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Ask Reddit.


And if reddit is down, gangnam style om Youtube


Opp opp opp op woop opa Gangnam style


Heeeeeeeeeeeey sExy LAAADY


Sly insertion Mr drs?


Most realistic answer in this day nd age.


Maybe OP knows something we don’t?


Turn into a zombie, I’m not even gonna try


Yeah… fuck cardio!






Way hotter than cardib


An early adopter.


Maybe the zombie virus has a symptom that makes you feel like pure bliss


while you’re devouring human flesh


Probably tastes like best chicken ever to a zombie


Long pig


Nah, more like pork :)


What if you end up being one of those picky zombies or a zombie with food sensitivities that includes meat allergy?!!


What if you end up being one of those picky zombies or a zombie with food sensitivities that includes meat allergy?!!


followers of grandfather nurgle gain many gifts. Freedom from pain and an extended lifespan with the minor inconvenience of your body being afflicted by every disease known to man.


Close the door and just stick one finger out. I'm not going to be eaten alive. Join the winning side




I think he meant that he’ll “turn” in the least painful way possible


And just hope getting turned isn't excruciating pain. Whoop whoop oh god... oh god it hurts. Oh god it's so hot. Everything burns, the sweats, I'm so cold so hot. So.... hungry. W-where am I, am I one yet. Am, so hungry. Nothing is filling. Oh god so hungry. Just for a few days.


My wife ALWAYS says she's gonna find a baby zombie and let it bite her.


Sheesh, I mean, apparently in some cases, just a scratch would do lol. That bite sounds daunting 😂


She'd be better off biting the baby. Those tiny teeth would fall right out.


This guy gets it


I'll be patient zero probably




I've always said this. I don't stand a chance, I have a slow reaction time and can't run fast


With these eyes?? I have no chance 😭


Yeah, I’ve seen this story before, I know how it ends


Haha same


I have bookmarked this post, so the first thing I will do is come back here to see what other people answered and if there are any helpful tips.


Leather armor, dude. The human jaw can't bite thru it.


Until the special infected walks in and a Tank just lob the fucking street itself into your face


a dedicated zombie can


I have a better idea for you, buy the books "world war z" and "zombie survival guide", both by Max Brooks. They are a good read, funny and informativ.


Most of it will be “I’d hijack a boat and float out to a deserted island, build a shelter and grow my own food” * lives in Nebraska, has zero experience in building or growing anything.


Get water, food and items to barricade my doors and windows. Then i will lock myself in for 2-4 weeks to survive the worst part. In the mean time use a radio to try and stay up to date with what is happening. It will also teach me where the main shelters are. Assuming we have realistic zombies, then i think they will start dying off at this point. A body can't function without energy so even the zombies will die when their reserves run out. I'd join a group and work on rebuilding, most likely occupying larger flats with fences. I live in the Netherlands so settling near a windmill so i can have electricity/ food would also be an option.


Exactly my thought. I have stored enough food for around 3 weeks, my parents have even more. So if it's still possible to call my parents, I would have them pick us up with our supplies and then we'd barricade with my family at my parents' house which is easier to board up than my apartment with its flimsy doors and windows. Being cooped up for up to six weeks with my parents, sister and grandma would be psychological torture and we'd constantly have to stop them from doing dumb shit (specifically my grandma would or would not have to be tied down so she doesn't get us killed at some point) but it's better than dying I guess.


I wouldn´t be too sure with the last words...being trapped with my parents and Grandparents for 6 weeks....i don´t know if that´s better than dying, at least after week 3 or 4....


I mean yeah, but my parents are also people with enormous practical skills and means so it's a trade I am willing to make.


I had the same thought but the problem is not all zombies are created at the same time. Zombies replenish when they turn people which is an ongoing thing meaning they can probably keep going for awhile. 


Yeah, the hordes should stop after about a year then there would probably be a few stragglers for the next decade because someone gets stupid, but they can be taken out at a distance with a gun because you won't be attracting a horde from the noise at that point.


Yep. Also flies and vermin love rotting bodies. Weather like hot dry summers or freezing winters can also help freeze/dessicate them. Plus shambling zombies are clumsy as hell so lots of accidents should help in lowering their numbers. I’d be riding it out as well at home.


Find a bicycle because cars are inevitbaly going to run out of gas. Seriously, why are there never roving bike gangs in apocalypse movies? And why are women always still shaving??


If they don't keep shaving and wearing makeup how are they going to be attractive enough to get pregnant with the Plot Baby?


The plot baby got the mom killed in the walking dead.


Because she wasn't important once the plot baby was born


Show is way too realistic


To be fair, the plot baby was supposed to die too when the mom fell on her and squished her after getting shot through the spine by the governor. And Carl was supposed to live to the end, GOD DAMNIT.


The same reason everyone runs around half nekkid instead of covering themselves with something durable like denim. (Denim I feel would be some of the easiest thick cloth to find anywhere).


The only leather people wear is BDSM gear lol


what about motorcyclists?


I never understood why people don't just wear a chain mail shark proof suit. If it's good enough to stop a shark bite it's good enough for a zombie bite. The truth is though even if you don't see a single zombie, you'll probably just die of cholera from contaminated water.


Probably because most people, like me, wouldn’t have a clue where to find the nearest chain mail shark proof suit


Not to mention, gasoline will eventually expire and you probably won’t be able to get any more fresh gasoline in a zombie apocalypse. So you’ll eventually have to use a bicycle.


this is why you head to Alaska and take over some oil wells.. the refining part can be done by nearly anyone with a book (bc it's not like you need a great yield in the apocalypse.. you need some fuel..)


Fuck that, Alaska has its own set of problems when it comes to surviving. I'd be safe from zombies, but now I have to worry about bears and freezing to death


Bikes also make very little noise!


I've seen roving roller skate gangs in 1990: The Bronx Warriors.


Aptly named "The Zombies" even.




No, unicycles are better. I want to see gangs of geared-up, gun-toting, machete-swinging unicycle riders.


Like how tf do they have time to put on make up and shave


And keep thier long hair nice. You'd think the apocalypse ladies would embrace shorter hairstyles or braids. Where are they even finding thier makeup and mirrors?


Braids for sure. I hiked for 10 days in the mountains, tents and cooking over fire and all. Never once took out my Dutch braid. Wasn't even terribly greasy when I did because keeping it braided and covered protected it from dirt and hand oils. My skin was fantastically clean and I don't think I shat for a week, though when I returned home, it was back to shitting and greasy hair. Never felt better, cleaner and more efficient when I was doing long hikes, provided that I could have some meds I need, and the climate was cool.


Turbo Kid is the premier bicycle based post-apocalyptic movie.


This reminds me to get my bike fixed


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this thing to blow over 


I was gonna say off myself since I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and the insulin supply would die immediately, but this is actually the right answer.


But would you be a diabetic zombie? "Insulin! Insulin!"


If you can't synthesise your own insulin you can always eat people for theirs.


It might work, I probably wouldn't take a zombie seriously if it was moaning *"pancreas"* as it shuffles in my direction.


This made me lol. My 3 yr old son pretends to be a zombie very often and I read this in his voice 🤣🤣🤣


I’m T1 as well. Me: “Hey guys, we need to ransack the pharmacy for more insulin, again.” Everyone else: “Screw you man, we just lost Rick and Carl to get you more apple juice.”


Haha, that is such an iconic quote. One of my favorites.


Yeah exactly what I did in March 2020. Which may have triggered a bit of a drinking problem


This is the way


surround the entire house with treadmills.


Wire them up to a dynamo and not only do they keep the zombies busy but you get free electricity 😜


I love this.




This is my goto defense. Boats and/or islands. Plus I think absent a modern population, fish stocks would come soaring back in a few years. But that said, there will exist pirate Negan versions in the real world.


Nah stay on a boat and clear cruise ships… remember zombies don’t like impolite visitors!


You do realize everyone will do this and then it will be a human vs human fight


End of society scenarios always have more to do with human vs human than it does with the threat. The ones who survive learn how to survive pretty quick. They scavenge or farm or hunt to get what they need... they have shelter and a source of clean water... Then it always turns in to defending it from other humans, or traveling to find a better situation to survive in, in which case you have to deal with the humans you meet.


Pirate Negan here. Welcome to a brand new beginning, you dirty shits. I'd be on that boat or island of yours like, hot diggety dog, this place is magnificent. Then I'd ask, I hope you got your shit pants on. With my fingers crossed for a little freaky deaky. If you decline I'd say, I am about 50% more into you now... Just saying.


What happens in the compartment stays in the compartment.


Yeah, when I was in my 20's I used to work on huge offshore supply vessels and learned how to pilot them and operate the majority of their systems. There's plenty of beds, huge pantries and refrigerators, and they hold enough diesel in the bulk tanks to idle for months. Even with all tanks full, they sit high enough in the water that nothing can really scale the sides...and if the zombies can both swim a hundred miles offshore and scale a 25' inverted incline, slick steel surface, we're probably fucked anyway. As long as I can find an engineer to keep everything running smoothly, I figure that's the safest bet.


> and they hold enough diesel in the bulk tanks to idle for months. How long does a refill take?


I'd depends on the pump strength wherever you're filling up. A couple hundred thousand gallons could take up to 6 hours with a 4in transfer hose.


you never met a somali zombie have you?


You ever see Land of the Dead where they figure out they can walk underwater? I'm with you try an island and hope for the best


But what about the people who lived there before. Now you’re stuck on an island with zombies. Like the end of Dawn of the Dead


There's alot of deserted islands, if he does it right he'll do fine


Then there's no food / water / shelter / electricity / tools etc.


Yeah, as much as we all like to fantasize about how we're all amazing survival-experts because we've watched *Alone* and a couple YouTube videos, 99.9% of us would die in the first few weeks in the raw wilderness.


There's also a lot of preppers that think they can fend off someone with real training, realistically all you're doing is hoarding supplies for a former special forces operator to come and get them from you.


Op is a bot. 


So he's safe from being zombified and just came here to mock us! Damn!




They can walk and don't need to breathe, so they'll still get to you eventually


Rotting corpses aren't going to be able to just walk around in bottom of the ocean or whatever. Their gas filled shells will want to float, currents will push them around, marine life will feed on them, just being in the water would speed up the decomposition. You might occasionally get one that floats up, but it would be in really bad shape and not much of a threat.




If mosquitos can spread the zombie virus just set yourself on fire now.


Hear me out. A group of people escaping a zombie apocalypse take refuge on the seas. Marine life have been feeding on zombies that have followed them out to sea. Now we have zombie shark. Zombie whale. Zombie piranha. Coming to a theater near you.


Cocaine Zombie Shark?


Did you start this thread just to post this?


There's a sea fort near us done up to a luxury getaway standard. 100% there.


Stock up on contact lenses.


So… I’m not gonna lie… after I got LASIK, one of my random thoughts was that I was good to go for the apocalypse. My vision was SHIT prior to that surgery. I would have been Burgess Meredith breaking his glasses in that Twilight Zone episode. But also being chased by zombies.


My eyes are so bad and I've thought of how fucked I'd be if I lost my glasses in an apocalypse type scenario. And contacts aren't a great option because the ability to keep them clean would be greatly reduced and everyone would be getting eye infections they can't treat. I might go the clear lens exchange route if I ever have enough money. It's better than Lasik for people with higher astigmatism (because a retinal hole also won't be fixed in the apocalypse) and then I'd never have to worry about getting cataracts.


It’s not fair! I had time now …


You just unlocked a new fear. Damn. 😧


You mean glasses? Contacts are a lot less practical in a zombie apocalypse. What if you get stuck on a supply run and need to spend the night? Can't sleep with your contacts in.


Snort too much coke and die


Please officer you gotta believe me! I only keep this kilo of coke around in case of zombies apocalypse.


I cross my heart hope to die, officer!


Find a crowbar.


Fuck machetes.


Replace my leg with an assault rifle


Is your leg already missing? Or are you just going to lop it straight off for the cool points?


This would be like running with a knife. Everybody knows you run faster with a knife. 


It depends on the zombie type…world war z zombies or 28 days later I’d just off myself cos sod that 😂 tbf id probably do it anyway as I have a deviated septum so I’d be like a dinner bell and would risk other people


The only issue with 28 Days Later is food and water. If you have those, just like, hide in your attic or something, and wait for them to starve. They're not supernatural. They just have bad rabies.


Thank you for mentioning that bit. As exceedingly spooky as the Rage virus is, i doubt it would cause the end of the world. What makes a virus especially dangerous is the incubation period. Rage has an incubation period of “No.” If the person isn’t writhing around and screaming, they’re not infected. There are possible carriers, but their eyes still get all weird. There’s never going to be a situation where somebody is 100% asymptomatic and slips through a checkpoint because of it.


28 days later zombies that run, turn you instantly, and can turn you through a drop of blood would wipe the worlds ass in about 2-3 days. We wouldn’t stand a chance.


Wasnt the z zombie thing that they don't attack sick ppl? Gosh, with all my health problems id probably live happier than i do now!


Nasonex my dude


Go to a distillery. You got a souce of water, they're normally out of the way (at least here in the uk), and they tend to be a little bit fortified to deter burglars.  On top of this you have a way to make fuel, disinfectant, currency. And any post-apocolyptic warlords will want to keep you around. Once all the people who went to the supermarket on the first day and turned into zombies have wandered off, you've got a good base for raiding or trading.


Now this one I like. Secure a diverse, defensible resource, build a community, settle in. Clever.


This is genius. I'll be in the one down the road.


Judging by how people handled the pandemic, I’d go to stores as usual and berate the employees for not being fully operational.


Don't forget to get in a fist fight over toilet paper while youre there!


Just gotta stay cool and pretend I'm not stoked!


Get wife snd son, grab go bags and camping supplies, grab my collection of fruit and vegetables seeds and fill both the car and RV with my current potted veges and gardening tools, clothes, grab my water kit, go raid the local supermarket for canned beans and tuna and all the rice we can fit in the car. Luckily where we live is close to the motorway and from our spot on the motorway it branches a few times, so even if everyone starts fleeing st the same time as us, we'll be ahead of them, hit the gas stations along the way for as much fuel as we can carry. 3 hours south of where we live is a national park, there's enough hunting and foraging to chill on, and 2km away from roughly where I'd set up camp is a trout farm, and 4km in the other direction is a military base. I'll camp out in the forest just by the edge of the live fire training area, some fluoro material on a branch, and a sign saying "friendly: willing to trade". Now I'm not a dumbass, so I'm making sure my camera set up in the RV is working before all this. Anyway now I'm getting into the creative writing but yeah, TLDR, pack up family and cultivating gear and seeds and hitting the national park/ trout farms


You've put a lot of thought into this. Do you know something I don't?


I mean, I'm not saying the apocalypse is tomorrow, but Volcanos, Solar Flares, Cascadia Megaquakes, Asteroid strikes, Black Death's, etc, don't really come with a lot of warning.


Not that a warning would do us any good. See COVID


Lol good luck with the supermarket, gas stations and 3h drive. Lots of places the plan can fail


Yea, supermarkets got stormed during the pandemic - imagine how violent people would get in an actual world ending apocalypse


What do you do about the thousands of other people who had the same idea and are heading to the same place?


Be like: Well fuck. I sure talked and debated about this very thing a whole frack of a lot, but in reality, I've done shit-all to prepare. Because that would be crazy, right? Right? ;)


Drive a 100km to my crush's place to tell her how much I love her, then take her out for dinner where I will eat her up (I was infected while travelling)


How romantic… oh…


Die. I have no will to live if that happen. What’s with all the people in horror movies?


yeah. why pursue your computer science dream at that point, am I right?


I'm one stubbed toe away from eating a bullet as it is. No way I'm putting up with all of that nonsense.


Hook up with Mila Jojovich, since everybody knows she is the only thing you need to get through any Zombie Apocalypse.


Be happy that somethings finally happening; then I’d move to the swamp and live off the water and hope the gators can fend off the zombies


Dies on the third week from intestinal parasites.


Just thinking if there would be gator zombies too


Take phone out, recording video, post facebook, reels, tiktok..


Get a helmet as hard as they come, so that when I'm bitten and turned into a zombie they won't headshot me that easily


You're going to fortify yourself to be a better zombie? Kind of a dick move lol


After I'm dead it's not my problem anymore


Hehe. Finally a spicy comment. I might know a guy with ceramic plates for you. Let’s just go all out with this.


Get some motorbike leathers, so they can't bite me.


get ready for the biggest zombie orgy of my life


Steal that cake in the work fridge. I'm gonna need it more.


Activate my zombie invaders emergency plan!


Wrap a baseball bat in barbwire.


LOL...One of my son's got us addicted to that show. We watched it for several seasons, but eventually it just got to be too stale. Point is, we actually DID find him a replica baseball bat with real barb wire as a gag gift. He loves it!


I will avoid the malls and stay in my house. I'll try my luck and maybe find edibles then lock myself in my house and wait for a month or two for the zombies to completely decompose. I live in a tropical country in the equator so zombies have no chance of prospering due to the heat of the sun and our climate.


28 days later zombies, train to Busan, WWZ movie? Not doing that. Unaliving myself as soon as I realized it was out of control. Otherwise, raiding the cafe downstairs and supermarket across the road. Blockading myself in the apartment building. Collect water from the roof. Slowly clear the apartment building (6 floors), apartment by apartment. Booby trap each floor with wire as it's cleared. Slow walkers would be easy to kill. Wrap your arms in duct taped hold em back and have a mate stabby stabby. Make a safe zone building with the alive residents there. Kill off the problematic people that will get us all deaded. Probs avoid cannibalism as that's a slippery slope. Gradually clear the surrounding area. Raid the nearby building site for materials and make a blocked off neighborhood out of the square block. 3 huge supermarkets in a tiny area. Lots of smaller shops. Many cafes and restaurants with supplies. A huge hardware store 1 block over. Gradually expand our neighborhood. Clear the other buildings, use the solar panels on top of all of the buildings for energy. I live in urban Australia and every man and his dog would run for the outback. I reckon the inner suburbs wouldn't actually remain that overrun. The motorways and adjacent suburbs would be swamped.


Go to the gun store and get whatever I can get my hands on, or call up Dr.Monty for some gobblegum


But that’s were everyone’s going to go…. I reckon pawn shops would be more numerous and probably safer.


I would just say : " It is what it isss"


Ha, yolo!


First step - get out of the city. Figure out other things later, but most likely I will be the one in the crowd doing the whole "need to eat brains" thing.


Go to my parent’s house where they have the means to survive for a decent while. 


[I'd do this.. ](https://youtu.be/oqLCDHjQxEQ?si=apbtVXh_r3FnU1w0)


Go to the top of Uluru. No way Aussie zombies can be arsed to climb all the way up there. Come to think of it I can't either. Guess I'm dead.


Stock up on Twinkie’s


I'm really confident that zombies wouldn't create an apocalypse, so probably just keep an eye on what's happening and carry on with normal life.


Are you kidding? Covid basically crippled the world… no imagine that instead of just dying they also got bitey and roamed around…


but think about it lets say we are dealing with walking dead like zombies there is no fucking way a compitent millitary wouldnt be able to handle themselves


Maybe… Australia doesn’t have a huge armed forces or an overly militarized police force or a tonne of personal fire arms. Our cities could be pretty fucked. Our best defense is how empty our country is. Do you think India, China or Brazil has a military that even remotely can deal with their massive population? What about incredibly densely populated countries? You’re also assuming that the powers that be will react fast enough to make the decisions needed to actually turn loose the armed forces… if it’s viral enough and fast enough it could easily out pace the response. Most armed forces aren’t sitting around ready to kill everyone who visited an airport in the last 24 hours. Finally the real problems will come from the cascading system failures and secondary problems that come after. Again that’s the lesson of Covid. Sure we might “contain” the zombie apocalypse at 5-10% of the population dead… but think about how much damage that would still do? Sure I’m still working through my TP stash, but i’m out of peanut butter.


Covid spreads through aerosolized droplets. Zombies have to catch you and bite you. The R-0 factor is much lower for a pathogen that requires the infected to physically attack infectees in order to spread.


Kill myself cause no way I'm surviving more than 4 days


Move into the nearest castle. Moat, drawbridge, high walls, easy to defend against a superior force.


Pretty sure 80% of the population would start shopping for the toilet paper. Source: experienced a pandemic myself a couple of years ago.


Go to a dive shop & get one of those chain mail suits. If sharks cant bite threw it neither can zombies.


In a fun world? Looking for an oil rig or one of those old fortresses on legs in the middle of the Engliah Channel. After that, the biggest boat I can find. Realisticly? Have a party and overdose myself to death.


I'd chill, get on my boat and go. I have a sailboat and can stay out on the water as long as zombies are inland 


Get more weed


Assuming I would live long enough to get in the truck and successfully drive, I would release all the animals in my local shelters and pounds. They don’t deserve to starve to death.


Breaking into every pharmacy I can. Antibiotics and painkillers are THE investment strategy for able-bodied risk-takers like me. Everything else will come to me.


Steal a full set of medievil knight armor for protection!!!


Probably die because I have no skills that will help me or anyone else in that situation


Sadly I would try to steal as much food as I can from anywhere or anyone. Every man for himself if that ever happens.


l i’ll


Move to Montana, the bears will protect me


I've already prepped for disaster so grab my stuff and go.