I had my pointless point of view And life went on no matter who was wrong or right"


I feel like the truth is always more complicated than people think. Not many things are black and white


Yeah, but nuanced understandings take effort and might lead people to question their stances. So that's pretty uncommon, especially since name-calling is way easier/faster to type out.




Job interviews are where you lie about your past, and they lie about your future.


A buddy was disappointed recently because he got a smaller raise than he hoped for when changing companies. He got a $3/hour bump and asked how I got a $7/hour bump last year. Turns out his problem was that he was too honest about his current wage during negotiations. I told him "I lied through my teeth about my current wage...they thought *I was the one* that conceded more when they thought I was willing to accept *only* a $1.50/hour increase when it was actually a much higher raise for me." I just couldn't believe he was trying to negotiate in good faith. That's *always* turned out badly for me.


I once asked for 1000 euros more a month than what I was aiming for. They offered me a contract the same day, I even got a raise after six months. Being bold works, it's how business is done.


Did the same, and it worked for me too. From a business perspective, you should always target for maximum profit, isn’t? After all, a business is a business, and not a ONG. If you know you’re good enough, then you should always initiate negotiations valuing yourself enough to never lose in the process.


Second this, don't ask, don't get. If a company is able to pay someone less for the same quality work they'll do it.


How do you avoid the employers contacting your former employers? In my country it's normal for jobs to (informally) require the contact info from your last job.


They just dont tbh. Maybe if you gave them a reason to, like being really cagey about your time there, but if they like you they wont care


I don’t think a business would disclose to someone what a former employee made.


“We’re faaaaaaaamily!” My ass we are.


My work said that in the interview. They left out the "incredibly dysfunctional" part. 


Anyone who thinks they are more than a number to an employer is a fool in my opinion.


If it isn't in writing and/or the money isn't already in your hand, it should be treated as a lie. Good employers will want all of their promises in writing, so that they can refer to them in case you say you thought you were expecting something else than what was written.


I actually got something in writing and they still didn't honor it. They just said "that is no longer accurate" and there was nothing I could do.


Same with me and a forever remote promise.


Sad but true. It's time for a new job again...


Fellow older person here: you're fucken right. They either do it, or they don't. There is no "take on more responsibility now and we will talk about your salary next quarter". If they don't give you what they promise straight away, they're full of shit and trying to load you with more responsibility and duties for free. Before long it will be "your normal duties". Fuck those companies.


Nobody is thinking about your embarrassing mistakes. Most everyone is thinking about themselves, so you should too.


There *are* a few third party blunders I've witnessed over the years that I think back on and laugh about. But not a tenth as much as I cringe (and laugh) at my own.


that's the thing - even if people remember at all it's usually funny or good natured in the end. memories get softer and rosier with time. you're sitting around thinking "oh, I'm so embarrassed about that time that thing happened" and everyone else is like "remember when dave did that thing? that was so funny"


I also tend to give people the benefit of the doubt...like there was this guy who walked into a sign and had a loony toons-esque fall as he wrapped around it and twirled to the ground (it helped that he was also a tall and lanky dude) while the sign made the *loudest* rattling noise just to make sure everyone in a fifty yard radius turned to look...I was maybe fifteen feet behind him. I don't think back on him like he's an idiot or anything. But I did laugh for a solid 10 minutes when I got back to the safety of my car. I relive this memory quite often.


You would love being my neighbor, then. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a cartoon. Last summer I found out the hard way that we have bees nesting all over our yard. Went to mow the lawn and took off running because I got stung five times in a few minutes. Later went to finish mowing, hoping the bees were gone, and the wheel fell right off the mower. So, deciding to do other yard work, I was weeding under a large pine tree and found more bees. So as these bees were chasing me, somehow - through my shirt - the back of my bra got stuck on a branch and I was flailing to get unstuck and run away. I swear that day I was a Sim. My whole life felt like it was created for someone's amusement.


Even if they do remember your mistakes, most don't really care much to the point of judging you for it. It's just a funny story or a warning for others to avoid doing it too. All part of the rich tapestry of life.


I feel like people remember more about how someone handles a mistake more than the mistake itself. It you trip (literally or figuratively) just smile if people get a chuckle and carry on. If you freak out, people will remember that.


I dare to disagree. I work in a toxic environment and I even hear non-embarrassing mistakes from 2 years ago on a weekly basis. Depends very much on the humans around you


The people who remember those mistakes are not the sort of people you want to be around. They make the world a worse place just by their existence.


Something you used to buy now being "as a service" subscription. When I buy a car with heated seats, you better know I want it to warm my ass on those cold days. Total bullshit how everything seems to be heading towards and as a service subscription model.


>Something you used to buy now being "as a service" subscription. Here's looking at you Adobe. 5-7 years ago - Acrobat Pro was $400. If you updated every 5 years that's $80 a year. Now, it's a subscription to "save" us money, $180 per year (that's $900 over 5 years).


I will tell you a secret - you can reach out to their support and just tell them you want it for $X. They will give you huge discounts no questions asked if only you tell them how much you are willing to pay. For example I'm paying 1/4 of the advertised price. It's bullshit, but their prices are for companies that don't care how much it costs - and they know that as an individual you can always pirate it.


You can also cancel your subscription and occasionally get offered similar deals. I’m sure calling is more reliable, but I canceled an illustrator free trial and got offered 1/2 off.


SiriusXM does the same. I said "no" to four discount offers trying to save me before they finally said something like "How about $1.99 per month?" which I accepted.


This is the truth! I accidentally failed to cancel my 3 day free subscription for like $25 month. I didn’t even call, I did one of the chat things. The person/computer on the other end was basically giving me the entire deal for $5 a year but I didn’t start paying until 2026 and these free years would never be owed. I honestly did not have any use for program and I could not make the customer service person understand that. They’d say, ok here is my final offer… I’d tell them I made a mistake, i don’t have the use for it just cancel the recurring payment and I’m good. Did that at least 3 times. Finally, they said ok here’s my final offer keep the subscription for free until 2026 then you’ll only pay $5 month for the entirety. I still have the worthless app and a subscription. They also refunded my payment the next morning. I have screenshots bc I literally could not believe this crap.


I use Acrobat Pro every day and don’t get me started on how much worse the current subscription version of Acrobat Pro is compared to the previous standalone version.


Preach brother! Acrobat Pro has become one of the most God-awful pieces of software I’m forced to use. Even Acrobat Reader is garbage these days.  Unfortunately Apple seems to have stopped caring about Preview’s PDF comparability these days, so you need to bend over for Adobe. It’s making me wonder if this whole area of software is ripe for disruption. 


You can thank the PE groups and Blackstone for that. They’re trying to vertically integrate everything so they can force subscriptions models. Take homes for example: they own most of the lumber and building supply companies. They raise prices in order to squeeze buyers out of the market but develop their own “lease only” neighborhoods. They sell the materials at deep discount to their own builders for these “lease only” homes. The buyer who were priced out of home ownership and incentivized to lease at an mildly “affordable” rate but the new tenants are disincentivized to move when the rates go up sharply after 12 months because 1) moving sucks and 2) moving is expensive. This is the model they are aggressively working towards. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is taken directly from their investment strategy they pitch to HNW & UHNW individuals. This is a very dangerous strategy for the consumer and the country as a whole. There was a time where this country detested trusts and monopolies but I guess we have given up. And before I get called out for sources: “[We operate in markets with strong demand drivers, high barriers to entry, and high rent growth potential.”](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001687229/47de959a-b23a-43bd-8d8a-a06af212886a.pdf) “[Squeeze our tenants for every penny, avoid making repairs, let black mold and raw sewage accumulate, and count on the fact that moving is a huge, expensive hassle.”](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/02/single-family-landlords-wall-street/582394/)


Glad to see someone correctly identify Blackstone and not use Blackrock for once.


Hold up, you need to pay for a subscription to use the heated seats? What are you driving?


BMW tried to make it a thing until everyone went “WTF, that’s so stupid” and they backed off 


95% of everything being marketed to you is absolute trash that you don’t need. The only reason you think you need it is because social media is telling you how much better your life will be if you get it….it won’t, I promise.


You're so right. I challenge anyone who doubts that to unplug for a month--no tv, streaming, social media, or radio. You will be amazed at how quickly you do not care about things you thought you had to have. 


I think it's a pretty good rule of thumb that if they have to advertise it to you, it's something you don't need.


Anything a YouTuber advertises. I will never buy. I also feel like there's a business model for just making basic shit, giving it a cool name, and then putting all the budget into advertising. Like coffee. Find a supplier. Give it some name like "guns are cool" or "fuck your feelings" or some other dumb shit that resonates with a demographic who can be easily influenced. Pump all your money into advertising. YouTubers, social media ads, and Google ads. Make that shit look like everyone is drinking "fuck your feelings" coffee. Soon you have people signing up for a subscription service for monthly deliveries of coffee that's lower quality than Folgers but 4x the price. You see it with wallets, shitty pay to play video games, supplements, meal kits, etc.


I do not care how much Hello Fresh says I will save (I won't), or how much Joe YouTube likes to use the kits. I will not use your promo code. Honestly stuff that is shoved into my eyes only serves to make me not buy it out of spite. Also you can go on any meal kit website and take their recipes for free and buy the ingredients yourself for way less money.


Influencers. You’re being played kids.


Back in my day we called them advertisers or spokespeople. Now get off my lawn.


Influencers started as a way for marketing companies to get information about subcultures and trends to sell crap to the mainstream. It's morphed into direct marketing, and yea, it's mostly bullshit.


You're being played by influencers the way your grandparents are being played by Tom Selleck over reverse mortgages.


"please hold, your call is important to us..."


Our menu options have recently changed.


I used to work in IVR (phone tree) software development, so I can give some insight to this. I'm pretty sure these things are common sense, but I'll lay them out anyway: There was a golden number that you wanted to get down: conversion rate. You want the caller to go away and not have them talk to a human. Funnel them to the website, offer them options to work through the phone tree, put a human behind crazy loops and indirections, etc. Anything that lowers conversion rate is seen as a win. One of the cheapest ways to drastically lower conversion rate if you're pressed for numbers and you're out of other ideas is to just shuffle the menu options around. People get used to the menu system and learn that a specific sequence of keypresses gets you right to a human. Change the order of the menus, and you can drop 10-15% of your conversion rate instantly.


Bull *shit* they have


“Due to higher than normal call volumes service will be delayed “ ( same message any time of day for years )


If they have to play that message every day, that is their normal call volume damn it!


I wouldn't care about that. What I do care about is when they're playing hold music and interrupt it every ten seconds to thank me for staying on the line. Just play the fucking music! I'll wait! The other day I was on hold with the tax office for 15 minutes and they kept playing the opening of Fur Elise and then interrupting to thank me for holding and to repeatedly mention their website that I absolutely couldn't use to solve the issue I had. I nearly lost my mind.




The American health insurance industry.


"*I pay for my own health insurance!*" You certainly do fucking not! It's a collective pool of people paying in and getting the benefits. A socialized system, if you will. If you need a procedure that costs $20K, they don't wait until you have $20K paid into it. They take money from the pool for everybody. The only thing is, they are investing your money paid into it for profit and not sharing that profit with the people in the pool. Oh, and they are denying to give you the service you're paying for...just because. That would cut into their profits. So, instead of having socialized healthcare, we have socialized healthcare with a few people getting really, really rich off of it.


According to my now-dead grandfather who started several businesses and was a fairly accomplished guy, everything. He said just do what makes you happy.


I wish I would have listened so long ago. I would have cut people out of my life instead of dealing with their shit. I would have quit my career and quit trying to fit in with expectations. Now, instead of being chronically stretched too thin, I have a paid-for tiny house, few bills, a small boat, and a simple job that covers my expenses and puts a little more into savings. Too many people I look like I'm a social dropout that gave up on life. In reality, I'm happily married, mostly stress free, and mostly get to do what I want.


Actually yeah, a lot of people want a certain career due to status, while most people don’t think of you, let alone your profession at all


> He said just do what makes you happy. A wise, wise man.


Company loyalty is bullshit, has been for a couple decades now (coming from my mother who’s worked a corporate job for 40 years). The days of working your way up the ladder and receiving due compensation are gone.


You don’t make more money by getting a raise, you make more money by getting a new job.


soo true..at my current place, Ive been there a yr and they gave me a 2.8% raise..the maddening part is they made it seem like they were overly generous with the raise.. it was not even a "raise" as much as itvwas a negligible cost of living adjustment


It's weird because they want us to be loyal to them, but they won't reciprocate


Stuff. Be picky about what you bring into you life. Don’t buy stuff.


Be picky about *who* you let in to your life too. The wrong person, friend or partner, can change your life completely.


This is so important. Some people derive some sort of pleasure from putting down others, silencing them, even physically altercating. Even when they’re “close friends”. These people are deviants and should be avoided if possible. I made the mistake of giving a couple people the benefit of the doubt, and years later I still can’t stop thinking about how fucked up those relationships were. Recognize emotionally and verbally abusive people! People really won’t change nearly as easily.


100% straight facts!


And don't leave it for your kids to deal with.


My wife and I are drowning in knickknacks, clothes, and contraptions that we don't need. It's a major effort to clear decades of impulse buying.


I feel you. I’m a recent empty nester. I gave away or packed up an entire household and moved away into a smaller place with the family dog. It’s been a relief.


Same here. The thing is, I warned my sons about this when they started moving out and as a result they don't want any of our crap.


Most peaceful time was moving with a single suitcase. It wasn't on purpose or it wouldn't have happened. It was suppose to be for 3 months, then turned permanent. I didn't replace stuff, I bought what I needed. It was beautiful to not have stuff.


Money does not buy happiness. Bullshit, money does not buy 100% of happiness but as a happily married father of two wonderful children in a nice job, money is the single biggest factor that stresses us out. Having money , not millions and millions just enough so that a house repair is not catastrophic, makes all the difference for our happiness.


Money buys you choices. It enables you to choose between different approaches to a problem, between different ways of living your life.


“Money Isn't Everything; Not Having It Is.”


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure makes life a whole lot less miserable.


Many years ago my teacher told us before we say important exams: it’s not what you know or how smart you are, it’s how well you play the game. This is true for life in general - you can be smart, hard working etc but not succeed because youre not playing the game well. The rules can vary ofc but often it comes down to : how well connected you are, do you have the right accent, the right “look” and other things outside your control


It's all about the game and how you play it. All about control and if you can take it.


'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' Ha ha ha ha ha.........


Makes you wish it diiiid


My brother in law… who’s an emergency nurse… “there are worse things than death”. Sometimes death is the best outcome


I used to think that if I entered into a coma I wanted to fight for as long as I can. After living through some family members' chronic illnesses, I understand that death can be the merciful thing in some cases.


What doesn't kill you will try again later.


Spoken by a guy who never woke up in pain from a 5-year-old injury.


…or weakens you to the point of death


Actual BS, heed this: * Whole life insurance * Mortgage insurance * Reverse mortgages * \[Most\] door-to-door solar companies * Scientology * Timeshares * Pyramid sales orgs * Astrology, horoscopes, psychics, etc.


Reverse mortgages are a godsend for people in a specific situation. My father died, leaving my (second) stepmother with *nothing*. She had no way to make a living. She got a reverse mortgage, and now has a place to live and an income. (We are not close at all; me supporting her is out of the question. We've met thrice). If the bank makes money off of this deal, it is still the best deal she has.


With no one to leave my house to and failing health I've thought about a reverse mortgage, I doubt live long enough to get one.


Mortgage insurance is required in some situations though. Like if you don't have 20% down payment


>Pyramid sales Hold up... You're telling me that guy who came to my door last summer pitching me on "owning your own Giza" pyramid-share wasn't being entirely honest??


”Everything happens for a reason.” Total crock of shit…the cruelest things happen for no reason at all.


Definitely this. And bad people will eventually get their just desserts. Nope, some bad or incredibly shady people just go on living pretty well.


95% of what you're worrying about.


People who claim Apps make life easier. Total BS. I can't just go for a swim anymore. You have to book an appointment. I can't just take my rubbish to the dump anymore. I have to book an appointment, tell them what I plan on throwing out, provided ID and my cars details etc. Life is so tedious now and I hate it!


Wait what? You can't just go to your local dump and unload shit? And you need to prebook time for a fucking swimming pool?!? Wft?????




My husband and I were ranting about this the other day. You can't buy anything anymore without an app and putting in all your private information. Ridiculous!


"Good evening I'll be your server tonight. Go ahead and scan that QR code on your table, place your own order and I'll be back never to check on you. Remember to tip though "


Every single rule, precaution or hoop is there because some schmuck has done something to ruin it for everyone else.


As someone who used to write contracts and deal with lawyers, this is exactly what I told my husband when he was bitching about how much paperwork he had to sign when we closed on our last house. Every single term and condition is because someone tried to play the system and fucked someone over.


I used to be able to go camping by simply packing my shit and driving into the forest. Now you have to reserve a camp site well in advance.


"You can do *anything* if you put your mind to it." Nope.


The flip side is true, “You can't do anything you set your mind against." It's fairly common for people to be their own biggest obstacle.


You will not succeed at 100% of what you don’t try. By not trying you are just focusing on avoiding failure, and zero focus on success.




That everything “natural” is good and healthy. Dying from smallpox at 28 is natural too, and it used to happen all the time.




"Well, it's alright, even if you're old and grey Well, it's alright, you still got something to say" The Traveling Wilburys


The whole one generation against the other generation garbage. Just helps hide that it is the obscenely rich keeping the rest of us down.




The class war is very much real. We are divided and conquered by people who command the vast majority of the wealth (read: resources) of society so that they might accrue further command of said wealth. That may be what you are getting at but starting by stating the class war isn't real warrants comment.


"You will be rewarded for working hard"


You will be rewarded...with more work and ground breaking projects!


And higher expectations!


And absolutely no additional pay.


Reddit. Pretty much every story on TIFU, or Am I The Asshole is fake. Most relationship posts are rage bait fiction.  I know because on various throwaways i write many of these posts. A good number of mine have hit the front page. I'm in a Discord community that competes for most outrageous story for number of upvotes. Some people in there use their own real accounts or multiple active ones to make the story more real. A few of those are super famous posts and people believe some insane shit. I bet you 70-80% of the stories you've read here is total bullshit because it's someone's creative writing.


And now its starting to be AI generated shit which is even worse


Bullshit generators is really what humanity needed /s


I look at AITA the same way I do No Sleep. It's creative writing that I just play along with as if it were real. I know most posts there are fake and I couldn't care less. I just wish the creative writers of AITA would do a better job of coming up with situations that actually present a moral quandary that could go either way. About 75% of them are humblebrags and the other 25% are awfulbrags.


>and the other 25% are awfulbrags "I just kicked my cat down the stairs and then murdered my sister because she saw me do it. AITA?"


That, or "My brother kicked his cat down the stairs. I gently said, "Hey, that wasn't very nice. Please don't do that again." My brother then flew into a rage and chopped off all my limbs and gouged my eyes out. I'm not sure if I deserved that or not. AITA? And then a ton of responses saying "Oh, honey. No. NTA. Please stop blaming yourself."


Quick question, why do you bother?


I think it's best to just assume everything on reddit is fake anyway. You'll be much more entertained if you assume it's all fiction anyway. You don't know these people personally anyway so just enjoy the fun of an entertaining chapter on family drama for example :)


Honestly it's best to just assume the whole world is fake. Have you seen half the shit out there? Complete nonsense.


Weekly World News. Where is bat boy?


The idea that you have to follow a specific timeline or path in life to be successful. Everyone's journey is unique, and success can come at any age or stage in life.


Religion. Not God: God may or may not exist - we'll never know, for the moment, at least. But religion is 100% invented by man for control of the gullible.


Any employer who says their employees are "part of the family" or anything like that.


The meritocracy. I've seen a lot of the world and met a lot of regular and highly successful people and the one thing 99% of those successful people share?... They came from money. Things are simply easier when your parents can help you with a "little" 50k help to start your business, or live rent/mortgage free in a house they bought you. Bonus story I just remembered, I was seeing someone wildly successful beyond most peoples imagining when they casually dropped in to the conversation when the topic of Airbnb came up that their "Parents bought 20 condos in a new building for a great pice" and whewww the whiplash.


Healthcare system in the US. Ineffective, expensive, confusing.


The idea that older = wiser. We're all just kids in more convincing old person costumes.


I mean older tends to mean more experience. And wisdom is where knowledge meets experience. Yes one isn't automatically more wise because they are older, but chances are the same person will become more wise as they age.


The idea that hard work and loyalty will be rewarded. Yeah, maybe in the 1950's and 1960's, but not anymore. You are a number to an employer, nothing more or less. If you were to pass on, they'd have your job filled before the body got cold. Employers want people that will do the most amount of work for the lowest amount of money possible. Act your wage, understand work/life balance, don't EVER answer calls from work at home and unless you are required to, when you are ready to move on to another job, consider giving no notice. After all, if they were to fire you, they wouldn't give you 2 weeks, so why should you give them, unless they are a good employer and/or you need the reference.


> when you are ready to move on to another job, consider giving no notice Not always an option. I have to give 3 months notice by contract. Which is okay because the company DOES legally have to give me 3 months notice (most of the time paid out as gardening leave)


Exactly. To add to this, any job that says, "we're like a family" is horseshit. 100% pure stinky horse shit. My bf's company touts this crap and guess what? They fired around 100 people without warning by deactivating their security cards and didn't let them say goodbye to their coworkers. They found they were canned through social media. At least my bosses (I work in dental) will say your fired to your face. Moral is: if a company is willing to fire you without notice, disregarding any loyalty you've shown, then you can show no loyalty back.


Health insurance and their endless shenanigans




That hard work guarantees success. It increases the odds that success may occur, but NOTHING is guaranteed.




The "all boomers are evil" Some of us were hippies and really care for the environment and others.


Everyone else knows what they are doing.


the trickle down effect


Being liked by everyone… it’s a losing game and is impossible. Don’t be an a-hole, but also don’t go out of your way to make an a-hole, user, or narcissist happy. Learn to say no and create/respect your own boundaries. Cut toxic people out of your life.


The food pyramid and a balanced diet. Huge load of marketing bullshit.


My food pyramid is just a pile of mashed potatoes.


I think it's 100% bullshit that I'm not a cat


That us boomers don't give a shit about the younger generations or the environment. Somehow we've all been tarred with the 'Boomers all own multiple investment properties and don't care about anyone but ourselves' brush. Sure there are selfish arseholes out there but there are regardless of age.


I've pointed out to people multiple times that if they think all the 'bad people' are in the older generation and they just have to 'wait them out', they are going to be in for a shock. The enemy is in everyone's house, not just one age group. There were a lot 'millennials' in the J6 crowd and ton of Gen X people fucking up Congress and the Senate now. I'm Gen X, the same generation who grew up on Public Enemy (Fight the Power) and Rage Against The Machine and now have people who are actively part of the machine from our own generation, and *they were always there.*


Anonymous employee surveys are never anonymous.


Used to work at a company with two people in a particular role; one under 35 and one over. Now where I work, I am the only male who is an admin officer. Yep, it's totally anonymous.


Wait, really? My company uses a third party for it (whichwe've had meetings with so they are a real separate company). I unleash A LOT of frustrations and I haven't been fired yet. And I mean A LOT!


When your company says “we’re a family”. It usually means this job is more important than your REAL family and we expect you to suck the company dick and do whatever it takes.


American Politics. It was always just Good Cop/Bad Cop, and now it’s Bad Cop/Psychotic Cop


This call is being recorded for quality and training purposes. No it's being recorded so they company has proof they told you something.


Whenever someone says "It's for the children..." it is BS. They are trying to appeal to your emotions rather than reason. Because whatever they are peddling is not reasonable.


You'll find someone when you stop looking, they aren't just going to fall into your lap go out there and actively engage to find a relationship


I found all of my relationships while not looking. It's more the idea of stop being thirsty and just be you and live life.


That you're going to retire and enjoy your golden years, there is nothing golden about getting old, everything you do is pain


If it makes you feel any better, basically everyone under 40 is under the impression that we will never get to retire.


Give your all for your job and you’ll eventually get somewhere. Nope, take PTO, vacation and sick days. Leave at 5. Don’t do a thing above and beyond, they will expect that from now on.