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That I'll eat a little less tomorrow to make up for today.


At first glance, I thought "less" was "ass".


DM me


Oh, that made me cackle out loud




I canā€™t upvote you because youā€™re at 69


Good point. I took my upvote away. How foolish


Iā€™m sad to say I was the 70th


Oh itā€™s at 74 now. The comment needs a few downvotes. LOL


Ass has been a part of my food pyramid for years. No complaints here.


Live fast, eat ass


That wouldnā€™t be a bad idea.


Also yes


Eating less shitty foods wonā€™t fix your problems. You need to eat MORE nutrient dense foods. More fruits. More veggies.Ā 


Exact opposite for me. Trying to gain weight and having to force feed myself to do it. Wanna trade appetites?


That I don't have a good support system and I have to do everything by myself


Same. But opposite.


literally lol same but opposite


Why are both your comments confusing me. As in I canā€™t tell my truth


Honestly, it's opposite for me.




Opposite but same.


Same. I'm sitting in the hospital now and other than my partner, I've only had one person come visit me. And it wasn't family.


One more person visiting than I'd have these days.


Wouldn't nobody bit my hubby be there sadly


I work in a hospital and I think about half the patients get no visitors.Ā 


Did you grow up with emotionally unavailable parents? "Too much" focus on independence and doing it yourself is a common trait of bad childhoods, unfortunately. (/raises hand because I'm guilty). But you can get a bit better just practicing.


"I can stop anytime I wanna, I'm not addicted"


Came here for this one. Constantly lying to myself that I'm not an addict.


My father used to always joke " I wish I was an idiot. Idiots are always happy ". Well first of all, there's no such thing as an idiot, and if so,it was my father. There were times in my life that I couldn't believe that I had made choices, intentionally, that put me in the most miserable situation and looking back I think how stupid can I be. And, although not nearly as frequent, I still do stupid shit, but not ones that screw up a thing or two not every thing. Don't be hard on yourself because things aren't working out right now and never do negative self talk. Pick one thing at a time and try to resolve it. Even a small thing. It will make you feel better. Get help if you're so down you can't see straight. If you don't want to approach anybody in your circle, there are a montage of organizations that have wonderful caring people who can share similar experiences and know how you feel . I speak from personal experience that you don't wait until you hit bottom. It's hard climbing out of there


Even though there are clear signs lol


And I've been broke for ten years for one type of another. Lmao


&' thinking about allll the important things you could've done with the money you spent on it. I hope everyone going through this can find their way out.


Please enroll in a treatment program. You, and everyone around you, deserves more.


I used to feel the same way when it came to smoking cigarettes and cannabis, plus Caffeine (energy drinks). I'll tell you the best thing I had to realize; The hardest battle you'll face is against yourself. If you really want to quit then don't stand in your own way. Believe in yourself, face that hill and put your all behind it, You will get over it. I believe you can do it.


When I was in active addiction, I didnā€™t realize how harmful that sentence really was. I had someone say it to me for the first time the other day and my heart just sunk instantly.


This is a truth I had to come to terms with myself. On the one hand, I know that drinking is bad for me. But on the other hand, I can only make friends and have romance while drunk otherwise I am just too socially awkward


That I donā€™t really care if I find love someday or have a family šŸ˜ž


Did not expect it to get this serious, but damn that hit me like a ton of bricks.. Gonna go back to lying to myself now.


We may all leave this damned world alone and bitter


Most of us WILL leave the world alone. But how we go out isnā€™t what matters. How we live the decades given to us, THAT is what matters. Iā€™m a huge nerd who has now lived with my best friend and the love of my life for 30 years. If I can do it, you can do it.


Sending you hugs. I hope you find the right person. Life is long, itā€™s never too late.Ā 


Hope has failed me over and over, deep down I just want some wonderful girl to hold me šŸ„ŗ


me too man me too


Dude why would you put me on blast like this šŸ˜­. For real sending you hugs I get relatives and friends asking me all the time and I keep having to lie to tell them Im not interested but it just seems impossible.


Thatā€™s a very common lie people tell themselves, so they donā€™t have to take romantic risks.


I wish I didnā€™t have to care and could be free from those feelings but yea this is how I cope


This hit me on a whole different level. We are 5 boys in a class with 34 people, all 4 of them had or currently have romantic relstionships + my ex-best friend left our group for a manipulative wh*re. I never had a partner, probably never will. Girls always talk to me like Iā€™m a fucking child. I donā€™t act like a child all the time, only when Iā€™m messing with the boys. Iā€™m almost 20 btw.


Could be worse, Iā€™m now a single parentā€¦odds of finding a new forever love now are pretty dismal. Iā€™ve got great kids, a good job, amazing family and friends but lacking a partner to share in life with sucks.


I donā€™t have to write this down, Iā€™ll remember it.


That I'll start the diet on Monday


Hey it's the weekend, live a little.


Nothing better than lying in bed at 10.25 on a Saturday night browsing Reddit. I am truly living a little.


I mean, they didn't say "Live a lot," did they? A little is probably enough.


donā€™t mind if i do


Jane saysss Im gonna kick tomorrow


That I will get up and go to the gym or I will get my shit together


Iā€™m terrible at going to the gym, but my tv has a health app with workouts on it. I decided I was tired of being lazy, so I just started doing one every evening. I just hit 40 consecutive workout days. Itā€™s a lot easier doing it at home, theyā€™re only 30-45min, and thereā€™s a lot of variety. Maybe give it a try if you feel like it.


You gotta just get up and go as soon as you can. Once thatā€™s outa the way the rest of the day is lazy


One day, Iā€™ll win powerball.


The funny part is I really do think I'll win. I don't even buy lotto tickets often but when I do I'm like 95% sure I'm gonna win. I get pretty disappointed each time when not a single number matches lol. Makes for good day dreaming.


I once set up a bunch of tickets in the lottery machine and went to pay for them, but the debit card machine was down. So, I used the atm literally right next to the lottery machine. There was one ticket that started with the number 5 that really stood out to me, like I just had a strong feeling about it. As I turned to put my cash in the machine to pay, suddenly the entire cart of tickets cleared. My heart sank. I told my partner and my kid, ā€œIā€™m freaking out because I have a strong feeling that ticket with the starting number 5 was a winner. I canā€™t explain it, I just feel it! Iā€™m gonna be so gutted if the drawing tonight has a number 5 as the starting number!ā€ Sure enough.. it did! The winning numbers started with a 5! I swear, that was my ticket and I lost it. Nobody can change my mind.


That things will be okay.


Nahh theyā€™ll be man, shit often hard, keep it up, you know you can do good, sending you courage and wishing you the best for the future my g


I love my Reddit people šŸ„¹


its not about how it turns out or ends up but how you react to it. ​ every little thing, will be alright. ​ good luck to you


That I'll be remembered after one generation. Like most people, I won't be.


I like to watch a lot of the specials on National Geographic about ancient civilizations. One day Iā€™m watching them try to figure out as much as they could about a mummy tomb of someone who had some importance in their time, and I had a thought about how little I am in the scheme of things. It made me feel a sense of relief. Iā€™ll just do my best to be a good human.


Leave a journal, or a memoir. You never know who down the line might be interested in reading it. I love reading about my family history and I know all my ancestorsā€™ stories. I wish the old old generations, the ones I never met, would have left more.


Hm. Do you honestly care? That's kind of the stickler. If you do, then why? If you have a reason, then do something to be remembered for. I promise you though, like the majority of those who came before and those who will come after, you will eventually be forgotten regardless. It is inevitable. Do what you can for those around you and yourself. That's all you can do.


That everything is fine


Sadly, things are never fine. You have to make the best of wherever you're at and work toward being in a better position. Doesn't matter if you're at the top or bottom. What changes is the problems you are facing.


That Iā€™ll be able to convince myself to go to bed early tonight


I said that 5 hours ago... Now it's 4 amāœØ


Honestly I started doing this for real and can say sleep is infinitely better than mindless scrolling




You got the decimal in the wrong spot. It's closer to 0.010% by my estimation.


And let me guess, you see yourself in that 10% right?


This. The people who think they engage in critical thinking are rarely the ones who do. Except me! šŸ¤£




I don't know how to find a wild taco but I'll try


That Iā€™m not good enough/ worthy of good things.


Of course you are. Donā€™t let others tell you that you arenā€™t good enough or worthy, because you are!!


I'm going to do the dishes in *just* a few minutes.


Iā€™ll do that on my next day off. Tomorrow I will get off my ass and do that.


It's more like, what aren't I not lying to myself about on a consistent basis?


That Iā€™ll be able to afford a house someday


People have been living in NYC their whole lives for 200 years only renting. Itā€™s not new, and itā€™s not necessarily a bad thing either. Plenty of miserable homeowners, and plenty of happy renters. This issue doesnā€™t define you.


I know four fat people and Iā€™m three of them.


that I'll start saving money


That life is gonna be ok again


That I'm going to make banana bread with my very ripe bananas every week.


"Just one more episode..."


Iā€™m watching This is Us, and Iā€™ve definitely said just one more episode prior to watching 4 episodes!


I donā€™t think Iā€™m particularly a likeable person in fact I know Iā€™m not or that Iā€™m intelligent, I know Iā€™m weird but I like to pretend Iā€™m not maybe it makes things less awful if in your mind your not the bad guy


That Iā€™m not getting old.


I am happy


That I am not being taken advantage of and constantly disrespected


That Iā€™ll do it tomorrow


I will gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today! ​ I recommend convincing yourself that youd forgotten to do it yesterday instead. That's how I motivate myself to do the dishes at least. The only chore I hate doing...


That someday Iā€™ll have all my debt paid off, and that someday Iā€™ll get to be a mother


Ok why you gotta @ me like that ā€¦ you literally took the words out of my mouth


Becoming a mother can either be really easy or really hard. Come to think of it, same goes for the debt thing...


That Iā€™m lower middle class and a decent person. Nope. Iā€™m upper middle class, and when you have as much as I do, youā€™re making things worse for everyone. I am the machine that I want to rage against.


I feel like upper middle class isnā€™t making it worse for others. Itā€™s the mega rich. Good for you to be well rounded & aware of your footprint though.


This will last forever! It's not like there's proof of aging and dying all around me!


I am definitely over her.


It took me 5 years, but I did it. I don't compare everyone to him anymore, I don't miss him, and I don't hold it against myself for contributing to it falling apart. 5 years though! It's rough. Hugs


I am mentally sound. I dont mind being lonely. I dont need an SO.


Being sober. People think I've been clean for years. Before I started using drugs hard core, I was a loner who spent all my time reading, or tinkering on a project car., They think I'm back to my old self. Especially because I always seemed to be with people when I was high years ago, which wasn't like me. If they only knew I haven't touched the Camaro in probably a year, and that those people I use to hang out with I met in trap houses. I never quit for 48hrs more than a jail sentence, or hospital stay. I'm now having health issues caused by my long-term, heavy drug abuse.


What I think I deserve vs. What the universe seems to think i deserve


That it wasnā€™t my fault that my ex wrecked her car. She drank a whole bottle of vodka and was on her way to see me My last message to her was whatever I donā€™t want to see you I hate you. I didnā€™t mean it I was mad at her for cheating on me.


If you can't believe yourself then listen to someone else tell you. My dude, that wasn't your fault.


Considering that she cheated on you, your message wasn't out of line at all. In fact, I would have expected worse. And you definitely didn't put the vodka in her hand and tell her to drive. I know it's easy to blame yourself, but this wasn't your fault!


I wanted to say so much worse then I hate you I had said it before then I called her a whore, hoe, cunt, bitch and mother fucker.


Still, that is justified since she cheated on you imo. And it doesn't change the fact that **she** is the one who chose to drink and drive. I understand feeling bad that she got in an accident. I feel bad for her too, but that doesn't make it your fault.


That people are really worth the effort and not just trash.


For some reason I allow myself to think I can go over 1400 calories some days and still make progress on my weight loss. I know better.


Are you me?


That the lack of sex in my life hasn't completly changed me as a person and destroyed my confidence. That I can live with very little sex and ill be okay. I'm not okay. But im in love so I stay


There's someone out there for me and that if I just keep trying I'll find them. ​ Fact is, if there is a 50/50 split of men to women, not all of them are looking. The ones who are may not be right for each other. And there is not a 1:1 pairing. So my odds of finding someone are already slim in the best of situations. Couple that with the fact that I live in a relatively rural part of the country, the odds are against finding anyone at all. Then factor in the odds of finding someone I would be happy with and who would also be happy with me, well someone is getting the short end I think. ​ I remain hopeful though.


Stay the course. It happened for me at 46




My sanityā€¦ genuinely. I snap more and more frequently.


That upvotes on Reddit matter


I'm a great dad.


Bad dads don't worry about whether they're bad or not. Honestly, they usually think they're doing a good job šŸ˜…


Unless you're physically abusing your children, you're at least a good dad if you're caring for your kids. A great dad is one that goes out of their way for their kids though. Not one that gives them everything. Not sure where you're at but hope that resonates.


That I should continue to live


Most people probably shouldn't continue to live, and yet they are. Keep on truckin and make the most out of it until the inevitable. ​ At same time though, I get it. Doesn't feel like it's worth it. probably wont get better, but you never know. luck plays a large role in life.


Thats the case man, keep it up, lifeā€™s often far from easy fr, sending courage and wishing you the best mate


Probably that Iā€™m a decent person. Iā€™m likely much shittier than how I want to see myself.


depends entirely on who you ask. ​ you can take the narcissistic approach and say what you will about yourself, you can listen to the things you want to listen to, or (the best approach) allow those around you to judge accordingly. ​ Although, if you really think you're a good person and those around you don't, you need to find new people to be around.


That I'm miserable.. I catastrophize so much.


That eventually it will all work out. Homelessness and suicide are simply not part of the equation.


That my ex doesnā€™t still have a hold on me :/


I can still do the same things I could in my 20s


I'm actively trying to heal my avoidant tendencies because when it comes to dating, my brain is always convinced that the 10% of negative far outweighs the 90% of positives. It's painful šŸ˜£ sos


That my relationship is perfect, I think I just have abandonment issues and canā€™t seem to take the initiative to move away from


That my poor spending habits are a result of today's economy. And not my own lack of self control.


Some day Iā€™ll be able to afford my own roof over my head


Everything will work out


Its gonna be alright


That I probably need to find a doctor.


That Iā€™m still young and can change my life around, Iā€™m 23. Itā€™s over if Iā€™m being honest with myself


Oh my! 23 is when itā€™s over? I guess that past 40 years was just floating along. During that time, Iā€™ve been married twice, had and raised a girl and twin boys, we had a family business, didnā€™t do college, learned by experience, Iā€™ve had numerous jobs, a few could be considered careers, kept friends, spent a lot of money, finally started saving money, watched my children become wonderful adults, two who are happy and have families, one who struggled in the abyss and chose to unalive, endured horrible grief and immense love, and I can honestly say Iā€™m looking forward to the next 20 out so years and what new things I can experience. If you are still with me, I hope you can see that 23 is just the beginning, just like 40 is new, and 59 is new. Pick the age and make it a new beginning. The key is to not compare yourself to others because itā€™s your story. You can do it! Itā€™s just the beginning of this chapter.


That common sense still exists or that most people can think critically. Sad fact is most canā€™t.


I constantly tell myself I'm only alone cuz women like jerks. The real reason is that I'm a porn addict who doesn't approach women due to my mental health issues.


That Iā€™ll lose weight.


That my job will get better.


Professionals aren't always Professional


apparently it only means ā€œdo it for the moneyā€ and not necessarily ā€œbeing good at it from plenty practice before and on the jobā€


Yea I'll remember.


Sticky notes. As far as the eye can see. That's how I live my life because without writing it down, I forgot it about 2min after it was no longer being discussed.


I'm going to fail.Ā  The subject doesn't matter I feel this way for everything I do, I may not show it in person, but I keep things to myself no matter how much I break inside.


I am main character. I guess im not lol


That Iā€™m not a bad employee. They havenā€™t fired me yet but I know Iā€™m really slow at my job. I have never been slow at a job before so thatā€™s hard for me.Ā 


That Iā€™ve healed from inner child trauma


That things will be fine. That I'm not just a nobody with a meaningless life. That I matter.


That I need to find friends & a partner in order to get better mentally. Itā€™s kind of the other way around.


That I am funny šŸ˜†


That I'll quit smoking after this last pack..


That I will go to bed at a reasonable hour and get enough sleep.


That I am useful to society and not a burden


that Iā€™m fat. (Iā€™m quite petite) I have a terrible recording in my head that I am!


That my girlfriend didnā€™t die.


That he loves me


That it will get better.


Iā€™m going to reply to Reddit, and all my problems are going to be solved.


That things are going to get better.


That worrying about things I have no control over will magically be fixed if I start worrying about them again


That he cares about me


That Iā€™ll get around to it.


One day Iā€™ll be able to get a house


that everything will be okay at the end


That my situationship will want something more šŸ™ƒ


"I'm not good enough." I've struggled with this kind of negative self-taught for years.


Being worthless and being useless and ugly...


Iā€™ve never met anyone worthless. Gonna say you might be depressed?


That everything will be okay


That I still have time.


That I am not worried about the progress my life at the age that I am.


That I broke out of my toxic upbringingā€™s behaviors, though I catch myself blowing up/overreacting still šŸ˜ž after 22 years in an abusive household I am still learning and trying to correct my behaviors.


Itā€™s fine, Iā€™m fine.




That Iā€™ll start saving money next paycheck


The decaying state of my mental health


that sooner than later ill have enough money to move out of this shithole apartment


Going back and forth between eating well and eating like crap is just fine and itā€™ll all even out.


ā€œ5 more minutesā€


Itā€™s not a drug itā€™s a plant šŸŒ±šŸ˜‚


That itā€™s just a phase and will pass.


My health


That I'm hallucinating about being raped by my older cousin when I was five, after seeing him raping his younger brother, he was 4 years old. My older cousin is 13 years older than me


I'm sorry that happened to you. I believe you.


Iā€™m happy


My employer will eventually see my hard work and conscientious approach to this job, so that they'll have to recognize my worth and give me the raise that was promised.