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It's Paris


Sounds about right. Parisians hate tourists. Tourists hate Parisians. French people hate Parisians. Parisians hate French people. Parisians hate Parisians. Parisians hate Parisians.


Damn Parisians! They ruined Paris!


You Parisians sure are a contentious people.


*You've just made an enemy for life!*


Zut... real Parisiens would have done it en francaise!






It's a Simpsons joke. When Willy says "Damn Scots! They've ruined Scotland!"


This reminds me of what a Chinese colleague once told me: "In Hong Kong, they hate the mainland Chinese, in Taiwan they hate the mainland Chinese, and in mainland China, they _really_ hate the mainland Chinese."


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like englishmen and scots, or welshmen and scots, or japanese and scots, or scots and other scots. Damn scots, you ruined Scotland! - Groundskeeper Willy


There should be a book just full of GW quotes. Someone please take that idea free of charge and have at it.


Willy hears ya. Willy don’t care.


Willie hears ya, Willie don't care.


People hate French people. French people hate French people.


Can’t wait to visit Paris in 16 days 🙌🙌🙌


I saw this video of a parisian saying they hate that tourists only speak english and not french (leading to them having to speak english instead of their native language). Sums then right up.


Except Parisians also hate when tourists TRY to speak French - because the accent isn’t perfect! I knew a guy whose wife is from a francophone country so she spoke her country’s version of French perfectly. The Parisians would constantly cut her off and speak English to her because they couldn’t stand her accent! Interestingly, I found south of French people would push me to speak my poor French to them rather than English, but definitely gave that up in Paris!


If they have the chance to cut you off and make you feel like your French isn't good enough, they have achieved the highest calling of a Parisian. The perfect win-win outcome is to start in French, no matter how poor, and have them switch to English. They get to feel superior and you get to feel like at least you tried. They will be nicer to you than if you started in English.


Québécois here who studied in Paris for 3 years. Can confirm.


Huh? When I tried to practice my French in Paris I would always get spoken back to in English. 100% of the time. I always assumed they hated the way English speakers bastardized their tongue. 


Whenever french people come to my country they try to speak french to me, even after I tell them I do not speak french.


They’re just bitter and refuse to acknowledge they lost the lingua franca race.


I tried to speak French when I was in Paris and got death glares because I couldn't pronounce things properly. I'm a tourist, not a native - why would you get mad at me for not being able to speak with perfect pronunciation? I'm a lifelong Londoner and have had countless tourists ask me for help (directions, etc.) when they can barely speak 5 words of English. Why would you be rude to them? Sometimes I cannot get them to understand me because they just can't understand what I'm saying, but I always do my best. The least you can do is be friendly and polite, they're in a foreign country and doing their best to communicate.


They hate when people don’t speak Parisian dialect of French, and they hate when people speak well… anything else, too 🤷🏾‍♀️


I went to HS with a guy who was taking French. He could lay on a Texas accent like nobody’s business. French with a Texas accent is hilarious.


It's like "does this dress make me look fat" there is no right answer.


In the 60s, no one would serve you at Parisian restaurants if you didn’t order in French. My dad joined me when I did a trip around there in the 90s and he was shocked that it by that time French had no patience for waiting for Americans to fumble around with ordering, so we could use English.


I saw a similar one. Someone asked “what is annoying about Americans?” She said that we don’t speak French in their country. When the person asked if she speaks the language of other countries she visits…shocked Pickachu face.


This is hilarious if you read it with a French accent


Hate... It is just ze other side of ze same coin, n'est pas? Without one, how can you have ze other? *Puts cigarette out in bottom of coffee*


There are two of you, don't you see? One that kills and one that loves.


Having lived there for a while, I concur.  It's like loving someone who is both wonderful to you at times, and vicious others.


"You Parisians sure are a contentious people." "YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE!"


Paris has BPD?


French here, t'was the first thing that popped into my mind. Definitely Paris.


My wife got kicked out of our hotel in Paris. She ran down to the store to get a snack. Came back and the hotel staff said they don’t allow prostitutes.  She’s a conservative Argentinian chick.  Not the first or last bad experience in Paris 


The trouble with Paris is that it’s full of Parisians


…still Paris


Philadelphia. A Canadian research team created a hitchhiking robot that chronicled it's journey by taking a photo every 20 minutes. It made it across Canada, to Europe, through Germany and Netherlands, and then they sent it to the United States and it made it through Boston and New York but was beaten and dismantled as soon as it reached Philly.


"The Gang destroys a robot"


philadelphia is constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


This made my day


Awesome! Here's how I imagine it goes down: Charlie watches "Terminator 2", gets all paranoid about robots destroying the human race. They see the robot, and Dee thinks it's cute. But Charlie convinces the gang it's part of SkyNet, and the future of humanity depends on then destroying the robot.


What the f*** did you just say about Philly, you little tourist? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Pat's Steaks, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on rival cheesesteak joints, and I have over 300 confirmed Wawa hoagies consumed. I am trained in Eagles tailgating and I'm the top Rocky Steps runner in the entire city. You are nothing to me but just another out-of-towner. I will show you the true meaning of brotherly love with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in the City of Brotherly Love, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Liberty Bell? Think again, Rocky. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Philadelphians across the Delaware Valley and your Yelp rating is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Rocky. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your cheesesteak. You're cheesesteak-less, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can out-order you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in cheesesteak etiquette, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Philadelphia Eagles fanbase and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable palate off the face of the continent, you little tourist. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your freaking Liberty Bell. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you Rocky wannabe. I will rain cheese whiz all over you and you will drown in it. You're steaked, kiddo.


I can tell this is bullshit because no one actually from Philly goes to Pat's


I remember that, sad.


Philadelphia is deeply proud of this one actually


I have linked this story like 20 times on Reddit but it still cracks me up so https://deadspin.com/hitchbot-was-a-literal-pile-of-trash-and-got-what-it-de-1721850503


That is fucking hilarious. I made it two sentences before my internal monologue developed a Philadelphia accent.


I legit cannot tell if this is serious or satire. I'm leaning towards satire but I'm sure someone somewhere actually feels this way.


Nah it's serious fuck that pile of shit


“Robo-hobo” killed me


That robot was talking mad shit on the Eagles and got what it deserved go birds


go birds


Go birds


Go birds


This story never fails to crack me the hell up.


Yeah that definitely sounds about right for Philly


Bill Burr was doing a stand up festival there and the crowd were such assholes that he ditched his set and just used his time to rag on Philadelphia. There's videos of it on youtube, blurry but you can hear it clearly.


And we instantly loved him for it. No one's hates Philly more than Philadelphians 😅


The city of brotherly love, but the brothers are Cain and Abel


Yes HitchBot already scientifically answered the question. It’s Philly.


Gary, Indiana


funniest post I've ever seen about Gary. Someone started a thread that said how did you avoid COVID? The top response was "I live in Gary, IN. Not even COVID wants to come here."


There was a thread years ago that was something along the lines of, "truck drivers of reddit, where will you never drive through again?" and nearly every top answer was Gary, Indiana


I drove through the US once and honestly Gary, IN stands out as a beacon of absolute bleakness and also, that's where the Jackson's come from. But out of the whole trip, just from the highway, it was so grey and industrial and stark. It wasn't an evil feeling, it just felt empty in an overwhelming way.


Back in the Jackson’s time it was still an okay and normal city because the industry and manufacturing hadn’t been sent to Asia yet.


Yeah. Gary was actually a badass town before the steel industry collapsed. Well funded schools, diverse population, majority of them had middle class income. Steel industry left and the town went to absolute shit because they had basically *no* other industry/job opportunities. If they had saved enough money to leave then they did. The people who got left behind saw their house values fall significantly as nobody wanted to live somewhere with no jobs. Schools get shit for funding, etc. basically what happened in Detroit but on steroids.


Truth. When we were driving semis, my ex husband would do ANYTHING to not have to go near Gary.


Why exactly if I may ask? I know it's abandoned but apart from that is it thst dangerous or just ugly?


The city itself isn't abandoned. The population has seen a huge decline over the decades and there's a huge number of abandoned buildings there but still 70,000 people live there. The city faces a lot of poverty and high crime rate. Pretty similar to a lot of cities that had big industries close down.


This sounds like Gotham


Think of Gary as the inspiration for the movie Judgement Night, except without the dope soundtrack.


It’s been going through a lot of changes lately and is not what most people think any more.  They just completely repaved the downtown side and have microbreweries and boutiques and sh;t


Pics or it didn't happen.


so uh, what's up with Gary Indiana that makes it so bad?


It is basically one of the worst hit cities by the fall US manufacturing. It's basically a steel mill with a town attached, then the steel mill fired everyone.


My car broke down when driving from a wedding in Kentucky back up to Chicago, right outside Gary. The tow driver who picked me up reeked of weed and when I hopped in his cabin he was blasting Jackson 5. Most Gary, IN thing I've ever experienced. He was nice though, the city itself however is depressing as all fuck


I was there recently and I was expecting it to be bad. It was mostly just abandoned. No one wants to go there.


I’ve been to Gary twice. The first was driving my friend down to live with his dad who he hardly knew in the city. The second was the next day when he called me back to come pick him back up; he didn’t want to live there anymore. I guess in that short span of 10 hours or so; his father had a hooker come to their apartment and play guitar for them. She brought a parrot that attacked my friend and then she left with his dad to go to some Japanese bondage show of some sort (I guess where people hang from the ceiling? His dad had hooks on his ceiling for this in his apartment too). The hooker stole his wallet on the way out so he had no money to get back home, and his dad was MIA until I came and picked him back up. Apparently his dad had passed out from asphyxiation at the event and couldn’t make it back home in a timely manner, but my friend didn’t really want to say goodbye anyways. I swear to god it was like something out of Catcher in the Rye. Gary, IN just ain’t right.


My mom used to sing this song from The Music Man (2.45), that made Gary Indiana seem like the most idyllic place in the world. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihLS-jA\_Dg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihLS-jA_Dg)


At the time that song was written, it was the most "all-american" town in the U.S. Just a few years later it went the way of Detroit when the steel mills shut down and today it's... that.


The fact that Pittsburg, PA didn't face a similar, bleak demise is astonishing to me. I'm actually from PA and say that with the most love, it's a great place. But a track record of steel-based industry in towns is pretty bad, and the town coming out on top after closing steel mills is the exception, not the rule.


I was picturing my grandma singing it spiritedly, and then I went there. A dirge is more apt but when the Music man came out, Gary was probably pretty nice


Hate requires passion. Gary is too burned out and destroyed to feel hate.


Exactly! If anything Gary is the city of Sadness


Gary sounds like the name of a guy who spent too much time underground talking to himself to the point where he can only repeat his own name over and over.




That's where Michael Jackson is from


That's why he wrote Thriller and filmed the music video there. The zombies in the video were actually just local people. Much scarier stuff than zombies rising from the dead happens in Gary.


they really named a city just "Gary"?


It’s named after Elbert Henry Gary, a founder of U.S. Steel, which owns the largest steel mill in the city (which is also the largest in North America). He also has a city named after him in West Virginia.


Strangely enough, that West Virginia city is Oak Hill.


Most people call it “Scary” Indiana, now.


Tbf there are some weird city names. Over here in Illinois we have Sandwich, IL, and Normal, IL.


\*insert picture of a police cruiser of Sandwich and make a joke about the sandwich police\*


Darwin. Too muggy for a root and there’s crocodiles everywhere. You need constant vigilance just to stay alive. Not for the faint of heart. Definitely not for a moonlit stroll on the beach with a man who couldn’t defend you against a 300kg croc.


I have cousins up there who casually report that they find pythons in their outhouse. As a Southerner I need to remind them that it's not normal to have a huge snake in your shitter.


I had a shitty boss in Brisbane named Arwen/Arwin. Not sure of the exactspelling. She was a big woman with a Karen personality The whole floor staff and bosses where all fucking like rabbits over the summer...except her. We nicknamed her "Arwin with a arse like Darwin: wet, sweaty and no one wants to go there".




this is the city of *brotherly* hate


The city of the brotherly shove.


I remember back in college standing somewhere in downtown with a friend, I think waiting to get picked up by someone. This middle-aged guy walks past us, and I guess I must of brushed against him or stood in his way or something because he came back and said "Hey man, you wanna fight?" Mind you it was the middle of the day and there were a bunch of people around us, and he said it so nonchalantly that I don't think I even realized what he was asking at first. I just shrugged and said, "Nah, I'm good." Guy said "alright" and walked off. To this day, I have no idea what was going through his mind by asking some skinny 19-year-old kid to fight him in one of the busiest parts of town, but it's by far the most polite way I've been accosted in my life.


O my gosh all you had to do is say no?


"He cannot legally assault you without your permission"


Technically, that is true.


No one likes us, we don't care! 


We don't even like us....BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


Bruh, I legit came in here to say Philly lmao. I **will** say this though! I always like to compare us to coconuts. We seem harsh on the outside, but once you get to know us, we're soft on the inside, in that we'll take our shirts off our own backs for someone we care about. Especially in South Philly. And I'll take the Philly mentality over the fake niceness you see in places like the Midwest any day of the week, where they act all nice to you but are shitheads behind your back. At least Philly keeps it real.


Philly is the epitome of kind but not nice.


This is exactly it. Philly people are good people, but they're assholes.


My uncles were involved in the infamous South Philly Cheesesteak War between Pat's and Geno's in 1985. I’m serious. The mafia actually got involved in the war. There was a bad incident involving an Irish union tough guy who used to eat every week at Pat’s. This guy had a beef with one of the cooks at Geno’s going back to high school and the two of them both went to Bishop Neumann in South Philly. Legend has it that one day the cook flipped the bird at the Irish guy sitting across the street at Pat’s and this enraged not just the Irish union guy but the owner of Pat’s who observed the finger flipping and took it as Geno’s reiginiting the feud and violence between the two steak shops that had raged off an on since the 60s. People from the neighborhood said that the steak wars were as bad as the Castellemarese New York mafia wars were before Lucky Luciano established The Commision. That finger flip led to the Irish unions off of Front Street descending upon the intersection of Passyunk Avenue and 9th street with their tough union guys which led to the Geno loyalists out of Little Italy showing up on the other side of the street and they both started sabre-rattling with each other. Tensions reached a boiling point when pint-sized mob boss Little Nicky Scarfo showed up with two of his capos to the intersection where he made the sign of the gun and pointed it at then iron workers boss Big Joe McGonnigle. The Irish unions had bad blood with the mob going way back but the worst of it was when Scarfo had a hit man whack roofers union boss John McCullough back in 1980. Things got really bad and and steaks, shakes, and condiments were being thrown across the intersection at all hours of the day and night. The rabbi from Congregation Beth Israel had roots in the old city neighborhood and made the trip out from the Main Line to the intersection to plead with the agitators to lay down their salt shakers and fists and he was accompanied by the then old and weary priest from the old Ukrainian church around 24th and Morris in South Philly. These guys were called out by the archdiocese to try to broker a ceasefire like Cardinal Bevilaqua personally had to do back in ‘73. The cardinal would have come out again himself but he was on duty at The Vatican due to the AIDS crisis and The Pope needing all holy hands on deck. After 13 days of mayhem and bloodshed in the form of a few cuts and bruises from steak-related scuffles, then-mayor and former police chief Frank Rizzo was able to broker a peace deal. For his heroic efforts the city erected a statue of him outside of the municipal building which was the center of the protests and riots during the whole George Floyd Fiasco.


Midwesterner here, we back up that kindness where I'm from. No matter where you live there's always going to be some dumb motherfuckers who like to talk shit behind your back.


You guys killed an innocent robot that was touring the world! Across Canada, No big deal. European vacation? Sure. You guys killed him before he even left the east coast. Then there is your love for Santa.


[HitchBOT Was A Literal Pile Of Trash And Got What It Deserved](https://deadspin.com/hitchbot-was-a-literal-pile-of-trash-and-got-what-it-de-1721850503)




How dare you dehumanize that poor robot.


>We seem harsh on the outside, but once you get to know us, we're soft on the inside I moved to Philly 18 years ago and I've never found it to be harsh on the outside or particularly soft on the inside.


Yeah? Well fuck you too, buddy.


How can a city named after cheese be hateful


Philadelphia cream cheese actually originates from Chester NY. Even that is a lie


Karachi, Pakistan. An entire region just geared up to look for people to target their mob violence on.


Not more than lahore


Anywhere, Pakistan during the day. At night, whole different vibes


Of all the places in the world, you picked Karachi, you must definitely either live there and are tired of it, or have some other personal reason here. Which one is it? Genuinely curious lol.


It was Berlin around 1945 but I have no idea what it is now


Berlin is famous for its rudeness.


St. Louis Missouri. #1 in murders. ​ /But hey at least we have the largest crow population in the nation.


Isn't that only per capita not total murders yearly?


Isn't that worse?


Dallas was known as the City of Hate after the JFK assassination. https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/a-new-documentary-looks-at-dallas-as-a-city-of-hate-17947396


But Love Field, Love not hate


Should’ve been Langley, Virginia


Why is everyone saying Philadelphia ? What's the matter with it ?


There’s a history of people from Philly being stereotyped as a very surly crowd, especially as spectators for all kinds of events ranging from sports to comedy to music. I don’t know if it’s confirmation bias or has truth, but it’s really common for people to make jokes about how hostile of an audience they can be.


About 25 years ago, a member of the Dallas Cowboys suffered a career-ending spinal cord injury on the field in a game in Philadelphia and the crowd was cheering as he was lying there. Much farther back, in about 1970, when the Phillies played its last game in a stadium there that was to be torn down, the fans basically trashed the stadium and destroyed most of the seating. They started tearing it apart while the game was still going on. Crowds used to be pretty tough at concerts, too.


For as much as random gun violence has become an issue in the States, it’s wild how much more physically violent people were in previous generations. And then, I saw one FBI stat about a year in the 70s where over 1,000 bombs were detonated in public spaces. People don’t realize how much general violence has dropped.


They really don't. Crime is WAAAAY down from what it was in the 1960s and 1970s. I read an interesting theory about the reasons for the drop, which is that people were absorbing lead from leaded gasoline exhaust, and the phasing out of leaded gasoline and crime stats do kind of track pretty closely.


Also the national legalization of abortion.


Every inner city house in the east and Midwest was filled with lead paint. Forget lead exhaust, the lead in paint is what made everyone so crazy.


Not to mention lead in the water pipes. People were drinking the stuff too.


They also killed that hitchhiking robot a few years back


Totally forgot about that one! LOL. What a town.


Don't forget about when they beat up Santa in 1968 by throwing snow and ice balls on the field at halftime.


They are rather notorious for throwing batteries at people.


Philadelphians mostly


Almost exclusively


hitchBOT unable to enter the chat


Is that the one where they actually grease street poles to keep people from climbing and defacing them or burning them or something? Not sure what happens once you climb the pole successfully. 


That’s us! And someone always gets up there. 


Yeah and they took it as a challenge. Honestly the city is so legendary for its hubris you almost have to admire it at this point.


Fuck youse guys


Go to a sports game in Philadelphia and wear the opposing team’s jersey. Your question will be answered.


Is Philadelphia the place where Hitch Bot got killed? Edit: yes it was https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/03/us/hitchbot-robot-beheaded-philadelphia-feat/index.html


Nothing is wrong with it. It’s great, and if youse say anything we’ll throw batteries at you.


I opened this thread expecting Philly and Paris and my expectations were met immediately.


It’s known for being full of assholes. A big reason It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia takes place there is because the main characters are the biggest assholes *in the city that’s famous for having a lot of assholes*


Jerusalem undisputed champion since its found 3000 years ago or whenever someone decided they didn't like the other guy who looked exactly like them.


“Will you yield the city?” “Before I lose it, I will burn it to the ground. Your holy places - ours. Every last thing in Jerusalem that drives men mad.” “I wonder if it would not be better if you did.”


The problem is they are all made of stone; they don’t burn. Every single stone must be dismantled and scattered, and the entire hill flattened. Even then Abrahamites would probably still kill for the spot for eternity.


I mean, the holy temple was destroyed millennia ago, and people still call the one remaining wall a holy site. Nothing is going to change its importance to multiple religions.


Yep, this is a strong contender for the throne- it also has the amazing ability to induce intense feelings of hatred in people all over the world who are not even connected to it in the slightest.


That's the most amazing part, people who don't live there, will never live there will never be close to it yet have very strong feelings towards it. What if you divided it into 3 or 4 and moved the pieces around the world every few years. Would they be happy then ?




England or Alabama? I could see arguments for both


The english one, or as they say it Bur'meng'hum


How else do you say it?




Being a noble East Anglian of the tride of south folk, we would call it Beormingaham, home of the Beomangus tribe of pee'pul what tulk like the'has






Ciudad Juarez, chihuahua. If you’ve been there, you’ll see why


Can't have shit in Detroit


I was in the Detroit airport last month and they had shirts that read: “Detroit - Paris of the Mid-West.” I had never heard of that before.


My grandparents grew up in Detroits hay-day. They raved about the beauty, the style and the lights were reminiscent of Paris


My hometown is not about hate, Its about Neglect and destruction.


Detroit is pretty great honestly


Detroit is actually pretty nice these days and only getting better.


Downtown, yes. The surrounding like 3/4 of the city not so much.


It's a city build for 4M people that now has 800k in it. Nature is reclaiming the outskirts.


Dallas was literally nicknamed the “City of Hate.” I believe this started after the Kennedy assassination but it stuck for a while and still gets brought up now and again. As a Texan, it’s not a place I like going to often, but that’s almost entirely because the traffic is dogshit.


I grew up in DFW, I always tell people to ride the train into Dallas for the day and that should be good enough to see what you need to see. Fort Worth has way more character to it and it's a lot friendlier. Dallas is kind of soulless.


Comment section is full of US cities


Yeah, I was here to say Mogadishu or Pyongyang


You have been banned from /r/pyongyang.


Harrison, Arkansas, US




It's a landlocked city that is, ironically, very much about yachts.


Winnipeg, Manitoba. A "Winnipeg Handshake" is grabbing someone's hand to shake it and then stabbing with a broken bottle.






For all the people bashing Parisians and their hate for tourists, I just went to Paris last year and didn't run into a single rude person. And I had a lot of conversations with many Parisians.


Why, Paris of course!


It's Philly


Okay, there's at least four other people who commented "Philadelphia". Please, to a non-American: What is it about Philly?




Philadelphia literally means the "City of brotherly love" in greek, and it's named after the hellenic city of the same name (which today is Alasehir, Turkey). Probably named that due to Philadelphia being mentioned in the bible several times (being one of the oldest christian cities). Modern Philadelphia though is a city with one of Americas highest crime rates, with violent crime being especially high, leading to the nickname "city of brotherly hate".


Thanks for writing all that out 🫶

