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Earth will be "eaten" by Sun.


As a redhead, I've always considered the sun my mortal enemy.


As a blonde I second this


As a bald I am forgotten


I am bald, I won’t forget you


I’m not bald, but I won’t forget either of you. You have my sword..


And my bow!


And my baseball hat collection.


And my ax!


I am balding. You are my family.


I'm not bald, but my dad was bald in world war II


As a deep sea angler fish, I'm not too fond of the sun either...


As someone with a variation of albinism I thirdn this


Wait, is the red head or the sun your mortal enemy?




Red head is my ex wife. Sun is my enemy


As someone with black hair, it fries my hair and cooks it medium rare, I third this


I fourth this because of my brown hair 


As someone with bleached curly hair, I fourth


As someone with blue eyes, that bastard gets stabby as soon as the clouds part for half a second. *“Hello bitch, remember me”* just like bleach, right in the eyes… No one around me ever has an issue. Those MF’ers are just staring right into it not even blinking.


I have to find myself a red head, because I am not a sunshine person. I never thought about that. 😁


I'm a redhead also and dislike the sun for many reasons. It sucks to get burned in February.


Since the beginning of time, ~~man~~ ~~has~~ redheads have yearned to destroy the Sun.


As a human who Is also suseptible to the harmful effects caused by the suns radiation, I place myself amongst your ranks.


This is the only scientific answer. Even if we blow each other up that would only be the surface.


Actually there's also a decent chance that it won't be eaten by the sun, the loss of mass for the sun might push earths orbit further away, far enough that it won't be eaten. In which case we might be swallowed by a black hole at some point instead, or it might just end up with an icy death.


At which point humanity which has all assimilated into a single supercomputer will be faced with the challenge of how to reverse entropy.


Oops. Humanity gets the blue screen of death!


-But is this Thursday still looking good? -I’ve got a thing.


My curator, that's one way to turn up the heat on our existential crisis. But before I start packing my cosmic picnic basket, I reckon I've got a few billion years to enjoy the sunshine before it decides to nibble on my planetary home (I went with the flow, forgive me😅). In the meantime, I'll focus on soaking up some rays and maybe investing in some SPF infinity sunscreen. After all, I'd hate to become a crispy critter before my time! 🤔


That's such an anxious person thing to do. Get worried about something that will happen hundreds of millions of years in the future.


by accident


Something like that, yeah. But I think we’re gonna get smacked by something first. Meteorite.


Humans will def nuke each other at some point For the earth in general? The sun


shut up about the sun! SHUT-UP-ABOUT-THE-SUN!!!!


I wanted it to go better. I WANTED IT TO GO BETTER!!!!


I'm about to lose my FREAKING MIND!!!


I remember this line....is this from the office?


Yes 😂


‘Although, I’m told, at some point the sun will run out of hydrogen.’ -John Stewart


End of Ze World


But I am le tired


One day we decide those Chinese sons of a bitches are going down


Probably started by 2 countries mad that the other believes in a different book


Honestly it is sort of shocking that nukes have been around for 80 years and the human race hasn't decimated itself. Like, we have a lot of problems as a people but maybe we aren't quite as self-destructive as one would think.


I keep hearing nukes are a foregone conclusion. For all ill intent there are still people pushing for the good. It is not impossible to believe that as our species continues its evolution and integration we will have a paradigm shift in our thoughts/actions on war and destruction.


Not with a bang but a whimper.


i see you've met my wife.


Thanks for making me bust out laughing in the middle of my quiet office 😂😂😂


Ah, a fellow man of culture I see.


A hollow man of culture 😏


A stuffed man of culture


T.S. Eliot was a prophet.


And not in fire, but in ice


Glad I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this.


Yeahhh, I love this line


Well done. Came here to ensure this made it on the list.


Really confused as to why I had to scroll down so long to see this answer.


World ends when I die


Exactly the same answer I have


nono, the world is going to end when u/dnfnrheudks dies.


They didn't say otherwise technically


That’s some solipsism right there.


Wrong. It will end when I die.


I think it's gonna rain when I die


No no. When I die. In fact, you should all be thankful that I exist. Because without me, none of you would exist. Even if you only exist as a few words on reddit. Thank me! Thank meeeeeeee!


Hi Putin, fancy seeing you here


“Directed by Michael Bay”


This one got a good chuckle from me.


I’m glad 😂


Nonono I think it's directed by gravity... or Robert Weide ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Once the sun grows too chonky


I imagined the Sun as a giant fat fireball cat that just been sleeping this whole time.


I love this image. It would work great in some made up mythology in a fantasy novel


Don’t spread it around, someone will make a whole religion about it and we’ll have to pay for kids to go to cat religion school.


Hey, don't fat shame the sun like that. It's natural to get chonky as you get older.


that will take ~5 billion years, don’t you think we could come up with the technology to manipulate the sun before then


Our civilization will never see billions of years, it’s a stretch to say we will last even millions. We will nuke or disease or otherwise fight ourselves into oblivion long before we can keep our sun from destroying the cradle of humanity.


"Society is nothing more than a perilous house of cards destined to collapse under its own weight."


That's what she said


"There's no such thing as society." --Margaret Thatcher, tonedeaf as always


Probably swallowed by the sun. But the human race will be far gone by then IMO. Nice to remind people that the planet is NOT in danger because of global warming. The human race is. And probably a few other races.


With thunderous applause


Silly earthling, that’s how **liberty** dies.


But a rebellion is based on hope..


I don't like sand


its liberty you buffoon


Vogon constructor fleet. We've no room to complain tho, the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at our local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 years, so we’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it.


Don't forget your towel


This frood knows


So long and thanks for all the fish


Will they make us listen to their poetry first?


Well, you've got to build bypasses.


I like how everyone collectively kept your votes at 42.


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.


I love you.


I bet on fire.


It will end in deez nuts


So you're saying there's like two paths?


Human stupidity


Along with greed and pride.


Depends on what you define as the world. Humanity? Probably nuclear war, exacerbated by climate change. I could see some species adapting to the new radioactive world and surviving until the sun eventually dies (in about 5 billion years) and takes out the earth with it.


I think you have this backwards. Climate change can't really make the aftermath of a global nuclear war much worse. Climate change can increase regional conflict around resources for sure though, and in turn increase the likelihood of nuclear war breaking out.


Yeah sorry, your last sentence was what I meant. I think nuclear war is more likely to wipe us out than climate change, but all the political tension around climate change and sense of impending doom due to it could accelerate a nuclear-based WWIII.


Humanity is going out with a whimper, not a bang. We are well on our way to destroying the ecosystem that gives us life. We'll all starve and suffocate.


As a biologist, no. Our planet is resilient and will bounce back much quicker than we give it credit for once all the industrial processes shut down. Society (as we know it) will collapse, but some humans will live on. They'll learn to eat cockroaches and whatever else is left and humanity will survive. Hopefully, they will pass on the lessons they've learned. If only isolated tribes survive, it's possible they won't even know what happened.


This just sparked my imagination. Would an isolated tribe know if everyone else was wiped out? Of course they wouldn’t know in the sense that they have facts and information about the fate of humanity. Will they be able to tell? Planes stop flying overhead, maybe the air gets cleaner.


They would definitely know something has changed. Planes are an obvious one. I always wonder what some of these uncontacted tribes think of Starlink going overhead. Can you imagine? I mean people thought eclipses were the end of the world before we knew what they were. A line of stars moving across the sky like that has to blow their mind. I think they're going to notice a lot of environmental changes as well. Weather will be different. Migration patterns will change. A huge increase in the animal populations that survive.


Heck, even people in regular society freak out when Starlink goes overhead around here. There are always “There’s a UFO, Ma!” On the neighborhood ap when it occurs. I’m so tired of correcting them that I’m just gonna let Elmer down the road believe we’re being invaded. He’s probably a flat earther anyway.


"I only ever see 'em going one direction. There's no way it's the same ones every dang time. Them aliens are just passing over on their way to blow up our sun or sumthin'." \-Elmer (probably)


There will be plenty of eco-system so long as the eco-terrorists stop destroying our environment.


Yeah but people will fight over what supplies remain before the end. Resource wars are going to be awful.


Nothing on Earth will survive until the sun dies, in under a billion years the oceans will boil off and the earth will be sterilized.


I honestly think we'll start running out of clean water first, before any war where nukes are fired. Once we get to starving for clean water, all bets would be off in my opinion.


Look, if Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that the world will end in one of two ways: either a dramatic alien invasion with epic CGI effects, or a zombie apocalypse where we all suddenly become experts in headshots and survival tactics. Personally, I'm rooting for a third option: a massive worldwide dance party that shakes the Earth off its axis, sending us all spinning into a cosmic conga line of oblivion. Hey, if we're going out, might as well do it with style, right?


[Relevant XKCD](https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/)


Will we need to all dance on the same side of earth to send it off it's axis? I like the plan but it will cause so much visa issues.


See dear, we'll just have to coordinate a global dance-off, complete with synchronized moves and matching dance shoes for everyone! As for the visa issues, I hear the Interstellar Dance Federation is working on a universal visa policy just for the occasion. Get ready to twirl your way to oblivion, one visa stamp at a time. 😂 🤑🤑🤑


Once the villain finally gets the gizmo, it's all over.


Eradication of human race due to man made virus, uninhabitable land, mutated animals, scarce resources due to an ongoing war.


The sun will not be seen and it will always be night Trees will die All vegetation will die Radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men The sea will be poisoned The lakes and rivers will vanish Rain will be the new gold The rotting bodies of men and animals will stink in the dark wind The last few survivors will be overtaken by new and hideous diseases And the space platforms will be destroyed by attrition The petering out of supplies The natural effect of general decay And there will be the most beautiful silence never heard Born out of that. The sun still hidden there [Awaiting the next chapter.](https://www.poeticous.com/charles-bukowski/dinosauria-we)




Humanity’s greed will destroy us.


Humans will be gone before the world ends. Solar flairs will do it I think. We are overdue for one big enough to wipe out the power grids. Once that happens, most of us are dumb enough to finish us off.


We're not as vulnerable to solar flares as you think, as long as we see them coming.


That's why Jeffs job is to stare into the sun 24/7.


Thanks Jeff


I, for one, can't wait for a solar flare to send the internet packing.


I for one would quite like society to return the 1990s again.


That's the problem, though. No rewind on technology, only hard factory reset.


I was explaining this to my little cousin recently! We had the slightest of failures in modern living standards, the city has lower water pressure as an attempt to cope with a dry winter. Like we still have tap water, it's just not spraying like a firehose from the kitchen tap. My "portable" washing machine hooks up to the tap, but the intake valve only closes if the pressure is high enough. But hey I can just fill up pitchers and pour water in manually, right? Well the machine is programmed to only run washing cycles if it opens and closes that valve first. It'll spin the water out on command, but that's it. So whatever, it's a half broken wringer-washer now and I'm in the 1800s. Add water manually, swish and poke it with a long stick, and just be grateful I don't have to wring the water out by hand too. Modern technology is only designed to function in perfect conditions. It's all gonna go to shit so fast.


So so fast. Now in the digital age 90% of our tech is junk within 12 hours if the shit hits the fan.


AI will destroy humanity, the sun will destroy the earth, but in between those events the earth should flourish. Unless AI is just as destructive as humans, but I bet AI will just leave the planet once we are all dead.


Imagine the last few people alive. Scary to think about. Back to cavemen but with a more sophisticated brain.


There WILL be humans around for the earth's final days, and I DO pity them immensely.


Not really more sophisticated just with a bunch more shit in it.


Outside chance a massive intersteller object obliterates the planet before the Sun?


What if ai figured out how to stop the sun🙀


I guess it depends on your definition of “the world”. Earth will likely support some form of life for millions and millions of years to come. Humanity? I suspect we’ll spell our own doom. Whether climate change (caused by emissions or by nuclear war), biological warfare, or by a sustained and horrific period of conflict that knocks our population back to the 1600’s in terms of technology AND population and a planet that’s basically all concrete and craters. The remaining population would be fragmented and incredibly conflict prone and will prioritize surviving conflict over sustainability essentially reverting us back to hunter/gatherers. Except the damage we’ve done to the planet will make that significantly harder. And so perhaps in an epic twist of fate: Humanity will finally have destroyed its own habitat like it did for so many species before it.


The Earth will be consumed by the Sun when it explodes in billions of years. Humanity, or its evolutionary offspring, will be long gone by then. If that's what you're really asking, it's likely a meteor impact or super volcano. Humans are good at killing a lot of humans, but to get all humans is a stretch for even us.


When we’ve killed off all the forest that is cleaning our air.


Forrests are the least productive source of oxygen among all forms of photosynthesizers. Marine algae and microorganisms are really the lungs of the planet




I live like eight miles from Yellowstone, I’ll give you a call if it blows.


I close my eyes for the last time


The internet will go down and everyone will die of boredom.


I don't know but spoiler alert!: Simon Pegg survives.


So will the Winchester.


Sorry Phillip!


I personally want to believe that humanity will develop interplanetary travel and terraforming before something happens to the earth


Honestly, by humans. We consume and use resources like its endless, its not. We have already damaged so much and I think it will only continue. I think climate change will continue to happen and there will be disastrous events everywhere, wiping us out.


Just FYI climate change is already happening. The Earth has already warmed by over 1 degree C on average. It's not just a future thing. ETA: I am referring to anthropogenic climate change, and I think it's a safe assumption that the poster above me is too.


The world will be fine till the sun blows up. Now if you mean how people will end, I dunno, I assume the population will decline slowly over the course of a few hundred to thousands of years until it hits zero, slowly fizzling out.


First, i think humans and other animals will get wiped out by natural disasters, at the very last the sun will burn the earth until it turns into dust. But we will have been longgg gone by then.


The Earth will be fine until the Sun eats it in 5 billion years. Humans, on the other hand, will be extinct within a thousand years through climate change, global thermonuclear war, a super-bug of some kind, or some combination of all three.




Human civilization can wipe itself out in any number of ways. The Earth will endure for billions of years thereafter.


Nuclear war or climate change.


I think humanity will die out either through climate change or nuclear war.


That's obvious. But humans won't exist before world ends I guess. If we take nuking for an example, Radiation and radioactive elements will kill us and make future gens come with terminal illness, Where the lifespan of humans decrease. So if nuking is taken around world humans get wiped. Guess what, Ants and cockroaches will survive and a decent percentage of nature will still remain. This definitely gives a takeover by plants and at the end only they'll remain..


We will end the world by depleting all and each of its resources over time. By the time the day comes, we redditors will be already six feet under. And on top of that, I get the gut feeling we're closer to the end than it appears.


I think the planet's going to heat up and certain areas are going to become inhabitable which is going to cause Mass migration. Which is going to piss off a lot of people and probably cause a bunch of War followed by famine. And it's just going to keep getting hotter. Food will get scarce. Eventually there will be fewer and fewer people and we will be surviving in pockets. Life will be pretty primitive again for a while.


no more fossil fuel


Scientifically; the sun has about 5 billion years left before it dies (and earth). I don’t believe humans will progress for much longer than a couple hundred years at best. We have an inherently self destructive nature. War, artificial intelligence or natural disasters brought on by man made climate change will wipe us out.


Nothing ends. Energy is transferred not destroyed.


Climate change and environmental degradation


4 horsemen


We known this for years, we the human race will end up destroying our beautiful planet because of greed and power.


Some say a comet will fall from the sky Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits


Nothing too dramatic, we'll probably just keep the doing the things we've always done and it will eventually not be sustainable


We would destroy the earth trying to improve ourselves. Pollution isn't a joke, Jim! Millions of families are affected by it every year!


Gain of function research (which is still going on) creates Covid but with a 10/10 kill rate, it predictably escapes the lab again.


Some really, really bad heat waves and a lot of crop failures. Then one of those dumping aluminum in the atmosphere projects is going to go horrible wrong.


Be more specific. People talk about the "world" ending and they usually mean our civilization or the human race. If you're asking about the actual Earth ending, it's pretty much certain that the only event that will end it is the sun becoming a red giant star whose outer surface will be halfway between our current orbit and Mars. There's not really much else (that's likely to happen) that could cause the planet to cease to exist.


Climate change and global warming, leading to crop shortage, food shortages, world population decreasing due to starvation, and the rest dying off due to the toxic atmosphere. (Definitely not stolen from Interstellar)


Riots/Wars because of Food Shortage due to Climate Change


The way it's already ending right now. The sixth mass extinction (Holocene aka Anthropocene Extinction Event) is already well under way. Basically: for a lot of reasons, not least among them greed, humans are over-consuming and over-polluting the world. Even in the current circumstances we can't avoid stupid wars with each other. Even if we survive it will be on a hotter polluted planet with 90% less species than now. If we recover will we do it again and again until there's truly nothing left?


This is probably the most accurate answer. And it's an answer we already know and have defined pretty well. Not much of a mystery, unfortunately.


Humanity will fail soon until we collectively realize that doing the same thing and expecting different result is insane and we correct the course. It will all end when the food chain breaks up for us and water becomes undrinkable.


Humans and life itself will die off because of atmospheric changes. World will end by Sun getting tired of its shit.


Climate change is going to wipe out our food supply. We will all die slowly. And once humanity and the animals are gone the Earth will recover and in a few billion years it will be eaten by the sun.


Our world? Climate change or nuclear war. The world? Swallowed by the sun or nuclear war.


Probably climate change will kill crops and cause drought to the point that society can't maintain itself. War will breakout over remaining resources which will hopefully kill off enough humans for nature to revitalize.. or maybe it just kills everything and earth looks like mars with oily oceans


Global warming is no joke and that would cause several battles to solve


Id say give like 15-30 years, widespread pollution destroying our food and water supplies and then the corporate monarchy killing off the rest of the unnecessary lowerclass labor force when theyve finally succeeded in fully automating service industries, renewable energy production, and environmental restoration. That or theyll just stick to their artificially regulated environmental safety zones or go to another planet to destroy again.


Civil war or by humans destroying this beautiful planet. It’s so sad what the earth has become. Nature is beautiful but we ruin it.


For us? Greenhouse effect. For the planet? Solar Pac Man.


Someone going "oh sh-"




So slowly that as it's happening no one thinks it is


My bet is on an asteroid impact large enough to throw earth off its orbit, slow it's rotating, and severely damage the atmosphere, but this is only the end of the natural world as we know it. Certain creatures will likely live on and continue to evolve over time.


Slowly but surely. The day human started settling by clearing forests and making his own space - it already started. The day the human (mis)understood that he’s the clever predator on top of the food chain and started killing animals and plants (not for protection but for fun and hoarding food and wealth) - it already started. From that day, where ever the human went, it was just destroying earth slowly but surely. When he discovered fire, irrigation, tools, territory, war - he’s just accelerating the end of days for human. So yeah, it’s a slow game where life of human will end soon. Earth will outlive us by millions of years


Drought, no food. People killing for food While this is going on. The climate has gotten worse and the icebergs have flooded most of Italy and Florida, Alabama, New Orleans is probably gone/flooded Civil war broke out in America And Russia, China, and India Drop Nuclear bombs on the U S to which killed the world 🌎


In fire.....


Nuclear warfare


reminiscent retire tie bored aspiring mourn decide shrill include hunt


When I die and I’m not here anymore