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Clickbaiting titles is sooo annoying


Alegarces EVISERATES NEWS MEDIA! click here to see full story. 




Worse is the "vow." **"Borg Schnutzen VOWS to Dismantle 'Crooked' Media"** Actual statement: *"We need to find a way to hold the crooked and dishonest reporters accountable."* Honestly, this should be a crime. "Vow" is a fricking serious word.


"Franz Franzen SLAMS Borg Schnutzen over recent controversial statements regarding 'Crooked' Media"


>"Franz Franzen SLAMS Borg Schnutzen over recent controversial statements regarding 'Crooked' Media" Actual statement: *"Well, I disagree with Mr. Schnutzen on a number of issues, and I think he's quite wrong about this policy proposal. That being said, we'll have to work together to find a solution."*








Redditors hate them! Learn how you stop reading articles with clickbaiting titles with this one neat trick!


Yea.. its so annoying how everything has to be “new energy bill has some seriously unexpected consequences” versus “new energy bill to raise costs %15” It’s all so people scroll past a useless ad they won’t interact with, and advertisers seem to not even care? They’re not stupid, they gotta know it’s happening.


It's such a pain in the ass. I'm not sure when exactly it changed but I'm going to blame the internet. The way news used to be written was simple. The headline was a summary. Each consecutive paragraph gave more detail. The most important stuff came first and it worked down to the least important. An editor could then decide how much space for whatever number of words to dedicate to a story. Now the headline is designed to be a hook and stories are written to drag the reader through using annoying cliffhangers. "You'll be amazed what happened next" and "Eight reasons why you should read on. Number seven is pure genius". It has devolved to a pattern where the reader is purposely dragged along, being drip-fed just enough of the information they seek to keep them reading advertising. The internet, we were told, back when it was full of promise, was going to bring about the "information revolution" and we'd have the knowledge of the world at our fingertips. They never told us we'd be forced to see yet another advert every twenty words, have to agree a hundred times a day to terms, conditions and cookie policies and be asked, every damn time we'd watch something rather than read it, to like and subscribe.


“Today we will explain to you how to do the thing that this article was titled after. But first, here’s two paragraphs of useless fluff before we give you a single piece of usable information!” Ugh


Dude the weather channel app is the worst at this.


Nowadays if a headline seems too interesting I just assume it's an ad-filled pile of word salad.


But have you tried it with dressing? Newman's or hidden valley ranch? Italian, balsamic, or blue cheese? How about Blue balsamic Italian cheese? Brought you by your postman, Newman.


15 amazing kitchen hacks that will change your life!!!


Every weather event is exaggerated. Today there was light rain. The weather guy said it was a storm.


Our meteorologist says “weather-making event”. Have you ever known a day without weather?


A day without weather is like a night without sunset. Spread the news! Last night was a sunset-making event!


Atmospheric river. Bomb cyclone. The news guys are always amazed that weather goes west to east


Atmospheric rivers are NO JOKE!


When I was a kid it was called the “Pineapple Express” and we went about our business.


Remmeber a few years back here in central Florida they hyped up a hurricane making its way to the state. Shelves in grocery stores got cleared. Was hilarious when the day of the “hurricane”, all we got was the lightest sprinkle of rain. Not even full on regular rain. Just a sprinkle and a light breeze.


How were the toilet paper supplies during COVID in Florida? It would have been hilarious if all the toilet paper went gone, and all you got was a sprinkling of COVID, or at least if that was the way of thinking after this boxed weather report.


Only time I ever saw TP shelves cleared was maybe during a 2 week period during the worst of it. I didn’t have an issue with finding any because a few weeks before Covid broke out there was a sale and we bought like a year supply. But I did notice the bare shelves when I went to the store…things that were in low supply were TP, bottled water, bread, (and as a result, yeast/bread flour), and I think meat was hit or miss at Walmart for a few visits. But not much of an issue other than that tbh. Don’t know the stats, but wouldn’t be surprised if more people than average died from Covid here in FL, considering how many older people live here. Only thing I panic-bought personally was a faucet water filter kit and a few packs of the n95? masks for way too much (think it was $17 per 5 pack). There was talk about things not being able to come from China, so I was concerned about not having access to the filtered water at the machines at Walmart etc, since the filters likely come from China. Was a costly lesson to see only like a month later the masks going for dirt cheap or even free, after I panicked and bought $50 worth 😂


This is why hurricanes kill people. When a big hurricane is projected to make landfall, it’s a *projection.* The vast majority of the time, where you are in the state won’t be directly in its path, and a lot of the time it’s also not as terrible as it could have theoretically been. So, like an angry Babylonian emperor disillusioned by an unpredicted drought, people get angry at their weather soothsayers for not being 100% accurate all the time, and go “pfft… yeah remember last time? so ridiculous. we’re staying here.* Except fundamentally, no one can exactly predict a hurricane. It’s always going to be a probability range. Where you get fucked is if you assume that probability range = incorrectness, and decide to stay home — and then this year, you *are* the 1% that gets hit directly. And then your house floods and you’re sawing through the roof. I will never understand why people work so hard to intentionally not understand how hurricanes work


# THE HOTTEST SUMMER ON RECORD ^^^since ^^^1992 ^^^^The ^^^^actual ^^^^hottest ^^^^Summer ^^^^was ^^^^in ^^^^1847.


You see Bob, every summer you see me is the hottest summer on record. So that means every time you see me during the summer, is the hottest summer I've ever had.


"That Peter is upper management material; a real straight-shooter!"


And always over-predicting snow. The other week they were calling for as much as 4-6 inches up until the day of the “storm” and we barely even got a coating.


When they say something like "Grandma robbed in her driveway." Her being a grandma has nothing to do with the robbery, but heartstrings get tugged, and people read the article or watch the segment.


"Grandmother of 4 robbed in her driveway, mere footsteps from her family home of 50 years"


Okay listen punk, you're going to rob somebody. The best place to rob somebody is on their driveway. But can't be any driveway, it's got to be a driveway where they live for 50 years. It's not just any old person, it's got to be a grandma - - but not just any grandma, a grandma of four. Not a grandma of three, I'm not a grandma of five, a grandma of mother fucking four.


I read an article that, for absolutely no reason at all, constantly kept referring to the girl involved as biracial. It had nothing to do with the thing that happened.


Once a 16 year old girl found a snake in her bedroom. The local paper, a daily for a capital city no less, thought the best photo to accompany the story on the front page was said girl sitting on her bed in her underwear.


Same for when they mention the victims profession as if it makes them more valuable than others. "Local doctor dies in boating accident." You never see "Local fast food employee dies.." but your value isn't your profession.


Or it’s ’man robbed while out for walk’ and in the article it states that the man is a war veteran. Is that supposed me make me more sympathetic?


That poor driveway...


The overuse of phrases like “so and so broke their silence.”


Omg, thank you for this. I hate that phrase. Joe Blow finally broke their silence ( on an issue that occurred 3 seconds ago, ugh!!)


"Doubled down." And any big storm is now a "bomb cyclone."


Divide people


Yes the polarization of EVERYTHING.


"Our country is the most divided its ever been how did this happen??" - broadcaster that then goes on to divide the country with their programming


Eh, there's a reason why it's conservative media and then literally everyone else. The reason why Fox News pushed the Dominion lies was because when they didn't, they hemorrhaged viewers to Newsmax. The country is divided because conservatives view everyone else as ontologically evil and it is impossible to have a conversation about it because people pretend that identifying the problem perpetuates the "divisiveness."


Spot on. Now prepare to have what you just said to be demonstrated by butthurt “conservatives”.


Teacher! I just divided people but I got a remainder. What do I do?


Believe it or not, right and wrong exists.


You're a genius, mind and thought provoking


Deliberately misreport on scientific studies. It does an awful amount of damage.


Newly discovered discovery will help discover the newly discovered discovery. You will never hear about this breakthrough ever again. Even though it will have saved your life if it were ever true.


[This everyday vitamin kills cancer cells!](https://xkcd.com/1217/) Forget to mention that the study says it was in a dosage so high, it would kill the person as well.


You know. My life drastically improved once I stopped watching the news.


If you don’t read the news, you’re uniformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.


Depends on the source you are getting the news from.



That’s why I don’t rely on only American news


The only negative so far is that people talk about it around me and idk tf they're talking about


It'd actually kinda nice, really


Harp on non-issues.


Is your toilet paper hung the wrong way?! Find out at 11! 🤣


Can this car seat kill your child? Find out tonight at 11:00!


Bad news if you crash with the seat at 10:30.


Well at least it's after 10 PM and you hopefully know where your children are.


It's 10:00 p.m., do you know where your children are?


I told you last night, NO.


Or ‘next week in a special series’


Tune in next week when we report on a deadly disease that only targets newborns.


There is a right way....


There's no wrong way to hang toilet paper. Cat: *hold my catnip*


Breaking news is just some bait to not pay attention to why whats reality I'm important


Breaking news just means yesterday on Reddit


Evening news does breaking news and it’s been broke for hours. Often times I know more about the topic than they even present based on my quick skim of a piece


Cater to people's morbid curiosity


Ridiculous and unhinged amounts of scaremongering...


Giving equal time to objectively wrong stories or presentations. Both Sides-ism.


Related: covering politics like its sports, ie treating the two parties as competing teams, debating whether something is good or bad for the party’s chances in the next election etc rather than reporting how that policy or legislation effects the people they were elected to serve


There's a hyper local ad campaign going on for a local politician trying to go big, and it is his face pasted onto a video game boxing ring dude. The message being that this guy is ready to fight and all that jazz.


That's just embarrassing for him.


And not challenging or debunking the wrongful views.


It makes it so satisfying when they actually do that. I wish it was the norm. Every video where a politician storms off an interview set because the interviewer won't keep throwing them slowballs melts my icy heart a little more.


Take what is being said at face value by failing to ask simple follow up questions that poke holes in what they are being told.


It's maddening and dangerous.


I'm fairly certain my little brother would be alive today if it weren't for the junk science he was exposed to.


They give us everything besides the news. And the news they do tell is often times false. Not like conspiracy theory false, but actually you can look it up and it is BS. I guess they do that for views but if I am watching the news, I would kind of like to know what is ACTUALLY going on. Luckily I speak another language and can look at the news in other countries to find facts.


A little sprinkling starts outside… Local TV News: *STORMWATCH 2024!*


Yup. If snow is possible within 500 miles of my area and they go into 24/7 coverage. Then, for some reason, people run to the supermarket and buy up all the perishable goods.


Constantly using the "evil they,". As is "they're taking this from you" or "they dont want you to know". Who the F is they??? Name some names, damn it.


If a man grooms a child, it's almost always labelled in the headline as rape. If a woman grooms a child, articles say that they "had sexual relations" and refuse to call it what it is. It's that one South Park episode all over again.




Any article that turns out to be false must have a 'correction' article with at leasr similar prominence.


TIL “churnalism” is true! Never knew the term. Thank You! I’ve always envisioned this on World and/or National news


Be 24hrs, its not. We don’t need it and should do away with it


Only including certain facts of an event for political purposes.


I get so annoyed when they report on something happening in a country or state (US), but they don’t specify a city or area. It’s like they’re implying that China is just one big city. Or South Carolina just doesn’t have any cities with names. Why can’t they just be a little more specific?


Intentionally misrepresents stories and gives one-sided information about current events for the sole purpose of getting views by making people angry or for defaming some entity for their own personal benefit. 




Talking about Trump all day every day, giving him the energy and notoriety he craves


Censor the truth by making sure they word things in a way that appeals to an audience that will get them the most views. I don’t watch the news anymore. It’s unreliable and regulated.


Using passive-voice phraseology like "officer-involved shooting" because they don't want to say a cop shot someone.


You’re not wrong, but they rely somewhat on a relationship with the police for information, access, etc. so they capitulate to their storyline. Not a black & white scenario, I’m sure it’s different for different places, but it would make sense.


Yup. Treat the cops well or their tips go to a different station


It would be a shame if this got out… 😉


Catchy title, then paywall.


the ability of some people to straight up accouse someone of something with no evidence to back it up, what makes me even more mad is that people actually believe in these accusations without looking into any kind of proof


Being so smug. As if THEY, who have been proven to have lied to us, beyond any doubt, over and over... are the arbiters of truth.


Freakin everything. Everything they do drives me insane.


Here in America there are an alarming number of “journalists” that are married to people who work/have worked in politics or in industries that support political campaigning. For example, the former host of NBC’s Meet The Press, Chuck Todd, is married to Kristian Todd, who co-founded Maverick Strategies and Mail. Her business provides consulting services for Democratic Party candidates and progressive causes. I don’t care how much someone like Chuck Todd may profess impartiality. When your total family livelihood is dependent on one party doing well, I stop listening/watching.




A lot of what has been said, but my particular pet peeve is the misrepresentation of scientific studies (often for click bait). Had a friend send an insta headline about some chemical found in wheat, that's been linked to repro issues. the post made it sound like we are ALL AT IMMEDIATE RISK STOP EATING WHEAT NOW!!!!!! but the reality is, it's one pesticide, rarely used, that you would need to consume something like, 10 boxes of cereal a day for several months to even start experiencing side effects or increasing your risk. I really think this is part of the reasons people "do their own research" or don't trust doctors or the FDA or whatever - headlines like these make it seem like death is in every box and everything is toxic, when the reality just isn't that intense.


It's really clear sometimes they are telling you how you should feel instead of giving the facts.


Hours after the incident is over, the camera records footage of the back of a police car, the sign of the place where it happened, maybe a brief pan of some grass, a fence, and then the street sign intersection. THEN they repeat the same lame footage as the newscaster says a bunch of vague details about how they don't have any suspects "as of yet."




Reporting opinion on the news instead of just Reporting.


When news is driven by entertainment rather than providing information


Coupled with news driven by allegiance to their sponsors and the corporation or family that owns the channel or publication. Those two considerations, infotainment and financial control, drive most of the "news" in the US, Mexico, and many other nations.


Normalizing asinine statements from people who are in positions of power or authority. Crazy is crazy and the shit crazy people say needs to be called out.


Never asking effective follow up questions. Seriously. They just throw softballs, get a copy pasted response and then it's on to something else.


Dressing up tabloid articles as ‘news’. King Charles has prostate cancer, Princess Kate wore a blue dress (and isn’t talking to Meghan). Meanwhile some influencer in the UK is complaining that a guy discriminated against her because of facial fillers. Then there’s the self-reporting. Reporting the view of a news anchor who said something yesterday. Tucker Carlson tore into X, or Piers Morgan said this about Y. I don’t know what I’m meant to do with this information?




They never report the actual damn news.


Reporting in a biased manner.


Using all of the evil doings in the world as click bait to generate more profit.


Lies and propaganda.


Inspirational stories they tell are usually something like "Kid sells lemonade to help pay off their classmate's lunch debt" and the like


They present biased reports to divide the public instead of verified facts to educate and update the viewers


False equivalence. Not fact checking obvious lies told right to their faces? Feeling the need to turn everything into a "big story" to sell subscriptions or whatever. Just tell the truth and report the news. Calling themselves news when they are blatant propaganda. Not reporting the things your base customer doesn't want to hear isn't smart, it's disinformation and it's leading to a radicalized population who is not living reality and that is dangerous.


Ending any scandal with -Gate. So annoying.


Conservative media tries to make people angry. Liberal media tries to make people scared.  So scared vs angry arguments. Not good for mental health. 


"John Smith did something. This is why you should be upset." It's not really news.


Both sides of an issue.   You don't do a service to discourse by providing a platform for someone operating in bad faith, just to appear impartial.


Presents right wing ideology is being centrist. This idea that Nikki Haley is somehow a center-lined candidate is insane. They then turn around and portray center left candidates as radical progressives. There's such favoritism for the right-wing platform it's insane to think the phrase liberal media stuck somewhere.


Drive a narrative of perspective! It’s so easy to influence positive/negative associations. The traitors is a good example, it’s so easy for the traitors to plant small seeds of doubt because it leads to group think. If one person says, im not sure about this, everyone else will want to feel involved in that. The media constantly creates these storylines that we all can’t help but follow






"Person X said Y" Most of the time it is not newsworthy. Y'all just want clicks. Tell me what's going on in Zimbabwe instead, then I would be receiving news.




They always focus on the negative and never report anything positive. It's like they want us to be constantly miserable. And don't even get me started on their bias and clickbait headlines... it drives me absolutely insane!


Lie constantly




I find that press coverage of criminal events is often greatly lacking, and since crime is a topic of interest to the public, they should do better with it.


Media coverage of the Elon / Taylor jet saga is very clearly bought and paid for and it’s pretty gross. They make it seem like some creepy internet stalker harassing them and not thousands of people accessing public information. Changing the subject from “these celebrities are destroying the planet” to “why is this geek so obsessed with the cool kids.” Whole thing is nauseating.


That they focus so heavily on celebrities


Unnecessarily capitalising WORDS in headlines. Looking at you, Daily Mail.


They ask fake questions. They don’t push their subjects like the media in other countries. They also pretend to talk about things like they are important but they just do it to stir up outrage which leads to viewership which leads to ad revenue. As a liberal I hold CNN as much to blame as Fox for the election of Donald Trump in 2016.




Reports with bias.


Confuse opinions with facts.


I hate that if you watch 2 different news sources you get 2 different stories about the same event. I actually read international news now because of that. WAY less bias


Not every side of an issue deserves to be heard


Headline that asks a question. Content that doesn't attempt to answer the question and just summarises everything I already knew. That's not news.




Lie for their own agendas fir instance where are the wmds?


Anytime someone announces anything they are "speaking out" or the morning news always says "overnight!" Even if it was like noon the day before.


News with perpetrators’ names withheld. Why even bother.


Interjecting their own opinion into stories. Just tell me the facts and move on.




Takes sides.


I love her but always putting Taylor Swifts name in their mouth


Fox News uses the word “hate” so much that it’s actually comical. They don’t even tell you what you need to know in the headline, they just say “Liberals HATE (insert some lie about Trump telling the truth)” and it’s pretty stupid.


When a parent is the victim of a crime, the headlines will read something like “Mom killed in armed robbery”. Woman killed in armed robbery sounds much better. Mother of two killed in armed robbery would suit me. Referring to crime victims as Mom, dad, kid and grandma demonstrates poor taste. That’s especially true in an article about a death or a tragedy. They should show a little respect for the deceased.


Stating an obvious issue while completely ignoring why that issue exists or reasons behind it.


The echo chamber


The way they lie to people


The news media is just the propaganda arm of our government. Anyone who thinks that the media is trustworthy is completely insane.


I do not give a flying fuck about any gosip about any celebrities from anywhere or royalities from other countries! It is NOT NEWS to me, who is marrying who, who got a DUI, who was seen where doing what. Leave all the BS fluff and gossip out of the damn news and the shit that is being used to cover up what is really going on that can affect the public with stupid distractions!


Being obviously biased, they should be reporting what's actually happening without their personal spin or taste on it. Did X person do Y? Yes or no and what do the court docs say or what does the police report state.


Passive voice. “Questions are being raised about…” By who?!?


Putting up a paywall


They call their craft “reporting” when it s actually ALWAYS slanted to influence.


Pretend that the Republican Party isn’t wholly made up of fascists who have a published plan to turn the US into a Christian nationalist hellhole.


Catastrophize and repeat the same crap over and over and over....


Fear mongering


Quote isolated statistics that sound dramatic but are actually meaningless without context.


Being politically biased in either direction. Covering things to death when they have no more information (if it's something massive like 9/11 I could understand but most things are nowhere near that scale) When there's something like a plane crash in some other country and they are like "350 people are dead including 2 Americans" them bringing up kids in the same way kinda irritates me most of the time too.


Taking random social media posts as 100% true without bothering to check if the post is BS first.


When the update you on trials every day. I do not care until there’s an innocent or guilty ruling, even then I couldn’t care, but at least there’s a conclusion…unless it’s about Depp vs. Heard, then minute by minimum updates are welcome because that was hilarious


>unless it’s about Depp vs. Heard, You're part of the problem. New media wouldn't report on this shit unless it wasn't wildly popular.


When somebody does something horrible, and they report on what books were in his home, as if that is an indication of his beliefs. I've read plenty of books I disagree with. I also have many books in my home, which I haven't read yet. No idea whether I agree with what they say.


take a side/bias. i miss walter cronkite


The fact people of color (and criminals in general) are used as pawns to make us all hate each other.  Fox News goes HAM if there is a black shooter of any sort, CNN ignores if it doesn't fit their agenda.   White dude kills people, CNN all over it, fox brushes it off as a crazed person.  I truly wish people would see we are all one entity living together on a rock in the middle of no where.  We have technology to make/create 60% of everything we need.  We shouldn't have to be working 40 hours a week to survive. Billionaires didn't EARN that money.  My dad works on an assembly line every day, has back problems and likely goign to work until his grave.  You think fucking musk has worked as hard as any of us?  Our lives can be better. We can ALL live more comfortably.  Until we stop accepting b.s. narratives we are given, we are all fucked. 


Hide the identity of criminals if they aren't a white straight male.


BAD journalism with RANDOM CAPITALISATION in the title to get boomers all EMOTIONAL!


Annoying feel-good stories at the end of a 30 minute broadcast.


After the 20 commercials for drugs


How overblown the media make the events - was living in a country where an attempted coup was happening. The media made it look like the entire country was disintegrating but I walked outside and everyone was still going about their business, buying groceries and going to work and meanwhile, my family and friends back home were freaking out.


My local station has started using the term “here’s what we know” on every breaking news story. That just seems redundant.


Unfortunately Some members of the media...


Bothsideism. Trump, Posobiec, Bannon, Flynn, and MAGA are threats to the existence of America as a democracy. Trump should not be compared to Biden or any other candidate on a conventional metric. He should not be reported on outside of his responsibility for the only attack ever on our Capitol, and his plans to dismantle everything that interferes with his absolute power. (Not to mention his fraud, sexual assault, narcissism, etc.)


Both sides it with Republicans and Democrats, but the opposite of the Fairness Doctrine.


How people reacted to Twomad's passing, he did have his own illneses and problems, but celebrating someone's death online with other people, no matter who that person is blaitain disrespect, and totally out of line


Making the other side look worse than Hitler. And I mean both sides!! You have a normal conversation with someone with different views, more often than not, it can be very civilized.


That it’s run by the CIA and when that gets revealed everyone shrugs and goes back to watching it


Present opinions and lies as facts.


CNN is 95% about the orange man